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How late can you play basketball outside
How late can you play basketball outside
When Are the Best Times to Play Basketball Outside?
For many of us, finding time to both practice and play basketball can be difficult. However, as we begin to enter the colder, darker, wetter months of the year, finding time to play basketball outside can be even more difficult. That is why, below, we are going to discuss and review just when are the best times to play basketball outside.
We will not only consider both the outdoor heat and cold but will look to other variables which may affect your ability to play basketball outdoors. This includes being considerate to nearby neighbors and family indoors and being able to play after-hours when the sun sets.
The Best Times to Play BasketballBefore we discuss the nuances regarding the best times to play basketball and the considerations that should be made before play, we’re going to discuss the best times to play. In our opinion, the absolute best times to play basketball are divvied up below by day of the week and whether you will be practicing and playing alone or with a group of friends.
| Alone | With Friends |
Sunday | 7:00-11:00 AM and 12:00-2:00 PM and 5:00-9:00 PM | 12:00-3:00 PM and 5:00-9:00 PM |
Monday | 7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-8:00 PM | 5:00-8:00 PM |
Tuesday | 7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-8:00 PM | 5:00-8:00 PM |
Wednesday | 7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-8:00 PM | 5:00-8:00 PM |
Thursday | 7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-8:00 PM | 5:00-8:00 PM |
Friday | 7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-9:00 PM | 5:00-8:00 PM |
Saturday | 7:00-11:00 AM and 12:00-2:00 PM and 5:00-9:00 PM | 12:00-3:00 PM and 5:00-9:00 PM |
As you can see from the above chart, the best times to play basketball during the week generally occur before most of us have to head off to either work or school.
Finding time to play basketball between either work or school can be difficult, but if you wake up a bit earlier, you will be able to get in a quick practice session.
Similarly, when it comes to the best times to play basketball, we tend to believe that the hour immediately after work and school are finished tend to be the best times to get in a quick session. As you are more likely to already be out of the house, it is easier to jump to a local court or your own backyard and practice a few shots.
In addition, when it comes to the best times to play basketball outside, the hours change slightly during the weekend. Generally, most of us have more time on the weekends to devote to hobbies and leisure. As such, we’ve elongated the possible playing hours throughout the weekends.
Within the above graph, we also divvied up the times based on whether you are looking to play basketball outside alone or with friends. When it comes to playing basketball outside with friends, you are more likely to find friends willing and able to play after school and work hours.
Generally, most friends will not be too keen on waking up early and heading over to an outdoor court to play basketball before either school or work. However, most friends and colleagues are usually willing to meet after-hours to play a quick game or practice with one-another.
When Are the Best Times to Play a Pick-Up Game?
While discussing the best times to play basketball outside, it is also important to consider what are some of the best times to play a game of pick-up basketball. Pick-up basketball games are generally played outdoors and on a hard, asphalt or concrete ground.
And while pick-up basketball games tend to be a bit more rough than a regulation game, they are a great way to get in a quick game, meet other players in your area, and generally practice your shot and defensive skills.
Generally, the best time to play a game of pick-up basketball is immediately after work or school ends during the week. Most outdoor basketball courts will have players congregate around 5:00 PM and most players will remain on the court until around 8:00 PM.
However, those hours change considerably during the weekend. On the weekends, many outdoor basketball courts are packed around noon and remain so for a few hours. While not a concrete rule, many players will leave after a couple of hours to complete errands or grab something to eat.
After running errands or grabbing a quick bite, many players will return to the court, generally around 5:00 PM. However, during the weekend, most players will remain on the court past 8:00 PM, typically staying for an additional hour or when it is too dark or cold outside to continue playing.
Considerations to Make Before Playing Basketball Outside
While you may feel tempted to begin a game or simple shoot around early in the morning or late at night, it is generally considered inconsiderate to play basketball outside during those times.
The simple reason it is considered inconsiderate to play basketball early in the morning or late at night is due to the fact that basketball is a relatively loud sport.
Unlike going for a run or even performing a Tabata or HIIT workout, playing basketball creates a lot of noise. This noise is generated both when you dribble the basketball and when you. shoot the ball at the rim.
If you have neighbors who live nearby or family members indoors, playing basketball outside early in the morning or late at night can create a lot of noise and can wake up or disturb those individuals trying to sleep.
