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How to make a basketball court without concrete

Ultra Base Court The No Concrete Solution

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So you want an athletic court in your backyard and you have no idea how to do it. You’ve gone online, you’ve looked at opportunities that are showing up on your searches. And I would imagine most of you are seeing what I know, start with digging a hole in your yard and pouring concrete. Well, if you live in a community that your homeowners association says, “No way. You’re not doing that.” And why would they say that? Because they’re concerned about water management, they don’t want the water runoff. So if that’s the case, then you’re out of luck. You can’t have a court until now. And what UltraBaseSystems has done, we have created an interlocking panel system. The technology that we have developed for years ago, for synthetic turf applications, I’ve taken that technology, I redesigned it, I re-engineered for the specific application of athletic courts and flooring.

The Easiest Way to Build A Professional DIY Basketball Court

So what does that mean? So it means you, as an end-user now, can do two things. One, you can do it yourself, or you can contact one of our dealers, or you can maybe call on someone that you’ve got familiarity with you. It could be your landscaper or somebody who’s already done your brick area for your pavers in your yard. Essentially, what you’re doing now is you’re preparing the subgrade to a level of flatness and stability and drain that only you can decide if you’re there. We’ll help you, but you’re the ones there. We’re not. We’re going to give you a panel system that you can then install following our procedures, that allow you to have a court that could be used for soccer, for basketball, for volleyball, for dodge ball, for rollerblading. And we’re going to show you how to do it yourself.

What You Can Do With Our System – Temporary or Permanent

Now, a lot of you folks, I mean, look, we’ve all gone through these last several months where we really don’t want to necessarily be in near proximity of people that we don’t know. It sounds terrible to say that, but it’s the facts. So in doing our way, you can eliminate a lot of the laborers coming into your yard. You don’t need to bring a construction crew in to dig and pour concrete. The other side of it is you may not have the ability to get people in your backyard because of a lack of accessibility. So our system allows you to create this court system virtually anywhere from your rooftop to in your garage, to in your backyard, and do it without the need for heavy construction techniques that are typically associated with athletic courts. We’re also very proud that our panel does give incredible traction, wet and dry.

The Many Advantages of Using UltraBaseSystems for Your Courts

Our base panels drain very quickly vertically and horizontally. The planarity, meaning the levelness of each panel, that’s a word, between each panel is perfect. It can’t come out of alignment, so much so, we are now seeing major companies rollerskating on our panel and also using it for synthetic turf, for ice skating on a panel, on top of our panel. So that’s how flat we are. So if you follow the instructions, you can create your own backyard court. You can do it yourself. We’re going to pop up some photographs here and show you just some things that guys like you, homeowners like you have done in their own backyard.

We’re getting a lot of calls, probably one out of every three calls that we’ve received this last couple of months and inquiries from homeowners is about athletic courts. 24 x 24. 30 x 30. Nobody’s going to try and go out there and build a full basketball court, although you could. But what can I fit in my backyard? We’ve got a solution for you. Contact us. We’ll walk you through how to do it. And I think it’s going to be a great solution for you to bring play back into your own home, watch your kids in your backyard, and basically allow you to do it yourself.

How To Lay Basketball Court Tiles Over Grass

To create a basketball court in the backyard, laying basketball court tiles over grass is an option but it may require an additional layer. It’s important to have the right materials in place to ensure a successful layout that provides the stability in the floor that players need while keeping the grass as healthy as possible.

Start with a grass area that provides an extremely level subsurface. If the grass doesn’t naturally have a level area, installers can lay out solid tiles to provide the base layer. Once that’s available, some of the best options for laying basketball court tiles over grass and over the top of the base layer include:

  • XT3 Outdoor Court Tile
  • Patio Outdoor Tile
  • Max Tile Raised Floor Tile
  • Flat Top Court Floor Tile

Any of these tiles will have the ability for outdoor or indoor usage, as they are waterproof and have resistance to damage from UV lighting. They are designed for use over hard level surfaces, such as concrete or blacktop, so you’ll want to make sure your grassy area is very level and firm.
Other suitable hard surfaces over which you can install these tiles, include:

  • Firm interlocking base tiles
  • Packed, Level Gravel
  • Hard packed dirt in a courtyard
  • Blacktop driveway for a half court setup
  • Pavement in a parking lot

How Do I Create a Level Base Layer for an Outdoor Basketball Court?

