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How to say basketball court in spanish

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la cancha de baloncesto






basketball court(









A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (sports)

a. la cancha de baloncesto

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


There's a basketball court at the park.Hay una cancha de baloncesto en el parque.

b. la cancha de básquetbol

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


We'll meet at the basketball court to have a match.Nos vamos a reunir en la cancha de básquetbol para jugar un partido.

c. la cancha de básquet

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


A new basketball court was built in my school.Construyeron una nueva cancha de básquet en mi colegio.

d. la pista de baloncesto

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Regionalism used in Spain


There are two open air basketball courts in our neighborhood.En nuestro barrio hay dos pistas de baloncesto al aire libre.

e. la pista de básquet

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Regionalism used in Spain


They have a basketball court in their garden.Tienen una pista de básquet en el jardín.

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el básquetbol

el baloncesto

el tribunal

la corte

play basketball

jugar baloncesto

tennis court

la cancha de tenis

I like to play basketball

me gusta jugar baloncesto

I play basketball

juego baloncesto

basketball game

el partido de baloncesto

basketball player

el jugador de baloncesto

food court

el patio de comidas

I played basketball

jugué baloncesto

basketball hoop

el aro de baloncesto

my favorite sport is basketball

mi deporte favorito es el baloncesto

playing basketball

jugando baloncesto

I like basketball

me gusta el baloncesto

court hearing

la audiencia

he plays basketball

juega baloncesto

court case

el juicio

basketball net

red de baloncesto

volleyball court

cancha de voleibol

basketball practice

la práctica de baloncesto

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basketball court - Spanish translation – Linguee

Michael spoke English with me, asked questions, and quietly mentioned to me more


than once that he would play

[...] basketball at the local basketball court on Sunday at 2 p.m. [...]

We all went to watch him play,


and he is an excellent, fearless and fast player.

Michael me habl en ingls, me hizo preguntas, y


me mencion ms de una vez que l

[...] iba a jugar bsquetbol en la cancha el domingo a las [...]

2 p.m. Todos fuimos a verle jugar,


y l es un jugador excelente, intrpido e veloz.

Then they all

[...] gather on the basketball court for a Christmas [...]

reflection, singing of Christmas carols, and enjoying hot ginger tea and crackers.

Despus todos se renen en la cancha de bsquetbol para [. ..]

una reflexin navidea, cantar villancicos y disfrutar de t caliente de jengibre y galletas.

About 180 families

[...] still call the school's basketball court home.

Aproximadamente 180 familias todava siguen

[...] calificando de hogar la cancha escolar de baloncesto.

already been awarded the new track, this


year will begin a velodrome built internationally, a covered

[...] pavilion, a new basketball court and a new football field 7

portaldejumilla. com

Ya se ha adjudicado la nueva pista de atletismo, este ao va a comenzar


construirse un veldromo internacional, un Pabelln Cubierto,

[...] una nueva pista de baloncesto y un nuevo campo de [...]

ftbol 7

The event

[...] was held on the basketball court where we later [...]

shared a special dinner with all the children and our tios.

El evento

[...] tuvo lugar en la cancha de bsquetbol donde despus [. ..]

compartimos una cena especial con todos los nios y los tos.

The humanitarian center quickly reverted to what

[...] I saw: a hot, dusty, basketball court.

El centro humanitario regres rpidamente a lo que se ve-una

[...] asoleada y polvorienta cancha de basketball.

After mass, all the children and guests

[...] were invited to the basketball court to share a delicious dinner.

Despus de misa, todos los nios y las visitas

[. ..] fueron invitados a la cancha de baloncesto para compartir una [...]

deliciosa cena.

In March, Cit Soleil residents

[...] brought me to a basketball court, near a suspected [...]

gang headquarters.

En marzo, los residentes de Cit Soleil nos llevaron

[...] a un terreno de basketball, cerca de la base [...]

de una supuesta pandilla.

A schoolyard and basketball court were also built.

Tambin se ejecut el

[...] acondicionamiento de un predio y una cancha de basketball.

He knows well what life in cramped conditions can be


like, since he and his family were

[...] evacuated to the same basketball court where the songs and [...]

sketches take place today.

Renzo conoce muy bien las condiciones de hacinamiento en que se vive en los centros de


evacuados, ya que l y su familia se

[...] cobijaron en la cancha de baloncesto donde ahora se lleva [. ..]

a cabo la representacin teatral.

In the United States, a

[...] Cultural Hall contains a basketball court.

En los Estados Unidos, un Saln

[...] Cultural cuenta con una cancha de baloncesto.

It has an area that could be considered a community area,

[...] for that is where the basketball court, church, local government [...]

house and a few supply stores are located.

Existe una zona que podra considerarse comunitaria,

[. ..] donde estn la cancha de baloncesto, la iglesia, la casa [...]

ejidal y pequeas tiendas de abastos.

Now every baseball

[...] diamond, football field and basketball court is a version of the [...]

frontier, with spectators added, and


every indoor domed stadium, a high-tech reminder of a time of life and dreams when the sky was the limit.

