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Tips on how to be a good basketball player

How to Become a Better Basketball Player

Do you play basketball? Have you ever thought of becoming the best player in the court? This article is here to help you improve your basketball skills and become the best in the game. You have seen the list of the best basketball players in the world.

The likes of LeBron James, Michael Jordan, the late Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal, and Magic Johnson all started like you. All they had was a dream and no skills. How did they make it? What made them rise to become the best basketball players of their times? Was it their condition, skills, strength, agility, and power?

In this article, we’ll look at the best tips you can borrow to become the best basketball player. Let’s go!

Be fearless

Do not be afraid to fail. It is through mistakes that we learn. Always encourage yourself to beat the records you have set. Do not see yourself as weak or someone who can’t do it. Never mind what your friends, family, or teammates will say. Try to overcome your fears. Hit the gym, train hard, and go the extra mile to improve your weaknesses. Avoid saying there is a stretch or part you can’t play. Try harder, and in the end, you will notice some good results.

Know your role

Know where you have been positioned in your team. Remember that you are not working alone but as a part of a team. Know your position on the court and acknowledge it. You can’t be everywhere, doing everything. If you are not comfortable with the role you have been allocated, talk to your teammates or coach. Ask for a change to a more suitable position.

By knowing your part, you will put all your skills into it, practice and hone your skills to become the best. Also, understand who is your immediate teammate, your role mate, and what roles your teammates are taking.

Learn and study the game

Always try to learn and practice the game to be the best. There are many resources out there that you can read or watch to become the best basketball player. YouTube can be an excellent platform for training.

Vertical jumps, especially, can be hard to learn if you are new in the game. Luckily for you, this excellent vertical jump resource has done the hard digging for you, with a review of the top exercises you can utilize to enhance your vertical jumps quickly.

As opposed to most exercises out there that can be faulty, these are known to deliver the right results within a short timeframe. You only need to set your goals and dedicate yourself to them.

You might have the best skills, but without dedication, you won’t succeed. Understand the game and dedicate yourself to becoming an all-time performer.

Give your all

When practicing, playing or training, always try to give your best. Do not look at what anyone else is offering. Just try to be you and give it all you have. Avoid excuses and complaints, and always try to accept criticisms and corrections from your coach or people who are more experienced than you.

Take mistakes as a stepping stone and accept where you are wrong while improving on your weaknesses. Errors enable every individual to enhance, so make them work to your benefit.

Keep improving your skills

Being skilled in a game does not mean you stop acquiring more. Always try to learn from others and also through online platforms. With the advancement of the internet and other learning modules, you can easily acquire new skills even without paying for them.

Remember, in any field, the more you focus on one thing, the more you lose on improving others. It would be best if no skills were left behind. Follow the trends and be updated on every aspect of your game.

Avoid complaints

Do not be a complainer when you lose something. Never blame your coach or teammates when something does not work out. Be responsible and always learn how to fix issues. However, you need to accept that some situations are not within your control and always avoid anger, stress, and bad attitudes towards your teammates.

If possible, always encourage team building to bond with your teammates. Avoid evil thoughts and emotions while in the game. Focus on scoring and give it your best.

There are other tips which you can also borrow that include training both your body and mind, along with developing other capabilities. In this article, we have discussed some of the main aspects of improvement, hoping they will help you in your basketball career. Always try to give your best no matter the situation.

There is much competition out there, and everyone at any time hopes to outshine you. Use the advice provided in this article plus others to make yourself better. Provide your best to be on the top of your game.

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How to become a better basketball player, according to NBA legends

You play pickup ball with your friends each week, but you can’t seem to keep up.

You’ve been working hard in the gym, hitting the weights to boost your fitness, but nothing seems to be working. The best way to sharpen your skills on the court? By picking up tips, tricks, and training suggestions from some of the best professionals in the sport.

Whether it’s boosting your speed, stamina, shooting, or mental toughness, we have some options for you to help your pickup skills.

Here’s your basketball training guide:


Jason Kidd – former NBA point guard, Milwaukee Bucks head coach

Back when he was age 34, Jason Kidd had one of his best seasons, joining greats Oscar Robertson and Magic Johnson as the only players to average at least 13 points, 9 assists, and 8 rebounds per game. Kidd shares some tips on how to deliver pinpoint passes and achieve your personal triple-double: strength, speed, and endurance.

Passing Skills

“I always felt passing isn’t so much working on passing as it is anticipation: What does the eye see, and can the mind relay that to my body? What does this guy like to do? Does he like to go right or left? If I see somebody is going backdoor, can I get it to him in stride so that he can catch and finish?”

