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How do you win a basketball game

Basketball Rules: How To Play Basketball

Photo credit: Keith Allison (Source)

Basketball dates back as far as 1891 and since then has evolved into a sport played around the world. Many countries have adopted the game such as Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Spain and parts of Asia, but it is America where the biggest and most lucrative league in the world lives: the NBA (National Basketball Association).

Object of the Game

The object of basketball is to throw the ball (basketball) into a hoop to score points. The game is played out on a rectangular court and depending on which section of court you successfully throw a ball into the basket will depend on how many points are scored. The ball can be moved around the by dribbling or passing the ball. At the end of the game the team with the most points is declared the winner.

Players & Equipment

Each team is made up of 12 players with only 5 allowed on the court at any time. The positions are broken up into Point Guard, Defensive Guard, Center, Offensive forward and Defensive Forward. Each player will then take up a position on the court but are allowed to move around as they please.

The court is a rectangular shaped and measures 91 feet long and 50 feet wide. There is a halfway line in which a small circle is found in the centre; this is where the game starts with a tip off (the ball is thrown in the air by the referee and a player from each team tries to win possession for their team). At each end of the court are two baskets both 10 feet in height. A three point arc is the outside ring, whilst in the middle of that is the key which includes a free throw line.

All that is needed to play is a court and basketball. Teams must wear matching strips with some players choosing to wear gum shields and face masks for protection.

The game is split up into 4 twelve minute quarters. In between the 2 nd and 3rd quarter is a 15 minute half time interval.


There are three scoring numbers for basketball players. Any basket scored from outside the three point arc will result in three points being scored. Baskets scored within the three point arc will result in two points being scored. Successful free throws will result in 1 point being scored per free throw. The number of free throws will depend on where the foul was committed.

Winning the Game

Winning a game of basketball is pretty simple; score more points than your opponents in the allotted game time. If the scores are tied at the end then an extra quarter will be played until a winner is found.

Rules of Basketball

  • Each team can have a maximum of 5 players on the court at any one time. Substitutions can be made as many times as they wish within the game.
  • The ball can only be moved by either dribbling (bouncing the ball) or passing the ball. Once a player puts two hands on the ball (not including catching the ball) they cannot then dribble or move with the ball and the ball must be passed or shot.
  • After the ball goes into a team’s half and they win possession back the ball must then make it back over the half way line within 10 seconds. If the ball fails to do so then a foul will be called and the ball will be turned over.
  • Each team has 24 seconds to at least shot at the basket. A shot constitutes either going in the basket or hitting the rim of the basket. If after the shot is taken and the ball fails to go in the basket then the shot clock is restarted for another 24 seconds.
  • The team trying to score a basket is called the offence whilst the team trying to prevent them from scoring is called the defence. The defence must do all they can to stop the offence from scoring by either blocking a shot or preventing a shot from being fired.
  • After each successful basket the ball is then turned over to the opposition.
  • Fouls committed throughout the game will be accumulated and then when reached a certain number will be eventually be awarded as a free throw. A free throw involves one playerfrom the offensive team (the player fouled) to take a shot unopposed from the free throw line. Depending on where the foul was committed will depend on the number free throws a player gets.
  • Violations in basketball include travelling (taking more than one step without bouncing the ball), double dribble (picking the ball up dribbling, stopping then dribbling again with two hands), goaltending (a defensive player interferes with the ball travelling downwards towards the basket) and back court violation (once the ball passes the half way line the offensive team cannot take the ball back over the half way line).


20 Keys to Winning Basketball

So much goes into winning and losing basketball games. Coaches and teams prepare to the best of their ability, but sometimes the ball bounces in the other team’s favor. Wins remain joyous, while losses hurt for days. Coaches have a number of elements to consider in this regard.

20 Keys To Winning Basketball Games and Championships

Developing a winning basketball program often comes down to the details. Here’s a list of 20 keys to creating the right culture to start winning championships this season!

1.  Find the Correct People, Program, School or Location

The first step in this process is hiring the right coaches. You’ll want a loyal group that shares your vision for the team. Beyond that, you’ll need to consider the school, including elements like atmosphere, community, and the reality of competition. Beyond that, when assembling your roster, remember, hard working players lead to winning basketball.

2. Have Well-Defined Roles

It’s important to have well-defined roles in your program. Everyone should be connected and understand where they fit. For players, it’s important to understand not everyone can be the star. Role players often hold the key to winning basketball championships. Also, think about how you’ll manage your summer requirements, as well as the players’ participation in other sports.