Ahora cada campo de bisbol, cada campo del ftbol

[...] estadounidense y cada cancha de baloncesto es una versin de la [.. .]

frontera, con el agregado de


los espectadores, y cada estadio interior, coronado por una cpula, es un recordatorio de alta tecnologa de un momento en la vida y en los sueos cuando slo el cielo era el lmite.

The confectioners work in a hall as big as a basketball court.

Los confiteros trabajan en una nave que tiene las dimensiones de un campo de balonmano.

The children also navigate between the schoolhouse, the church and the floating recreation centre

[...] (which includes a basketball court), all by boat.

Tambin los nios se desplazan por bote entre la escuela, la iglesia y el centro de esparcimiento

[...] flotante (donde hay un campo de baloncesto).

Facilities: Library, computer room, large student room, conference room,


cafeteria, video room, patio in the Renaissance style from the XVI century, sports

[...] hall, large gardens, basketball court, football, and pelota court.

Servicios: Biblioteca, sala de ordenadores, amplia sala de estudiantes, sala de


conferencias, cafetera, sala de vdeo, patio interior renacentista del siglo XVI, sala de deportes, amplios

[. ..] jardines, pista de baloncesto, ftbol y frontn.

The house surprises not only for its size but also for its


interiors, which accommodate several rooms, a sanctuary, a concert hall for choral

[...] presentations and even a basketball court.

Y las sorpresas no se quedan slo en las dimensiones, sino tambin dentro de


la casa, pues existen diversas salas, un santuario, un saln para presentaciones

[...] de coros y hasta una cancha de bsquet.

22 classrooms equipped with audio-visual material, computer room with Internet access, library, theatre/cinema with 140 seats, TV/video/DVD

[. ..]

room, bar and terrace

[...] outside, dining hall, volleyball/basketball court, gymnasium of 80 m2, public [...]

telephones, 110 student


dorms (you have the possibility to live with a host family or in a private one-roomed flat).

22 aulas equipadas con material audiovisual, sala de cmputos con acceso a internet, biblioteca, sala de cine/teatro (140 localidades), sala de televisin, video y DVD, bar con terraza al aire


libre, comedor, patio

[...] interior con terraza, cancha de volley ball y baloncesto, gimnasio de 80 mts2 [...]

muy bien equipado, estacionamiento

[. ..]

(cupo limitado), enfermera, telfonos pblicos, y 110 habitaciones que funcionan como internado (tambin puedes alojarte en casas de familia o en un estudio privado).

This is the school

[...] playground. We also have a football field and basketball court.

Tambin tenemos una cancha de ftbol y una de bsquetbol.

Helene are still

[...] sleeping outside on the basketball court.

Helene todava

[...] duermen afuera sobre la cancha de baloncesto.

When you

[...] accept a loss on the basketball court graciously, your child [...]

can learn that winning isn't everything.

Cuando usted acepta

[...] una prdida en la cancha de baloncesto con gracia, su hijo [...]

aprende que el ganar no es el todo.

It should have an associated

[...] open space, possibly a basketball court.

Debe estar unido a un espacio abierto,

[. ..] posiblemente a una cancha de bsquetbol.

This project stands apart for the complex restoration of the ancient country


house and renovation of the grounds,

[...] which now have a basketball court, game area, green [...]

areas, a library, dining facilities,


study halls, a chapel, an infirmary, and new sleeping areas both for the nuns and for the children.

Proyecto que ha destacado por las complejas obras de rehabilitacin de la antigua casera y la renovacin de un recinto


que ahora cuenta con modernas

[. ..] instalaciones como pista de baloncesto, zona de juegos, zonas [...]

verdes, biblioteca, comedores,


salas de estudias, capilla, enfermera y diversos dormitorios, tanto para las religiosas como para los nios.

On the 26th of February of 1960, the Region of Madrid inaugurated the first Sports Palace of the city, which was one of the most modern for its time, since it was also designed for plural


uses, including use as a

[...] velodrome, horse rink, basketball court, tennis court and boxing ring, while [...]

functioning as a stage

[. ..]

for musical, cultural, social and political events.

El 26 de febrero de 1960 la Comunidad de Madrid inauguraba el primer Palacio de Deportes de ciudad, una de las ms modernas instalaciones de


entonces, concebida como

[...] veldromo, pista hpica, de baloncesto, jockey sala, tenis o ring de boxeo, y como [...]

escenario para actos


musicales, culturales, sociales o polticos.

Features: Pool

[...] Table Room Tennis Court in brick powder Basketball Court Lake Balcony Dinning Room 12 chairs Sun [. ..]

tanning chairs for the swimming pool area.

Caractersticas: Sala con

[...] mesa de billar Cancha de tenis en polvo de ladrillo Cuadro para baloncesto Lago Terraza Comedor [...]

12 puestos Sillas asoleadoras para la piscina.

The American superstar's skill has


dazzled everyone who has watched

[...] him dashing around a basketball court; as he leaps to dunk [...]

the ball in the net he seems to


be momentarily suspended in the air.

La destreza de este autntico superhombre estadounidense sedujo a todos los que


alguna vez lo vieron recorrer a toda

[...] velocidad la cancha de baloncesto, y luego, antes de marcar [...]

un tanto, volar hasta parecer suspendido en el aire.

Roda struggled against his kidnappers

[...] until they reached a basketball court in Fr.ont of the chapel.

