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How to say i like basketball in spanish
How to say i like basketball in spanish
I%20like%20basketball in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
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me gusta el baloncesto
I like basketball(
A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time).
1. (general)
a. me gusta el baloncesto
What is your favorite sport? - I like basketball.¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? - Me gusta el baloncesto.
b. me gusta el básquetbol
Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.
Does not include Spain.
(Latin America)
I like basketball, but I'm too short to play it.Me gusta el básquetbol, pero soy demasiado chaparro para jugarlo.
Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.
| gustar |
basketball | el básquetbol el baloncesto |
I like you | me caes bien me gustas |
What do you like to do? | ¿Qué te gusta hacer? |
look like | parecerse a |
do you like | te gusta les gusta |
Do you like me? | ¿Te caigo bien? ¿Les caigo bien? |
I like to read | me gusta leer |
What are you like? | ¿Cómo eres? |
basketball court | la cancha de baloncesto |
Would you like . .. ? | ¿Te gustaría ... ? |
What would you like to drink? | ¿Qué quieres tomar? |
What do you like? | ¿Qué te gusta a ti? |
you like | te gusta les gusta |
like this | |
I like to listen to music | me gusta escuchar música |
I like to eat | me gusta comer |
what is the weather like | cómo es el clima |
I don't like | no me gusta |
play basketball | jugar baloncesto |
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i like basketball - Spanish translation – Linguee
I will try to find a sport (like basketball or soccer) or an activity [. ..]
(like playing tag, jumping rope, dancing or riding
my bike) that I like and do it at least three times a week! sevenhillscharter.org sevenhillscharter.org |
Tratar de
buscar un deporte (como el baloncesto y el ftbol) o una actividad [...]
(como jugar de coger, brincar cuica, bailar
o correr bicicleta) que me guste y lo har por lo menos tres veces a la semana! sevenhillscharter.org sevenhillscharter.org |
Astigmatism occurs when the cornea of the eye is oblong like a football
instead of round like a basketball. mcdonaldeye.com mcdonaldeye. com |
El astigmatismo ocurre cuando la crnea del ojo est ovalada como una pelota de futbol americano en
vez de una pelota de baloncesto. mcdonaldeye.com mcdonaldeye.com |
In some team sports like basketball or soccer, where [...]
the breaks are short, this allows EPOC to rise to very high levels. ns.suunto.com ns.suunto.com |
Algunos deportes
de equipo, como el baloncesto o el ftbol, tienen [...]
descansos cortos y pueden dar lugar a valores de EPOC muy elevados. ns.suunto.com ns.suunto.com |
The more time spent on screen time and sitting-down activities, the less time available
[. ..]
for active stuff, like basketball, bike riding, and [...]
swimming. landoltpta.org landoltpta.org |
Cuanto ms tiempo pases enfrente de una
pantalla y en actividades sentado, menos tiempo estar disponible para
cosas activas, como basketbol, bicicleta y nadar. landoltpta.org landoltpta.org |
Sports like basketball that involve jumping [...]
put a large amount of stress on the Achilles tendon. nwchc.com nwchc.com |
Deportes como el bsquetbol, que implican [. ..]
saltar, ejercen mucha tensin sobre el tendn de Aquiles. nwchc.com nwchc.com |
They use KJs in conjunction with other
activities and games, like basketball, jump roping, jogging, [...]
volleyball etc. kangoojumps.com kangoojumps.com |
Usan las Kangoo con otras
actividades y juegos, como baloncesto, saltar a la cuerda, [...]
jogging, voleibol, etc. kangoojumps.com kangoojumps.com |
One can compete in single or dual sports like athletics, chess, golf, judo, archery, cross-country, padel, tennis and beach
volleyball, among others,
[. ..]
collectively or in team sports like basketball, handball, football [...]
7 (female team), 11 male soccer,
indoor soccer, volleyball, etc.. uca.es uca.es |
Se puede competir a nivel individual o doble en deportes como atletismo, ajedrez, golf, judo, tiro con arco, campo a travs, pdel, tenis o voley playa, entre
otros, o a nivel colectivo en
deportes de equipo como baloncesto, balonmano, ftbol 7 femenino, [...]
ftbol 11 masculino, ftbol sala, voleibol, etc. uca.es uca.es |
Exercise, like walking, lifting weights, golf, martial
arts, team sports (like basketball, football, ultimate [. ..]
