How its made basketball
How Are Basketballs Made? –
Have you ever wondered how basketballs are made? Basketball is a type of a rubber ball, similar to volleyballs and medicine balls. Of course, the basketball strikes a balance between these two, to be optimized for the fantastic sport of basketball. While the development materials have changed over time, the main design of the basketball didn’t change much. Read on further to learn more about the development and design processes of creating a basketball.
If you are in a hurry, check out this brief video that explains how are basketballs created:
What Are The Main Processes Of Creating A Basketball?We can divide the processes of creating a basketball in four phases. Each of these phases are here to make sure that the ball has optimal performance. The steps in question are the following:
1. Creating the inner bladder 2.
Shaping the interior of the basketball 3. Making the cover of the ball 4. Final testing and analysis Without further ado, let’s dive into each phase of creating a basketball.
Phase 1: Creating The Inner Bladder
The inner bladder is the core of the basketball. It is made from black butyl rubber, a type of rubber which retains air and gives the bounce characteristic to the basketball.
To create the inner bladder of the basketball, this rubber is melted into flat panels. Then, the panels are attached to form the shape of a basketball. Afterwards, one inch-sized hole is pierced in the bladder so that the air filler tube can be installed.
The inner bladder is inflated and left in that state for 24 hours. This is done for clarifying the correctness of the inner bladder.
The inner bladder doesn’t have a perfect shape when it is first inflated.
With the help of a machine, the polyester or nylon threads are wrapped around the inner bladder, to create a spherical shape of the ball. Also, the threads will prevent the ball from being deformed.
Different basketballs use different threads. For example, street basketballs utilize polyester threads, while professional basketballs feature nylon threads.
The cover of the basketball is usually made from diverse materials. High-quality basketballs feature quality leather cover, while other balls feature synthetic rubber or regular rubber.
First, the material of choice is unfolded and cut in six isolated panels that will eventually be wrapped around the basketball. If leather is used, it is stitched together around the ball. Otherwise, if any type of rubber is used, it is held onto the ball with glue.
Then, if the manufacturer wants to customize the basketball with decals or any other graphical information, the marking should be applied by hand at this point.
The designs are usually applied via stickers that glue to the ball itself.
After injecting the leather patterns on the ball, the graphics will stick to the ball, so all that is left is to remove the sticker, leaving the graphic alone.
The basketball is practically finished its development process. Now, the testing phase remains.
At the end of the basketball development process, a standardized inspection process commences.
First, the bounce aspect is tested. The basketball is dropped from 72 inches, and it must return up to 52 to 56 inches to be fit for commercial use.
After that, some small details like decals and other graphics are checked. Also, any glue leftovers are removed.
After the testing phase, the balls are usually packaged in plastic bags or cardboard boxes and sent out to distributors.
Now that you know how are basketballs made, you will be delighted to see that we can design your custom basketball free of charge.
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How is an NBA Basketball Made?
With the NBA playoffs just around the corner we wanted to take a look at one of the main components of the game, the basketball itself.
Just like MLB baseballs, NBA basketballs are made in a specific way with specific measurements and specs that they must adhere. This is to help level the playing field as much as possible when it comes to equipment, meaning that all advantages in the game are placed on the player’s abilities themselves and not from the ball.
So, as we root for our Chicago Bulls as they face the Philadelphia 76ers in the first round of the playoffs, let’s dive into how basketballs are made for the NBA.
The Leather
Believe it or not, all of the leather used for official NBA basketballs have come from the same place for the last 20 years. The Horween Leather Co. in Chicago is one of the oldest leather tanneries in the United States and is the perfect supplier of the leather used to create NBA basketballs.
While the leather is from the same tannery, as of 2020 NBA basketballs are now produced by Chicago-based company Wilson instead of Spalding, which had been the manufacturer of NBA basketballs for the previous 37 years.
While the company producing the balls themselves has changed, the process the leather goes through is basically the same.
Individual pieces of leather are sorted and selected based on how clear the grain is. They are then colored and placed into drums where the leather is preserved and tanned. The leather is then stamped to give the ball its signature pebbling.
After the leather has gone through the press it is then painted to add color, durability, and feel. After this process the leather is dried and inspected to make sur that it meets all the criteria set forth by the NBA.
Once the leather pieces are approved, they are shipped out to a factory where they are cut and sewn together to form the shape of the ball.
The Inner Bladder
After the leather is prepared for the outer cover, the inner bladder must be created.
