Children can begin to practice [tag]basketball[/tag] at a very young age. Of course when practicing with younger kids it’s important to always focus on having fun. This needs to be the priority when practicing with second graders. Luckily there are plenty of basketball [tag]drills[/tag] for second graders that will teach them the [tag]basics[/tag] while also keeping things fun.
The key to having fun while going through basketball drills for second graders it to make everything a game. Three basketball drills for second graders that are fun are Green Light / Red Light, the Lay-up Contest, and Simon Says.
Green Light / Red Light is a game that all the second graders should be familiar with. For this basketball drill it will be a little different. Each player will have a ball that they’ll be required to dribble the entire time they play the game.
Every player will start on the baseline. When you or another [tag]coach[/tag] calls “green light”, they’ll move forward as fast as possible while still dribbling. When “red light” is called they’ll all stop until “green light” is called again.
If a player fails to stop when “red light” is called or if at anytime any player loses control of the ball, he/she will have to go all the way back to where he/she started. The goal is for each player to reach the opposite baseline.
Most second graders aren’t able to do much more than shoot a lay-up so a drill should be run that helps them practice lay-ups. The Lay-up Contest requires the players to divide into two equal teams. Then each team will line-up on opposite foul lines with a ball. When the whistle blows the player at the front of each line will dribble in and try to make a lay-up. The player must keep trying to make a lay-up until one is made. Then the ball goes to the next person.
The first line that completes the [tag]lay-up[/tag] drill wins. However, the drill should continue until all the players – on both teams – have been able to make a lay-up.
The final great basketball [tag]drill[/tag] for second graders is to play Simon Says. Players should be shown how to dribble the ball fast, slow, high, and low to the ground. Then the coach, as well as each player, should have a ball. The coach should begin instructing the players to dribble the ball fast, slow, low, or high. The coach should follow his own instructions as an example for the players to follow.
Just like the children’s game everyone knows, if the coach doesn’t say “Simon says” then the players shouldn’t follow what the coach is doing or what the coach says. When a player fails to follow the directions correctly then that player should sit down until the next round of the game.
There are many great basketball drills for [tag]second graders[/tag]. All the drills should be educational as well as well as fun. Three such drills are Red Light / Green Light, the Lay-up Contest, and Simon Says.
2nd & 3rd Grade Practice Drills
Drill Name
4 Player Offense - Pass Cut Fill
Teach basic 4 player offense, 2nd grade girls
Level one offense
4 Player Off Level 2 Back Cut
Getting open versus denying defense
Intermediate to Advanced
Level 2 of 2nd grade offense
4 on 0 Coach Back Cut
Getting open versus denying defense
Intermediate to Advanced
Level 2 of 2nd grade offense
4 on 4 Points for Passes
Getting open versus denying defense
Intermediate to Advanced
One of favorites
4 Player Offense Level 3: Screening
Offense, screening, ball screens
Level 3 of 2nd grade offense
4 Player Offense Level 3; Screening Part 2
Inbounder as hunter
Part 2 of level 3 of 2nd grade offense
2 on 1 Lane Awareness
Dribbler making smart decisions when to enter lane
Intermediate to Advanced
Good drill to encourage decision making
Drill Name
Stationary Dribbling Circle
Stationary dribbling skills
Beginner to Intermediate
Ball skill work
Dribble Shuttles
Teach dribble moves
Good all team dribbling and conditioner
8 Second Contain
1 on 1 dribbling work
Full court, conditioner, skill builder
Eyes Up Dribbling
Dribbling vs pressure, keeping eyes up
Intermediate to Advanced
Good drill
Drill Name
2 on 2 Screening Drill
Teaching how to set and get through screens
Beginner to Intermediate
Good drill, good progression
Ball Screens
Drill Name
2 on 2 Ball Screen Drill
Offense, defense, ball screens
Intermediate to Advanced
Teaching how to defend and set better ball screens
Attack Moves
Drill Name
Drive Move/Defensive Closeout Drill
Teach attack moves and closeouts
Drill Name
Full Court Layups
Dribbling, layups
Beginner to Intermediate
Can be used at every practice
Layup Hi 5 Drill
Learning how to make layups
Teaching layups
Pass Cut Layups
Practice give n go layups, basic offense
Basic offense repetition
Drill Name
Jumpstop Dribble Tag
Jumpstop in game type situations
Fun, player favorite
Teaching Jumpstops
Teach jumpstop technique
Jumpstops are important
Drill Name
Partner Passing
Passing, catching, get to know you
Good drill beginning of season
5 Seconds to Pass
Making decisions, passing vs defense
Good drill to encourage faster decision making, might need to practice the two hand overhead pass before doing this drill, few girls have the power and accuracy to throw it
Transition Offense
Drill Name
4 on 0 Offensive Transition
Transitioning from defense to offense
Fast breaking off a rebound/loose ball or off a score
Transition O and D
Drill Name
4 Player Random Transition
Transition drill for both offense and defense
Tough drill
Drill Name
Defensive Slide Shuttles
Technique, footwork, conditioning
Beginner to Intermediate
Good conditioner, fundamental skill
Drill Name
NBA in the lane
Rebounding, offense defense in the lane
Intermediate to Advanced
One of my favorites
Basketball training in elementary grades.
