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How do professional basketball players train

The Training Routine Of A Professional Basketball Player

Being a professional basketball player is tough. It takes hours of practice, dedication, and athleticism to be the best in the league. And when you are preparing for games or practices. Your basketball training routine can make all the difference in how well you perform on game day. This blog post will explore what pro basketball players train and how they do it!

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An Overview

Professional basketball players train for about an hour and a half every day. During the off-season, they may add on another hour of cardio or weight training to their schedule as well!

They start with dynamic stretches such as jumping jacks, high knee runs, and hamstring curls. Once these are completed, they move straight into practicing dribbling techniques followed by shooting drills. If time allows after practice ends, players will work on free throws.

A professional basketball player’s workout routine is not very complex. it consists mostly of various types of jumps and sprints that help them stay in peak physical condition year round!

Now let’s dive deep into the specifics of every workout category!

Cardiovascular Exercises

Well, basketball players train in a variety of ways. They perform cardiovascular exercises to build endurance and increase stamina so they can last for the entire game (and season!). Basketball training might include conditioning drills like running suicides and sprinting up and down the court. Or more intense cardio like swimming laps or biking long distances.

Cardiovascular training is essential for basketball players because it allows them to stand for long periods. Staying in the game is key-and this type of training ensures that they can go all night long!

One other popular cardiovascular exercise among professional athletes is stair running. Not only will these types of exercises build up endurance. But they are also excellent ways to train your legs and thighs so you don’t lose strength during a game.

Lifting Weights

Players will also lift weights to build muscle strength, increase their vertical jump, and power up their shots. Basketball players always have to be in top shape for the game!

Lifting weights is as important as cardiovascular training because players must stay strong and in shape. If they lose muscle, their power will decrease with it-and that’s always a bad thing on the court, considering the physicality of the game.

Professional basketball players lift weights to keep their muscles big and strong. Which will help them stand out in a crowd of fellow athletes at the gym! This type of training is critical for building strength so they can shoot more effectively during games.

Lifting weights also helps build up power-which is essential when it comes to scoring goals or defending against opponents. And let’s not forget about those legs: just like other athletes, basketball players perform squats and other leg exercises regularly as part of their routine to ensure that their lower half stays healthy and ready for action on the court.

Practicing Drills

Other ways basketball players train include practicing drills that hone skills like free throws or lay-ups. These can include shooting baskets from different spots on the court over and over again until they get them just right. The more your practice these techniques in a variety of conditions (court locations, lighting/weather conditions), the better you will perform when it comes time for real games!

For example, if it is raining outside, you might not want to practice dribbling with an outdoor basketball because rocks could cause problems with your grip on the ball and make it harder to shoot accurately. But this won’t happen if you practice indoors.

Other practice drills for professional basketball players are shooting free throws, passing drills (like chest passes and bounce passes), dribbling drills like the figure eight drill (where you pass a basketball between your legs in rapid succession), or around cones set up on the court.

These practice sessions help players master skills that come with time to make them more effective during games and impress their teammates!

Specific Plays/Strategies

Basketball players can also train by focusing on specific plays or strategies that their teams will use in upcoming games. For example, a team might want to improve its offense and goal-scoring ability during scrimmages. Where it practices different offensive schemes against other professional basketball teams who are playing defense (trying to stop the ball from going into the net).

Basketball training like this helps with muscle memory-you do something over and over again until your body learns how to perform it automatically! This is why pro basketball players always seem so calm before they shoot free throws. Because when you’ve practiced doing them thousands of times. It becomes very easy for your muscles to remember what they’re to do at just the right moment.

The Diet

Apart from the training, pro basketball players also need to eat a healthy diet. This helps their bodies store energy and reach peak fitness levels. Which is essential for games that will last an hour or more!

Professional basketball players also need to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. So they can get the vitamins and nutrients they need and not just rely on expensive supplements as some athletes do.

The Typical Basketball Workout

A typical basketball workout might include a warm-up on the court, followed by some stretches. Then they’ll move onto weights for strength building and resistance training to develop lean muscles that can help them jump higher or run faster.

