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How to play basketball shoot

Proper Basketball Shooting Technique, Fundamentals, Form, Mechanics

By Jeff Haefner

Home > Player > Basketball Skills > Shooting > Proper Basketball Shooting Technique, Fundamentals, and Form

It's often said that great shooters have a place on any team.

Even if you aren't blessed with tremendous speed, strength or athleticism, great shooting is one of the surest ways you can stand out on the basketball court.

If you spend the time developing and practicing your shot, it will pay off in:

  • Making the team
  • Getting more playing time
  • Scoring consistently
  • Feeling confident and having fun every time you step on the floor

Now, let me start with some good news!

Yes, you do need very good shooting form and technique to shoot consistently well.

But it does NOT need to be "perfect".

If you watch enough great shooters, you'll see that their form varies quite a bit based on what's comfortable (and what works) for them.

But almost all great shooters follow the principles I'll explain in this article. So keep reading for (all the good stuff)!

In this section, we give you the raw form and mechanics of stationary shooting.

In other words, this section does NOT address the fundamentals of shooting on the move and more advanced footwork you'll need for game situations.

Here's a quick roadmap of the stationary shooting fundamentals that we'll be covering:

  1. Eyes on Target
  2. Stance and Balance
  3. Shot Pocket
  4. Grip
  5. Balance Hand
  6. Delivery
  7. Upforce and Landing
  8. Follow Through
  9. Correct Shot

  • To improve accuracy, locate the target (rim) as early as possible.
  • Keep your eyes on the target and do not follow the flight of the ball.
  • Keeping your target focus is very important!


  • Feet are shoulder width apart for good balance.
  • Feet should be in a slightly staggered stance that is consistent and comfortable for you. Your shooting foot is slightly ahead of the non-shooting foot in a comfortable position.
  • Point your feet in the general direction of the basket, but not necessarily directly at it. We prefer an open stance, but you can also use the closed (squared) stance if that's more comfortable for you. With an open stance, your feet point towards one side of the basket. For example, a right handed shooter will point his or her feet just to the left of the rim for a more natural position and shooting motion.
  • Once you develop a comfortable stance, line up your feet the exact same way on every shot. Whatever stance you use, consistency is critical.
  • Flex/bend your knees on every shot.


  • As you catch the ball, move it quickly into the shot pocket.
  • Line everything up so the ball and your shooting eye form a straight line to the basket. This is VERY important.
  • Position the ball several inches above your waist.
  • Grip the ball properly and be ready to shoot.
  • Position the ball in your shot pocket the SAME way every time you catch it.

  • Place the air hole between the middle and index fingers.
  • Line up your fingertip pads parallel to the long seams of the ball, so you can monitor the back spin.
  • Leave space between the ball and the middle of your palm. You should be able to insert a pencil between the ball and your palm area.
  • Spread your fingers far enough apart to comfortably balance the ball in one hand.
  • The ball should sit on your finger pads.

  • Your non-shooting hand should be on the side of the ball.
  • Your balance hand should not add force or spin to the shot.
  • Your non-shooting hand should not move on delivery and should ALWAYS come off the ball FIRST.
  • The ball should start motion directly upwards from the shot pocket.
  • Your elbow should be positioned comfortably under the ball.
  • The ball stays in front of you and should not go behind your head.

  • Uncoil your body with your legs, core, and arm power all coordinated.
  • Your elbow and wrist should extend in a straight line to the basket.

  • Your shooting hand should extend in a straight line to the rim.
  • Hand position on delivery is very important. The ball should come off the hand with perfect symmetrical backspin.
  • As shown in the picture to the right, your guide hand stays to the side and does not influence the flight of the ball.



  • Release the ball on the way up, just before the top of your jump.
  • Use your legs to generate upforce.
  • You should land in the same spot that you jumped, which shows that you have good balance on your shot.


  • Your wrists should be floppy (relaxed).
  • Fingers should be pointed at the target (rim).
  • Finish high. You should see your fingers at the top square of the back board.
  • Hold your follow through position until the ball hits the rim.

NOTE: If youd like specially-designed workouts for shooting and scoring, download our FREE Breakthrough Shooting Workout. It includes over 30 drills you can do by yourself or with a partner all you need is a ball and a hoop!