El P. Roda luch contra sus raptores hasta

[...] llegar a un campo deportivo de basquetbol en frente a [. ..]

la capilla.

Hlne has plenty of room for running around, in

[...] addition to a basketball court, and a small [...]

field for soccer.

Hlne tiene mucho espacio para

[...] correr, adems de una cancha de bsquetbol y un [...]

pequeo campo de ftbol.

90,000 Egor Demin moved to Real Madrid at the age of 15. Experts consider him the best player born in 2006 - Interception - Blogs

Editor's note: You are reading the Interception user blog, where they talk about interesting people in European basketball. Subscribe and you will know them better.

At the beginning of September 2021, Russian defender Egor Demin signed a contract with Real Madrid. His transition was as unexpected as possible - he did not play in the systems of Russian clubs, and there were no Russians in Madrid for more than 20 years. And there were no prerequisites that they would appear there in the near future.

How was this possible? What do you need to do to leave to play for Real Madrid? Why do the world's best analysts put Demin in first place among all players born in 2006? I discussed this with people who know about it like no one else - including Yegor himself, for whom this is the first and so far the only interview.

I collected all the information I could and packed it into one video. With a large amount of direct speech from the direct participants in the process.

If you like the video, please give it a thumbs up, write something in the comments on YouTube and subscribe to the channel - there I regularly talk about Russian basketball.

For those who prefer to read, the text is below.

Where Egor Demin came from

Egor was born in a basketball family: his father played professionally, a student of Trinta, his mother did not play professionally, but was also a student of Trinta. There they met, and it is logical that the children are also both students of "Trinta".

Yegor has an older brother, Ilya Demin, born in 2001. He was called up to the Russian U16 team, where he played, in particular, with Pasha Zakharov, Vitya Lakhin and Vlad Goldin. Ilya's career, unfortunately, was interrupted due to a foot injury.

But his training at Trint predetermined the future of Yegor, who from the age of 4 went to classes with his brother and played with the ball. Therefore, at the sports school, from the very beginning, he felt at home, and since he took the ball in his hands quite early, he always worked with guys a year older. When it was possible to move to their age, the parents decided that it would be better to stay with the year of birth in 2005.

The main reason is the coach Evgeny Gorbunov. He was the second coach of the 2001 team - the same one in which Ilya Demin played - and in the 2005 team he was the main one. The family trusted this specialist very much, so from the very first day they gave Egor to Gorbunov.

Further history could turn in a completely different direction. A few years ago, Khimki recruited a junior team to their UOR, and since the older brother had already signed a contract with the Khimki team at that time, and his father, Vladimir Demin, worked in the yellow-blue structure, Yegor was offered to come try himself in this team . But the boy said he wanted to stay at Trint and continue training with Gorbunov.

The trainer did a lot of work with him separately. He says that he initially saw Yegor's potential, and not to develop it outside of class, not to stay with him after training, not to pay special attention to it would be just a crime.

With his work and diligence, Yegor earned the right to an extra risky pass, an extra extra long throw. Not everyone agreed with this - for example, the father argued with the coach and called for instilling logic in decision-making in his son, saying that excessive freedom could ruin the player. But Gorbunov, as a coach, felt Yegor very well, and therefore allowed him more than the rest. Perhaps this is what allowed him to develop creativity, leadership qualities and self-confidence.

At the same time, Yegor's preferences in the game do not mean that the rest of the guys received less. Gorbunov is generally sure that he was very lucky with the team and chemistry. Many of that squad are now in sight: Kirakosyan plays at a school in the United States, Ermakov in the youth team of Yenisei, Natsvlishvili in MBA-2, several people at once in the MBA CYBL. Therefore, that composition is not only about Demin. Egor just stood out from the rest.

Demin went to two workouts a day, and after the evening he stayed in the gym and hung out there until the night - he perfected his throws. Three years ago, he was transferred to distance learning, and Yegor began to spend even more time in the gym.

As is often the case in sports families, the parents' entire schedule was built into their children's lives — otherwise it would have been impossible to provide Egor with so much basketball. Mom traveled with Egor throughout her childhood to various tournaments, took him to training, and later began working at Trint. Both Egor, and his dad, and his coach are sure that the role of mother in the development of Egor is paramount.

Where Demin was noticed

Years passed, but Demin did not stop progressing. He helped Trinta win Russian championships for different ages, and along the way, he attracted the attention of scouts. He was noticed in 2020, after the Russian Championship, where he performed with guys a year older. At the age of 14, he competed with 15-year-olds and managed to take the MVP title.

After that, Egor's parents were contacted by two foreign agencies within a week. One of them was the agency BDA Sports International. Their representative in Russia is Alexei Karvanen, who played with Vladimir. He offered to do scouting and send a video to Spanish clubs.

While scouting was going on, Yegor had another Russian championship and also won individual awards there. By the time the scouting reached the addressees, Egor wanted to see six Spanish clubs. Baskonia offered a contract without viewing, while Hoventut invited him to a trial training session. But there was one among the proposals, which is simply not passed by. Real Madrid invited me to watch.

