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How to not be nervous when playing basketball
How to not be nervous when playing basketball
10 Tips For Not Getting Nervous In Basketball
When playing basketball, it is important to keep calm under pressure. If you get nervous, your ability to play will be hindered. And the other team will take advantage of this nervousness. To not get nervous when playing a game of basketball, many things can be done. This blog post will talk about 10 tips on how not to get nervous in basketball. That is keeping calm when under pressure!
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The Reasons Why You Get Nervous In Basketball
To tackle the problems, we first need to understand why nervousness happens. Here are some of the possible reasons:
Fear Of Failure
Fear of failure is one reason you might be nervous. This means that someone feels nervous because they think they have no hope at all in playing well or winning a game. So their fear has become this reality which makes them worried about it.
People who get nervous because of fear of failure may have a lack of confidence in themselves. If this is the case then they need to work on their self-esteem and try to build more trust with others. So that when it comes time for them to play basketball or some other sport. They will feel comfortable enough to give it a shot!
Pressure From People
Another possibility for nervousness is feeling nervous because of the people watching. This can be a close friend or family member. And it could also be a lot of other people at once. A nervous player might feel nervous because of the pressure from these people.
If you have a friend or family member who is pressuring you. Talk to them about it and let him/her know how nervous this makes you. If there are a lot of other people watching though, sometimes talking with some friends can help too!
New Surroundings
Furthermore, nervousness might occur due to something new happening in your life.
You may have been playing basketball for years but then there comes some big change – like a new team, coach, or even just having to practice with different rules.
Next, nervousness could occur due to overthinking the game. People might be so nervous because they have been thinking about a very important upcoming match for too long and their thoughts are just getting in their way of playing well.
Lack Of Practice
Another reason nervousness might happen is because of a lack of practice. If you have not been practicing for a long time and then suddenly someone asks if you want to play, this can be the cause of nervousness since it’s too hard for your mind and body to adjust quickly.
Lack Of Experience
Additionally, nervousness might be because of a lack of experience. If someone is not experienced enough in a certain sport or activity, then they might feel nervous about doing it because they don’t know what will happen to them and this can make their mind too nervous as well.
Embrace The Challenge!
It’s important to understand why nervousness occurs so that one knows how not get nervous in basketball.
Always remember that nervousness is not a failure! It just means you’re excited and the other team has the same opportunity to win as well. So if nervousness happens, focus on playing your best anyways because it’s okay to be nervous sometimes – after all, everyone gets nervous when they play sports! Even professional athletes get nervous.
Just embrace the nervousness and challenge it to play your best!
10 Ways To Get Rid Of Nervousness in Basketball
Meditating before the game can help get rid of nervousness. Meditating means clearing your mind and thinking about nothing, not even basketball! It’s helpful to focus on breathing slowly while meditating because this helps calm you down.
Taking deep breaths is also another way to get rid of nervousness in a sports game.
This takes some practice because you have to remember to breathe, but a lot of nervousness can be solved by taking deep breaths.
Don’t Stop Moving!
Nervousness happens when someone stands still and does not move around. Although nervousness might make it hard for one to concentrate on moving, try your best anyway because if the other team sees that you’re nervous, they’ll play harder.
Get More Sleep!
Make sure to get enough sleep the night before so that your mind does not feel tired when nervousness happens during a game. If you are not well-rested and nervousness is troubling you, then it’s easy for one to become frustrated with themselves which could end up hurting their team.
Listen To Music
Listening to music before the game is also a good idea because nervousness might be reduced by listening to some upbeat songs. If nervousness does still happen, then it is best to play the songs in your head so that one doesn’t have to worry about singing or humming.
Keep A Positive Mindset
Always remember that nervousness is normal and it just means you care about the outcome of the game. Moreover, nervousness can be reduced by having a positive mindset because this makes one believe in themselves more – which then helps them play better!
Learn From Mistakes
Nervousness can be reduced by learning from mistakes. If nervousness happens and one makes a mistake (like missing a shot), then remember to keep going because this is not the end of the world! The only way to improve at something is through making mistakes and getting better as time goes on.
As Michael Jordan, famously said;
“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”
Do Not Take The Games Too Seriously
Additionally, nervousness can be reduced by not taking games too seriously. It is okay to take the game seriously because this means you care about winning, but it’s also important to enjoy playing and have fun together with your teammates!
Experiment In Practice
Nervousness can be reduced by experimenting in practice.
This means trying new techniques and strategies to see what works best for you so that nervousness does not happen as much during a game!
