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How to dribble faster basketball
How to dribble faster basketball
5 Drills To Help You Become a Better Dribbler
Basketball Tip
The better you are at dribbling, the more opportunities you and your team will have on the court. Players who take time to work on the basics and master the fundamentals are the ones who go further and can contribute more to their team. Dribbling is one of the easiest skills to practice because it does not require a court, a partner, or much space. The more time you spend with a ball in your hand the better your ball control will be, but the only way to improve and go to the next level, is to practice outside of your comfort zone. This means you should experiment and go faster or harder than you are used to. If you only practice the skills you are comfortable with, you will slow your progress as a player. Here are five stationary drills that our Brooklyn Nike Basketball Camp Director TJ Jones uses at his complete skills basketball camp.
When first starting out make sure that you are using your fingertips and not the palm of your hand, and that you are bouncing the ball no further than waist height. The goal of these drills is to become comfortable dribbling with both hands and to not look down. An easy trick to keep your head up is to find a spot on a wall and focus on this spot when dribbling. When going through each of these drills, imagine the game scenario you would use them in or what skill they can help you improve.
Front V-Dribble
The front V-dribble is used for in and out fake moves and can help you get around a defender. Start by only using your right hand and dribble the ball side-to-side in front of your body. This should make a V. Your upper body should move with the rhythm and the ball should go side to side. Switch over to your left hand and repeat.
Figure Eight Dribble
Widen your stance and dribble the ball in a figure eight around both of your legs.
As the ball moves from one side to the other side, you will switch your hand. The one hand that is not in use should be between your legs, ready to make the switch as soon as possible. As your dribbling gets faster, your dribbles should get lower and lower.
This drill practices alternating between your legs. To get started put your right foot in front, and your left foot behind. Cross the ball between your legs and jump to switch the position of your feet so your left is in front and your right is behind. You should pass the ball between your legs, and after each time you should switch your feet position. Try to become faster and faster as you progress over time.
Dribble Behind the Back and Crossover
This drill requires 2 basketballs. With a ball in each hand, pound the balls 3 times, at the same time, on each side of your body. Then, pass one ball behind your back, and one in front to the opposite hand. Once you have passed the balls to the other side, pound the balls 3 times again and repeat.
Make sure to change the direction after 5 times. As time progresses, see how fast you can do this drill.
Use what you learned above and your own moves, and in a stationary position, combine them together. Make sure to maintain your ball control with freestyle and not to forget the fundamentals.
Remember to not be discouraged if you mess up at first. Just like everything in life and in basketball, new skills take time and hard work to master. Try practicing these 5 drills each day, and to see how you progress over the course of your training. Check out more basketball drills and tips and join TJ Jones and his camp staff this winter, spring and summer in Brooklyn at a Nike Basketball Camp.
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USA Basketball - 8 Basketball Power Dribbling Drills
Most children first learn to crawl, then walk, and finally to run. Basketball requires players to not only effectively move their feet, but also to maneuver a basketball.
Basketball players first learn to dribble the basketball with one hand, then to alternate hands, and progressively to increase to more advanced dribbling. As a basketball player, a powerful and effective way to keep defenders on their toes and increase your threat as an offensive player is to develop an agile and quick dribbling technique. The power dribble can do this.
A basic power dribble is when you dribble the ball at a very intense rate. Maintain your normal form and posture. Use your muscles to thrust the ball forcefully down, and then expect the ball to quickly bounce back to your hand.
The drills described below will help you gain confidence and agility to handle a basketball in a power dribble. This will help you run a fast break, cut through the defensive, and outmaneuver your opponents.
Power Dribble
1. Power Crossovers - Power dribble in your right hand, and then quickly bounce the ball to your left hand. Power dribble with your left hand for a few seconds before bouncing the ball back to your right hand.
2. Dribble Blindfolded - Wrap a cloth around your head as a blindfold, or you could simply close your eyes...no peeking. Power dribble a ball for at least 60 seconds. This drill helps you enhance your tactile sense of the ball. You can enhance the drill by performing it in the center of a deserted basketball court, walking around while dribbling. To make the drill even more challenging, try power dribbling two balls, one in each hand, while being blindfolded and slowly walking around a deserted basketball court.