When a solid subsurface is not available to lay out the basketball court tiles over grass, installers can add some firm tiles over the grass, such as the Matrax Light Duty Pedestrian Composite Mat. This creates a perfect base layer to use with any of the other interlocking tiles mentioned in the earlier list.

However, unless laying these firm polyethylene plastic tiles over a concrete slab in a park or over another area that doesn’t have plant life, these Matrax tiles should only be part of a portable or temporary layout.

These tiles have water drainage holes, and allow limited sunlight to reach the grass underneath.

These firm tiles are easy to install, connecting to each other with a cam lock system that firmly holds them in place. If desired, installers can order ADA-compliant ramps to attach to the tiles, providing a finishing touch that allows the use of wheelchairs.

Shop Matrax Light Duty Pedestrian Composite Mat

What Are Some Basketball Court Tiles Over Grass That Have Drainage Holes?

Although some basketball players may balk at the idea of playing on a court with perforated holes, the right kinds of tiles with perforations can deliver an outstanding level of stability for players.

When playing on an outdoor court, having perforations in the tile helps to drain away rainwater, keeping the playing surface safer by removing slipping risks. Additionally, if installing perforated tiles over a level grass surface, installers can leave them in place longer than a solidly constructed tile, as the grass will receive some sunlight and air. However, if left in place too long, the grass will grow through the perforations, making for a less-than-ideal basketball playing surface. If you plan to leave the court in place long term, it is best to install a landscaping cloth between the grass and tiles.

The perforated XT3 Outdoor Court Tile uses interlocking loops and tabs on the underside of the polypropylene plastic, which creates a clean look in the final layout. This tile is available in more than a dozen solid colors, which gives the installer the option of creating a pattern in the floor.

Each tile measures 1/2 inches in thickness and covers 1-by-1-feet. With a 10-year limited warranty, these tiles will last a long time, providing a great value.

These tiles are designed for use over concrete or asphalt, so if you plan to install it over grass, adding a layer of the Pedestrian Composite Mats over the grass first is recommended.

Shop XT3 Outdoor Court Tile

For slightly more flexible basketball court tiles over grass, the perforated Patio Outdoor Tile is a popular choice. The PVC plastic will give players a slight cushion in the playing surface, which helps with keeping the lower body joints feeling fresher and with giving players’ shoes a sure grip on the floor.

Each tile uses a hidden interlocking system to complete the layout. This is a DIY installation job, as it requires no glue or special tools. Each tile covers almost 1-by-1-feet.

While these tiles can be installed over grass, it’s not the ideal subsurface. They too are designed for installation over hard flat surfaces. If you do install it over grass, you’ll find that it will contour with the ground below so you may not have a completely level court, without the use of the pedestrian mat layer, which could cause irregular bounces when dribbling.

Shop Patio Outdoor Tile

What Are Some Solid Tiles for Backyard Basketball Courts?

For those who prefer a solid surface tile for the court layout, rather than a perforated tile, the Max Tile Raised Floor Tile is a popular choice for temporary courts. This tile will work for either indoor or temporary outdoor installations.

It has a faux wood grain finish in the vinyl layer that sits atop a sturdy plastic base. The pattern in the vinyl creates a look that mimics an actual wood basketball court. The interlocking loops and tabs in the plastic base layer will allow for repeated assemblies and disassemblies.

Each tile measures 1-by-1-feet and has 5/8 inches of thickness. Six different wood stain colors are available.

Again, a hard, flat subsurface will yield the best results, eliminating any “soft” spots in your basketball court and ensuring no separation of tiles due to changes in levels of the ground below.

Shop Max Tile Raised Floor Tile

For a solid color option in a plastic basketball court tile, consider the Flat Top Court Floor Tile. These 1-by-1-foot interlocking tiles have black, red, gray, and blue colors available. They use tabs and loops on the edges of the tiles to make a tight connection between adjacent tiles.

This polypropylene plastic tile is extremely firm, giving players a solid base layer they can trust when making quick cuts during a game or practice. This model has a 5-year limited warranty, providing a long-lasting design.