In addition to being inconsiderate to both neighbors and family members indoors, playing basketball outside late at night can be dangerous. Due to the decreased visibility at night, you are more likely to trip and fall while playing, potentially injuring yourself.
Lastly, playing basketball outside at night is a bit impractical. While you could turn on a nearby light, you will likely have little visibility and will not be able to practice or shoot around as effectively as you can when there is more sufficient lighting.
Final Thoughts
Overall, finding the best times to play basketball outside really comes down to personal preference.
There are many hours throughout the day when playing basketball outside is not only practical but also fun and can be done with other players.
Lastly, if you are looking to play basketball outside and with a group of other players, generally most ardent players are available to play later in the evening, once both work and school have completed.
Most players generally congregate on the court around 5:00 PM during the weekdays. Simply heading over to your local park will allow you to join a pick-up game and play for a few hours.
Similarly, if you are looking to play basketball outside and with other players on the weekend, your time slots to do so are even greater. Many players congregate on the courts around noon on the weekends and games generally continue throughout the day and late into the night.
Is there any action that can be taken when a neighbor's child is bouncing a basketball at night?
Submit your question to [email protected].
QUESTION: My father passed away years ago while married to my mom.
He left his house to his ex-wife when they divorced. Recently the house was sold. Do I, as his child, still have any claims to the home once it was sold?
ANSWER: Making the presumption that "He LEFT his house to his ex-wife" means that he left it to her in his will or donated it to her - then there are no claims to be made. However, as his child, you may have a claim under certain conditions. You are considered a forced heir if at the time of the death of your father, you were either under 24 years old or because of mental incapacity or physical infirmity, are permanently incapable of taking care of their persons or administering their estates at the time of the death of the decedent. LA Civil Code Art. 1493. You could only place a claim on the undisposed property left in his estate. LA Civil Code Art. 880. Intestate succession. In the absence of valid testamentary disposition, the undisposed property of the deceased devolves by operation of law in favor of his descendants, ascendants, and collaterals, by blood or by adoption, and in favor of his spouse not judicially separated from him, in the order provided in and according to the following articles.
QUESTION: I drive down Eddy Street in Lake Charles every day to get to my apartment - many times at night. There are always people with children walking down that narrow road; I have never seen one of them in anything but black clothes and usually they are close to the middle of the road. This terrifies me to think I could hit someone; I try to be careful, not even sneeze so I don't look away. I am totally surprised that someone has not been hit yet. What is the law regarding this if I accidentally hit someone because I can't see them and it is very obvious?
ANSWER: LA Civil Code Article 2323 states that in any action for damages where a person suffers injury, death, or loss, the degree or percentage of fault of ALL persons causing or contributing to the injury, death, or loss shall be determined, regardless of whether the person is a party to the action or a nonparty, and regardless of the person's insolvency, ability to pay, immunity by statute, including but not limited to the provisions of R.
S. 23:1032, or that the other person's identity is not known or reasonably ascertainable. If a person suffers injury, death, or loss as the result partly of his own negligence and partly as a result of the fault of another person or persons, the amount of damages recoverable shall be reduced in proportion to the degree or percentage of negligence attributable to the person suffering the injury, death, or loss. B) The provisions of Paragraph A shall apply to any claim for recovery of damages for injury, death, or loss asserted under any law or legal doctrine or theory of liability, regardless of the basis of liability. C) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs A and B, if a person suffers injury, death, or loss as a result partly of his own negligence and partly as a result of the fault of an intentional tortfeasor, his claim for recovery of damages shall not be reduced.
QUESTION: Is there any law or is there any action that can be taken when a neighbor's child is contentiously bouncing a basketball at 6 a.
m. and after 8 p.m. There's no talking to the father because he thinks he's boss of the neighborhood.
ANSWER: First, see if there is a local ordinance against excessive noise. The City of Lake Charles, for example, has an excessive noise ordinance at Sec. 13-7.1 of the Lake Charles municipal code, which reads in part as follows:(1
It is declared to be a public nuisance and unlawful for any person to make, allow, continue or cause to be made any loud, harsh, unnecessary or offensive noise or any noise which may reasonably be anticipated to annoy, disturb, injure or endanger the comfort, slumber, peace, health or safety of any reasonable person or persons of normal sensitivity, whether due to volume or duration or both. Except as allowed in this article, no person shall willfully engage in any activity on any premises or public area in the city, which activity produces or constitutes a noise disturbance on occupied neighboring premises or public area.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the lawful exercise of right of free speech as protected by the Constitution of the United States or the State of Louisiana.