The pandemic has dragged on. Scouting reached Madrid in September, they sent an invitation in December, they tried to organize a viewing in February. Time passed, but it was not possible to complete all the documents. Until Real Madrid itself turned to the Spanish Foreign Ministry and obtained permission for Demin to enter the country for three days.

Yegor Demin: “When we were told that it was possible to send a video through an agency, we did not expect such a level, such an offer. More for medium teams. But when Alexey said that it was possible to send a video to Real Madrid, we, of course, said: “Yes, do everything as you see fit.” And when they themselves said that they were coming, it was a delight.

It so happened that we sent the video somewhere at the beginning of the season, in September, I think. They took a short pause, answered closer to the New Year, and after that they contacted us on January 11, the first working day. A person wrote to us, tried to find out the situation, plans. As a result, they planned to visit several times, but it was postponed, and it turned out that we only came in the summer.

In general, when I first went there, I was first told that there would be only one training session, then that there would be no training sessions at all. They said that we would talk, that everyone would show. As a result, when I arrived, I got three workouts. I was there for three days - three training sessions. I was not particularly worried, in principle, there was a complete feeling that everything should work out. And why shouldn't it work? I was confident in myself and in my abilities. I did well in all those training sessions, plus it so happened that I was in good shape at that moment, I hit everything on the throwing tasks, they were surprised.

We were so surprised that we approached Egor's mother during the first training session. The coach was just looking for a point guard who could move 2-3 positions, who would be proactive and able to aggravate.

Real Madrid's youth manager Alberto Angulo and Luka Doncic's agent, Spain's BDA Sports spokesman Kiki Villalobos, were also present at that training session. They all unanimously said: "Yes, this is what we were looking for."

Mikhail Mikhailov was also at that lesson. Two-time champion of Russia and champion of Spain. The legend of domestic basketball and the last Russian who played for the main team of Real Madrid. Member of the Real Madrid Veterans Association. He played with Vladimir Demin back in Ural Great, and Demin Sr. talked a lot with him about the creamy system even before sending his son to watch. Mikhailov's opinion was very important when the family chose where to send Yegor. He spoke about the structure of the academy, and Demin liked everything.

Mikhail Aleksandrovich was vacationing with his family at the seaside, but as soon as he found out that Yegor would come for a viewing, he canceled his vacation and went to the base. I managed just in time for the first training session.

Mikhail Mikhailov: “I didn’t manage to meet Egor and his mother at the airport, because at that time I was vacationing with my family at the seaside. Due to this epic about obtaining a visa and arriving in Spain in this covid summer, it was difficult to get tickets to give a visa to enter. Because the Spanish consulate in Moscow was in no particular hurry to give it. I saw Yegor only the next day, at a training session, when I had just arrived in Madrid. I got to half of the training, although there was not much training as such. There was another player from his future team, the coaching staff of the youth project, the head of the youth project and the representative of the agency. My help was needed because neither Natalia nor Egor spoke either English or Spanish, so my father asked me for help to help translate and understand what issues needed to be resolved in order for Egor to stay in Spain. After training, Alberto Angulo approached me, he was very pleased, he saw what he expected to see, and with great pleasure was ready to accept Egor in the Real Madrid team.

The next day they went to see the college where Yegor will study. They also liked everything very much, they liked the residence. The residence is a hotel-type hostel, 4-5 stars, the dining room is very good there, nutritionists work in it and control all the food that the players take. Very high level of service for young athletes.

In the evening of the next day, we all met together in a restaurant to celebrate the verbal agreement, the verbal signing of the contract between Yegor and Real Madrid. As far as I remember, the main documents, where Natalia and Yegor were supposed to put their signatures, were supposed to come to Russia.

While the parties were preparing all the documents, Yegor won another championship of Russia, and no one had any questions about him. Demin was offered a standard six-year contract for such cases: the first three years will be considered junior, and after that the contract with him will be reclassified into an adult agreement, like other professional players.

Vladimir Demin: “It was a process during which it was possible to realize, to understand where he was going. Mom went with Egor to see it, they looked at how everything works. It was time to get ready. There was a process associated with the process of obtaining a visa, because they began to issue a student visa right away. It took a little longer than usual. We let him go with good feelings, we understood where he was going, what system, what conditions he would have. Accordingly, the decision is absolutely conscious. Considering the fact that Yegor is an ambitious guy, we see the trip to Madrid as a challenge, as an opportunity to be seized.”

The first days in Real Madrid

Due to difficulties in obtaining a student visa, the process of moving was once again delayed, but it was important for Real Madrid to get Egor before his 16th birthday - so that he would spend up to 18 years in the system of Madrid 3 years. In this case, he will not be considered a legionnaire in the Spanish championship. Everything worked out: Yegor arrived six months before his birthday.

Egor Demin: “I signed a contract and arrived only a month later. Due to visa issues. According to the contract, I could not play anywhere during this time. I trained more individually, I trained with the Moscow team, but very carefully. Preparing, mostly working on endurance. I was warned that this is probably the main difference, and it will really be hard for me there without good conditions. And the move itself ... I had a month, I trained for three weeks, and the last week I took a break in order to arrive fresh just right. At the moment when I arrived, they had a team of cadets from 2006-2007 at the tournament. I was a little unlucky - if I had arrived earlier, maybe I would have gone with them. There was a strong and interesting tournament. I trained with the seniors for 2-3 days, these were my first training sessions at Real Madrid. I was very surprised, I did not expect that this would happen right away. It was hard."