If nervousness does still happen in a game, then simply continue to have fun while playing because the best thing about sports is that everyone has fun together.
Play As Much As Possible
Moreover, nervousness can be reduced by playing as much as possible. If you play more often and get used to it, then nervousness will happen less! After all, the best way to feel comfortable in a sport is through practice.
Work Hard
Working hard is one of the best ways to get the nervousness out in a sports game. If you work your hardest, then nervousness will not be a problem because it means you’re trying your best and giving 100%. So if nervousness happens, just keep playing as well as possible!
Always remember that nervousness is not the end of the world and it doesn’t mean you’re a bad player, so don’t let nervousness get to your head! Nervousness means there’s some excitement involved which could be good if one can harness this energy.
Just focus on playing well no matter what because nervousness happens but that doesn’t mean the nervous person is a failure. Sometimes nervousness can be bad for one’s game, but if anything nervousness shows that you’re passionate about this sport!
Thanks for reading our blog on how not to get nervous when playing basketball! We hope this helps anyone who might be nervous during games!
Here are Some of our Favourite Basketball Sneakers
Here we will be giving more of an opinion, rather than facts. Are the sneakers worth the price that they are being sold at? Should you upgrade from your current sneakers, depending on what boots you own? What features stand out on these sneakers? If any. Does it do the job? Speed, control, stability etc. Depending on your needs/preferences. We can also mention its durability, if we have collected enough data on the specific sneakers.
What did we expect vs. what we got. Is it maybe overrated/underrated?
Here’s our pick from the very best of the bunch.
On your way to the pro leagues? Here’s our pick.
Want something to start with? Have a look at our pick.
8 Ways To Stop Being Nervous In Basketball Games
Have you been so nervous before and during basketball games? If yes, I suggest you keep reading because today, I will tell you eight different ways you can do so that you will never get nervous again in basketball games.
I have experienced this before, and luckily I overcame it. Now that I have an established website, I would like to share everything I did to overcome my fear during basketball games. Also, I combined it with research. In short, I did this article with research and with a combination of my personal experience.
Before we jump right into the different ways you can do to stop being nervous in basketball games, let’s first check the reasons why you get nervous.Maybe by giving the reasons, you will figure out yourself the cure for your anxiousness during basketball games.
You can check out the best in-ground basketball hoop here!
Reasons Why You Get Nervous In Basketball Games
1 Reasons Why You Get Nervous In Basketball Games
3 Final Words
Below are the different reasons why you get nervous before and during basketball games.
Lack Of Practice
The first reason why you get nervous in basketball games is that you lack practice. You can’t jump into playing basketball games without practicing the basics. It is like jumping off the cliff with crocodiles below it.
This is also the reason why I get nervous before. I don’t have enough practice, which makes me less confident with my game. If you have the proper training, you will be more confident in playing basketball.
The second reason why you are nervous during and before basketball games is that you think so much. Overthinking is killing many people’s confidence, not just athletes.
Maybe you think so much about the negatives that will happen to you inside the court.
Or you think that people will laugh at you once you make mistakes, which is why you are so careful on every move you make so that you won’t make mistakes.
Don’t worry. You are not the only one that is overthinking. Before, I am always overthinking before our basketball match starts. Because of overthinking, I was unable to unleash all of my basketball skills on most of my basketball matches before.
Overthinking prevents me from scoring many points, and I am sure that it also prevents you! So keep reading because I will tell you later how you could stop overthinking.
Lack Of Experience
This is common to beginners out there. If you are a beginner in basketball and feel nervous during your first game, it is normal. However, you don’t want this to happen again soon. Right?
Lack of experience is one of the common reasons why you get nervous in basketball games. The easy way to overcome it is to play basketball more. However, there are other ways you can do that we are going to discuss later.
Pressure Of People Around You
The last reason you get nervous in basketball games is because of the pressure people give to you. This may be your basketball coach, the crowd, your teammates, or your enemies. Sometimes you get pressured when your opponent is talking trash with you. Check out my article about how to deal with trash talkers in basketball here!
I also get pressured before. My teammates, the crowd, and my opponents are the people that pressure me during basketball games. But don’t worry, I have some tips for you to handle the pressure around you.
Now that you know the different reasons why you get nervous before and during basketball games, let’s next check the different ways on how you can stop being nervous in basketball games. Let’s go!
8 Ways To Stop Being Nervous In Basketball Games
I know that you are already tired of being always nervous during and before basketball games. That is why I listed down below the eight different ways that you can do to stop getting nervous in basketball games.