3. 10-5 Repeats - This drill exercises power dribbling with one hand at a time. Choose which hand your would like to practice. Power dribble for 10 seconds, then soft dribble for 5 seconds. Repeat multiple times. This exercise teaches your arm muscles how to alternate between various dribbling speeds that occur during game play.
4. Dribble Between Legs While Walking - In order to do this drill you will need a segment of floor, such as a basketball court floor, a street's sidewalk, or a wide hallway that is deserted.
Power dribble while walking up and down the walkway. Power dribble the ball between your legs to practice fancy dribbling skills. To enhance the drill, perform the drill at a quicker walking pace, maybe at a light jogging pace.
5. Double Ball Power Dribbling - Power dribble two balls, one in each hand. This will increase your arm strength for dribbling and enhance your dribbling control. Since you can't look at both hands at the same time, this drill will also practice your ability to power dribble without looking at the ball.
6. Power Dribbling Sprints - This drill requires you to power dribble for an extended period of time and run back and forth on the basketball court. Stand at one end of a basketball court. Dribble to the nearest foul line, and then return to the baseline. Dribble to the middle of the court, and then return to the baseline from which you started. Dribble to the farthest foul line, and then return to the baseline from which you started.
Finally, dribble the entire length of the court, and return to the baseline from which you started. This entire continuous power dribbling exercise counts as one complete cycle of the drill. Repeat multiple times to practice your dribbling, speed, and direction-changing abilities.
7. 3-Chair Dribbling - Set up 3 chairs or cones in a line, spacing each chair/cone 10 feet apart. Power dribble around the chairs/cones in different shapes, such as figure-eights, circles, or any shape. Use your imagination.
8. Dirt dribbling - This drill actually requires you to leave the basketball court and find a patch of dirt. Do a Power dribble on the dirt for 1 or 2 minutes. You will need to power dribble the ball even harder than usual in order to get the ball to bounce on the dirt. This drill is an extremely good arm workout with power dribbling.
Start with just a few of these exercises, and then expand your workouts to include more drills. You can also modify the drills to be more challenging by increasing the number of repetitions or slightly modifying the drill.
The key is to vary your routines and have fun with them. By practicing the power dribble, you will greatly improve your dribbling.
Improvement Exercises
Improvement Exercises
Improvement Exercises dribbling
Purposeful dribbling is one of the most effective techniques in modern basketball. Each team must have court with at least one excellent dribbler and the rest of the players should be able to drive the ball freely, naturally, while seeing the court, be able to bypass the defender with the help of dribbling (one on one).
Like passing, dribbling in the modern game is performed at high speeds, with the active influence of defenders. improve dribbling is necessary in conditions close to the competition, in close connection with improving body control techniques.
Exercises for training one player
1. Player freely dribbles the ball forward, stops, dribbles again (Fig.
49). Stopping, performs dribbling on the spot. It is very important to stop properly.
Variants: a) dribble with a high bounce off the floor, after a stop, switch to dribble with a low rebound from the floor;
b) dribble with a low bounce as fast as possible forward, stop and again dribble the ball forward as quickly as possible;
c) dribble the ball with one or the other hand.
2. Dribble, changing direction from one sideline to another (or mark a corridor narrower) (Fig. 50).
3. Dribbling between obstacles, (fig. 51) with the hand farthest from the obstacle, so that between the ball and the obstacle was the body of the player. Possibly put up obstacles closer, this will allow you to change the direction of the ball more often.
4. Dribbling with a stop and a change in the direction of guidance in the opposite direction.
Move the ball forward with your left hand, back with your right hand (Fig. 52).
5. Dribbling around the obstacle as quickly as possible. Return to starting position easily, driving the ball, (Fig. 53).
6. Same, but an obstacle is circled first on one side, then on the other, therefore around one obstacles to dribble the ball with one hand, around the second - with the other, etc. (around lead the first in the indicated direction with your left hand) (Fig. 54).
7. Dribble, stop, turn, drive on, etc. (Fig. 55).
8. Dribble from one touchline to the other (or in a marked corridor narrower than the court), perform a turn, at the same moment change hands and dribble further (Fig. 56).
9. Drive in a straight line (or initially in place) immediately two balls.
The player leads ball across the hall against the wall. At a distance of 5-6 m from it performs a transmission (hits the ball against the wall), catches the bouncing ball, turns, dribbles the ball to opposite wall and does the same (Fig. 57). Pass the ball without stopping, on the move (or, without catching the ball, but right after the dribble, execute transfer with one hand).
