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How long is overtime in nba basketball

Basketball Overtime

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Overtime in the NBA is different from overtime in college basketball. You'll want to have an understanding of the following terms before you learn the rules of overtime:

  • Regulation
  • NBA
  • College Basketball
  • Shot Clock
  • Game Clock
  • Bonus
  • Double Bonus
  • Free Throws
  • Jump Balls

Table of Contents

  • Regulation
  • Overtime
  • How Long Does Overtime Last?
  • Overtime Jump Ball
  • Extra Overtime Quarters
  • Timeouts
  • Bonus
  • FAQ


In the NBA, teams play four 12-minute quarters en route to a 48-minute regulation game. In college basketball, teams play two 20-minute halves and 40 minutes total, differing from the professional game. In both cases, if the two teams are tied at the end of regulation overtime is played in order to decide a winner.  


Overtime in basketball happens when the score is tied at the end of regulation. Overtime is used to determine the winning team when the score is tied. Overtime always begins with the ball being put into play via a jump ball. If the two teams are tied after overtime then they play second overtime with the same rules and regulations. This continues until a winner is decided.

How Long Does Overtime Last?

Overtime is an extra period in both the NBA and NCAA. Each overtime period is five minutes long and the team that finishes the period with the lead is the winner of the game.

Overtime Jump Ball

At the start of overtime, a jump ball is used to put the ball into play. All jump balls take place at the center circle. The same procedure is used for this jump ball as is in regulation. A player from each opponent takes the jump ball by jumping into the air and trying to tip it to one of their teammates. Players are not allowed to grab a hold of the ball. Instead, they must tip the ball in the direction of a teammate using one hand. Jump balls are used in overtime in order to give both teams an equal chance at possession just as in regulation.

Additional overtime quarters are played if the score is tied at the end of the first overtime quarter. There is no limit on the number of overtime periods that can be played as a winner is always determined in basketball. There is no sudden-death method of determining the winning team like in other sports.


A timeout is the ability to stop the game clock and shot clock from ticking. Some reasons to call a timeout in basketball are for making substitutions, to ice a player, or to change the play design.

In each NBA Overtime period, both teams are given two 60-second timeouts. College teams, on the other hand, are only given one timeout. Timeouts that were not used in regulation do not roll over into overtime and this is the same from overtime period to overtime period.


The bonus is a type of penalty situation in basketball that is given to a team when they are fouled a certain number of times during a period. In NBA overtime, if a team is fouled a total of five or more times they are in the bonus. Teams in the bonus get two free throws every time a player is fouled. In college basketball, a team’s foul count in the second half will carry over to overtime. For example, if a team has been fouled eight times going into overtime, they will be in the single bonus at the beginning of the overtime period.


How many overtimes can a basketball game have?

In theory, a basketball game can have an infinite number of overtime periods. In both the NBA and college basketball, games cannot end in a tie. Therefore, teams will continue to play overtime periods until a winner is determined. One NBA game played in 1951 went into an NBA record six overtime periods. In the NCAA, a game between Bradley and Cincinnati went into a record seven overtime periods.

How long is college basketball overtime?

NCAA college basketball features a five-minute overtime period in the event of a tie. This is the same as the overtime period found in the NBA.

What is the record for the most overtimes in college basketball?

The record for the most overtime periods in one NCAA basketball game is seven. This record is shared between three games: Bradley vs Cincinnati (1981), Black Hills vs Yankton (1956), and Skidmore vs South Vermont (2010). These seven overtime periods equate to an additional 35 minutes of game time, which is just five minutes shy of a regulation game.


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RULE NO. 5: Scoring and Timing

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End of Period

Tie Score – Overtime

Stoppage of Timing Devices

Timeouts – Mandatory/Team

Timeout Requests




Section I—Scoring

  1. A legal field goal or free throw attempt shall be scored when a ball from the playing area enters the basket from above and remains in or passes through the net.
  2. A successful field goal attempt from the area on or inside the three-point field goal line shall count two points.
  3. A successful field goal attempt from the area outside the three-point field goal line shall count three points.
    1. The shooter must have at least one foot on the floor outside the three-point field goal line prior to the attempt.
    2. The shooter may not be touching the floor on or inside the three-point field goal line.
    3. The shooter may contact the three-point field goal line, or land in the two-point field goal area, after the ball is released.
  4. A field goal accidentally scored in an opponent’s basket shall be added to the opponent’s score, credited to the opposing player nearest the player whose actions caused the ball to enter the basket.
  5. It is a violation for a player to attempt a field goal at an opponent’s basket. The opposing team will be awarded the ball at the free throw line extended.
  6. A successful free throw attempt shall count one point.
  7. An unsuccessful free throw attempt which is tapped into the basket shall count two points and shall be credited to the player who tapped the ball in.
  8. If there is a discrepancy in the score and it cannot be resolved, the running score shall be official.