In the case presented, the viewer would have to persuade local law enforcement that the bouncing of the basketball constitutes a noise as defined by the above ordinance. Alternatively, if your neighbor keeps disturbing you, you can sue and ask the court to order the neighbor to stop the noise ("abate the nuisance," in legal terms). For a court order telling somebody to stop doing something, you'll probably have to sue in district court.
To win, you'll need to show:
- There is excessive and disturbing noise.
- The person you are suing is either creating the noise or is responsible.
- That your enjoyment of your home is affected.
- That you have asked the person to stop the noise.
There is a law that pertains to excessive sound or noise (RS 14:103.
1) that you may choose to base your case on, however, it pertains to loud music.
A) No person shall operate or permit the operation of any sound amplification system which emanates unreasonably loud or excessive sound or noise which is likely to cause inconvenience or annoyance to persons of ordinary sensibilities, when both the following exist: (1) The sound amplification system is located in or on any motor vehicle on a public street, highway, or public park. (2) The sound or noise emanating from the sound amplification system is audible at a distance of greater than twenty-five feet which exceeds eighty-five decibels. B) The provisions of this Section do not apply to the use of a horn, alarm, or other warning device which has as its purpose the signaling of unsafe or dangerous situations or to summon the assistance of law enforcement when used for such purpose, or when used in conjunction with a permitted event. C) Whoever violates a provision of this Section shall be fined one hundred dollars for a first offense, and not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for second and subsequent offenses.
Disclaimer: The information furnished in this answer is general and may not apply to some situations. All legal situations are unique. No one should rely to their detriment on these answers. Anyone with a potential legal problem should seek the advice of a licensed attorney before taking any action or inaction. The answers provided are not intended to be specific legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is created between the SWLA Law Center and the viewers of KPLC TV.
Copyright 2017 KPLC. All rights reserved.
Rules of Basketball
How the rules have changed in your favorite game
How the rules have changed in your favorite game
Basketball was invented by James Naismith in 1891. Then everything was different: playgrounds, baskets, balls…
!!! Read about the evolution of balls in the article:
Basketball was invented by James Naismith in 1891.
Then everything was different: playgrounds, baskets, balls…
!!! Read about the evolution of balls in the article:
The history of basketballs
The history of basketballs
What balls are played now and how it happened
The beginning
The rules have also changed a lot during this time. Initially, there were only 13 of them in basketball:
- The ball can be thrown in any direction with one or two hands.
- The ball may be hit with one or both hands in any direction, but never with the fist.
- The player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw the ball from the point at which he caught it, except for a player running at high speed.
- The ball must be held with the hands. You can not use the forearms and body to hold the ball.
- In any case, hitting, grabbing, holding and pushing the opponent is not allowed. The first violation of this rule by any player shall be called a foul; the second foul disqualifies him until the next ball is scored, and if there was an obvious intention to injure the player, then a disqualification for the entire game.
It is not allowed to replace a disqualified player.
- Punching the ball is a violation of points 2 and 4, the penalty is described in point 5.
- commit no foul).
- A point is scored if a ball thrown or bouncing off the floor hits the basket and stays there. Defending players are not allowed to touch the ball or basket while shooting. If the ball touches the edge and the opponents move the basket, then a point is scored.
- If the ball goes out of bounds, it must be dropped into the field by the first player to touch it. In the event of a dispute, the referee must throw the ball into the field. The thrower is allowed to hold the ball for five seconds. If he holds it longer, then the ball is given to the opponent. If either side tries to play for time, the referee must give them a foul.
- The referee must monitor the actions of the players and fouls, and notify the referee of three consecutive fouls. He shall have the power to disqualify players under rule 5.
- The referee must watch the ball and determine when the ball is in play (inbounds) and when it goes out of bounds (out of bounds), which side should be in possession of the ball, and any other action that the referee would normally take .
- The game consists of two halves of 15 minutes each with a break of 5 minutes between them.