Egor doesn't just talk about endurance. It is really hard to train in Madrid, the city is located at an altitude of 667 meters above sea level. Moreover, Demin immediately got into rather difficult conditions - the team with which he trained used ... masks in training. If you have seen highlights from Yegor's matches, you probably noticed that the players on the floor are wearing masks. Everything is serious: he lowered the mask - a technical foul, torn - for a replacement.

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To get used to this, Real Madrid use masks in training. In addition to the fact that Egor, in principle, had to get used to the loads at such a height, he also had to get used to the mask. She was sweating and making it hard to breathe. But Egor got used to it after a few trainings, and now the mask no longer causes Demin any discomfort on the court.

Yes, and in principle Egor has already adapted in Madrid and feels great there.

Vladimir Demin: “Of course, we are in touch every day, he tells us a lot about how he has a training process, what he has at school and so on. We are also in touch with the leadership of the academy, in their rules to inform parents about plans. Every Friday they send a plan for the next week, we understand exactly what days he has and what will happen. The guys are not overloaded, which is very cool and right, there is good quality work, a lot of training, they train for three hours a day - an hour and a half of strength work and an hour and a half of basketball. Some days they add individual work in the morning. But be sure to have one day off, on Wednesday, almost reinforced concrete, and on Sunday - depending on the games. If there is a game, then they play, if not, then the day off. Everything is quite correct, and there is a high-quality training process, rest, rehabilitation.”

Yegor Demin: “The individual work was on my arrival, probably for the first month or even more. I worked separately, individually, they practically taught me to do basic exercises again, without weights at all. The mobility of the body, some movements, the correctness of movement, that's all. They built the correctness of the body itself. Then they began to connect me little by little to the scales, but also not like everyone else, but added a little bit. Now I already work like everyone else, some tasks are done individually for me, for example, if something hurts, then a special program is made for me, for a week, until everything passes. Or, on the contrary, when I need to get in shape, if I feel insecure and need to gain momentum, they increase the program, give me more weight and do special tasks. And so everyone works very purposefully, there is a lot of emphasis on the physical form of the players, because in Spanish basketball you can’t do without physics.”

How members of the academy live in Madrid

Basketball players of the Real Madrid youth teams live in a residence with the players. Of course, in the ratio of the latter there are much more - 70 percent of all residents. Basketball players live with each other - cadets mostly with cadets, juniors mostly with juniors.

Egor Demin: “At first, when I arrived, I thought that they might be resettled on an ethnic basis, but no, we all live together. In general, everything is fine, we have four meals a day, a huge base. True, they don’t usually let us out, we can’t go out for a walk anywhere, only one day. There is a game room, the rooms are designed for three, three beds, but everyone lives in twos. There is a special room for the sick, a person is immediately relocated there until he recovers. They bring food to him there, he does not go out, on self-isolation. Things are taken from us, they are washed, then they are brought in and put away.

I live with a German, Declan Duru, 2007 guy. A very healthy dude, plays for the cadets. We became very good friends, I think I was very lucky with my neighbor. When I arrived and they told me who it was, I was so worried a little, I thought, suddenly we won’t get along, we won’t understand each other. But he turned out to be a good guy, we communicate very well with him. Everything is great".

Egor adds that every weekend he goes to the city. True, you can only go outside the base once, that is, you won’t be able to take a walk on Saturday and Sunday. This is necessary for two things: firstly, the coronavirus, and secondly, security. When the players leave the base, they write down in a notebook at the exit where they are going, why they are going and what they are driving.

Demin's role in the team

Now Yegor Demin plays for the Real Madrid cadet team. There are two cadet teams, and there is also a junior team. It contains older guys, but Yegor is sometimes pulled up to them. There are, for example, Urban Klavzhar, who managed to make his debut for the basis of Real Madrid and upset CSKA in the Euroleague, as well as the younger brother of Usman Garuba - Sediq Garuba. Quite a strong line-up and, importantly, already having four strong legionnaires.

Legionnaires are Yegor's main "rivals" in the junior team, because Demin is now also considered a legionnaire. There can be a limited number of them per team.

Vladimir Demin: “Egor plays in positions from number one to number three, which is great. The coolest thing is that they see the first number in him, develop the first number in him. Initially, as they said, they adhere to this principle, do not betray themselves and do not deceive us, they see him as a combo guard, a versatile player who can cover three positions. Exactly how they use it. But he plays more in the first number than in other positions. And the best part is that when he is connected to juniors, to a team two years older, he plays there in the same position. I have to say that it looks really good. He plays in cadets A, these are his age guys, his main team, where he trains and plays, but when the management considers it possible and necessary, they connect him to games for the senior team.

But you need to understand that even if Yegor wants to get into the junior team, he does not have such a task now. The emphasis in his training is shifted to physical development, to athleticism - and this will later help Demin play better in defense and, accordingly, compete with older players.

