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How to be more aggressive in basketball

Basketball on the Edge - 10 Tips for Playing More Aggressive Basketball

Coaches in every sport say it, “Be aggressive out there!”  What does that mean exactly?   You know your coach wants you to “be more aggressive” but what specifically can you do to play more aggressively?  Here are some suggestions of what you can do right now to play more aggressively and some suggestions that can help over the long term.

Play more aggressively today.

1.  Go after loose balls.

Every coach loves a player who will get on the floor for a loose ball.  Possessions are valuable, they give your team another opportunity to score.  Be the player that gets after (AND GETS) every loose ball.

2.  Develop an “Every rebound is mine.” mentality.

What stops you from going after every rebound?  Unless it is your responsibility to get back on defense why not go hard after the rebound?  I watch players in every game just stand and watch as the shot goes up.  If you think “Every rebound is mine. ”  You’ll play more aggressively.

3.  Don’t hesitate.  Make a decision and go.

Catch the ball and make a quick basketball.  Are you open?  Take a shot.  Defender rushing at you?  Head fake and drive.  Teammate open?  Make a quick pass.  As your skill level improves (See #1 in the long term section) you’ll get better at eliminating hesitation from your game

4.  Set physical screens.

Make contact with defenders when you screen.  Too many players set phantom screens with little or no contact.  It doesn’t take great talent to set a hard screen.  Make setting physical screens part of your identity as a player.

5.  Play with high energy.

Run the floor harder than your opponent.  Don’t rest while you are playing help-side defense.  Make hard cuts to the basket on offense.  Think of all the little ways you can bring more energy to the game.

6.  Communicate

If you want to play more aggressively become a better communicator.  Talk more out on the floor.   Remind teammates where to go, what to do, or about specific game situations.  Your coach will perceive you as a more aggressive player when you are out there communicating and talking the game.

Ways to improve your aggressiveness for the long term.

7.  Develop your basketball skills.

The better your basketball skill set the more likely you are to be aggressive.  If you can’t dribble well with your weak hand, you probably won’t be very aggressive driving that direction in a game.  As you develop your skills you’ll become more aggressive because you know you can do certain out on the court.  You know you’ve put the time to become a better player that can “be more aggressive”.

8.  Be confident.

Skill building is confidence building.  When you are confident you feel you can do almost anything out on the court.  You’ll be more relaxed, knowing you’ve put the time in working on your game.  How much more confident and aggressive would you be shooting a game winning jump shot in a tie game with 2 seconds left if you had practiced 100 of those shots every day in the off-season?  Confident players are aggressive players.

9.  Get your body right.

Work on your strength, agility, cardio, and athleticism.  Eat right, Get enough sleep.  You can’t be aggressive if you’re worn down, injured, or tired.

10.  Don’t fear failure.

When you play scared you often play trying to avoid mistakes.  That is a sure way to avoid playing aggressively.  Fear often grips players who are bench players.  They check in the game feeling that one mistake will have them on the bench.  Try to remember that fear really only exists in your mind.  Play the way you are capable of playing and good things will happen.

Follow these ten tips and you can start being a more aggressive player today.  Show your coach that you know how to “Be more aggressive!”

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7 Basketball Toughness Drills To Develop Aggressiveness, Confidence & Swagger

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If your youth basketball coaching sessions have seen your coach imploring you to be more aggressive out there on the court, there are a great number of drills you can do to gain more toughness and therefore more aggressive in your basketball.

Teaching the Aggressive Defensive Basketball Position Drill

Aggressive play starts with defense.

Put your energy into stopping that opposing player from scoring like your life depends on it. Get every rebound and never give up on it. This is a way to play aggressively when playing the fundamentals of basketball.

Your teammates will take notice and consider you a valuable asset on the court – someone who will always have their back.

Your teammates will feed off this energy and you will be considered a huge presence on the court. This, in turn, will give you the confidence you need for aggressive offensive play.

Own the Ball

When the ball is in your hands and you’re on the offense – own it! Cultivate the idea that the ball belongs to you – not the defender!

It is your ball…you are holding it.

It is not theirs…and never will be.

All you have to do is hold on to the ball, keep it from them, and the rest will come to you.

Have a Basketball Match with Unknown Players

If you find your aggression changes based on who you are playing, this can be a guide for taming your passiveness problem. It is common for players to play aggressively with their friends and people they know well as they are comfortable and in their element.

Players know that if they make a mistake with their friends they probably won’t punish them too badly for it. Players also know that if they push aggressively by using their elbows and arms more vigorously, accidentally hurting someone they know will be more quickly forgiven.

When we play against unknown players we are out of our groove and we don’t know exactly how they will react to aggressive play.

This can make us tense, nervous, and timid.

The key to getting out of this psychological rut is to play more with people you do not know – play more games with the people that make you nervous or in settings that push your boundaries. Each time you play with unknown players you are building your mental strength.

You will be gaining the experience and learning the skills needed to deal with any kind of teammate or opponent, as well as proving to yourself that there is nothing to fear.