3. Get Out of Their Way

A key factor in winning basketball is letting the players play. Don’t “over coach” or over complicate the game. Don’t panic. And perhaps most importantly, be willing to change your approach.

4. When Picking Your Team Look For Players Who:
  • Score and Handle The Ball
  • Shoot Free Throws Well
  • Handle Pressure

Players will excel in what you emphasize.

5. Understand That Success Is NOT Immediate

As the cliche goes, Rome was not built in a take. Take time to teach the skills and approaches you want your players to master.

6. Pick A Style You Believe In

When it comes down to developing your basketball philosophy, pick one that fits you and your personality. That will make it easier to sell to your players. Remember, there’s more than one way to develop a winning basketball team. Be ready to adjust the system with different groups each season.

7. Find A Common Goal / Theme

Examine your expectations in preseason and be ready to change as the need arises. Loop in all the voices involved in your program, including assistant coaches, players, families, even school administration. Set clear and attainable goals for the team and individual players.

8. Plan For IT

Creating a winning basketball culture and competition for championships takes buy-in and preparation. Keep realistic expectations but push your players to get better every day. Put your players in situations where they can succeed.

9. Once You Get To The BIG Game Act Like You Belong

Once you and your program has made it to the highest level, stay in your routine. Control what is in your ability to control and block out all the noise. The players will feel ready if you’ve prepared them along the way.

10. Rest

Keep in mind the grind. Fatigue can make a coward of anyone, so limit long practice sessions in season. Shorten and streamline your approaches. Don’t overtrain your players–that’ll lead to burnout.

11. Be Aggressive

That said, be aggressive in your style and approach. Incorporate innovation and instill the idea that no one can give you a win, you must take it.

12. Give Them a Reason To Win

Give your players something to believe in preseason by finding a hook. Consider things like emotion, the underdog story, or program history.

13. Keep Learning

As a coach, always keep learning. Communities like the one at helps find like-minded coaches willing to share approaches and in successes.

14. Outside Evaluation

Find someone outside your program to help you evaluate your approach. A fresh set of eyes might find a new angle that you haven’t considered.

15 . Over Prepare

Coaches should over prepare and out work their opponents. This is done though scouting, pouring over reports and tapes, then relaying that information in the classroom to players.

16. WIN

Teach your players how to win and how to handle adversity. It’ll help pull victories from the jaws of defeat and help grab wins in unlikely scenarios.

17. Expect The Unexpected

If it can happen, it will happen. Try to control outside factors as much as possible, but understand you won’t be able to control everything. One of the hallmarks of a winning basketball team is it’s depth, so develop that as best you can.

18. Find Leaders

Filling out your roster is the most important part of the preparation process, but picking the right captains remains a high priority for winning programs. Talk on and off the court with your leaders to help foster that communication. This will model healthy relationships for your players.

19. Visualize

Visualize the winning your local or state basketball championship. See it, then sell that vision to the players in your locker room.

20. Be Lucky



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An original way to beat a defender in basketball

Hello, dear visitors of (how long have I not written this phrase…). A few days ago, while playing basketball on one of the courts in Kharkov, I ran into a player who, when beating, used one very interesting trick that I myself like to use (but which had not yet been used against me until now).

It was then that I realized how effective this method can be, especially if it is performed by a player who is not as slow as me. Yes, I'm really far from the fastest player, so most of my "feints", if you can call them that, are based on using the opponent's speed against him (and a little physics, which you can still come in handy even on the basketball court).

So, today we're going to talk about the defender's supporting leg, the leg where the weight is transferred, and which we will use for our own purposes. Let's get started.

3 elements to beat successfully

First, you must get the ball in position from which you can attack the ring. Well, or your defender must think that you can do it. Everything is trite, but nevertheless, over and over again I come across the fact that the majority are either just too lazy to spend their energy on getting rid of guardianship and they ask for the ball a couple of meters from the three-point line, from where it is very problematic to threaten the ring. Or they just don't know how to open up.

Topic article: 3 easy ways to get the ball in basketball

So, your goal is to get the ball at least on the three-point line, as much as possible already inside the arc. This move will not work if you get the ball under the basket or on the edge of the three-second zone.

The second stage is to stagger the defender 2-3 times, simulating a pass. You just do a few lunges to the side, and at this point you need to concentrate on the legs of the defender: which of them is his weight on. Which leg becomes his support during the execution of your false display for the passage. Did you see?

The third point is the passage itself. If you know which foot the defender is on, where his weight is concentrated at the time of your deceptive movements, then you should know the following: he will not be able to step with this foot. In any case, for this the defender will have to shift the weight to the other foot - and even if he is very fast, these fractions of a second will be enough for you to beat him.