They often finish off their workouts with some sort of cool-down activity like foam rolling or yoga before stretching it out again! It’s important not to forget about flexibility after all those intense physical activities! While professional athletes’ schedules vary depending on what type of season it is (pre-season, regular season, playoffs), they usually spend at least four hours a day in practice drills and games during the preseason. However, this number increases if they are preparing for a big game. During the regular season, they train about three hours each day and play at least one or two games per week (in addition to practicing).

While basketball players must exercise their entire body during training sessions, many of them dedicate even more time to strengthening certain muscle groups-like their core! The abdominals are especially crucial in basketball because strong abs help with ball-handling techniques as well as shooting from long distances. Some professional athletes will spend up to an hour a day on lower abdominal exercises alone!


We’ve gone over the typical pro basketball player’s training, as well as some tips on how to follow them yourselves. It might seem daunting at first glance but if you are willing to put in a little effort, it can be done! Hopefully, this article has given you some good ideas for your workouts and will spur you into action.  Have we missed anything? Let us know in the comments.

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How Do Basketball Players Train?

Would you like to know how do basketball players train? Training is a crucial ingredient to the growth of a basketball player, and many things influence how basketball players train. We are going to do a deep dive into the world of training for basketball so you can get a thorough understanding of how to train for basketball in order to become a good basketball player.

What Kind of Training Do Basketball Players Train?

Basketball players are not all the same, and this goes for almost all aspects of their training. Just like some players tailor their games to suit a specific purpose, these same players tailor their training to achieve unique, desired results. There are numerous types of training that basketball players undergo and we will go through the main ones here.

Body Weight Training

Body Weight training includes exercises and gym workouts that are designed to get players to specific weight goals. Not a lot of people outside of the game realize that a lot of basketball players struggle with their weight. Depending on the position you play along with your height, there are ideal weight ranges that you should fit into. Remember this past season when Luka returned from the off-season and was noticeably overweight? Even though he was somewhat a capable PG, his performance was hampered by the extra pounds. To recover his right weight, Luka had to hit the gym and do various exercises such as dumbbell rows, loaded barbell pushes, and trap bar carries.

Strength Training

All professional basketball players do strength training for basketball. Strength is one of the most critical physical capabilities that basketball players need to have. Due to that fact, they all have to do strength training. When we think of strong players, most of us think about bigs, the guys that play the four and five positions. Yes, it is best if those players are very strong, but we should not count out the strength requirements of small forwards and guards. Stronger guards and small forwards also have a significant advantage over their weaker opponents in ball games. Some exercises done by basketball players to improve their strength include pullups, push presses, bench presses, squats, and many more.

Cardio Training

Cardio training may not be the most enjoyable type of exercise but it is one of the most important for basketball players. The aspects of a player’s body that we see on the outside are driven by an internal engine. This engine comprises of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels. These are all organs that need to be exercised to achieve improvement and maintenance. Cardio exercises are conditioning exercises that make sure that your heart, lungs, and blood vessels remain in tip-top shape so the rest of your body can perform in games. Point to note, cardio exercises are good at fat reduction so overweight athletes also use this. Other benefits of doing cardio exercises include increased lung capacity, improves physique, strengthens the heart, and lower stress. Basketball players can enjoy all these benefits.

Conditioning Training

When players say that they are out of shape, in addition to their weight issues, they are also referring to their conditioning. So what is conditioning? Well, conditioning has to do with getting your body in shape so that you can keep up with the other plates on the floor and perform well. Physical conditioning enhances energy capacity and exercise performance, so players who focus on this will be capable of giving more for more extended periods of time. Players like Kevin Durant, who can play every minute on the clock of an NBA game, has his physical conditioning turned up to the max. Excellent conditioning training includes activities such as lateral lunges, burpees, squat jumps, beach runs, and more.

How Do Basketball Players Stay in Shape?

Since all of our bodies are different in more ways than one, we have to do different sets of exercises to stay in shape. There are other ways that one can stay in shape, like eating right and resting properly. Basketball players are no different. There are a lot of things they need to do to stay in shape.