The purpose of the inner bladder is to hold the air inside of the ball. Unlike a baseball or a golf ball, the inside of a basketball needs to hold air to make it able to bounce during the game.
The inner bladder is made from black butyl rubber that is used due to its ability to retain air and bounce.
The butyl rubber is melted on a press that pushes out 12” W x .5” thick continuous sheets. These sheets are then cut into 18” long strips. These strips are then individually put through a press that will cut a 1” diameter hole in the rubber which will house the air tube used to inflate the balls.
Once the air tubes have been inserted, the bladder is then sent through a melding device that cuts the rounded edges and binds the edges to form seams. The bladder is then taken to a vulcanizing machine that heats the rubber while it’s inflated to help fully seal the rubber.
The bladders are then held, inflated, for 24 hours to make sure that all the seals are perfect and that the bladders can properly hold air.
Once the bladders have been proven to hold air, they are put through a machine that wraps nylon threads around it to help form the perfect circle. This is actually similar to the process for a baseball, but a baseball has the threads wrapped around a solid core and not a rubber bladder holding air.
Forming the Cover of the Ball
After the leather has been processed and shipped to the factory it is then cut into six panels that will be used to wrap around the inner bladder.
With leather basketballs, the outer cover is stitched together using heavy-duty machines. The stitching is what creates the indents and channels in the basketball. Decals and lettering is then applied to the balls using a small heat press.
Finally, each ball is tested to ensure that it meets the quality standards set forth by the NBA. Official NBA basketballs need to adhere to certain specifications put forth by the NBA so that all of the balls are consistent and familiar to the players.
In fact, when the NBA switched from Spalding made basketballs to Wilson made ones in 2020, some of the players complained that they thought the balls felt different and were causing a change in their ability to play offense.
This idea was investigated and dismissed as they are so many other factors that could have caused the drop in stats for certain players like no fans in the stadium, covid protocols, and more.
The process of making an official NBA basketball is important in keeping the integrity of the game. If a ball is deformed or doesn’t meet the proper specs, it can cause a lot of issues for players that are used to a certain weight and feel of a ball.
The history of basketballs
What balls are played now and how did it happen?
What balls are played now and how did it happen?
In 1891, James Naismith invented basketball. Then the game was very different from ours.
For example, there was a bottom in the baskets and every time after a hit, the ball had to be taken out. Then they also played football ...
B 1891 James Naismith invented basketball. Then the game was very different from ours. For example, there was a bottom in the baskets and every time after a hit, the ball had to be taken out. Then they also played football...
Anyone who has ever tried to play basketball with a football knows that this is not the best thing to do. It is inconvenient to handle it in gears and lead. Therefore, 3 years after the first game, the first basketball was invented.
This ball was made of leather strips with a rubber bladder inside and was sewn up with threads on the outside.
By 1929, it was improved: the laces were hidden, and the shape itself was changed for a better and more predictable rebound.
In 1937 the lacing disappeared from basketballs, and in 1942 the balls were already similar to ours, they were no longer sewn and they kept their shape better.
Perhaps this had a strong influence on the development of the game, because even in the 50s dribbling was very far from ours. Most of the players then skillfully dribbled with only one hand and very rarely used transfers.
Until the late 1990s, leather was the main material used for balls in professional leagues, but since then it has been increasingly replaced by synthetic materials.
In 2020 there are already balls for every taste and color: plain, multi-colored, small, large, rubber, leather, weighted, recycled plastic and other modern materials.
What balls are currently played:
Mini basketball (under 13s) uses a size 5 ball with a diameter of approximately 70 centimeters and a weight of around 0.48 kg.
Women's basketball uses size 6, diameter 73 cm, weight 0.55 kg.
In men's basketball - size 7, with a diameter of 77 cm and a weight of 0.
61 kg.
There is also an exception - 3x3 basketball, where they play with a special ball, which is like a size 6 in diameter, but weighs like a size 7. This was done on purpose so that it would be less affected by the wind outside.
Fun Fact
Since 1970, the NBA has only been played with Spalding balls, but from the 2020-21 season, new Wilson balls will be played.
Playground collaborated with Wilson to make their own ball based on the Wilson Evolution. This ball uses an advanced microfiber coating to help give the ball the best touch feel for all dribbling enthusiasts. Balls can be purchased exclusively at the Streetball store.
The Wilson x Playground ball is available exclusively from the Streetball store.
