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How many hours of basketball practice

How Many Hours Should A Basketball Player Practice?

I know that many of you reading my blogs want to be a better basketball player. You continue to read to learn more about basketball, especially the beginners. I am here to answer all of your questions to help you be a better basketball player.

One common question that basketball players ask in forums is how many hours they should practice being a better basketball player. Some people said that a basketball player should practice six-eight hours a day, and some said ten hours a day is better. But what is the exact length of duration a basketball player should practice?

How many hours should a basketball player practice? A basketball player should practice at least 2-4 hours a day. You can do some basketball drills or play with other players during those hours. Remember, you don’t do this once a week or once a month. You do this consistently.

There are lots of things that you can learn about our topic today. I will give you different tips that you can use during your basketball practice. Also, I will be rolling out various mistakes most basketball players make during basketball practice. 

How Many Hours Of Basketball Should A Kid Practice To Make It To The NBA?

Many young players dream of being in the NBA soon. All young players that aspire to be in the NBA give their best shot for them to have a chance. Another thing that people ask is how many hours of practice should a young kid make to make it to the NBA? So, to make it in the NBA, how many hours should a young aspiring player practice? Let me answer that!

The number of hours a kid should practice basketball depends on their age. However, the standard hours a kid can practice is between 2-4 hours a day. If the kid has a school, he/she should practice for at least 2 hours. But during weekends, kids can practice basketball for 4 hours.

Every kid should do this consistently. Remember that, no matter how long you practice in one day, if you don’t do it regularly, there will be no results. Twenty hours a day, but you only do it once a week or month will never increase your basketball performance.  

But thirty minutes of basketball practice a day, and you do it every day will put you on the next level. It doesn’t matter how many hours you practice basketball in one day. What matters is your consistency during one year of basketball practice. 

You will not improve if you practice 18-20 hours a day, and you only do it twice per month. But if you practice 1-2 hours a day and do it consistently, your performance will be great. It will also give you lots of advantages against the player that practices 18 hours a day but did it twice per month only. 

Basketball Practice Tips 

I am going to give you some basketball tips. These tips will help you to become a better basketball player. The tips I will give are for everyone, including the experienced one. Let’s check on those tips!

Set Your Goals

Before getting serious in practice, you have to set your goals first. Ask yourself if why are you going to do this? What are the goals you like to attain? Is it to jump high? Become a better shooter or become a better ball handler? Do you have plans to enter the professional basketball league? 

Ask yourself first before you do anything. After setting up your goals, list down the things that may hinder you from achieving your goals and make plans to avoid that from happening. List down the things that you should do to achieve your goals.

Setting your goals is the essential thing to do. Goals are like your maps. You will get lost if you don’t have them. Remember that dreams without goals are just a dream. 

Track Your Progress

The second tip is to track your progress. Now that you have listed all the goals you like to attain, it is time to put in some work and track your progress. If your goal is to increase your vertical jump, always measure your vertical leap after a week of practice. When you do this, you will know if you are improving or not. If not, you need to execute more work. 

Sometimes tracking your progress may be demotivating because sometimes you will see some changes and sometimes not. However, you should not get demotivated when you don’t see results. It happens for most people. So never give up and continue to improve in basketball.  

Learn The Basics

Before you execute some hard basketball drills, you have to learn the basics first. Read how the basketball game works, and the rules and violations in basketball. Learn how to dribble with your fingers first before you move on to the crossover drills. Learning the basics is the most essential thing you need to do in basketball, especially if you are a beginner. 

Play The Game

Of course, you have to play the game too. You don’t only practice, but you should apply what you have practiced. You can play basketball after practicing some drills, or you can separate it. You can play basketball today, and you practice tomorrow or vice versa. Playing basketball will also help you learn and give you the experience of what it feels like to play on the court.

Focus On Your Shooting Form

Some players focus more on their dribbling than their shooting form. Shooting form is an essential thing in basketball because this is where you will get your points. Dribbling has no points. So why will you focus more on that? Focus on improving your shooting form because this is where you will get your points. 

Practice Your Free Throws

Free-throws are essential because this is where you can get free points. However, most basketball players miss their free-throws, especially the centers. Focus also on improving your free-throws so that the next time you will get a chance at the foul line you can effortlessly give your team free points. 