Develop Your Skills in Basketball

It’s easy to look at the best players on the team that seem to effortlessly scoring basket after basket and think: “Well, I would be confident if I could play that well.

The fact is they have practiced those shots hundreds or thousands of times.

If you practice the same way you will feel the same confidence – even when there are three seconds left on the clock and the ball is in your hands.

If you’ve got a weak dribble with the ball in your left hand, for example, work on it every day.

Work on your strength, your athleticism, agility, and playing skills. Eat the right food, and get enough sleep every day so you’re always playing at your best and developing your skills as quickly as possible.

Teaching the “Build the Habit Drill”

Consciously start hand-checking and boxing out more often. Much like any habit: aggressive, confident basketball playing comes from forcing yourself to do it time and again…until it becomes second nature.

This builds your toughness!

If you find yourself standing around the perimeter then it’s time to remind yourself to get in there and work – even it if appears your immediate efforts are unimportant. It’s all about building up those aggressive habits until they become second nature as you become a naturally aggressive player.

Try Cross-Training

One suggestion is to cross-train in a different sport…perhaps football?

Football is a highly aggressive contact youth sport…much more so than basketball.

You will be learning how to play aggressively every day and becoming used to the rough and tumble of competitive sports!

Never Fear to Fail

If you’re often benched, you might build a mental block where you fear that any on-court failure will have you back on the bench. You prefer to play it safe – a dangerous thing to do in basketball. Try to remember that fear is just a state of mind.

You have the power to tell yourself “No, I’m not afraid!”

Taking more risks will make you a better player. Your coach will ultimately not want to bench the player that’s always ready to go in for that loose ball.

Aggressiveness and mental toughness comes from confidence. The less confident we are, the more fearful we are of making mistakes. The more fearful we are of making mistakes, the more we fear failure. The more we fear failure, the more we fear our coaches. Ultimately, this is can result in a loss of passion for the game, which again feeds into a lack of aggression on the court.

Love the game first, and you’ll want to get in there and win it all for your cherished teammates.

The Mental Toughness Academy has a program designed specifically to improve your ability on the court. Our Basketball Mental Toughness program can teach you how to overcome negativity and doubt by instilling confidence and mental fortitude.

A mentally tough athlete is an unstoppable athlete!

Welcome to the Winner’s Circle!

Craig Sigl, The Mental Toughness Trainer and Youth Sports Specialist

Craig Sigl2021-04-14T02:59:37+08:00

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On the development of the physical qualities of basketball players

copies of Swiss watches

The purpose of writing this work is to summarize the practical experience of developing the physical qualities of high-class basketball players. It is possible that this experience can be in demand by representatives of other sports, as well as become a guideline in the training of young talents striving for the heights of mastery.

You won't find anything new here. From the known, the appropriate one was chosen, lined up in the optimal order and tested in the training process. You should not blindly repeat someone else's experience, but the knowledge gained will probably help you create your own unique pedagogical technology.

“…No man will show you more than what lies half asleep at the dawn of your knowledge. And the teacher, walking in the shadow of the temple, surrounded by students, gives them not his wisdom, but only faith and the ability to love. If he is truly wise, he will not invite you into the house of his wisdom, but will only bring you to the threshold of your own mind. The astronomer can tell you about his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding. A musician may sing to you about the rhythm that surrounds us, but he cannot give you the ear to catch the rhythm, or the voice to repeat it. And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell you about the world of weights and measures, but he cannot lead you there. Because the insight of one person does not spread its wings on another. And each of you stands alone before God, so each of you must be alone in your knowledge of God and understanding of the Earth ”(Khalil Gibran (“Prophet”, “On the Teaching”)).

The physical qualities that the science and practice of sports speak of include flexibility, strength, speed, endurance and agility. We will talk about their importance for a successful basketball game and their effective development.

Sports physiologists and practicing coaches identify a number of the most essential and stable requirements that determine the nature and features of a reasonable planning and conduct of the educational and training process, including the development of physical qualities or, in other words, the improvement of physical conditions.

Progress of results can only be ensured by overload. It should be understood as a training effect that exceeds the usual level, in response to which the body receives an incentive to increase the trained function. It must be remembered that the conditional “corridor”, along the lower border of which the threshold of stimulating action passes, and exceeding the upper one is harmful to health, is very, very narrow. For example, this applies to the effort when stretching muscles, the weight of weights in strength training, the length of the cross-country distance, etc.

A coach's knowledge is a prerequisite for an athlete's injury prevention, because a student is completely defenseless against the instructions of a mentor, especially at the beginning of his career.

Any physical quality is both acquired and "extinguishes" in the absence of training effects or inadequacy of the load. These time periods are known to science and confirmed in practice. It is impossible to get a result quickly, but it can be saved only with the help of regular work.

Under load, only those systems of the body are trained, on which we act strongly enough for the effect to appear. To play basketball, you need very specific qualities in a very specific amount. When choosing the nature and magnitude of the training load, remember the appropriate scale of priorities for a basketball player. Basketball has a wide variety of requirements. Much needs to be taught and developed, and the time for this is catastrophically short. Doing too much, we just lose it.