Egor Demin: “What I like about the cadet team more than juniors is that the chemistry here is better, I think. Plus, I found my place very quickly, it took me a couple of weeks to join and take my place there, which I like. Guys, no one conflicts with anyone, there are some skirmishes, but this all smooths out very quickly. We try to speak Spanish, there are generally a lot of Spaniards, and during the game I basically know everything, all basketball terms, they are about the same. And so, if there are any moments, then between the guys in English. The coach is always in Spanish, if something is not clear, he can speak in English. It is easy to understand the coach in basketball moments, a lot of words are similar and, in principle, understandable by gestures and based on the situation. And in the junior team it’s more difficult for me, because I’m their guy who came without any established role, without status, so to speak. But for me it is to some extent easier, because no burden of responsibility hangs on me, they all understand this. Although the coach is very demanding, even if I come to them, they demand more from me than from you guys who are already playing there.

Egor, of course, is being modest when he says that he does not have a goal to move up to the junior team. Dad says: his son just confessed to him that he had such a goal. You just need to understand that this is not the main goal right now, the main thing is to progress, and if you manage to get into the senior team along the way, it’s generally great.

Vladimir Demin: “Egor likes to analyze matches very much, and we have such a press conference after every game. We analyze the last game, we didn't see it, and he tells us how it all happened. And it's even cooler than live broadcasting. He has such a good quality, he knows how and loves to analyze games, tells episodes, discusses what could be done in a given situation. It's great, of course."

When Egor speaks Spanish

Egor has already learned to understand basketball Spanish, but it's still more difficult with universal Spanish. Spanish classes are held five times a week, lasting for an hour and a half. At each lesson, 2-3 people are engaged, the teacher constantly gives them homework assignments. In a few months, Demin should speak - in Real Madrid they say that it usually takes 5-6 months before a person begins to conduct any kind of communication in Spanish.

And to make this process go faster, the club is very well motivated. Egor, accustomed to serious physical activities in Russia, decided that he wanted to train hard. He approached the coaches and asked them how it could be done. They said: ask in Spanish.

Vladimir Demin: “When he arrived in Madrid, it took him a couple of weeks to adapt and understand something, played a couple of games during this time and said: “I feel that I need to train more, I I would like to improve the percentage of three-pointers, I feel that I am a little underperforming, I would like to grow up in terms of shots, practice. I’ll probably talk to the management so that they give me the opportunity to work individually, to stay after training. ” He comes up to the management with this question, and they say to him: “Listen, you don’t need to think about how much you train and how, you need to trust us, you need to trust us, there is a clear plan for you, the tasks before you are such and such, we voiced them to you, everything is going according to plan, we absolutely understand your potential, we know exactly what you need to give and in what volume. Just trust and everything will be fine."

There are two leaders, two directors, they oversee all processes, with their personal presence at training sessions, communicate with the guys, know the questions, problems, personal tasks of each. That is, it is a constant dialogue between the director and the player. Angulo can come to the gym and start a dialogue with Egor, ask him some questions, talk to him in Spanish. "Listen, I don't need you to answer me in English, I need in Spanish." He starts looking for words, says, listen, it takes time ... “No, you should already try to do it now. When you speak, you will have additional training, and a game for juniors. You have six months to get stronger and learn Spanish. And then it will be what you want.”

Egor Demin: “Partly yes, they really count on it, that I will learn Spanish. Knowledge of the language - they rely heavily on it. There is more emphasis on the fact that I am considered a legionnaire. And there can be 4 legionnaires in a team, respectively, there are 4 very strong legionnaires there. I need to be better than these guys. You have to work to get them out. This is the main difficulty, because as a Spaniard I can't play yet. I need to get into their team so that I stay there for 3 years until I am 18 years old. They just wanted to sign me before my birthday.”

And since we are talking about learning Spanish, we can also talk about how members of the Real Madrid academy learn in general. There are two schools for them: one is ordinary Spanish, unremarkable, where Spaniards and Africans study, who have been living in Spain for a long time and know the language as their own; but the second is a private, international school. Almost all football players study there, and with them basketball players. This is not a Real Madrid school, but Real Madrid pays for places in it and, in fact, is the main customer for this school.

Egor Demin: “Those who live in the residence, they all study there. Real Madrid just cooperates with this school, this is not their school. But there are conditions for us, we study a little less: if everyone has seven lessons, then we have four. Because we need to go and do our own business - tutors, training. There is a division into classes, not like ours from 1 to 11, they have 12 classes in general. It is divided so that two years for one class, but at the same time, 12 classes are obtained in the end. The school immediately has an institute on the basis of the school. Basketball players have a choice after graduation - either continue to study or stay in the club.

First places in the ratings by 2006 year of birth

After signing a contract with Real Madrid, Yegor Demin got into all the news. One of the most respected draft analysts in the world, Mike Schmitz, put the Russian in first place in his ranking of basketball players born in 2006. A little later, the authoritative portal Eurohopes released its rating, which ... yes, did the same - put Egor in first place.

But both Yegor and his dad say that these ratings are, of course, nice, but, in fact, they are too premature.

Egor Demin: “There, all these guys are also all in these ratings. For them, this is not news, many of them were in the ratings of Schmitz, every year the same my partner in the cadet team, Hugo Gonzalez, is also always in all the tops and discussed communities. For them, this, one might say, is not surprising and not a supernatural result.