Yes, this technique will not work every time. Yes, you will not beat the defender with 100% probability. But by using this trick, you can buy time and create space. Another "trick" - step as close as possible to his supporting leg: even if he reacts very quickly, he will most likely break the rules.

How to defend yourself against such a technique?

No matter how interesting and promising the above trick looks, there is a defense against it and it is quite simple.

First method: block the attacker's strong side from the passage, positioning yourself at almost a 90 degree angle to it. Either close your weak side (let the player go to your strong side, or to the side where there is a safety net). This is a budget way. You save energy, but still give the attacking player more freedom of action.

The second way is to do hellish footwork. I won't tell you too much, it's better to look at the video, as Andre Iguudala shows in the video for Nike:

See the topic: Nike Signature Moves Part 1

where is your body weight now. Of the minuses - an unprepared player after 2-3 such defenses will “sit down” very much and become slow in defense.

The third option - get as close as possible to the player, even in the process of receiving the ball. Thus, the attacker will not have much time to think: on which leg is your weight concentrated, where to stagger you, etc.

Small conclusions

  • The method described above is suitable for a measured pace of the game, even more so for a streetball match in which there are no quick breaks and the probability of an effective 1v1 beat is much greater.
  • The method described above is not a panacea, but simply one of the ways to use the laws of physics and the lack of experience of the defending player.
  • This method is difficult to use in its pure form if you are far from the basket (1-2 meters from the three-point line) or if the defender is very active.
  • Defending against such a technique is quite simple, the main thing is to understand that the opponent is going to use it (most often, he looks at your feet).

And this concludes the article, I wish you successful training, success in both attacking and defensive actions and I look forward to seeing you on the pages of this site.

not all useful materials on basketball training are published on the site. You can find additional information about training, ask a question or share your success in our community on the social network Vkontakte:

Maxim Gordienko

How to learn to play basketball on your own?

How to learn to play basketball on your own?


1. Winning basketball is easy if you know how to throw and throw the ball into the basket. You also need to prevent the opponent from scoring more balls. Practice technique from various positions, using throws from the shield and without, in motion and with a stop. First, master the technique of a normal throw without rebounding from the backboard, standing in front of the basket. Take the ball in your right hand, and with your left hand lightly grab it from the side. Throw the ball with a jump, straightening your right arm.

2. Maintenance. The player can move with the ball on the court with a periodic hit of the ball on the floor. In this case, you need to take no more than two steps. You cannot dribble the ball with both hands at once and you cannot carry it. The rebound during the dribble must not exceed the height of the player. It is recommended to immediately start by learning how to dribble with both hands, hitting the ball with them one by one.

3. Passing is one of the main tactics in basketball e. Even the fastest basketball east cannot move faster than the ball on the court. Pass the ball to your partner and immediately take a comfortable place closer to the basket. Passing is the basic principle of this game.

4. Selection. "Winning the shield" and securing a quick counter-attack is a very important element of the game. Rebounding also involves keeping the ball even after a failed shot. The number of rebounds is reflected in the statistics of the individual player and the entire team.

5. Moving without the ball is one of the keys to successfully completing an attack.

6.Here are some more general tips: - Involve the whole team. Even if there are scoring leaders, the rest of the players must also get the ball, if only to allow the first to open under the net. - Play hard, but within the rules. advantage in basketball e have tall and physically strong players, although undersized take their speed and agility. - Never argue with the judge. He will not change his point of view, but you can get a foul. - Do not try to win at the expense of accuracy of throws, dribbling, high jumps or interceptions alone. Train all together. - And the last thing: do not neglect tactics. It is necessary during the game not only to score, but also to think.

Today basketball is quite a popular sports team game with a ball. For an inexperienced player, this sport can seem like a rather difficult game, despite the simple task of hitting a basketball into the opponent's basket. Proper dribbling, throwing technique, blocking players, technique for distributing players on the court - these are all the nuances that complicate the game. In order to learn basketball, you need to remember the basic ingredients.

1. Maintain. Moving a player around the court is possible only with a periodic (no more than 2 steps) hitting the ball on the floor. It is forbidden to dribble a basketball with both hands, as well as carrying it. The height to which the ball bounces must not exceed the height of a person. An inexperienced player should practice dribbling the ball with each hand separately, following it only with peripheral vision.

2. Transfer. Passing is the basic principle of basketball. Even the fastest player cannot move around the court at the speed of the ball. Therefore, after passing the ball to another player on your team, you must take the appropriate place to receive or ensure that the ball is thrown unhindered.

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