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“We are preparing such a project for systematizing knowledge, in which we have collected the cream of the crop for coaches” / Student Basketball Association
The head of the coaching department of the Upward Movement academy at the DV Expert Site talks about the problems of a young player's career development, his internship in the NBA and the new Coaching platform for specialists.
- Maxim, you have grown quite rapidly as a coach. We have known each other since 2010. What sporting achievements did you have as a player?
- As a player, perhaps the biggest achievements were associated with my team in 1988 in the city of birth.
We were winners of the championship of Russia. Alexey Shved was just in this generation. Then we had a very, very decent team, many guys stayed in basketball.
- Many of my friends in 1988, who played in this team, said that there was such a team in Stavropol. Like, they came and were as angry as dogs!
- Now, after a while, I can say with confidence from a coaching point of view that we were losing in many components, but we really, really wanted to win in every match and, perhaps, this was our advantage.
- When you realized that a player career is not for you. What was your age and how was this decision made?
- I think I got it in time. It was in the region of 17-18 years, just coincided with my first year of study at the university.
– When you entered the university, did you already train fully and still dreamed of becoming a professional basketball player?
– Yes, there were certain ambitions, there were goals.
I believed it was possible. As soon as I entered the university, I began to train with an adult team. Then it was "Stavropol-Border Guard". Everything went well - 17-18 years old, you can play against experienced players. But, looking at everything from the inside, I realized that my potential in this story is limited.
- This is where I would like to focus - when does a young player understand that his potential is in the lower professional league and there is no opportunity to grow to the highest level? Is it age or is it some kind of mental marker? How can a young player define this?
- The first thing everyone faces is the fear of giving up what you have been doing for many years. When I was already working as a coach, I saw that many people play basketball out of inertia. It seems that something is working out, you can’t quit, because so much effort is thrown into it.
- This is a very important moment - when a young player understands that he either needs to play basketball professionally or look for some kind of alternative activity.
That is, 17-18 years old, or 19-20 ... Age is the key here?
- I think it is. Again, we are again touching on a big topic - the education of players. Sometimes I think people realize this too late. They bet a lot on basketball, forgetting about other aspects of their lives, including education. Then, already closer to 20 years, such a decision is even more difficult to make, because there is no work experience in other areas behind them. Perhaps there is a diploma of education, but there are no necessary skills to change the field of activity.
– What qualities should a player have in order to play at a high level?
- The first thing I will say is luck. A lot of things have to come together so that even a very talented player with all the necessary physical qualities, technical arsenal, thinking, is at a high level. Now the requirements for players at a high level are exorbitant in places. You need to have a certain level of talent to play at this level.
You need to have a fairly serious discipline over a long distance, working daily on your game. Here, too, there are different niches. Maybe someone's ambitions are not high enough to be the first star in the team. You can find your niche at some level. Even the current Russian players can be said that many have made themselves.
– What comes first, talent or diligence? You said the phrase - to work and be disciplined over a long distance. Is it possible to make oneself over a long distance without having the proper level of talent?
- I really like this phrase, which in Russian sounds like this: "hard work beats talent if talent does not work hard." I think the truth is somewhere in here. Talent is a huge advantage, of course. To be frank, and many coaches will agree, we see enough talented players who do not give 100%. Unfortunately, at some stage they look better than players who are less talented.
– There is also a downside. A player with no talent to begin with, when working hard over the long haul, may look better than a talented player - that's at best.
And in the worst case, a talented player may no longer be at this distance.
- Now such technologies for preparing players that even a less talented player is allowed to be at a high level. Now talent is not something that will give you a 100% opportunity to play at a high level.
– Yes, it's not easy to leave on talent alone. If we are talking about basketball, then we can look at superstars. There was a lot of work done! If we look at LeBron James, it's a huge job in every way, both mentally and physically, the work of nutritionists, anyone. If we say that this is just talent, we will deceive ourselves.
- A young player who has shown a certain result - is it easier for him to stay in the Russian player training system or go overseas to some academy? Where is the environment that will contribute to the development of the player?
- Tough question. If I had been asked about this four years ago, I would have answered unequivocally that I should stay in Russia.
Over time, things are not so clear for me. Firstly, each situation is individual, you need to look at it more deeply. And now there are really a lot of options, a lot of guys from Russia are playing in the NCAA this year. Vladislav Goldin, whom I just visited recently, is also in a fairly decent program. There are, of course, their pros and cons, but I would encourage players not to be afraid to change something. This is the only one. Because many, due to some habit, are afraid. It seems to me that this is a plus for Russian basketball when young players get a different experience of playing in other leagues. And then, if everything is in order, play for the national team, return to the clubs. This is a normal story. If we look at the same student basketball in the USA, there are a lot of guys from Europe playing there, many of them also play for national teams.