- The side with the most goals during this time period is the winner.
The most important rule change in the history of basketball is the introduction of dribbling. In the original version of the game, this was prohibited by paragraph 3 of the rules.
One of the first changes in the game and the rules was the replacement of the basket with a ring with a net. It seemed to be very inconvenient to climb after the ball every time after a hit. Around the same time, free throws, dribbling appeared, and the composition of the teams was fixed for 5 players on the court at the same time.
Before that, in some matches, up to 50 people could be on the court at the same time. All this happened back in 1896-1897.
The emergence of FIBA (International Basketball Federation)
Basketball in the early 20th century became more popular and the rules in each country could be different. This was one of the reasons why FIBA appeared in 1932 year. At the first FIBA Congress, the teams were approved (5 people and 2 substitutes), and it was decided that after each goal there would be a throw-in in the center. This rule was removed after 4 years to reduce the advantage of tall players.
Over the next few years, the main changes were related to the number of personal fouls, the number of players on the bench and the introduction of a time limit for getting the ball into the opponent's half of the court.
More changes came in 1952 after the Olympic Games. The game became very boring, because the teams held the ball, having received a minimal lead in the score.
Everyone understood this and searched for solutions for several years in order to save the life of basketball. At 1954 Danny Biason proposed to the NBA to limit the time for the shot to 24 seconds. At the 1956 Olympics, there was a similar rule: it was necessary to make a throw in 30 seconds. At the same time, to add equality between defense and attack, another rule familiar to us appeared: you need to start dribbling the ball before the supporting leg comes off.
Then the game became similar to the modern one from a technical point of view: dribbling, shots, a three-second zone appeared. In 1979, the NBA added a three-point line, and in 19In 1984, FIBA also added an arc.
!!! An article about the evolution of the three-point shot and interesting facts:
10 interesting facts about the three-point shot.
10 interesting facts about the three-point shot.
Three-pointer evolution and insane records.
Changes in the rules and basketball since 1956 have included the number of free kicks, the situations in which these free kicks are given, and individual and team penalties.
Some rules were introduced, and a few years later they were canceled. For example, the "3 for 2" rule: if a player was fouled in the shooting phase, then if one of the first two shots was missed, he could make another free throw. This rule was later removed.
Since the 1990s there have been constant changes: the emergence of alley-oops, changes in the timing and rewriting of the rules of running, which continue to this day.
From the most interesting: if the team has 0.3 seconds or less to throw the ball from behind, then it must be a one-touch throw. It takes at least 0.4 seconds to perform a full throw.
Derrick Fisher made similar throws:
And here is a small selection of videos of how they throw in 0.2 seconds:
Do you want to take your first steps in basketball or improve your basic skills? We have a Basic Basketball Skills workout for you. See the schedule and sign up:
Coach: Yuriy Bespalov
- Professional player of the INANOMO 3x3 team;
- Champion of Russia 3x3 2019, 2021;
- Winner and medalist of the MOFB championship;
- MLBL Summer League MVP 2017;
- Multiple participant of Moscow Open;
- Champion of Moscow 3x3 2017;
- MVP GrunisCup 2017.
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Basketball for children - what is useful, at what age to play
Basketball is one of the most popular sports games. Basketball for children is considered one of the early sports, because kids can be enrolled in the first lessons from the age of 3. But the most important advantage of basketball is its accessibility.
There are sections for children in schools and neighborhood clubs, and classes are often free.
And if you are not ready to give the child to the section, just buy him a ring and a ball and hang it on your site and the kid will already be busy in sports, which means he will get the maximum benefit for development.
Benefits of basketball for children, what qualities it develops
Before sending a child to a section, parents should know how basketball is useful for children and what qualities it develops.
First of all, like any team sport, basketball develops social skills. Working in a team, children learn to help each other, care about common interests and work for the good of the team.
Moreover, this basketball is an excellent emotional release. It helps the guys throw out negative energy and get positive emotions. Along with this, character is tempered during classes, and the child learns to go towards the goal, sacrificing his own desires and needs.
Basketball also helps to get rid of complexes. This is especially true for tall girls who are noticeably taller than their peers.
In a team where all players are taller than average, the girls no longer feel like a black sheep, but gain self-confidence and begin to be proud of their height.