Frisbee, softball etc.) mengetdepression.com mengetdepression.com |
hacer ejercicio como caminatas,
levantamiento de pesas, golf, artes marciales, deportes
en equipo (por ej., baloncesto, ftbol, ultimate frisbee, [...]
softball, etc.). mengetdepression.com mengetdepression.com |
Brazil is investing in building training facilities for swimming, gymnastics and track and field - sports that offer
more numerous events for athletes to earn a medal,
as opposed to sports like basketball, which awards just [...]
three medals. infosurhoy.com infosurhoy.com |
Brasil est invirtiendo en la construccin de instalaciones para la natacin, la gimnasia y el atletismo, deportes con un mayor nmero de pruebas para
que los atletas aspiren a una medalla, en
contraste otros, como el baloncesto, que slo otorga tres [...]
preseas por olimpiada. infosurhoy.com infosurhoy.com |
Tendinitis due to overuse is most common in younger individuals and can occur in
walkers, runners, or other athletes,
especially in sports like basketball that involve jumping. [...]
Jumping places a large amount
[. ..]
of stress on the Achilles tendon. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
La tendinitis debida a la sobrecarga es ms comn en personas jvenes y puede ocurrir en caminantes, corredores u otros atletas,
especialmente cuando practican
deportes de salto como el baloncesto; ya que al saltar se [...]
ejerce mucha fuerza sobre el tendn de Aquiles. mercydesmoines.org mercydesmoines.org |
In Japan, almost every elementary and junior high school has its own
swimming pool, sports field, and gym
with courts for games like basketball, and these facilities [. ..]
are sometimes open to the general public. web-japan.org web-japan.org |
En Japn, prcticamente todas las escuelas primaria y secundaria cuentan con su propia piscina, campo deportivo y
gimnasio con canchas para la
prctica de juegos, como el baloncesto, y estas instalaciones [...]
son con frecuencia abiertas al pblico. web-japan.org web-japan.org |
For the query in Mikel Sanchez have spent countless
Vitoria athletes like basketball players Jorge Garbajosa, [...]
Sergi Vidal, Tiago Splitter,
players like Tiko Donato or cyclists or Aitor Ocio the likes of Samuel Sanchez and many pelota. en.rafa-nadal.com en.rafa-nadal.com |
Por la consulta de Mikel Snchez en
Vitoria han pasado innumerables deportistas
como los jugadores de baloncesto Jorge Garbajosa, Sergi [...]
Vidal, Tiago Splitter, futbolistas
como Donato o Tiko o Aitor Ocio ciclistas de la talla de Samuel Snchez y numerosos pelotaris. rafa-nadal.com rafa-nadal.com |
Moreover, I love to do sports like basketball or soccer and I design and program [...]
websites. fabiangulde.com fabiangulde.com |
Adems, me gusto de hacer el deporte como el baloncesto o el ftbol y diseo [. ..]
y programo los sitios web. fabiangulde.com fabiangulde.com |
Well-known people
from the region, like basketball player Jos Manuel [...]
Caldern and sportswoman Almudena Cid, the singer
Huecco as well as other anonymous citizens, invite us to think about and put into practice the philosophy spread by Marca Extremadura in all aspects of life: tourism, business, environment? marcaextremadura.es marcaextremadura.es |
Personajes conocidos
relacionados con la regin como los deportistas Jos [...]
Manuel Caldern y Almudena Cid, el cantante Huecco
[. ..]
y ciudadanos annimos nos invitan a reflexionar y poner en prctica la filosofa que difunde la marca Extremadura , aplicndola a todos los mbitos de la vida: turismo, negocios, medio ambiente? marcaextremadura.es marcaextremadura.es |
Forum to talk
about other sports like basketball, tennis, motor, curling, [...]
etc. Spanish board. granotas.com granotas.com |
Foro exclusivo para hablar sobre
otros deportes como el baloncesto, tenis, motor, badminton, [...]
curling, pilota valenciana,etc. granotas.es granotas.es |
For all ocassions like, Thanksgiving, St Valentine's, or Christmas,
[. ..]
as well as sport events, like Basketball or Football. bennysballoonart.com bennysballoonart.com |
Tanto para ocasiones, como Accin de Gracias, San Valentn, o Navidad,
como para eventos deportivos, como Baloncesto o Soccer. bennysballoonart.com bennysballoonart.com |
Sports like basketball, handball and volleyball [...]