The subsurface for this flooring must be level. The tiles are designed for quick and easy installation and removal and will hold tightly together over a level surface but may separate if the surface below is uneven.

Shop Flat Top Court Floor Tile

Remember: All of these basketball court options will yield the most satisfying results if the surface below the tiles is completely free of bumps or soft spots. The best way to ensure that over a grass surface is to include a firm layer of pedestrian mats between the grass and court tiles. You may also find that a layer of plywood or ground protection mats can provide the firm/level surface you need over grass for temporary basketball court installations.

How to equip a basketball court in the country or in the yard

Basketball develops the child's physical abilities - coordination, endurance, develops strong-willed qualities, concentration, attentiveness and teaches non-standard thinking. Professionals recommend sending a child to the basketball section from the age of 8-9, but outside the city or in the yard, you can “chase the ball” from an early age.

I myself equipped a basketball court in my country house and now I am ready to share the secrets of its arrangement. I'll tell you what you need to do, how to choose the right equipment and how to care for it.

Prepare basketball court surface

To create a basketball court in accordance with all the rules, you need to select a flat horizontal surface for it and fill it with concrete. After that, I recommend applying a special rubber coating, like on playgrounds in the yard. There is a more expensive coating option - from rubber.

The coating will provide cushioning - the ball will bounce well.

If it is not possible to organize a special platform, you can simply place a rack or hanging basket on a dirt surface. In this case, the ball bounce will not be so strong. An important requirement for safety: the surface must be flat, without holes and bumps.

The dimensions of the site depend on the features of your yard or plot in the country. A full-fledged basketball court has dimensions of 28 × 15 meters. However, not everyone has the opportunity to build such a site in the country.

It is necessary to take into account the technical features of the game. The three-point line in basketball is 6.75 meters from the hoop. Therefore, it is necessary that the size of the site be at least 10 × 13 meters. If you are not going to train three-point shots, a 5 × 5 meter court will do.

Mark out

The second step is to mark up. It is important to use paints of contrasting colors. It is better to buy paints with a high content of rubber or polymer.

If you are equipping a basketball court for children, make the markings bright so that they cheer you up and attract attention. For the game of teenagers and adults, it is better to immediately apply technically correct markings.

Place a small fence or protective net on the site. Thanks to them, you do not have to constantly run after the ball to the other end of the site.

Buy stand or backboard

It is difficult to answer the question of what is better - a basketball stand or a backboard. It all depends on taste, tasks and opportunities. Each of these types of equipment has its pros and cons.

There are two types of racks: mobile and static. The static one is mounted in the ground.

The base of the mobile rack is filled with sand or water - for stability. The main advantage of a mobile rack is that it can be moved from place to place. This is convenient when there is no dedicated basketball court or if you are going to play other games in this area, such as tennis or football.

The main requirement for racks is their stability. It will be much more comfortable and safer to play if you are sure that the stance will withstand a blow of any force.

Pay attention to the materials from which the racks are made. A static rack will be outdoors throughout the year, which means it must be made of reliable materials. It is better to buy racks from well-known manufacturers. So, the American companies Spalding or Royal Fitness guarantee high quality, durability and safety.

Basketball backboards can be made in the country with your own hands from a board, chipboard or plywood remnants. If this option does not suit you, you can purchase semi-professional or professional options in stores.

There are four types of materials from which the shield surface is made: composite, polycarbonate, acrylic and tempered glass. The first one is the cheapest. It is intended for entry-level players. Now manufacturers offer a large selection of colors. A carbonate backboard will provide a good bounce of the ball. An acrylic shield is bought to hold competitions or intense games.

The mobile stand can be moved, so it is suitable for a playground in the country and for those who want to play other games besides basketball

Shields and racks made of tempered glass look solid. They will be appreciated by experienced basketball players

Pay attention to rings

You can buy cheap rings, but I don't recommend doing that. In a year they will deteriorate and you will have to buy new ones. Basketball hoops from Spalding and Royal Fitness are made from quality metal that won't rust in the rain.

The ring must have a springy structure - no rigid attachment to the shield.

According to NBA rules, the ring must be fixed at a distance of about three meters from the ground. For a game with the participation of younger students, it can be hung lower so that it is not very easy to hit it, but at the same time it is quite possible.

