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How did basketball become so popular
How did basketball become so popular
Top Reasons Why Basketball is so Popular
Basketball is a popular sport all around the world. It is popular in nearly every Asian, European, and American country. Basketball has even been designated as an Olympic sport. Basketball’s prominence on the Olympic platform has enabled it to become the world’s second-most popular team game, after only soccer. Basketball has established itself as a global economic and social force.
Read more: Drills to Prepare for Basketball Tryouts
Basketball is among the most cost-effective sports to participate in. There isn’t any extra equipment required. All you need is a ball and a hoop to get started. It doesn’t even necessitate the use of a basketball or a hoop. A hoop can be made out of any ball or other object. A box can also be used in place of the hoop. It is possible to buy such equipment. To mention a few, there are high-end basketball and pro hoops. It’s a good idea to look for deals on the internet to save cash on these goods.
Basketball is more available to the general public than any other sport. It is both playable and watchable. It just takes one person to play basketball, and it’s a lot of fun. Basketball may be practiced on the road, at a schoolyard, inside, outdoors, and in a variety of other settings. Basketball is now aired internationally, so you can attend a match virtually from anywhere in the world. The games are also streamed live online.
Easy to Learn and Play
Basketball regulations are simple to understand and play. The game’s simple rules make it simple to understand and play for players of all ages.
Teaches Teamwork
Basketball fosters collaboration, which is one of the main reasons for its appeal among parents. They learn to collaborate with their classmates and acquire important social skills. Basketball also helps to enhance focus while burning calories, increasing balance, agility, and stamina.
Read more: Setting Goals in Youth Sports
The game is entertaining.
In comparison to other sports, the game’s duration is brief. You get to connect and get out with others who share your interests. Throughout the game, the anticipation is tremendous. The spectators get worked up over the dunk and the alley-oops. Basketball online gaming is popular because the sport is so enjoyable.
Basketball is still popular now because of well-known former players. When most people think about basketball, the very first person who comes to mind is probably Michael Jordan. Basketball players perform crazy stunts and get in trouble, which draws fans to the sport because they want to see how amazing or awful they can play now that they’ve been caught in the news doing something improper. Basketball is well-known around the globe because it is played everywhere. Everyone likes basketball because they don’t just follow it to observe the movements and benefit from them; they also marvel at the footwear that the stars may be wearing.
Basketball keeps you engaged with all of the many types of players, such as passers, playmakers, shooters, defenders, and dunkers or high flyers.
Nothing beats the sensation of a ball passing through the hoop without touching anything (or not). Basketball has gained popularity to become one of the most popular sports in the world.
How did basketball develop - DailyHistory.org
Figure 1. Statue of Naismith in Kansas, which is dedicated to his invention of basketball.
Unlike other major sports, the origins of basketball are not very ancient and most historians agree that the sport was founded in 1891 by James Naismith. However, its development was at times complex and was able to thrive as other major sports enthralled audiences in the United States and later the world.
Early History
With the invention of basketball in 1891, a new game that was very different than its contemporaries formed. The specific founding of basketball are precisely known because James Naismith (Figure 1), who worked as a instructor at a YMCA, was given the task of creating an indoor game.
This was seen as a way to keep children out of trouble and entertained during the winter months. Initially, Naismith tried to create versions of American football or soccer as indoor sports. However, all of these proved too violent, as they also caused damage to property in confined spaces. Within two weeks of Naismith's task, the first basketball rules were created. Although done in haste, six of the original thirteen rules Naismith created are still with us. This includes not using your fist, shoulder, and not being allowed to run with the ball. The first "nets" were, in fact, two peach baskets attached at either end of the court.
The first ball was a soccer ball, with the first court being in Springfield College's YMCA in Springfield Massachusetts. The first baskets were 10 feet high, something that has been retained, but the ball could not go through the basket and after each score the ball had to be retrieved. The name "basket ball" developed when one of the children playing the new game referred to the game as such after seeing it.