One should know many exercises and methods not in order to apply everything, but in order to choose the optimal minimum from the total mass. A great athlete or an "ordinary" person - each of us is a unique biosystem with a set of abilities unlike any other. Some people, according to their data, are more suitable for successful basketball lessons, some are less promising. In any case, the coach must always and in everything take into account the individuality of the ward.

The main task of a mentor, the cornerstone of his work, is to help the student reach his "ceiling" in the development of qualities, skills and knowledge, while maintaining the athlete's health as much as possible. Trying to encourage the player to “jump over your head”, and even more so someone else’s, is a gross mistake.

Playing basketball and basketball exercises encourage the body to develop physical qualities (do we make an exception for strength?). This important circumstance should be taken into account when planning the work. First, it is necessary not to quantitatively exceed the limit of the permissible load on one or another organ and function. Secondly, the interaction of training effects of loads can be positive, negative or neutral. That is, for a good "soup" you need the right combination of ingredients.

Athletic results in many sports, and basketball is a vivid example of this, depend on skills (technique, dexterity) and the level of development of physical qualities. The proportion is approximately 50:50. Every coach should take care of these components. But the approaches to them are fundamentally different.

The skill is built mainly at the moment of work, here it is quite appropriate to use the principle “you can’t spoil porridge with butter”, without going to extremes, of course. In physical training, a combination of load and rest is effective. Reasonable rest is the key to success in improving "physics".

All of the above applies equally to flexibility, and to strength, and to speed, and to endurance. Dexterity is somewhat different, but that's a separate conversation. Perhaps also because basketball dexterity is the main and irreplaceable quality in the game.

1. Injury safety

Do not sacrifice your animal nature for the sake of the human (the wisdom of the Taoists)

In any production, and the training process is the real production of the ability to play basketball, paramount attention should be paid to labor protection and safety rules.

In order to change something, it is necessary to act, in our case, to influence a person. Man is a biosystem, always striving for balance. Any onslaught meets opposition: if the body has sufficient resources to fight back, the “attack” will be reflected. When the system is weak, the load brings certain destruction, eliminating which the body will also build up the affected part (function), make it stronger, more resilient, faster, etc.

Overexposure or their cumulative effect will result in harm: injury, illness or death. Sometimes this happens when doing one particular exercise.

Exercises cannot be divided into traumatic and non-traumatic, but, according to statistics, some of them are leading in terms of the number and severity of injuries. Why? Everything that is effective is not safe, and even very dangerous in inept hands. Failure to understand the essence of the exercise leads to the following consequences:

— it is impossible to explain and teach the correct execution of the exercise, which increases the risk;

- untimely application of the exercise;

- the exercise is offered to both the “small”, and the “old”, and the “lame” . ..

All that has been said equally applies not only to means, but also to methods.

Coach's competence is the key to the athlete's health. You cannot offer something that you do not know, do not feel and would not do yourself.

The Parable of Sugar

“Jalaliddin Rumi is one of the pillars of Sufism (a mystical trend in Islam). Many people came to him for advice and words of wisdom. Once a neighbor woman came to Rumi with a boy and said:
— I have already tried all the ways, but the child does not obey me. He eats too much sugar. Please tell him this is not good. He will obey because he respects you very much.
Rumi looked at the child, at the confidence in his eyes, and said:
- Come back in three weeks.
The woman was completely bewildered. It's such a simple thing! It's not clear... People came from distant countries, and Rumi helped them solve big problems right away... But she obediently came in three weeks. Rumi looked at the child again and said:
- Come back in three more weeks.
Here the woman could not stand it and dared to ask what was the matter. But the sage only repeated what he had said.
When they came for the third time, Rumi said to the boy:
- Son, take my advice, don't eat too much sugar, it's bad for your health.
- Since you advise me, I will not do it again, - the boy replied.
After that, the mother asked the child to wait outside for her. When he left, she asked Rumi why he didn't say those words the first time they met, because it's so easy? Jalaliddin confessed to her that he himself liked to eat sugar, and before giving such advice, he had to get rid of this weakness himself. At first he thought that three weeks would be enough, but he was wrong...
One of the hallmarks of a true Master is that he will never teach what he has not known himself. The master is honest, and first of all - with himself. His words correspond with their realization. The Master's words come from personal experience, the wisdom lives within him, not in the scriptures. Here it is difficult not to recall the Chan saying: “When a good person preaches a false doctrine, it becomes true. When a bad person preaches a true doctrine, it becomes false."

Yes, with one exercise, the problem happens, but more often the total cumulative effect of inadequate quantity, intensity and combinations of individual types of load harms. So there is an injury out of the blue and "it is not known why."

It is possible to avoid this to some extent. A stupid one will step on the same rake twice, and a smart one twice, but on different ones. For a positive result, it is not necessary to do anything, very often something should simply be avoided.

There is no need to train for more than an hour and a half in a row, because science and practice have established that only forty minutes of a lesson can effectively load a student, and devote the rest of the time to warming up, hitting, repeating simple exercises. Try to avoid two workouts a day. Do not work more than six days in a row without a full day off. Do not exercise more than three times a week.