Choose rings made from high quality metal to last for many years. For a game involving adults and teenagers, metal chain rings are suitable. They are distinguished by durability and strength.

Know what types of basketballs exist

Success in the game depends on the basketball.

They are divided by size. Size 7 is for men, 5 for women. Even smaller balls are bought for children. The size 6 ball is suitable for street ball or street basketball where the game is played on half the field.

You also need to take into account where you will play the ball: on the street or in the hall. The street ball has a stronger bounce, it is harder and more wear-resistant, but the indoor ball is more convenient to hold in your hands.

It is important to pay attention to the composition of the basketball. Well-known companies use complex polymer compositions for its production. The more expensive the ball, the more complex the polymer composition. The quality of the material determines how comfortable it will be for the players to hold the ball, what kind of rebound it has from the floor and from the bow of the ring.

Another important nuance: do not forget to purchase a pump with any needle.

If you want the ball to have good grip and bounce well, you need to choose polymer models from world famous manufacturers

Proper care

Professional athletes are ready to play in any weather, but amateurs are better off not following their example. If you don't properly store, use and care for your basketball arsenal, its lifespan will be shortened. Humidity will ruin the ball and all equipment, so you can’t leave them outside during rain and snow.

Balls should be stored only in a dry and ventilated room at a temperature of 10 to 20 °C.

Before winter storage, water must be poured out of the base of the mobile rack, and then removed from the street. If you don't feel like doing this every time, fill the rack with sand. Then it will not need to be constantly moved. Basketball stands from Royal Fitness can be left outside in the winter.

Points to remember when setting up a basketball court

  1. The area needs to be determined. The classic version - 28 × 15 meters - is not suitable for everyone. For a dacha, a 5 × 5 meter area will be enough if you want to train three-point shots.
  2. Don't forget the markup. It should be in a contrasting color. Bright colors will interest children and cheer them up.
  3. It is necessary to install a protective net so as not to constantly run after the ball to the other end of the area.
  4. If the shield is stable, then it is safe. A mobile stand from a well-known manufacturer will also not let you down, and it can be moved around the site.
  5. When choosing a basketball, you need to focus on the players. For games involving children and adults, balls of different sizes are needed.
  6. If you want a basketball ring that doesn't rot in a year and you don't have to spend money on buying a new one, choose rings from well-known manufacturers made of high quality metal.
  7. Don't forget about care. Do not leave equipment and inventory on the street. Racks need to be removed to the house for the winter.

Construction of a turnkey basketball court|SportObject

The SportObject company offers its services for the construction of turnkey basketball courts. Trusting the construction of our company, you get a whole range of turnkey services, including design, ground work, laying the base and coating, marking and other construction work. We strictly adhere to the agreed deadlines and provide our clients with a work schedule that indicates the start and completion dates for construction.

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Calculation of the cost of the object

To find out the estimated cost of your object, select the options below or use the detailed calculator available by clicking the "Make a detailed calculation" button.

1. Coating:

Choose the type of coating for your object.

Not selectedAcrylicRubber crumbModular plasticPolyurethane

2. Destination:

Specify where your object will be used.

Not selectedFor suburban developmentsFor educational institutionsFor competitionsFor sports organizationsFor private business

3. Your object:

Specify whether your object is located: indoors, outdoors or it needs a hangar.

Not selectedOutdoor (outdoor)Indoor (indoor)To be built (prefabricated hangar)

4. Field sizes:

Select the appropriate field size from the provided list.

Not selectedCustomStandard30x18 - (playing dimensions 28x15) 34x19 - for competitions (playing dimensions 28x15)

Specify the parameters of your object in a detailed calculator and get an approximate cost of the service.

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421 590* 421590 RUB

* The price is indicated for the basic package with a coating without a base. You can also use the detailed calculator.

Implementation example

Private sector basketball court


Rubber slabs for outdoor sports grounds are perhaps the most reliable and rational option of all. The coating is made of high-strength crumb rubber and a binding polymer (polyurethane adhesive).

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Stages of construction on the example of a football stadium

The thickness of the foundation pit and the amount of materials that are needed for your foundation, we select depending on the size of the field. We select drainage and other systems based on the regional location (how much precipitation is in your region, what kind of drainage is needed). Additionally, we equip drainage wells, or divert them to the drainage system. Field slopes of several different types depending on site operating conditions.

