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How to increase foot speed for basketball

USA Basketball - 4 Line Drills for Quick Feet

Do you want to have an extra edge over your competition?

Do you wish you were a step quicker?

Would you like to start blowing by your defender?

Here are some of my favorite foot-quickness drills that you can do anywhere as long as you have a decent pair of shoes, a stop watch, some tape or a line, and a whole lot of heart.

If you practice these drills two or three times a week, with one day of rest in between, I guarantee you will develop quicker feet and become a more explosive basketball player.

Keep this in mind for all of these drills: Select three of your favorites and perform two sets of 5-10 second intervals. Your focus must always be quick ground contacts--not conditioning.

Double Leg Forward And Backward Line Hops

  1. Stand with both feet behind a line/piece of tape on a soft surface or gym floor.
  2. Explosively and quickly jump backwards and forward over the line while being light, quick and effortless on your feet. (Visualize stepping on hot coals).
  3. Repeat pattern for desired amount of time.
  4. Use a 1:3 work to rest ratio.

Double Leg Side To Side Line Hops

  1. Stand with both feet on the side of a line/piece of tape on a soft surface or gym floor.
  2. Explosively and quickly jump side to side over the line while being light, quick and effortless on your feet. (Visualize stepping on hot coals).
  3. Repeat pattern for desired amount of time.
  4. Use a 1:3 work to rest ratio.

X Hops Over The Line

  1. Stand with one foot on the left side and one foot on the right side of a line/piece of tape on a soft surface or gym floor.
  2. Explosively and quickly cross right foot over left foot in an X pattern over the line while being light, quick and effortless on your feet. (Visualize stepping on hot coals). Be sure to alternate feet each set.
  3. Repeat pattern for desired amount of time.
  4. Use a 1:3 work to rest ratio.

Muhammad Ali Line Shuffle

  1. Stand with both feet behind a line/piece of tape on a soft surface or gym floor.
  2. Explosively and quickly alternate the left and right foot over the front of the line while being light, quick and effortless on your feet. (Visualize stepping on hot coals).
  3. Repeat pattern for desired amount of time.
  4. Use a 1:3 work to rest ratio.

Remember, reading these drills will not make you quicker. But actually performing them regularly two or these times a week will provide you with great results and a noticeable increase in your foot quickness and explosion.

If you have trouble at first on some of the drills, don’t worry. Just slow yourself down until you master the movement. Always remember form before speed. It takes over 17,000 times to build a new habit so be persistent.

How to Get Quick Feet for Basketball

“Footwork. ” You may have heard that word thrown around a lot in basketball. The thing is, there is a lot involved when talking about footwork, one of which is having quick feet. Basketball is not exclusively a speed game, but it is definitely an edge. Anytime you can get an advantage, it puts you in a better position to win. But because not every basketball player is blessed with natural foot speed, this article will help you learn how to get quick feet for basketball.

Why is Footwork Important in Basketball?

Agility is a skill defined as the ability to quickly and easily move your body. ‘Moving the body’ requires moving your feet; therefore, if you want to improve your agility, you need to improve the quickness of your feet. Improving agility and quick feet could help your basketball game in so many ways. 

Consider these:

  • A quick first step allows you to blow by opponents, get to the rim, finish with an easy layup, or create scoring opportunities for your teammates.
  • Quick feet are indispensable on defense. It enables you to get in front of your man, cut them off their path, and set traps.
  • Footwork allows you to have more body control for better finishing around the rim despite contact.
  • Having quick feet allows you to vary your cuts and movement off the ball. V-cuts, backdoor cuts, and other off-ball cuts are easier if you have proper footwork and quick feet.
  • Even if you’re not speedy, having the proper footwork enables you to get to your spots and create space to get your shots off.

Needless to say, quick feet are essential if you want to be a successful player. It unlocks levels on defense and offense, making you a much better player.

How to Improve Your Foot Speed for Basketball?

