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How many basketballs fit in a hoop
How many basketballs fit in a hoop
How Many Basketballs Can You Fit in a Rim?
Have you ever shot a basketball all net and felt good about yourself? After all, the basketball rim looks small enough that an inch or two in every direction would result in a bad miss. But the thing is, there is actually more room for error in there than you might think. So, the question that’s probably in your mind right now is, “How many basketballs can you fit in a rim?” The answer might surprise you.
How Many Basketballs Can You Fit in a Rim?That depends on the size of the balls. Basketballs used in youth and women’s competitions could simultaneously fit two in the rim. Now, the standard-sized basketballs (Size 7) used in FIBA and the NBA won’t. There will still be plenty of room, but two size 7 balls won’t fit in a standard rim.
Let’s do the math: The diameter of a standard basketball rim is 18 inches. A size 7 ball has a diameter between 9.43 and 9.51 inches. That means the total diameter of two size 7 balls is roughly an inch longer than the diameter of a standard basketball rim.
Therefore, as mentioned, two size 7 balls won’t fit simultaneously in a standard rim.
If you have already tried putting two size 7 balls in the basket, the tensile strength of the rim’s material allows both to fit simultaneously. However, the balls will get stuck on the rim and won’t fall. On the other hand, women’s basketball uses a basketball with a circumference of precisely nine inches. Therefore, two basketball can fit and pass through a standard rim.
Now, what about the balls used in kids’ basketball? You can actually put three size 5 balls in the basket, and it will pass through. Only when you add another will it get stuck and not fall.
Can Two Basketballs Fit Through a Basketball Hoop?The keywords here are “fit through.” That means it should fall or go through the basketball hoop simultaneously. Again, the answer is that it depends on the size of the ball. Two size 7 basketball won’t fit through a standard rim, while smaller balls could easily do so.
In fact, a standard rim could easily fit through three size 5 basketballs used in youth leagues.
Single vs. Double Rim Basketball: What’s the Difference with the Size?In basketball, the rim is the same as the “hoop” or the “basket.” Don’t get that confused. Most hoops use a single rim, which means a single piece of round metal around ⅝ of an inch thick. A double rim is like two single rims stacked on top of each other. Double rims are mainly used in outdoor courts. Because they are exposed to the elements and bad weather, outdoor basketball courts use the sturdier double rim setup.
It appears that it’s harder to make a shot in a double rim compared with the single rim. The room for error is a couple of inches off when you shoot in a double rim. Double rims make the ball bounce off hard with hardly a chance of rolling in. That’s why players must apply a gentler touch when shooting in a double rim. You probably won’t like training and shooting at double rims initially, but it will help you develop a much smoother jump shot.
That comes in handy if you eventually play on single rims.
If you want to shoot hoops at the comfort of your own home, using a double or single rim is one of the first decisions you should make. As previously said, if you want to train your skills, such as shooting layups and jump shots, training on a double rim helps you improve. But keep in mind that you should be able to tolerate failures and missed shots before seeing improvements.
How does a double rim help you finish layups? Even though the layup is the most straightforward shot in basketball, a double rim makes finishing layups harder. Double rims require a very gentle touch and even more careful ball placement. Otherwise, you have never seen more clanked layups in your lifetime.
How Much Weight Can a Basketball Hoop Hold?A breakaway basketball rim can withstand 230 pounds of pressure at the point farthest away from the backboard. The overall strength of the rim structure has improved significantly since the days of Darryl Dawkins and the rookie Shaquille O’Neal.
Most hoop manufacturers now use spring assemblies that allow the rims to absorb more significant impact without breaking the backboard. The rims used in Dawkins were secured with bolts that ran right through the glass. Still, it would take 600 lbs of force to break a rim with that structure. But then again, Dawkins was a 6-foot-11, 250-lb mountain of a man, so it wouldn’t be impossible for him to generate that much force.
The NBA eventually changed the structure of how the rim is attached to the glass backboard. These “breakaway” rims, as they call them, have heavy-duty compressible springs. These springs can be broken, and the bolts still run right through the glass. However, the main difference is that the bolts are screwed into a piece of steel on the other side. This way, the whole rim and backboard are basically unbreakable even if you can pull the entire goal into the ground.
That notion has been put to the test in one episode of Sports Science. Former NBA All-Star Amare Stoudemire tried to tear down the rim and was found to generate over 1,000 pounds of force in his dunks.
That should be more than enough to break the backboard of older rims, but it did not shatter the backboard of breakaway rims.
At the next experiment, the Sports Science team practically threw down a piano in the front end of the rim. It generated over 6,000 pounds of force and broke the entire structure. Interestingly enough, while the impact bent the rim and all, the glass remained intact. On that account, it’s safe to say that the modern breakaway rims are practically indestructible with the current basketball hoop rim size.
