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How to get grip back on a basketball

Slippery Basketball? Get The Grip Back In 5 Steps – Get Hyped Sports

When you play a game outside in the rain and dust, your basketball will eventually become almost impossible to dribble or catch. A slippery basketball can be a pain, especially as you start failing to make shots and lose control of the ball across the court.

You must clean the basketball with a wet cloth and soapy water, ensuring that you move in circular motions to get between the dots on the ball. If you have a leather ball, you must dry it and apply the leather cleaner, while rubber balls can be left to dry before using again.

As easy as it may sound, people learn a few things through only practice and making mistakes while cleaning their basketballs. Because of some basketballs’ relatively high cost, we need to ensure that you are not damaging the surface while cleaning the ball.

How To Get the Grip Back On A Leather Basketball

Leather basketballs are what you will find being used in official games, most school gymnasiums, and, if you are lucky, in your court. These balls are all handmade and cost a significant amount more than their composite rubber counterparts, which is why they require more care.

Many pro athletes have made it clear that these basketballs feel significantly different from the other and are generally better.

Understanding how to clean a leather basketball will be the difference between having it for a lifetime or having a cracked mess within a year. A basketball with a grip will give you more control and help you palm it.

Find A Flat Surface

To start the process, find a clean flat surface that can get wet and place the leather basketball on it, preferably something on the ground.

Ensure that you can hold the ball in place with one hand so that the ball won’t roll away and get dirty again later on.

Many people try to do this on a table or work surface that they have access to, only to find that the table needs to be cleaned once the process is done.

When using a clean surface on the ground, either a garage floor or just a patio, you can sweep away or hose away from any residue that stays behind.

Hold Ball

This is ironically the most challenging part of the process because the ball will get highly slippery before you can get a proper grip on it.

Many people recommend deflating the ball slightly to ensure it is easier to grip while initially washing it before applying the leather care.

You should ensure that you can grab onto the ball simultaneously, ensuring that the ball cannot randomly slip out of your hand while cleaning.

Getting a good grip on the ball means that you are not pushing it down too hard or that you may lose your grip on the ball.

Use Rag and Dish Soap

This will be the first stage of cleaning the ball; the leather will be damaged if you dunk the ball into the water or use too much.

We recommend that you get a rag and soak it in mildly hot water, spreading a few drops of dish soap onto the rag instead of the ball.

Using the rag, you should start cleaning the ball in a circular motion, turning it around, so you get every part of the ball. If the rag is too wet or you have too much soap, a residue will be left behind; after everything is cleaned, use a dry cloth to wipe away any excess water and soap.

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Leather Cleaner

This step will not be required every time and should only be done once the ball is older than a year. After you have cleaned the entire surface of the ball and it has dried completely, you need to move it to a dry surface and start treating the leather.

You cannot simply use any leather cleaner; most sports equipment stores will have the right leather cleaner and treatment for leather basketballs.

If you use the wrong type, you can cause the ball to be more slippery than ever, ruining the ball almost permanently. If you’re looking for a leather cleaner, we like this one.

Use Circular Motion

The most crucial part about cleaning the basketball is moving in a circular motion, ensuring that you get into the grooves of the ball. The circular motion will clean between the dots of the ball, ensuring that it is spotless before applying anything else.

When drying the ball, you need to follow the same motion, ensuring no moisture is trapped between the dot and the grooves of the ball.

If you apply leather treatment or cleaner, you need to follow the motions to ensure it gets everywhere.

Get The Grip Back On A Plastic Or Rubber Basketball

Plastic, rubber, or composite balls are vastly different from the leather basketballs used in professional basketball games. These balls are significantly less expensive than their counterparts and are a lot easier to clean than leather basketballs have ever been.

The steps may seem similar to what they are for leather basketballs, but they are not nearly as complicated. Many people enjoy these balls when practicing and having fun because they are easier to clean and allow you to care a bit less about how and where they are used.

Add Water And Soap In Sink

The most significant difference is that we wash these balls in the sink, either in the kitchen, the bathroom, or the sink used in the washroom. Because the material is not sensitive to excessive water and soap, you can be rougher and more thorough when cleaning.

Usually, filling the sink with an inch or two of hot, soapy water will be enough to clean every part of the basketball thoroughly.

This provides enough water to do everything needed, and the hot water will aid in cleaning off any substances like oil, sweets, or cooldrink on the surface.

Cover Entire Ball with Soapy Water

Before cleaning the ball thoroughly, we recommend turning it around in the water for a few minutes, ensuring that every part has soaked in the water. This will make it easier to start scrubbing, having water everything, and the loose dirt and dust away to reveal the stains.

Rubber and composite materials can be stained with more stubborn dirt and fluid, almost absorbing it into the fabric. To clean these stains, you need to have the water-soaked onto the surface of the basketball, not merely splashed or on the surface.