The only way to improve your foot speed in basketball is to do quick feet exercise one after the other. Without these exercises, you will get stuck on your habits and probably won’t improve. Aside from doing the best basketball agility drills, here are other ways to enhance quickness for basketball:

  • Improve Your Balance and Ability to Get in Position

As mentioned, basketball is not exclusively a game of speed; it is basically a game of agility. For instance, you may want to explode in one direction, but then the defender beats you to the spot. Foot speed and proper footwork make it possible to decelerate, change body position, and go the other direction. 

To improve your balance and body position, drills such as Split-to-Single Leg Balance and Split-to-Staggered Stance are a huge help.

  • Work on Your Coordination

There are games and activities outside of basketball that help you with your coordination. Jumping ropes, skips and hops, and even boxing could do that. The point is, if you have the chance to participate in activities that require moving your feet, the odds are you will carry those skills in basketball. On top of that, do not shy away from incorporating new drills into your regular routine.

  • Strengthen your Core

Core strength is essential in achieving impeccable footwork. It is defined as the ability to use your abdominal and lower back muscles without getting tired. A strong core helps you in coordination, balance, jumping ability, and quickness. The fundamental reason why you should strengthen your core is that basketball is a contact sport. No matter how quick you are, you can get bumped, manipulated off your path, and get off-balanced. With a strong core, you can resist and be able to absorb contact without compromising your footwork.

How to Increase Speed and Quickness

Please be reminded that strength is vital before doing any exercises or drills that increase speed and quickness. And also, it’s essential to realize that in basketball, the straight-ahead speed is not necessarily the kind of speed you need to develop. For example, a player with pretty good numbers on a 40-yard dash or a baseline-to-baseline sprint does not automatically make him a great player. 

So, how could you improve the speed and quickness essential to be a better basketball player? It’s really simple. If you do sprinting exercises, do not do so in a stationary position. Remember that in basketball, you do not go in a straight line all the time. Keep that in mind when you do sprint drills.

For example, you may want to sprint in a straight line from one baseline to the next and run backward on the way back. Or you could accelerate after a side-shuffle and run after getting up from the floor. These exercises simulate the real action happening on a basketball court and will certainly prove helpful in game situations.

Does that mean you should not train for a straight-line sprint? No. Sprinting on a straight line should still be a part of your conditioning program. It builds endurance and, yes, speed. Mix straight-line sprints up with speed drills that replicate real basketball action.

What Exercises Improve Quickness?

Technically speaking, quickness, speed, and agility are related but entirely different skills. Quickness is about fast reaction time. Speed is about moving as fast as possible from one point to another. Agility is about changing directions quickly and in an efficient manner.

Now, improving quickness is about improving your reaction time, or the time between a stimulus and the response. Basketball is about reading and reacting; therefore, if you lack quickness, you’d still be at a disadvantage even though you are speedy or agile.

Here are some exercises and basketball footwork drills at home that improve quickness:

  • Ball Drop Drill. This is as simple as it gets. Person A and Person B face each other 15 feet apart. A drops the ball randomly, and B advances toward the ball quickly before it bounces a second time.
  • Mirror Drill. The goal of the mirror is for a player to react quickly to the actions of the other. Put two markers, perhaps basketball cones, about 20 feet apart. Person A and person B face each other 10 feet away. Person A randomly shuffles to a cone, and person B imitates the movements.
  • Reaction Ball Drop Drill. This exercise is similar to the ball drop but uses a reaction ball. A reaction ball bounces randomly in any direction, making this a perfect drill and exercise for quickness and reaction time.

3 Drills to Improve Basketball Quickness

The best way to achieve quicker feet is to do agility ladder drills for basketball. Ladder drills not only improve quickness and agility but also exposes poor mechanics. If you drag your feet, over or under-stride, your feet could get caught in the rungs. Here are three easy basketball footwork drills without ball that you can do:

1. Two-Step High Knee Drill

This is the most basic ladder drill and is often used in football. However, as you can see, it comes in handy for basketball as well. Both feet are placed into the space and move forward by jumping one foot at a time onto the next space. As you jump from one space to the next, your knees should come up over your hips. Endeavor to complete at least four rungs, or if you can, go and finish all the spaces.