– What are the differences between different basketball schools? At the moment it is a dark forest, although they give high results - Spain, Lithuania.
Does each of these schools have its own style, its own specifics?
- Judging by the players, it's hard to say. But there is a difference, probably in the perception of how they approach training. And, of course, the conditions inside the country also leave a certain imprint on how the players are trained. These are different approaches. For example, in America there is a very high level of individual training of players. I think that this is not a system merit - this is a huge mass character, in which there are enough talents. But what can not be taken away, and this is a big difference from Russia - there the players are much more confident in themselves.
– Spain is also such an interesting example for me.
- I recently learned that you started learning Spanish during quarantine. That is, someone was engaged in devouring buns during quarantine, and someone invested in their own development.
– Yes, I hope it will be useful.
As for Spain, it is very difficult to get there, to the structure of the club, to see how everything works from the inside ... Now there is a Russian player, Pavel Sovkov, who is in the structure of the Basque Country. Surely he, on the part of the player, can tell in more detail. In my opinion, from the experience of playing against Spanish teams in tournaments, there is a very high level of both technical and tactical training. It was an amateur academy, well, not an amateur academy, but a basketball academy, and the level of reaction of the coaching staff impressed me very much. That is, I can immediately emphasize that the average level of coaches in Spain is quite high. It seems to me that both in the performance of the youth teams and in the clubs.
- But teaching basketball - is there a practical example of how the Spaniards teach and how it differs from ours and Serbian approaches?
- I think this is the trainer's view inside. I'm not sure that all coaches in Spain teach like this.
But there were a couple of interesting things in communication. Like how players in transition dribble the ball with their near hand to the defender, which is not always familiar to us. They were able to argue that "we teach in such a way that we have the best angles for attack." This is an interesting approach. There are a lot of movements without the ball, I think, more than in any championship, in any preparation. They move very well without the ball, they use screens very well without the ball. That is, I cannot radically say that this is a different game, but it has its own details, its own accents. Moreover, there are accents where we do not put them at all. The most striking example, as I said, is the close hand to the defender.
- From the first training session, we are taught: “we will circle from the defender with the far hand”, and here there is a complete break of the template.
- Yes, that's one more thing. Their mind, as they say, is open to everything new.
They are constantly developing, all the time looking for some ways to make the preparation better.
- In addition to learning Spanish, you attended the NBA summer league, visited the United States of America in the spring and did a college internship. Tell us about your experience abroad — where were you, who did you communicate with, whom did you see, and what interesting ideas could you get there?
- Probably the brightest impression is, after all, the summer league in Orlando. I was on the Orlando Magic coaching staff. There were two teams with the Orlando Magic: blue and white, conditionally. I was with one of them during the preparation for the summer league, when there were matches. The first thing we faced - despite the fact that we all spoke the language of basketball, it was a new coaching staff that came to Orlando in the offseason ...
- Hard to say, probably 2015 ...
– Did you first come to America then?
– No, this is not my first visit to America.
Before that, I was also there, but in this format it was the first. Then just Frank Vogel signed the first contract with Orlando, it was supposed to be his first season. And I remember that Serge Ibaka came to Orlando, respectively, we can try to look after ... The first thing that surprised me was the depth of terminology inside. The first meeting was devoted to the fact that we brought the terminology into a single channel for almost two hours. Because there was a man from San Antonio, there was a man from another club.
- That is, they specifically talked about what we call pick-n-roll, and what we call protection, so that everyone has a single interpretation?
- Yes, there are details. The fundamental terminology is roughly the same everywhere. But there were a lot of details that diverged. And so that people communicate in the same language, this meeting was held. A fair amount of time was spent. By the end of this meeting, I was more confused than I understood.
Naturally, when I saw this work, when in 5-6 training sessions the team is being prepared for the summer league ... I understand that many people do not take the summer league very seriously, because this is not a championship, and people strive to show themselves. But the work there during this time, in my opinion, has been done qualitatively. I saw how the team managed to instill some kind of philosophy in five days.
- I often hear that a month or two is not enough, and even a season is sometimes not enough to work. That is, the technology of concentrated training, where each workout gives a certain value and all this is built into a single system, is it capable of making a professional even within five days?
