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How to unbend a basketball rim
How to unbend a basketball rim
How Do You Fix a Tilted Basketball Rim
Having a hoop set up near your house surely means a ton of fun for you and your friends. Unfortunately, it could break down at some point, especially if you have it installed outdoors. After hours and hours of games and shooting, you may notice the basketball rim bent down or become tilted upwards or sideways. How do you fix a tilted basketball rim? It’s actually pretty easy. Read on and find out.
I. What Happens When Your Rim is Bent?
II. How Do You Fix a Tilted Basketball Rim?
III. How Long Does it Take to Fix a Tilted Rim?
IV. Wrapping Things Up: How Do You Fix a Tilted Basketball Rim
What Happens When Your Rim is Bent?A bent rim could happen if you or one of your friends dunk a basketball forcefully over and over again. Or if not, the force of the basketball hitting the front of the rim repeatedly takes its toll and may bend the rim over time. Either way, it’s not fun.
You can still play on it, but looking at that oval-shaped monstrosity could affect your shooting or perception of the rim.
Could a bent rim actually ruin your game in the long run? I wouldn’t say so, but if you play on a bent rim long enough, there are shots that you should and shouldn’t try. For instance, if the rim is bent backward on one way, it’s easier to make a shot from that direction. Conversely, a shot from the opposite side of the bent rim will be more challenging.
From personal experience, if the rim is really bent, I would not suggest shooting a layup off the backboard. Otherwise, the ball would just “fall off” the rim because there is no front metal to cradle the bounce. On top of that, shooting on a bent rim could affect the arc of your shot. You may shoot a flat jumper over time, trying to compensate for the annoying bend.
How Do You Fix a Tilted Basketball Rim?The easiest way to solve the problem is to get yourself a new basketball rim.
However, a basketball rim replacement is not always the most practical way. If you can get more miles out of a broken basketball rim, you should always go for it.
Here are your best options in fixing a tilted basketball rim:
1. Use a Car Jack
Car jacks can lift cars, so why not use them to “carry” a much lighter load like a bent basketball rim? Any car jack will do, but the pneumatic types provide the most effortless lift. Either way, if you know how to use a car jack, you should be able to handle this one.
The idea of using a car jack to fix a misshaped basketball rim is pretty simple. You just need to fit the car jack in the rim and then crank it up until it starts to get back to its original shape. Now, ensure that you position the jack in a way that the bottom is one side and the top on the other. This way, you can turn the jack all the way up, so it pushes the rim back into shape. You may need a couple of 2 by 4s to help you if the jack couldn’t lean on the backside of the rim.
As soon as you get the jack in position, crank it until the force of the jack turns the oval back into a circle. This may not be a one-time process, so repeat as desired. And like I said, it may not turn into a perfect circle, but it should be ways better than an oval-shaped monstrosity you call a rim.
2. Use a Blow Torch
Flame is used to shape metal, so you see where this is going, right? If you want to do the blow torch method, just make sure that you have enough space to work with and that there are no combustible materials around. Don’t let the children anywhere near you and the flame you’re producing, and wear safety gear for your hands, eyes, and body. Remember, always be safe, or you won’t be going anywhere near a basketball rim anytime soon!
Now, the next step is to find out which parts of the rim got broken or misshaped. This is a relatively easy task. The next step is to apply the flame to the broken parts and keep it there for at least three minutes.
When metal begins to heat up, it will become pliable, and you should be able to pry it into shape.
Just to be clear, prying into shape doesn’t mean you use your hands. You need to hold the broken part against the concrete or any safe surface and use a hammer to pound it back. Depending on the number of misshaped parts, you may need to do it several times. Lay the entire rim on a surface and see if it lays flat. If it does, then you got it good!
3. Use a Rubber Mallet
A rubber mallet is only an option for really tiny bends or tilts or if you don’t have a blow torch or a car jack. If you want to do it the easy way, you will need to remove the rim entirely off the backboard.