Vladimir Demin: “We are absolutely calm about ratings, although it is nice to see a familiar name in an authoritative rating. But we focus not on ratings, but on the goals that Yegor faces. Although, you know, if several independent specialists, accounts, agencies give approximately the same assessment, then this indicates objectivity. In my understanding, it is necessary to do such ratings, there must be some kind of objective assessment, there must be a summary, cross-scouting, when several independent people, specialists, organizations evaluate the guys. These ratings are essential."

Mike Schmitz wrote that Demin is the first Russian player after Andrei Kirilenko to make such a big statement at such an early age. And while Egor is only trying to justify such comparisons, experts are already saying that Demin's style of play is similar not to anyone, but to Luka Doncic himself. And what? The club is the same, the agent in Spain is also the same person, Enrique Villalobos.

Demin says that he watched the matches of 16-year-old Doncic for Real Madrid and such comparisons flatter him. But it's too early for now.

Egor Demin: “Of course, this is nice for me, but it only gives me an incentive to train even more to show this level. If this is expected of me, I must maintain this status. I definitely don’t want to exalt myself with this, I’m a modest person and I’m very careful about this.”

Advantages of the Real Madrid system

What are the advantages of the Real Madrid system? Does it provide something that no one else can offer?

First of all, Real Madrid is a 100% hit on the pencil for NBA scouts. The ocean is closely watched by the best academies in Europe, and the Real Madrid academy is perhaps the first place where they turn their attention. But you need to understand: this does not guarantee that Demin will be drafted, get into the NBA, or even become a 100% professional player. No, there are still zero guarantees. But if there's any way to maximize your chances of getting into the NBA at that age, then Real Madrid's academy is the right place.

In addition, Real Madrid are investing millions of euros in finding talent around the world and transporting them to Madrid. The club is interested in bringing these guys to the right level and then sending them to the NBA for big money. In the meantime, this does not happen - comfortable accommodation in the European capital, first-class training conditions, nutritionists, tutors, medical staff and in general everything to make the guys and their parents feel at ease.

Vladimir Demin: “I will say that a lot of attention is paid to physical training and athleticism. 6 hours a week of training in the gym, in the classic training mode in the gym. Basic exercises, strength work. This, of course, in my perception is very cool and very correct. The guys are given a serious base, and this then allows the players to compete at the highest level, namely in terms of physical fitness, athleticism, speed.

But development concerns not only the physical aspect, but also the personal one. For example, Pasha Savkov in Basque Country has classes called mental — in fact, this is work with psychologists. And so it works almost everywhere in the big Spanish clubs.

It would be wrong to call any system or any academy ideal. But if we are talking about Spain, then, for example, Demin will no longer be considered a legionnaire by the age of 18. This does not mean that he will be given a Spanish passport, but the system is set up in such a way that he will be considered a homegrown player, and homegrown players are not only not subject to the limit, but also needed by the teams. The clubs of the championship of Spain must have players who grew up in Spain, this is a requirement. And being in the Real Madrid system now means increasing your chances and your quotes in the market for the strongest national European championship in the future. That is, expand your basketball market.

Another advantage of the Real system is in the organization of processes. For example, the club now has a clear plan for Demin for the next 6 months. Everything is arranged like in business: Egor is such a share, the quotes of which the club strives to increase by all means. He invests money, resources and knows why he does it. Everyone benefits from this, including Demin himself. Now he is a legionnaire at Real Madrid, which means that in order to move on, he needs to be head and shoulders above the rest. But they took him, because they saw that he could be a cut above.

Egor recently played for the Russian U16 team, the tournament was held in Spain. Egor looked great in the team, although he did not go through the preparatory camp with it - he joined the team already at the tournament.

If we talk about his intermediate results, then Demin has grown by 2 cm and added 6 kg of muscle. He is already fluent in English and understands Spanish, slowly begins to speak.

I hope that Egor Demin will succeed, and first he will grow up to the main player of the junior team, and then he will make his debut for the main team. In order not to miss anything important from the world of Russian basketball, subscribe to "Interception" in social networks: Telegram | YouTube | Instagram | VK

Photo in text: personal archive of Vladimir and Yegor Demin, BDA Sports International

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How is the arrangement of the basketball court, what equipment will be needed| AVK Group

Construction of basketball courts

Every year basketball becomes more and more popular among young people, because of this there is a need to build new basketball courts. The parameters of the sites and the list of necessary equipment are strictly regulated. You can order high-quality equipment from the international company AVK Group.

Types of basketball courts

  • Indoor courts - the playing field is located indoors.
  • Outdoor playgrounds - the playing field is in the open air, asphalt, various materials, lawn are used as a surface.

Since basketball has several branches, the playing fields for each of them have their own characteristics.

  • Classic basketball courts are equipped in accordance with the requirements of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).
  • In school gyms and sports clubs where amateur games are held, basketball backboards are installed on special mounts to save space.
  • Mini basketball courts are standard sizes, but the basketball hoop is mounted lower. In this case, it is advisable to install a height-adjustable basketball truss.
  • Playing fields for streetball are two times smaller than for classic basketball. When arranging the site, much attention is paid to the quality of the surface, since the game will be held in the open.