Each team has individual players. The team cannot be injured or tired, but the sum of the weakened functional states of the players may be below the conditional critical mark.

Cadres decide everything. Think about a person. An undertrained athlete is helping the team by 80-90% of his potential, and an injured athlete is “zero”, he simply does not exist.

It is very important to monitor the condition of the players: subjectively - your opinion, conversations about sleep, appetite, desire to train; objectively - pulse, orthotest and other functional tests. Do not be afraid to reduce the load up to the release of patients from training. In planning collective loads, you need to focus on the weak. Better let the strong fail.

Recovery and load are connected by one thread. The coach must provide the athlete with the opportunity to recover, but it is equally important that he wants, knows how and can use it.

Sleep is a necessary time and a comfortable place (bed, bed). Nutrition - what, how much and when. Plus sports supplements, sauna, massage…

It's important to understand and remember: there are no restorative loads. They will always delay recovery by slowing it down. Passive rest and empty pastime are sometimes very effective in the struggle for sports results.

We end this chapter with where it all starts, namely, mental health care, which by definition is a state of well-being in which a person is able to realize their own potential, cope with stress, work productively and contribute to life of your community. Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that our body is a functionally inseparable extension of the brain, and vice versa.

It is impossible to give advice in every situation, but the bottom line is that all the work of a coach should be, like a sponge, saturated with concern for injury safety and the health of their students.

2. Warm-up

No matter how easy it may seem, you need to prepare for it. Preparation in sports is usually called a warm-up. There is nothing more famous, everyone knows that before physical activity it should be. But the attitude of athletes and coaches to the warm-up is ambiguous. In words, everyone recognizes its necessity, but in reality, many imitate this work or ignore it altogether.

What should be the warm-up if we still want to prepare for classes and competitions? Answer: adequate and safe. After all, most injuries are the result of mistakes during the warm-up period.

In a simplified view, a sports "bio-machine" consists of executive organs, which include bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, a control apparatus, by which we mean the central nervous system, and "home front workers" - internal organs. First, we prepare the actuator, heat it up and stretch it. At the same time, internal systems - the heart, lungs, and so on, are also activated.

Usually, warming up is monotonous work of low and medium intensity for 4-8 minutes (jogging, cardio, jump rope, etc. ). Some coaches use ball exercises or outdoor games to warm up. However, this comes with a certain risk.

Warm up followed by stretching exercises (6-12 minutes). When the body is warmed up and stretched, it is logical to move on to a special part in which the "general staff" (CNS) remembers how to control the upcoming movements. It is necessary first in small, then in medium, and then at a high pace to do the elements and bundles of elements of those movements that will meet in the main part of the lesson. It is advisable to do it in no smaller amplitudes than during normal execution. As it is correct, it takes from four to six minutes (in the pre-game warm-up - 10-15 minutes).

Thus, you need to plan for preparation from 15 to 30 (before the competition) minutes. For a more efficient use of time, it is possible at the time of stretching exercises to learn in practice the location and purpose of body parts and the muscles that set them in motion. In the special part, emphasis should be placed on the correct technique of techniques, especially when they occur at a slow and medium pace.

We must not forget about the state of mind. It is recognized and proven that emotions seriously affect the pattern of movement. It is in the warm-up that the necessary mood is laid, the prerequisites for courage. From a well-conducted warm-up, game and training discipline follows.

3. Flexibility

Flexibility is a property of the musculoskeletal system that determines the limits of movement of the body's links. Her role for the player is important, but auxiliary. Not a single athlete has stopped playing basketball because of poor flexibility. Everyone has it individually, it is largely an innate quality. However, it is necessary to have a sufficient level of development of flexibility. In basketball, it can be achieved through simple stretching exercises.

They have a number of positive effects. It has been scientifically proven and confirmed in practice that stretching gives the muscles qualities that improve strength and coordination capabilities, protects against injuries, and contributes (especially after exercise) to the fastest recovery.

Various means and methods of muscle stretching are known. All physical culture of the second half of the twentieth century was saturated with jerky-springy movements. At the turn of the century, the so-called static method took over. The muscle is stretched like a tight rubber until a slight discomfort is felt and held in the achieved position for 20-40 seconds. There is also a ballistic method or, for example, PNS (proprioceptive neuromuscular stimulation).

Almost every sport has its own traditional approach to the choice of means and methods of stretching, which takes a certain amount of time and effort. Given the basketball specifics, it is reasonable to stretch from 6 to 12 minutes in the warm-up before training or a game and 4-6 minutes in the cool-down (after the entire load).

To better organize this process, it is necessary to choose a set of exercises, determine the methodology for performing these exercises and constantly follow it. It is also useful to consider the following tips:

- It is best to teach stretching by example. Here, more than anywhere else, the position that the coach is the player's partner is appropriate. When you yourself perform the exercise and enjoy it, your enthusiasm is easily transferred to the students, and they quickly begin to adopt the same attitude towards this area of ​​\u200b\u200bphysical development.

