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How to dunk a basketball for short people

How to Dunk a Basketball for Short People

Nothing generates more excitement in a basketball game than watching the creativity and athleticism of a player flying through the air and finishing with a slam dunk. It can single-handedly change the dynamic of the game and turn a regular player into a star. Although it helps to be tall or have a natural leaping ability, short people can develop the skills required to perform this amazing athletic feat with proper training and technique.


Purchase a pair of ankle weights at your local sporting goods store. Strap the ankle weights around each ankle, and jog 30 minutes with a slower pace than normal five days a week for one month. Increase your pace each week as you build strength.

Stand on the bottom step of a flight of stairs holding the railing on either side. Place the balls of your feet on the stair with your heels hanging off the edge. Slowly raise your heels as high as you can, and hold for two seconds. Slowly lower your heels below your toe level, and hold for two seconds. Repeat calf raises exercise 20 times for three sets with a 1-minute break between each set.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, bend at your knees and hips as if you are attempting to sit in a chair until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Simultaneously extend your arms straight out in front of you. From this position jump up, straighten your legs and swing your arms back down to the side of your body. Repeat 25 jumping squats in a row for three sets with a 1-minute break between sets.

Keep your upper body straight and your arms relaxed at your side. Extend your left leg straight out behind you with a slight knee bend. Place your right leg in front of you with your knee bent at a 90-degree angle and your thigh parallel to the floor. This is your basic lunge position. From this position, slightly lower your entire body, and jump to the opposite lunge position with your right leg extended behind you and your left leg in front of you. Repeat 25 jumping lunges in a row for three sets with a 1-minute break between sets.


Without using a basketball, try touching the rim to practice getting your timing and vertical leap down. You will get highest when you jump off one foot and reach up with one hand.

Progress using a small ball like a tennis ball. If you are right handed, approach the hoop from the left as if performing a lay up. As you get closer to the rim, take two big steps, and jump off your left foot with the tennis ball in your right hand, and dunk the tennis ball.

After a successful tennis ball dunk, try using a softball followed by a mini basketball, and finish with a regular sized basketball. If you can’t palm the basketball, then you can hold the ball over your hand like a waiter holding a plate of food and, with a quick turn of your wrist, throw the ball through the hoop.


Fatigue is a factor, so you might only have the energy to get a few good jumps in before your legs wear out.


If you grab the rim but can’t hold on, your momentum could cause you to fall uncontrollably, which can cause injury.

How a 5'5" Player Trained Himself to Dunk a Basketball

by Jesse Parker

Tall basketball players have a distinct advantage when it comes to dunking, that’s a fact.

Many of the legendary dunkers such as Vince Carter and Dominique Wilkins are well over six feet tall.

When looking at these ferocious dunkers, you might think to yourself:

“At my height, I don’t have a chance of getting above the rim.”

However, being short is no excuse for not being able to dunk, as many short players such as Nate Robinson and Spud Webb have proved long ago that vertically-challenged athletes are still capable of flying high.

The key to developing an impressive vertical is consistent training and perseverance.

Sound cliche, right?

Well that’s the truth, and if you don’t believe me then check out this 5’5″ guy and see for yourself.

The Story of Brandon Todd – A 5’5″ Dunker

Today I want to show you a unique case of someone who was unwilling to give up his dream, despite his physical stature.

This is the story of a small guy from Ohio who just wanted to dunk.

Unfortunately at 5’5″, his height was a major roadblock.

Nevertheless, Brandon Todd proved that there’s no boundary to what you can do when you TRULY want something.

Get ready for some inspiration.

The Quest for Dunking

Standing at a mere height of only 5 feet 5 inches tall, Brandon Todd always had dreams of slamming down a basketball through the rim.

Obviously, his height was the main obstacle preventing him from reaching his goal.

After numerous failed attempts at dunking, Brandon started questioning whether he would ever be able to complete his mission.

Fortunately, he did not let his past failures to continue to haunt him.

As a testament to the benefits of an effective training regimen, Brandon can now consistently dunk a basketball on a regular basis.

I decided to post this story for you because I wanted you to see that…

it’s not impossible for you to dunk, even if you’re short.

You see, when I had a hard time progressing with my vertical, I started asking myself…

Can I even do it?”

…and many times, I even thought about quitting altogether.

But after discovering Brandon Todd and seeing him doing the unthinkable, I couldn’t help but thinking:

This guy was 5’5″ and he didn’t quit, so what gives me the right to do so?!

Flying over the rim – Brandon Todd

And all of a sudden there were no more doubts and no more concerns… I knew what I had to do and I felt compelled to it. I knew in my heart that if I keep training, one day I’ll be able to have that dunk.

