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How to get more range in basketball

How to Develop Long Distance Basketball Shooting Range

By Jeff Haefner

Would you like to make MORE shots from farther back? Would you like to become a great 3-point shooter?

We have some very effective shooting tips for you...

When extending your range, you need to know about some surefire RIGHT and WRONG ways to get it done.

You need to be very careful because all too often players will try to extend their range and acquire some subtle, yet dead-serious shooting flaws!!

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The trick is to extend your range while maintaining the EXACT SAME FORM.
There are only TWO ways to increase your range:


With that said, we'll teach you exactly how to increase your range both ways. It's up to you to decide which method you choose.

Many times, it's best for players to make very small improvements in both areas.

How to increase your physical strength and power for increased range.

The most obvious answer is to start a weight training program. Increasing the strength of your entire body will help. You'll want stronger and more explosive legs, core, wrist, forearms, and triceps.

In addition, by simply practicing more, you will increase the strength of your wrists and forearms. Taking 500 shots a day will increase your strength.

Lastly, you can try using a heavy ball (twice the weight of a regulation ball) and then going back to the regulation size one. Players usually find it easy to shoot from farther out because of the contrast. Wait until at least junior high before working with an oversized or weighted ball.

If you use a weighted ball, be sure to practice away from the basket. Do form shooting with one hand. Put your guide hand in the normal position, but an inch off the ball so you're not touching it. Focus on shooting the ball high and far, but do not sacrifice good form in order to do so.

How to adjust your mechanics for additional power.

This can be tricky because changing your mechanics can throw off your shot. Big changes to your mechanics will require you to retrain your muscle memory and you'll need thousands of repetitions to retrain your muscle memory.

In most situations, it's best to make very minor adjustments to your shot delivery.


A good technique for developing range is to intentionally shoot the ball all the way over the backboard. This kind of power is achieved through using optimum leg power and releasing the ball a split second before reaching the top of the jump motion. If done properly, then generating enough force to shoot over the backboard, even from beyond the 3-point line, is not that difficult.

Once players realize how much power is available through this motion, they can learn to control it for shooting at the rim. Since this takes less force than shooting over the backboard, players have more confidence shooting from long ranges.

It's important to shoot a split second BEFORE you release the top of your shot. You'll lose tremendous power if you jump, hang, and shoot on the way down. Plus, you just give your defender more time to block your shot.


Another effective technique is to drop your elbow. If you watch Steve Nash you'll notice that he drops his elbow when shooting three pointers. If you're going to adjust mechanics, this is a good option to consider because it doesn't alter your delivery mechanics too dramatically.


Yet another technique to consider is to try to decrease the time that it takes to get the ball from your shot chamber to your release point. This will add power to your shot and increase your range.

The safest way to increase shooting range

If you want to take the safest route, here's a surefire way to extend your range without sacrificing your accuracy.

Let's say you are proficient at mid-range but you want to become a great 3-point shooter...

The obvious answer is to practice. The question becomes what to practice. Shooting revolves around rhythm and form, so that is where the answer lies.

It might sound strange, but to become a better 3-point shooter, you have to practice a lot, close to the basket. Take 100's and 1000's of shots 12' from the basket. The purpose for this is to really ingrain your shooting form from an area that you can shoot comfortably and have some success. It doesn't make a difference what drills you do or how you practice it, as long as the primary thrust of the work is your form.

Once you have your form ingrained, gradually move back. If you get to a point where you feel the rhythm change or your form start to change, that is the limit of your range. Stay at that spot until your shot feels like it did at 12 feet. Once it feels comfortable again, shoot several hundred shots until it becomes automatic again.

Once it feels automatic again, start to move back until you reach the limit of your range and shoot continually from that spot. Once you feel comfortable from behind the 3-point line, you can start shooting drills that will make you more proficient.

Players struggle from behind the arc because they have to change their shot to get the ball to the basket. This not only makes the shooter inconsistent from the 3-point line, but it affects his shot from everywhere else. Remember, to be a good shooter, you have to take the same shot every time, no matter where you shoot the ball.

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Here are three tips that you can implement right now into all of your basketball shooting drills.

Whether it's shooting off the dribble, off the pass or from the triple-threat, these tips will serve you well as you continue to master new basketball shooting drills and skills.

Keep these in mind as you work on your shot, and with hard work, you can be that sharpshooter that every opponent fears when you step on the court!