Section II—Timing

  1. All periods of regulation play in the NBA will be twelve minutes.
  2. All overtime periods of play will be five minutes.
  3. Fifteen minutes will be permitted between halves of all games.
  4. 2:30 will be permitted between the first and second periods, the third and fourth periods and before any overtime period during local games.  For national TV games 3:30 will be permitted between the first and second periods, the third and fourth periods and 2:30 before any overtime period.
  5. A team is permitted a total of 30 seconds to replace a disqualified player.
  6. The game is considered to be in the two-minute part when the game clock shows 2:00 or less time remaining in the period.
  7. The publicaddress operator is required to announce that there are two minutes remaining in each period.
  8. The game clock shall be equipped to show tenths-of-a-second during the last minute of each period.


Section III—End of Period

  1. Each period ends when time expires.
      1. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket, the period ends when the goal is made, missed or touched by an offensive player.
      2. If the official’s whistle sounds prior to :00.0 on the clock, the period is not over and time must be added to the clock.
      3. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket when the horn sounds ending a period, and it subsequently is touched by: (a) a defensive player, the goal, if successful, shall count; or (b) an offensive player, the period has ended.
      4. If a timeout request is made as time expires for a period, the period ends and the timeout shall not be granted.
      5. If there is a foul called on or by a player in the act of shooting the period will end after the foul is penalized (See Rule 13—II—b(ii)).
  2. If the ball is dead and the game clock shows :00.0, the period has ended even though the horn may not have sounded.
    1. EXCEPTION: See Rule 13—II—b(ii)


Section IV—Tie Score—Overtime

If the score is tied at the end of the fourth period, play shall resume in 2:30 without change of baskets for any of the overtime periods required.


Section V—Stoppage of Timing Devices

  1. The timing devices shall be stopped whenever the official’s whistle sounds.
  2. The timing devices shall be stopped:
    1. During the last minute of the first, second and third periods following a successful field goal attempt.
    2. During the last two minutes of regulation play and/or last two minutes of over- time(s) following a successful field goal attempt.
  3. Officials may not use official time to permit a player to change or repair equipment.


Section VI—Timeouts – Mandatory/Team

  1. Each team is entitled to seven (7) charged timeouts during regulation play. Each team is limited to no more than four (4) timeouts in the fourth period. Each team will be limited to two (2) team timeouts after the later of (i) the three-minute mark of the fourth period or (ii) the  conclusion of the  second mandatory timeout of the fourth period.
  2. In overtime periods, each team shall be allowed two (2) team timeouts.
  3. There must be two mandatory timeouts in each period.
    1. If neither team has taken a timeout prior to 6:59 of the period, it shall be mandatory for the Official Scorer to take it at the first dead ball and charge it to the home team. If no subsequent timeouts are taken prior to 2:59, it shall be mandatory for the Official Scorer to take it and charge it to the team not previously charged.
    2. The Official Scorer shall notify a team when it has been charged with a mandatory time-out.
    3. Mandatory timeouts shall be 2:45 for local games and 3:15 for national games.  Any additional team timeouts in a period beyond those which are mandatory shall be 1:15.
    4. No mandatory timeout may be charged during an official’s suspension-of-play.
      1. EXCEPTION: Suspension-of-play for Infection Control. See Comments on the Rules—N
  4. A request for a timeout by a player in the game or the head coach shall be granted only when the ball is dead or in control of a player on the team making the request. A request at any other time shall be ignored.
  5. During a timeout, all substitutions are legal for both teams.
  6. This rule may be used for any reason, including a request for a rule If the correction is sustained, no timeout shall be charged.
  7. If a timeout is charged to the offensive team during the last two minutes of the fourth period and/or last two minutes of any overtime period and (1) the ball is out-of-bounds in the backcourt (except for a suspension of play after the team had advanced the ball), or (2) after securing the ball from a rebound in the backcourt and prior to any advance of the ball, or (3) after the offensive team secures the ball from a change of possession in the backcourt and prior to any advance of the ball, the timeout should be granted. Upon resumption of play, the team granted the timeout shall have the option of putting the ball into play at the 28’ hash mark in the frontcourt or at the designated spot out-of-bounds. If the ball is put into play at the hash mark, the ball may be passed into either the frontcourt or If it is passed into the backcourt, the team will receive a new 8-second count.  However, once the ball is (1) thrown in from out-of-bounds, or (2) dribbled or passed after receiving it from a rebound or a change of possession, the timeout shall be granted, and, upon resumption of play, the ball shall be in-bounded on the sideline where play was interrupted. In order for the option to be available following these conditions, a second timeout must be granted to the offensive team.  The time on the game clock and the shot clock shall remain as when the timeout was called.
  8. A timeout shall not be granted to the defensive team during an official’s suspension- of-play.
    1. EXCEPTION: Suspension of play for Infection Control. See Comments on the Rules-N.
  9. If a player is injured as a result of a player on the opposing team committing a flagrant foul or unsportsmanlike act, play will resume when playing conditions are safe and no timeout will be charged, unless a mandatory is due, as a result of any delay due to the player’s injury.
  10. If a team calls a timeout because one of its players is injured and, at the expiration of the timeout play is unable to resume due to that player ’s injury, play will resume when playing conditions are safe.
  11. Requests for a timeout in excess of those available to the team at that point in the game (as set forth in subsection (a)) shall be granted and a technical foul shall be Following the timeout, the ball will be awarded to the opposing team and play shall resume with a throw-in nearest the spot where play was interrupted.
  12. If a team has no timeouts remaining and a player is injured and cannot be removed from the playing court during a stoppage of play, no excessive timeout will be charged and play will resume when playing conditions are safe.