increase the stress on the anterior part of the foot, able to cause stress fractures in the metatarsals. clinicabenegas.com clinicabenegas.com |
Deportes como baloncesto, balonmano y voleibol, [. ..]
aumentan el stress en la parte anterior del pie, pudiendo causar fracturas
de "stress" en los metatarsianos. clinicabenegas.com clinicabenegas.com |
There were
various fields and courts for sports, like basketball and football. mccalive.org mccalive.org |
Despus de los seminarios, se nos permiti un momento de recreacin. mccalive.org mccalive.org |
Children can learn to channel frustration and aggression positively, through active physical play - running,
jumping, team sports like basketball. healthykids.us healthykids.us |
Los nios pueden aprender a dirigir la frustracin
[. ..]
y agresin de una manera positiva por medio del juego fsico - correr, brincar,
deportes en equipos como el baloncesto. healthykids.us healthykids.us |
Its appereance is like a basketball ball. soccerballscollection.com soccerballscollection.com |
Su apariencia es similar a un pelota de baloncesto. soccerballscollection.com soccerballscollection.com |
In the past we've had
professional athletes like [basketball player] Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. argentina.usembassy.gov argentina.usembassy.gov |
Tuvimos atletas
profesionales como (el astro del baloncesto) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. spanish.argenti...a.usembassy.gov spanish.argenti...a.usembassy.gov |
A human eye gives the sharpest vision when it is perfectly
spherical, that is, round like a basketball. coopervision.com coopervision.com |
Un ojo humano da la visin ms ntida cuando es perfectamente esfrico, esto
es, redondeado como un baln de baloncesto. coopervision.com coopervision.com |
Programs like basketball, field hockey, and [. ..]
baseball carry a limited squad, but even here, most students who try out make the team. profiles.boardingschoolsusa.com profiles.boardingschoolsusa.com |
Los programas como bsquetbol, hockey sobre [...]
csped y bisbol tienen equipos con cupos limitados, pero incluso en estos deportes
la mayora de los alumnos que se postulan ingresan al equipo. profiles.boardingschoolsusa.com profiles.boardingschoolsusa.com |
Unlike sports like basketball (height) and American football [...]
(body mass) there is not one specific genetic gift required;
instead the attributes required for a top-level footballer can be broken down into "physical and physiological skills, cognitive skills and game skills", but inheriting the first two certainly provides a head start. fifa.com fifa.com |
A diferencia de deportes como el baloncestos (altura) o ftbol americano [...]
(masa corporal), el ftbol no requiere de "regalo"
gentico especifico. Si los atributos requeridos para un futbolista de primera categora se pueden desglosar en "facultades fsicas y fisiolgicas, facultades cognitivas y facultades deportivas", heredar las dos primeras no cabe duda de que representa un privilegio. es.fifa.com es.fifa.com |
Football is limping behind on this issue and has not followed the
examples of other sports like tennis, basketball, cycling or athletics. eurotopics. net eurotopics.net |
En este tema el ftbol est anclado y no ha seguido los ejemplos de
otros deportes como el tenis, baloncesto, ciclismo o atletismo. eurotopics.net eurotopics.net |
Repetitive trauma to the foot
(such as from sports activities like tennis, basketball, and running) scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
Traumas constantes en el pie (tales como las que
provienen de actividades deportivas como el tenis, baloncesto y atletismo) scasouthjersey. com scasouthjersey.com |
If you can do it with tools like basketballs, juggling balls,andneedles, [...]
you should eventually be able to do it without
them when the time comes that you need to regulate your thoughts. almightydad.com almightydad.com |
Si lo puedes
hacer con herramientas como una pelota de basquetbol, o pelotitas para [...]
malabares, o agujas de tejer, eventualmente
deberas ser capaz de hacerlo sin ayuda cuando llegue el tiempo en que necesites regular tus pensamientos. almightydad.com almightydad.com |
In your leisure time, do you like to play basketball or tennis and [. ..]
also take on other sporting challenges? ottobock.com ottobock.com |
En su tiempo libre juega al baloncesto o al tenis y realiza [...]
tambin otros deportes? ottobock.com ottobock.com |
Foreigners about Russian idioms - Realnoe Vremya
00:01, 06/06/2020
Russian idioms in the ears of foreigners for the Russian Language Day
On the International Day of the Russian Language (aka the Pushkin Day of Russia), established by the UN exactly ten years ago, it is interesting to know how "great and mighty" is seen and heard by foreigners in the most creative and characteristic manifestation of any language - idiomatic expressions. Realnoe Vremya publishes a text version of a conversation between Mexican Kike and Canadian John, who have been studying Russian for many years, on the Español con Kike YouTube channel, which they themselves titled as follows: “A brain explosion for foreigners is funny Russian expressions.