Let’s check them out!
Listen To Songs
The first thing you want to do before your basketball game starts is to listen to some good vibe music. This will help you to stop overthinking because your attention will shift to the song that you are listening to. I suggest you listen to songs that will empower or give you the confidence you need.
You can wear some headphones and play some Kanye West or Eminem songs while practicing shooting. Whatever kind of music will give you confidence once you hear it is better. Check out some of the best basketball songs that I listed here! Hope it helps!
You will not do this two hours or thirty minutes before your basketball game. You will do this during your off days or after your basketball practice. Meditation is the best way to clear and relax your mind. Meditation can reduce anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and high blood pressure. If you have anxiety in basketball games, meditation is the best way to reduce it.
Work Hard
Lack of practice is one of the reasons why you get nervous in basketball games. So what should you do? Simple! You need to work hard and train more!
You can’t become a confident basketball player if you are not skilled. If you are a newbie, it is normal to feel less confident because you are just starting. But you should never stay on that. You should practice getting your skill level from zero to one hundred.
By doing that, it will give you confidence. Why? Because you will know the work that is put in, and you will have the ability to execute various moves you practiced on the court. Also, make sure that you have a goal.
If you have a goal and you reach one of your goals, you will be more motivated to keep going to achieve the next goal on your list. Also, it will boost up your confidence every time you achieve one of your goals.
Play More Games
The reason why you get nervous in basketball games is that you don’t have enough experience.
So what should you do? Play more games! Expose yourself to basketball games so that you will get used to it.
Try playing three to five times a week. It should be a pick-up basketball game. Focus on practicing your shooting but don’t overdo it too much. Focus more on playing. Your playing time should be more than your practice time.
I suggest you play with basketball players that are more skilled than you and basketball players that are less skilled than you. If you play basketball with players less skilled than you and beat them effortlessly, it will give you the confidence to try new things. Basketball player confidently shooting the basketball
When you already have the confidence to try new things, the next thing you want to do is play with basketball players that are more skilled than you. However, this may hurt your ego at first because you will experience lots of teachings, and you will get beaten most of the time.
But this is normal during your first time playing with them.
Don’t get too angry if these skilled players teach you or if they outplay you all the time. The best way to do so is to listen to their advice and work hard to surpass them.
Once you surpass them, it will give you the confidence to try another level. It is like a ladder or a video game. The more level you pass, the more confident you are to continue. However, make sure that you don’t become arrogant when you get better. Just be humble while growing!
Try In Games What You Are Practicing
Do you execute lots of crossover and other basketball moves during practice but not in games? If yes, you are making a huge mistake, and it hurts your confidence!
The reason why you are practicing is to become a useful player on the court. If you don’t apply what you practice, what is the point of practicing? You should apply what you practiced during basketball games.
You can learn lots of things just from applying the things you have been practicing in game situations.
Force yourself to do the things you are practicing in games to become more comfortable and understand when to do them in basketball games.
If you don’t start executing the things you’ve been practicing for in games, you will never get the confidence to do those.
Do Not Take The Game So Serious
The other reason why basketball players are overthinking is that they take the game seriously. They take it as a life or death situation. This is a very bad thing to do because it makes you more nervous.
Just laugh it off and treat the basketball game like it’s a game with your friends. I know lots of basketball players that are good and confident when playing with their friends but start becoming nervous and messing up during basketball intramurals, team games for their school or college basketball games.
Don’t take the game so seriously but focus on it. You focus on essential things, not on your mistakes and what other people are saying. Focus on the game but don’t take everything seriously.
Learn From Your Mistakes
The next thing you should do to stop getting nervous in basketball games is to learn from your mistakes. Don’t take every mistake you make seriously. Some people take their mistakes seriously and never try again because they become afraid and anxious.
My tip for you is to learn from your mistakes. If the ball is always getting stolen from your hands, you should improve your ball handling. If you often miss a jump shot, focus on improving your shooting.
Don’t let your mistakes prevent you from becoming the best basketball player you can be. Some people stop because of the mistakes they’ve made. Mistakes are inevitable. And even the greatest NBA players like Michael Jordan make mistakes. But their mistakes didn’t stop them. Instead, they learn from it and make it a motivation to work harder!
Think About Positive
The last thing that you should do to stop being nervous in basketball games is to think positively! Remove every negative thought inside your head and replace it with positive thinking.
Tell yourself that everything will be fine every time you make some mistakes. Think that you will win the ball game. Be optimistic and have fun on the court!