Hand-Eye Coordination

“How do you work on sight and passing? Try to throw a strikeout in the [batter’s] box. If you are playing strikeout with a buddy, if you see he doesn’t like the ball inside, can you throw on the inside corner on the plate consistently? I think this is good for anybody with a son or daughter—can you throw pitches to an 8-year-old consistently where you know he or she can hit it? Can you throw the ball so it is in their sweet spot? That isn’t a very easy thing to do.”

In the Gym

“I do a lot of leg work—stepups with 30-pound dumbbells, leg press, calves and calfraises—and I do situps in between each set. I’m a big fan of Pilates for maintaining your strength. I can go an hour or 30 minutes to stretch and work on my flexibility and my abs. I don’t run a lot, but I do try to swim five times a week. I also play one-on-one with a good friend not so much to beatng him but more to chase him, stay in front of him, andmove my feet.”

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Kobe Bryant – Retired NBA legend, Los Angeles Lakers

When he was at his peak, Bryant was the NBA’s best overall scorer. Over the years Bryant bulked up with a regimen that combined Olympic lifts with track work. He shared his secrets for playing with the same intensity each time you hit the court.


“You want to make sure you go into the upcoming season in tip-top shape. My conditioning comes from running, whether it’s on a track, on a field, or on the court itself just doing suicides or sprints. Whatever your program is, the key is to push yourself to a level where you’re hurting. You can’t gain conditioning without going through it. You’re going to have to feel some pain, you’re going to have to feel like your lungs are burning, that sort of thing.”


“If you watch me train, it doesn’t look like I’m overexerting myself. It’s an everyday thing. You have to abide by your program religiously.”

In the Gym

“During the season, I focus a lot on weight training, building up my strength level as the season progresses. Clean pulls, deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, back squats, things of that nature. In the off-season, it’s about getting stronger as well as more agile. Then, obviously, you want to get on the court and work on your skills. I shoot between 750 and 1,000 makes a day.”

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Cuttino Mobley – Former Houston Rockets, L.A. Clippers guard

The former Clippers and Rockets guard was one of the best 3-point shooters in the league during his playing days. Here’s how to shore up your own longdistance stroke.


“Start in at the rim, almost like a layup with jump-shot form, and shoot about 100 shots inside, then start moving farther out. It’ll just become muscle memory from repetition.”

Proper Form

“Tuck your elbow and line it up with your knee, and don’t shoot at the rim, shoot up over it. Put some air under the ball so you give it a chance to go in. Pretend you’re picking an apple out of the basket. Reach up, go inside the basket with your release, andfollow through with your index and middle fingers. That’s what your form should be: up, pick the apple out of the basket, then back down. You don’t want to be leaning back when you shoot, either; you just want to go straight up and come down on the same spot.”

In the Gym

“Do as many pushups pullups, and dips as you can. Your jump shot comes from your triceps and your wrist strength. You don’t have to be lifting all those weights to shoot.”

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Leandro Barbosa – Phoenix Suns guard

Leandro Barbosa, “the Brazilian Blur,” previously won the Sixth Man Award earlier in his career, partly because he’s proven himself to be faster than just about anybody in the NBA. His experience will help improve your speed.

Take Up Soccer

“When I was a kid, I used to play soccer without shoes on the street. I don’t have a lot of ball-handling skills like Steve Nash, but my thing is just to get the ball down the court and score. Soccer really helped me develop my quick feet.”

In the Gym

“I don’t do a lot of upper-body stuff, but I do leg presses, Romanian deadlifts, and some other lower-body work every day. I also try to do exercises while I’m wearing a weighted shirt. People say it can be bad for your knees, but I do a lot of exercises with it on to keep my legs strong. Sometimes, I’ll just walk around the locker room with it on. Then, when I take it off, I can really feel the difference.”

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Mental Toughness

Gilbert Arenas – Former Washington Wizards guard

“Basketball is all mental,” says eccentric guard Gilbert Arenas. “Everyone’s talent is the same, but the mental aspect separates stars from superstars.” Heed his advice and be as tough upstairs as this former clutch shooter.

Redirect Your Energy

“My confidence got hurt coming into the league [Arenas was drafted 31st overall in the second round; he expected to go higher], but after seeing an old highlight tape, I realized that it’s just basketball. I put all my frustration and energy into basketball for two weeks. I did it, and I got to play, and I just decided that [my intensity] is what got me on [the team], and this is what’s going to keep me on it.”

Find a Training Partner

“You need someone to challenge you, because it keeps you motivated. He’s going to make you work hard for what you do. You need somebody like that.”

The Psychology of Game Winners

“When we play pickup games, I won’t shoot the ball until it’s the last shot,” says Arenas. “I’m the only one who’s going to take it all the way until we lose or we win. I’ve been doing that for the last three years. You have to have that mind-set: If you don’t make it, you have to live with it. As many shots as Michael Jordan’s made, he’s missed three times as many.”