- To a certain extent, yes. It's one hundred percent. It is clear that the more time you have, the more likely you are to build different levels. But, in general, it worked. I saw what we wanted before the tournament and saw what we showed during the tournament.
If the focus is not blurred, if it is only 2-3 things, then, in principle, you can try.
– Where else have you been in America? Or where else did you go to study?
– I was in Serbia, attended various seminars. These are the two main basketball countries.
- Serbia - how specific is the school there? With my coaching experience, I understood that these swings, the first step - it's all at the level of memorization, philosophy, to bring certain skills to automatism. Is it true? What other features are there?
– Yes, there are so many people, so many opinions. In my opinion, the first is selection. In Serbia, in the same way, all young men have played or are playing at some stage. Basketball is a very popular sport. As for the technical aspects, this is the amount of training that people usually do. In my opinion, the main trend is the more the better. I don't quite agree with this. Again, speaking of American basketball, it works a little differently there.
There is a limited amount of training in college, and there it is not 7 hours.
- Yes. Again, this differs from program to program. Some coaches, to be honest, break the training limit a little, and someone trains more. But, in general, and successful teams as well, can afford to train no more than two and a half, three hours a day. I mean watching videos, preparing, and so on - everything.
- After your last trip to the United States, you talked about the amazing campus, Texas Tech. There are some innovative things that are not in the clubs of the National Basketball Association, especially in the clubs of the Euroleague. Tell me about this experience.
- It seems to me that the NBA clubs have grown in five years now, even if this happens in college. The first is construction time. They built an excellent infrastructure in a year, where there is a recovery zone, there are hot tubs, there are cryosaunas, there is everything. In terms of technology, what interested me as a coach was the possibility of automatic video recording of training sessions.
The camera itself monitors the position of the ball, writes directly to the server. You can rewind, watch and so on during the workout. Many things that make the job of a coach easier and better. Technology definitely helps.
- I remember when I was in Arizona State in 2015 or 2016, I saw the room where the scouts work. And how many hard drives I saw there! There, as I understand it, is an archive of the team's games, translated from videotapes. There was an area of 50 meters - it was just servers standing, and it struck me at that moment.
- Data - yes, they collect it. I think it's also training data. That is, each training is recorded on video and analyzed. These video reports are watched before training, I think that's all going. And it is right. Because we are now watching American basketball, it's all the same names ... John Wooden is associated with one university, Billy Donavan - many names that have worked for many years. Sooner or later they stop working.
Yes, they leave behind assistants. But it seems to me that it is very important to collect material and ideas. Information is a critical resource for an organization. Knowing the people who work there is key, I think.
- What do you think Russian coaches lack? What are we missing out on?
- First, we are inferior, oddly enough, in basketball knowledge. If we take the student level, even the school level, as a rule, the average coach in the United States of America knows or is at least familiar with several offensive and defensive systems. What I mean? He may know motion offence, he may know two or three types of pressure. It is not necessary that his team plays this basketball, but he knows the strengths and weaknesses, he can build the game of his team in accordance with his knowledge. This is the first difference, because almost every coach there knows, albeit superficially, but knows about such systems: how they work, how to embed them, and so on. It seems to me that it would be nice for us to add to this - in the arsenal, in the depth of knowledge about basketball in general.
– Learn. As already said, you need to constantly learn. I once talked with Vladimir Federovich Pisarev, who worked in Khimki and Stavropol. And he told me that once at dawn, it was just the 90s, there these cassettes were passed from hand to hand by train, it was all very difficult, to find some information, everyone absorbed it. It really was one cassette, God forbid someone loses it or spoils it. I understand that it was difficult to find information, to find an idea. A trip somewhere really equated to a whole event! ..
- ... brain explosion, yes. And what are the opportunities for obtaining coaching knowledge now? Maybe you will open the curtain a little, tell us about the projects that the Upward Movement Academy is preparing, which will contribute to the development of coaching skills?
- I think, first of all, that a lot is connected with the development of technology now. You don't have to travel far and wide to learn. Now we are doing a lot of work to systematize the knowledge that is related to basketball, to sports in general.
Systematization of not only the knowledge that is in our country, but just what we talked about before. All the best that is in various schools, so to speak - trends, technologies, views, and so on. Now the main limit is time, how much time you can devote to it.
– Now, in general, life has accelerated so much that it is the main currency, time, which you can use. How can a trainer get this currency?