Kike. Hola amigos! Today I'm visiting John, he has his own channel JonandEva, he and Eva made a trip around the world. John is also learning Russian, and today we are talking about phrases that I once heard in Russian, and they seem very funny to me. Or sometimes they can even offend a person. I have a small list of phrases here, and I'm sure that Johnny once heard them too, because he has been living among the Russian for ten years ...
John. Yes, ten years since I started learning Russian.
Kike. Look, John, when I arrived in Moscow and did not know Russian, I tried to tell the cashier (I think it was in the subway) that I wanted to buy something, and she told me: “Speak like a human being! ". That is, it turns out that I speak a non-human language, Spanish is not a human language.
John. (laughs) Inhuman!
Kike. Have you ever been told that?
You know, I remember, once in Ukraine someone came up to me on the street and asked, I think, some address. I tried to answer, and this grandmother looked at me like that and said: “Ah, you are not ours.” It's "our" I really notice here. When I watch sports with Russian commentators, they always say “ours, ours, ours”. This is unusual for me.
Kike. When I was in the subway, there were such Russian grandmothers, and they were looking for the subway. They asked: "Can you tell me where the metro station is?" I'm like: "Yes, of course, you know, if you go straight all the time, straight, there will be Novokuznetskaya." I tried to speak with good pronunciation. And one said: "Listen, even foreigners know better than we do."
John . (laughs) Well, at least they didn't insult me! Actually, it was a compliment, I guess.
Kike . You know, there are [people] who want to give a compliment, but it doesn't always work out nicely.
When I arrived in Russia, in the second month I learned set expressions. Like "Thanks for the bread you will not spread."
John . Yes Yes Yes.
Photo qna.center
Kike . Can you imagine, a person who has recently been in Russia, and the first immersion in the language is to say “Thank you for the bread you won’t spread.” In Spanish, I don't think I can say it. I understand the idea...
John . Yeah, I'm not even sure if I know the equivalent expression.
Kike . I don't think we have that. “Why do I need your thanks, better give me money”? Then I also heard - "Thank you in your pocket, you won't put it." And there seem to be many such expressions.
John . Maybe you can find it in English, I don’t know ... (types in a search engine on the phone). "Thanks for the bread you will not spread" (laughs) - no, it's not clear at all.
Kike .
It is very interesting in Russian - when you want to increase something, it is customary here to say some kind of bad quality, for example: "Terrible beautiful." That's a compliment. It sounds very strange in Spanish.
John . This does not happen at all.
Kike . Horriblemente hermosa… I don’t know, it seems to me that “terrible” is stronger than “beautiful”, so it doesn’t matter what comes next [after “terrible”].
John . Yeah interesting. There was such a trend in the English language that many bad words became good ones. Like, you can say: "You're bad!". With the right intonation, this could mean something like...
Kike . "You're cool"?
John . Yes. Or "sick" - "sick". In slang, you can say ... Skaters say, for example, "Sick trick!" - a sick, that is, a cool trick. I think there are many such [examples] in English.
Kike . Yes? Not in Spanish.
"Terrible" - there it is very strong and will immediately spoil the impression.
I also find the names of clothes very funny. Two very strange examples. Let's say you know what "families" are?
Photo by livemaster.ru
John . Uh-uh ... These are not pants? What do you wear around the house?
Kike . Yes!
John . Oh no, those are panties!
Kike . Yes, shorts, only big ones. Big boxers. When I was told "families", I thought it was something for the family. Because I know that when there was the Soviet Union, for example, there was one model of shoes that both boys and girls wore. And when I was told "family", I had such an understanding that any member of the family can use them. Just washes it [and wears it].
And the second. Do you know what an "alcoholic" is?
John . Perhaps a woman who drinks a lot?
Kike . No, these are clothes.
John . Ah, that is the second meaning. No, I do not know.
Kike . It's like a T-shirt, well, without a sleeve...
John . White?
Kike . Yes, yes, white. Here, it's an alcoholic.
John . Do you know what it is called in English?