Section VII—Timeout Requests

  1. If an official, upon receiving a timeout request by the defensive team, inadvertently signals while the play is in progress, play shall be suspended and the team in possession shall put the ball in play immediately at the sideline nearest where the ball was when the signal was given. The game and shot clock shall remain the same.
  2. If an official, upon receiving a timeout request from the defensive team, inadvertently signals for a timeout during the act of shooting but prior to the release of the ball on:
    1. a successful field goal or free throw attempt, the point(s) shall be scored.
    2. an unsuccessful field goal attempt, the offensive team shall put the ball in play immediately at the sideline nearest where the ball was when the signal was given.
    3. an unsuccessful free throw attempt, the official shall rule disconcerting and award a substitute free throw.
  3. If an official, upon receiving a timeout request, inadvertently signals for a timeout:
    1. after the ball is released during a successful field goal or free throw attempt, the points shall be scored.
    2. while the ball is loose or after the ball is released during an unsuccessful field goal or free throw attempt which will remain in play, play shall be resumed with a jump ball at the center circle between any two opponents in the game.
  4. When a team is granted a timeout, play shall not resume until the Time-out Clock has expired. The throw-in shall be nearest the spot where play was suspended. The throw-in shall be on the sideline, if the ball was in play when the request was granted.
  5. A player shall not be granted any timeout if both of his feet are in the air and any part of his body has broken the vertical plane of the boundary line. This rule also applies to the midcourt line except during throw-ins in the last two minutes of the fourth or last two minutes of any overtime period.
  6. A timeout can be granted only at the time of the request.


Section VIII—Time-In

  1. After time has been out, the game clock shall be started:
    1. On a free throw that is unsuccessful and the ball continues in play, the game clock shall be started when the missed free throw is legally touched by any player.
    2. If play is resumed by a throw-in from out-of-bounds, the game clock shall be started when the ball is legally touched by any player within the playing area of the court.
    3. If play is resumed with a jump ball, the game clock shall be started when the ball is legally tapped.

How long is overtime in basketball and when does the referee call it?

Basketball is one of the most spectacular sports and enjoys high popularity all over the world. Fans of this sports game like unpredictability and uncompromisingness, a large number of combinations and tricks. Basketball players are well aware of the rules of their discipline, and those who do not play will not hurt to study them. Fans are more interested in watching if they understand the principles. In this article, we will consider an important question - how long does overtime last in basketball, how many of them can be in one match, under what circumstances are appointed, what rules govern overtime.

In some team games, the match can be drawn, but not in basketball. Here, each meeting ends with someone's victory, so no one has a chance to go on the defensive and play for time until the end. If regular time ends in a tie, extra time will be played. And the answer to the question of how many overtimes there are in basketball reflects the unprincipled discipline.

What is it?

Overtime is called extra time, which is assigned to determine the winner. The main rules in force will be the same as for regular time. Points earned in the main quarters and extra time in basketball are summed up, the victory is awarded to the one who has more of them.

How many times is it charged?

Overtime is needed in order to determine the winner, they are assigned as many times as required to win. The match will end at the moment when the leader is determined. Most often, the fate of the meeting is decided by one overtime, but sometimes several are required, in such cases the match is delayed.

In 1951, the world basketball record for overtime was set. This happened at a meeting between the Royals and the Olympians, to determine the winner had to spend as many as six overtimes. Therefore, if you are wondering how long the game will go, keep in mind that there will definitely be no more than six additional periods. Although in theory it is possible that there will be more of them, and you will witness the setting of a new world record.

How long is overtime in basketball?

In all current leagues and amateur venues, one period of extra time lasts five minutes. Between these five minutes, basketball players are given time to rest, as well as between the main quarters. To complete the picture, you need to study the full timing.

Basketball timing

Now you know how long overtime lasts in basketball. But in order to figure out how much time to spend watching the game, you need to know the whole timing, take into account how long the main periods, timeouts and breaks are.