2. Hop Scotch Single Left

Again, this is a pretty basic ladder drill. Start with both feet outside the ladder and then hop on to the next space only with your left foot. Then, hop your left foot off outside the space and then hop on to the next with your left foot again. Finish all the spaces, repeat about three times, and do it with your right foot.

3. Two Foot Inside and Out

The video above shows several agility ladder drills for basketball. The two-foot inside and out drill is the second one around the 20-second mark. Again, it’s pretty simple. Step your foot one at a time in the space and then move your feet out one at a time outside the said space. Move on to the next space as fast as you can.

Wrapping Things Up: How to Get Quick Feet for Basketball

Having quick feet is very critical in basketball. It is needed in every facet of the game, whether on offense or defense. Whether you want to improve your slashing or on-ball defense, it pays if you take the time to improve your footwork.

With that being said, keep in mind that in order to achieve better quickness and agility, your body must be ready for it. That means you have to strengthen your core while improving your balance and coordination. Doing so makes it easier for your body to adapt to agility drills.

The best basketball agility drills to do are agility ladder drills for basketball. They look fancy at first, but they are actually pretty simple. If you want to know how to get quick feet, start with body strengthening and then ladder drills. Once you get the hang of it, you will definitely see improvements, skills that come in handy when you play basketball. 

We hope you enjoyed this post! If you did, be sure to check out our other basketball FAQ articles here.

> How to Get in Shape for Basketball

> How to Improve Your Weak Hand in Basketball

Development of leg speed and speed at home

Hello, dear visitors of the website ! The idea of ​​writing this article came to me during one of the last games. It so happened that in it I had to defend against a rather fast opponent, for whom I absolutely did not have time with my feet. The problem was this: in fast breaks I could still catch up with him, but as soon as it came to the classic defensive stance, I was passed around like a standing man! And all this at the expense of an incredibly fast, explosive first step.

That is why, as soon as I got home, I was determined to find a way to develop leg speed, given that I would have to practice at home, where I would have no more than 5 meters of free space and virtually no additional devices. Let's see what came of it.

Developing the foot speed of basketball players

There are at least two ways to start moving faster and, most importantly, sharper: train your legs so that they move faster on the floor, and use “little tricks”, that is, develop the very technique of moving in a defensive stance. Naturally, not all of us are lovers of easy ways, but often they are the most logical. So I propose to start with the “useful little things” that Rick Torbet talks about in the training video “ Better 1 on 1 Defense ". By the way, if you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend doing it: the 8-part personal protection video tells a lot of useful things, and even if you don’t speak English, still take an hour of your time and watch it. I promise you won't regret it.

Development of leg speed: little tricks

Let's start with the most important thing - the defensive stance. It is very important to learn the correct defensive stance, which can be very different from what you are used to. So, the main thing in a defensive stance is good body balance. We have already talked about the importance of balance and methods of its development on the pages of this site, in the materials of Evgeny Burin ( General physical training of basketball players: part 1 and OFP: part 2 ). Now, the key to a proper guard stance is to keep your head in line with your knees. If it is slightly behind the conditional line - you will fall back, or fall forward - if it is ahead.

The second moment - when moving right-left, forward-backward, you should practically not take your feet off the ground, you seem to be sliding on the parquet. This method of movement will reduce the time between repulsions from the ground, which means it will increase the speed of movement and change of direction.

The third point is the foot. It must be turned in the direction in which you are moving. Yes, it will really speed up your movement. And now let's see everything that I described above in a small video. The first part is about balance, then - about the minimum distance from the legs to the parquet, and the third - about the correct setting of the foot. I think, after such an explanation, the translation will be superfluous.