Wash With Rag or Brush

Now that the ball is wet and hot, you can grab a brush or rag and start scrubbing away, moving in any way you are comfortable. You do not have to be too careful as the materials are resilient and are not easily damaged by your motions while cleaning them, even in hot water.

A brush is an easy way to get into the grooves of the basketball, while the rag is perfect for cleaning the dots and more expansive surfaces of the ball. To ensure that you are not having a problem cleaning the ball, we recommend doing this with one hand holding onto the ball while the other brushes.

Leave In Sunny or Windy Area

Unfortunately, plastics, rubbers, and composite materials never clean when dried with a towel. You will have to leave the ball in a slightly sunny, indoor area or with a fan on it to get it dry entirely, usually going it for half a day or more.

This ensures that the surface is not wet when you start dribbling the ball on the courts, which will cause more problems as the wetness soaks up dust and dirt. We highly recommend that you make sure it is dry; otherwise, you will have to start from the beginning again.


Basketballs may be inexpensive or extremely expensive, but they will always be easy to clean, with only leather basketballs requiring extra attention to how you are cleaning them.

We recommend following these steps to ensure you can perfectly dunk on anyone that challenges you.

Whatever you do, please don’t let a leather basketball soak in water for more than a few minutes!

How to Restore Grip on a Basketball

No matter how good you are in basketball, the ball sometimes slips from your hand. It’s not your fault; it’s the basketball. Knowing how to restore grip on a basketball will give you those winning moments.

A basketball is the most abused part of a game. It takes constant the pounding, changing hands from players, and hitting different parts of the court. It is also susceptible to natural elements. Without proper care, the basketball loses its grip. The player misses three-point shots and turns over the ball.

What Makes a Basketball Lose Grip?

A good grip on a basketball requires a player’s skill and the condition of the basketball. Over time it gets dirty and becomes slippery, and deteriorates without the proper upkeep. A basketball should be adequately cared for to exceed its lifespan, perform as expected, and to show  a player’s skills on the court. These are the things that you must know on how to make your basketball more grippy.

1. A Basketball in the Wrong Court

The type of basketball you’ll use depend on the kind of court you’re playing. A basketball made of rubber is made for outdoor play on concrete flooring, leather basketballs are made for indoor courts on a wooden surface, and synthetic basketballs are suitable for indoor and outdoor spaces.

You’ll find yourself in trouble if you carry your leather basketball outside.

2. Giving way to dust

Dust and dirt will find their way to your basketball’s surface. If left soiled, it will accumulate over time and occupy the crevices making the basketball slippery. You’ll find a hard time dribbling, shooting, and passing, adversely affecting your game. Avoid this by frequently wiping your basketball with a towel.

Mix water with a mild cleansing agent for your leather basketball and dry it with a towel. Leaving it wet will damage the surface.

Rubber and synthetic basketballs can be left in damp conditions for long, but not the leather types.

3. Exposure to the Elements

Don’t leave your basketball exposed to the elements for so long. Extreme weather conditions can affect the quality of any basketball.

Extensive exposure to UV rays will alter the color and can change the shape affecting play. A wet basketball surface will cause it to lose its grip.

4. Improper Air Pressure

An over-inflated ball can cause lumps, and slamming it on the floor or bouncing it off the wall can cause tearing. An under-inflated basketball won’t bounce properly. 

A tip is to drop the ball from above your head, and if it bounces back to chest level, you’re ready to play.

5. Wrong Storage

When you’re not using your basketball, store it in a basketball bag. Avoid placing any objects on top which can change the shape.

The rack railings can cause your basketball to become non-spherical instead of the round shape if placed too long.

How to Get Grip Back on a Basketball

Playing with your rubber or synthetic basketball outside exposes it to water and dust becoming slippery. Your play is affected. You miss easy shots lose control of your dribble, or make bad passes. If you know how to restore grip on a basketball, you’ll apply wet cloth and soapy water moving in circular motions to get between the dimples on the ball. Top it off with a dry cloth and leave it to dry before resuming play.

A leather basketball requires a different approach to get back its grip. Since it’s expensive, we must ensure no damage to the ball while we clean. 

1. Flat Surface

Find a flat surface, preferably on the ground, that can get wet and where you can hold the leather ball with one hand without rolling over and getting dirty again. It could be a patio or a garage floor that can be easily cleaned of any residue by hosing.

2. Hold the Ball

If you know how to fix a slippery basketball, you’ll avoid soaking your leather ball with water. It will help if you have a good grip on the ball to avoid any slip out. Pushing it too hard or gently might cause the ball to slide or get loose.

Consider deflating the ball a bit so you can have a good grip while washing.

3. Use Rag and Soap Dish

Too much water will damage the leather. Soak a rag in hot and apply a few drops of liquid soap on the rag and not the ball.