11. On site mark a few points. Two put the ball behind the end line. The player takes one ball, leads to any point, return to baseline, change balls, lead to another marked point etc. If there is one ball, then return to the front line every time the ball is brought to a certain point (Fig. 58).
Described exercises can be performed on the entire site, on one half, on a part sites.
Exercises for training two players
1. Players stand one after another at the end line facing the court.
At a distance of 12-14 m from the first player is faced with an obstacle (chair, stand). The player dribbles around obstacles, passes it to the partner and runs to the place of the partner. The second player who received the ball does the same (Fig. 59).
2. Players stand on opposite corners of the site. The player dribbles the ball; catching up with a partner passes the ball to him. He dribbles the ball forward to the end of the court, stops, makes a turn and passes the ball diagonally to a partner (so that the pass is not too long, you can dribble up to half of the site,} {rice. 60).
3. Players one against another at a distance of 15-20 m. The player dribbles half this distance, passes his partner, receives the ball back, turns and dribbles then to starting position, where it stops, turns to the partner and passes him the ball. The second player does the same (Fig. 61).
Players stand at the end line one by one facing the court. The first player dribbles 5-6 m, stops, turns to the partner and passes the ball to him. Second player runs forward for the lead ball. The player who receives the ball dribbles as far as possible. faster, overtakes teammate, stops, turns and passes the ball partner (Fig. 62).
5. From the same starting position, as in exercise 4, the player standing closer to the front lines, dribbles and overtakes the player in front of him. Then the player without the ball quickly runs forward and overtakes a partner who is leading the ball. Once a player without the ball is in front of the leader of the ball - he passes the ball to him; the player who received the ball begins to dribble, and the player who passed the ball overtakes the leader and again receives a transmission from him
(Fig. 63).
6. Playground divided into four parts.
Players at the end line; both have the ball. Who faster, driving the ball in the indicated directions, will reach the opposite front lines (Fig. 64).
7. Players stand as shown in Fig. 65. One player dribbles forward, the other without the ball overtakes the leader of the ball, changes the direction of the run, cuts the path of the leader, does not preventing him from dribbling, runs a few steps, stops, again cheats running direction, overtakes the leader and, having received a pass from him, dribbles the ball forward. The player who gave the ball does the same way and again, having received the ball, leads him forward, etc. The actions of the player without the ball should, perhaps, be more fast, but with correct stops, with a change in the direction of running (Fig. 65).
8. On site 4 balls are placed in one row at a distance of 4-5 m from one another. Player runs to one of the balls, takes it and leads to the end line, leaves it on marked place and runs after another ball, etc.
(Fig. 66). The second player alternately leading the balls, puts them in their original places (Fig. 67).
9. One player in the role of the defender, the second dribbles, stops, dribbles on, etc. The defender does not operate at full strength (Fig. 68). The players change roles.
10. Player leads ball in the direction shown in Fig. 69. The defender is active: if the leader does not protect the ball, dribbles it with the wrong (far) hand, the defender tries to knock ball. The players change roles.
11. On the set a corridor 5-6 m wide is marked. The player with the ball tries break through, bypass the defender in this corridor. The task of the defender without losing the good position (keeping the right distance from the ball carrier, good stance, etc.), if possible, take away, knock out the ball. The task of the ball carrier is to protect the ball and bypass the defender (Fig.
70). The dribbler must face the defender at all times. (except when making turns). The players change roles.
12. Protector - at the center circle, the ball carrier is at of the front line dribbles the ball, trying on the move to bypass the defender who meets leading at the central circle (Fig. 71). This exercise can also be done in marked corridor.
13. Both players have a ball and are freely driven in different directions in a small part sites. Each of them, dribbling the ball, tries to knock out the partner's ball and at the same time guards his ball so that it is not knocked out by a partner.
14. Players stand at the front line, facing the court at a distance of 5-6 m from each other. The first player (in front) dribbles, turns, stops, changes direction, height of the rebound when dribbling, speed of dribbling, changes the hand that dribbles the ball, and the player standing behind imitates him, trying as quickly as possible do the same as the partner.