— Stretching is a purely individual process. Explain to the wards that there is no place for competition in it. There should not be any norms or load limits. Do not force athletes to overexert themselves. Soon they will learn to dose the load in accordance with their own capabilities. The best success is achieved in the most natural way, giving the most pleasure.

— The main thing is for athletes to realize that each of them is a unique creature in its own way with a strictly individual potential of physical abilities. All that a person can do is show what he is capable of, and nothing more.

4. Strength

Before we decide to do something in the best way, we should ask ourselves: is it necessary?

An exciting game - basketball - has existed for over 100 years. Millions of people around the world have played, are playing and will continue to play with the orange ball. The vast majority of them, especially before the 80s of the twentieth century, did not consider strength training necessary to improve the quality of the game. Such great masters as, for example, Larry Bird, never lifted weights. Some Soviet trainers categorically forbade strength training and even punished those who were seen with dumbbells in their hands.

The game changes rapidly. Remarkable masters Karim Abdul-Jabar, Whit Chamberlain, Larry Bird turned basketball into a real art. But since big guys like Karl Malone, Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal came to the fore, there's no going back. Basketball has become a muscular sport. And now most of the players are actively swinging, realizing that in every match they will have to face an opponent who knows firsthand what hard strength training is.

An interesting question: why did this happen? Probably, the answer should be sought in the financial side of the matter. Sports is an industry. Big sport is a big industry. Basketball has become one of the favorites of commercialization. Millions of fans come to the arena, turn on TVs and computers in the hope and desire to see a spectacle where huge and powerful “gladiators” will come together in a fight. Who will create an idol for himself from an athlete whose bones are only covered with leather, and then also buy a T-shirt with his name on it? Today, everything is working to ensure that the game and its participants appear in the most favorable light, and the result would be unpredictable. Even refereeing is loyal with regard to contacts, power struggle. Thus, athleticism has become one of the components of basketball, and every coach, every player should take the development of strength seriously.

Speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity are somehow trained through game situations, but strength is not. This is explained by the fact that the stimulus for its development are exercises that a person can repeat about 12 times. In game situations, this happens very rarely. Basketball, first of all, is a game of accuracy, timeliness and ingenuity. The path to strength lies only through strength training:

— After exercise with weights, testosterone levels rise, which can accelerate protein synthesis and increase the athlete's aggressiveness.

— The muscular corset, which is formed under the influence of strength training, is a protection against injuries.

- Well-developed muscles are provided with tone, and it gives the whole movement the main "priming", which improves coordination, increases speed and, as a result, basketball agility.

- Strength indicators are improved directly.

Super strength does not provide a tangible advantage, but a certain level of it is required. A high-class player must have a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. Acquiring everything you need and maintaining it at the proper level requires an enormous amount of time and effort. That is why the training should be guided by the principle of reasonable sufficiency. Otherwise, you will not achieve what you want, there will be no time for recovery and other important components of training.

How to measure the right force? The following opinion deserves attention: an athlete who is able to perform a squat with a barbell on his shoulders or chest with a weight equal to one and a half mass of his own, six or more times, and squeeze a barbell lying on his chest, on which a weight equal to his own, six or more times, can be considered strong enough. An athlete who is able to perform a squat with a barbell on her shoulders or chest with a weight equal to her own, six or more times, and squeeze a barbell lying on her chest, on which a weight equal to 0.7 of her own, six or more times, can also be recognized. strong.

Practice shows that the vast majority of players do not achieve these indicators during their career, but it is important to strive for them. And not jumps, but step by step, taking into account all objective and subjective factors.

Strength training should begin with the first basketball session. At first, these should be very simple exercises to overcome the resistances of your own body. Gymnasts, acrobats and wrestlers have the richest experience in the development of young athletes. Don't reinvent the wheel - borrow what's already there.

Bring a player to the gym and give him the "iron" should not be earlier than 14 years. But after that, for five or more years, you can work on obtaining the indicators mentioned above.

Sports science and practice have long and persistently sought, developed and implemented the most optimal methods and means for the development of physical qualities, including strength. But leading physiologists admit that despite the fact that coaches and athletes find effective exercises and rules for their use to achieve the desired results, in some cases there are no reliable scientific explanations for why this happens.

There are some sports where strength is one of the main winning factors. These are weightlifting, powerlifting, athletics in terms of throwing, pushing, sprinting, jumping, artistic gymnastics, all types of wrestling ... Among the representatives of these disciplines there are outstanding athletes who show the superpowers of a person thanks to genetic data, special training, nutrition and rehabilitation means. Most training methods are designed for people who are predisposed to developing strength.

Basketball is played primarily with the head, and then with the hands and feet. Therefore, it often happens that an athlete gifted with game thinking is, in terms of physical abilities, an ordinary person, or even “below average”.

The development of the strength of sprinters, wrestlers, weightlifters involves preparation for a specific date of the competition. A person climbs a "high mountain" and hopes to be at the top on the day of the competition. And then downstairs: rest, and all over again. ..

Basketball is a completely different matter, here the playing season lasts from six to eight months. Obviously, direct copying of training programs from representatives of strength sports is unacceptable. Learn, choose, adapt, try and apply - that's where the benefits lie.