Practice Fast, But Not Out of Control

This is the sweet spot for continuous improvement. Practicing basketball shooting drills at a speed that is comfortable is great to first learn the skill. But to improve you need to constantly challenge yourself. If you want different results, do something different.

You are never going to improve substantially by practicing at the same speed. Once you are comfortable with a shooting drill, always strive to do it faster, harder and quicker. Do it in less time, with less dribbles or less steps; etc. Always ensure you're challenged.

To balance this argument, make sure you are not out of control. Making mistakes is a good sign that you are pushing yourself but once your good habits start to fade or your shooting mechanics start to falter, you need to slow down. This could lead to bad habits replacing your good ones or faulty mechanics. Once you develop these bad habits, they are hard to correct. After all, it doesn't matter how quickly you release your shot if it doesn't have a good chance of going in.

Find that sweet spot in continually challenging yourself while staying in control, if only barely. That's the key to continuous improvement.

Footwork is the Base and Basis of your Shot

Your feet really are at the base of your shot and form the basis for the rest of your shot. When players get tired or are shooting out of range, the first symptom is often poor footwork from being lazy or trying to generate that extra power. This leads to bad habits that become harder to correct as the player gets older and they become more engrained in their routine.

Sound footwork ensures you are shooting from a stable platform, are aligned with the target, and gives you rhythm when shooting off the dribble or pass. When your feet are aligned, the rest of your body follows suit. Focus on your feet and your hips and shoulders will follow suit. It's very difficult to have your feet square to the basket and have your hips and shoulders pointing anywhere else.

Low Man Wins

"Low mans wins" is an axiom that holds true for tackling in football, checking in ice hockey and also for many one-on-one scenarios in basketball. Shooting is one of these scenarios, as keeping a low center of gravity allows you to get your shot off quicker and with more control.

Strength and stability in your shot both come from your legs and core. Whether you are making a cut or bracing for your shot, keeping a low center of gravity improves your stability, responsiveness and overall agility. You'll notice players who are fatigued coming into their jump shot are more upright with less bend in their knees and a less athletic stance. What follows is a slower release, since they can't gain their balance as quickly, and the shot falling short, since they can't generate the same amount of power.

Squats, dead lifts and lunges are staple exercises that will enable you to be a "lower" man.

So the next time you're going through a drill, remember to always challenge yourself,you're your shot in motion with good footwork, and low man wins. Have fun and play hard.

what is it, the best performers, how to learn

Trickshots in basketball are three-point shots, three-point field goal. We also call them long-range shots or just a three-pointer. This is the name of a hit in the basket, which was performed by a player located behind the three-point line. Such an action brings three points, and if you throw it from within the line, two points will be awarded. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about trick shots - when they appeared, which basketball players have the most three-point shots. Also here you will find recommendations on how to learn how to do trickshots. Use these tips on the court or in the gym, and you will definitely improve your skills.

Sports experts believe that the three-point shot was created due to the competition between the NBA and the ABA.

Who introduced trickshots into the game?

In fact, the concept of three-point shots appeared in 1961, this fact was officially recorded. They were introduced in the ABL, the American Basketball League. However, this organization quickly ceased to exist. Along with it, the concept vanished into oblivion.

As we know, the NBA has been operating since 1946, and it is the most serious basketball organization at the moment. Until the 60s, they did not even think about such an update to the gameplay, but in the middle of the decade, everything changed. A new league appeared, in which the NBA saw a competitor. It was the ABA, the American Basketball Association. The organizers of this league were innovative, they were known for their experimental innovations, which attracted the attention of basketball fans. New items were competitions for the best slam dunk, the use of a three-color ball and three-point shots from behind the line. If you don’t know what slam dunks are, then the answer is waiting for you in the article “What are Basketball Dunks and How to Do Them Correctly?”.

The three-point line has been present in ABA matches since the beginning, and it has attracted spectators. In 1976, there was a merger, four teams from the ABA entered the NBA. It was assumed that these teams accept the terms of the organization they are moving to, that is, they agree to play without trickshots. The three-point arc in the NBA did not appear until 1979, which was the first year in the career of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, these names are on everyone's lips to this day.

It would seem that the NBA adopted the innovation very late. But the NCAA, the leading college league, introduced three-point shots into its rules even later, at 1986 year.

Trickshots today

Basketball is now unimaginable without a three-point arc. Made because of her shots at the peak of popularity, many leading teams build their entire line of attack on them. There are rumors that the associations are considering moving the arc further, but no one has confirmed them yet.