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Tips from experienced masters: how to become the best basketball player

Basketball is gaining more and more popularity every year. Today you will learn a few simple guidelines that will help beginners build a path to a real professional. The development and improvement of mastery depends on how much a person can master the skills of independent development in this area.

Physical training is the basis of a good basketball player

All professional athletes, including basketball players, have a good and comprehensive physical development. In order to have an advantage over your opponents in this game, you must develop the following qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility and coordination.

By training in the basketball section, you are most likely mastering general physical fitness. However, if you train only with the ball, then you will not be able to comprehensively develop your fitness. In order to achieve it, you need to take up other sports. For example, athletics - it will help develop endurance and speed. Other qualities can be developed with the help of specialized exercises.

Each sport is unique and has a priority of development of one criterion, others, of course, are also developing, but to a lesser extent.

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7 Important Rules Every Basketball Player Should Know

  • There is no limit to perfection. Any, even the simplest technique, can be perfected over the years. Which one to focus on? Pay attention to your own body.
  • Athletes must master many techniques with high quality and then try to use them during training games.
  • If a basketball player constantly develops his technical skills, then in time he will become a virtuoso.
  • You must master your strengths and over time work on getting rid of your weaknesses.
  • Do not try to go too far at once, gradually master new movements.
  • Beginners should learn the whole arsenal at once and understand where to focus.
  • The player can choose his specialization after he has already mastered many techniques. And then choose your style of play.

Master yourself

You must remember that every workout allows you to master your movements more clearly. Do not be lazy, and if there are no valid circumstances, then do not skip classes. The main thing is regularity. Over time, you will develop a habit, and you will not be able to imagine your life without basketball. Get rid of your weaknesses and focus on your strengths.

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Practical tips to improve your game

  • Remember that every sport favors muscle elasticity. Do your best to be flexible. Eliminate the possibility of injury due to lack of flexibility.
  • Carefully study all the rules of the game. Find out what you can get a foul for, what is dribbling, rebounding, etc. Also, if you have a friend who can pass on some knowledge to you, be sure to chat with him.
  • Practice basic movements. Become your own coach, choose a sports ground that you like and train hard on it. Move at different paces, throw the ball into the air and catch it as you move. Practice throws into the ring from different angles.
  • Practice with other basketball players. Learn all the terms and definitions and start using them regularly. They should fit tightly into your vocabulary.
  • You must be a good friend. Pass often, occupy an open area in order to help another team member who is blocked.
  • Come up with new tricks. Start with simple ones and gradually complicate them. Be patient and keep practicing until you succeed. Don't give up, be determined.
  • Play at least once every two days, preferably every day. If you have the opportunity to go to the basketball court - by all means use it. Develop tolerance and a sense of devotion to basketball, and then you will definitely achieve certain heights.
  • Play with peers. As a player, you need to know how your opponents handle the ball. If you can't beat them, then work harder. After solo workouts that focus on boosting ancillary qualities like speed and stamina, be sure to be the best on the court.
  • Focus on dribbling. The only possible way to achieve great success is to be good at dribbling. You may be the most accurate basketball player on the planet, but you won't be a good player if you can't break through the opposing team's defense.

How to become a good basketball player?

  • The main thing to remember is that hard work is the key to becoming a great basketball player. A cheerful spirit and self-confidence will definitely contribute to this.
  • Remember that clever attacks are key.
  • Eat healthy food. During the game you lose a lot of calories, recover well. Eat more protein and plant foods.
  • When you play defense, always stand face to face with your opponent.
  • Get used to constant interaction with teammates. Develop your signals.
  • Remember that basketball is a team game where the team wins, not just one player. If you want to win, then be as united as possible.
  • Be friendly and never scold other team members. If you think that you are better than them, then know that arrogance is a terrible character trait.
  • You will win favor with the judges if you play fair.
  • Earn the respect of your new teammates with a good game.

Top warnings to help you avoid big mistakes

  • Never be afraid to throw the ball or attack if you think you're not ready. Also, never show off, let your partners know that you have your place and that you are a useful team member.
  • Warm up well before playing. Do a light jog, then joint exercises and stretching. Flexibility while playing is a must. If you get hurt, you will blame yourself for it. So be smart.
  • Get rid of stereotypes. You don't have to be tall to play basketball. Everyone can enjoy exercising.
  • Do not show aggression towards other players, otherwise you will simply be escorted off the field. Treat your opponents with respect. It is clear that the release of adrenaline makes itself felt, but try to control yourself.
  • Do not play basketball in enclosed spaces such as an apartment. The clatter of the ball can annoy your cohabitants. Moreover, you risk breaking something.

Keep your body in good physical shape

Sport involves the development of all physical abilities to one degree or another. To be a good basketball player, you need to keep fit, learn new tricks and learn new things.

