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How long is a basketball court in feet

Basketball Court Dimensions & Markings

The playing area of a basketball court in the UK is 91.8ft (28m) in length and 49.21ft (15m) wide. Indoor courts should be 22.96ft (7m) in height.

Sport England's requirements are split into four levels of play: International, Premier (national competition), Club (regional competition) and Community (schools/recreational). This allows courts to be more flexible with sizes. The dimensions of a basketball court in these cases also include a minimum length and width: 85.3ft (26m) x 45.93ft (14m).

Court aspect


Length (International)


Width (International)


Height (International)


Length (other levels)


Width (other levels)


Height (other levels)


How long is a basketball court?

The length of a basketball court is 28m. These measurements can be reduced to 26m for Premier, Club and Community courts where only smaller spaces are available.

How wide is a basketball court?

The width of an International-standard basketball court in the UK is usually 15m. The court lines can be reduced by no more than 1m (14m) if required for lower levels of play.

What is the total area of a basketball court?

The total area of a professional basketball court is 420m². The minimum area allowed under Basketball England's guidance is 364m². These measurements apply to both indoor and outdoor courts.

The addition of 2.05m run-offs and 2m for teams and officials on the sideline increases the total area to 677.31m².

Basketball court dimensions in feet

A basketball court is 91.86ft long and 49.21ft wide. The total playing area for a court is 4520.43 ft² and 7290.5ft² if run-offs and sidelines are required.

Court aspect



91. 86ft





Playing area


Playing area (including run-offs and sidelines)


Basketball court dimensions in yards

A basketball court is 30.62 yards long, and 16.4 yards wide. The total playing area for a court is 502.31yds² and 810yds² if run-offs and sidelines are required.

Court aspect






Playing area


Playing area (including run-offs and sidelines)


Basketball court markings

Regulation line markings must be 50mm width in a contrasting colour to the playing surface.


The outer edge of the court is denoted by the sidelines, which run the length of the court. On a full-sized court they measure 28m.

Baseline and endline

The terms baseline and endline both refer to the ends of the court running behind the goals. Typically they measure 15m.

The use of the different terms depends on the direction a team is playing. Endline is the term for the end of the court which a team is defending, baseline is the for the attacking end.

Mid court

This is the halfway mark on the court and is used to denote the offensive playing area during a game.

On a full-sized court, the mid court line would be 14m from each endline.

Centre circle

Used for the opening tip off, the centre circle has a 3.6m diameter.

Three point line

The three point lines are the arcs that mark a range boundary from each hoop. Scoring from outside this line is worth three points. The distance of the line will vary depending on the level of game, but is typically 6. 75m from the basket.

Free throw line

The free throw line, marked 4.6m from the backboard, is the mark at which a player must stand when shooting free throws.

Free throw circle

The free throw circle is the same size as the centre circle (3.6m in diameter). Shooters must stay inside this circle when taking a free throw. The circle is also used for jump balls.

Free throw lane lines/key

Lane lines run from the free throw line to the baseline, to form the 'key'. The shape and width can vary depending on the level of the game, but FIBA (International Basketball Federation) regulation changes in 2010 set it as a 4.9m by 5.8m rectangle.

Some also include space markings to keep opposing players from obstructing the free throw shooter.

Basketball court lines in feet and yards

Court marking

Dimensions (ft)



Baseline and endline

49. 21ft

Mid court


Centre circle

11.81ft diameter

Three point line

22.14ft from the basket

Free throw line

11.81ft, 15.09ft from the backboard

Free throw circle

11.81ft diameter

Free throw lane lines/key

16ft x 19ft

Court marking

Dimensions (yds)



Baseline and endline


Mid court


Centre circle

3.93yds diameter

Three point line

7.38yds from the basket

Free throw line

3. 93yds, 5.03yds from the backboard

Free throw circle

3.93yds diameter

Free throw lane lines/key

5.33yds x 6.33yds

Basketball goal dimensions

A number of basketball goal systems are available: wall hinged, ceiling mounted or free-standing practice goals.


Backboard dimensions are 1.8m x 1.22m, with a minimum thickness of 19mm. Backboards can be made of either timber or transparent material and must be fitted with padding at all levels above U16.

Backboard line markings should be 50mm in width and either black or white, depending on the material of the board. The inner rectangle should measure 0.45m x 0.59m.


The basketball goal (also known as a ring or hoop) is typically 18 inches (45.72cm) in diameter and must be positioned 3.05m from the floor.

Nets are typically white and suspended from the ring. They should be no shorter than 45cm.

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The images and diagrams showing the dimensions of a basketball court in this article are available in a downloadable PDF

Check out our range of basketball equipment, including goals, backboards and accessories.