Prepared by the teacher of physical culture Rylkov G.V.
Since the 2002-2003 academic year, along with the current comprehensive program, several alternative physical education programs have been introduced for students of general education schools. And so, working on a complex program, I decided to use one of these alternative programs,
which is based on one of the most massive and popular sports among schoolchildren - basketball, but can only be used in elementary school starting from the 2nd grade, since the comprehensive curriculum for teaching this sport does not provide for elementary school, although passing the section "Outdoor games" schoolchildren master some skills in possession of the ball. A certain role in my decision was also played by the fact that our elementary school works according to experiment 1-4, and therefore I, as I work and in grades 2-3, have to look for and solve something different, new. Their program material of the alternative program, I used in my work two educational sections "basic knowledge" and "Special training", and included them in the section "Outdoor games" for grades 2-3. And now in my work in this direction began to include three stages in teaching this sport: Stage 1 - 2-3 classes Stage 2 - 5-8 grades Stage 3 - 9-11 grades Why this sport and not another I chose in my work. Firstly, basketball has become a traditional sport at school for a number of years. Secondly, I myself used to be engaged in game types and basketball is more familiar to me. And thirdly, the technical and tactical actions inherent in basketball are fraught with great opportunities for the formation of vital motor skills and the development of children's physical abilities. But I will dwell in more detail on teaching basketball in elementary grades. Starting from the 2nd grade, students master throws, catching, passing small rubber balls to a partner, stopping in motion on a sound signal and various exercises that develop motor skills. We study all these elements in different ways, but the most acceptable one is through games, for example, “Ball to a Neighbor”, “Passing the Ball in Columns”, “Ball to a Neighbor”, etc. Also in the lessons I use small sports equipment, mostly for personal use, these are small rubber balls , cubes, weighted bags. Performed exercises with these objects in walking and running, on the spot, in the lid, throws and catching in pairs, students develop the skills that they need later when handling a basketball. Starting to study some techniques, I introduce the guys to the markings of the basketball court and give them various tasks “Walking along the indicated lines”. To do this, I prepare for them the pace of movement "Hourglass", "Reel", "Snake", etc. In the class II program, I included the player’s stance, the player’s movement in the stance, stop on a sound signal and various sets of exercises with small and large balls. For the harmonious development of the body and coordination of movements, we perform exercises with both the right and left hands, perform jumps on both the right and left legs, and then we complicate the exercises. I start training from the player’s stance, explain why a stance is needed in the game and show what position should be in the stance: legs half-bent, arms in front of the chest, and I give exercises for training. 1. Line up. Crouching to jump out and land on half-bent legs, legs shoulder-width apart, one set forward. 2. Sit down in a line, jump out and land in a standing position. Immediately after landing on bent legs, run to the opposite sideline. Use the rack in outdoor games "Sparrows and Crows", "Day and Night", etc. Movement. There are many varieties of movements, but first we learn running facing forward in a straight line, then we master running with a change in direction and speed. After that, we learn running sideways, backwards and their varieties. The basic element is the position on half-bent legs and balance, which is ensured by the half-bent legs of the arms in front of the chest.
Training exercises: 1. Running around the hall on half-bent legs with a sliding touch of one, then with both hands of the floor along the whistle. 2. Oncoming relay races with touching lines and objects on the floor. 3. Running circles with hand touching the line of the circle. Relay races with running circles. When conducting games and exercises of a technical nature, I use lighter balls, and heavier balls in general educational exercises. While walking at an average pace, and then when running, we execute the “Stop” command after which the students stop in a wide step position. With the help of various general developmental exercises with small and large balls, we study movements with balls. The same exercises are for the children a means of developing motor qualities.
To master the techniques of the game I use lead-up exercises: 1. Large ball in both hands at chest level. Throwing the ball up and catching it, you can clap your hands behind your back. 2. The same as exercise 1 but with catching after the ball bounces off the floor at different heights6 at the level of the knee, waist, head. 3. Ball on the floor in front of the student. Bend over and put your hands on the ball. Repeat several times. 4. Same as exercise 3, but put your hands on the ball, grab it with your fingers and press it to your chest, straighten up, bend over again, put the ball on the floor, straighten up. 5. Exercises in pairs with the ball. 6. Throw the ball over your head, straighten your arms and catch the ball, pulling your arms to your chest.
