In this course, we will learn the basics of basketball and the rules you need to know to understand the game. First, we'll cover the rules of the court and explain the lines, shapes, components, areas, and locations. By the end of this section, you'll learn about the paint, three-point line, midcourt line, center circle, and more.
After we learn about the rules of the court, we'll dive into the structure of a basketball game. We'll learn about quarters, halftime, and overtime. Then we'll cover the game clock and shot clock, so you can learn the timing rules of the game.
We'll learn about possession and when the offense has the ball. You'll be able to answer the following questions.
How many players are on a basketball team?
What is the equipment needed to play basketball?
How many substitutions can you make in a game?
Once we learn about a basketball team, we'll explain the player positions. You'll learn about the point guard, shooting guard, power forward, small forward, and center. Each player position has a role and responsibility on the court.
If you're going to play basketball, an important thing to know is the rules of movement.
What are the rules of throw-ins, jump balls, and stepping out of bounds? We've covered the basics of all the ways you can put the ball back into play once a dead ball is called by a referee.
It's important for you to know the rules of fouls and violations and when a referee will call them on you. There are lots of obscure rules that you may not know about when you play a pickup game. We've included articles on personal fouls, free throws, and shooting fouls.
Table of Contents
How To Play Basketball
How To Watch Basketball Games
How To Coach Basketball
How To Play Basketball
You found this course, but you're looking for more information on how to actually play basketball. We've got you covered! Here are the best tutorials you should look at that will improve your offensive and defensive skills. The information in this course will help you play better pickup basketball as well if you want to hit the gym with a group of friends.
Basketball Cuts
Basketball Screens
Basketball Press
Basketball Zone
Basketball Traps
Basketball Man To Man Defense
Basketball Steals
Basketball Rebounds
How To Watch Basketball Games
If you ever wanted to watch a basketball game on TV and understand what's going on, then you'll love these tutorials. We start by teaching you the absolute basics of the game and assume you have zero knowledge. Every concept can be read in order or out of order.
How To Coach Basketball
If you're a coach, this course is great for you since we have an entire section dedicated to strategies with the offense and defense. You'll learn about various formations like press, zone, and man to man. Finally, you'll be able to apply the basics like cuts, screens, and traps integrating them into your play calls. As a coach, you should have a playbook for every game you play. That's why we've included articles on some of the best plays you can run right away such as pick and rolls, posting up, and isolation plays.
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How Beginners Learn to Player Basketball
Are you a complete novice who wants to study basketball but is unsure where to begin?
Basketball is among the most difficult, entertaining, and thrilling sports in the world. The game is often conducted on a four-sided court.
Playing this sport is not tough. You only need to learn the fundamentals with a lot of dedication to understand how this game works.
You will be ready to become a pro player if you are able to grasp the key rules and the fundamentals. Dribbling, defending, jump stops, and shooting are all skills you’ll need. This will make your learning experience more enjoyable.
I’ll walk you through the basketball fundamentals that every novice should know in the piece below.
Starting off as a beginner might be tough if you don’t understand the basics of the game. As a result, you must start with the fundamentals, such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. Basketball features a modest number of activities designed to help you master the offensive and defensive fundamentals quickly as a complete novice.
Practicing these drills will help you learn to shoot baskets faster. And this will eventually assist you in quickly improving and perfecting your general basketball talents. As a trainee, you’ll need to know the following four skills:
Read more: Top Ways to Avoid Basketball Burnout
Ball Handling
The way you control the ball is the very first ability. Trying to dribble the ball around the floor is the most important part of basketball. As a result, you’ll need to master certain basic motions to become used to handling the ball.
Dribble tags, stationary exercises, and tight chairs allow you to carry the ball correctly throughout your practice session.
Dribble tags-this one would be done with the assistance of other basketball players. All the other players must avoid getting tagged by someone who has the ball while you dribble it. You must maintain a steady dribble.
Stationary drills-drooling in a circular manner around your legs at various heights is the goal of stationary drills. You may also train without dribbling around the court by dribbling the ball through your legs.
You must know how to shoot to be capable of scoring marks in this port. This talent, as well as the other shooting styles, are required for all novices.
The box drill and the air-ball drill are two options.
There must be multiple participants in the air-ball drill, each with its own ball. You all get into an offensive stance, lowering your elbows, leaping, and firing from the highest places possible.