When designing strength training programs, the principle of an individual approach must be observed. The team works in a single methodological manner, but always taking into account the needs and abilities of each player. From the same principle follows the prohibition to arrange power competitions, especially in overcoming a one-time maximum resistance. You should abandon such exercises that cannot be repeated in one approach less than four times. You should not “try” the maximum weights - except for injuries, this will lead to nothing. When choosing exercises, you need to know and take into account the structure of the body, past and current health problems, and personal preferences.

It is very important to teach the athlete the correct technique, to help him "feel" and love the exercise. Proper technique is the key to progress, which is the key to motivation. Nothing encourages the continuation of work as much as positive dynamics, albeit not too significant.

Conventionally, all athletic exercises are divided into "global", in which almost the entire body is involved, "regional", where muscle masses are involved (several muscles) and "local" - the main movement is performed by one muscle. In our practice, when choosing training means, it is better to focus on “global” and “regional” exercises.

Why? First, we will save time, which is always catastrophically small. Secondly, it has been proven that heavy exercises have a deeper and more effective effect on the body. Some of the exercises are performed in simulators, some with free weights (barbell, dumbbells). Professional athletes prefer to use free weights, except when there is no equal replacement for the simulator, or the load is given for the purpose of rehabilitation and special conditions are needed (angles, amplitude, smoothness, etc. ). Free weights are effective with the right technique.

Choirs of muscles involved in any complex movement can be divided into "stabilizers" and "generators". "Stabilizers" hold the pose, and "generators" produce the movement itself. When working with a barbell and dumbbells, the athlete needs not only to move, but also to maintain the required posture, the torso as a stable platform. Any movement, even if we are not aware of it, starts deep within us. Therefore, it is wise to use exercises with free weights, because they just stimulate the “deep” muscles to develop.

Strength is an almost entirely physical quality. It depends on the volume and quality of muscle mass. Other circumstances play a secondary role.

The main condition for successful strength training is a well-chosen combination of load and recovery. During work, the muscle is destroyed, and is built and acquires new qualities during the rest period, when biological restructuring occurs at the cellular level in response to the proposed load. Rest may require at least 48 hours, and in case of severe exposure up to 96 hours. Practice shows that alternating hard workouts with relatively light ones is very effective.

The key is to understand that strength training is an essential part of a player's preparation. Classes should be regular. If your pupils do push-ups from the floor three times a week, pull up on the horizontal bar, squat (even without weights), train the press and back in at least four sets of 10 to 30 repetitions, depending on the possibilities, this is already quite enough for a great start in becoming an athlete.

5. Quickness

In basketball, there are no moves that need to be done fast. Accuracy, timeliness, advance in martial arts - that's what is important and necessary. To do this, each athlete must have a margin in speed.

Quickness is a complex psychophysical quality that depends on many factors. It can be grouped along three main lines. Firstly, the speed of resourcefulness, when you need to find a way out of the situation in the shortest possible time. Secondly, the decision to take this exit, because we often give ourselves a choice of what to do when there are options. Thirdly, the so-called speed of movements. If speed has already shown itself in correct resourcefulness, if it has led to an instantaneous adoption of a motional decision, then it is also obliged to ensure its implementation without delay. When movements easily and smoothly pass one into another, when muscle impulses do not interfere with each other and are consistent with the play of external forces, when this is done at a high pace, then we say: "The work goes smoothly."

A fast player generally needs to have the knowledge, experience, and flair to anticipate situations so that he can make quick decisions. This largely depends on thoughtful work in training and games, as well as the coach's help in analyzing what is happening. The player needs to be decisive in order not to hesitate with the choice and implementation of the plan. The role of the psycho-emotional state (confidence, courage, aggressiveness) is important here. And again, one cannot do without the interaction of a coach and an athlete, because the listed components are acquired and developed.

Finally, the player must be taught the rational technique of performing tricks.

As noted earlier, the development of speed can and should be worked on, it can be trained. It should be remembered that in the game it is not the speed of individual movements, which is called agility, but the speed of the result that is more important. A fast head is always better than fast legs, but it is desirable to have both.

People are different from each other in terms of psychomotor data. Usually the best pass through the sieve of sports selection, but even among them there are those who stand out.

There are enough situations in game trainings and directly in the game itself in which the athlete trains the speed of movements. It is only necessary to prepare the ward, to give his movements correctness, and the game will teach speed. There is no special need to train speed outside the basketball court, if only for the reasons that in the end, a minimum and not long-term gain will be obtained with a high risk of injury.

You can give a simple advice, which, however, is extremely difficult to implement. In order to become truly fast, you need to accustom yourself to never, under any circumstances, give in to martial arts: in training, matches, life situations.

6. Endurance

An endurance player is able to remain effective in action regardless of the intensity and duration of the played segments throughout the entire participation in the match.

Unlike some other sports, especially cyclic ones, where endurance can be expressed in specific physical quantities (time, speed, work, power, etc.), in basketball it is determined subjectively and only indirectly by statistical indicators with taking into account the role of the player and the installation for the match. The manifestation of this quality depends on the motor tasks offered by the opponent during the competition. Thus, in some games, the athlete turns out to be hardy, but not in others. The endurance of a basketball player is a relative quality.