Preparation of excavation, sand bed, drainage system

The quality of a football field is more than half dependent on the quality of the base! Our base is a monolithic solid single layer, which over the years does not form any fractures, the soil does not go anywhere and remains flat throughout the entire period of operation. Relatively speaking, even if a tractor passes over the base, there will be no tire marks, because everything is solid and dense!

Sequential compaction of base layers

We carry out all types of additional improvement works: we can install a fence for you, pave an asphalt path to something, level the territory, paint walls, borders, etc. We will perform all the required related work!

Installation of the curbstone

The laying of artificial grass itself is as important as the preparation of the base. When laying the field, an important aspect is gluing the rolls and cutting the markings. Gluing must be done securely. The material in the work requires getting used to, because the two-component glue rolls down after a while and they need to work quickly.

Laying the grass on the prepared base, gluing it and cutting the markings

Be sure to remember: the gate is installed with a safety requirement so that it does not turn over. Therefore, this aspect is given special importance. In this regard, the gate is either concreted or attached to an accompanying fence.

Installation of the goal

The backfill of a football field determines a large part of the performance of the game. Backfilling is a responsible job, because the presence or absence of drops and bumps, which will eventually be felt during the game, depends on the uniform distribution of sand and crumb rubber on sports grounds. That is, there should be both a flat base and a high-quality pile with an even distribution of backfill under it.

Raising grass, distributing sand and crumb rubber across the field

We cooperate with the largest manufacturers of stands, fences and other sports equipment in the Russian Federation. Therefore, if necessary, we can supply everything you need to the object at a wholesale price. We install all this equipment, advise in which cases which is better, etc. We can supply many things both in a finished version and make them ourselves on the spot.

Installation of additional equipment (treadmills, jumping pits, safety fences, grandstands)

You can also be sure that we will carry out all the necessary arrangements for their improvement on the site and the adjacent territory.


The thickness of the foundation pit and the amount of materials that are needed for your foundation, we select depending on the size of the field. We select drainage and other systems based on the regional location (how much precipitation is in your region, what kind of drainage is needed). Additionally, we equip drainage wells, or divert them to the drainage system. Field slopes of several different types depending on site operating conditions.

Preparation of excavation, sand bed, drainage system

The quality of a football field is more than half dependent on the quality of the base! Our base is a monolithic solid single layer, which over the years does not form any fractures, the soil does not go anywhere and remains flat throughout the entire period of operation. Relatively speaking, even if a tractor passes over the base, there will be no tire marks, because everything is solid and dense!

Sequential compaction of base layers

We carry out all types of additional improvement works: we can install a fence for you, pave an asphalt path to something, level the territory, paint walls, borders, etc. We will perform all the required related work!

Installation of the curbstone

The laying of artificial grass itself is as important as the preparation of the base. When laying the field, an important aspect is gluing the rolls and cutting the markings. Gluing must be done securely. The material in the work requires getting used to, because the two-component glue rolls down after a while and they need to work quickly.

Laying the grass on the prepared base, gluing it and cutting the markings

Be sure to remember: the gate is installed with a safety requirement so that it does not turn over. Therefore, this aspect is given special importance. In this regard, the gate is either concreted or attached to an accompanying fence.

Installation of the goal

The backfill of a football field determines a large part of the performance of the game. Backfilling is a responsible job, because the presence or absence of drops and bumps, which will eventually be felt during the game, depends on the uniform distribution of sand and crumb rubber on sports grounds. That is, there should be both a flat base and a high-quality pile with an even distribution of backfill under it.

Raising grass, distributing sand and crumb rubber across the field

We cooperate with the largest manufacturers of stands, fences and other sports equipment in the Russian Federation. Therefore, if necessary, we can supply everything you need to the object at a wholesale price. We install all this equipment, advise in which cases which is better, etc. We can supply many things both in a finished version and make them ourselves on the spot.

Installation of additional equipment (treadmills, jumping pits, safety fences, grandstands)

You can also be sure that we will carry out all the necessary arrangements for their improvement on the site and the adjacent territory.