The first thing that you have to do is check the bent or tilted part. Again, this is a pretty easy task, and most probably, you can tell just by looking at it. Lie the rim flat on the concrete, and that bent part will stick up in the air. Using weights to prevent the rim from moving, pound on the broken part until it lies flat.
How Long Does it Take to Fix a Tilted Rim?It really depends on the amount of damage it has sustained. If you have a jack, it’s an easy problem to solve, something that should be over with in three minutes or less. The blow torch method should take the most time since the heating time alone takes three to five minutes. If you’re using a rubber mallet, taking the rim off the backboard will take several minutes, but the entire process is pretty straightforward. In any case, if a tilted or bent basketball rim is still worth saving, it wouldn’t take much time to fix it. Besides, who wants to spend $500 on a basketball rim replacement?
Wrapping Things Up: How Do You Fix a Tilted Basketball RimBasketball rims are pretty robust objects, but they take a lot of abuse. The pounding of the ball from your repeated shooting or the force of a dunk can take its toll, bending and tilting it in the process.
Of course, you have the option to just let it be.
After all, you can still shoot buckets in it. But then again, it does not look good, and it may even affect your depth perception, especially if you play on circle rims. On top of that, it could lead to a flatter shot arc, and there may be instances when shooting at a specific angle is impossible. Where’s the fun in that? The solutions would be to spend money on basketball rim replacement or fix the broken basketball rim yourself.
If you choose the latter, it’s really a pretty easy fix, given that the rim is still strong enough to take a good pounding. How do you fix a tilted basketball rim? The best method for this is to use a car jack. Car jacks are obviously strong tools that can lift cars, so they could quickly straighten out a piece of metal like a basketball rim. If you don’t have a car jack, a blow torch is a nice option, provided you have all the safety equipment ready. Lastly, if the damage is not too bad, you can take the rim entirely off the backboard and pound the broken part with a rubber mallet.
Did you find this post helpful? Then you may also like our basketball and basketball hoop reviews here.
We also answer other frequently asked questions on basketball here.
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How To Fix A Bent Basketball Rim?
The rim on your window can be damaged if it’s not taken care of. If the rim is broken, it will need to be replaced in order to keep your windows operational and looking good.
Repairing a Rim can sometimes be more expensive than purchasing a new one, depending on the severity of the damage. Replacing a Rim may require some skills and strength- you might want to enlist help from an expert.
Be prepared for a difficult process; know that things may not go as planned- but remember that replacing the entire Rim is always an option if necessary
How To Fix A Bent Basketball Rim?
If your rim is bent, you need to replace the entire piece.
Repairing a broken rim can be difficult, depending on the severity of the damage. Replacing a damaged rim may not always be cheap, but it’s worth it in the long run.
It can sometimes be tricky to get a replacement rims–check with your local hardware store first.
Your Rim Is Bent
If the rim is bent, it will need to be fixed before you can use your basketball again. There are a few different ways to fix a bent basketball rim: with a hammer and nails, using glue and tape, or by using an iron on a hot setting.
Each method has its own pros and cons; decide which one works best for you based on the situation. Be sure to follow all safety guidelines when fixing your rim so that nothing gets damaged in the process. Once your basketball Rim is back in working order, make sure to take care of it so it lasts for years to come
You Need To Replace The Entire Rim
When your basketball rim starts to show signs of age, it’s time for a replacement. Rims can become bent from overuse or during extreme weather conditions, so be sure to check the condition regularly.
The entire rim needs to be replaced if the damage is too severe, and you’ll need some tools for the job. Make an appointment with a professional when replacing your basketball rim because it will require more than just fixing it yourself.
Be prepared for a bit of downtime – this project could take up to two hours depending on how extensive the repair is
Repairing The Rim Isn’t Always Cheap
To fix a bent basketball rim, you’ll need some supplies. The repair may not be cheap, but it’s worth it to keep your hoop in good shape. If the rim is severely bent or if there’s significant damage, you may want to replace the whole hoop rather than try to fix it.