Proper Diet

Dieting is not just eating a small amount of food to maintain your weight. You would be surprised at how many people actually think that’s what consuming a proper diet means. Basketball players sometimes have personal chefs and dietitians who recommend and prepare their meals. Sometimes their teams will provide these personnel as a part of the team staff. Earlier, we mentioned weight, and a basketball player should be consuming the right diet to achieve or maintain a particular weight. Additionally, their diet should provide enough energy for their daily activities while helping them recover quickly and efficiently. There are so many things that go into a basketball player eating correctly to stay in shape.


Just like you, basketball players have to recognize and respect the importance of including daily exercises in their activities if they want to stay in shape. Exercise is such a vague word because it entails so many subheadings. Basketball players need to work on almost all the different types of exercises if they want to compete at a very high level. In addition to going into the gym to lift weights or heading to the beach or track to do some running, basketball players also do a lot of exercising on the basketball court. This is a reason why it is vital to attend training. Coaches should work on instilling the requisite discipline in players so they are willing to attend every training session when possible.


What? Resting? I’ve never seen that on a training program for basketball. We bet that at least one of these remarks just ran through your head. Well, firstly, we are not just talking about sleeping. Secondly, Resting is vital to maintaining your body in tip-top shape. When we say rest, it does include sleeping, but also just laying, or sitting down to allow your muscles to recuperate after a game or an intense training session is considered as resting. After you use them, your muscles need time to heal and recuperate. If you don’t get adequate rest, you leave yourself prone to injuries, your performance will drop, and your body will eventually run down.

How Many Hours Do Basketball Players Train?

The amount of training basketball players does affect their game. The short answer for this section is “for however how long it takes.” It is not easy to pin down an exact time that a particular player should train. Let’s look at why.

Depending on the Player

Some players are more skilled, in shape, stronger, faster, and more agile than others, and as such, their training requirements to get to peak levels in certain categories will be less than for those other players. Because the amount of training required may be less, the time requirement may also be less as well. Additionally, some players are faster learners and achieve muscle development faster, so their training time will also be less. Other factors that some players use to determine their training time include the load that their bodies can manage in a single session and the other workouts they have to do before or after.

Depending on the Time of Year

Depending on the month, the length of a player’s training session will vary. Basically, a basketball player’s time in the offseason and season break (depending on the league) can be more dedicated to training or particular types of training than in the regular season. This also goes the same for during the season when they have a few days between games vs. when they only have one. There are various reasons why players train more in the off-season and season breaks, and they include available time, fatigue, recovery time, and things like that.

Depending on the Exercise

Imagine doing light jogging around the park compared to running in the sands on a beach. You will have more energy to spend more time running around the park, so you can spend more time doing that. You will also achieve gains faster while running on the sand, so you do not need to spend the same amount of time as you would going around the park. Another example is a team of NBA players going over the steps to playing a basic box and one defense vs. that same team trying to work out a new offense that their coach came up with the night before. As you can imagine, they will be spending more time on the new offense.

Depending on the Skill Being Worked On

This point is a bit similar to the one before. When players train, sometimes they are training to get a particular move or improve a specific skill in their repertoire. Some skills are harder to learn or improve than others, and as a result, they will require more time to improve. Take Ben Simmons working on shooting a free throw vs. making a bounce pass. Which one do you think he would need to spend the most time training on?

How Do NBA Players Train in the Off-Season?

This is another question in our article that does not have a clear cut detailed answer. The best generalized answer that we can provide is “whatever they need to improve on. ” Each player has a different focus, so that means that training will be different. Here is the training regime for 3 NBA players who play different positions.

1. Center

-Wakes up at 8 a.m.

-Breakfast, usually Granola and fruit.

-Warm-up, stretch, foam roll, do corrective exercises, core work, and lift heavy.

-Go right to the court for inside work: jump hooks, baby hooks, short jumpers, and Mikan drill.

-Then move to perimeter stuff: ball handling series, face-up moves, game shooting.

2. Forward

-Wake at 8:30 a.m.

-Light breakfast.

-Start with a ball handling series, working hard on my off-hand.

-Go through comprehensive stretching.

-Do 1.5 hours of intense game-like shooting (500+ makes).

-Head to the weight room.

-Lift legs/core twice a week and upper twice a week. I lift heavy.

3. Guard

-Wake up at 8 a.m.

-Eat breakfast.

-Start with my strength training.