Now you might say I was wrong to think that, and that Todd is simply a freak athlete… and to some extent you’d be right.

But the truth is…

He’s a classic case of how solid hard work pays off.

And I wish more people knew about the man, ’cause what he did is TRULY extraordinary.

Todd’s story was the thing that inspired me to keep training back when I was still struggling to even touch the rim.

And thankfully, it was all worth it… because now, for a change, I too can say:

I can do it.

Thank you Brandon.

P.S. If you too want be able to say the same and achieve your dream of dunking, regardless of your height, I’ve put together a list of the best programs you could use for jumping higher and dunking.

These programs use the same type of complex training routines Todd was talking about in the video, and they’re currently the most effective way for increasing your vertical jump and seeing results.

They provide the important information and lay the foundation for taking your vertical to the next level.

By using these methods you will have the opportunity to show the world that height is not a limitation, and that short guys too can deliver awe-inspiring dunks.

Jesse Parker

Born and raised in sunny Florida, Jesse Parker grew up spending most of his days outdoors playing hoops and honing his basketball skills. He has a huge love for the game and is always striving to get better at it. His latest obsession is the subject of vertical jumping and dunking.

Categories Motivation, Motivational Stories, Skills, Training

How to learn how to spin a basketball on your finger

To skillfully spin a basketball on your finger, you need to learn a few simple techniques, find the ball and set aside 10 minutes of training per day. After a week of practicing your skills, you will master the technique of this trick and show it to your friends. In the step-by-step instructions below, we will show you how to learn how to spin a basketball on your finger.

Tossing the ball correctly

You can train on the sports ground, near the house or even in the apartment, but in any place you need to take into account the environment. For example, when practicing a trick in a room, the ball can bounce and break fragile objects. When a place is found and inventory is prepared, you can begin training. Initially, you need to learn how to properly hold and throw the ball in the air:

  • Hold the ball with the stripes vertical. Horizontal scrolling looks ineffective and it is very difficult to catch a projectile from this position.
  • Select throw method:
    • Two hands. You need to keep the ball not on the sides, but so that 1 hand “looks” at you, and the second from you. Having fixed the object, sharply spread your arms and slightly “throw” the ball up.
    • With one hand. To throw with one hand, place your fingers along the lines of the ball. It is important that there is free space between the palm and the inventory. Lightly squeeze the ball. Turn the brush outward until it stops, and then gently turn it back. At the last moment, you need to give additional rotation to the ball with your fingertips. But we do not recommend using a large one, because. this will upset the balance and the ball will fly away.
  • Throw the ball parallel to the floor, do not allow the ball to wobble. It is important that when thrown, the projectile rises above eye level. When its bottom surface is visible, the ball is easier to catch.

These steps must be repeated until fully automatic. Usually it takes two days. When the throws are confident, you can move on to the second level.

Learning to catch the ball

Once you have learned how to throw correctly, try catching the ball with your finger. To do this, remember the following nuances:

  • You need to catch the projectile on the nail, not the finger itself. In this case, it is important that the brush is turned with the palm towards you.
  • The finger must be placed strictly in the center, at the junction of the vertical lines, otherwise the ball will slide off.
  • When your finger touches the ball, gently and smoothly lower your hand down. So you will improve the cushioning, the inventory will not bounce, and you will not damage your finger.

This stage is one of the most difficult and requires patience on the part of the freestyler, athlete and just wanting to master the skill. When you learn how to catch the ball, at first it can control you: jump off and make you “run” after it to keep your balance. Be patient and keep practicing.

Once you are comfortable with a spinning ball, try to keep it spinning and spin it further. To do this, with light flapping movements, move your free hand along a tangent. But remember that strong twists can shift the center of gravity and the projectile will lose balance.


Here are some helpful tips from the pros:

  • practice throwing a few times a day before moving on to other stages;
  • workouts can be quite tiring, so take breaks between sets to give your hands a rest;
  • use only a well-inflated ball;
  • when accelerating the rotational movements, do not apply much force, otherwise the ball will slip off the finger;
  • Trim your nails before practicing, this will increase rotation control;
  • do not throw the ball very high: you can damage or break the phalanges;
  • You can reduce the risk of wrist injury by warming up before practicing the exercise.

Knowing how to spin a basketball on your finger and approaching the matter responsibly, in a week you will be able to show a cool trick to friends or sports colleagues.

Basketball Player Sport Basketball Young Man Jumps Throws Ball Basket Blue Stock Photo © 573829642

Basketball Player Sport Basketball Young Man Jumps Throws Ball Basket Blue Stock Photo © 573829642

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