Kike . shirt drunk?
John . No, Wife beater. Like a man beats his wife. Seriously. A lot of people say that, at least in American English. So it's funny that "alcoholic" and "wife beater" are actually similar. It's even embarrassing to say.
Still from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"
Kike . Yes, it is not good [to beat your wife].
John . I didn't know that, thanks. Mexican teaches Canadian Russian!
Kike . One phrase that ... I don’t understand at all how these words were invented: “I ate the dog.
John . I ate a dog, I ate a dog ... (thinks). In context, it's probably easier to [understand], but I think it's about the fact that you did a lot of things.
Kike . No, it means "very easy". I thought - are they like Koreans or what?
John . Well, apparently it's easier [a dog] than a horse to eat. Or than an elephant. If the elephant is completely eaten, I don't know...
Kike . I do not understand where the origin of [this phraseological unit]. If you know, please write in the comments. If it was in Korea, I would understand, I guess.
Another phrase that I really like is "Hang noodles on your ears."
John . Yes Yes. I saw such memes where a person sits with noodles on his ears. The Russians will immediately understand, and the foreigner will say: “What are the Russians doing at all? And they drive very badly [judging by] the [video]recorders, and they still have noodles on their ears.
Photo na-dostupnom.ru
Kike. "Pull the cat by the tail." And by the way, I know another version - to pull for another place. I probably won't tell [her].
Kill the worm.
John . To be honest, I don’t even know what “to starve” means, but, in my opinion, this expression means “to satisfy hunger.”
Kike. Something to eat so that saliva is not hungry.
John . Yes. It's also unclear. There is so much context, in fact, that sometimes it is difficult to translate from Russian. Or when you watch some video in Russian with an English-speaking person, you often need to pause to explain: here, there is such an expression, so he has noodles on his ears.
Kike. Yes. And another very interesting phrase: "Do not compare horseradish with fingers" (that's right, - ed. ).
John . I did not hear. So different things, right?
Kike .
This is… I don’t know how much [it can be said here], but if anything, I’ll cut it out. Fuck you know? With a finger?
John . Well.
Kike . Here, don't confuse it with a finger. When you make some kind of comparison, where it is obvious that one is much better than the other.
A phrase that all foreigners confuse and know: "No, probably."
John . Yes, Russians like to explain it. “John, and John, how do you translate -“ No, probably ”?”.
Kike . In fact, it's basically "no".
John . “Probably not,” or “Probably not.”
Kike . Write in the comments which phrases are the most interesting for you. If you know others, please write too. Maybe it will be interesting to do the second part later.
"Analytical equipment can theoretically replace a person." 20 naive questions for a basketball scout - I Feel Devotion - Blogs
CSKA scout Denis Godlevsky (@dgodlev) says:
• what is the job of a scout;
• what are the trends in European basketball;
• which of the trainers is the most interesting;
• why basketball is a smart game;
• and how to become a scout.
1. What is the Scout's job?
In a nutshell, in the match review, the scout answers certain questions. The more questions, the more answers he has to find.
For example, I want to know if a team is running into a fast break. If he runs, then how many times, how the “big” ones run, how the little ones run, whether they attack from under the ring or watch the throws in the transition.
These are the questions I have to answer. A fast break is an example, there can be many variations depending on what the head coach requires.
Another example: the head coach is interested in what interactions the opposing team is playing. Then the scout looks at the interactions, what they are called, how many times they were played, how effectively they were played.
The game is divided into these details.
2. Why should a scout watch matches live?
Live I can see things that are very hard to find on video.
If a scout has the opportunity to watch matches live, then this opportunity should be used. I know that in the days of Jonas Kazlauskas, the scout flew to the games of the nearest opponent. I don’t fly to games, but when Khimki played in Mytishchi, I regularly went there to look at both Khimki and their rivals.
Watching the game live, you can see, for example, the names of interactions that are very necessary for preparation, and at the same time they are very difficult to see on the video. These are signals, this is the language that the team communicates in… Sometimes teams hide these interactions, like Barcelona, which comes up with complicated/unusual names for interactions. Or the coach says something only to the point guard, and he passes it on to the partners - and then no one can know at all that the team will play in the next possession. Well, or simply shows the interaction so that rivals do not see. Live you can hear what the coach calls, and use it further in preparation.