The influence of playing basketball on the physical development of a child
The influence of playing basketball on the physical development of a child is also strong. First of all, the guys involved in this sport develop endurance, and all muscle groups are strengthened. Basketball practice - these are jumping, running, swinging arms, tilts and squats, which allow you to develop all muscle groups and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
In addition to the general health benefits, basketball will also help prevent the development of certain diseases that result from an inactive lifestyle.
Moreover basketball develops:
- Review of vision. Due to the fact that the player must constantly keep an eye on the ball and other players, the field of view is improved.
Children learn to manage peripheral vision and train their eyes; - Reaction speed. Often during a match, an athlete must make lightning-fast decisions on which the outcome of the game depends. This helps children learn to respond quickly to emergency situations;
- Mindfulness. Through intense play, attention and memory develop, which not only has a beneficial effect on the playground, but also in studies and everyday life.
Given these facts, the question of what basketball gives a child can be answered that classes will strengthen physical, mental and mental health. That is why basketball is often recommended to children suffering from reduced attention and weak immunity. But not all children can benefit from basketball, you can find out what kind of sport is suitable for a child here.
Does playing basketball make children grow
It is often said that basketball makes children grow, but is it really so? Recent studies have shown that yes, indeed, he can help the baby grow up, but is not able to grow a giant out of him.
The increase in height is due to the straightening of the spine, which is stretched during jumps. Also, a slight increase in growth contributes to the strengthening of the muscles of the back and legs.
But to say that basketball can significantly affect the growth of an athlete is wrong, there is no scientific justification for this.
The fact that in the sections all children are really tall is explained simply - short children simply leave this sport, because they cannot compete with tall athletes, as a result they move on to other sports, for example, volleyball, where they need both tall and undersized athletes.
At what age can a child play basketball
For preschool children, basketball is available from 3 years of age. Often this game is played in physical education classes in kindergarten. Of course, such a crumb will not be taken to the section, but at this age the child can already be introduced to the ball and the net.
Professional basketball training for children starts at the age of 5-6 years.
At this age, you can enroll in a section at the sports palace, both boys and girls are accepted. The first 4-5 years the guys work out together, and only at the age of 10 the coach forms the men's and women's teams.
Basketball for beginners is more about general physical training and familiarity with the ball. In the first years of training, the coach pays special attention to the development of endurance, so most of the training takes place in the fresh air.
In the gym, the guys learn different techniques and combinations, and also learn how to hit the basket. According to statistics, it is in their youth that children are more likely to encounter injuries in basketball. This is due to not yet developed coordination and lack of skills in programming movements.
That is why sports insurance for basketball at this age is a necessity, because it will reimburse the costs of treatment and provide the young athlete with high-quality rehabilitation, which will prevent the occurrence of fatigue injuries and chronic injuries in the future.
Age characteristics of children in basketball
Age characteristics of children in basketball are a fundamental factor in drawing up a schedule and training plan.
Consider how the load of basketball players changes with age:
- 3-5 years. At this age, kids still do not know how to memorize the rules of the game and listen to the coach. All classes are held in a playful way and are aimed at developing coordination of movements and mindfulness;
- 5-7 years old. During this period, special attention is paid to the physical development and increasing the flexibility of the child. The goal of the trainer is to maximize endurance and strengthen all muscle groups. Also at this stage, children begin to learn the rules of basketball and learn various tactical and dynamic techniques;
- 7-9 years old. This is the age at which real training starts. At the age of 8, children can already participate in competitions. Now all their work is aimed at the result of the whole team.
During these years, the main task of the coach is to teach the guys to interact with each other; - 10-12 years old. At this age, men's and women's teams are formed. Now the team is becoming a real family with common goals and objectives. Most often, it is at this age that the first victories occur;
- 12-14 years old. At this age, children learn to program their movements. This is a very important stage for every basketball player, because the final result of the maneuver depends on it. At this time, the main task of the coach is to hone the movements of each player to the ideal;
- 14-16 years old. This is the time to master tactical thinking. The brain of a teenager is already ready to solve tactical problems and make quick decisions. At this moment, the coach already sees which of the guys can become a real champion;
- 16-18 years old. This is the age when a teenager must show all the acquired skills. Strong players are formed into teams to participate in important competitions.