In the third grade, students learn to stand, stop by jumping, catch and pass the ball with both hands from the chest from a place, with a reflection from the floor and backboard. The main task of teaching basketball in grade III is to study the basics of the game technique and consolidate the acquired skills in outdoor games and special exercises. In the course of basketball lessons, I use various types of walking in a squat and half-squat position on the entire foot, on the toes and lateral arches of the foot, jumping with a push of both legs (in a squat and half-squat), changing the direction of movement (straight, back, left, right), alternating them with walking. Then I give a run from various starting positions, sitting, kneeling, alternating slow running with accelerations and stops in the position of a wide ball. After that, we perform various exercises for the muscles of the arms and legs.
Jump stop. By stopping, the student must cancel the forces of inertia and take a position from which he can start in any direction. The basic element is the position on bent legs with a variable body weight on the back standing leg. Exercises for learning. 1. Building in 1 line. Alternately in the line, jump in place with a stand with the leg extended forward, squat on the standing leg behind with the hand touching the floor next to it, also on the other leg. 2. In a column, one by one, moving around the hall, make stops on sound signals. 3. The game "Tag" (in pairs, or in groups) performing stops with the arrival. The driver catches up with them and tries to overpower them. Catching and passing the ball with both hands from the chest while standing still. The main element during catching is the position of the hands, reproducing the shape of the ball. Exercises with passing and catching the ball are performed in the player's stance. Exercises for learning. 1. In ranks of 4-5 people. In front of each line is a driver. The players take a stand. Hands at face level, brushes reproduce the shape of the ball. The driver alternately puts the ball into the hands of the players, having received the ball, the player lowers his hands to his chest and holds in the position from which the transfer is made. 2. Standing in line. The driver alternately throws the ball to the players, doing this from 2-3 m with one hand from below so that the ball flies at face level. The player extends his arms and catches the ball with a step towards.
Dribbling with the right and left hand in a straight line. The main element is the position of the forearm and elbow of the hand leading the ball, which, as if trying to take a position below the hand, are ahead of the hand. This makes it possible to follow the ball far down and meet it early with a brush, as well as control the ball.
Exercises for learning. 1. Formation in 2 lines. From a stand on strongly bent on strongly bent legs, imitation of dribbling. Start moving down with the elbow and forearm and end with the hand. The leg is extended forward, the same-named hand performing the lead. 2. Building in a line. Dribbling the ball in place with a change in the height of the ball bounce. The stance is of the same name, the fingers of the hand performing the lead are directed forward. 3. Leading in place with the right and left hand in the right-handed and left-handed stance. During the lessons, I give students various preparatory exercises with the ball, which develop certain motor qualities, such as speed, agility, and also use various outdoor games "Sniper", etc. Teaching basketball from primary school has a positive result, after all. At this age, a certain base of skills and abilities is laid, and already in the further study of the game, it is easier for students to master tactical and technical elements and techniques. From my own experience, I can say that by carrying out this form of work, we have achieved good results in regional basketball competitions, where we win prizes.
Elementary School Basketball Training Plan | Outline of physical education classes (Grade 4):
Planning institute Training
for primary school children
Training (plan)
Preparation for work
Interview with players
Interview on healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle)
game "Salki-jumpers"
Players are kneaded, receiving a positive charge for further work
9000 2 game-5 minutes 1 game-5000 minutes.
Development of basic skills
Handling the ball
Throwing and catching the ball
Coordination exercise, with which children learn to confidently own the ball
2 sets of 25 seconds
Work with the balls
1 approach for the approach for the approach. 25 seconds
Juggling the ball
Throwing the ball from hand to hand overhead, touch with fingertips
2 sets of 25 seconds
The rotation of the ball around the body is
Try to perform at a maximum speed of
15 rotations on each direction
The ball around the head
on the speed of the winner with the winner with the winner with the winner with the winner
15 spins each way
Passing the ball
Passing the ball from the chest
to be performed with a rebound from the wall, transfer to a certain point
3 series of programs, 15 programs
Throw Imitsa 9000
Set of the correct technique , visually represent
2 series of 15 shots
Throws in pairs
Accuracy of hits from different distances
2 series up to 8 points
Footwork and conditioning
Jump stop
Perform without ball The skill of stopping the jump is worked out, the ability to control your body and maintain balance
2 sites
Team work
Carrying of balls in pairs
Children learn to work together with a partner
1-2 Games
1-2 games
Basic set of exercises
Standard set of stretching exercises, relaxation
5 minutes
Summing up
A few words about positive moments in the actions of the entire players
9000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
- Try to use as many team members as possible.
- Use all rings in your room
- Parents can be involved as helpers.
- Take breaks for rest, allowing players to drink water.
- Tell us what the phrase "live a healthy lifestyle" means
- Explain to your students why it is important to play sports and spend time actively.