Very quickly, in January 20, 1892, the first official game, with 18 players, using Naismith's rules was played, with the final score 1-0. The first games were simply about keeping the ball away from the opposing team and it took some time for the concept of offense to develop. By 1898, a professional league was already being founded, called the National Basketball League, although it did not prove to have long-term success, as it was abandoned within 6 years. In the next decade during the 1900s, the basketball net developed to be more like the modern one, with a net and backboard developed. The ball was replaced with a new type that is of more similar dimensions to those used today. [2]
Why Did Basketball Thrive?
Figure 2. The North Carolina Tar Heels were an early basketball team with this team photo from 1911.
As basketball was founded by the YMCA, which is a Christian institution, the spread of the game coincided also with missionary and medical activities undertaken.
Soon, the YMCA used basketball as part of its work abroad and within North America. This helped to popularize not only the YMCA but also the game itself. [3]
Similar to American football, colleges became key places for spreading basketball (Figure 2). With long winter months in many parts of the United States, people increasingly sought recreation during this time. Colleges developed indoor gymnasiums that soon became taken over with basketball courts, spreading the popularity of the game. This soon led to the organization of college basketball teams. New rules, including dribbling and concept of fouling out of games, developed. By the end of the 1910s, most of the rules that are with us today had developed in the college game. However, what did not develop were professional teams, as the early professional teams had to fold.[4]
Similar to baseball, however, it was war and the rapidly changing economy that developed that helped to shape how basketball spread.
In the 1910s and going into World War I, the spread of soldiers to different parts of the country and world brought basketball to new places. In fact, the first official international games occurred as a result of World War I, as the allies created teams that competed in the so-called Inter-Allied Games. Domestically, basketball continued to spread in colleges in the 1920s and 1930s, even as the professional leagues had still not developed. Disorganization and the Great Depression likely prevented basketball from becoming professional during this time. By 1938 and 1939, the development of the National Invitational Tournament (NIT) and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) tournament developed, which are still present. The University of Oregon was the NCAA's first winner with a score of 46-33 against Ohio State. [5]
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In 1937 and 1946, the National Basketball League (NBL) and Basketball Association of America (BAA) were created respectively.
While the NBL eventually had to fold, some of its teams and the BAA merged into what became the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949. [6]
The Modern Era
Like many other sports, the combination of superstars, radio, and then television helped to spread the popularity of the game and make the game modern with new stadiums purposely build for basketball. The first true superstar was George Mikan, who was six feet and ten inches tall. His height forced changes to the game, mainly the 3-second lane being widened as his large height made the sport less competitive for opposing teams as he simply dominated underneath the basket with his height. By 1950, the basketball color barrier, which was far less formidable than that in baseball, was broken by Chuck Cooper who played for the Boston Celtics. By the late 1940s, slam dunks were becoming part of the game.[7]
The college game continued to thrive and it was the college game that continued to be ahead of the pros, with TV rights signed in the 1950s that helped to increase the games popularity.
Meanwhile, the professional leagues popularity stalled, as rules regulating time wasting and fouling were not developed in the NBA. This led to the game becoming much slower and less interesting for viewers. In 1954, Danny Biasone introduced the 24 second shot clock and foul limits that then revitalized the professional game. It now became a much faster sport, with higher scoring, where by 1958 average scoring topped the 100 mark, gaining more popularity. Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russel joining the professional game by the late 1950s helped to make the professional game popular. While Bill Russel helped found the Celtic dynasty of 1957-1969, Chamberlain is best remembered for his high scoring and being the first player to score 100 points in a game. Chamberlain's dominance led to the center lane being widened. The 1950s and 1960s were the first decades when television broadcasted games.
In 1967, the American Basketball Association (ABA) emerged as a threat to the NBA. It did have some major stars to its name because it began to actively recruit in college campuses.