Basketball Court Dimensions

The playing field is a flat rectangular surface, its dimensions are regulated by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA). The area where official competitions will be held must have the following dimensions:

  • the width of the basketball court is 15 m;
  • basketball court length - 28 m;
  • height - from 7 m.

According to the regulations, deviations in size by 1-2 m are allowed, but official competitions cannot be held on such playing fields. The minimum size of the field should be 26 x 14 m, the maximum - 30 x 18 m. These standards apply in all countries, including Russia.

Municipal basketball halls are not under the jurisdiction of FIBA, so the size of the playing field in schools or universities can be 12-16 m wide and 20-28 m long. The standard dimensions of mini-basketball courts are 18 x 12 m. The measurement is taken from the inner edge of the lines that limit the playing space of the field.

What equipment is needed to equip a basketball court

  • Floor covering.
  • Basic equipment: scoreboards, basketball farms, backboards, protective protectors, arenas, etc.
  • Inventory storage systems: racks, tables, carts.
  • Referee inventory and equipment: a set of flags, referee's whistle, a bar for measuring height, a stopwatch.
  • Tribunes and seats.
  • Scoreboard and referee timing systems: video scoreboard, ball possession indicator, timekeeper button, attack time scoreboard, etc.
  • Auxiliary equipment for playgrounds and basketball: safety net, backboard fixing device, sweepers.
  • Locker room equipment: hangers, benches, lockers.
  • Basketballs.

How is the process of arranging the basketball court

The process consists of the following stages:

  • selection of the location of the object;
  • preparation of the base, the durability of the future playing field will depend on it;
  • selection of sports coverage;
  • installation of a protective barrier, lighting system, play equipment.

AVK Group provides services for the complex equipment of facilities for elite sports. Among the facilities built by her there are a large number of sports facilities of international level. The company's specialists will perform the entire cycle of works on arranging a basketball court with the highest possible quality, taking into account the requirements of international standards. Clients will be offered favorable terms of cooperation.

Basketball Court Rules and Standards

When arranging the playing field, it is necessary to follow the regulations approved by the International Basketball Federation. To date, the following documents are used:

  • "FIBA Official Rules";
  • "Official Rules of Basketball - Basketball Equipment".

Mandatory requirements for areas for official competitions:

  • the playing field must be indoors;
  • the surface of the coating must be hard and flat, the presence of cracks, bends and other defects on it is unacceptable;
  • lighting must be positioned in such a way that it does not interfere with the movement of players on the field.

What should be on the playing field

The main areas of the basketball court:

  • back zone - here is placed the basket and the front part of the backboard, this is the "own" half of the field;
  • front zone - the opponent's basket, the front part of the backboard and part of the playing area bounded by lines are located here;
  • three-second (penalty) zone - looks like a trapezoid, located directly near the opponent's ring;
  • three-point zone is a part of the field from which 3 points are awarded for hitting the ball into the opponent's ring;
  • bench area - located outside the playing area, it provides 14 places for substitutes and sent-off players.

Marking Rules

Each basketball court must be marked. All lines are applied with paint of the same color (most often white is used), they must be clearly visible from anywhere on the site. Line width - 5 cm.

Main lines:

  • face;
  • side;
  • central;
  • central circle.

The side lines form the long sides of the rectangle, while the front lines form the short sides. With their help, they allocate a playing area. The center line divides the court into two equal zones. The center circle is located in the middle of the field, its radius must be 180 cm.

The free throw line is drawn parallel to the front line, its length is limited to the penalty area. The three-point line has the shape of a semi-ellipse.

Bench area features

The bench area should be located on the same side as the scorer's table. It can be in the form of a rectangle or square, the length of the lines is from 2 m. This zone should be located at a distance of 2 m or more from the playing area. Distance to spectators and billboards - at least 1 m.

Supports and shields

Supports for structures on which baskets and billboards are attached are installed at a distance of 2 m from the front lines. They should be painted in a color that will contrast with the walls and the site itself.

Shields are made of tempered safety glass or wood. The thickness of the shields must be at least 3 cm, dimensions - 1.8 × 1.1 m. They are marked with white or black markings, the line width is 50 mm. In the center of each shield there is a rectangle measuring 590 × 450 mm.

You can order high-quality equipment for the game hall in the AVK Group catalog

Types of coverings for the field

The playing field is regularly exposed to heavy loads, so its surface must meet the following characteristics:

  • resistance to external influences;
  • durability;
  • good water permeability;
  • uniform, no seams;
  • low injury risk;
  • quick assembly;
  • easy care.

The most commonly used coatings are:

  • rolled rubber crumb coating - mounted in a matter of hours, has a number of positive properties;
  • rubber flooring - ideal for outdoor basketball courts, has excellent strength characteristics and retains an attractive appearance for a long time.

You can choose a high-quality coating for the playing field here: The catalog contains products of well-known world manufacturers.

Who monitors compliance with the requirements for the arrangement of basketball courts

Control over the compliance of playing fields with approved standards is carried out by representatives of the Russian Basketball Federation (RBF) and inspectors of the State Administrative Technical Supervision. If discrepancies are found, protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up.


The arrangement and dimensions of the basketball court are strictly regulated by the standards established by the International Basketball Federation.

Learn more