Check the video below for more tips on how you can stop being nervous in basketball games:
Final Words
I hope that the ways I have listed above will help you to become more confident and less nervous on the court. I hope that everyone reading this will become a better basketball player soon! Let’s get that ball and hoop!
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How to protect yourself from injuries when playing basketball
2 minutes to read
Basketball is a contact and dynamic game where contact with an opponent, work with the body and legs are inevitable. In terms of the number of injuries, basketball is second only to martial arts. The knees, ankles, and Achilles tendons are most commonly injured. This does not mean that you can no longer play your favorite game. It is important to follow a few guidelines to reduce the risk of injury and continue to play for fun.
Body temperature at rest is lower than during physical activity. That is why it is necessary to prepare the ligamentous apparatus, muscles and tendons for the upcoming loads. Pay attention to every part of the body, especially the arms, legs and back. The warm-up may include light jogging, joint exercises, and ball exercises. Basketball has a lot of short explosive runs and not warming up before them will increase the risk of injury.
There are always jumps in the game of basketball players - during shots, rebounds, block shots. Shoes soften impacts from landings, reduce the load on the joints and give additional jumping ability. Basketball shoes have non-slip soles so that movements on the floor are clear and stable. Additional ankle support will help with a weak ligamentous apparatus.
Models with Concept Power Frame system under the insole reduce the risk of foot dislocation. Often shoes are tied with both laces and Velcro to fix the legs.
You can play basketball both indoors and outdoors. When playing in the hall, opt for loose shorts and a T-shirt. Clothing should not restrict movement or interfere. You can wear two pairs of thin socks to avoid blisters and chafing.
Basketball has long used compression stockings, shirts and sleeves that improve blood flow, wick away sweat and create a second skin effect. The underwear is made without seams and will not rub the skin during the game.
During the game, basketball players can contact not only other players, but also the surface of the court. To soften the force of blows and give additional protection, protection for the knees, wrists and elbows, as the most common places of injury, allows. To fix the ligaments and support the joints, special bandages are used, which allow you to distribute the load due to compression and avoid injuries during the game.
There are also more substantial options - foam knee pads.
They are light, breathable and do not restrict movement. The effect is achieved due to the EVA material - it is a lightweight foam material that absorbs shocks.
All protection dries quickly and wicks away moisture. It will not burden you during the game.
Decathlon teamed up with the NBA to launch an original line of apparel and shoes featuring league team emblems. You can choose the form and protection with the symbols of your favorite team.
How helpful was this material?
Know how to control yourself | Volleyball for children
It often happens that in training and minor competitions a volleyball player easily and confidently performs any game techniques, but as soon as he becomes a participant in the competition, to compete against titled rivals, his skill and skill disappear. They say about this: “Not a fighter!”
There is a parable in the East:
“Where are you going?” asked the wanderer, having met the Plague.
- I'm going to Baghdad. I need to kill five thousand people.
A few days later, the same wanderer encountered the Plague again.
“You said you were going to Baghdad to kill five thousand people, but instead you killed fifty thousand,” he reproached Plague.
“No,” the Plague objected, “I killed, as I promised, only five thousand, the rest died of fear.”
Fear of a strong opponent causes self-doubt, in one's abilities, and, in turn, this leads to enslavement of muscles, to restriction of activity, and sometimes to complete inactivity. Why is this happening? Usually due to insufficient physical and technical fitness.
Here is another example. The famous Australian runner-stayer Ron Clark has repeatedly amended the table of world records in the 5 and 10 thousand meters. You can’t blame him for either poor physical fitness or running technique. However, Clark did not become an Olympic champion. He could not control his will in such important competitions and suffered defeats.
This means that physical and technical-tactical readiness is not enough to achieve high sports results. It must be combined with high psychological preparation, or, as we say, with high moral and volitional qualities. It was these qualities that the Soviet runner Vladimir Kuts possessed, who not only distinguished himself by high running technique and the ability to correctly distribute forces over a distance, but also had a fighting character.
It is believed that in a volleyball match of five games, the physical fitness factor will definitely affect - from the team where it is higher, one can expect an advantage over the opponent. And yet this is not always the case. At competitions even of a high rank, sometimes this happens: in the first game, the teams fight on equal terms, and in the second, when fatigue is out of the question, one of the teams loses with a devastating score - 2:15, 0:15. This phenomenon can only be explained by the weak psychological preparation of the players, which does not allow them to change the course of the combat during the entire second game.