The NBA, meanwhile, developed its iconic logo that debuted in 1971. The ABA and NBA competed throughout the early 1970s. This was a period where the NBA grew from 9 to 18 teams, mostly because of the competition with the ABA forced the NBA to aggressively expand. By 1976, however, the ABA and NBA merged. Another period of declining interest started in the late 1970s. This time the introduction of the three-point shot (in 1979) and arrival of major stars that became international phenomena revitalized the game. The first two were Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, who famously battled in the 1984 finals. With the arrival of Michael Jordan in 1984, the game's popularity surged to new heights and helped develop what many think of basketball today, as his style of play and commercialization of many aspects of the game became major draws for investors and fans alike.[8]
Global Phenomenon
Although early in its history basketball had already spread globally, with the Olympics adopting basketball by 1936, the modern era's popularity is attributed to both TV and players.
Stars such as Michael Jordan were at times more popular than national heroes in foreign countries. Slow motion replay, no doubt, helped those worldwide watch how Michael Jordan would effortlessly glide or slam dunk in a seemingly impossible move. The popularity of Michael Jordan awakened many firms in marketing basketball and the NBA promoting itself. The realization of how marketable Jordan was and the introduction of professional athletes to the Olympics in 1992 (so-called Dream Team) was part of the NBA strategy to expand its brand. This spread basketball's popularity, where it rivals football (or soccer) in many places. By 2014, the NBA itself had become international, with more than 100 players being foreign born. In 1992, only 23 players were foreign born.[9] This shows that the history of basketball will be one shaped by many nationalities despite the sports distinct American heritage.
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- ↑ For information on the invention of the game by Naismith, see: Rains, R.
(2011) OCLC: 829926672. James naismith: the man who invented basketball. Place of publication not identified, Temple University Press. - ↑ For more on the early games of basketball, see: Bjarkman, P.C. (2000) The biographical history of basketball: more than 500 portraits of the most significant on-and off-court personalities of the game’s past and present. Lincolnwood, Ill, Masters Press.
- ↑ For more on the early spread of basketball, see: Naismith, J. (1996) Basketball: its origin and development. Bison Books ed. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.
- ↑ For an early history on college basketball, see: Anon (2009) OCLC: 472605763. Summitt: a pictorial retrospective of college basketball’s greatest coach. Battle Ground, WA, Pediment Pub.
- ↑ For a post-war history of basketball, see: Mark Dyreson & J. A. Mangan (eds.) (2007) OCLC: ocm63397310. Sport and American society: exceptionalism, insularity, and ‘imperialism’. Sport in the global society. London ; New York, Routledge, pg.
46. - ↑ For an early history of professional basketball, see: Nelson, M.R. (2009) OCLC: 431502825. The National Basketball League: a history, 1935-1949. [Online]. Jefferson, N.C., McFarland & Co. Available from: http://public.eblib.com/choice/publicfullrecord.aspx?p=1593750 [Accessed: 10 August 2016].
- ↑ For a history of the NBA and its rules, see: Surdam, D.G. (2012) The rise of the National Basketball Association. Urbana, University of Illinois Press.
- ↑ For history on the ABA and NBA, see: Pluto, T. (2007) OCLC: 153578380. Loose balls: the short, wild life of the American Basketball Association. New York, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.
- ↑ For more on the internationalization of basketball, see: Markovits, A.S. & Rensmann, L. (2010) OCLC: 650308562. Gaming the world: how sports are reshaping global politics and culture. [Online]. Princeton, Princeton University Press, pg. 89.
History of world basketball and history of basketball in Russia
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Basketball (English basket - basket, ball - ball) is one of the most popular team sports in the world.
Basketball is played by two teams, each consisting of five players. The goal of each team is to throw the ball with their hands into the opponent's net ring (basket) and prevent the other team from taking possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The basket is at a height of 3.05 meters (10 feet) from the floor. There are 5 people from each team on the court, in total there are 12 people in the team, substitutions are not limited. For a ball thrown from close and medium distances, 2 points are counted, (because of the three-point line) - 3 points. A free throw is worth one point. The standard size of a basketball court is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world.
Basketball around the world
During the winter of 1891, students at the Youth Christian Association College in Springfield, Massachusetts, forced to perform endless gymnastic exercises, considered at that time almost the only means of introducing young people to sports, were very bored in physical education classes.
It was necessary to put an end to the monotony of such activities, to introduce a fresh stream into them, which would be able to satisfy the competitive needs of strong and healthy young people.