Do This Consistently 

Consistency is the key to every success. If you are not consistent with what you are doing, you will most likely feel demotivated and fail. 30 minutes of practice per day and doing it every day is much better than practicing 18 hours in one day but only doing it twice per month. 

It is not the length of hours you practice that will define your success. The thing that will define your success is how consistent you are. I know it is hard to be consistent, especially if you don’t see any progress at all.

But whatever you do in life, you will never see results during the first weeks of your work. Do it consistently until it becomes your hobby, and there you will see results. 

10 Mistakes Basketball Players Make In Practice 

Below are the ten mistakes basketball players make during practice. These are the things you need to avoid if you want to become a successful basketball player. 

Not Having A Goal

The best basketball players I know, know exactly what their goal is. They know what they want to achieve, and they will do some hard work to achieve their goals. Like I have said above, goals are like your maps. Without it, you will get lost in the middle of the journey. 

No Plans

Plans are like goals. You need to always have a plan when you get into the court to practice or to the gym when building muscles. If you are going to practice basketball today, what things are you going to focus on today? Is it your dribbling? Or is it your shooting? Make sure that you have a workout plan before starting your workout. You should always train with purpose. 

Too Arrogant

This is a common problem for basketball players. They are too arrogant, and they don’t listen to what their coach says. When you do this, you will never learn anything. Be vulnerable and be coachable. Always think that you are not smart enough and you should listen to others that are more knowledgeable than you. 

Afraid to Make Mistakes

Whatever you do, you will make mistakes. You should never be afraid to make mistakes because this is where you will learn. If you are scared of making mistakes, you will never get better. Push yourself out of your comfort zone for you to learn more. 

Neglect Stretching

Stretching is essential before starting a workout or before the game. It helps you to prevent various injuries. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible and strong. When you don’t stretch, your muscles will shorten and become tight that can cause injuries.

Practicing Unnecessary Things

Many basketball players practice some things that they will never use inside the court. This could be a point guard practicing some post moves or his hook shots. 

Spending Time On Social Media

Some basketball players only work out so that they can post something on their social media to get the approval of others. These players try to prove something to others. They try to prove to others that they are working very hard. I hate players who act like this.

After some 15 minutes of workout, they check their phones and post what they have done. Basketball players should spend their time practicing and not tweeting some dumb things. 

No Consistency

Some basketball players will only show up in a practice once or twice a month. This is the problem for most basketball players. They don’t have consistency! Like I have said above, consistency is the key to success.

Not Playing

This is connected to being afraid of making mistakes. Some basketball players only practice and don’t play. Why? Because they are scared to fail inside the court. Playing basketball is as important as practicing. It will help you to learn and have more experience inside the court.

Only Working Hard When Getting An Approval From Others

Players who crave the approval of others will often do this. They only work hard when someone is watching to prove that they are good basketball players. These players are not good basketball players. They are dumb and lonely ass basketball players. Whether people are watching or not, continue to work hard during practice. 

Final Thoughts

To recap this, let me tell you again how many hours you should practice basketball. I suggest all basketball players out there practice basketball 2-4 hours a day. You can do some basketball drills, or you can play a pick-up basketball game. Remember to be consistent in practice and stick to your schedule. 

How many hours do you practice in basketball? What kind of drills do you do during basketball practice? Comment your answers below! 

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How Many Hours Should I Practice Basketball

Assuming you would like tips on how many hours you should practice basketball, here are a few things to keep in mind. How many hours you should practice depends on your goals, how much time you have, and your skill level. If you want to play basketball professionally, you need to put in the time to practice and improve your skills.

The best way to become a better player is to get lots of practice, so if you have the time, you should take advantage of it. Even if you’re not looking to play professionally, practicing regularly will help you improve your game and enjoy playing more.

There’s no definitive answer to this question – it depends on your goals and your current skill level. If you’re just starting out, you might want to practice for a couple of hours a week. If you’re already proficient, you might only need to practice for an hour or so.

The important thing is to focus on quality over quantity. You’re not going to get better by just shooting around aimlessly for hours on end. Instead, try to structure your practice sessions with specific goals in mind.

For example, you might want to spend 20 minutes working on your jump shot, 20 minutes practicing layups and 10 minutes working on your ball-handling. It’s also important to mix things up and keep your practice sessions interesting. If you’re always doing the same thing, you’ll quickly get bored and your motivation will suffer.