What about the other rim structures, such as adjustable and spring-loaded rims? Naturally, these rims are not as strong as breakaway rims used in the NCAA and NBA, but they are sufficient for younger players. Adjustable rims should never be dunked on even though the base appears to be strong enough to hold your weight. Spring-loaded rims could handle more impact, but you should not hang on them because they could potentially break down over time.
What Size of Basketball Should You Use?The right basketball size to use depends on the age of the players.
It wouldn’t make sense if you’d let a 7-year-old handle a regulation size 7 basketball now, would it? Using a basketball that big would mess up a young baller’s shooting mechanics.
Here is the basketball size to use based on the players’ age brackets:
- Boys and girls aged 9-11 shall use a size 5 basketball. The youth-size basketball has a circumference of 27.5 inches.
- Girls aged 12 and up and boys aged 12-14 shall use a size 6 basketball. It has a circumference of 28.5 inches.
- Men aged 15 and up shall use a regulation size 7 basketball. It is called men’s official size and has a circumference of 29.5 inches.
Wrapping Things Up: How Many Basketballs Can You Fit in a Rim?If you have asked this question out of curiosity, you are not alone. In theory, knowing exactly how big the rim and basketball are could help improve your game, especially your shooting skills. This knowledge allows you to ascertain the room for error when shooting the basketball.
As you may have noticed, the 10-foot hoop hanging on the backboard looks pretty darn small from our perspective. But it’s not as small as you may think! A standard basketball rim has a diameter of 18 inches, while the diameter of a basketball size 7 is roughly 9.5 inches. That means the ratio of basketball to hoop is almost 1:2!
So, can a basketball rim fit 2 basketballs? Yes, it could. However, if you put two size 7 basketballs in the rim at once, both will get stuck and won’t fall through. Anything smaller than a size 7 could fit simultaneously in the hoop. Two size 6 basketball could fit in a rim with about a quarter of an inch to spare. Three size 6 basketballs could sit on the rim but won’t pass through.
If you want to improve more on your shot, you have the option to train on double rims. Unlike a single rim, double rims will help you develop a gentle touch on your jump shot and layups. This is because the ball bounces hard off a double rim, and it rarely allows the ball to roll right in.
The room for error also goes down a couple of inches, so your best bet is to shoot it right in the middle, all net.
When aiming at the basket, do whatever feels comfortable and natural to you. Like your shooting mechanics, your target should always be the same every single time. It will make your shot more consistent, and you can lock in quickly at your target. The shot becomes automatic.
How does knowing the size of the rim matter when playing basketball? Well, sometimes, it’s all about perception. You may think you can’t make the shot because the rim is too small, and it may affect your confidence. But as you have learned, there is actually a lot of room for error than you think!
When you are shooting poorly from the field, as yourself, “How many basketballs can you fit in a rim?” Then, think about the size of the rim for a while and the fact that it could almost fit two regulation-size basketballs at once! It won’t produce miracles, but it does improve your confidence.
In basketball, sometimes, confidence makes all the difference.
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Can 2 Basketballs Fit Through the Rim At the Same Time? – Basketball Word!
By standing directly underneath the rim and looking up at the basketball hoop, it appears that the basketball when it is shot into the net looks as if there is not much room for error. Even on a swish, it looks as if the ball just goes in perfectly. An inch any way to the left or right and your hitting rim, two inches and you’re missing the shot. Truth be told there is actually a lot more room than you think up there.
Can 2 basketballs fit through the rim at the same time? Yes, and No, two women’s basketballs can fit through the rim at the same time.
But Two Men’s basketballs can not fit through the cylinder simultaneously. The basketball rim may appear smaller in comparison to the basketball than it actually is.
So why is this important and why should I care, your perception of how you shot the basketball may change when you try putting two basketballs into the hoop yourself. How so you ask? read on.
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So exactly how many balls can you fit in a basketball rim?
The size of the basketball rim’s radius is 9 inches and the diameter is 18 inches. The circumference of the rim is 56.5 inches. The rim itself is made of tensile carbon steel and made of around 5/8″ in diameter of solid steel rod.
A men’s basketball diameter is around 9.5 inches and circumference is 29.5 inches. Give or take not all men’s basketballs are made equal and not all basketballs are filled with the right amount of PSI or air.
Two men’s basketballs fit in a basketball hoop but will not go through. Technically two and a half men’s balls fit in the hoop. Some will argue that they will go through but either they are pushing one ball through before the other just a touch. Or the balls are not official size and are not properly inflated.
A women’s basketball diameter is around 9 inches and circumference is 28.5 inches. Its diameter is half an inch shorter when compared to a men’s ball and a full inch smaller in circumference also.