-Focus on core strength and stability.

-Focus on quickness and agility, and proper movement.

-For cardio, a lot of biking and swimming to give joints a break.

-Go to shooting. Intentionally shoot from spots I don’t shoot well from in games.

-Record shots/makes and compare to last year’s numbers.

-Finishing series: working on floaters, runners, power lay-ups, Euro-steps.

-Do ball handling drills.

-Try to play 5-on-5 three times per week.

-Work out 5-6 times per week.

What are the Best Training Workouts for Basketball Players?

For this section, we managed to separate the basketball workout drills and exercises into three sections. It would help if you remembered that they are many other exercises that basketball players can do to improve their bodies and their games.

– Alternating dumbbell press.
– Push-ups

– Chin-ups
– Benchpress

– Squats
– Fire drills

3 Best Exercises for Basketball Players

Here are five of the most essential exercises that basketball players can do on their own to significantly improve their weight, conditioning, strength, agility, and quickness.

1. Jogging

Jogging is a great cardiovascular exercise that can be done almost anywhere. Players can even jog around objects in an enclosed room. Jogging also helps to improve overall endurance and helps to build leg muscles.

2. Backboard Tip

The backboard tip is a jumping exercise that helps with rebounding, vertical leap, endurance, and stamina. The drill can be done as a team in the form of a rebounding line where each player jumps and bounces the ball off the backboard for the player following behind to come and do the same thing. It can also be done as an individual basketball exercise where you stay on one side of the basket and continuously jump and tip the ball onto the backboard.

3. Suicides

Suicide sprints are sprints done while incorporating all the horizontal lines of the basketball court into your exercise. A player would start at baseline and then sprint as fast as possible to the other baseline and back, then to the free-throw line and back, and then to the mid-court and back. It does not matter the order in which the sprints are done.

Wrapping Things Up: How Do Basketball Players Train?

There are so many factors that influence how basketball players train. Most players tend to do training exercises to improve or learn particular skills and the time they spend on these training exercises will vary based on a lot of factors such as available time and fatigue.

Exercises for basketball players, basketball trainings in the gym and on the court

Every year we have the brightest event in the basketball world - the play-offs of the United Basketball League. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the training of the world's top basketball players!

Athletes are already actively preparing for the upcoming matches and getting into better shape. What do you need to know, how exactly the basketball players of the International United League train?

To do this, we turned to Evgeny Burin, who previously worked with the Russian men's basketball team, and now is responsible for the general physical training of athletes of the Nizhny Novgorod basketball club.

ADIDAS cycle - Self-improvement. Basketball

The program of the video cycle consists of 10 lessons to improve the various qualities of basketball players. As part of the project, Evgeny Burin reveals his professional secrets.

Lesson 1: Back Exercises

This is the first workout in the adidas Self Improvement Basketball cycle. As part of the project, Evgeny Burin, physical training coach of the Nizhny Novgorod basketball club, reveals his professional secrets.

Without a strong back one cannot imagine a healthy person, let alone an athlete. This is all the more important for a basketball player who has to jump and land many times in the game, push and push through the defense. In this video, Evgeny Burin gives exercises that help professional basketball players to have a strong back.

Lesson 2. Legs

This is the second workout in the adidas Self Improvement Basketball series.

Basketball players need strong legs not only to score balls or just jump above everyone else. Legs - this is the main thing due to which the player defends himself and is on the court at the right time and in the right place. Therefore, professionals never work only on the jump and are not limited to squats with a barbell. Evgeny Burin shows how to properly swing the legs of a basketball player.

Lesson 3. Chest muscles

There are a great many exercises for developing chest muscles. Which of them can be used so as not to get the opposite effect, enslavement and loss of mobility, you will find in this lesson. Evgeny Burin gives special exercises that professional basketball players use.

Find the right chest workout for you, just like Euroleague basketball players do.

According to Evgeny Burin, push-ups are one of the most effective exercises for chest muscles. To complicate the exercise, Eugene suggests using weights (dumbbells) and performing various types of push-ups with them: with lifting and with rotation.