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Diagram and Measurements – Backyard Sidekick

The dimensions of a basketball court play an important role in how the game is played. For example, getting the right distance to the free throw line is a big deal when you’re going to spend hours and hours practicing.

The NBA (National Basketball Association) official court size is 94 feet long by 50 feet wide, where the international court is a bit smaller. The FIBA (International Basketball Federation) rules state the court size should be 91.9 feet long by 49.2 feet wide for international basketball games.

There are also different size courts for high school, parks, and some college basketball games, with different distances for line markings like the 3-point line. Keep reading for detailed dimensions and free diagrams of the different court set ups.

Even though basketball court dimensions will differ between organization or level of school, they aren’t too far off from each other either. Here’s a helpful chart to show the different basketball court dimensions quickly before we dive into more detail.

Court TypeLengthWidthFree Throw3-Point Line
FIBA91.9′49. 2′15.09′22.15′
High School84′50′15′19.75′

Notice how almost all of the free throw distances are 15 feet, or close to it. The 3-point line distance is pretty close across the board, but high school basketball courts are around 10 feet smaller and have a shorter 3-point line distance.

The good thing about the key and free throw line being the same across all court types, is that for home use, you can use something like this Easy Basketball Court Stencil Kit (link to Amazon) and still be practicing your free throws at the same distance the professionals do.

NBA Court Dimensions

An NBA court will be 94 feet in length by 50 wide, with the half court line at 47 feet, directly in the center of the court. The free throw line is 19 feet from the edge of the court and 15 feet from the front of the backboard. The 3 point shooting line is 23.75′ or 23’9′ from the center of the hoop.

Here’s a handy diagram of an NBA basketball court with dimensions.

Here are some more details about the court line markings and dimensions of an NBA basketball court.

  • Court Size – 94′ by 50′
  • The Key – 16′ wide with backboard extending 4′ onto the court into the key. A 6′ radius half circle extends away from the basket at the top of the key.
  • Foul Line – 19′ from the baseline (edge of the court) and 15′ away from the backboard.
  • 3-Point Line – The 3-point line is 22′ feet from the basket on the sides of the court and 23’9″ from the basket around the arc of the 3-point line.
  • Restricted Arc – A half circle with a radius of 4′ under the basket where players can not draw charging fouls.
  • Backboard – 72″ wide by 42″ tall with an inner square 24″ wide by 18″ tall.
  • Rim/Hoop – Top of rim is 10′ from the ground and 18″ in diameter.
  • Line Markings – All line markings are 2″ wide.

FIBA Court Dimensions

A FIBA court will be 91.9 feet in length by 49.2 wide, with the half court line at 45.95 feet, directly in the center of the court. The free throw line is 19 feet from the edge of the court and 15.09 feet from the front of the backboard. The 3 point shooting line is 22.15′ from the center of the hoop.

I was crazy to me that the international court dimensions were so weirdly close to college or NBA courts, but off enough to make things difficult. The reason being is that the international courts needed to be done in metric rather than feet and inches. So they came up with nice round numbers in the metric system that translates to odd and difficult numbers to work with.

If you look at the FIBA court dimensions in meters, it makes a bit more sense. A FIBA court is 28 meters long by 15 meters wide. These courts are necessary to play on if we want to play basketball in the Olympics and other international competitions.

Here’s a quick video explaining the differences NBA players have to overcome to play internationally.

College Basketball Court Dimensions

An NCAA basketball court will be 94 feet in length by 50 wide, with the half court line at 47 feet, directly in the center of the court. The free throw line is 19 feet from the edge of the court and 15 feet from the front of the backboard. The 3 point shooting line is 22. 15′ from the center of the hoop.

The NCAA basketball court dimensions are very similar to the NBA with the exception of the 3-point line being slight closer. About a foot and a half distance can make a big deal if you get used to shooting on a college court and move to the NBA, but it doesn’t seem to be a big hurdle for the professional players.

High School Basketball Court Dimensions

A high school basketball court will be 84 feet in length by 50 wide, with the half court line at 42 feet, directly in the center of the court. The free throw line is 19 feet from the edge of the court and 15 feet from the front of the backboard. The 3 point shooting line is 19’9″ from the center of the hoop.

The high school basketball court key and free throw line matches the NBA distances. The court is about 10 feet shorter in length, but is the same width as a college level or NBA court.

The three point line is significantly closer to the hoop on a high school basketball court, partly because the court it shorter, but also to allow the players at that skill level an opportunity to make those 3-point shots.

Basketball Hoop Height

The top of the basketball hoop is 10 feet from the ground on all regulation basketball courts including the NBA, NCAA, FIBA, and high school basketball courts. Basketball rims, sometimes referred to as the hoop or basket, are a regulation 18 inches in diameter.