Good athletes never miss a workout and constantly develop their skills. For many sports players, the ball is the meaning of life. Are you ready to sacrifice a lot in order to master it professionally?

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Continuation of the story from the diaries of the basketball agent Skryagin about how at the age of 17 he left Nizhny Novgorod to receive education and professionally play basketball in Italy.

The text is duplicated from Alexander's diary and reflects a young basketball player who ended up in Italy.

“I'll mention my team again. The academy is called Tigullio Sport Team and is located in the small town of Santa Margherita Ligure, with a population of about 5,000.

There are 2 famous cities nearby: Genoa (the largest seaport in Italy, the birthplace of Christopher Columbus) and Portofino (also a very small city, the population is not more than 500 people, but this is one of the most expensive and famous resorts in Italy, Madonna celebrates her day there every year birth, I heard that Magic Johnson has his own villa there.Portofino is also famous for the statue "Christ from the Abyss" - an almost 3-meter statue of Jesus, located in the sea, at a depth of 17 meters)

Our hall

The neighboring city of Portofino is an incredibly beautiful place

The same statue of Christ under water

The team was founded quite a long time ago, at least 30 years ago, but they became an international academy quite recently.

In 2010, a young coach from Serbia became an assistant to the head coach of the team, he brought with him 2 Serbs from 1995 to Italy, a year later there were already 5 foreigners, before the 2013-2014 season they began to learn about Tigullio, in the summer many guys came to watch, and that season, in the U19 championship, the guys took 2nd place in Italy.

This year Tigullio began to reach a serious level, now young guys from America and European players of the level of youth teams are coming there, the backbone of the team has almost completely changed and now the stake is on youth 14-18 years old.

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I received a visa and arrived in Italy at the beginning of October.

I’ll tell you right away about the conditions: we had an excellent 3-room apartment for two and almost always a full refrigerator of food, free access to the gym (I had the keys to the gym, so I could go to train at least at night), we were arranged for a local school , where we studied on an equal footing with all Italians (at the beginning it was hard and nothing was clear at all, at school, except for the guys from the team, only an English teacher could speak English), plus we were given a little pocket money. In general, the conditions were excellent, perhaps, not counting the terrible gym, but now it seems to have been brought to mind.

My room

The view from my window

That terrible rocking chair

We played two championships, Serie C2 for men (the 4th league of Italy, poly1) there are also teams U17, U15, U13). In principle, in terms of the youth league, Italy is not much different from Russia, except that in some teams there are foreigners, many Yugoslavs and Africans.

In Italy, people are very fond of sports, in my tiny town there was a full hall of fans at all games. We went to games of Serie A teams a couple of times, the halls were packed, not like in Serbia, of course, where there are 15,000-20,000 people at the games, but nevertheless there are a lot of people, you can’t compare with Russia, we still don’t have such promotion of sports and basketball in particular.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to go to football matches, but even if you just go to some bar during the game of the local team, you can feel the unforgettable atmosphere of Italian football. When Genoa or Sampdoria played, all the bars were packed.

Armani Jeans game

I lived in an apartment with a guy from England. He was older than me (24 years old), graduated from the university in America (by the way, in America he showed good promise, but serious injuries to both ankles put a big cross on his career, now he has to play where he's lucky) and I'm glad that I lived with him, not with his peers.

This man taught me a lot both on the court and in life.

In the course of the season, many guys from different countries came to see us and they all settled in our apartment, so during the year everyone lived at our house: Serbs, Africans, Italians, Americans, Georgians and the Dutch (who, by the way, a year later I met by chance at games in America, it really is a “small world”)

My neighbor Richard in his pajamas

Easter dinner

On average, the level of youth basketball in Italy and Russia is about the same, I don’t see much difference saw. However, I liked that there are many basketball leagues in Italy (only 5 or 6) and many teams. It seems to me that the guys have more chances to prove themselves, because teams many times more than in Russia.

There were a lot of games, usually 2 a week (one for men and one for u19), we had a pretty good season. In terms of youth, we took 2nd place in our region and the team got the opportunity to play in the “elite” division from next season. In the men's championship, in the playoffs, we lost to the team that eventually became the champion of the region, in general, the season was quite successful.

The next year, when I left for America, the team achieved very good results. In terms of youth, Tigullio took 2nd place in Italy, beating many strong and well-known teams, 2 players entered the top five players in Italy 95 years of birth. For a city with a population of 5,000 people, it was really a huge success, at home the guys were greeted like heroes!))

This year they are betting on guys born in 99-96, the coach decided to completely abandon adult players and rely on young ones.

– Article prepared by Pro Futuro Sports (

Follow Alexander Skryagin, head of the Russian division of Pro Futuro Sports — on Instagram, where you will get a lot of interesting information about sports and studying abroad.