In contrast to extra time, the length of regular time varies from championship to championship. In most leagues, a quarter lasts 10 minutes, these are the Euroleague, VTB and others. In the NBA, the main time lasts 12 minutes, so the match held according to their rules will be longer than the standard match by at least eight minutes. We are talking about pure playing time, which does not include timeouts, periods of throwing the ball and punching free kicks. The actual time exceeds the indicated approximately twice.

10 and 12 minutes in a quarter is the only difference. You don’t need to remember how long an overtime in basketball in the NBA lasts, since there are no differences here, this is the same five-minute period.

Breaks will have different durations. The quarters are divided into two small and one large break. The long break lasts a quarter of an hour, it takes place after the second quarter, when half of the main match is played.

Small breaks last for two minutes, such a pause is provided between overtimes.

The duration of the game is also affected by timeouts. How long they will go depends on the rules of specific competitions. In the NBA, two teams get 14 timeouts, each lasting 75 seconds. This was established in the 2017-18 season, in previous seasons the number was higher, the duration was also longer, but only by a few seconds.

Commercial breaks are separate timeouts, and the NBA has a lot of them. According to one version, the quarter in this league lasts longer than in others, precisely because of the desire to extend advertising time. But the commercial breaks do not tire the viewer, they are only two minutes long.

In FIBA, timeouts are faster, they take 60 seconds. They are allowed to be taken both in the main and in extra time. The NCAA has its own principles: two teams are given four timeouts of 75 seconds each. If the meeting is televised, the timing will change: commercials will be added, there will be only two breaks on demand, their duration will be reduced to 60 seconds.

Maximum number of overtimes

The most curious might wonder if the number of extra five minutes is limited. The only situation when an overtime is called in basketball is a draw, that is, when the main periods did not allow the winner to be determined. Five minutes will go until the very victory, that is, until the appearance of an advantage in the game. It turns out that in theory they can continue indefinitely, but the strength of the athletes is not unlimited, so there are not many overtimes.


There is only one separate rule: how long overtime lasts in basketball is only five minutes, not 10 or 12, as is the case with a quarter. Otherwise, the process follows the same rules: 5 people play, net time is considered, from one to three points are awarded for each hit in the basket. Whoever leads the total score wins.

what is it, how long does it last, how many overtimes are there in a match, overtime in the NBA and in the VTB League

Danila Chezhin

Basketball is a game where draws are traditionally excluded. If the regular time of a basketball game ends with an equal score, the match continues in overtime - extra time. How long is overtime in basketball? What are the rules governing extra parts of a match? How many overtimes can there be in basketball? Let's talk about this in as much detail as possible.

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What is overtime in basketball?

Overtime - extra time. A basketball game goes into overtime if, at the end of regular time, the teams scored the same number of points, that is, they finished the regular time in a draw. With rare exceptions, in all basketball championships, regardless of the level and status, a draw is excluded. Opponents will fight each other until they achieve victory.

When is overtime called in basketball?

A basketball match consists of periods - segments of the match that are equal in time. In the NBA, clubs play 4 quarters of 12 minutes, in the Euroleague - 4 quarters of 10 minutes, in NCAA student basketball - 2 halves of 20 minutes. No matter how the time of the match is divided, overtime is appointed at the end of the final segment. And only if the score on the scoreboard is equal - 80:80, 122:122, 64:64 and so on.

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How long is overtime?

Extra time in basketball is 5 minutes. This is a classic basketball overtime format. Five-minutes are used in all known leagues and tournaments, both in men's and women's basketball.

How many overtimes are there in basketball in a match?

Basketball match, according to the rules, must continue until the end. This means that the number of overtimes in basketball is not limited. If players need 10 extra laps to decide a winner, so be it. If 20, then 20.

NBA overtime

NBA overtime is 5 minutes of net playing time. For extra time, coaches receive 2 additional time-outs - the opportunity to take a break in the game to make changes in tactics and strategy. In addition, as in regular time, coaches have the right to change the composition an unlimited number of times, releasing everyone on the court who is in the application for the match - usually 15 basketball players. Exceptions are players who have exhausted the foul limit. During the game, a basketball player can break the rules 6 times. After the 6th foul, the player leaves the court, losing the opportunity to return to the game.

The longest game in NBA history to date is the game played on January 6, 1951. Then the Indianapolis Olympians and the Rochester Royals had 6 overtimes. In the future, more than 4 overtimes in the NBA was never recorded. The Phoenix Suns and Portland Trail Blazers had 4 additional stints each in 1997, and the Atlanta Hawks and Utah Jazz in 2012.

Overtime in the NBA is not uncommon - about 6% of all games end outside of regular time. The frequency of overtime is related to the strength of the teams - the gap in the class between the NBA clubs is not large in any era of its development.

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