Well, these little tricks will allow you to quickly move around the site, sharply changing the direction of movement. And now, let's move on to the actual development of the speed qualities of the leg muscles, and for this we will use a very interesting simulator that each of us can make from improvised means in a few minutes.

Ladder Agility Drills

Ladder agility drills - this is the name of a series of exercises with a rope ladder located on the floor, are a great way to improve footwork speed, agility, coordination and overall speed on the court. These exercises are an integral part of many SAQ programs (Speed ​​Agility Quickness Programs - programs for developing speed, agility and quickness) and complement a variety of training complexes in many sports.

These exercises are based on the principle “ Quality is more important than quantity ”, which means that after performing them you will not get tired and will not “breathe”, as, for example, after “ Super Shuttle ”. It is best to start these exercises at the very beginning of your workout, immediately after warming up and stretching, because the muscles must be fresh in order to provide good, quality movements. And again, after doing these exercises, your muscles will still be ready for a fairly intense workout, so don't worry: you won't overload them with these exercises! Let's move on to the exercises themselves.

Exercises for the development of agility, speed and quickness of footwork

Exercise No. 1 – “classics”. This is one of the easiest agility exercises and is suitable for everyone.

  • Begin the exercise in a starting position at the bottom of the stairs, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Jump forward with both feet and land on the first sector of the ladder on your left foot.
  • Next, pushing off with your left foot, jump forward again, but land on two feet.
  • Push off with both feet again, jump forward and land on the right foot.
  • Pushing off only with the right foot, jump forward and land on two feet. This is 1 cycle. Repeat this cycle until the ladder ends.

Exercise No. 2 - "inside-out". This is another basic exercise, however, it is very effective.

  • Begin the exercise with your feet shoulder-width apart before starting the stairs.
  • Step (don't jump, but step) into the first section of the ladder, first with your left foot and then with your right foot.
  • Once the right foot has entered the first section, immediately place the left foot to the left of the next section of the ladder, then the right foot to the right of the ladder.
  • Again, step your left foot into the inside of the stairs, and then also step your right foot (as if to return to the previous position).
  • Repeat this movement pattern until the ladder ends.

Exercise No. 3 - "step to the side" . This exercise will require more concentration and coordination of movements from you. Make a few trial attempts at low speed, and after that start working at full power.

  • Start the exercise by standing near the lower left corner of the stairs (we started the exercise in the center before, but now we need to move a little to the left).
  • Step onto the first section with your left foot, and without stopping immediately step there with your right (as if doing a jump, or jump stop; in the original this movement is called "1-2 motion", minimize the time between each step).
  • Now you need to move to the right of the current section, again placing first the left and then the right foot.
  • Now step diagonally to the left and up, again using the left and then the right foot.
  • Move to the left as you exit the stairs, first with your left foot and then with your right foot. Here we are in the starting position.
  • Continue in the same way to the end of the stairs. If you decide to perform this exercise several times, then each time start moving from the opposite side of the stairs, so your leading foot (in the example it is the left foot) will change regularly.
"Step to the side"

Exercise No. 4 - "Tango" . This exercise was named after a famous dance, and once you do it, you will immediately understand why.

  • Begin this exercise by standing at the bottom left of the stairs (as in the previous exercise).
  • Step your left foot over your right foot and stand in the middle of the first section.
  • Continue without stopping, place your right foot at the level of the crossbar between the first and second section, and immediately place your left foot near the right.
  • This exercise is performed on the count of 1-2-3, as in a dance.
  • From this position, the right foot steps over the left and stands in the center of the second section of the ladder, then the left foot…..

oh, I can no longer describe these manipulations, I'm afraid that reading them you will get confused on the contrary. Let's just look at the picture, everything is quite clear and without explanation. Yes, you need to repeat the exercise until the ladder ends. "Tango"

Exercise No. 5 - "Five Steps". This is the most difficult exercise of all presented here, it will require a very high level of training and innate dexterity to complete it. But if you learn to perform this exercise smoothly, without breaking down and at high speed, most of your opponents simply will not be able to keep up with your movements.

  • Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, standing in front of the stairs in the center.
  • Stand with your right foot to the right of the first section of the ladder, almost simultaneously placing your left foot on the first section of the ladder.
  • The right foot moves to the left, after which the left moves to the second section (i.e. steps forward), and the right goes after it.
  • Movement consists of 5 steps - this is the first phase. The second is almost similar to this one, but the movement begins in the left leg. The exercise must be repeated along the entire length of the stairs.
"5 steps"

That's all, the article came to an end, which told about how you can develop the speed of footwork at home. As for the stairs - of course you can buy it, you can make it from improvised materials, you can stick pieces of adhesive tape on the floor - in general, it all depends on your imagination and materials at hand.

Update: Sometimes I duplicate articles from this site on my blog, which is located on In one of the comments, I was advised to watch this video about training with stairs. There are actually a lot of similar videos on Youtube, but I liked this one and didn't look any further. As a matter of fact, here it is:


Good luck with your training and see you soon on the pages of this site!

How to develop foot speed in football.

Home / BLOG / Trainers / How to develop leg speed in football.


Published: 10/14/2015 08:42

A great way to develop leg speed and agility, improve coordination and increase speed on the surface is training with the coordination ladder Speed ​​Ladder.

Exercises for leg speed - do not involve overload, they are aimed at the quality of movements. It is best to include ladder exercises at the beginning of your regular workout, after warming up. Your muscles need to be fresh to ensure the quality of the movement. And you should have a lot of strength left to continue training for resistance or endurance. To be the best and get ahead of your opponents, you need to train your legs for speed and endurance, as well as improve your movement technique using all sorts of tricks.

Important: take your time, first make sure you do each exercise correctly. We work on the principle: "quality is more important than quantity". Gradually build up the pace. For convenience, print out pictures of exercises and take them with you to training. We offer several ladder exercises to train leg speed. You can develop your own. It is important to observe the correctness and frequency of movements.

And some simple tips:

  • always keep your head straight and in line with your knees to maintain balance;
  • when moving, the legs should break away from the surface at a minimum distance, which reduces the time when changing movement, increases the speed of the legs, as if you are sliding on the surface;
  • arms, shoulders relaxed during exercise.
1. First, the simplest exercise, reminiscent of the “classics” from childhood:
  • starting position - in front of the stairs, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • push off with both feet, jump forward to the first cell, but land on the left foot;
  • then jump to the next cell, landing on two feet;
  • jump into the next cell, landing on the right foot;
  • repeat from the very beginning to the end of the training ladder.
2. Not a difficult exercise either. The movement of the legs is alternate.
  • step with the left foot into the first cell of the speed ladder, then with the right foot into it;
  • left foot - to the left, outside the cell, right to the right, outside;
  • with the left foot inside the next cell, then with the right foot there;
  • we continue in the same spirit until the end.
3. Let's make it a little more complicated. More attention needed here:
  • starting position - on the left in front of the stairs;
  • step with the left foot into the 1st cell and with a minimum gap immediately with the right foot there;
  • now to the right OUT of the track again first with the left foot and immediately with the right;
  • then - with the left foot into the next square and immediately with the right;
  • the next movement takes us outside the stairs from left to left-right;
  • continue to the end of the training ladder.

4. The next exercise will require even more dexterity and skill from you. Therefore, slowly try to achieve the correct, smooth execution and only then increase the speed.

  • starting position - in front of the SKLZ ladder;
  • with the right foot we step to the right OUTSIDE the first cell, almost immediately with the left foot - into the 1st cell;
  • move the right foot to the left;
  • after that, the left foot steps forward into the 2nd cell, the right foot follows it;
  • then the left one steps forward to the left OUTSIDE the 3rd cell, the right one to its place inside the 3rd cell, the left one follows it;
  • the right one steps forward into the 4th cell, the left one follows it;
  • and again from the very beginning.

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