To activate different muscle groups, you can take a different position relative to the fitball - it can be under the lumbar part of the back or in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Lesson 4. Shoulders, arms. Balance cushion

Some may think that it is very important for a basketball player to have pumped up arms and wide shoulders. But even here you can not concentrate on one thing. Trainer Evgeny Burin tells how, while working on these muscles, at the same time develop the whole body.

Lesson 5. Complex exercises

What can a basketball player take from weightlifting? Yes, at least the classic exercises - a jerk and a push. Evgeny Burin tells how to use them to the maximum benefit for the player.

Lesson 6. Balance and coordination exercises

A basketball player must certainly have a strong and enduring body. But coordination of movements, the ability to land and correctly distribute forces during contact are also absolutely necessary qualities for a player. The trainer offers some simple but very effective exercises.

Exercises for VTB United League basketball players offered by Evgeny Burin seem familiar to you only at first glance:

I add the principle of unstable balance to my workouts. This helps to work out the muscles better. To create such conditions when performing exercises, we will use a fitball.

Lesson 7. Tricky rubber bands

Balance exercises become much more effective when you use resistance. Ordinary rubber expanders are a great help in the work of a fitness trainer.

Lesson 8. Ball out of play

Basketball players may use the ball for other than its intended purpose. With the help of the coach's advice, the most ordinary balls turn into effective simulators.

Lesson 9. Speed ​​endurance. Running exercises

In preparation for the 2007 European Championship, the Russian national basketball team did not run a single cross. Why would an athlete performing on a 28-meter long track run 5 or 10 kilometers in training? Evgeny Burin tells how to make running work really effective.

Lesson 10. Training principles

In the 10th final video Evgeny Burin gives the most important tips. How is work organized in the pre-season? How to distribute loads during the season? How to make sure that the work with the bar does not interfere with the game? How to use the exercises that you have learned from previous editions? You will find all the answers in this lesson.

Strength training of basketball players

Evgeny Burin is sure that in order to achieve the best results, like the athletes of the VTB United League, it is necessary not only to engage in direct basketball training, but also to pay active attention to active work in the gym. At the same time, you should not be afraid to work with weights and work out each muscle group separately.

Before starting a workout, be sure to do warm-up exercises - warm up the muscles so that they can better perceive the load.

Evgeny Burin is sure that a strong and trained back is the key to success for a basketball player. Here are exercises that will help pump the whole body, like a basketball player from the VTB International League.

Strength training for basketball players

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Try the training program for basketball players from the VTB International League, and you will see that not only have you become stronger and more enduring, but also improved your concentration and stabilization.

typical exercises, basic techniques, specific features of training

Basketball, like any other sport, is a business where success can only be achieved through regular and high-quality training. You need to constantly hone existing skills and develop new ones. Basketball training can be either individual or team under the guidance of a professional coach or independent. In the article, we will consider the basic techniques and proven exercises from the masters, which are suitable for both novice athletes and professionals.

Important Aspects

Many incorrectly believe that in order to become a successful basketball player, you just need to be tall and have a passion for the sport. Not at all. The most important thing is the quality systematic training of basketball players.

A novice athlete should definitely pay attention to these aspects:

  1. Learning theory. Sport is also a science. The training of basketball players is also important, as well as the study of the rules of this game, methods and methods for honing and developing skills, ball dribbling patterns, and preparing the body for the game.
  2. Physical development. Basketball training is not always the game itself or the study of its individual techniques. The athlete must be strong, hardy, agile, fast and jumpy. And for this you need to devote time to both classes in the gym and classic jogging.
  3. Development of technology. Even professional players throughout their careers continue to get acquainted with all sorts of game techniques. They try, work out various tricks to understand what they are good at and what they don’t do very well. A critical attitude here is important for future success. Weaknesses are worked out with the help of special exercises.
  4. Introduction to tactics. Basketball is not only a physical but also a mental game. Each athlete has his own set of tactics. It is necessary to accurately choose from them the one that is most successful at the moment. The player constantly analyzes the actions of opponents, looking for a good moment to throw or intercept the ball. Novice basketball players get acquainted with existing tactics, determine when they are useful, in what specific situations they are applicable.
  5. Will power development. If you are asked to describe an athlete, then not in the last place you will name developed willpower. He knows how to set goals and achieve them, not to be upset because of defeats, but to learn from them, work on mistakes and not get tired of honing his skills, constantly learning new things. Therefore, basketball is not only an exciting team game, but also intense individual psychological work.