15.In the middle the court is a player without the ball. The player with the ball from the end line dribbles the ball at maximum forward speed, passes it to a partner, receives the pass back, dribbles to the opposite front line, dribbles the ball to the other side of the court and returns back, doing the same (Fig. 72). Exercise to perform at the maximum pace.
16. The same but there are obstacles on the site. It is important to perform the exercise accurately and quickly. It is advisable to improve passing the ball right after dribbling with one hand, not
catching the ball (fig. 73).
17. Players stand as shown in Fig. 74. There is an obstacle at the free-throw line. Player O1 leads ball forward towards the basket, changes direction of reference and leads him past obstacles. Meanwhile player O 2 runs as shown. As soon as player O1 runs past the obstacle, player O 2 leads ball to the place from which the player started dribbling O 1 a player O1 takes the player's place 02 etc.
Exercises for training three players
1. Players stand at the end line facing the court. One player dribbles the ball to the marked spot (up to center circle), stops, turns and returns the ball to one from partners, and he himself remains there. The second player to receive the ball does same thing. The third player who received the ball dribbles it to the marked place, turns around, leads him back to the beginning starting position and transfers to one of the partners (Fig. 75).
2. The same only the player who passed the ball returns to its original position (Fig. 76).
3. Players run around. One of them dribbles the ball and passes it from behind to the runner (or in front), he the next, etc. (Fig. 77).
4. Each player, while driving the ball in a small part of the court, he tries to knock out the ball of a partner.
5. One player dribbles the ball, and the other two players try to intercept the ball, knock it out.
6. Players stand at the front line, as shown in Fig. 78. Player 1 dribbles towards player 2, who also runs towards player, dribbler, takes the ball from him and continues to dribble in the same direction. AT at the same time, player 3 runs towards player 2, takes the ball from his hand, continues move in the same direction until player 2 passes ball to player 3. Once player 3 has received the ball, player 1 quickly changes running direction and runs towards player 3, takes over the ball, etc. Player 2, who threw ball to player 3, does the same as player 1.
7. Players stand at the end line, facing the court. Player 1 dribbles forward 3-4 m and, changing direction, dribbles the ball across the court to where player is standing 2. Player 2 runs to the dribbler, receives it and makes the same path while dribbling the ball like player 1, heading towards player 3.
The path of the players without the ball is shown in fig. 79.
8. Player 1 leads ball forward to player 2. As soon as he is in line with him, stops, turns back and passes the ball to player 2, who dribbles ball to player 3 and does the same. Player 3 dribbles the ball across the court to player I, etc. (Fig. 80).
9. One player per the role of the defender prevents the player with the ball from "breaking through" to the center circle. The remaining two players each have the ball and are behind the end line. Their goal is driving the ball, “break through”, bypass the defender. Ball carriers must use space to the defender to gain speed and, having gained speed, "get around" the defender, using deceptive movements, changing direction, rhythm management (Fig. 81).
As soon as one the attacker bypassed (or the defender took away, knocked out the ball) the defender, immediately breaks through second.
Players switch roles after the attacker completes the drill repeatedly.
10. Two players as a defender. Each of them operates on a certain plot. The player with the ball behind the end line. His goal is to break through, bypass the defender, driving the ball (Fig. 82).
11. One player as a defender, the other players each have the ball. A corridor is marked on the site, in which the defender operates. Each player with the ball in his area dribbles the ball and tries in turn to break through to another section through the corridor in which defender is active. If the dribbling player sees that it is not possible to break through, he returns to his area. The player who lost the ball becomes a defender {rice. 83).
12. Two players stand at opposite ends of the site, the third - in the middle between them a protector. The ball carrier dribbles to a defender who interferes with the pass ball to a partner.
The player with the ball passes it to a partner and returns to the starting position. position. The second player, having caught the ball, also leads it to the defender, etc. If defender interfered with passing the ball, he changes role with a player who could not pass the ball (Fig. 84).
13. The same but the ball is dribbled in a limited corridor 4-5 m wide. The defender immediately actively interferes with dribbling and passing to a teammate. ball player must necessarily bring the ball to the middle of the court and only then perform the transfer. If the transmission successfully performed to a partner standing at the opposite end of the site, the defender runs towards him and also actively acts, preventing the player from dribbling, and then pass it on. If the ball carrier fails to bring the ball to the middle of the court or could not complete the pass, then he becomes a defender (Fig. 85).