College teacher James Naismith found a way out of a seemingly dead-end situation. On December 1, 1891, he tied two peach baskets to the railing of the balcony of the sports hall and, dividing eighteen students into two teams, offered them a game, the meaning of which was to throw more balls into the opponents' basket.
The idea of this game originated in his school years, when children played the old game "duck-on-a-rock". The meaning of this game, popular at that time, was as follows: throwing a small stone, it was necessary to hit the top of another stone, larger in size, with it.
Quite pragmatically called "basketball" game only remotely resembled modern basketball. There was no dribbling, the players only threw it to each other, standing still, and then tried to throw it into the basket, and only with both hands from below or from the chest, and after a successful throw, one of the players climbed onto a ladder attached to the wall and removed the ball from the basket .
From a modern point of view, the actions of the teams would seem to us sluggish and inhibited, but the goal of Dr. Naismith was to create a team game in which a large number of participants could be involved at the same time, and his invention fully met this task.
Very quickly, starting in 1895, basketball from the USA penetrated first to the East - to Japan, China, the Philippines, as well as to Europe and South America.
In 1904, at the Olympic Games in St. Louis (USA), the Americans organized an exhibition tournament between teams from several cities. Similar demonstration tournaments were held at the 1924 (Paris) and 1928 (Amsterdam) Olympics.
Basketball associations were created in a number of countries, but organizational disunity hindered international contacts and hindered the further development of basketball. June 18 1932 in Geneva, the first international conference of national basketball associations took place. The meeting decided to establish the International Federation of Basketball Associations (FIBA).
The first international rules of the game were adopted in 1932 at the first FIBA Congress, after which they were repeatedly adjusted and changed, the last significant changes were made in 1998 and 2004.
In 1935, the International Olympic Committee decided to recognize basketball as an Olympic sport.
Basketball made its Olympic debut at the XI Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. Men's teams from 21 countries took part in the tournament. Competitions were held in open areas, all subsequent Olympic tournaments were held indoors. The USA team became the first Olympic champion.
The debut of women's basketball at the Olympic Games took place in 1976 in Montreal. Six teams participated in the tournament. The first Olympic champions were the basketball players of the USSR national team, who became champions twice more. The first European Championship among men was held at 1935 in Geneva. Latvian basketball players won. The first European Women's Championship was held in Rome in 1938, which was won by Italian basketball players.
The decision to hold the world championships among men was taken at the FIBA congress during the 1948 Olympics. in London. The first World Basketball Championship took place in 1950. in Buenos Aires (Argentina). 10 teams took part in the championship. The first world champion was the team of Argentina, who defeated the 1948 Olympic champion team of the United States.
At the FIBA congress in Helsinki, in 1952 (during the Olympic Games), it was decided to hold the Women's World Championships. The first championship was held in 1953 in Santiago (Chile), and the first champions were American basketball players.
Thus, the game, which was once invented just for the sake of diversifying the physical education lessons of students, has become one of the most popular and massive sports games in the world. With the development of the Game, its rules were changed and supplemented, as well as the equipment and layout of the site (for example, the introduction of a time limit (24 seconds) for an attack by the team of the opponent's basket, or the appearance of a line, for hitting due to which the team is awarded 3 points (1984)).
Basketball in Russia
Basketball in Russia was born in 1906. Place of birth - St. Petersburg, sports society "Mayak".
The gymnasts of this society created the first basketball teams, then the teams appeared in the "Bogatyr" society, and some others. But before the October Revolution of 1917. this game was cultivated practically only in the capital of Russia - Petersburg. The new life of basketball in Russia begins in the early twenties. As an independent subject, basketball is introduced first at the Main Military School of Physical Education of Workers, and a little later at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture.
Graduates of these educational institutions became the first specialists in basketball in our country.
The basketball tournament held in 1923 is considered to be the first championship of the country. at the first All-Union Physical Culture Festival. In the same 1923 appeared in the USSR and the first official rules.
In 1947, the All-Union Basketball Section became a member of the International Basketball Federation.