In modern sports, and in particular in volleyball, competitions become a struggle of nerves. And the one with the strongest wins.
Moscow, 1962. Volleyball World Championship. The main contenders for gold medals for women were volleyball players from the USSR and Japan. Both teams were roughly equal in strength. But the Japanese brought a "surprise" to the championship - a planning serve. This novelty turned out to be a surprise for our volleyball players: they were not ready to receive such a serve. The girls started to get nervous and lost.
The moral burden of that World Championship put pressure on our volleyball players for a long time. To the XVII Olympic Games 1964, the Soviet volleyball players got used to the insidious Japanese pitch, and yet here the USSR team was content with only silver medals, again losing gold to the Japanese.
In order to overcome the psychological barrier at the next Olympiad, it was necessary to meet Japanese women on the eve of the Games.
And the Japanese team was invited to friendly matches in Moscow. According to the coach of the Japanese team X. Daimatsu, at that time, Soviet volleyball players not only were not inferior to his pupils, but surpassed them in a number of components. This means that they could beat the Japanese women and shift onto them the very moral burden that would become decisive at the Olympic tournament. And Daimatsu brought to Moscow... the second team.
This is the importance attached to the psychological preparation of athletes. It was the first Olympic Games that convinced coaches and players that volleyball is not based on three pillars - physical, tactical and theoretical training, but on four. "The Fourth Whale" is a moral-volitional preparation. It was he who paid the main attention to the coach of the USSR national team G. Akhvlediani, preparing volleyball players for the XIX Olympic Games. As a result, the USSR national team won gold medals and repeated this success at the Games of the XX Olympiad.
Why are players, and sometimes even entire teams, sometimes unable to cope with excitement and lose to the weaker ones? This is explained by the fact that different players react differently to emerging difficulties. For some, difficulties cause a surge of strength and energy, encourage them to mobilize to the utmost.
In novice athletes, the strength of stimuli acting on their central nervous system in competitive conditions is very high. Long before the competition, a young volleyball player, as a rule, begins to worry, mentally imagine the course of the upcoming game, the moral burden of responsibility to his class, school, team suppresses him. All this leads to a sharp increase in the excitability of the cerebral cortex and a change in conditioned reflex activity, which is the physiological basis for the appearance of doubts, self-doubt, stiffness and excessive tension in movements. A young athlete, in an effort to show the best result, sometimes rushes to perform game techniques (trying to serve faster and losing the serve, knocking the ball over the net without playing it) and making mistakes that are unusual for him, which makes it easier for the opponent to play.
For a novice athlete, the first competition almost always causes severe emotional distress. This is the natural state. Only a few are able to take their sports debut calmly. Long before the performance, the imagination draws vivid images associated with the upcoming celebration, with the responsible role of the participant in the competition.
So, the first performance at the competition is experienced by athletes in different ways. However, the common condition for all is excitement. An experienced artist is worried before each next appearance on the stage. Experiencing pre-launch excitement and the athlete. However, this should not be scared. You have to learn to deal with this feeling.
“Before the first competition, I was overcome with painful shyness,” recalls one athlete. “And I didn’t sleep all night,” complains another. The third, as soon as he stepped onto the platform, felt stiffness in his arms and legs.
Let's listen to the advice of experts R.
Demeter and V. Khanin, who recommend effective means to reduce emotional arousal. They offer simple and easy exercises for both adults and young athletes. Everyone chooses one or the other for themselves.
1. Exercises with light static effort. Such exercises are used to speed up falling asleep or when waking up early, as well as in the final part of training or after competitions. They consist in alternately holding on weight (for two or three minutes) slightly raised limbs.
When performing the exercise, you need to direct your mind to the expectation of fatigue in the muscles. At the same time, closing your eyes, you should mentally repeat something like this: “My hand is not at all tired. But now I'm starting to feel tired. I'll keep my hand on the weight a little more. Looks like it's about time. You can put your hand down and breathe a sigh of relief.
After lying still for a few seconds, do the same exercise with the other arm.
If your thoughts return to anything related to competition, repeat these exercises again.
For those who are used to falling asleep on their side, it is recommended to hold the same HAND for 2-3 minutes twice. With strong emotional arousal, you should increase the load by tensing the muscles of the legs. To do this, it is enough for a minute or two to slightly raise the lower leg or bend the foot.