- We are just trying to save time for coaches, collect the cream and only provide this information for them. In the near future we will prepare several coaching products in terms of education. Some of them will be related only to the theory of sports training, and some will be directly related to basketball. We do our best to save time and resources.
- You just said that the coaches worked, but there is no information left. And now you are talking about systematization, about working with data. Tell us about a product that will allow you to work with this information.
– My main idea was that even trainers who work in the field find it very difficult to keep their ideas, develop them and systematize. Because everyone has great ideas, but they were written down somewhere, forgotten, lost ... and then (I think everyone was in this situation) it's hard to remember them. Now we are on the verge of launching a project called “DV Trainerskaya”, in which you can systematize not only your knowledge, but also receive knowledge from other industry professionals. This is a knowledge base that will accumulate all training outlines, structural units, what they consist of, individual exercises. You can use it yourself or give access to someone else. And here I see two big directions. The first is the knowledge of other trainers that you can use to find some idea. This is a large database of exercises with a search system, with a filtering system. The second part is the systematization of your knowledge, plus, probably, the creation of your own training program.
- I am sure that this will only contribute to the creative development of the coach. Everyone will be pleased that his ideas can be used by other coaches. The tool does not limit the creativity of the trainer. I myself know that when you often look at some exercise, it prompts you to a completely different idea.
– Who is this product for?
- First of all, for coaches. For specialists who want to buy time for things on the court and speed up the preparation for the training process. Plus basketball schools, basketball clubs, for which work inside is important - to systematize and control, for those who want to get results.
– Could this be interesting not only for a sports school, but also for a professional club?
- One hundred percent.
– A foreign coach arrived, possibly expensive, worked for several years. Knowledge of his work - is it stored somewhere? Is there such a practice?
– Unfortunately not.
I can say this with confidence. People come and work. At best, it remains for those who were at his headquarters. Maybe he took some notes. But, in my opinion, it will not stay in the club.
- It seems to me that this can solve most of the problems. In Russia, really, there are cool coaches who have a lot of knowledge collected from all over the world. We would like them to stay with us.
- Absolutely. This is exactly what we thought about when we created the product, among other things - so that this knowledge can be left for the next generation of coaches or for our organization. It seems to me that this is just a very effective managerial decision in order to leave knowledge in the structure.
- The second area I know about is the licensing of basketball coaches. The Russian Basketball Federation has been working on this project for several years. And now joint negotiations are underway to create a large partnership project with a powerful, meaningful coaching stuffing.
Can you tell us a little more about it?
- The licensing program is not new. Many countries are following this path. What does this allow us to do? First of all, to standardize the level of coaching knowledge. This is important, because you need to be sure that people on the ground have the necessary minimum knowledge for initiative work. And this necessary minimum year after year to increase, increase, increase and engage in the development of coaches for some long time - not episodic, but have a whole structure.
– First, the team of experts is very, very decent. We attract specialists from various fields. Someone works abroad, someone works in Russia. Quite a lot of people are involved in this product.
– And who do you attract from abroad?
– One of our experts is Maria Abulkhanova, she has been here in Russia for a long time, she worked in Malakhovka. Now she works in Holland. I think that she will continue to work in Europe for a long, long time as a specialist in the field of sports training.
– I don't want to say anything bad about our coach training system, about our universities. There really works a large number of people who have given their work most of their lives and who are trying to develop it. But all the same, is there a lag in some parts precisely in methodology, in the preparation of athletes of our school from the same European one? Did you see any new things while working with Maria?
- Yes, I definitely saw it. This is a little different from the approach that even I was taught, although I graduated from high school not so long ago. I think that the difference here is due to the fact that in Europe there are a lot of institutions that deal specifically with sports issues, this is a boom in sports science. Obviously, the environment there is more favorable for research in this area. Accordingly, there you can get fresh knowledge, fresh views, fresh ideas.
– When do these projects start?
- We are at the finish line.
We hope that in September the course will be available to everyone.
– Where will it be found?
- You can find it on the website As we have already said, the pandemic has prompted that all training can be done online. These are video tutorials, and text material, and homework, and testing. In my opinion, this is a big plus - you can move at your own pace, you can find what you need and move along a certain learning path.
— You are a rather academic, pedantic person who devoted a lot of time to his own development in order to train. Now you draw new knowledge, accumulate it, but at the same time you create a system for training other coaches. How do you like the new hypostasis? How interested are you? Or, after all, are you drawn to the site?
– I am now philosophical about this. It's often said, "You're not a coach until you're fired." It has always been interesting to me. We need to raise the average coaching level.