Soviet basketball players received the right to participate in all competitions organized by FIBA. In the same year, the USSR national men's team took part in the European Championship. Our basketball players defeated the teams of Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Egypt, Poland and met in the final with the European champion - the team of Czechoslovakia. Having won with a score of 56:37, the USSR national team won the title of European champion.
The USSR men's team was one of the strongest teams in the world during the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
In total, in the final stages of 39 tournaments (9 Olympiads, 9 World Championships and 21 Europeans) from 1947 to 1990, in which the USSR team took part, only at the very first World Cup in 1959, the Soviet team failed to get into the number winners, and even then only for political reasons, the team was deprived of gold, since despite the fact that the USSR team won all its matches, it refused to play with the Taiwanese team.
Such a unique achievement has not been conquered by any other basketball team.
Here is a complete list of the historical achievements of the USSR men's team:
Olympic champion (2): 1972, 1988.
Olympic silver medalist (4): 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968
Olympic bronze medalist (3): 1968, 1976, 1980
World Champion (3): 1967, 1974, 1982
Vice World Champion (3): 1978, 1986, 1990
European Champion (14): 1947, 1951, 1953, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1979, 1981, 1985 (From 1957 to 1971, the USSR national team won 8 European Championships in a row).
The performance of the USSR women's team on the international arena looks no less impressive:
The USSR national team - 21 times became the champion of Europe (1950-1956, 1960-1991)
6 times the USSR national team held the title of World Champion (19649, , 1967, 1971, 1975 and 1983) and twice became the bronze medalist (1957 and 1986)
Three times the team became the Champion of the Olympic Games (1976, 1980, 1992 (under the flag of the united team)), in 1988 the USSR women's team became the bronze medalist of the Seoul Olympics.
The history of the Russian national teams, which are the official successors of the USSR national teams, dates back to 1992. The achievements of the Russian national teams are not as great as those of their predecessors, but these teams have something to be proud of!
So, the Russian men's team twice became the silver medalist of the World Championships (1994 and 1998), the Champion (2007), and also the silver medal (1993) and bronze (1997) winner of the European Championships.
The achievements of the Russian women's team are even more significant:
Bronze medalists of the Olympic Games (2): 2004, 2008
World Championship silver medalists (3): 1998, 2002, 2006
European Champions (2): 2003, 2007
European Championship silver medalists (3): 2001, 2005, 2009
Bronze medalists of the European Championships (2): 1995, 1999
Updated on 11.03.2014 21:32
How did basketball become popular? - Information about companies in Dnipro
17:40, 22 March 2016
In the sports world, basketball is rightly one of the most popular games, and in some countries - a cult sport.
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Today, a league like the American National Basketball Association is a cultural phenomenon that attracts athletes from all over the world. Although, in the era of the birth of this sport, it differed from the option that is now familiar to mankind. At the origins of the development of this game, instead of a traditional basketball basket, a braid for apricots or peaches was used. After each goal, a ladder had to be used to restart the process. Only after a while they began to use baskets with a cut off bottom.
The first mention of basketball-like entertainment can be found in ancient civilizations. The Maya Indians played a similar game called “pok-ta-pok”, and the losing team was sacrificed to the gods to organize the next match with them. The basket for such a game was carved directly into the stone, the ball was smaller in size and rubber was used for its manufacture.
Basketball began to take on its familiar form at the end of the 19th century, when James Naismith formulated the first principles of the new game. This sport began to spread rapidly in educational institutions, first in the state of Massachusetts, where it comes from, and then throughout America
The first match between professionals took place already in 1886, after which the game began to spread far beyond the US. After the end of World War II, basketball associations appeared, the most famous of which was the NBA, which was opened in 1946. The dynamic sport was included in the program of the Summer Olympics in 1936.
Almost immediately after the start of the world forums, the USSR sports teams became one of the giants of international basketball. Like volleyball players, Soviet basketball players over the years have won many awards of various denominations at world championships and the Olympics. The only athletes who could offer worthy resistance to Soviet basketball players and basketball players were the Americans.