The box drill is done with only one ball and participants on both the right and left sides of the court. The right-hand person takes a jump shot to the backyard, whereas the competitors on the left side race up to retrieve the rebound and make their own shoot.
Read more: Top Reasons Why Basketball is so Popular
This is the most important step. You must pass the ball to your teammates.
As a beginner, you must be able to make quality passes at all times during the game. You should work on some chest passes with your fellow trainers. Furthermore, overhead passes are permitted in this sport, so understanding how to execute them is essential. Hold the ball directly over your head at all times.
Basketball relies heavily on bounce passes. As you pass the ball, aim about three-quarters of the way down the floor between you and your partner.
Offensive /Defensive Drills
Learning to be either an offender or a defender is necessary. There will be a lot of game switches during this sport, so you’ll need to rehearse offensive and defensive exercises.
An offensive drill: Players are separated and queued up below each basket in this contest. Both teams’ first players dribble at high speed to the opposing baskets, while the following players prepare to get the rebound and restart the exercise.
A defensive drill: To do this, you’ll need two players to stand between the ball and you. The first is defensive, whereas the second is attacking. The defensive player utilizes his or her placement after the signal to prevent the other player from receiving the ball.
How to learn to play basketball from scratch
"School 2.0" - the best educational project in the history of Russian basketball, has collected in one material all the basic skills that are needed for those who want to jump like Michael Jordan and throw a three-pointer like Steph Curry . We literally chew on you how to play basketball and become cool. Lots of videos are included.
Passion for basketball usually begins with the ball hitting the basket. Do not deprive yourself of this pleasure, learn to score from under the basket, then from two steps ... But after that, you should think about what elements to master in order to become a “correct” basketball player. We won't let you get bored - we won't fill all basketball practice with boring stops and turns. But in general, you can’t do without it, because the correct work of the legs, the habit of standing firmly, not mincing, not taking extra steps, quickly and correctly changing the direction of movement is an absolute must for a basketball player. Plus, of course, dribbling and passing.
In general, to start the basketball path, “School 2.0” recommends exercises to develop the following skills during basketball training:
Do two or three dozen workouts, combining the exercises from the following list, and you will notice real progress. Start each workout with 2-4 minutes of quiet running and such a joint warm-up:
Exercises are performed one after the other without stopping.
Shoulder warm-up. Stand up straight and stretch your arms out to the sides. Make circular movements with straight arms 10 times forward, then 10 times back.
Pelvic warm-up. Put your hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform rotations in the hip joint, as if twisting a hoop, 10 times in each direction.
Back workout. Bend your elbows and press to your chest, feet shoulder-width apart. Do rotations in the lower back 5-10 times in each direction.
Knee warm-up. Stand up straight, feet together. Squat down a bit and put your hands on your knees. Then perform rotational movements with your knees, helping yourself with your hands. Do 10 times in each direction.
Ankle warm-up. Put your hands on your belt. Place one foot on the toe slightly behind you. Resting on your toes, do 10 rotations in the ankle joint in each direction, then change legs.
Squats. At the end, do 5 deep squats, keeping your heels on the floor and extending your arms in front of you.
Get used to throwing correctly right away - with one hand (the other can only hold the ball), with reverse spin. The forearm is perpendicular to the floor, the arm straightens completely, the hand “closes”. Listen to how the ball blows up the net - it's a thrill.
1. Shooting stand
Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hand.
At the signal, take a throwing stance, and at the next signal, return to the starting position.
Ready to throw: legs bent, back straight, slightly tilted forward. Throwing hand behind the ball (not sideways!), the second hand holds the ball in front-side.
Raise the ball to shoulder level.
Repeat 10 times with right and left hand.
2. Single handed throw on the spot
Get into the throwing position. The ball lies in one hand at the level of the head, the elbow is directed forward, the second hand does not help.
Squat down a little and with the simultaneous extension of the legs and elbow, throw the ball up in front of you. Stay in the final position until the ball hits the floor.
Repeat 10 times with right and left hand.
3. Throw with one hand into the hoop from one meter
Stand under the hoop with the ball in your hand at shoulder height. The other hand does not help!
Squat down and at the same time extend your legs and arms, make a throw around the ring. Keep the final position of the straightened arm and closed hand until the ball hits the floor.