When you have to participate in multi-day competitions and after the first day the athlete feels tired, it is recommended to use the following technique, which does not cause noticeable fatigue: mentally name each finger, alternately hold them on weight from 1 to 5 seconds. For example: “Thumb raise and hold for one second. Lower ... Raise the index finger and hold for two seconds. Lower ... ”, etc. The hand can lie palm down, for example, on the bed.
During the day, when it is necessary to distract oneself from disturbing thoughts, the fingers should not be raised, but bent one by one unnoticed by others. You can also use the following static exercise: tightly clench your fist and switch your attention to the expectation of fatigue in the fingers.
After 1 - 2 minutes, relax the brush.
It should be noted that local fatigue occurs in about a minute. You can apply the exercises in any order, move from exercise to exercise slowly.
2. Shortness of breath. Attention is focused on the arrangement of pauses during breathing according to the following scheme: the first option is to inhale, hold the breath (pause) and exhale; the second option is inhale, pause, exhale, pause. You can start with any option, but you need to keep your attention on a specific pattern.
It is not necessary to increase the depth of breathing. The duration of the pause is 1-5 seconds. Intermittent breathing is used to improve sleep or calm down before a game and in other exciting situations.
With intermittent breathing, the heart rate noticeably slows down (by 15 beats per minute), blood pressure decreases by 10-15 mmHg. Intermittent breathing is harmless. During the breaks between games or in the final part of the training lesson, this exercise is performed with closed eyes.
Intermittent breathing is convenient to perform while walking or sitting on the bench.
3. Sound perception of the pulse. To improve sleep, attention is switched to the sensation of a pulsating superficial temporal artery, for which you need to feel it and lightly press it with two fingers near the ear (near the tragus), then cover the ear with the same fingers.
Such a rhythmically appearing sound acts as a weak monotonous stimulus. In the future, the sound of the pulsating temporal artery can be felt without the help of a hand. To do this, just put your head with your ear on the pillow.
It should be noted that the sound perception of the pulse in some people causes discomfort. Then you can use other methods: cover your ear with your palm; slightly pressing it, listen to the silence, then, loosening the pressure of the palm, listen to the noise. Exercises should be performed rhythmically, in intervals of 1-5 seconds.
The proposed exercises have a positive effect on the nervous system, which plays a leading role in the life of the body.
We talked about how to get rid of excitement, self-tuning for the upcoming game is also important. It will help you perform better in competitions.
It is known that sportsmen in different kinds of sports tune in to wrestling in different ways. For example, football players, basketball players and other sports players on the eve of the game comprehend their upcoming actions, placing the figures of the players on the layout, and develop interaction tactics. Stayer draws split times before the race. He seems to mentally run the distance, memorizing the rhythm.
There is, so to speak, a psychological adjustment to the competition. It is due to two factors: 1. The presence of a stable psyche. 2. Building confidence in your actions.
The formation of a stable psyche occurs at all stages of an athlete's training. Otherwise, it can be called the development of confidence. Confidence in your actions. If volleyball players plan to use any tactical combination in the game, then they must achieve such consistency in training that none of them doubts its positive outcome.
Good wishes alone will not achieve this. You must first master the technique and tactics to perfection in training, and then apply what you have learned in competitions.
Self-hypnosis is also an effective means of psychological preparation. Its essence lies in the conscious motivation of oneself to perform difficult actions, sometimes even undesirable ones, in difficult situations. In order to instill confidence in themselves and encourage themselves to activity, psychologist E. Kozlov recommends that athletes pronounce separate phrases that express confidence that a particular action will be performed successfully. These phrases must be pronounced in the affirmative, in the first person and aloud, and in an undertone. For example: “I can do this”, “I have to overcome this”, etc.
Self-hypnosis techniques can be used for various purposes: to reduce excitement, to mobilize oneself for a certain action, to loosen muscles, to eliminate the state of relaxation, etc.
their content.
It should be remembered that the power of self-hypnosis is based on the conditioned reflex activity of a person. Therefore, self-hypnosis is unthinkable without volitional efforts. Only under this condition will self-hypnosis evoke the necessary emotions.
And another important factor contributing to the successful performance of the team is the creation of a favorable environment in the team.
You have, of course, observed cases when, at a critical moment, one of the players on the team makes a mistake, as the condemning glances of partners immediately rush at him, offensive remarks fall upon him. This does not lead to good: the offender is disconnected from the game, and the team's game is upset. Sports are joy. And you should not spoil the mood of others because of a single mistake. On the contrary, you need to support a comrade, imperceptibly for him to take on part of his duties, to cheer him up with a word. A kind word evokes emotions that mobilize energy, multiply strength.