Basketball Practice Tips and tricks

Basketball practice can be a lot of fun, but it’s also important to be efficient with your time. If you’re looking to improve your game, or just want to have some fun, these basketball practice tips and tricks will help you out. From shooting practice to dribbling drills, these tips will help you become a better player. Don’t wait – start practicing today!

perfectly set Your Goals

Before you start practicing, make sure that you have specific goals in mind. This will help you to stay focused and motivated while playing basketball.

Plan Your Practice Time.

Another important step is to plan your practice time wisely. Make sure that the time allotted for practice is evenly divided between different drills and exercises. This way, you’ll be able to improve your skills without feeling overwhelmed or rushed.

Track Your Regular Progress

Another important step is to track your regular progress. This will help you to see how much improvement you’re making and give you a benchmark to work towards.

Focus on Shooting Practice

One of the most important skills for any basketball player is shooting. Therefore, it’s essential that you focus on practicing this skill in your practice sessions. Try different techniques and make sure to get comfortable with shooting from all ranges – short, medium, and long range.

Learn The Basics of this sports

One of the most important things you can do is to learn the basics of this sport. This will help you to understand how the game is played and what your specific role in it may be.

Work on Your Dribbling Skills

Another important skill for any basketball player is dribbling. Therefore, it’s essential that you focus on practicing this skill in your practice sessions. Try different techniques and make sure to get comfortable with making quick cuts and changes of direction.

How long does it take to practice basketball?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, including your age, skill level, and goals. Generally speaking, however, it is recommended that you practice basketball for at least 3-5 hours per week if you want to improve your skills. If you are just starting out, you may want to practice for less time, and if you are an experienced player, you may want to practice for more time.

If you are serious about becoming a better basketball player, then you should make sure to practice as often as you can. The more you practice, the better you will become. If you can only practice a few hours per week, that is still better than not practicing at all.

Just make sure that you are putting in the effort and focus that is needed to improve. If you have any specific goals that you want to achieve, such as making the varsity team or becoming a starter, then you will need to practice even more.

Is it good to practice basketball everyday?

Assuming you would like advice on how to improve your basketball skills, here are a few suggestions. How many hours you should practice depends on a few factors such as your age, skill level, and how often you play. If you are a beginner, start with an hour or two a day.

As you improve, you can add more time to your practice sessions. If you are trying to make a basketball team, or become a starter, you should be practicing at least 3-4 hours a day. This will give you the best chance to make the team.

If you are already on a team, and playing in games, you should still be practicing 3-4 hours a day. This is because you can always improve your skills, and you want to be the best player you can be. The best players in the world practice for many hours every day.

How many hours did Michael Jordan practice a day?

Assuming you would like tips for practicing basketball, here are a few ideas: 1. Get a feel for the ball. Before you start practicing shooting or dribbling, take some time to just get comfortable handling the ball.

Toss it around, bounce it off the ground, and get a feel for its weight and size. 2. Start with shooting. Once you feel comfortable with the ball, start practicing your shooting.

Start with stationary shots, and then progress to shots where you are moving. Make sure to practice different types of shots, such as layups, jump shots, and free throws. 3. Work on your dribbling.

Dribbling is one of the most important skills in basketball, so it’s important to spend time practicing it. Start with simple drills, such as dribbling between your legs or between cones. Then, progress to more challenging drills, such as dribbling while you are moving.

How many hours do nba players practice a day

Assuming you would like tips on how to improve your basketball skills, here are a few ideas on how many hours you should practice: To become a great basketball player, you need to put in the hours of practice. How many hours you should practice depends on a few factors, such as your skill level and how often you play.

If you’re a beginner, you should aim to practice for at least 30 minutes a day. As you become more skilled, you can increase your practice time to 1-2 hours a day. If you’re playing on a basketball team, you’ll need to practice with your team for several hours each week.

In order to improve your shooting, you should practice shooting for at least 30 minutes a day. You can break up your shooting practice into 10-minute sessions to make it more manageable. To work on your ball handling, you should practice for at least 15 minutes a day.

How many hours do nba players practice a week

Assuming you would like tips on how to improve your basketball skills, here are a few ideas on how many hours you should practice: How many hours should I practice basketball to get better? This is a question that I get a lot, and it really depends on what your goals are.

If your goal is to make your school team, then you should be practicing at least 3-4 hours per week. If your goal is to play in college, then you should be practicing 5-6 hours per week. And if your goal is to play professionally, then you should be practicing 7-8 hours per week.