Try to hit the ball in the corner of the rectangle drawn on the shield, then the ball will be in the ring.
Throw from different positions. 10 times with the right and left hand.
4. Medium throw
Stand at a distance of 3-4 meters from the ring and take a throwing stance. Sit down and with the simultaneous extension of the legs and arms, make a throw around the ring. Keep the final position of the straightened arm and closed hand until the ball hits the floor.
Throw from different positions.
Stand a few meters from the ring. Make yourself an autopass, take a small jump forward, catch the ball, take a shooting stance, and hit the basket.
Perform the exercise 10 times with your stronger arm.
5. Two steps - throw
Stand three meters from the ring. Take two steps from the spot and throw the ring.
Get on the three-point line. Take a couple of hits with the ball, then two steps and throw the ring.
From the three-point line, make yourself an autopass. Then catch the ball, take two steps and shoot the ring.
Try to hit the ball in the corner of the rectangle drawn on the shield.
Repeat 10 times with right and left hand.
6. Two steps - low shot
Get on the three-point line. Take a couple of hits with the ball, then two steps and throw from the bottom of the ring.
Stand three meters from the ring. Take two steps from the spot and throw the ring from below.
From the three-point line, make yourself an autopass. Then catch the ball, take two steps and shoot the ring.
Try to hit the ball in the corner of the rectangle drawn on the shield.
Repeat 10 times with right and left hand.
Glue your feet to the floor. No extra steps! Otherwise - "jog", whistle, give the ball to the opponents.
1. Jump stop
The exercise is performed on the spot. Make yourself an autopass, catch the ball with two hands and at the same time do a two-foot jump into a basketball stance.
Determine the axial (supporting) leg and perform turns on this leg forward and backward.
Then imitate the following sequence of actions: take the ball in your hands, being completely in the air; land on both (!) feet at the same time; do turns around the same (!) leg.
Repeat the exercise 10 times: 5 times turning on the right foot and 5 times on the left.
2. Step stop
The exercise is performed on the spot. Make yourself an autopass, catch the ball with both hands and stop at the same time with two steps into the basketball stance.
The axial (supporting) leg will be the one with which you took the first step - on this leg, perform turns forward and backward.
Repeat the exercise 10 times: turning 5 times on the right foot and 5 times on the left.
3. Zigzag without a ball with a jump stop
All changes in the direction of movement are made by a clear turn around the near leg - even through the “face”, even through the “back”. This is very important in basketball!
4. Zigzag without a ball with a stop in steps
It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, but the stop at the cone is one-two, not a jump.
Mastering the culture of passing will not only earn you the respect of your playmates, but it will also give you a lot of fun. Maybe even more than hitting the ring.
1. Passing with two hands into the wall
Stand 3-5 meters from the wall. Pass the ball into the wall with both hands from the chest.
Hold the ball with both hands from the sides and direct it to the wall with a wrist movement. As a result, the arms at the elbows should straighten, and the hands should “close”.
Move further back to make longer passes. At the moment of such a transfer, one leg takes a step forward. Catch such a transmission from the floor.
Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
2. Passing with one hand into the wall
Stand 3-5 meters from the wall. Pass the ball into the wall with one hand from the shoulder.
Hand behind the ball, thumbs up. Carpal movement.
Repeat the exercise 15-20 times for each hand.
3. Lying One-Hand Pass
Lying on your back, pass with one hand up.
Repeat the exercise 15-20 times for each hand.
Great basketball dribbling is the key to all doors. Not to mention how effective it is.
1. Palms on the ball
Take the ball in your hands and move it from hand to hand, hitting it with your palms.
Start slowly and then speed up. 15 seconds slow, 15 fast.
Repeat 1-2 times.
2. Ball on fingers
Quickly toss the ball with your fingertips from one hand to the other: raise and lower in front of you; sit down and get up; raise and lower in motion.
Perform each exercise 2-3 times for 15 seconds.
3. Ball around the body
Move the ball from one hand to the other as quickly as possible: around the body; around the head; in the round-leg basketball stance; in a basketball stance figure eight around the legs.
Do 5 reps each side.
4. Low dribbling on the spot
Low ball dribbling in different positions:
Basketball stance, feet parallel. Dribble to the side of your foot. Free hand in defense position.