Two players with balls stand at the end line, the third - in the central circle facing them. Players dribble forward alternately at maximum speed. Not catching the ball move, one of the players with one hand directs the ball to a player standing in center circle, receives the pass back, dribbles to the end of the court, turns and does the same in reverse (Fig. 86). It is advisable to finish the exercise throw into the basket.
15. Same the same, but the exercise is complicated by the fact that the players circle the obstacles (Fig. 87).
16. Player with the ball is held by the defender (at first not quite active). The ball carrier tries to go around the defender by dribbling the ball. If this he fails, he tries to pass the ball to the third player standing on in the middle of the court, without the ball to go around the defender, get the ball back, dribble it to the basket and shoot.
Try to pass the ball on the move. After doing throw in the basket (you must try to get into the basket) exercise do it on the other side. If, when dribbling (or passing), it intercepted by the defender, then the player who lost the ball becomes the defender (Fig. 88)
Technologies used uCoz
High Speed Techniques (dribbling, passing and catching the ball)
Speed, speed and more speed! This is the development trend of modern basketball. Increasingly, the speed of movement of players both with the ball and without it is increasing. Less and less time is spent by basketball players on passing the ball, on handling it when catching, on preparing to throw the ball across the basket. The pace of the game increases, its sports intensity increases. I am sure that in the near future we will be able to rightfully call our basketball speed. We already have teams that are constantly playing at a fast pace.
First of all, these are the champions of the country basketball players of CSKA. The athletes of the Tartu "Kalev" play the same way.
Many masters of domestic basketball very often perform various techniques at high speed. Look, for example, at Armenak Alachachyan's dribbling, Gennady Volnov's basket shots, Vyacheslav Khrynin's fast break. These basketball masters don't waste a single moment! It is from them that young basketball players need to take an example.
Technique for performing playing techniques at high speed has some peculiarities. I want to tell young basketball players about these features.
What is the best way to dribble the ball when running fast - high bounce, medium bounce or low bounce? It would be wrong to give a single recipe-recommendation for all cases of the game here. Dribbling height should be varied depending on the playing environment. The more free space in front of the player, the further away the opponents are, the higher the hand meets the bouncing ball.
Indeed, with high dribbling, it is possible to develop a high speed of movement. And the closer the opponents, the lower the dribbling should be.
Coaches usually advise a player, if an opponent is near him, to dribble the ball with a low rebound from the floor and at the same time hold the hand firmly, push the ball down with mostly tense fingers. This is correct advice. True, I don’t follow him, but not because I think it’s wrong, but simply because I never dribble the ball low. I especially liked the medium bounce dribbling because it allows you to move quickly around the court. With medium dribbling, as with high dribbling, I always leave the wrist relaxed and push the ball down with my whole palm.
Of course, it is easier for an opponent to intercept the ball at a medium height dribbling than at a low one. But I prefer to win a little in speed to the detriment of the safety of the dribbling. I compensate for the reliability of possession of the ball by other means.
In a dangerous neighborhood with an opponent, I cover the ball from him with my body. If the opponent attacks me from the right, then I transfer the ball to my left hand and turn the body to the left, leaving the defender as if behind my back.
When dribbling close to the opponent's backboard, for example when going under the hoop, it is not uncommon for a player to suddenly change dribbling direction. Therefore, you need to learn how to move with the ball on strongly bent legs - it's easier to beat the defender.
In critical moments of a match, it is not easy to navigate the rapidly changing situation on the court. Here you can’t distract your eyesight from the game environment. If you bury your face down, look at the ball that you are leading, then there will be little sense from your game. At an advantageous moment, partners will not wait for a sharp pass from you. Therefore, it is imperative to master dribbling without visual control of the ball.
From the first practice, learn to dribble without looking at it.
While still playing in children's teams, when dribbling, I carefully looked at the ball, thinking that this way I would be able to dribble it more accurately. But it turned out the other way around: the ball was often intercepted from me. Subsequently, I had to make a lot of effort to wean this bad habit and learn to control the ball with the help of skin-muscle sensations, and turn my eyes to the court.