There are many ways torepair abasketballrim without spending too much money – just make sure that you do some research first. When repairing yourrim, take care nottodamagetheboardorthebasketbelowit
Replacing A Broken RIM Can Be Difficult
It is important to be aware that replacing a broken rim can be difficult, depending on the severity of the break.
There are several different ways you can go about repairing it–you may choose one or more of them based on your specific situation and preferences.
You should also keep in mind that there is a chance that the new rim will not look as good as the original one did–this depends on how well you replace it and the quality of materials used. Finally, make sure to have all necessary tools and supplies before starting work so that everything goes smoothly during this process.
Have patience and take things step by step; with a little effort, you’ll soon be back playing basketball like never before.
How much does it cost to replace a basketball hoop?
Replacing a basketball hoop can be expensive depending on the model and type of hoop. A standard regulation size hoop will cost around $200, but you may also need to buy replacement rim, backboard and netting.
If your hoops are in poor condition or damaged, they may require more extensive repairs which could total up to $1,000 or more.
When it comes to replacing a basketball hoop, the costs will depend on a variety of factors including the type of goal, where it is located and its age.
On average, you can expect to spend around $400-$600 for a new hoop. There are many options available when buying a new hoop, so you can choose one that fits your needs and save money in the process. You can also do it yourself if you have some basic DIY skills.
Can you replace a basketball rim?
Yes, you can replace a basketball rim. Rims are made of heavy-gauge steel and are held together with welded seams. Replacing a rim is not difficult, but it does require some tools and knowledge.
- If your basketball goal has a Goalrilla, Goaliath, or Silverback rim and you want to replace it with a new one, you can do so easily by ordering replacement rims from our website. Simply click the link below and we will send you a complete rim kit that includes the Rim, bolts and washers. Installation of the rim is simple – just unbolt the old rim from the pole and bolt in the new one.
- Replacement rims are a great way to save money on your basketball goal. By replacing your goal’s rim instead of buying a new one every time it starts to wear down, you’ll be able to keep playing for years without having to spend big bucks on repairs or replacements.
- It’s easy to order replacement rims online – simply click the link below. We’ll take care of everything for you by sending you all of the necessary materials needed for installation.
Why are basketball hoops crooked?
Basketball hoops are typically made of metal and plastic. Over time, the metal can sag or bend due to the pressure exerted on it from players jumping up and down on it.
The plastic may also warp if it gets too hot or cold. If you notice that your basketball hoop is crooked, there’s not really anything you can do about it other than fix it yourself (or get a new one).
If the hoop is severely out of alignment, you might need to replace the entire frame.
- One of the most common reasons that basketball hoops are crooked is because the cement blocks are not level.
This can result from a number of factors including improper installation, incorrect leveling during construction, or poor drainage. - If the latch is not secured properly, it will allow wind and rain to damage the hoop over time.
- Loose bolts or missing bolts can also cause an unstable hoop foundation which may lead to wobbling and crookedness in your frame.
- Rims that are too short or too long can cause excess play in the hoop which will eventually warp or bend under stressors like heavy winds or rainfall.
- Finally, if your foundation is unleveled, it will require additional work to fix than if it was correctly leveled from the start – this could mean increased costs for you down the line.
What hoop does the NBA use?
The Renegade Basketball Hoop is the Official Hoop of the NBA and is also used by many NCAA teams. The Spalding Arena Renegade Basketball Hoop has a 50-year warranty.
You can find the Spalding Arena Renegade Basketball Hoop in arenas all over North America.
What’s worse double rim or no net?
Avoid having a “double rim” by installing no-net sheer curtains instead. For extra strength, use a bucket to hang your curtains instead of attaching a metal ring to the curtain rod.
Make sure you place your sheer curtains in the right spot for maximum effect. Don’t forget–stronger nets make it difficult to see through your window panes, so be careful when choosing them.
Finally, always check the strength of the netting before hanging your new curtains–you don’t want any tears or holes.
What is the average price of a basketball?