In addition to training in the gym for basketball players under the guidance of a coach, an athlete must find time for personal improvement. These are classes at home, on the street and in the gym. In what follows, we present examples of them to the reader.

Practicing catching and passing the ball

In order to accurately catch and pass the ball to teammates, the athlete must learn to feel it and accurately predict the movement. This is helped by the following exercises for training a basketball player:

  1. Throwing a ball against a wall at the same height but from different distances. The athlete, accordingly, should try to catch him as often as possible.
  2. Throwing the ball into the wall, turning around and trying to catch.
  3. Throwing the ball into the wall, taking steps alternately to the right, then to the left.
  4. The athlete runs along the wall, throws him some distance ahead of him and tries to catch him.
  5. The basketball player squats, throws the ball against the wall from this position, gets up and catches it.
  6. The athlete lies on his stomach, throws the ball against the wall and tries to catch it from this position. Then he rolls over onto his back and repeats the exercise from this position.
  7. A basketball player sits down against a wall and throws the ball at the floor so that it bounces against the wall, and then, hitting the floor again, returns to his hands.
  8. Throwing a ball into a wall with increasing acceleration. The athlete tries to make the maximum number of passes in a certain amount of time.
  9. The athlete alternately throws the ball into the wall in various ways: from behind the shoulder, then with the right, then with the left hand, from below, from under the foot, then standing facing the wall, then turning his back to it.
  10. The basketball player turns with his right side to the wall and throws the ball with his left hand over his back. Then he catches it with his right hand and passes it behind him to his left.
  11. The athlete stands against the wall, picks up two balls. Further, beating on the floor, throws it into the wall. It is necessary not only to try to catch this object in this way, but also to do the exercise with acceleration.

These are the training elements of professional basketball players. But they are also great for beginners - you need to implement these steps according to the degree of mastery. After the exercises with the wall have been successfully worked out, the athlete begins to repeat them in tandem with another player.

Practicing dribbling technique

The planning of sports training for basketball players is also aimed at teaching the player how to dribble without even focusing on it. To achieve this difficult skill helps regular study of the following set of exercises:

  1. The player hits the ball off the floor with his right hand, fingers apart. Then he does it with his left hand. After the exercise begins to turn out unmistakably, the player does it, stepping forward. The next complication: alternate right and left hands.
  2. The player hits the ball from the floor while standing. Then sitting on the floor. The next level of difficulty is lying down. At the final stage, he fights it off, not only being in these positions, but also changing them.
  3. The athlete hits the ball from the floor, moving forward, while turning to the right, then to the left, slowing down his run and, on the contrary, speeding it up.
  4. The athlete mentally draws a certain line on the floor. Then he moves along it, beating the ball off the floor.
  5. The basketball player beats him off the floor, moving forward and at the same time sharply turning either 90 or 180 degrees.
  6. Athlete dribbles by shortening and lengthening his stride.

Practicing dribbling technique in pairs

Basketball player training with the ball continues in pairs:

  1. Two players stand opposite each other. One of them dribbles, and the second tries to copy the movements of a friend exactly. Then the slave and the leader change roles.
  2. Players try to catch up with each other while dribbling the ball.
  3. One player dribbles the ball while the other tries to retrieve it. Then the athletes change roles.

Practicing throwing the ball into the basket

The training program for basketball players necessarily includes exercises to develop the ability to throw the ball into the basket from various distances. For beginners, they are the most difficult.

Begin training by repeating the following exercises:

  1. Throwing the ball into the basket from various distances, holding it with both hands.
  2. Throws from the shoulder - standing, in motion, then with the right, then with the left hand.
  3. Throwing the ball into the basket from different angles, but being at the same distance from it.
  4. Dribbling it followed by a throw.
  5. Throwing the ball against the backboard.

This workout is for beginner basketball players. An experienced athlete complicates it by setting specific goals: to achieve a certain number of hits from the number of throws (for example, 30 shots were made - in 25 cases the ball hit the target).