Click here to get your FREE Shooting Workout.

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Basketball Shooting Camps

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Basketball Workout App - Shooting Workouts, Guard Play Workouts, Post Workouts, etc.

How to Shoot a Basketball Like a Pro: Complete Guide

Learn the basic fundamentals on how to shoot a basketball with this easy how-to guide.

Whether you want to learn how to play basketball for fun or want to become the next Steph Curry, you need to have proper shooting technique. Arguably the most important skill in this worldwide sport, being able to shoot provides you with several benefits on the basketball court. To strengthen your knowledge of this skill, consider what shooting entails, the simple shooting method, how to shoot, the importance of being a great shooter, and various shooting drills to help you perfect your form.

To play basketball, it's important to know the basic rules of the game, the layout of the court, player positions, and various skills that can help you improve your game. Shooting, in particular, is widely considered one of the most essential skills of the game. This is because it can set a strong foundation for your knowledge of the sport. For example, knowing how to shoot properly can increase your knowledge of the game regarding strategic gameplay and other fundamental skills such as dribbling and passing. Ultimately, correctly shooting a basketball can establish you as a well-rounded athlete in this sport.

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How To Shoot a Basketball


Get into a proper stance

Placing your feet in the right position can help you maintain balance and ensure you're able to handle the ball with ease. To shoot the basketball into the basket, keep your legs apart and extended. Your feet need to be in a comfortable position and approximately shoulder-width apart. This can help you support your weight rather than falling over when you shoot the basketball.

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If you plan on moving forward, bend your knees and move your dominant foot a little ahead of the other. For example, if you're right-handed, your right foot needs to be slightly in front of your left foot. Get balanced before the ball is in your hands so you can take a shot as quickly as possible without having to regain balance before shooting.

In addition, slightly flex your knees to make it easier for you to jump when you shoot the ball. Though this step takes practice, once you've mastered it, it can help you take a stance and make the shot more quickly.

2. Grab hold of the ball

Along with knowing how to stand, you need to maintain control of the ball. Grab hold of the ball using your fingertips of your shooting hand. Ensure that the ball and your eyes form a straight line leading to the hoop.

Keep your elbows aligned and make sure your hands are stable enough to ensure the ball heads in the right direction. Keep your lower arm vertical and at a 90-degree angle. Your elbows need to be in line with your shoulder as you raise them slightly to aim for the shot.

Once you have the ball, make sure you have it under your control using at least your fingers and your thumb. This helps the ball leave your hand with ease.

3. Focus on your target

Keep your eyes on the target by narrowing your focus on where you want the ball to go. For example, consider directing your attention to the backboard or the back rim of the net a little before shooting. This can help you avoid outside distractions that may hinder your ability to make the shot.

4. Take the shot

With the previous steps in mind, your hands need to be on the ball as your wrists flick forward to drive it toward the net. Be sure to arch your arms to propel the ball upward and into the net. Your arm needs to extend completely and your elbow needs to lock.

The more practice you receive with these steps, the easier it can be to execute them in the future without thinking ahead of time.

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Understand the Simple Shooting Method: BEEF

Whether you're playing one-on-one basketball or as part of a team, one simple shooting method to consider learning is the BEEF principle. This concept improves your form, balance, control, and overall shooting ability on the court. To refine your free throw and jump shooting, consider the following elements of the BEEF principle:

  • Balance: Maintain a solid, balanced base that will help set the foundation for a perfect jump shot. Weight should be equally distributed between both legs with a slight bend in your knees.

  • Eyes on the target: Most pros say that the ball will go wherever your eyes are looking, so make sure you're looking at the basket. Where you focus exactly is up to you, but focusing on the front of the rim or the back is a good place to start.

  • Elbows aligned: Your elbow should be at a 90-degree angle with your torso as you prepare to shoot. The elbow should be underneath the basketball and your shooting hand fingertips should be on the ball with your off hand making light contact on the side of the basketball.

  • Follow-through: The crucial last step of the BEEF Method is the flicking of the wrist to follow through on the shot. Upon release, the ball should roll off the tips of your pointer and middle finger. If you've done it correctly your wrist will be flexed with your fingers pointed down at the ground.