Our blog, where you can find out more information about sports in the US and Europe, as well as players from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries playing abroad:

Profession basketball player: inside view

  • Rustam Yergali
  • 29 years old, master of sports of international class, captain of the basketball club "Astana"
  • Work experience — 18 years

As a child, I played tennis, then boxing. Basketball came into my life in a banal way: I saw healthy, tall guys on TV and wanted to become the same. From school, I stood out for my height, I was always the tallest in the class.

It all started with the fact that in the secondary school of our city players were recruited for the basketball team. My cousin was already studying at this school, I also decided to enroll. He came to training in the evening, after school he ran there to play. All the guys were older than me, and I mostly sat on the bench.

I only went to training for a week. Once I was late, and the coach told me to do push-ups and pull-ups ten times as a punishment. Then I didn’t have any physical training yet, so I was able to do push-ups, but I couldn’t pull myself up. After that, he politely asked me to leave the hall and said that I did not fit.

I came home upset and my mother started asking what happened. Mom has always been like a friend to me, so I told her about what happened and that I still want to play basketball. She offered to enroll in another school. We found the Children's and Youth Sports School, where the team gathered, and I began to study there.

Vladimir Stepanovich Krokhin became our coach, we still communicate with him. Vladimir Stepanovich really coached us. A week later he took me to a competition in Lisakovsk. There we took first place, and I received the title of the best player. This is how my basketball career started. After that we started going to competitions.

In 2001, a coach from Astana came to our house and told my mother: “A team is opening in Astana, we would like to see Rustam in this team.” I am the only son, and my mother did not want to let me go.

But the family council still decided that I should be sent. I was then 14 years old. So I ended up at the Olympic reserve school named after Kazhymukan Munaitpasov.

After graduating from it, I entered the "Agrarian University" and received a diploma in the specialty "Marketing".

Five years ago, the club "Astana" was opened, and I was offered to move there with good conditions. I agreed because my head coach and most of the players from the former team moved to this team. Then I already wanted something new, I wanted to play at a different level.


Basketball players practice a lot: every day in the morning and in the evening. It happens that three times a day. Even during the holidays, we try to keep ourselves in shape. So that later it would not be more difficult, it is better to just constantly keep yourself in good shape and not let yourself relax.

I am 195 cm tall and when I go out I don't feel like I stand out among people. But guys 2.10 cm tall really feel it.

We have a dynamic sport, we run a lot and are constantly moving, two or three kilograms do not play a big role in our sport. We don't diet, so I always know that even if I eat something fatty, then the next day in training it will all burn.

Each basketball player receives a monthly salary, it depends on the level, class and experience of the player. The number of games won is not taken into account. But if the team wins, there are bonuses.

From my own experience I can say that the profession of a basketball player is interesting because I started traveling abroad early.

A big plus of our profession is that we see other countries, peoples, the circle of acquaintances and friends is expanding, the level of knowledge of the English language is growing.

Acquaintances acquired in the process of work, in training, help in life. There is development - I think this is the most important thing that young people need.

Before every game, it doesn't matter if it's the Kazakh championship or the VTB league, I always worry. As a captain, I feel a special responsibility. I think anxiety is normal because we are all human. As a rule, after the first whistle, the excitement disappears.

Our team has its fans. Even though I'm not an Olympic champion, people often recognize me, come up and ask for an autograph. There are also many fans on social media.

When you start playing sports professionally, you leave your family, spend more time with your team than with friends and family. Over time, the team becomes your family.


I never thought that I would like to play basketball professionally. I just always did my job, and I succeeded. I got married late, because initially the sport was in the first place for me.


The most important quality is diligence, it brings up character. It is necessary to give all the best, only after that there will be a result.

Of course, there are people to whom God initially gave talent, height, physical data, but they often begin to feel like stars early.

I want to tell future basketball players that this is the first failure in their future career. I'm glad I got over it quickly.

Many experts say that basketball is the smartest ball game. No other sport has such powerful statistics as ours. In basketball, everything is calculated to the smallest detail, to minutes, to seconds: how much you ran, what usefulness you brought. In this sport, you need to be able to make decisions quickly.

I love basketball and would like the state to support and promote it more. We do not do team PR: we need to promote the team, not individual players. There are many talented young people, we need to work with them so that the younger generation can realize themselves. Then there will be no need to buy foreign athletes.

10 exercises for developing attacking skills

Hello, dear visitors of! Today I want to tell you about a few basic exercises, by regularly performing which you can reach the next level, becoming a really good attacking player.

Yes, many articles have already been written about this and many videos have been shot. Yes, we all know a few dozen exercises that promise to make you at least the next Michael Jordan. I will not reinvent the wheel, but will tell you about a series of exercises that just a year ago helped me a lot to improve in the attacking aspects of the game. Let's start the story.