Two Women’s ball’s fit through a basketball rim at the same time within a quarter of an inch to spare. Three women’s basketballs can sit on top of the rim but would not pass through.
Do It Yourself or Ask Your Coach
It’s one thing to tell you that two basketballs can fit through the hoop or just sit on the rim, but it is another for you to try it yourself. The basketball rim gives off this illusion that one basketball just fits in the rim without much room for error.
But actually when you shoot the ball and it goes through the net you have about 8 inches to spare within the cylinder.
I really encourage you to find a broken rim, or an adjustable rim and get a ladder while safely trying this exercise for yourself. Seeing is actually believing.
It doesn’t matter what size the basketballs, the idea is to get you to notice all the extra room there is when shooting just one ball. When basketball players I coach are told this they do not believe it. So I pull out the ladder and sit two men’s basketballs on the rim and force them through or slight push one through before the other.
Visualizing and Where To Aim At That Big, Wide Rim
Immediately as a player, you will now have a different perception of the rim your shooting on. Do you see how much room there is for error? Take advantage of this, in your mind when you’re having a bad game or your not hitting your shot revert back to the time you put two basketball’s in the rim.
That will be a reminder of how much room there is upon that rim. Do the exercise before playing to convince yourself that the rim is like a hola-hoop. What are you going to do with all that room? Knock it down.
When aiming you should be aiming dead center of the front or back of the rim depending on what feels comfortable for you to look at. You have to be consistent with where you look at the rim so you can lock in quickly every time you shoot until it becomes automatic.
Visualization is so important when shooting that studies show when visualizing the basketball going through the rim, your body doesn’t know the difference between visualization the shot or actually taking a shot.
Are Basketball Double Rims are Smaller?
Again these rims are the same circumference as the regular rims, they appear smaller for one of two reasons.
1) I always notice with these double rims they are usually higher than 10 feet by a few inches and are outdoor.
This gives the illusion that the rim is smaller cause it is higher and the rim is thicker. The reason why its a couple of inches over 10 feet is that it prevents people from dunking and breaking them over time.
2) These rims are extremely stiff and don’t allow any room for error. If you hit the rim first it usually bounces out. Really you need to hit the rim when the ball is on the way down and mostly in the net. You get a lot more in and outs because of the rim being so stiff. I would bet you have 6 inches of room for error rather than 8 in this case.
Again this is going to make it seem the rim is a lot smaller than it actually is. Click here for double rims on Amazon to take a further look.
Related Q & A?
How Much Weight Can a Basketball Rim Hold?
I am guessing by this question you are probably doing a lot of dunking and you are concerned and don’t want to break the rim. This is going to depend on several factors mostly on how the rim is supported and what the rim is made of.
Most Rims are made from steel but can still bend if you hang on the front especially if they are not spring loaded or a thick steel rim.
Adjustable Rims –
These rims generally are massed produced you can find one on sale from $150 and up. These I do not recommend hanging on the rim even though its made from steel you can potentially A) pull the whole rim down including the base and pole, even though it filled with water or sand. Or B) You can break the rim or bend it. Click the picture to check the price on Amazon.
Spring Loaded Rims – Like adjustable rims or sometimes they are mounted on a garage or at your local gym these rims are built of high-grade steel and have a spring in them to allow dunking and hanging. It’s still not recommended to hang on them long as you can potentially break them after dunking on them for a long time. These rims are generally $700 and up.
Double Rims – There made of high-grade steel and are very thick, It usually takes a lot to break these rims and only happens after years of wear. These rims usually are attached to a strong structure. I see people dunking on them all the time.
What Size Basketball Should I buy for My Son or daughter?
A lot of people wonder what size basketball should you be playing with at different age groups. Below is a chart to help determine the size of the ball for each age group.
Basketball Size |
Circumference |
Weight |
Age |
Size 7 |
29.5″ |
22 oz |
Boys 14 |
Size 6 |
28.5″ |
20 oz |
Boys 12-13 Girls 12+ |
Size 5 |
27.5″ |
17 oz |
Boys 9-11 Girls 9-11 |
Size 4 |
26. 5″ |
14 oz |
Boys 5-8 Girls 5-8 |
Size 7 ball which is the Men’s size ball is generally high school, college, and NBA. Women’s ball is used in grade 9 and up to the college levels, WNBA. More on basketball size charts for kids click here!
Further Readings:
- How To Become A Better Shooter In Basketball? Ultimate Guide
- 10 Must Have Basketball Accessories
- 10 Games To Improve Basketball Skills With
7 kinds of basketball shots | Basketball
On average, a basketball team makes 65-70 basket shots and up to 20-25 free throws per game. At the same time, the preparation for the throw itself is the main content of the entire game. But getting into the basket is the main goal in basketball. There are several types of throws for different positions and situations. During the game you can observe their diversity. At the same time, each player has his own technique, both dribbling and throwing the ball.