The price of an NBA game ball can vary depending on the season. A spalding indoor basketball can cost around $30, while an actual NBA game ball costs more than twice as much.
The average cost of a basketball could be higher or lower than what you think, depending on the model and condition of the ball you purchase.
Can you replace the base of a basketball hoop?
If you want to replace the base of your basketball hoop, it is best to remove the old one first.
It is possible to do this by removing screws or nuts from the pole and then lifting off the old base.
You can also insert a new PROBASE pole into the existing hole in the bottom of your old base, using screws or nuts as necessary. Finally, if you prefer not to use netting, you can replace it now too.
Make sure that all work is completed properly before letting kids back on court.
How does a breakaway rim work?
When a player dunks the ball, the rim bends downward and snaps back into a horizontal position, which allows players to easily dunk the ball. The breakaway rim is made of durable materials so it doesn’t wear down quickly.
It’s easy to install – just attach it to your basketball hoop. You can buy a breakaway rim for either indoor or outdoor use
To Recap
If you believe your basketball rim is bent, there are a few ways to fix it. First, try adjusting the hoop itself. If that doesn’t work, consider replacing the whole rim.
Finally, if all else fails and the rim still won’t straighten out, you may need to replace it entirely with a new one.
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Even if you are a beginner basketball player, we will not give you a training plan, but will tell you why the ball flies anywhere but into the ring and into your hands. It's all about technique: even with regular training and perseverance, novice adults and children often make simple mistakes. It's a shame, let's fix it. Below are 11 life hacks on how to hone your technique to increase the likelihood of a goal for your team.
Basketball Shot Rules for Beginners

Hands up
In pursuit of the attacker, raise your hands, even if you are standing with your back to the pass, and even more so if the ring is in front of you. Your raised hands will increase the chance of intercepting the ball from the opponent by 2 times. Don't overlook this little thing!
2. Make shield rolls
Even Tim Duncan did not neglect them! A square is drawn on the basketball backboard. If you are standing opposite the ring, then aim at the middle of the upper part of the square, if you are standing on the side, then at the corner. If you hit this square, then the ball is at 90% of cases will fall into the ring. The law of physics and no cheating!
3. Look at the ring, not at the ball
Practice driving the ball with your hand, not your eyes, develop tactile control. Your eyes should be on the hoop while dribbling and be aware of the position of your body in relation to the hoop. Then you will be able to take the correct posture, and the throw will be effective.
4. Dribble with the balls of your fingers only
The palm should not touch the ball, only the pads of the fingers. Dribbling should become familiar to you, like an extension of your hand. Then you can change its trajectory at any time and you will have more chances to score goals. Practice with the ball constantly.
5. Throw with one hand
If you throw the ball with two hands, you reduce the chance of hitting the basket. All the efforts of the throw are in one hand (in the right for right-handers, in the left for left-handers). The other hand only holds the ball, the leading one holds it with the fingers, not the palm.
6. Do not jump when protecting the ring
Jumping is the main mistake of rookie defenders. To intercept the ball and block the shot, simply stick out your hands. When you are in a jump, the attacker will easily bypass you.
7. Don't look back
When you dribble, don't look back, but dribble and aim for the ring, focus on shooting (or passing to another player on your team).
8. Bring the throw to automatism
Incorporate the most basic basketball techniques into your training plan and bring the shot to automatism. Throw first from a distance of half a meter from the ring, gradually increasing it. Learn to throw the ball so that it hits the hoop without touching the edge.
Throw the ball with all fives and jump
Throw rules:
- Head in the center of the body - if tilted, accuracy is lost.
- Look at the ring: mentally build a trajectory. If you are far away, the ball flies in a curved curve with a maximum height of 2 meters above the hoop.
- A strong hand is in front and throws, a weak hand is on the side and directs, only holding the ball. The elbow of the throwing hand must be in line with the ring.
- The ball must rest on the fingers without touching the palm. The fingers are as far apart as possible and grab the ball.
- Throwing arm bent 90 degrees, forearm perpendicular to the floor.