It’s recommended that 8 to 10 year olds play on an 8 foot rim height, and 11 year olds play on a 9 foot rim height. This way younger players can gradually get used to the height of a basketball hoop without being discouraged from playing the game early on.

Basketball Backboard Dimensions

The regulation dimensions of a basketball backboard are 72 inches wide by 42 inches tall with an inner square to help players aim for the backboard measuring 24 inches wide by 18 inches tall. This translates to a backboard 6 feet wide by 3.5 feet tall for regulation basketball courts.

Basketball backboards sold for recreational or training basketball play are sold in a variety of sizes. The most common being 60, 54, 52, 48, and 44 inches wide. For a typical two car driveway, a 54 or 60 inch backboard is most commonly used and is fitting for a court that size.

Here are some common questions I get about this topic.

How Long Is A Basketball Court In Meters?

A regulation NBA or NCAA basketball court measures 94 feet long by 50 feet wide which is 28.7 meters long by 15.2 meters wide. The FIBA international basketball courts are a little smaller and were designed using meters as a measurement coming in at 28 meters long by 15 meters wide.

How Far Is The 3 Point Line From The Basket In High School?

On a regulation high school basketball court the 3 point line is 19 feet 9 inches from the basketball hoop. The top of the rim is 10 feet from the ground and the front of the backboard is 4 feet in from the side of the court, making the free throw line 15 feet from the hoop.

Is NBA Court Bigger Than NCAA?

The regulation NCAA basketball court is the same size as an NBA basketball court at 94 feet in length by 50 feet wide. The only noticeable difference between the two courts is the 3-point line distance. The NBA 3-point line is 23.75′ from the hoop, where the NCAA is 22.15′ from the hoop.

Helpful Links:

  • Easy Basketball Court Stencil Kit (link to Amazon)
  • Recommended Basketball Gear
  • 14 Fun Basketball Games For All Ages
  • 10 At Home Basketball Drills

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Basketball court markings: standards and norms

Author of the article

Khvatkov Dmitry

Consultant in the production of rubber coatings

Basketball field marking requirements are approved by the FIBA ​​standard. The site must be flat with a hard surface, free of bends, cracks and other obstacles. The accepted dimensions of the field are 28 m long and 16 m wide. By NBA standards, the field is slightly larger: 28. 7 m (94' ft) long and 15.3 m (50' ft) wide.

Areas not intended for international competitions may differ from accepted standards (for public use, in schools or universities, etc.) and usually vary from 20 to 28 m in length and from 12 to 16 m in width.

Basketball Court Marking Standards

Basketball court markings are conventionally divided into 5 components:

  • Boundary lines. They are located along the perimeter of the site and set its size. The lines that run along the field are called side lines, and those that are behind the baskets are called front lines.
  • Central line. Divides the court in half parallel to the front lines.
  • Central zone. It is a circle and is placed in the middle of the center line, and, accordingly, in the center of the entire field.
  • Three-point line. It is a semi-ellipse and is located around the shields on both sides of the field. It limits the close range.
  • Free throw line. It is located in front of the boards parallel to the front line and is limited on the sides by paint lines.

The standard line width is 5 cm. All outlines and lines must be of the same color (usually white) and be clearly visible from anywhere on the court.

Common lines

Common lines are used to limit the playing area of ​​the court. The side lines (along the field) according to FIBA ​​standards should be 28 m long, and the front lines - 16 m. For public areas, deviations from the accepted standards are allowed. Typically, basketball courts in schools or gyms are made from 20 m long and 12 m wide.

Central lines

The center line is parallel to the front and divides the field exactly in half. According to the standards - it should extend beyond the side lines by 15 cm on both sides.

In the middle of the center line there is a circle with a diameter of 3.6 m, which limits the central zone of the field. In this zone, the ball is played at the beginning of the game.

Three-Point Line

Three-Point Lines are located around the backboards on both sides of the field and consist of two straight lines 2.9 long9 m and a semicircle. Straight lines run perpendicular to the front at a distance of 0.9 m from the side lines. Despite the fact that visually the distance from the ring to the side of the three-point line seems to be less than to its central part, the distance from the backboard to any point is 6.75 m.

Penalty lines

Penalty lines limit the nearest area at the backboard. They consist of a trapezoid and a free throw zone.

Despite the name, the "trapezium" is a rectangle (until 2009year it really was a trapezoid), which is located under the shield. Its dimensions are 5.8 meters long and 4.9 meters wide. The shield is located at a distance of 1.575 m from the end line in the middle of the court. In front of the backboard, at a distance of 1.25 m, there is a semicircle that limits the area for picking up the ball.

At a distance of 4.225 meters from the backboard, the trapeze zone ends and the free throw zone begins. It is a semicircle with a diameter of 3.6 m (like the central circle).

Paint zone lines

These lines are serifs on both sides of the trapezoid (parallel to the sidelines). They limit the areas for players who are fighting for the ball during a free throw.

Zones on the basketball field

The basketball court is divided into zones using markings. Each zone has its own specific rules.

Center circle

The center circle is used as a separate kick-off area at the start of the game. One representative from each team stand in a circle from their side and fight for the ball in a jump, after it is dropped by the referee. All players are exclusively on their side of the field, except for one who rebounds on the opponent's side.

Neutral zone

The peculiarity of this zone is that as soon as the player of the attacking team with the ball crosses the center line and is on the side of the opponent, he cannot pass the ball to the player of his team who is on the other side of the field (i. e. behind center line on your side).

Three-point zone

The three-point line limits the near zone of the shot. Hitting the basket from outside the basket brings the team three points. If the throw was made inside the zone, then it brings two points.

Three-second zone

This is the zone in close proximity to the ring. It is called three-second, since the player of the attacking team cannot be in it for more than three seconds. Most balls are thrown in this zone, so when attacking, it provides maximum protection.

Free throw area

In controversial situations, a free throw is provided from this area. The player of the attacking team must score the ball without stepping over the line of the trapezoid. At the same time, the players of both teams are not in the three-second zone. They take up positions along the paint lines on the sides of the trapezoid and may not step outside the lines until the free throw shooter has shot the ball.

How to mark a basketball field?

Basketball field markings, whether it is an international competition court or an open-air amateur field, are best applied using special equipment. This will ensure the long life of the coating, the lines will not clog and will promote fair play.

You can order the marking of a basketball court in Moscow and the Moscow region from Rezkom. We will measure the premises and develop a design project for the field so that it complies with generally accepted rules and is convenient for operation. For more details, you can contact our manager by phone 8-495-64-24-111.

Basketball court dimensions in meters (FIBA and NBA standard)

Home / All sports / Basketball court dimensions in meters (FIBA and NBA standard)

12/24/2019 All sports Leave a comment 33,198 Views

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    The size of the basketball court depends on the level of the competition, the governing organization, and the age of the students. Often, for training sessions or fights in amateur tournaments, different sizes of the playing court are used, but also in basketball there are officially established standard sizes of the field.

    FIBA ​​and NBA Basketball Court Sizes

    According to International Basketball Federation (FIBA) rules, the court must be rectangular and measure 28 by 15 meters (91.9 by 49.2 feet). However, in the overseas version of basketball, where the ruling organization of this sport is the National Basketball Association (NBA), the dimensions of the field for professional competitions are slightly different - 28.7 and 15.24 meters (94 by 50 feet).

    As for amateur basketball, the size of the fields can be completely different:

    • For schools and universities: 21-28 m long, 12-15 m wide
    • Mini basketball (for children under 12) - 17×12 meters

    Basketball court markings

    All field lines must be 5cm wide in white. The playing area is limited by the side and front lines. The middle line divides the court in half into equal parts. In the center of the middle line there is a circle with a diameter of 3.6 m (r - 1. 8 m), where a dropped ball is played before the start of each period.

    How many periods in basketball: the difference between FIBA ​​and NBA

    There is an arc near each hoop at a distance of 6.75 m from the end line. Balls thrown into the basket outside it bring 3 points, everything inside the arc - 2 points.

    Basketball's free throw zone is marked by a 3.6m line 5.8m from the endline and 4.6m from the hoop.

    See picture of a basketball court with all lines and dimensions.

    Differences in the rules for the size and layout of the court in the NBA and FIBA ​​

    Playground FIBA ​​size NBA size
    Length (meters) 28 28.65
    Width (meters) 15 15.24
    Ring height (m) 3.05 3. 05
    Center circle diameter (m) 3.60 3.60
    3 points line (distance from the basket in meters) 6.75 7.24
    Distance from the basket to the free-throw line (m) 4.60 4.67
    Court line width (cm) 5 5

    The First Basketball Court Dimensions: A Brief History

    The first basketball court was limited to the size of the college gym it was located in. That hall measured 54 by 35 feet (16.45 × 10.66 meters).

    In 1891, James Naismith, a physical education teacher at Springsfield College in Massachusetts, invented a new game he later called basketball. At the first stages of the formation of a newly-fledged sport, peach baskets were used instead of rings, and in its first 13 rules, the creator did not indicate the size of the site. As basketball grew in popularity, it became necessary to standardize the size of the field.

    Learn more