How to pick in basketball
How To To Set & Use A Pick In Basketball
By Joe Haefner
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Picks in basketball are an invaluable tool that will give the offense many opportunities to score. If you know how to properly set a pick and how to use a pick, the defense will have trouble defending you. The greatest players in the game are masters at utilizing picks to create space for open shots not only for themselves, but also for their teammates. If you want to be truly great at utilizing picks, study film on players like Kevin Durant, Reggie Miller, Richard Hamilton, Steve Nash, and Chris Paul.
Picks are also often referred to as screens. You can set many different types of picks like the down pick, cross pick, ball pick, flare pick, new york pick, slash pick, flex pick, stagger pick, and many more.
Here's the definition of a pick:
When an offensive player legally blocks the path of a defender to open up another offensive player for a shot or to receive a pass.
When setting the pick, you should:
- Feet spread - you want to create a wide base that is hard for the defender to get around.
- Hips down and knees bent - you want to be in an athletic solid position with your hips down and your knees bent, so it is difficult for the defender to nudge by you or knock you off balance.
- Back pointing to targeted area - you want to have your back pointing to the direction that you want the player using the pick to go.
- Stationary - you want to be stationary before the offensive player comes off of your pick. If you are moving as you set the pick, that is an illegal screen and an offensive foul will be called on you. Make sure to pick an area and let the offensive player run off of your pick.
- Protect yourself - place your hands in a position on your body to protect yourself. However, make sure you don't extend your arms toward the defensive player.
- Communicate the pick - make sure to let the offensive player know the pick is coming. You can do this by raising your hand and calling out the player's name.
- Open up to the ball - after the offensive player comes off of your pick, turn towards the ball and find an open space on the floor. Many times, the person who sets the pick is the player that ends up being open. If you set a ball pick, you can "roll" or "slip" to the basket or "pop" to an open area in the high post or perimeter.
When using the pick, you should:
- Fake opposite - before you come off of the pick, you should fake in the opposite direction to set up the defender. This will help you run the defender into the pick. If the defender cheats over the pick, cut backdoor.
- Shoulders by picker's hip - as you come off the pick, make sure to get low and get your shoulders at the same height as the player who is setting the pick.
This will prevent the defender from knocking you off of your path while maintaining good balance to catch and shoot or catch and drive.
- Think Curl - whenever you come off of a pick, think curl. This will create an aggressive mentality that will be hard to guard. When the defense starts to adjust, you can fade, pop out, or cut backdoor. By thinking curl, these options will open up even more.
Related Pages and Helpful Resources
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Basketball Pick and Roll Drills
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Executing The Basketball Pick and Roll
By Joe Haefner
The pick and roll, also known as the screen and roll, is one of the simplest plays to execute offensively. While it may be simple to run, if executed properly, it can be a nightmare for defenses to defend.
That is why you have seen the pick and roll trickle down from the NBA and all the way down to the youth and high school levels.
What Is the Pick and Roll
- An offensive player sets a screen for another offensive player who currently has the ball. This is also known as a ball screen. (The Pick)
- The offensive player dribbles around the ball screen and looks to score.
- The screener, opens up to the ball, and cuts to the basket. (The Roll)
Check out the video below.
While the pick and roll can be executed almost anywhere on the floor. Here are some examples:
Wing Pick and Roll - Top Side
The ball screen is set near the wing area and the screener's back will face the middle of the floor.
Wing Pick and Roll - Baseline Side
The ball screen is set near the wing area and the screener's back will face the baseline.
High Pick and Roll
This ball screen is set near the top of the key.
Corner Pick and Roll
The corner pick and roll is set near the corner. This can be difficult to defend, because defenders are not used to defending ball screens from this position. However, you have to be careful because defensive traps are easier to execute in the corner as well.
Flat Pick and Roll
This pick and roll is executed with the screener's back facing the basket. It can be set near the 3-point line or all the way in the back court.
The flat screen can be utilized against pressure. It is also great to utilize in transition as well.
A-Set Pick and Roll
The pick and roll can also be executed out of the a-set. This is where there are two screeners at the top and the ball handler chooses which direction to go.
You have different options for which screener rolls to the basket.
- You can have the ballside screener always roll to the basket.
- You can have the opposite side always roll to the basket.
- You can also have a designated roller. No matter what side the ball handler goes to, the same player always rolls to the basket.
Tips For Executing the Pick and Roll
Players have literally made a hall of fame career off of the pick and roll. See Karl Malone and John Stockton. If you use these tips below and get better at executing the pick and roll, your team will benefit from it tremendously.
Ball Handler Pick and Roll Tips
Ideally, you want to be able finish at the rim, make good decisions, have the ability to blow by defenders, and pull up for the jump shot off the dribble. However, you can still be effective without all of these abilities.
- Get low and balanced - This enables you to explode by the defender and prevents the defense from easily knocking you off balance with a forearm or slight bump.
- Wait for the screen - Too many times players get anxious and leave too early. This makes it easy for your opponents to defend and can also result in an offensive foul (moving screen) on the screener because you started dribbling around the screen too early. It's better to be late than early when coming off of screens.
- Fake opposite - When you fake opposite, this makes the defense play you honestly. It will also help you set up your defender so you can run them directly into the screen. If they still don't play you honestly, you can turn down the screen and attack the basket.
- Attack! - Attack and be aggressive when you dribble off of the ball screen. More good things will happen when you are aggressive and under control versus when you are tentative. Along with attacking ball screens, this approach should be applied to all parts of your game.