Basketball drills

Mikan Drill

This drill gets its name from the first really big guy in the NBA, George Mikan. Begin to perform the exercise, located on the right side of the basketball basket (a meter and a half from the ring).

Take two steps to the left, parallel to the endline, and throw a half hook on the other side of the hoop using your left hand. Without letting the ball fall to the ground, pick it up and take 2 steps to the right (again parallel to the base line) and again throw the ball into the ring with a half hook using your right hand.

Try to get into the rhythm and hit 10-20 in a row.


This exercise will teach you how to attack with a weak hand and turn it into a formidable weapon. Personally, while doing this exercise, already on the second day I began to complete the passages with my left hand. And after a couple of weeks, the effectiveness of the attacks doubled: now the defender had to hold both sides, and I could always attack with the hand farthest from him.

Superman Drill

This exercise is very similar to the previous one. Position yourself almost on the border of the three-second zone (you always want to call it a “trapeze”, but with the change in the rules of basketball, it has lost its usual shape).

Performing a ring throw with only one difference: don't try to hit the ring! On the contrary, raise the trajectory higher so that the ball, bouncing off the backboard, falls on the other side of the ring. This is where you need to catch him, not allowing him to fall to the floor.

Important: try to take no more than three steps to overcome the distance from one side of the ring to the other. Follow the rhythm: let the entire exercise be performed in the same rhythm. Do 10 to 20 repetitions of this exercise.


Beat the Pro

Imagine that you are playing 1 on 1 against your favorite player. You just need to beat him by being the first to score 21 points. Perform game throws (with deviation, after strides, after crossovers and sudden stops).

Visualize your opponent clearly, how he defends against you, how he tries to cover your every throw, how he waits for the slightest mistake in order to intercept. For each roll you make, you get 1 point. For each miss, the opponent receives 2 points.

When you reach 20 points (if you haven't lost before) - you need to make a "buzzer beater", and you need to score it. How will you do it: with an incredible deflection after a fabulous dribbling or just hitting the ball with 9meters. Try to beat the best players in your imagination.

Important: be realistic when playing against Shaquille, it is foolish to push him with your back or try to score the ball while in close contact. Also, it would be wrong to try to overtake Rose or Jordan. In general: adequately evaluate the opponent and try to complicate your life as much as possible.

Shoot the Shot

Do you remember the good old game "Around the World"? Sometimes it is called "Points", but that's not the point. Now we will try to add a hit percentage to this game. Also, we will add a couple of new points to it, the so-called "elbow spot".

In order to advance to the next point, you must make at least 3 out of 5 rolls.

Naturally, if your level of play (and especially your sniping skills) allows you to regularly shoot with a percentage higher than 60%, then increase the number of goals scored to 4 out of 5 from each point.

Or up to 5 out of 5 from medium and 4 out of 5 from long range. Total: you have 18 points, 90 throws of which at least 54 must reach the goal. Challenge accepted?

Ball slaps and squeeze

Throw the ball up as if it had bounced off the ring after a bad throw. Jump up, grab the rebound and squeeze the ball as hard as you can with your hands. Imagine that you had difficulty getting this rebound and now they are trying to knock it out from you. Immediately after the rebound, rotate the ball around the body (at different heights): around the head, back, knees and calves. Repeat this exercise 10-20 times.

Figure 8's - with dribble and without dribble

Eight, the famous eight is back, now with dribbling. Do you remember how Petya Maravich taught us how to handle the ball? So, now we are doing the same thing, but using dribbling. For those who find it difficult to perform such dribbling - try to perform the exercise without it.


Quick hands

This is a cool exercise that is sure to be performed at every training session for young basketball players. Starting position: one hand in front, the second - behind, the ball is between the legs.

After releasing the ball, change the position of the hands: if the right was in front and the left was behind, then now the ball must be grabbed with the right from behind, and the left - in front. Diversify the exercise: both hands in front, the ball between the legs. We release the ball and catch it with our hands, but from behind.

Important: regular performance of this exercise will allow you to develop hand speed, which is very important for performing high-quality and fast feints.

How to do it: 30 seconds first option, 30 seconds second option. Write down how many times you managed to do the first time, and then compare with the results after a week.


Tom-Tom dribble

This movement is also familiar to many of us. Stand with your legs slightly apart so that you can easily transfer the ball between them. We start with the right hand.

We move the ball in front of us from the right hand to the left; then from the left hand, transfer under the foot to the right hand. Now with the right hand we transfer the ball behind the back - it turns out to be in the left hand and we send it back (also behind the back) to the right.

This is 1 repetition. Repeat 10 times and change hands (i.e. mirror).

