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How many innings in a basketball game

How Many Innings In Basketball?

Basketball is one of the international games played in different countries. With the scoreboard lighting up after every inning, the basketball fans curiously check the performance of their favorite teams. However, like other games, basketball has a playing period. It refers to the division of time when the play occurs. The most common periods are halves, quarters, innings, ends, and sets. But, how many innings in basketball?

During halftime in college basketball, players like to get refreshed. But, how many innings are present in the basketball tournaments? A standard basketball game includes 9 innings. In some other similar games, you can find 7 innings. Interestingly, basketball games have quarters and no innings. Thus, you need to know the number of quarters and the length of each quarter.

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How long is the basketball game?

You can find a variation in the duration of the basketball games. The governing bodies, including the International Basketball Federation, decide on the length of the game. Different basketball gaming leagues have varying lengths.



NBA basketball tournaments comprise four 12-minute quarters, and the overall game length can be 48 minutes. But, the clock can stop multiple times throughout the period. For instance, it may be because of timeouts, fouls, and halftime.

That is why a standard NBA game can continue for 2 and ½ hours. While looking back at the basketball gaming history, you could find that the longest game continued for 78 minutes, and it included 6 overtimes. On 6th January 1951, the tournament was played between the Indianapolis Olympians and Rochester Royals in Rochester, NYC.

National Basketball Association tournaments for women include two 20-minute halves. The overall game duration can cover 40 minutes. But, clock stoppages can make the game continue for longer hours. The regular-season basketball games last 2 to 2½ hours. The longest tournament in the WNBA history was for 2 hours and 57 minutes. It was the game between the Cleveland Rockers and the Orlando Miracle.


High school basketball

The youth basketball game and high school basketball game lengths can be around 32 minutes. Each of them can cover 8-minute quarters. The real-time duration of the high school basketball tournament can be about 90 minutes.


What are intervals in the basketball games?

Generally, the basketball game interval can last 2 to 3 minutes. However, it may vary with the size of the tournament and the competition. There must be a break for 2 to 3 minutes during the 1st and 3rd quarters. You may also find a 15-minute break in the 2nd quarter. During this half-time, players feel refreshed and get back their energy. The break-time for the NBA game is slightly longer.

NCCA is one of the important basketball bodies, managing college basketball games. It is a popular type of basketball game for several fans. The unique thing is that there is a single break and 2 halves for the teams. The length of these halves is 20 minutes. You can find a 15-break between 2 games.

The clock is stopped due to injuries, fouls, timeouts, and breaks.

Timings are different for the junior-level basketball games. You can find four 8-minute quarters based on the level of playing. Interval times for the games with quarters can be 2 minutes/15 minutes. Players have to read the rules of the local competition before playing the games.

Factors affecting the basketball game length-

  • Free throws, fouls, and injuries- The clock stops multiple times for fouls, out-of-bound balls, injuries, and free throws. The clock does not restart its work until the ball is returned.
  • Halftime– The length of halftime is higher in the case of WNBA, NBA, and college basketball games. However, viewers watching the basket game on TV can find a difference because of commercial breaks.
  • Overtime– Overtime can affect the basketball match length. NBA basketball tournaments do not limit how many overtime periods are present. Every overtime period in the WNBA, NBA, and FIBA is around 5 minutes. Every team has additional time-outs for the delayed OT period. The number of overtime periods has no limit.
  • Time-outs– In some NBA games, there are several time-outs. It results in an increase in 9 minutes. But, the teams can take a full-time-out during every quarter. In case of more than 2 time-outs in the 4th quarter, the overall time can get reduced.
  • Shot clock– It is a timer to identify how much time a basketball team takes to possess the basketball before having a shot attempt. While the shot clock has touched zero before attempting a field goal, the team cannot possess the ball.


Final thoughts

So, how many innings in basketball?

To sum up, basketball has no innings. It is quarters, halves, overtime, and some other periods. It is hard to calculate the duration of these periods. Basketball associations have been imposed.

James Anderson

James Anderson loves sports and writes about them. He is a sports ethicist who has studied ethical issues in sport for over 20 years. James is also an avid runner, cyclist, and skier.