If you bend less, then you get not a throw, but a throwing of the ball horizontally.
The main thing in the throw is the position of the body and its balance. Place your feet apart and parallel to each other: it is important to orient them in the middle of the basket. Then the direction of the body during the jump will coincide with the direction of the throw, and the ball will fly straight into the ring. When the feet are uneven, the ball flies in the wrong direction or does not reach (although the throw was normal).
Take a deep breath and release as you exhale.
How to hold the ball and shoot in basketball
How to throw correctly: straighten your arm, point your wrist up, and with your hand set the ball to rotate in the opposite direction from the flight. The ball should seem to "roll" off your fingers.
9. Copy masters and play as a team
Watch professional basketball games and try to copy the movements of your favorite players in training.
And be sure to conduct game sparring - this will allow you to develop more techniques.
10. Do not throw in a straight line
The higher the arc of the ball, the greater the chance of a goal and the less chance of blocking by the opponent.
11. Do not throw the ball from a full height stand
This is the biggest newbie mistake!
Before the throw, bend your knees slightly and at the moment of the throw, straighten your body, making a jump. You need to straighten up and push off the ground at the same time. When squatting, keep the elbow of the throwing arm close to the body and towards the ring.
The jump will give momentum to the ball and will allow you not to make sudden movements with the brush.
And to be a long-term player, do not forget about your health: take care of your joints and muscles, use tapes, do a warm-up. And be sure to strengthen your arms, legs and shoulder girdle, develop coordination.
Regular exercises on uneven bars and horizontal bars will help you with this.
"Goalkeeper", "Puck, puck!", "Basketball". Slot machines of our childhood - About the spirit of the times - Blogs
About the spirit of the times
Portion of nostalgia from the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines.
In the Soviet Union more than 10 types of sports-themed slot machines were produced: for 15 kopecks for 2 minutes you could drive a ball or a puck, for example, in "Hockey", "Football", "Goalkeeper". The popularity of sports machines was due to the non-standard nature of each game and the opportunity to improve your results, meeting with an increasingly stronger opponent. And the advertisement promised the players the development of the eye, the speed of reaction and coordination of movements, however, how much you need to play to improve these indicators was not specified.
Interest in such slot machines did not fall even despite the absence of a cash prize - slot machines provided encouragement in the form of an additional game or a small souvenir.
For example, in "Penalty" it was possible to win a badge with the logo of football teams.
"Football" - the most popular mechanical slot machine, ironically called "barbecue". The machine is a rectangular table, covered with a transparent cap, with rods on which the figures of the players (11 in each of two teams) are fixed, moving around their axis and along the field. The task is the same as in real sports - to score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal, only not in 45, but in 2 minutes. Scoring in the machine is manual: scores are screwed on the sides. Later, the Futbolas machine with electronic bills was released.
In the final of the 1972 Olympics in Munich, the USSR basketball team defeated the US team in the last seconds of the match with a score of 51-50. In 1974, the men's team became the world champion in Argentina. During these years, basketball in the Soviet Union gained the greatest popularity, on this wave the Basketball game attraction was designed, and a few years later a similar board game appeared in toy stores.
The original "Basketball" is a machine for two with a horizontal playing field with holes, covered with a transparent spherical dome. On the sides there are numbered buttons from 1 to 15, when pressed, a spring is triggered, tossing the ball in the corresponding hole. Players must score as many balls as possible into the opponent's basket in 2 minutes, with one ball in the basket equaling 2 points - as in a real game. The main products of the plant that produced the machine were control and protection systems for ship power plants and on-board equipment for the space industry.
In the “Puck! Puck! the field of play is a hockey rink with a goaltender, referee and forward preparing to take a shootout. After lowering the coin, you must use the buttons to select the game for one or two players. The left player controls the attacker using a rotary paddle with a button. The right player controls the goalkeeper. The striker in red and white uniform with number 17 can be recognized as the legendary CSKA player and hero of the USSR Super Series - Canada in 1972 Valery Kharlamov.