Of course, these are just general guidelines. The best way to improve your basketball skills is to get in as much practice as possible. And that means not only practicing on the court, but also watching games, studying film, and working on your mental game.

How long is basketball practice in high school

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran, the amount of time you should spend practicing basketball depends on a few factors. If you want to improve your game, you need to focus on the right things and put in the appropriate amount of time. Here’s a look at how much you should practice basketball, based on your skill level.

Beginner If you’re just starting out, you should focus on the basics and master the fundamentals of the game. That means lots of time spent shooting, dribbling, and working on your footwork.

A beginner should practice basketball for at least 30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. Intermediate Once you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to start working on your game.

That means spending more time on the court and working on your skills.

How many times a week should i practice basketball

Assuming you would like tips on how to improve your basketball skills, here are a few ideas on how many hours you should practice. It is often said that practice makes perfect, and this is especially true when it comes to playing basketball. The more time you spend practicing your skills, the better you will become at the game.

But just how many hours should you be spending on the court? The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as your current skill level, how often you play, and how much time you have available to practice. If you are just starting out, you will need to spend more time practicing than someone who is already a seasoned player.

And if you only have a few hours a week to dedicate to practice, you will need to make the most of that time. Here are a few general guidelines to help you determine how many hours you should be practicing basketball:

Playing basketball for 6 hours

The answer to how many hours you should practice basketball depends on several factors. First, consider your age and skill level. If you’re a beginner, you’ll likely need to practice more than someone who’s been playing for years.

Second, think about how often you play. If you only play once a week, you’ll need to practice more than someone who plays every day. Finally, consider your goals.

If you’re just trying to improve your skills for fun, you won’t need to practice as much as someone who’s trying to make the varsity team. Assuming you’re a beginner who plays once a week, you should aim to practice for at least two hours a week. This will give you enough time to work on your shooting, dribbling, and other skills.

If you can practice more than two hours a week, great! The more you practice, the better you’ll become.

How many hours to play basketball

When it comes to practicing basketball, there is no definitive answer as to how many hours you should commit. It ultimately depends on your individual goals and objectives. However, if you are looking to improve your skills and get better at the game, then putting in the extra time to practice will undoubtedly pay off.

That being said, how you practice is also important. Simply going through the motions without putting any real effort into it won’t do much to improve your game. So, while the number of hours you should practice will vary, make sure that you are always putting in quality work and pushing yourself to get better.

If you are just starting out, then a couple hours a week of practice should suffice. As you start to get more comfortable and improve your skills, you can gradually increase the amount of time you spend practicing.

How many hours do nba players sleep

Assuming you would like tips on how to improve your basketball skills, here are a few ideas on how many hours you should practice basketball. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question – the amount of time you should dedicate to practicing basketball depends on a number of factors, including your current skill level, how often you play, and your goals. With that said, a general rule of thumb is that you should aim to practice basketball for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour per day.

This will give you enough time to work on your skills without overdoing it and risking injury. Of course, you can always practice for longer if you want to, and some players may find that they need to practice for several hours per day to see the results they want. It ultimately comes down to what works best for you and your schedule.

How long should i play basketball to lose weight

Basketball is a sport that requires a lot of practice to master. The amount of hours you should practice depends on your goals and how much time you have available. If you want to play basketball at a professional level, you will need to devote a lot of time to practice.

The best players in the world spend hours every day working on their skills. If you are just trying to improve your game for fun, you can still benefit from practicing regularly. An hour or two of practice each day will help you see a noticeable improvement in your game.

No matter how much time you have available, you can always find ways to fit in some extra practice. Even shooting around for 10 minutes before bed can help you get better. The most important thing is to enjoy the process and keep working hard.

The more you practice, the better you will become.


The blog post discusses how many hours a person should practice basketball in order to improve their skills. It states that the amount of time a person practices is more important than the number of hours. It also states that a person should focus on quality over quantity when practicing.

Basketball team training. Training plan

By Bartendaz Reading 7 min. Views 5.2k. Posted by

How to learn to play basketball well

Cool basketball players are not born, they only become through hard exhausting trainings that last from one hour a day. Only those people who are strong in spirit can overcome this difficult path and not give up until the very end. In order to become a truly excellent basketball player, you should pump well three main layers on which the success of any game will be built on:

  1. Knowledge of theory;
  2. Health and strength of the body;
  3. Study and development of technology.


  1. Knowledge

    Knowledge of theory

    This item remains important, no matter how well you dribble. All the rules of the game should bounce off your teeth. In the future, this will help you properly prioritize the game. You will be able to quickly assess the situation on the playing field, will allow you to perform certain tricks and techniques of dribbling at the most opportune moment of the game.