The next stage is the collective competition. Players of the same team compete to see who hit the target more times, who was the first to throw the ball into the basket from a certain distance, and so on.

Now let's move on to the secrets of the best coaches and players, which will help to significantly improve the quality of your exercises.

Resistance running

Training of a basketball player in the gym is mandatory included in the general training program. Leading coaches introduce into it such an exercise as acceleration with resistance:

  1. A special "harness" is purchased for such exercises. But it is successfully replaced by a strong towel tightly rolled into a tube.
  2. The towel is thrown over the athlete's belt.
  3. Either the coach or a teammate is holding the ends of the thing with both hands.
  4. At this time, the athlete turns his back to the assistant and, trying to overcome his resistance, tries to run 15–30 meters as quickly as possible.
  5. A pause of 30 seconds is made.
  6. And five more such accelerations with resistance.
  7. Finish the exercise with an acceleration run, but without the harness.

This simple exercise will eventually help the player become the fastest on the playground.

Coordination exercise

We continue to analyze the training of basketball players in the gym. Next in line is the next exercise, which allows players to dominate the field. This is a squat with an overhead shock absorber. This improves both coordination in movement and power when jumping.

The exercise is done as follows:

  1. The player stands on the shock absorber with their feet slightly wider than their shoulders. Takes the rings.
  2. Next presses the shock absorber overhead while keeping the arms straight.
  3. Keeps the lower back and arms straight, sitting down until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
  4. Returns quickly to starting position.
  5. The exercise is done 6-10 times in two or three sets.

Coaches recommend including it in the warm-up just before the game.

Flexibility exercises

Basketball is in many ways a game of distance. Sometimes how far a player can extend a particular limb (without reaching an injury) determines how much distance he can control.

Therefore, in the training program in the gym for a basketball player, one must not forget to include the so-called spiderman steps. It is this exercise that develops the mobility of the legs:

  1. The athlete stands at point-blank range.
  2. Takes as large a step forward as possible with the right foot and places his foot to the right of the hand.
  3. In this position, the basketball player lingers for a couple of seconds.
  4. Then he bends his arms so that his elbows touch the floor. If it doesn’t work out, at least with the chest or the tip of the nose.
  5. Return to starting position.
  6. The same exercise is repeated for the left leg.
  7. Do 8-10 repetitions for each leg.

Agility exercises

It's hard to imagine basketball circuit training without agility exercises. After all, an excellent player not only jumps well and hits the basket, but also accurately moves around the basketball court, reacts in time to the rapidly developing situation on the field. For such a skill, not only his speed qualities are responsible, but also unmistakable timing and the correct calculation of his own movements.

The following exercise will help to train all this:

  1. Place an empty basket exactly under the ring.
  2. Distribute five cones along the three-point line. Place a tennis ball on each of them.
  3. The player starts the exercise at the basket.
  4. He quickly runs to the rightmost cone, picks up the ball and puts it in the basket as soon as possible.
  5. Do the same for the remaining cones.
  6. The run is over when all five balls are in the basket.
  7. In total, during the training, the athlete must do 8-10 such approaches, periodically changing the position of the first cone, from which the movement begins.
  8. It is also important not to take a long rest between sets - only 30-45 seconds.

Endurance training

Under the basket during a tense game, sometimes a serious struggle develops. And, of course, the most enduring team wins it. But how can a novice player learn endurance? An exercise called the Triangle of Terror will help:

  1. You will need a shock absorber with handles.
  2. Take them in your hands and step on the center of the shock absorber. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
  3. Spread your arms out to the sides and hold them shoulder-width apart.
  4. In this position, take ten side steps to the right, and then to the left.
  5. Repeat five times. This will be one approach.
  6. In total, 5 approaches are needed. Rest between them is 1 minute.

Strength and speed training

Basketball appreciates powerful moves - executed in an explosive, fast manner. That's why speed-strength training is the most favorite among professional athletes.

One of the most effective exercises in this category is the dumbbell snatch with one arm:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a dumbbell in your right hand and lower it in front of you.
  3. Bend over quickly while lowering the dumbbell just below knee height.
  4. Strongly straighten the body, move the pelvis forward, “squeeze” with the shoulder from the side of the working leg.

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