All of this combined with a healthy competitive feel makes for a spectacular show.
Types of throwing the ball into the basket in basketball
1. Throw with both hands from the chest
This type of throw is actively used to throw the ball into the basket mainly from long distances. Also, such throws take place in the absence of active opposition from the defender of the other team. In preparation for such a throw, the ball is clasped with the fingers of both hands, after which it is carried to the level of the face, when the arms are straightened, the ball is sent to the basket along a given arc. If all the calculations of the player are correct, and the throw is accurate, then the ball will fly straight into the opponents' basket.
2. Two-hand overhead throw
This type of basketball throw is used from medium distances. Also, this throw is relevant when the opponent is closely guarded. To perform a throw of this kind, the ball is carried overhead, while the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, when the arms are straightened, the ball is sent to the basket.
During the straightening of the arms, the ball is given the necessary acceleration and trajectory, allowing it to hit the target exactly - into the "enemy" basket.
3. Throw with two hands from below
This type of throw is actively used in the game during a fast pass to the backboard, as well as during basket attacks in a long jump. To shoot, the player takes the ball in motion under the foot, after which he takes a wide step and makes a jump. With straight arms, the basketball player throws the ball into the basket, while fully extending his body. When straightening the arms, acceleration is given, due to which the ball flies into the basket. It is also extremely important to land correctly after performing this maneuver.
4. One-hand shoulder throw
This is one of the most common types of ball throws in basketball. Applicable at medium and long distances. In this case, the player holds the ball in his right hand at head level, while straightening his arm, the ball goes into the basket.
5. One-hand overhand throw
This type of basketball throw is used quite often to attack on the move from close distances, as well as from under the backboard. In preparation for the throw, the ball is placed under the right foot. At the highest point of the jump, the player's arm is extended and the ball is pushed into the basket by the fingers.
6. Throw with one hand from above - “hook”
This kind of throw is used by the central players to attack from close and medium distances. To throw, the player turns his left side to the shield, pushes off with his left foot, makes a jump, while the right hand with the ball rises in an arcuate motion and throws it into the basket.
7. Retrieving the ball
When the ball is pushed off the backboard, in case of an unsuccessful attack of the basket, the player can catch the ball and throw it into the basket again.
How to learn how to spin a basketball on your finger
To skillfully spin a basketball on your finger, you need to learn a few simple techniques, find the ball and set aside 10 minutes of training per day.
After a week of practicing your skills, you will master the technique of this trick and show it to your friends. In the step-by-step instructions below, we will show you how to learn how to spin a basketball on your finger.
Throwing the ball correctly
You can train on the sports ground, near the house or even in the apartment, but in any place you need to take into account the environment. For example, when practicing a trick in a room, the ball can bounce and break fragile objects. When a place is found and inventory is prepared, you can begin training. Initially, you need to learn how to properly hold and throw the ball in the air:
- Hold the ball with the stripes vertical. Horizontal scrolling looks ineffective and it is very difficult to catch a projectile from this position.
- Select throw method:
- Two hands. You need to keep the ball not on the sides, but so that 1 hand “looks” at you, and the second from you.
Having fixed the object, sharply spread your arms and slightly “throw” the ball up. - With one hand. To throw with one hand, place your fingers along the lines of the ball. It is important that there is free space between the palm and the inventory. Lightly squeeze the ball. Turn the brush outward until it stops, and then gently turn it back. At the last moment, you need to give additional rotation to the ball with your fingertips. But we do not recommend using a large one, because. this will upset the balance and the ball will fly away.
- Throw the ball parallel to the floor, do not allow the projectile to “wag”. It is important that when thrown, the projectile rises above eye level. When its bottom surface is visible, the ball is easier to catch.
These steps must be repeated until fully automated. Usually it takes two days. When the throws are confident, you can move on to the second level.
Learning to catch the ball
Once you have learned how to throw correctly, try catching the ball with your finger.
To do this, remember the following nuances:
- You need to catch the projectile on the nail, not the finger itself. In this case, it is important that the brush is turned with the palm towards you.
- The finger must be placed strictly in the center, at the junction of the vertical lines, otherwise the ball will slide off.
- When your finger touches the ball, gently and smoothly lower your hand down. So you will improve the cushioning, the inventory will not bounce, and you will not damage your finger.
This stage is one of the most difficult and requires patience on the part of the freestyler, athlete and just wanting to master the skill. When you learn how to catch the ball, at first it can control you: jump off and make you “run” after it to keep your balance. Be patient and keep practicing.
Once you are comfortable with a spinning ball, try to keep it spinning and spin it further. To do this, with light flapping movements, move your free hand along a tangent.