Sports science has explored and studied the steady state of the body over long periods of time after a change in input conditions. In basketball, the impact on an athlete changes frequently and quite significantly. Accelerations, decelerations, change of directions of movements, alternation of horizontal and vertical movements... It is appropriate to consider that most of the competitive period the body is in the modes of transition from one state to another.

It is difficult to accurately describe the biochemical, psycho-emotional and other processes, as well as their relationship, occurring at the time of the game of a particular athlete. But, analyzing the competitive activity of basketball teams, one can see that a number of situations are typical, including the presentation of requirements for functional training. Particularly endurance.

Man is a living "machine" with his own characteristics. Nature created it for certain modes of operation, laid down the ability to develop them: the power and capacity of energy sources, the strength of the structure of the whole organism and its individual elements, the speed of the control apparatus and executive organs . .. Coaching wisdom is to know what and to what extent can be changed and what not.

Special endurance should be cultivated on the basketball floor, simulating the conditions of game situations in exercises that, in terms of duration and intensity, take into account competitive realities and the capabilities of the athlete's body. But if game endurance appears and develops only on the court, then you need to prepare for this moment in advance: training in the forest, at the stadium, in the gym, etc. Here you can clearly see the need for creativity, multiplied by knowledge.

Here is what the outstanding Soviet neurophysiologist N.A. Bernshtein said: “The quality of endurance is even more complex or, as they say, complex. It is entirely based on the friendly cooperation of absolutely all organs and systems of the body. For its manifestation, a high degree of well-establishedness is necessary: ​​both metabolism in directly working organs, and transport - the circulatory system that supplies them with food and removes waste from them, and supply organs - the digestive and respiratory systems, and, finally, all organs of supreme control and regulation - the central nervous system. In essence, a hardy organism must satisfy three conditions: it must have rich reserves of energy in order to have something to expend. He must be able to give back at the right moment - to “lay out” them with a wide hand, not allowing a single unit of energy to accumulate. Finally, at the same time, he must be able to spend these resources with rigid, reasonable prudence so that they are enough to cover as much useful work as possible. To put it briefly, being hardy means having a lot, spending generously, paying sparingly. As you can see, this quality characterizes the entire complex economy of the organism as a whole.

7. Movement

When it comes to a player's fitness, the first thing to evaluate is their ability to move adequately.

In basketball, you need to have a lot of skills in terms of movement: moving forward and backward, sideways, stops, turns, jumps and their various combinations. They will be effective if they meet the basic requirements that help solve the problems that arise in the game.

First, it is stability - the ability to resist influences in both static and dynamic positions. Secondly, agility is the ability to change the position of the body or the direction and pace of movement at one's discretion and control. Thirdly, timeliness is the ability to be in the right place at the right time, which implies a margin in speed.

There has always been a concept of "correct technique", including for movements, although ideas have changed along with the transformation and development of the game itself. It is not difficult to assume that the best basketball players demonstrate the most effective forms of movement. But each player has his own unique manner of performing individual elements. N.A. Bernshtein noted: “If we were not afraid of violence against the language, then it would be quite appropriate to say that any athlete should purposefully and systematically develop his own “run”, “jump” and “throw”. The task of the coach is to help in this matter.

We will assume that the executive organs of our body, through a certain training, are strong, flexible, fast and enduring to perform movements. You can get new motor skills by practicing. But what is exercise and how to deal with it?

The longer a person devotes himself to some occupation, the more likely his work goes. A living organism does not deteriorate from it, but, on the contrary, becomes stronger, more enduring, more skillful, more dexterous, especially in relation to the very type of activity that it was engaged in. This property of the body is called exercise capacity.

As elsewhere, in education there are laws and rules that govern this process. To understand them, we must first turn to the history of the emergence of exercise.

In nature, everything makes sense, she does not make mistakes and does not do too much. If something exists, such as the ability of some organisms to acquire new knowledge, then it is extremely necessary and works perfectly. There was a time when all living things were born, lived their lives and died, not having the slightest opportunity to acquire even a modicum of personal experience. But at a certain stage of development, individual organisms had this gift - a chance to acquire new knowledge and skills. At the forefront was natural selection.

Those who went further in the great competition of life differed from others, first of all, in the structure and functionality of the central nervous system (CNS). It is with the help of this “commander-in-chief” that management is carried out (including movements), it is he who receives and processes information to form a new one.

Everything that has ever been born by an irresistible force pushes for survival and procreation. There is a constant competition "who wins whom, he will eat him." Any new knowledge gives its owner an advantage over a hitherto equal opponent. To at least not give in, the opponent must find an effective antidote. In this competition, the process of development, the process of learning, takes place.

Motor skill — mastered ability to solve one or another type of motor task. A motor task is an image of a movement that needs to be performed and in which information about the goal, means and methods is correlated.

The coach can build an athlete's training in the necessary skills, offering a range of motional tasks that are feasible to perform at the moment. It is necessary to indicate what should be done, and how - let the brain figure it out. Directing in the required direction and gradually complicating the condition, you can achieve what you want.