    Rules of the Game for Beginner Basketball Players

    Usually, all the rules of the game, for the most part, are passed from mouth to mouth, from coach to basketball player during practice time. But those who are deprived of the opportunity to practice in a team usually read the rules and remember them over time, you can cope with this in a few weeks (maximum).

    The essence of the game is the struggle of the players of two teams in order to score as many balls as possible into the ring of opponents. For hitting the ball into the ring, the team receives a point. For throwing and hitting the ball into the basket from a long distance (6 m and 75 cm, at this distance the three-point line is located) three points are counted. But for a free throw (a basketball player must perform after the violation, standing on the penalty line), only one point is credited. You can only catch and dribble the ball with your hands. The rules do not change in relation to the gender of the players.

    • Rules require the basket to be 10 feet off the ground. But the height may vary depending on the age category of the players. The team that scores the most points wins. But if the score is equal when the game time is up, then overtime is assigned - an additional five minutes of the game. Second and third overtime allowed.

    The start of the game is a jump ball in the center circle. The duration of one match is 40 minutes.

    An out is the ball leaving the field of play.

    A run is the movement of a player with the ball in their hands for more than two steps.

    Basketball player uniforms are the same as in football. They wear shorts and T-shirts, on the back of which the number and name of the player are written. Such inscriptions allow referees to easily and quickly distinguish between players, even from different corners of the field. This is especially convenient for larger games, when the referee cannot know all the players in person.

    Body health and strength

    In sport, everything depends on health. If you have any injuries, you will not be taken to a strong team, as you will be weaker than your competitors. This is a good reason to take better care of your health, to ensure that your body has enough of all the vitamins.

    Some train in the gym, others train at home. It doesn't matter where basketball players practice. This role factor is in the quality of accomplishing the task you set. One of the most important qualities of a good basketball player is the ability to move at high speed, to be fast. We need running with weights and obstacles. Running for a long time helps to develop endurance.

    You will need exercises that are related to strength training. The better the physical preparation of the basketball player, the less likely it is that the opponent will simply pull the ball out of his hands. It is important to strengthen the core muscles, stand in the bar for several minutes a day.

    Here is the resulting list of basic exercises for a beginner basketball player:

    1. Endurance running;
    2. Weighted running;
    3. Plank;
    4. Abdominal exercises.

    This is only a basic training set for basketball players. At the discretion of the player, he may add other drills as he sees fit.

    Learning and practicing technique

    In addition to training to strengthen the body, the player's schedule should include training that focuses on practicing technique. Dribbling and dribbling, shooting into the net, crossovers - this is what the whole game of basketball is based on. A player who wants to achieve something more in this sport must master these two techniques to perfection. Even during the first practice of dribbling or dribbling, you should not look at the ball, but in front of you. Each of these techniques will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

    Dribbling the ball

    The most important thing in dribbling is to touch the ball only with your fingers, excluding the hand from dribbling. Only with the help of fingers can you direct the ball in the right direction. When dribbling, the ball should be kept near the body, not taking it far to the side. It is important to learn to dribble with both left and right hands.

    Cone drills

    This basketball practice involves the player going through the straight while dribbling, changing the dribbling technique in front of each of the cones, as if it could be his opponent. None of the cones should be knocked down. This exercise is a great help in working out the speed of reaction, which will later help in the game when it is necessary to change tactics. This exercise can be performed together with the team, in turn passing between the cones.

    Throwing the ball into the basket

    This is a classic element of the game in which you do not need to invent something new, you just need to work it out to the ideal from all possible points of the playing field. Having caught the ball in his hands, the basketball player needs to jump vertically up and just throw it into the basket. Daily repetition of this element several times in a row helps to develop dexterity and accuracy. You should perform the maximum number of repetitions until you start to get good or until there is no strength left. In this way, the free throw, the three-pointer, the basket shot and all the others should be practiced. Even professional basketball players train every time in the skill of throwing the ball into the basket.