Warm up
game Salki -jumpers
9000 5 minutes
- Mark the players
- Choose one of the players by the wage
- All players, including the driver, move around the designated area only by jumping on two legs
- After tagging the player with the driver, the coach interrupts the game for a few seconds so that the players can see the new driver, and then the game continues with two chasing players
- The game continues until there is one uncaught player left on the court Important! Jumping tag is a great way to warm up and prepare players for the main part of the session. Make sure that the players move around the court in the way that you have appointed and strictly on command.
Development of basic skills
Mat Care
9000 2 50 minutes
9000 9000 9,000 with ball in hand
- The player throws the ball up with both hands and catches it at the moment when the ball starts to go down
- The height of the toss depends on the player's confidence in handling the ball
- The exercise can be performed synchronously, on the coach's command or independently
Important! Hand-eye coordination develops, players learn to confidently throw and catch the ball at different heights.
Clapping the ball (1 set of 25 seconds)
- The player is on the court with the ball in his hands free hand
Important! Develops a sense of confidence in handling the ball. The exercise allows you to warm up the hands and fingers, prepare for further work.
Juggling the ball (2 sets of 25 seconds)
- The player is positioned on the court with the ball in his hands - Throwing the ball from hand to hand at face level, then at waist level, on arms bent at the elbows, working with the fingertips
Important! Develops a sense of confidence in handling the ball. The exercise allows you to warm up the hands and develops the sensitivity of the fingers. See to it that the players pass the ball from hand to hand with the "pads" of their fingers and as often as possible.
Spinning the ball around the body (15 spins in each direction)
- The player is on the court with the ball in his hands
- After completing the required number of repetitions, the player begins to perform the exercise in the opposite direction.
Important! Develops a sense of confidence in handling the ball. The exercise allows you to warm up the hands and develops the sensitivity of the fingers. Require players to spin the ball around their torso as quickly as possible without losing control of it.
Spin the ball around the head (15 spins each way)
- The player is on the court with the ball in his hands
- The player holds the ball at face level and begins to transfer it from hand to hand around the head
- After completing the required number of repetitions, the player begins to perform the exercise in the opposite direction.
Important! Develops a sense of confidence in handling the ball. The exercise allows you to warm up the hands and develops the sensitivity of the fingers. Require players to spin the ball around their heads as quickly as possible without losing control of it.
Ball programs
Band of the ball transfer from the chest (3 series of 15 programs)
- players are located on the site in their hands by the opposite the wall
- determine the point on the wall, the point on the wall, they determine the point on the wall, the wall. to be hit with the ball
- Players take a step towards the pass, release the ball from their hands with a whipping movement of the hands, turning them so that the thumbs are pointing down and the index fingers are pointing exactly at the target, arms are fully extended
- After the ball bounces off the wall, the players catch the ball with their hands in front of their chest with open palms
Important! Make sure that the players maintain their balance when passing and catching the ball, straighten their arms when throwing, and point their thumbs down and their index fingers at the target. The ball must spin in the opposite direction when passing.
Imitation throw technique (2 series of 15 throws)
- Players position on touchline without ball
- From basketball stance (legs bent, elbow of throwing arm down), players imitate throwing motion by pushing up and fully extending throwing arm
- Players control technique after the throw (arm fully extended at the elbow, hand “closed”, index and middle fingers pointed at the ring)
- Hold this position until the coach gives the command “Stop”
Important! The coach must demonstrate the correct throwing technique, and the players repeat after him.
Throws in pairs (2 series up to 8 points)
- Players form in pairs
- Stand in a column opposite the ring, take one ball in a pair, throw
take turns counting the total number of goals scored
- After the throw, the player picks up the ball, passes it to a teammate and stands behind
- The competition continues until one of the teams (pairs) scores the required number of hits.
Important! Players must follow the technique of throwing. Make sure that the players support each other in case of a miss.
Footwork and conditioning
Jump stop (2 platforms)
- Divide the platform into 4-5 parts and cones0003
- Players stand in several columns on the end line
- At the signal of the coach, the first players from each column start moving forward and make a jump stop in front of the cones
- The coach gives the command and the players start moving forward and stop in front of the next cone
- Thus, moving from front to front, the players make 4-5 stops, turn around and wait for their teammates. Next, the exercise is performed in the opposite direction.
- After the exercise is completed by the first line of players, the second line starts to move, and so on.
Important! When stopped, the players must keep their balance in a low stance. Perform the exercise strictly according to the coach's signal.
Team game
10 minutes
Carriage of balls in pairs (1-2 games)
- Players form pairs on the personal line
- Stand side by side and pinch the ball at hip level, arms up
- Without supporting the ball with their hands, the players start moving forward to the center line and back away, being careful not to drop the ball
- If the ball falls, the players pick it up
- For a change, during the second series, players can hold the ball at shoulder level
Important! This fun exercise teaches players how to work as a team, support each other and enjoy the process.