I spent a lot of time and effort on dribbling practice. He drove the ball with both his right and left hand, moving on strongly bent legs. To make it more interesting to train, he controlled two balls at once, transferred the ball from hand to hand behind his back or around his leg. I liked the pair game exercise, in which two players side by side dribble the ball. During dribbling, you had to hit your partner's ball with your own ball. There is also such a good exercise: on a fast run, beat two opponents who are trying to take the ball away from you by dribbling. It is very useful to polish dribbling in a two-way game.
So you will learn how to navigate the game environment at the same time as dribbling the ball.
Passing the ball
The way and nature of passing the ball to a lesser extent than dribbling depends on the game situation. Before the pass, the basketball player must evaluate the place occupied by partners on the court, the distance to them, the speed of movement of both his own and his comrades, as well as the location and actions of opponents. For example, it is better to pass the ball to a close distance with the movement of one brush, especially when the partner is under tight guardianship. Such a pass will be unexpected for the opponent, and he will not be able to intercept the ball.
In many situations it is necessary to pass the ball to a partner with one hand, often with the left. You also need to be prepared for this. When I was unable to get to the opponents' backboard, I often “hooked” the ball back along a steep trajectory to my post or attacker. But in a free position, masters usually practice passing with two hands.
When it is advantageous to throw the ball to a partner very quickly (until the opponents have time to cover it), you can use a volleyball pass. Sometimes players have to pass not from a pivot position, but in a jump, while still in the air. As you can see, the passes are very diverse.
The fastest passes are through the air. But it is not always possible to pass the ball to the post in the three-second zone. If there are a lot of players next to him, then it is more reliable to send him the ball by hitting the floor, although this transfer is a little slower.
Young basketball players need to master all the rich arsenal of passing the ball. With self-study, you can train against the wall, sending the ball strongly into it. At the same time, you will learn how to catch the ball. You can get used to instant ball passes by practicing in “threes”, when two players alternately pass to the third at a fast pace, and he returns the balls to them while standing on the ground or being at the moment of catching and passing the ball in the air after a jump.
Never limit yourself to practicing passing on the spot. Learn to accurately send the ball to a running comrade at high speed. And there are good exercises for that. For example, passing the ball to a running partner in front. Or an exercise in "threes" - a swift run from one shield to another with quick passes to each other. Train the volleyball pass with a partner in fast movement, in a jump, and then speed up the pace of the exercise even more, throwing two balls at once. You should practice passing the ball at every lesson. Even the masters of basketball in training never forget to polish this seemingly simple element of technique.
Catching the ball
It seems that nothing is easier than catching the ball. After all, even in childhood, each of us did this a hundred times a day, playing, say, "tens". But in basketball, catching the ball is harder. You have to take it on a fast run, often flying from the back. It is not so easy to catch the ball when it is suddenly and strongly thrown by a partner from close range, and in fact the partner can be forced to such a pass by the situation on the field.
Therefore, you must perfect the technique of receiving the ball in order to do this, as they say, automatically. And in a match, always expect the ball so as not to miss the pass of his partner!
Team USA basketball player Dick Davis (4) has finished dribbling the ball and is now chained to the spot by the rules of the game until he releases the ball. USSR national team player Alvil Gulbis (6) immediately approached the opponent, preventing him from making an accurate pass. This is an episode from the April match, held in Moscow.
It is safer to take the ball with both hands. To get a solid ball catching skill, gradually complicate the training exercises. Transmission response speed can be improved as follows. Stand facing the wall two meters from it. Let your partner throw the ball hard against the wall from behind you, and you catch it. You can get used to receiving strong passes if you practice catching a ball kicked by a partner.
The ability to accurately pass and receive the ball is especially useful on a fast break. Indeed, in this acute situation, the player first, without looking back, runs forward, goes to an empty seat, and only then manages to look at his partner. The same is obliged to send the ball to a friend on time and exactly on the move. If at this moment you lose at least a fraction of a second to process the received ball, then the attack may bog down. The front player in a fast break must act with lightning speed!
At high running speed it is more advantageous to catch the ball in the support position. But even many basketball masters are still at odds with this way of receiving the ball. They usually catch the ball in a jump. So it is really easier, but precious time is lost. And in order to catch the ball without jumping, you need more complex coordination of movements. But the player's energy is saved and time is won for a swift attack. You can, for example, immediately pass the ball to a partner, and not wait until you land.