Words from the Author:

‘’I have been writing about sports for over 20 years, and I am a sports ethicist by trade. My work has always focused on the ethical dimensions of sport, and I have studied it in depth both academically and practically. In addition to being an avid runner, cyclist, and skier myself, I love all types of athletics from baseball to gymnastics. ’’

How Many Periods Are In Basketball Games? is an informative blog for readers. The products in the article contain affiliate marketing links. We may receive a small commission when you make purchases through our links. You do not need to pay any additional fees for us. See our full disclosures here

When watching a basketball game, spectators often pay attention to the remaining time of the match. Usually, there will be a clock to show the time. However, not everyone knows its mechanism of action and calculation. These watches are associated with “periods.”

So How many periods are in basketball? The rules for periods in basketball also vary depending on the tournament. There are four periods in an NBA game lasting for 12 minutes each. 

The women’s NCAA basketball and FIBA ​​basketball tournaments will have four 10-minute periods total. The period is also called a quarter because it represents a quarter of the game

Not all basketball leagues use the same time ivision, though. Let’s explore with Scott Fujita the differences in the periods of the tournaments in this article.

Periods in basketball matches 


How Many Periods Are In Basketball?

When it comes to a basketball game, we will immediately remember the NBA game. An NBA basketball game consists of four periods lasting 12 minutes each.

This number is usually only correct in theory. When playing in real-time, a period may take longer due to external factors. A good example is when a team calls for a timeout.

Different tournaments will also have different timings and periods. Before continuing to explore the timing of varying basketball matches, let’s review the definition of periods.

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What Are Periods In Basketball?

A period in a basketball game means a specific block of time. The time taken by the sum of all periods in a match is called regulation time. If the two teams still have a draw after the end of the official time, they will continue to play in the extra time.

There will be a short break between each period. If the match consisted of four quarters, there would be two short breaks between the first and second periods and the third and fourth periods. Between the second and third halves, there will be a sizeable 15-minute break. It’s called a halftime break.

In NCAA men’s basketball games, there will only be a halftime break.

How Many Periods Are In College Basketball?

The NCAA men’s basketball matches consist of only two periods, with each halves lasting 20 minutes. There is a two-minute interval between the first and second periods and the third and fourth periods.

The regulation games run total is about 40 minutes. After that time, if the two teams are still tied, they will continue with overtime periods lasting 5 minutes each. The number of overtime periods is unlimited, so you can decide who wins.

How Many Quarters Are In The WNBA Games?

The women’s college basketball plays four quarters, each period lasting ten minutes. The total time for a match is 40 minutes.

Meanwhile, men’s college basketball plays two halves of 20 minutes each. Although the division is different, the total playing time of the two tournaments is the same.

A shot clock in basketball 

How Many Periods Are In A High School Basketball Game?

Like NBA games, high school games consist of four quarters. Each quarter lasts 8 minutes. The total game time is 32 minutes.

There will be extra time in the event of a tie after the end of the fourth period. Overtime lasts 5 minutes each period. Two teams will play until a winner is found.

How Long Is The Halftime Break In A Basketball Game?

The most extended break in a match is called the halftime break. Its duration is the same in every tournament. Whether it’s NBA games or an NCAA tournament, the break period lasts 15 minutes.

Usually, the players will sit back and relax while waiting for the next game. Coaches also use this time to re-evaluate the game and the team’s previous performance. The whole team will have meetings or brainstorms to discuss strategies for the rest of the game.

What Is The Longest Game Ever In NBA History?

The longest NBA game 

On January 6, 1951, the Rochester Royals played a basketball match against rival Indianapolis Olympions. It is the longest NBA game of all time as it lasted for six periods. The final score of this match was relatively low. The Olympians defeated the Royals 75-73.

The allotted time of a basketball game is 63 minutes on average, but it is often longer in practice because of delays, errors, or stoppages. Not only was the 1951 game long-lasting, but there were also a few other examples in history.

The second-longest game in NBA history took place on November 9, 1989. The Seattle Supersonics had to accept their defeat to the Milwaukee Bucks after five extra time periods. At that time, the score was extremely close, 155-154.

Supersonics’ Dale Ellis sets the record for the most playing time in a game. He played 69 out of 73 minutes. Six different players scored over 20 points in this match.

You can re-watch this match here

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this article has helped you gain helpful information about periods in basketball. Contrary to popular belief, periods can be quarters or halves depending on the time division of the different tournaments.

Tracking and understanding the duration of the match is also the best way for the audience to understand more about the current situation between the two teams.

In addition, you should also pay attention to short breaks and halftime breaks. It will help you keep up with the pace of the game and feel more attractive.