3. How is the report communicated to the team?
Our entire coaching staff is working in preparation for the game, everyone does their part of the job. There is no such thing that one coach was responsible for all the preparations - there are a lot of games, and they go one after another, it would be very difficult for one.
A video presentation is made for the team, various printed materials are distributed to the players so that they study personalities, trends, actions that can be used against us, and our possible counteractions.
This is important for the players. How well they learn this knowledge is an individual question. They receive information, and when they enter the court, they must know what the opponent will do. I know, for example, that when Andrei Kirilenko came to CSKA, he asked the coaches for even more information than what was given to the players for preparation.
4. What does a scout do during matches?
During away matches I am on the bench.
I have some work to do while playing. If I see signals that the opponent wants to use, then I suggest what will happen on the court now. Then we try to convey all this to the players.
During home games, I don't sit on the bench, but at the side of the computer. I analyze the game on the computer, into episodes. If the coach wants, then in the big break we will have material that can be shown to the players. There can be anything - a bad defense, a good defense, our mistakes or something in the opponent's performance that can be shown additionally. For example, the opponent put a zone defense on the last possession and is going to play it further. It makes sense to show how we act, or suggest how to act in the future.
A picture helps convey information more clearly.
5. In what way are you satisfied with your job?
I'm happy if there is a result, but the result somehow depends on the players. Whatever we do, athletes come to the site.
This is the essence of basketball - there are things that are hard to predict, no matter how good the preparation is.
We are satisfied with our work if the game develops according to our plan. Teams in preparation try to anticipate some things the opponent will do based on the information they have.
6. Are there coaches in Europe that you look up to?
Naturally, this is Dimitris Itoudis.
I also really like the way Barcelona plays and the way Zalgiris played with Jasikevicius.
Sferopoulos has an interesting strategy.
Bartzokas' team play is a clear concept, it is clear what he wants from the players. He always sticks to his game model, and this model does not change depending on the opponent.
Pablo Laso and Ettore Messina are right there, definitely.
Personally, the ideas that the coach is trying to implement in the attack, or to put up such a defense that it is difficult for the opponent to outplay, are important to me.
Some thoughts in the timeout that the coach suggests. Decisions that the coach makes in terms of squads or substitutions, use of players.
7. Europe has stable lineups, well-known coaches, well-known players… What is there to study in particular for a scout?
If it were that simple, it would be easy to play. A coach can use combinations of players in different ways - for example, he can release a small forward to the fourth position and gain mobility. This will create a problem for a team that does not have mobile fourth numbers.
Or another example, Zeljko Obradovic, while at Fenerbahce, drew two new interactions in every timeout. It was unrealistic for the opposing team to know what Fenerbahce would play when they entered the court. Two time-outs is four possessions, plus possibly an opponent time-out, plus the start of the quarter. And in just one quarter there are 24-25 possessions, that is, very often the opponent was not aware that the attack would play.
Or another example. Javi Pascual, working in Panathinaikos, in the matches with Fenerbahce put zone defense on these first two attacks after the timeout. It turned out that there was a new attack, but it did not work, because the idea was against personal defense.
It's moments like these that make the game interesting. Everyone knows what kind of players, everyone knows what kind of coach, but how they will act and what decisions the coach will make, that's the whole point.
9. What new trends are emerging in European basketball?
Trends are constantly emerging.
Granted, it has always been considered very difficult to stop two player interaction (pick and roll), but in recent years there has been more three player interaction when a back screen is added to the pick and roll. This is the so-called "Spanish pick-and-roll" - the situation is complicated by the fact that the defending players not only need to figure out how to interact together, but also a third player is involved, there are a lot of variables in such a situation.
Who is responsible for whom is not always easy to figure out. Some teams are trying to introduce the interaction of three players in other situations - for example, clearances in the last seconds.
In addition, there are more isolations, more one-on-one play. Where before there was one strong player who could decide on his own when the interaction did not work, now teams like Villeurbanne have interactions built for one-on-one play. A special situation is created for the leader in order to use his strengths as effectively as possible.
10. The use of pick-and-roll is constantly increasing. Will this trend stay?
The development of basketball is not easy to predict. There are teams that are trying to get away from the pick and roll game.
Pick-and-roll is an offensive weapon that cannot be 100% stopped. Pick-n-roll appeared in the 70s in college basketball and at one point disappeared, no one paid attention to it, and then spread widely.
Pick-n-roll is being studied very actively, but no one still knows how to deal with it.