- Head up and see the floor - I see too many players tuck their chin into their chest while attacking the basket and slam right into helpside defense which results in an offensive foul.
See and anticipate what the defense is going to do. Great defenses will have good helpside defense versus the pick and roll. See where the defense is going and locate the open man.
Screener Pick and Roll Tips
Preferably, you want to have the screener be a post player who can set good screens and has the athletic ability to roll to the basket, catch the pass, and finish at the goal. It's always a plus if the post player can shoot from outside which sets up the pick and pop as well.
- Communicate - You should let the ball handler know that you are going to set a ball screen by raising a fist and calling out the ball handler's name.
- Sprint to area - You should sprint to the area that you are going to screen. This will give the defense little time to react and make it more difficult for them to defend the ball screen.
- Be stationary - To prevent an offensive foul from being called, you need to stop moving and stay stationary as the ball handler dribbles around your pick.
- Be big - Get your feet spread a little wider than shoulder width apart, knees bent, and hips down. This makes it harder for the defense to move you or nudge by you.
- Roll - After the screen is set, try to pin the defender on your back, reverse pivot and open up to the ball, and roll to the basket. Reach up your hand in order to give the passer a target.
- Head up and see the floor - Good defenses will have helpside defense on the pick and roll. As you receive the pass rolling to the basket, keep your head up so you can see if there is a helpside defender. This will help you avoid the charge by sliding around the defender or stopping and passing to an open player.
More Options For the Ball Screen
While the pick and roll is certainly the most popular and can be one of the most effective options when utilizing the ball screen, there are other options for the screener and the ball handler. By understanding these options, you will be more of a threat.
These are not the only options for attacking the ball screen, but they are some of the most effective.
Ball Handler Options
Straight-line attack
This is when the ball handler dribbles off the screen and dribbles directly towards the basket. If the defense plays behind the screener, this option will typically be open.
Attack the hedge
One of the most common defensive strategies is to hedge. By attacking the hedge, this will force the post player to make a choice. Do they stay on you or run back to their post player?
If they switch and you get a post player guarding you, you can immediately attack or back up to give yourself some momentum to attack the bigger and usually slower player.
Another option is to pass the ball to the screener because they should have an advantage in the post with a smaller guard on them.
Tip: When coming off of the ball screen, it's important to attack the defender's shoulder and take two dribbles off of the screen.
This will often create indecision by the player guarding the screener which will result in more scoring opportunities for your team.
Split the hedge
Now after scoring a few times off of the pick and roll, the defender guarding the screener may get overly concerned and want to avoid getting beat again, so they slide way out on top of the screen and create separation between them and the screener. If this occurs, you can change direction and attack the gap between the screener's defender and screener.
Turn down the screen
Now you might start to notice that the player guarding you is starting to cheat over the top of the screen. This is when you fake high and drive the opposite direction.
Screener Options
If the defense switches or hedges, the roll to the basket will often be open for the screener.
If you see your defender start to cheat high on the ball screen, cut to the basket before the ball handler comes off of the screen. It's good to mix this in order to keep the defense honest.
If you have the ability to shoot the outside shot, you open up the ball and find an open spot along the perimeter or high post. This is very effective against defenses that collapse towards the basket on the pick and roll.
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How to choose a basketball?
Basketball is a fast and dynamic sport.
To enjoy the gameplay, you need to buy high-quality inventory. Basketball equipment is presented in a wide range. Many well-known brands are engaged in the manufacture of balls for this sport. Which option to choose? Consider the main criteria.
Types of basketballs
One of the most important selection criteria is the purpose of the ball. With this, you need to start looking for a suitable projectile, we will start with this, in total there are three types:
- for the hall;
- for the street;
- universal.
The Indoor Basketball has excellent grip on parquet. Made from nat. leather or synthetics. Professional athletes choose models with a composite coating. Microfiber provides a comfortable grip. The material muffles impacts during the dribble. It is forbidden to play on asphalt sites, as in such conditions the projectile will very quickly lose all its qualities.
For the open field (outdoor) use shells made of synthetic raw materials.
This composition makes them extremely resistant to wear. Additional surface treatment enhances grip. The ball is easy to control.
Universal projectiles are made of rubber. It is resistant to wear, behaves normally on parquet and can serve for quite a long time on open street areas. Some are covered with synthetic or composite materials. Manufacturers produce goods for sites with a smooth, wooden, rubber coating.
How to decide on the material
To understand how to choose a basketball, take into account the raw materials used in production. Durable versatile basketballs are made from artificial materials. Many professional indoor balls are made from composite leather.
Genuine leather is considered the best material for the hall. The leather ball is an essential element of any professional basketball tournament. If you see the marking “Supreme Leather” on such a ball, then the manufacturer used premium leather.
Quality check
The first evaluation method is rebound.
A correctly inflated ball will bounce to a height of approximately 130 centimeters. There is an alternative way. Raise the professional ball to head level, and then release it. He should bounce to the waist. Look at the quality of the nipple.
Do not sit on it or kick it to keep its original shape. Careful use preserves the correct rebound during the dribble. Elasticity is another indicator of quality. The ball must not become soft after a short play. Pump up periodically, but use only a special nozzle, and not a football needle.
What size basketball should I buy? It all depends on the specifics of use. Marking No. 7 - the largest ball is intended for competitions of men's teams. The table shows absolutely all existing sizes: