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How to be successful in basketball
How to be successful in basketball
How to Become a Better Basketball Player
Do you play basketball? Have you ever thought of becoming the best player in the court? This article is here to help you improve your basketball skills and become the best in the game. You have seen the list of the best basketball players in the world.
The likes of LeBron James, Michael Jordan, the late Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal, and Magic Johnson all started like you. All they had was a dream and no skills. How did they make it? What made them rise to become the best basketball players of their times? Was it their condition, skills, strength, agility, and power?
In this article, we’ll look at the best tips you can borrow to become the best basketball player. Let’s go!
Be fearless
Do not be afraid to fail. It is through mistakes that we learn. Always encourage yourself to beat the records you have set. Do not see yourself as weak or someone who can’t do it. Never mind what your friends, family, or teammates will say.
Try to overcome your fears. Hit the gym, train hard, and go the extra mile to improve your weaknesses. Avoid saying there is a stretch or part you can’t play. Try harder, and in the end, you will notice some good results.
Know your role
Know where you have been positioned in your team. Remember that you are not working alone but as a part of a team. Know your position on the court and acknowledge it. You can’t be everywhere, doing everything. If you are not comfortable with the role you have been allocated, talk to your teammates or coach. Ask for a change to a more suitable position.
By knowing your part, you will put all your skills into it, practice and hone your skills to become the best. Also, understand who is your immediate teammate, your role mate, and what roles your teammates are taking.
Learn and study the game
Always try to learn and practice the game to be the best. There are many resources out there that you can read or watch to become the best basketball player.
YouTube can be an excellent platform for training.
Vertical jumps, especially, can be hard to learn if you are new in the game. Luckily for you, this excellent vertical jump resource has done the hard digging for you, with a review of the top exercises you can utilize to enhance your vertical jumps quickly.
As opposed to most exercises out there that can be faulty, these are known to deliver the right results within a short timeframe. You only need to set your goals and dedicate yourself to them.
You might have the best skills, but without dedication, you won’t succeed. Understand the game and dedicate yourself to becoming an all-time performer.
Give your all
When practicing, playing or training, always try to give your best. Do not look at what anyone else is offering. Just try to be you and give it all you have. Avoid excuses and complaints, and always try to accept criticisms and corrections from your coach or people who are more experienced than you.
Take mistakes as a stepping stone and accept where you are wrong while improving on your weaknesses. Errors enable every individual to enhance, so make them work to your benefit.
Keep improving your skills
Being skilled in a game does not mean you stop acquiring more. Always try to learn from others and also through online platforms. With the advancement of the internet and other learning modules, you can easily acquire new skills even without paying for them.
Remember, in any field, the more you focus on one thing, the more you lose on improving others. It would be best if no skills were left behind. Follow the trends and be updated on every aspect of your game.
Avoid complaints
Do not be a complainer when you lose something. Never blame your coach or teammates when something does not work out. Be responsible and always learn how to fix issues. However, you need to accept that some situations are not within your control and always avoid anger, stress, and bad attitudes towards your teammates.
If possible, always encourage team building to bond with your teammates. Avoid evil thoughts and emotions while in the game. Focus on scoring and give it your best.
There are other tips which you can also borrow that include training both your body and mind, along with developing other capabilities. In this article, we have discussed some of the main aspects of improvement, hoping they will help you in your basketball career. Always try to give your best no matter the situation.
There is much competition out there, and everyone at any time hopes to outshine you. Use the advice provided in this article plus others to make yourself better. Provide your best to be on the top of your game.
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USA Basketball - 3 Keys to Athletic Success
If you want to be successful at anything in life, especially basketball, you need to work hard every single day.
Are you rolling your eyes? Sound cliché? Sound redundant? Probably, but nevertheless it is true. One of the best coaches and motivational speakers I have ever heard speak was Jim Valvano. I have an old grainy video clip of him speaking in which he said something that changed my life forever:
"Every morning when you wake up, you have only two choices. The choice to work hard or the choice to not work hard. That's it, no other choices. Either you work hard or your don't; it's pretty simple. If you choose not to work hard, you will fail. If you choose to work hard, you still might fail! How is that for a deal? Success is never guaranteed, but it is impossible without hard work."
While I firmly believe hard work is the backbone of success in any endeavor, I believe there are several other factors that contribute to whether or not you are successful. I am going to focus on three of them:
Find Positive Influences
It is very rare for anyone to be successful without any help.
So a key to being successful is finding someone who pushes you. Someone who pushes you to be the best you can be. Someone who holds you accountable. Someone who motivates you. Someone who tells you what you need to hear; not what you want to you hear. Someone who gives you energy. Someone who encourages you. Someone who coaches you.
Everyone needs someone like this in their life. If you are really lucky, you will find several people like this and surround yourself with them as often as possible. And don't wait for this to happen by chance, go find this person! You have a much better chance of being successful if you do.
This person can be a sibling, a parent, a friend, a teammate, a coach, a trainer, or a mentor. Who they are is not as important as what they are. Are they someone who makes you better? Are they helping you become more successful?
Tiger Woods is one of the most dominant athletes on the planet. He has natural ability, a tremendous golf IQ and a relentless work ethic.
He has already attained astronomical success. So why does Tiger Woods need a coach?
He doesn't. Tiger Woods doesn't need a coach. He wants a coach.
He wants someone to make him better. As good as Tiger is, arguably the greatest golfer of all time, he wants to find areas where he can improve. He studies film on his swing hoping to find a flaw. Why would the best golfer of all time want to find a flaw in his swing? Because it will mean he can still get better. Tiger humbly recognizes this and uses a coach. But it is not just the fact he uses a coach that is important. It is the fact he has found someone in his life to push him; every day, every practice, every match. Tiger's success is not an accident.
Do you have a person like this in your life?
Be Willing to Learn
Another important ingredient to being successful is gaining access to developmental resources. Whether you are a basketball player or coach, you have to make sure you are constantly progressing and developing.
Either you are getting better or you are getting worse; there isn't anything in between.
As a veteran basketball strength & conditioning coach, I spend a good deal of time on my own professional development and am constantly seeking both people and resources to broaden my scope and assist in my success. I read the latest training books and manuals, watch the latest training DVDs, attend numerous coaching clinics, and network with dozens of collegiate and NBA strength coaches. I know part of my success is making sure I am on the cutting edge with my training techniques, concepts, and equipment. This commitment to my professional development takes time and effort, but it is well worth it.
What resources do you use to get better?
Strengthening Your 'Want To'
A third ingredient of being successful is strengthening your "want to." Everyone has a want-to list. If you are a basketball player your want to's probably include "I want to jump higher" or "I want to gain 10 pounds.
" Most times people's want to's are just lip service. They just say they want something but they don't work as hard as they can to get it.
Think your want to is strong? Let's say your goal is to gain 10 pounds over the summer. If I weighed you on June 1 and told you on September 1 I would weigh you again and if you were 10 pounds heavier I would give you $1 million in tax-free cash, would you accept my offer? Of course you would! Think you would attain your goal? I guarantee you would. Heck you would probably exceed it and gain 15-20 pounds. because your want to would be unstoppable!
One way to gauge the strength of your "want to" is by seeing how many times you give in to the little voice in your head. The voice that says, "I am too tired to work out today. I don't want to get up early. My legs are too sore to get up extra shots. I can't do that drill, it is way too hard." If you let that little voice win, your want to is not strong enough If you let that voice win, you won't be successful.
How strong is your "want to?" Do you really want something or just say you do?
How to get results in basketball
"Any experienced basketball player will tell you that there is a huge difference between learning and applying technique!"
Online basketball expert, national level player
Any experienced basketball player will tell you that there is a huge difference between learning and applying technique! It's only natural that beginners (or those who are returning to play after a long break) get caught up in the game on the court - all you hear is "rush...to the rim...lead...use the whole court". All your strength is focused on not making mistakes, in order to know that you do not let your team down. What exactly are you doing? Positions? rebounds? Blocks? Intercepts? This is really important, but there are other great ways to add value to the team. Take a break from your own achievements - this will allow you to become a more valuable player.
This article does not contain obvious advice on keeping fit, working on speed, dribbling, serving, etc. But here you will find 5 ways to become more efficient from the very next game. You are much closer to success than you think!
The main reason basketball players lose passes and miss comfortable rebounds is because their hands aren't ready. This seems obvious, but still deserves special attention. Your hands should always be ready to receive the pass, and your palms are directed towards the ball - the server will perceive them as a target.
Here are a few exercises you can do during your warm-up to prepare for the game:
The correct execution of passes gives confidence on the site. However, there are a few things to keep in mind here.
The basics of technique play a huge role for beginners. Practice a 2-handed chest pass and a bounce pass. After that, you can move on to other methods.
Don't pass just for the sake of passing. Determine who can take the pass, who can't, (identify strong offensive players, weak defenders) and go for it!
IMPORTANT: DO NOT KEEP THE BALL - make passes and passes will be made to you.
Low, wide stance: There are only 2 cases where you should deviate from this rule - this is rebounding and covering the ball. In any other situation, it is important that the stance is low: straight back, bent knees, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. In this position, you are firmly on your feet and ready to respond to passes. It is very important to be between the defender and the ring.
This is the main way to participate in offense without the ball! If you are a beginner basketball player, then you will most likely score infrequently. Perform screenings to:
- give partners the opportunity to open up
- open yourself
Shield the dribbler, shield your opponents without the ball (to help your teammates) and keep moving.
The ball will find its way to you.
SITE 9 LOCATION0002 There are 8 main points on the court that attackers usually occupy to attack. Simple arithmetic suggests that at least 4 of them are free at this moment. Make sure you don't get too close to the rest of your team. Why?
- This allows you to strengthen the attack - so it will be more difficult for defenders to keep track of all opponents;
- You will be in a better position to shoot/pass/dribble to the basket when you receive the ball.
Do not forget that your hands should always be ready.
Try to consciously change positions (moving quickly between two points on the court) so that you get used to playing from different points. A conscious change of position will bring you the location of your team, but the enemy defender will clearly dislike you!
This is certainly not a complete list of tips, but rest assured that if you follow them, your next game will be better than the last!
What height is required for basketball and how can it be increased?
You don't have to be an expert in team sports to understand that tall basketball players are usually more successful than those who are shorter.
There are exceptions, but they only confirm the general rule. In this regard, this begs the question, what height is needed for basketball? It is noticeable that there are no low people in this sport, but not every basketball player reaches two meters in height. In this article, we will look at how important height is for a basketball player, what it should be. You will learn a lot about an interesting game, and you will also get an answer to the question: is it true that basketball makes people taller.
Physical strength in basketball is not the key to success. Its use is limited by a number of strict rules:
- you must not push or touch the hands of the one who dribbles;
- kicking the ball is prohibited;
- brawls on the court are punishable by free kicks and removal from the game.
A strong person will not necessarily be successful in this sport. The main criterion is different, and this is growth.
Why are basketball players tall?
It is easy to see that professional basketball players are always taller than average.
It can be assumed that only very tall guys go to this sport initially, but this is not so. It would be more correct to say that tall athletes are more likely to succeed. The basket is located high enough, the higher the growth, the easier it is to get into it, as well as to catch the ball in a jump.
This is not the only reason. Players are constantly training, doing dynamic stretching, relieving the spine from excessive stress by jumping. Therefore, their height will not become smaller due to poor posture, as is often the case with people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
How tall should you be?
When the NBA was in its infancy, the average height of team members was 188 cm. By the 80s of the last century, this bar had risen by 10 cm. At the moment, growth averages 195-198 cm. There are distributions in terms of positions, for example, the height of the point guards is 188 cm, the center players are 211. Such indicators make it possible to achieve success.
As far as high school teams are concerned, basketball players are usually no taller than their non-playing peers. On average, for guys aged 16, it is 175-177 cm. Therefore, parents may not wonder if their child is suitable for basketball in height, it is better to see if he really has the data necessary for this.
Qualities important for basketball:
- dexterity. This is a defining parameter, it gives a competitive advantage on the site;
- flexibility. The range of motion of body parts depends on stretching, it determines how dexterous a person will be;
- speed. The game is very dynamic, and those people who can run fast are in priority. It is also important to make decisions quickly, often split seconds are allotted for its adoption;
- endurance. Without stamina, it will not be possible to remain productive throughout the game;
- maneuverability. Basketball players very quickly change from one position to another, they must be maneuverable so as not to interfere with comrades and easily bypass rivals.
If a child has these qualities, then he can be given to the basketball section. He will be more likely to succeed than less agile and flexible peers. Growth is an important but not the only criterion for success. There are standards, but at all times there have been exceptions to the general rules. For example, Tyrone Curtis Bogz, the shortest NBA player for the entire period of the existence of this organization, his height is only 160 cm. And Gheorghe Dumitru Muresan became the tallest, his height is as much as 231 cm.
Parents often send their boys to training because they want them to grow up tall. Let's see how it is justified.
Will it be possible to grow?
It is believed that playing basketball as a child helps boys grow up and become tall. Many parents believe in him. Moreover, it can be heard from the coaches of the children's sections. They motivate their point of view by the fact that basketball training is a constant dynamic stretching.
Jumping and throwing the ball relieve the spine from excessive stress, allowing it to grow freely and unhindered.
The fact that parents believe in this and send their children to sports is good. Reasonably selected physical activity positively affects the general state of health, makes people stronger physically and morally, and instills self-discipline. But you should not rely heavily on sports, since the last word will still remain with genetics.
It is impossible to influence genes through training.
Basketball players differ from non-athletic people and representatives of other sports not only in height. You can see with the naked eye that they have longer arms than the average person. Based on this, we can conclude that frequent throws and other basketball movements still have an effect on the growth of bones and other body structures.
Let's consider all the factors that basketball affects the growth of the body and limbs:
- hormonal changes.
Do not be afraid of them, they occur within the normal range. Frequent performance of explosive movements makes changes in the general hormonal background. Under their influence, the pituitary gland increases the production of growth hormone, this is one of the most important chemical compounds in the human body of any gender; - microfracture of bones. It also sounds scary, but in reality it is not dangerous. These are just microscopic cracks in the bones of the legs, which are not considered injuries. They stimulate bone cells to accelerate recovery, due to which the bones become stronger and grow better;
- self-hypnosis. The psychological aspect is more important than it might seem at first glance. Basketball programs consciousness for high growth. Constantly jumping to the ring, we convince ourselves that we must become higher. Persuasion is strengthened if we lose to a taller opponent. There is a self-suggestion of installation that for success it is necessary to grow.