Start cleaning the ball by wiping the rag in a circular motion, be sure that every part of the ball is covered.  Use a dry cloth to wipe the ball. This medium will remove any residues from the excess water or soap.

4. Apply Leather Cleaner

After the basketball has been thoroughly cleaned and dried, move to a dry surface and apply a leather cleaner. Do not use a leather cleaner that catches your eyes. Winding up with the wrong type will cause your leather to be more slippery, causing permanent damage. Go for a leather cleaner provided by reputable sports equipment stores.

Remember that application of a leather cleaner is not required every time you clean and it is done after the ball is over a year old. 

How to Clean a Basketball

Your basketball has been trashed a million times. It bounced off the floor and the backboard, swished the net through a layup or jump shot, changed hands among players, and was exposed to dirt, grime, and bacteria. Cleaning it will provide a good grip and increase your basketball’s lifespan. It will also save you from playing with a dirty basketball.

But, do you know how to clean basketball? 

Basketballs are made from different materials requiring different cleaning techniques. Once you know the material you can clean it to make it look like new and perform well.

1. Rubber Basketball

Rubber basketballs are the most abused basketballs from the pounding on the concrete floor and exposure to dirt. It gets dirty very quickly but can be easily cleaned with these steps.

  • Pour warm water into a bucket.
  • Add drops of liquid soap with warm water and mix thoroughly.
  • Dip a soft cloth in the mixture and scrub the surface thoroughly.
  • Repeat if you don’t get the desired outcome. Apply more force.
  • Check the exterior and scrub as needed until every bit of dirt has been removed.
  • Wash with clear warm water.
  • Use a clean cloth to eliminate remains of water and detergent.

2. Synthetic Leather Basketball

Synthetic leather basketballs are used either for outdoor and indoor play. The proper care will improve its durability from the rough treatment on concrete surfaces.

  • Prepare a mixture of warm water with liquid soap.
  • Rinse the basketball with water thoroughly to remove any signs of dirt.
  • Dip a clean cloth to the mix and apply it on the ball’s surface.
  • Repeat as needed until the surface is clean and non-sticky.
  • If there are nasty stains, use elbow grease or a leather cleaner.

3. Natural Leather Basketball

Natural leather basketballs are easy to clean with many types of leather cleaners in the market. Get one from a reputable sports equipment store. Use the steps in cleaning a rubber basketball when it is covered with mud before applying a leather cleaner.

  • Check the bounce of the ball; if it does not reach your chest, inflate it.
  • Purchase a leather cleaner or a leather shampoo. Avoid products that soften the leather.
  • Place enough in a container.
  • Dip a clean cloth and apply it to the surface of the ball.
  • Dry the surface of the ball with a clean cloth.
  • After cleaning, store in a cool, dry place.

Wrapping Things Up: How to Restore Grip on a Basketball

Constant pounding and exposure to the natural elements will fill the crevices on the dimples of a basketball. The basketball will be slippery if left unclean. You can avoid turnovers if you know how to restore grip on a basketball and enjoy those winning moments.

Fortunately, all types of basketball are easy to clean. Rubber and synthetic basketballs need warm water and detergent to remove unwanted materials that cause a slippery ball. The application of a leather cleaner or shampoo will restore the grip on a leather basketball.

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Basketball coaching hacks: how to score goals for beginners

Even if you are a novice basketball player, we will not give you a training plan, but we will tell you why the ball flies anywhere but into the ring and into your hands. It's all about technique: even with regular training and perseverance, novice adults and children often make simple mistakes. It's a shame, let's fix it. Below are 11 life hacks on how to hone your technique to increase the likelihood of a goal for your team.

Basketball Shot Rules for Beginners

1. Hands up

In pursuit of the attacker, raise your hands, even if you are standing with your back to the pass, and even more so if the ring is in front of you. Your raised hands will increase the chance of intercepting the ball from the opponent by 2 times. Don't overlook this little thing!

2. Make shield rolls

Even Tim Duncan did not neglect them! A square is drawn on the basketball backboard. If you are standing opposite the ring, then aim at the middle of the upper part of the square, if you are standing on the side, then at the corner. If you hit this square, then the ball is at 90% of cases will fall into the ring. The law of physics and no cheating!


Look at the ring, not at the ball

Practice driving the ball with your hand, not your eyes, develop tactile control. Your eyes should be on the hoop while dribbling and be aware of the position of your body in relation to the hoop. Then you will be able to take the correct posture, and the throw will be effective.

4. Dribble with the balls of your fingers only

The palm should not touch the ball, only the pads of the fingers. Dribbling should become familiar to you, like an extension of your hand. Then you can change its trajectory at any time and you will have more chances to score goals. Practice with the ball constantly.