    This level of training is for more advanced players. A crossover is a maneuver in basketball in which a player, while dribbling the ball, intercepts the ball from one hand with the other. You can first learn to crossover with your right hand, after which it will be easier to repeat the maneuver with your left (just the opposite if you are left-handed).

    1. One example of such training is dribbling left, right and left again. Then a transition is made to dribbling back, forward, back. After that, the ball is transferred through the leg to the position in which this exercise began.
    2. The next example of dribbling followed by a crossover is the figure eight. It starts with dribbling with a weak hand to the left, to the right. After that, the transition to the "eight" itself. This is a translation through the right, and then through the left leg. The maneuver ends with the ball dribbling with the left hand.
    3. The third example of a crossover is to transfer the ball behind the back. With the left hand, the ball is transferred behind the back, and with the right it is picked up again. Around him, the player seems to draw a circle with a ball. After that, the exercise is repeated, but with a change of hands, the direction of the ball changes in the opposite direction.

    Summing up, it must be said that each of the exercises should be performed in several approaches for several minutes. In order to be more complete at the right time, you can make a crossover at a high level.


    Sitting at home, you won't receive your training program by e-mail. Therefore, we recommend looking for material about new interesting ways of basketball training by different authors, keeping a diary, recording your results. Using this information, in the future, try to develop your skills. It is important sometimes to play in a team, receiving comments and assessments from others. To do this, you need to watch the video, work out your every movement and action. It is important sometimes to play in a group with someone, receiving comments and assessments from others. A friend can lend his shoulder and advise something useful for your development, the main thing is to soberly evaluate the advice that you are given. Following these rules, in a few years you can become a very successful player.

    You should wisely distribute the load of the body and alternate training in the gym, which is aimed at strengthening your body and training, which is aimed at honing the skill of the player. You can do the maneuvers with your trainer or a friend, as there are tons of exercises you can do with your partner.

    Play and practice | Basketball for children

    Not every sport can be practiced from the same age. If, for example, figure skating or swimming are available even to preschoolers, then basketball - a fast-paced, diverse game that requires great physical training - can be practiced from about 11 years old. It is from this age that children's sports schools are accepted into the preparatory basketball groups. And from the age of 12, the guys are enrolled in the main groups.

    Real competitions for children take place even later. All-Union basketball rules provide for several age groups. This is a group of adolescents (13-14 years old), junior youth (15-16), senior youth (17-18) and, finally, adults (19 years and older). In some cases, with the permission of a doctor, a young basketball player can play in a group one step higher.

    Simplified basketball rules have also been developed in our country. According to these rules, deviations from the norm in the size of the site are allowed when it is not possible to make it 26 meters long and 14 wide. These deviations are very significant. It is allowed to play on a court even 12X6 meters in size, but no less.

    Reduced platform

    If the court does not exceed the size of 18X9 meters, then the restricted area of ​​the free throw area is drawn not as a trapezoid, but as a rectangle with a width of 3.6 meters, that is, the same as before the last rule change. The distance from the free-throw line to the projection of the backboard on the court is 4.6 meters, as with normal field sizes.

    Shields can be made from any suitable material. Their dimensions should not be less than 1 meter in width and 80 centimeters in height. It is allowed to attach shields directly to poles (in an open area) or to a wall (in a sports hall). But at the same time, therefore, they will not go deep into the court, but at best they will be at the level of the front line.

    The ring is attached at a height of not less than 2.5 meters and not more than 3.05 meters from the floor. It can also be attached directly to the wall of the hall. Then the contours of the shield are applied on the wall with paint.

    It is also allowed to play with a soccer ball.

    Basketball suit

    Basketball players must wear a T-shirt, shorts and shoes without heels, preferably rubber. Numbers are sewn or painted on the T-shirt: 20 centimeters high on the back and 10 centimeters high on the chest (the width of the lines is at least 2 centimeters). In competitions above the city scale, team players have numbers from 4 to 15. For grassroots teams, any number between 4th and 9th is allowed. 9th. This is due to the signaling of judges, which is more difficult in major competitions.

    According to the simplified rules, only one referee on the court can conduct the game. In this case, representatives of both playing teams are supposed to keep score and control time.

    If the duration of the match for adult players and older youths is 40 minutes (2 halves of 20 minutes), then in the younger youth group it is 30 minutes (15 minutes each), and for teenagers it is only 24 minutes (12 minutes each) . Athletes of all groups have a 10-minute rest between halves. Extra time is given only to adults and older boys. For basketball players under 17, in the event of a draw, the match is replayed the next day, and the score starts again.