How do we work?0005

We carry out construction and installation works

We hand over the finished object and provide a guarantee


I am a private client

We work in all regions of the Russian Federation

We cooperate with contractors who are ready to travel to any city in Russia. We take measurements, bring materials or buy them in your city, install coatings and equipment.

We offer standard solutions

We are engaged in the construction of both standard and unique projects. We work individually with each client: we take into account your wishes, fit into the budget and comply with the agreed deadlines.

We take care of your budget

We help clients in the selection of materials, places for construction, provide detailed advice and suggest how to get a fully functional sports facility at a lower cost.

We create 3D visualization

We offer the development of a 3D model that will convey a complete vision of the concept of the future object. Also, this service will help both us and the client to eliminate the possibility of error at the design stage.

We make reconstruction and repair

We carry out all types of reconstruction works: we repair the foundation, lay the foundation, replace the coatings, install fences, roof structures, make glazing and ennoble the areas.

I am a frequent customer


I am a corporate client

We offer additional services

We are engaged in maintenance of the facility after commissioning: we take care of the condition of sports surfaces, ennoble areas, do glazing and other general construction works.

We take on complex projects

We have enough experience and capabilities to solve the most non-standard and complex tasks. Many of our specialists took part in the preparation of sports grounds for the Olympic Games in Athens and the 2018 World Cup.

We cooperate with global companies

We maintain strong partnerships with well-known manufacturers from Europe and Asia. At the request of the customer, we supply the goods you like from abroad in the shortest possible time.

We provide detailed advice

We answer in detail all the client's questions about the project and our services. Also, we are ready to provide professional legal advice on construction issues.

We build turnkey facilities

We provide a whole range of services: designing an object, drawing up design estimates, building a foundation and base, selecting and laying coatings, erecting roofed structures, installing appropriate equipment and necessary communications.

Our clients

I am a corporate client

Acknowledgments and certificates of conformity

Company "SportObject" offers its services in the field of sports construction. We are engaged in the construction of turnkey basketball courts: we design, draw up design estimates, coordinate the construction, mount the foundation and roof structures, lay bases and coverings, perform finishing work, provide communications and deliver sports equipment. Each of the stages of work is implemented strictly according to the schedule agreed with the client, which allows us to deliver a fully finished project on time.

We value the trust of each customer and guarantee comfortable cooperation
  • We travel to any part of Russia;
  • We provide detailed advice on construction issues;
  • We select high-quality solutions for the client's budget;
  • We help with the choice of an advantageous place for construction;
  • We work with complex and non-standard ideas;
  • We offer creative solutions within a reasonable budget;
  • We provide additional maintenance of the facility in other regions of Russia.

We supply basketball surfaces from world manufacturers

The dynamics of basketball matches means high speed, sharp movements and heavy loads on the joints. It is very important that the flooring of the basketball court is both wear-resistant and injury-proof at the same time. For basketball courts we offer: tennis, hard or soft-hard, modular plastic, polyurethane coating and crumb rubber coating.

Our company only works with proven materials that have passed the strictest quality control, so we offer a wide selection of outdoor basketball surfaces from domestic and foreign manufacturers, such as: ERFOLG , BERGO , PLASTFACTO , Conica , Novol , Aropa , CRUMB , GUMBIT 90, MASTER FIBER and many more.

In addition to the construction of basketball courts, we take care of the complete set of the object and provide it with all the necessary equipment until it is fully ready for operation. In accordance with the requirements of the customer, any sports equipment can be installed: backboards, rings, stands of a certain capacity, running tracks, a sector for standing long jumps and, of course, various types of fences.

We offer metal railings or safety nets for the customer's choice
  • Metal 2D and 3D railings are sectional structures of increased strength with rod diameters from 4 to 6 mm, protected by a polymer and zinc coating. Unlike other fences, mesh panel fencing is maintenance-free - it does not get dusty, does not fade in the sun and does not deform under wind loads, and also does not need periodic painting
  • Protective mesh made of kapron or nylon threads can have different mesh sizes: 100x100, 40x40 or 20x20. Such a fence is ideal for zoning the playing space and protecting spectators from sports equipment. The mesh does not need maintenance and is easily restored

While building new basketball courts, we also work on existing facilities that need major repairs or minor restoration. We are happy to undertake the design of a sports facility, without including construction work, and for the implementation of the facility according to an already finished project.

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