5. Throw with one hand

If you throw the ball with two hands, you reduce the chance of hitting the basket. All the efforts of the throw are in one hand (in the right for right-handers, in the left for left-handers). The other hand only holds the ball, the leading one holds it with the fingers, not the palm.


Do not jump when protecting the ring

Jumping is the main mistake of rookie defenders. To intercept the ball and block the shot, simply stick out your hands. When you are in a jump, the attacker will easily bypass you.

7. Don't look back

When you dribble, don't look back, but dribble and aim for the ring, focus on shooting (or passing to another player on your team).

8. Bring the throw to automatism

Incorporate the most basic basketball techniques into your training plan and bring the shot to automatism. Throw first from a distance of half a meter from the ring, gradually increasing it. Learn to throw the ball so that it hits the hoop without touching the edge.

Throw the ball with all fives and jump

Throwing Rules:

  • Head in the center of the body - if tilted, accuracy is lost.
  • Look at the ring: mentally build a trajectory. If you are far away, the ball flies in a curved curve with a maximum height of 2 meters above the hoop.
  • A strong hand is in front and throws, a weak hand is on the side and directs, only holding the ball. The elbow of the throwing hand must be in line with the ring.
  • The ball must rest on the fingers without touching the palm. The fingers are as far apart as possible and grab the ball.
  • Throwing arm bent 90 degrees, forearm perpendicular to the floor. If you bend less, then you get not a throw, but a throwing of the ball horizontally.

The main thing in the throw is the position of the body and its balance. Place your feet apart and parallel to each other: it is important to orient them in the middle of the basket. Then the direction of the body during the jump will coincide with the direction of the throw, and the ball will fly straight into the ring. When the feet are uneven, the ball flies in the wrong direction or does not reach (although the throw was normal).

Take a deep breath and release as you exhale.

How to hold the ball and shoot in basketball

How to throw correctly: straighten your arm, point your wrist up, and with your hand set the ball to rotate in the opposite direction from the flight. The ball should seem to "roll" off your fingers.

9. Copy masters and play as a team

Watch professional basketball games and try to copy the movements of your favorite players in training. And be sure to conduct game sparring - this will allow you to develop more techniques.

10. Do not throw in a straight line

The higher the arc of the ball, the greater the chance of a goal and the less chance of blocking by the opponent.

11. Do not throw the ball from a full height stand

This is the biggest newbie mistake!

Before the throw, bend your knees slightly and at the moment of the throw, straighten your body, making a jump. You need to straighten up and push off the ground at the same time. When squatting, keep the elbow of the throwing arm close to the body and towards the ring.

The jump will give momentum to the ball and will allow you not to make sudden movements with the brush.


And to be a long-term player, do not forget about your health: take care of your joints and muscles, use tapes, do a warm-up. And be sure to strengthen your arms, legs and shoulder girdle, develop coordination. Regular exercises on uneven bars and horizontal bars will help you with this.

basketball: rules of the game

Basketball rules Player positions Basketball strategy Basketball glossary

Basketball rules may vary slightly depending on the level of play (for example, professional rules differ from college rules) or where the game is played (international rules differ from US professional rules). These rule differences, however, are usually just variations on the basic game of basketball, and most of the rules discussed below can apply to just about any game of basketball.

The team with the most points wins a basketball game. You get points by throwing a basketball through an opponent's hoop or basket. In normal play, a basket made from outside the 3-point line is worth 2 points, and a basket made from outside the 3-point line is worth 3 points. When making a free throw, each free throw is worth 1 point.

Crime rules

The offensive basketball team is a basketball team. When a player plays basketball, he must follow certain rules:

1) The player must bounce or dribble with one hand while moving both feet. If at any time both hands are in contact with the ball or the player ceases to dribble, the player must move only one foot. The stationary foot is called the swivel foot.

2) A basketball player may only make one move while dribbling. In other words, once a player has stopped dribble, he cannot start a new dribble. The player who starts to dribble again is penalized for a double dribble violation and passes the ball to the other team. A player may only start a new dribble after another player on either team has touched or gained control of the ball. This usually happens after a shot or a pass.

3) The ball must remain in bounds. If the offensive team loses the ball out of bounds, the ball is in the control of the other team.

4) The player's hand must be over the ball during the dribble. If they touch the bottom of the basketball while dribbling and continue to dribble, this is called a carry and the player concedes the ball to the other team.

5) Once the attacking team has crossed the half court, they cannot return to the backcourt. This is called a backcourt violation. If the defensive team kicks the ball into the backcourt, then the offensive team can return the ball correctly.

Protective rules

The defensive team is the team without basketball.

1) The main rule of the defender is not to foul. A foul is described as taking an unfair advantage through physical contact. The referee must give some interpretation, but as a general rule, a defending player cannot touch an attacker in such a way that the attacker loses the ball or misses a shot.

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