Drum dribble

The point is to learn how to quickly and comfortably change the pace of dribbling and its pitch. For example, right after a screen or a run, you may find yourself kicking the ball out from behind (even though you already think your opponent is offside).

The most basic countermeasure is to drastically reduce the height of the dribbling. So, the exercise is that you need to knock the ball on the floor alternately with your right and left hand.

Start in a normal static position (legs and back straight) and go down, increasing the intensity of the knocks on the floor. As soon as there is a space between your hands and the floor, a little more than a ball, begin to rise up. Make several series (for example, 5).

For advanced - try this exercise without looking at the ball or by hitting it with 1 finger of the right hand and 1 finger of the left hand.


Here is a set of exercises I propose to do every time you enter the court.

Believe me, the results will shock you! Of course, if you are a professional player, then these exercises will be familiar to you and will be given easily. However, who, if not you, should know about their usefulness.

Join our VKontakte group: - there are a lot of useful and interesting things.

And this is the end of the article, I wish you successful training and look forward to visiting this site!

Basketball player who profession what does training requirements

Sports professions are always interesting to discuss. Since recently, most athletes have become famous media personalities and have excellent fees. This article is just about one of them. Consider who the basketball player is and what kind of profession it is. Does she have pros and cons, as well as what a basketball player does.

Let's give a precise definition of the profession and take it from Wikipedia, where it is said that this is a professional athlete playing the team game of basketball.

How to become a basketball player

To become a professional basketball player, it is required that parents bring their offspring at the age of 6-9 years to the basketball section for children under the wing of an experienced coach. This will be the first step.

Then there are regular trainings, hard training regimen, competitions for juniors.

The next step is to study at a higher educational institution at the Faculty of Sports Education. What is it for? So that when the basketball player finishes his career as a player, he could become a qualified coach with a higher education.

Requirements for the personal qualities of a basketball player

In order to become successful in this profession, it is not enough to have excellent physical training, you must also have some other qualities of your personality.

These include:

  1. The ability to listen to the coach with concentration and follow all his commands;
  2. Be sociable and get along well with members of the team in which he plays;
  3. To be able to fully concentrate on the game, since absent-mindedness is a gift of fate for the opposite team;
  4. Be responsible, do not miss training, observe the regime of work and rest, especially before competitions;
  5. Be honest and decent both in life and in the game;
  6. To have awareness, since the fate of the entire team may depend on one person.

Requirements for professional qualities

In order to be a competitive player and have a career prospect, an athlete must have the following professional qualities:

  • Minimum height of at least 180 cm, as these are the standards of this sport;
  • Strong muscular corset, in order to easily handle a heavy ball and avoid injury when colliding with an opponent;
  • Excellent knowledge of the rules of the game;
  • Ability to run fast both with and without the ball;
  • Ability to throw the ball into the basket of any flight complexity;
  • Be able to communicate well during the game with all colleagues of the team.

Pros and cons of the profession

Here we will describe all the known pros and cons of the profession of a basketball player.

Let's start with the positives:

  1. Sport makes a person attractive to the opposite sex;
  2. Opportunity to participate in competitions both within the country and abroad;
  3. Opportunity to meet famous basketball players, gain experience from them;
  4. Probability of career growth. From player to coach;
  5. Opportunity to get to the Olympic Games;
  6. Good pay.

Now for the cons:

  1. Workouts are exhausting and require a lot of time;
  2. Strict observance of the sports regimen;
  3. Possible injury;
  4. You have to retire early.

Summing up

We coped with the main task of the article, revealed the topic of a basketball player, who is this and what does he do. They gave a description of how to become a basketball player, what is needed for professional activities. We hope that it became clear to readers what kind of profession it is and what are its pros and cons.

We also told you where to get training to become a qualified athlete. Parents should understand that the sooner they bring the child to the sports section, the more likely it is that he will become a professional.

How to become a leader ⋆ Basketball information portal

In my last article, I told you about the very essence of leadership, about what characteristics a real leader should have. Today, let's talk about practical advice.

If you are determined to become a leader, the first thing to do is to set a goal.

Agree, when your goal is somewhat vague and not specific, you will not achieve a result, at least not a positive one. The goal is…

In my last article, I told you about the very essence of leadership, about what characteristics a true leader should have. Today, let's talk about practical advice.

If you are determined to become a leader, then first of all start with setting a goal. Agree, when your goal is somewhat vague and not specific, you will not achieve a result, at least not a positive one. The goal should be time-bound, clear and achievable.

Having set a goal, it is important to decide on the criterion of your progress (minutes played, points scored, coach's praise, etc. ). Remember that it is almost impossible to take the target with a swoop. Get ready for slow progress. Also, do not forget to record even the most seemingly insignificant successes, later they will become additional motivation.

Try to start a diary, how to work with it, I have already said in my past materials.