If we consider that a skill is not the form of movement itself, but the sensations that control the progress of its implementation, then it is important to teach the sensations when performed correctly. For effective assistance in the development of technical elements, it is necessary to understand the following:

— New knowledge will not appear in a person without his desire and participation. A skill is not a conditioned reflex that can be developed against the will of the student. The skill is actively built by the CNS. Exercise is active construction.

In all techniques, even at first glance simple, there are many lightning-fast and elusive details. Everyone knows that seeing at least a hundred times how something is done and doing it yourself is not the same thing. The big difference is to establish the type of movement from the outside and feel it from the inside.

— It takes time to learn. The student should feel “full”, and with different options for complications. Reasonable insight can speed up this process. The following law applies to a number of skills: firstly, at some point the skill is comprehended immediately, as if it had found insight, and secondly, once “caught” a skill of this kind is never lost again.

- Mastering any skill does not go smoothly and smoothly. Along with qualitative leaps and climbing steps, the process often includes more or less long stops (hiccups), and sometimes even seemingly temporary deterioration. But they will surely be followed by a leap for the better, if you do not give up and continue to work hard. Unless, it probably makes sense to take a short break in training or add variety to it. Perseverance in classes at those moments when a hitch is clearly felt and the movement does not stick can bring noticeable harm.

- The coach does not need to call, and the athlete does not need to follow the details of the movement, which has already been adjusted and passed into the category of automatisms.

- It is unpromising to show the student his mistake, which he has made or potentially will make, together with calls not to do so.

- After a skill is well mastered, in order to consolidate it, it is necessary to vary the conditions in which it manifests itself (darkness, uneven surface, sounds, etc.).

Summarizing this chapter, I would like to recall the main theses of the above:

- All work on the physical qualities should eventually be realized in improving the movement of the player.

— Basic requirements are imposed on the movements of a basketball player: stability (balance), maneuverability and timeliness (reserve in speed). This must be remembered and taken into account.

— Movements are carried out by muscles, but controlled by the central nervous system, so we prepare the muscles, and it is the system of nerve cells that we exercise.

8. Agility

There are few contenders to compete with basketball for the title of the most agile sport. Dexterity is the main quality that gives a decisive advantage in the competition. According to the definition of N.A. Bernshtein, this is the ability to cope with the motor task that has arisen: correctly, quickly, rationally and resourcefully.

Dexterity is specific. A great basketball player will certainly look awkward when he takes up exercises with a soccer or volleyball for the first time in his life. Of course, after a short period of training, an athlete will master a new art for him better than many average people in terms of motor abilities. And yet, I think, there is no direct transfer of skills, dexterity from one sport to another.

Dexterity is individual. It largely depends on innate abilities. But each person can improve this quality in relation to one or another type of physical activity. There are two components to success. First, the largest possible accumulated arsenal of various motor skills. Secondly, the experience of solving motor tasks in the maximum amount under various conditions.

For basketball, agility is an irreplaceable and uncompensated quality. The more it is, the better the player. Dexterity is the “queen”, and all other qualities are her “servants”, with the help of which she will present herself in the best possible light or fail, despite her excellent physical shape.

Agility must be distinguished from good coordination. Coordination lies in the movements themselves, and dexterity is manifested in the external environment. A player trained in technical elements, correctly and beautifully performing the entire arsenal of basketball movements, may turn out to be dexterous in this episode, or may not solve the required task. "What's the use of a skillful game when you lose" - says the English proverb.

Proceeding from the foregoing, when selecting children for a team, the first and only thing to pay attention to are the inclinations for the development of dexterity, because the rest can be brought to the desired conditions. It is not easy to determine it, it requires a special talent and a trained eye of a breeder. It is not easy to measure it, because motor resourcefulness, as dexterity is also called, is intellectual.

In this case, it is useful to apply this method. If a person "A" with average psychomotor data can, as a result of a long training, perform this or that automated operation quite successfully, quickly and skillfully, and a person "B" will be able, after looking, to perform the same operation no worse the first or second time, then undoubtedly, it is difficult to indicate a more suitable candidate for the right to be called a dexterous person in a motor sense than a person "B". Of course, equal conditions should be created for persons "A" and "B".


Let me finish the conversation about the physical preparation of basketball players with a figurative comparison. The player is a musician, his playing is a melody extracted from the body - an instrument. If the maestro is a virtuoso, then even on an unsuccessful instrument he will be able to somehow depict something. If there is no musician, then even Stradivari is not an assistant to him. It's better when everything is the best. And the performer is talented, and the instrument is prepared.

At this, allow the tuner to bow out - and see you again.

Dwight Howard: "I Know How to Defend Against Big Players" - Basketball

Orlando center Dwight Howard thinks he's found a way to defend against tall players with good shots like New Jersey center Brooke Lopez.

“All you have to do is get him to move around the court, be more aggressive with him, both offensively and defensively. Usually guys this size get tired much faster than other people, so you need to use it, Howard was quoted by The Orlando Sentinel.