In today's realities, even players in the center positions should be able to make 3-pointers. It’s hard to believe that 15 years ago this was a rarity, and the centers played mainly under the basket, not moving further than the middle distance.

The best snipers

Snipers are those basketball players who can make accurate shots from a long distance. Such players are always valuable, they act effectively and are very spectacular, which pleases fans of the game. Now the draft picks mostly those who can do trickshots, although before they simply preferred the tallest. Whether height has retained its significance today, you can find out from the article “What is the best height to go to basketball with?”.

To date, the list of the best snipers in the history of the game looks like this:

How to learn basketball trick shots?

The ranking of the best snipers is impressive, but the game always needs new heroes. Without the skill of a three-point shot, there is nothing to do even on an amateur court. This action can be compared to a free kick in football, it brings the brightest and most memorable moments.

In basketball, this is how you can change the fate of a match a moment before it ends.

It takes a lot of time to learn how to make threes, but no serious skill comes by itself. If you are just starting to play, then first work out the throws from a short distance. Start with half a meter from the basket, then move away, try to make such throws so that the ball hits the ring clearly without touching it and the backboard. Work through each step in sequence.


Completely relax your whole body, especially your hands and fingers. Feel the ball in your hands, look at the basket, focus on it as a goal. You can hit the ball several times, building a picture in your head of how it hits exactly in the ring. Draw its trajectory in the air, with this type of throw it will be a parabola, the highest point of which should not be more than 2 meters above the ring.

Position of the feet

They must be parallel with the toes pointing towards the center of the target. If you take this position, then when jumping, the direction of the general movement will correspond to the desired trajectory of the ball. If the legs are not positioned correctly, then in the jump you will have to spend your energy in order to reduce the momentum from the body. Not only accuracy will suffer from this, but also the range, the result will definitely not please you.

How the hands are positioned

The lead will be the thrower, she is in front, the second is the guide, keep her on the side. Do not close your fingers, place the projectile on them, do not roll it up to the palm of your hand. The leading elbow is bent to a right angle and is located on an imaginary line that leads to the ring.


Throwing is always done while exhaling. Be ready to sharply straighten your elbow and point your wrist up. The brush makes the ball spin horizontally. It seems to descend from the middle and index fingers, from them. The last movement is the direction of the ball with the brush. When it comes off, it should be above your eyes, but remain at the level of the target. Remember: the greater the distance, the stronger the effort will need to be applied, and the greater the amplitude of the swing should be.

3-Point Mistakes

You make trickshots often with the same mistakes:

  • too much bent arm. If the elbow is bent less than 90 degrees, then the throw will turn into a throw. The projectile will not gain the desired height, since the flight will be horizontal;
  • deviation of the back and shoulders back. In this case, the amplitude will become larger, the range and accuracy will suffer from this;
  • the ball comes off the ring finger, not the middle and index fingers. So it comes into lateral rotation, the accuracy is noticeably reduced;
  • Incorrect position of the guide arm. It only guides, make sure that it does not create obstacles.

But still, the most important thing is the maximum concentration on the basket, without it it will not be possible to make a trickshot in basketball. You must not only perform technically correct actions, but also believe that the ball will rush into the ring. Practice throws as often as possible, don't give up if you find problems with accuracy in the first practice. If you set a goal to learn how to make three-pointers, then after a few months of training you will realize that you really learned them.

USA sets world record for longest shot - Basketball

Cory "Thunder" Lowe, a member of the American basketball show team Harlem Globetrotters, set the world record for longest shot by hitting the basket from a distance of 33. 45 meters. The sniper managed to hit the target not even from the opposite end of the site, but from the stands.

Achievement in the sports and entertainment complex US Airways Center in Phoenix recorded the experts of the Guinness Book, according to The Mirror newspaper.

Low broke the previous record of 31.9 meters set by former Pepperdine varsity player Alan Buller in 2011.

Judging by the published shots, the achievement of the world scale was given to the basketball player effortlessly. He doesn't seem to aim at all. However, for an hour, three Harlem players at once, under the watchful eye of inspectors, tried to get into the basket from a specified distance, but they managed to do it only once.

The Harlem Globetrotters are an American exhibition basketball team that combines elements of sports, theater and comedy in their performances. Recently, one of these stuntmen, while performing a slam dunk, almost died when a basketball backboard collapsed on him.

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