Shooting is hands down one of the most crucial parts of the game, and even a slight improvement in shooting percentage can make a huge difference in winning percentage. Practice, practice, practice in the form of strategic shooting drills is the way to increase skills and get better. Here are individual shooting drills to add into your basketball training routine.

Shooting Drills to Help Your Form

To perfect your form, it's important to practice specific shooting drills. These drills will develop your technique, improve your consistency, and increase your confidence on the court. Here are some shooting drills that can help you perfect your form and make you a better shooter:

  • 1-2 step shoot: This drill involves stepping into your shot with one foot at a time and can help you develop your offensive skills. To perform this drill, begin by taking your stance. As you receive the pass, step with one foot in the pass's direction. If you're right-handed, step with your left foot, and vice versa. Then, step with your other foot to complete the 1-2 step shoot.

  • Set to go: This drill involves you standing a few feet away from the basket. Once you're in a set position, keep your arm angle at 90 degrees with the ball positioned under your shoulder. Then, extend your legs and shoot at the same time.

  • Off-dribble shooting: To perform this drill, take two 45-degree angle dribbles to your right and shoot the ball. Then, do the same to your left. The goal is to perform this drill at high speed and to maintain proper footwork and dribbling throughout.

  • One Hand Form Shooting: Stand 2 to 4 feet in front of the rim and establish your base and position your feet properly to line up to shoot. Bring your arm up into an L position, your upper arm parallel to the ground and your forearm pointing to the ceiling. Your upper arm and forearm are at about a 75 to 90 degree angle. Shoot 5 to 10 reps then move to a new spot

  • Add Off Hand: Stand 2 to 4 feet in front of the rim. Establish your base and position your feet properly to line up to shoot. Bring your arm up into an L position, your upper arm parallel to the ground and your forearm pointing to the ceiling. Your upper arm and forearm are at about a 75 to 90 degree angle. Place your off hand on the ball. Shoot 5 to 10 reps then move to a new spot. Tip: Make sure your four fingers are pointing up to the ceiling when you put your hand on the ball.

  • Block Shooting: Block Shooting drills help you practice the same skill over and over and are excellent for developing shooting technique, developing rhythm and building confidence. They can also serve as warm up drills.

Importance of Becoming a Great Shooter

Knowing how to shoot a basketball has several benefits that can help you stand out on the court. Although you don't need to be an expert shooter, this highly coveted athletic skill can help you advance your overall technique. Here are some of the benefits and overall importance of becoming a great basketball shooter:

Helps your team score points: Being able to shoot a basketball increases your team's chances of winning a game. This is because making baskets is the way you score points in a game of basketball. Therefore, the better shooter you are, the greater your chances are of gaining points and helping your team win the game.

Increased shooting percentage: When your team has a higher shooting percentage, it can help you devise a strategy to win games more frequently. For example, if you need a certain number of points to win, being a great shooter can help your team understand the types of shots — and the number of shots — it needs to win. A team with a higher shooting percentage requires fewer shot attempts to win the game because they're more apt to make every shot. A lower shooting percentage may cause your team to rely on rebounds or forced turnovers.

More playtime: Coaches value basketball players with strong shooting skills. Often, this skill is hard to come by, so honing your shooting skills can give you more time on the court during a game

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Knowing how to shoot a basketball is fundamental to the game. The more you understand proper form technique and follow it up with practice, the better athlete you'll be.

How to shoot basketball for beginners? [Complete Guide]

The ability to freely throw the ball to score a goal is critical to any great basketball game. This is a simple yet difficult skill to master. Any great basketball player should learn how to throw the ball correctly and get consistent results.

  • To begin with, you must take the correct pose.
  • Then straighten your arms; your dominant hand will shoot.
  • The other will send the ball up and over your head on the way to the hoop.
  • Continue with an arm throw, causing a reverse spin. movement.

Let's get into the details with Scott Fujita !

What is the technique for shooting beef?

BEEF is a basic shooting strategy to consider whether you are playing solo basketball or with a team. This strategy will help you improve your balance, form, general shooting skills and field control.