I don't think he will leave at all. Perhaps it will become less. For example, in Barcelona, the pick-and-roll is only part of the attack, they have a lot of play from the post and from behind the screens.
11. How has the advent of statistics affected scouting and can numbers replace the scout?
Numbers cannot replace a scout. Statistics are only part of the picture that the coach and scout get in preparation for the game. You can understand trends from statistics, but you can’t see things that are visible when watching matches.
Analytical equipment, video filming, when the game is filmed from eight cameras, can theoretically replace the scout, but this requires more advanced technologies, artificial intelligence is needed that recognizes rather complex things.
12. Are there any statistics that you keep within the club?
Yes, we often need statistics that are not publicly available.
For example, statistics on the effectiveness of some game actions that are important only for us. It's impossible to calculate this with regular statistics services, because no one knows what these actions are and how often they are played.
I know that Rick Pitino is very fond of counting the number of “touches on the defensive”, this is also a unique statistic that special people count.
13. Do scouts make mistakes?
Necessarily, no one works without mistakes. There is a so-called human factor.
When I was working in Samara, one part of my job was to create a playbook - the interactions that the opponent plays. And one of Bazarevich's assistants (Russell Bergman) showed the players these interactions. One was very complex and long - he said that he did not remember him. And then my turn came, I got up: “I remember everything, I’ll call it now.” I started calling, but it really was very long (it was we who were preparing for the game with Triumph), and at some point I realized that I had missed an important detail and then everything would go wrong.
I had to stop and confess to the coach that I had made a mistake… Sergey Valeryanovich was in a good mood, it all came down to a joke, but I remember the moment for a long time.
14. Journalists say that basketball is a smart game. And what does it look like from the inside?
Like a game for smart people.
In basketball, you have to make decisions in a limited amount of time, in a limited space, with a large number of unknown factors. The player is under pressure from time, result, judges, fans, and all this must be taken into account when making a decision - to make, for example, a pass or a throw. It's complicated. This is a game under pressure where you need to think very quickly. I do not want to compare with other sports, but here, in addition to the fact that players have to move from one half to another, they have different roles in defense and attack. Here we must also add the knowledge that the players should have regarding a particular team, specific personalities, and you need to know all the opponent's players and understand how they will act and how the team generally operates.
If you add up all of the above and imagine that it is reflected in a single game moment, then, of course, basketball is a game for smart people.
15. What is the difference between club basketball and team basketball?
In club basketball, the coach has more time to prepare the team. Plus, the players spend more time together, it is easier for them to establish relationships.
The national team has more personalities, more stars, because the best players in the country are called there. It is more difficult to distribute roles in the national team, because there are too many good players, they all want to have a certain number of attacks, playing time. Here the job of the coach is to balance it all.
16. Which coach changed your understanding of basketball?
I would name Sergey Bazarevich and Dimitris Itoudis.
Also Ettore Messina - I saw a lot of his clinics live and on recordings, it all influenced the understanding of the game.
Basketball is interesting because each coach has his own view of the game. And he conveys his philosophy to the players. Let's say Messina has its own system - other coaches have their own, I have my own. When they share this, then certain details fit my philosophy, in my vision, I understand that it is really better to do this and it will be more effective.
Coaches are constantly learning from each other. In 2013, coaching clinics were held in Barcelona, where coaches from all over Europe came together, and the coaches said that by listening to each other, we learn some nuances, and by revealing the secrets, we begin to think how to play and more interesting, harder.
17. Everyone is worried about the lack of Russian coaches in the VTB League. Do you think they have some kind of global problem?
This is a very complex question that requires a long and detailed answer. I'm not ready for it right now.
18. What do you like about your job?
I generally like my job.
It is difficult to single out something that I like more - probably, I like to watch the work of coaches at a high level, I like to watch top players, and being next to them is even more interesting. I like that here you are constantly doing new interesting things. I would say that everything that happens around is not a routine, it is a constantly changing environment.
19. What do you dislike?
Don't like it when the team loses. This greatly affects the emotional state. Players, coaching staff, management spend a lot of effort to achieve results, and when there is no result, sometimes it is difficult to worry.
20. What advice would you give to someone who would like to become a Scout?
It's not easy, you have to train yourself to watch basketball a lot and hard. When I first started doing this, Sergey Valeryanovich told me: “You need to take a computer, sit down and never leave it.” This is the essence: the more you look, the more information you get.