    All rules apply equally to men's and women's teams regardless of age. In other words, girls play exactly the same way as boys.

    Substitution of athletes in the game according to simplified rules is made at those moments when the ball is out of play. A dropped ball is played in those cases when it went out of bounds, having bounced off two opponents at once, or was simultaneously detained by them, and they cannot snatch it from each other. The referee throws a dropped ball in one of the three circles closest to the place of the infringement (in the center or in one of the two included in the free throw area).

    The rules also stipulate that a ball thrown into the basket directly on a throw-in from out of bounds does not count.

    We have already said that it is necessary to work on techniques with great diligence in order to confidently apply them in competitions. Technique can and should be improved not only in team training, but also independently in any free time. I will briefly tell you about some of the devices invented by experts for independent work of beginner athletes on techniques.

    A backboard with a basketball basket is mounted on a vertical portable stand. It is mounted so that it can be moved along the rack and fixed at the desired height. In order for a beginner to properly practice the throw with his hands, the shield is set relatively low. Gradually, the height of the shield can be increased. Then it will approach the game conditions, and the basketball player will be able to calculate the necessary trajectory of the throw. Since this device is portable, the athlete can use it and exercise in any conditions on some small and uneven area. On the reverse side of the same shield, you can attach a second basket. Then at the same time two people will have the opportunity to do it at once.

    Another device is also vertical and extendable, in the shape of the letter "L". A ball is tied to its crossbar. An athlete in a jump should try to hit the ball one or more times in a row. When the height of the ball becomes familiar, it is fixed higher. This device develops jumping ability well and does not bother basketball players.

    Some workout gear

    Here's another one. A ring is fixed on a vertical stand, but it is not located horizontally, as on a playground, but, on the contrary, strictly vertically. From two opposite sides of this device, at some distance from it, two players stand and begin to pass the ball to each other so that it flies through the ring. The one who fails to do this gives way to the next basketball player in turn.

    This device can be improved in such a way that the ring rotates around the axis of the rack, and, in addition, moves in height, and the entire structure moves on wheels. Then it will be possible to work out the transfers on the go. The mobility of the ring can be used for two purposes: firstly, to change the height of the pass, and secondly, by turning the ring at one angle or another, to reduce its visible hole, respectively, that is, to make it difficult to throw. This moving ring is a great tool for practicing passing accuracy.

    There are many more games and special exercises to develop technical skills. I will introduce you to some of the simplest of them.

    Basketball players form a circle, the same as in volleyball when they play without a net somewhere on the lawn or on the beach. With the help of the usual “counter”, the “leader” is determined, which takes place inside the circle. After that, the players begin to throw the ball to each other in any direction, and the “leader” tries to intercept the ball or at least touch it. As soon as he succeeds, he will be replaced by the one who last threw the ball.

    Players line up in two chains - one against the other at a distance of 6-8 meters between the first two basketball players. One of them throws the ball to the other, who begins to move towards him, and in the meantime he runs into the tail of the chain. The one who catches the ball, in turn, throws it to the next player in the first chain and also quickly gets behind his own.

    The following exercise can be used to practice basket shots. Players alternately throw the ball three times into the ring - first from the free throw line, then twice in a row from under the shield. This must be done at a brisk pace, without delay. You can arrange a kind of competition, evaluating, for example, a hit from the first throw at 3 points, from the second - at 2 and from the third at 1. The one who scores the most points from the same number of throws will win.

    The most common exercise for basketball players (of any skill level) in their warm-up before a match is the so-called "live flow". The players during this exercise become two chains along the side lines of the court facing the backboard at a distance of several meters from it. The first player of one of the chains stands under the ring, from there he throws the ball to the first player of the other chain and runs into her tail. And he catches the ball on the go and, having made a throw into the basket, runs into the tail of the first chain. The ball is picked up by the second one standing in it, passes it to the next player of another chain, and so on. This exercise perfectly tunes in to the game, accustoms to mobility and quickness.

    I would also like to say how important it is for a basketball player to have strong hands. Some people think that this is not necessary in basketball. Well, they say, is it hard to throw a ball a few meters, which weighs a little more than half a kilogram? Here are strong legs - that's another matter! After all, on the site you have to run and jump a lot.

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