BEEF strategy improves your balance

Consider parts of the BEEF principle to improve your free jump and throw:

  • (B) Balance: With a slight bend in the knees, the pressure will be evenly distributed between both legs.
  • (E) Eyes: Most experts agree that the ball will follow your gaze, so be sure to look at the basket. It's up to you what to focus on, but it's best to start with the front or back of the basket rim.
  • (E) Elbow: When you are ready to shoot, your elbow should be at a 90 degree angle to your body. The fingers of your kicking hand should be on the ball, and your other hand should lightly touch the edge of the basketball, with your elbow under the hoop.
  • (F) Finishing: you rotate your wrist to increase overall strength and reverse rotation as you complete the punch.

Shooting is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of the game, and even a slight increase in the percentage of shots can lead to a significant increase in the total score.

The best way to improve your shooting ability is to practice in the form of intelligent shooting exercises. Listed below are individual shooting drills that can be incorporated into a basketball training program.

Read more: How to get better at basketball

How to throw a basketball step by step?

The fundamental basis for throwing a basketball is the following steps:

1. Maintain good posture

Maintain balance

Maintaining balance and being able to handle the ball effortlessly can be achieved with proper foot placement. Spread your legs and stretch as you throw the ball into the basket.

The distance between the feet is approximately shoulder width and in a comfortable position. When throwing a basketball, this method can help you maintain your weight so you don't fall.

Bend your knees slightly and place your dominant foot in front of the other if you are going forward. For example, if you are left-handed, your left foot should be slightly in front of your right.

Balance before picking up the ball to aim as quickly as possible without regaining balance. Also, gently bend your knees to make it easier to jump when throwing the ball.

Although this phase is challenging, once you master it, you will be able to take a stance and shoot faster.

Related: Basic basketball skills

2. Make a straight line

Make a straight line

You also need to know how to stand while maintaining control of the ball. Take the ball with the fingers of your dominant hand. Gather a straight line between the eyes and the ball leading into the basket.

Maintain proper elbow position and arm stability to ensure the ball moves in the correct direction. Maintain 9 angle0 degrees with the bottom arm. When you raise your elbows slightly to aim, they should be in line with your shoulder.

After you receive the ball, make sure you can control it with at least your thumb and fingers. This will make it easier for the ball to leave your hand.

3. Concentrate on your goal

Focus on yourself Consider focusing your attention before shooting at the trailing edge or shield of the net.

This way you can focus on the task at hand and not be distracted by extraneous factors that can interfere with your throwing skills.

Read more: How to become a basketball coach

strong >

4. Take a picture

Don't forget to lock your elbow

Keep your hands on the ball, moving your wrists forward to push the ball towards the net, remembering the previous steps. You dribble higher and into the net; don't forget to bend your arms.

Your arm should be fully extended and take care to lock your elbow. The more experience you have with these processes, the easier it will be to carry them out without prior planning ahead.

What is the correct hand position for shooting?

Correct shooting hand

Basketball shooting begins with the kick and ends with the hands. Even the most perfect posture won't save you if your hands are in the wrong place or you don't follow them.

Hand position is essential to the development of sequence as a gunner as it affects feel, proper rotation, connection and control during release. Remember the following:

  • Place the index finger of your dominant hand on the balloon's air valve to determine the correct hand position. Do a few practice shots by sliding your hand on both sides of the ball to get familiar with the feeling of balance in this pose.
  • Always grasp the ball with the balls of your fingers, leaving enough room between your palm and the ball for breathing.
  • Watch out for two or three hooks of the basket when you hit and consider throwing the ball directly over the front of the basket.
  • Don't let go too soon! The higher the ball is hit, the harder it is for defenders to block your shot.
  • Keep your elbow in line with the hoop as you throw the ball, fully extending your arm so that your elbow is over your eyes when you release the ball.

Tips for shooting at different distances

Consider your body and movement

When shooting, it is important to consider your whole body and movement. Think of your throw as a fluid motion involving multiple parts of your body.

The only way to shoot any distance, whether close to the basket or behind the three-point line, is to use one powerful shot. smooth movement. Long-range shots usually require more power, while close-range shots usually require delicacy.

In order to bring the ball closer to the basket, you must use enough force not to miss the goal. On the other hand, long shots require a lot of energy and one fluid movement to keep the ball moving towards the net.

Throwing is one thing; do it differently. Scott Fujita gives advice on how to put your knowledge on the basketball court into practice.