Remember that your progress will elicit reactions from those around you. It will be good if you express support. But you must understand that with your promotion, sooner or later you will leave one of the partners without playing time. Therefore, intrigues are possible. Think in advance about who and how will react to this.

Look for new opportunities. Usually, when trying to reach a new, higher quality level, a basketball player cannot overcome the psychological barrier. It is connected with the past level, which constantly pulls back. It is difficult, but quite surmountable, especially for a true leader!

  • And most importantly, learn from others!
  • In the end, I would like to offer you the following exercise:
  • — What are the names of three leaders that you have encountered in your life.
  • - Rate the leadership of each of them (satisfactory, good, bad).
  • - Specify the characteristics of each of them.
  • - Choose three characteristics from each that influenced your choice in one way or another.
  • It is on these characteristics that you should focus, develop them.

On this, in fact, we will finish our studies. I hope you found it interesting and informative to study them. I would be especially pleased if you followed the examples from my book, become better, faster, stronger! Good luck with your training and love basketball in yourself, not yourself in basketball.

How to become a professional basketball player in BitLife

Have you ever wanted to become a professional basketball player but could never shoot hoops well enough? BitLife gives you the opportunity of a lifetime: become a real basketball player in the game! A professional athlete brings many bonuses, among which fame and money are the most noticeable. Whatever your motives, we will show you how to become a professional basketball player in BitLife!

How to become a professional basketball player

To become a professional basketball player, you need to do it step by step. Start with a new character and live your life normally, trying to do well in school and treat your family well. You'll need their help with all of this, so it's good to be on their side.

As you advance in age and reach adolescence, you will discover the opportunity to start training on your own.

Every year you should go for walks, go to the gym and train, and practice martial arts. Martial arts lessons cost money, but if you treated your parents well, they cover it for you.

All this is done to enhance your hidden attribute athleticism .

Advance a couple more years and you'll be in high school. Once you're there, try out for the basketball team. At this point, the game will show your athleticism so you can see your chances of making the team. It should be high after all the workouts you've done, but sometimes you just get unlucky and end up with really low levels of athleticism.

If you're lucky, you'll get on the team. If you don't succeed, don't worry - you can just force quit the app and try again. Just be aware that if your athleticism is below 50%, we recommend restarting your character and trying again from scratch.

Now that you're on the team, be sure to manually train harder from your list of school activities.

You will need to exercise every day and make sure you are still exercising and going for walks.

You should start winning away matches and your skills will be noticed by your superiors, which should help you get into a pro team by the time you leave high school.

Don't worry if you don't get selected when you graduate from high school, just go to college and join the college team.

You should even be able to get a head start with a full sports scholarship if you did well on the school team.

You will go through the same process again, so just keep practicing and keep your personality to get noticed. When you graduate from college, you should be approached with a professional draft if you did everything right!

And voila - now you are a professional basketball player! You will need to manage several basketball related attributes so be sure to do so to increase your chances of winning the championship games. If you have any other tips or tricks on how to become a professional basketball player on BitLife, let us know in the x below!

Composition “My favorite sport is Basketball”

I want to talk about my favorite sport – basketball. Many people think that only people with an above-average height can practice in the section. But this is not true - everyone is taken there, but for the competition they choose the most promising ones.

All my life I have enjoyed physical education and loved to play outdoor games. Basketball is a wonderful sport that develops a person's speed of reaction, agility and coordination of movements. And endurance, the ability to concentrate and muscle flexibility become much better.

The game captivated me almost immediately. After the competition, I never feel very tired, and injuries to me and my friends happen very rarely. I am also grateful to basketball for teaching me how to play in a team. As much as I would like to be a striker, but if my physical data allows me to be a good defender, then I will be one, because it's better for everyone.

Basketball makes me feel the joy of my own achievements. At first, I was not very good at throwing the ball, and now, as a teenager, I can easily beat adults in beach games in the summer. And I really like to hear compliments from their lips, how wonderful I am playing basketball.

I am very glad that this wonderful game once entered my life. During this time, I became taller, stronger and more confident in myself. In addition, I have made wonderful friends, with whom it is so great to rejoice at our victories.

Option 2

My grandmother brought me to the basketball section. I studied in the 3rd grade, I was sick a lot, I was very weak and unsure of myself. I liked playing basketball right away, although at first it was hard in training. I was shy and constrained, I quickly got tired, I could not play on an equal footing with others.

Viktor Ivanovich became for me not only a good mentor, but also a true friend. He teaches not to be afraid of difficulties, persistently go to victory, tells a lot about the life of athletes. It is very embarrassing when the coach scolds for laziness, disorganization. Covers a feeling of joy when the mentor praises for the efforts, the results achieved.

In the section I found real friends. I really like that basketball is a team sport. You need to be able to feel teammates.

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