Sit on the floor and dribble the ball from your side, bringing the ball closer or further away.
Repeat 15 times with each hand. Do 2-3 sets.
5. Medium dribbling in motion
Medium dribbling of the ball (height - to the waist) in motion. Do it at speed.
Make a turn leaving the ball in place and picking it up with your other hand.
Dribble two courts with each hand.
6. V-dribbling in front of you
Stand in a basketball stance.
Dribble with one hand in front of you in a V, with your right and left hands in turn.
Repeat 15 times with each hand. Do 2-3 sets.
7. Crossover
Move the ball in place in front of you from one hand to the other.
First do the exercise for each stroke.
Then - for every third hit.
After translation, touch the floor with your free hand.
Repeat 15 times with each hand. Do 2-3 sets.
8. Underfoot transfers
Transfer the ball between the legs from one hand to the other.
Translate every third hit with the ball.
After translation, touch the floor with your free hand.
Repeat 15 times with each hand. Do 2-3 sets.
That's it for starters. Of course, it would be nice to learn how to fly - in the sense of jumping high without a trampoline. But that's another story. If you only jump, you are a jumper. And if you have mastered these exercises, you are almost a basketball player. Then you can already learn to play in a team, in real contact conditions.
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How can I learn to play basketball on my own?
How to learn to play basketball on your own?
1. Winning basketball is easy if you know how to throw and put the ball into the basket. You also need to prevent the opponent from scoring more balls. Practice technique from various positions, using throws from the shield and without, in motion and with a stop. First, master the technique of a normal throw without rebounding from the backboard, standing in front of the basket. Take the ball in your right hand, and with your left hand lightly grab it from the side. Throw the ball with a jump, straightening your right arm.
2. Maintain. The player can move with the ball on the court with a periodic hit of the ball on the floor. In this case, you need to take no more than two steps. You cannot dribble the ball with both hands at once and you cannot carry it. The rebound during the dribble must not exceed the height of the player. It is recommended to immediately start by learning how to dribble with both hands, hitting the ball with them one by one.
3. Passing is one of the main tactics in basketball e. Even the fastest basketball east cannot move faster than the ball on the court. Pass the ball to your partner and immediately take a comfortable place closer to the basket. Passing is the basic principle of this game.
4. Selection. "Winning the shield" and securing a quick counter-attack is a very important element of the game. Rebounding also involves keeping the ball even after a failed shot. The number of rebounds is reflected in the statistics of the individual player and the entire team.
5. Moving without the ball is one of the keys to successfully completing an attack.
6.Here are some more general tips: - Involve the whole team. Even if there are scoring leaders, the rest of the players must also get the ball, if only to allow the first to open under the net. - Play hard, but within the rules. advantage in Basketball e have high and physically strong players, although undersized take their speed and agility. - Never argue with the judge. He will not change his point of view, but you can get a foul. - Do not try to win at the expense of accuracy of throws, dribbling, high jumps or interceptions alone. Train all together. - And the last thing: do not neglect tactics. It is necessary during the game not only to score, but also to think.
Today basketball is quite a popular sports team game with a ball. For an inexperienced player, this sport can seem like a rather difficult game, despite the simple task of hitting a basketball into the opponent's basket. Proper dribbling, throwing technique, blocking players, technique for distributing players on the court - these are all the nuances that complicate the game. In order to learn basketball, you need to remember the basic ingredients.
1. Maintain. Moving a player around the court is possible only with a periodic (no more than 2 steps) hitting the ball on the floor. It is forbidden to dribble a basketball with both hands, as well as carrying it. The height to which the ball bounces must not exceed the height of a person. An inexperienced player should practice dribbling the ball with each hand separately, following it only with peripheral vision.
2. Transfer. Passing is the basic principle of basketball. Even the fastest player cannot move around the court at the speed of the ball. Therefore, after passing the ball to another player on your team, you must take the appropriate place to receive or ensure that the ball is thrown unhindered.
3. Movement without a ball. Only one player has the ball at any time during the game. For other players on the team, the task is to successfully complete the attack, and for opponents it is to intercept, tackle or defend.
4. Throwing the ball into the basket. In order to win basketball, you need to score as many balls as possible in the opposing team's basket, as well as protect your own basket.