Basketball shooting drills and drills will help you develop muscle memory, make action natural and feel confident hitting the free throw line every time you step onto the court.

To better understand how to throw the ball correctly, you should keep these tips in mind.

  • Practice your posture in front of a mirror if you don't have a ball. Focus on foot placement and lower body position as well as hip loading by bringing the shooting hand to the forehead in a straight line.
  • Walk the hoop for 15 minutes, keeping your eyes on the hoop. Familiarize yourself with the hooks and the number of hooks facing you at different angles and distances.

Without a ball, practice running to a random spot on the floor, stopping and quickly finding the hoop hooks with your eyes.

  • Work with the ball to align your wrists. Place your middle finger on the basketball's air valve and let the ball rest in your hand to feel its center.

Perform ten throws while standing just a few feet from the ring, first finding the air valve. Then take ten more by simply finding the center of the ball with your hand.

Basketball exercises will help you develop strong shooting skills and general basketball ability by allowing you to practice these shooting techniques regularly.

The most common mistake when throwing a basketball is throwing it right after you have come down from the top of your jump. This is a paradoxical mistake, since you are not using the additional force generated by the jump, which results in your jump rolls being significantly weaker than they could be.

To solve this problem, focus on your rhythm during your workout. Pay attention to identify the place in your path during the jump and shoot before you reach the top of the jump.

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully after reading this article, maybe you will understand how to throw the basketball better. These simple tricks will help you improve your shooting accuracy, court confidence and game strategy.

Your exercises ensure that you maintain a solid foundation for building baskets every time you use the same basic rules. The highest value of success is perseverance.

If you want to become one of the successful basketball players, you must maintain the same posture and action whether you are defending or attacking the basket.

Thank you for reading!

Simple Basketball Game for Android that you will be interested in

In the next post I will introduce and recommend Basketball Game for Android , a game from those super simple ones called Casual Games or Casual Games which I call Games for bath is one of the most addictive games I've ever played on Android and it managed to hook me from the first moment.

A game that responds to the name Ketchapp Basketball follows the principles of so-called casual games with fair graphics and simple gameplay classic basketball or shooting, albeit with some new options that I'll comment on below.


  • 1 What does Ketchapp Basketball offer us?
  • 2 Download Ketchapp Basketball for free from the Google Play Store

What does Ketchapp Basketball offer us?

Ketchapp Basketball is much more than the classic Basketball game for Android in which we'll have to throw the ball into the basket indiscriminately to surpass our own mark. And it's that if this basketball game for Android stands out for one thing, it's because of the simplicity of the game's graphics, graphics that are almost like pencil drawings, showing just a few lines or simple outline strokes of a Basketball Hoop. If we also add to this the amazing simplicity of his game system, a game system in which we only need to slide to launch the ball, and we also add the ability to choose between different game modes That's when we realize the difference between this basketball game for Android and other games of the same style that are distributed on the Google Play store.

Various game modes that we can choose from the options modes that we can find on the main screen of the application, make this game for android terminals, light where they are, and be available for all android, no matter as far as they are basic, give them a touch of something different that stands out from other style games. Some game modes to choose from:

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  • Endless mode or endless mode in which we will add points until we miss our attempt to score the ball in the basket.
  • Time Challenger Mode : In this game mode we will have 20 seconds to indiscriminately shoot the basket and score as many points as possible. About 20 seconds, which doesn't start counting until we make the first throw into the basket.
  • Rebound mode : This mode is undoubtedly one of the most attractive game modes of the application, in which in order to score so many points and so that they reach our personal scoreboard, we have to shoot at the basket, but in such a way that the ball bounces off the sides . Direct basket shooting.
  • Multi Hoops Mode : This mode or way of playing basketball is one of the craziest I have tried in my life, and it is that in the Multi Hoops mode we will be shown two lines of basketball boards in constant motion, in which, when thrown, the ball will count as many points as the number of baskets scored in the attempt. That is, when throwing the ball, we add points related to the number of points scored when the ball hits as many baskets as it passes, even if it is a bounce.

In the video that we started this article with, I will show you the game system and operation of this simple but addictive basketball game for Android , a basketball game that once you download and try it on your Android terminal, you won't be able to stop playing with the little free time you have.

Learn more