Do not forget to share this article if you find it helpful and exciting. If you are interested in basketball or other sports, follow Scott Fujita for the latest information and constant updates.

Thank you for reading!

How many innings is there in baseball and how long is the game?

Not every one of our compatriots knows how many innings in baseball, even those who are fond of sports. Moreover, not everyone knows what an inning is. We explain: this is a game period, like a half in hockey and football or a quarter in basketball. Team games are always divided into several segments, they are used to maintain game statistics, as well as to ensure that the teams rest and make the necessary substitutions. From this article, you will find out how many innings in baseball in Korea, the USA, Japan and other countries, how long this period lasts, how long a baseball game can go.

In each game period, the teams have time to play both for attack and defense. Each inning includes six outs, they are divided in half between teams, three for each. An out in baseball is the removal of an attacker from the game, it can occur for various reasons. For example, when a pitcher throws three strikes in one series, and the batter cannot run to the base, this is called a strike out. Or when a defender hits a hitter running between bases with the ball, it's called a tag-out.

How many halves are there in baseball?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand that there are several leagues in the world, and the rules of the game in them may differ. In the classic variation, nine innings are provided, but the last of them must not end in a tie. There is no such thing as a tie in baseball. In such a situation, an additional period is assigned, if it ends in a draw, then one more, and so on until there is a winner.

This is in accordance with American rules, the game itself came from America. Therefore, the correct answer to the question of how many innings in baseball in the United States will be: it depends on the score, but not less than nine.

Each of the nine is divided into two more segments, they are called frames or simply parts. In the first frame, the team will attack, in the next - defend, and so on. In theory, this alternation can go on for a very long time, especially if both teams are very strong and do not want to put up with defeat. There are other occasions as well, such as the Rochester Red Wings vs. the Pawtucket Red Sox almost thirty years ago. This game is recorded in history as the longest since the inception of the sport. They started playing on Saturday evening, but it was not possible to determine the winner until Sunday morning. The teams made a mutual decision to finish the match later, the second part took place in a couple of weeks. The outcome was unexpectedly decided in just 18 minutes, but in fact the game lasted more than two weeks. Most standard games last 2-3 hours, but due to such exceptions, it is impossible to say exactly how long a baseball game lasts.

How long is an inning?

The period is divided into two halves, the pause between them is called the middle. First, the visiting team goes on the attack, and the hosts repel the attack, in the second half they change roles, now the hosts will attack. To understand how long an inning lasts, you need to know how many points are played in baseball. The period will last until both teams receive six outs, while the score may be different. According to statistics, on average, this takes 20 minutes, but it happens in different ways.

In most leagues, if the ninth inning is tied, an extra period is played. Thus, their total number is not limited, and it is impossible to accurately answer the question of how many innings in baseball in Taiwan or America, the game goes to victory.

Once in Canada the duel lasted 30 hours.

The Japanese league works a little differently. The professional league is called NPB. They have everything going the same way as above, but the match will end after the 12th inning anyway. Even if he does not allow a winner to be revealed, the score will remain as it is, Japanese baseball rules allow for a tie. At the same time, it will not work to give an exact answer to the question of how many innings in baseball in Japan. Standard NPB games end on the 12th, but in the off-season in the professional league they play up to the 15th. A few years ago, there was another rule that limited the duration of a match to 3.5 hours. Now the limit applies only to the number of innings.

MLB, the North American sports league, has its own rules. According to their rules, if the home team leads in any extra period, then it automatically wins. That is, the game ends if the hosts acquire a leading position, and it does not matter how many outs have passed at that time. Such an end is called a "retirement" as the game ends and the last team leaves the field. It turns out that teams that do not have their own field are deprived of the opportunity to win in extra innings. This is a fundamental difference from the same ice hockey, also common in North America. In hockey in extra periods, the team that scores first wins, and it doesn’t matter if it’s the hosts or guests.

How long is the match?

An average of two to three hours, but it's impossible to say for sure. It is not enough to know how many innings there are in baseball and how long each of them lasts. Under unforeseen circumstances, the game may end before the last of the mandatory periods. For example, if it rains heavily, or the teams decide to finish the game next time for other reasons. In America, almost all schoolchildren play baseball, and their matches are shorter: 6-7 innings, depending on the age of the athletes.

How long is a baseball game (and why)?

Last updated: August 26, 2022 / author Sandeep Bhandari / Fact verified / 4 minutes

Exact answer: 3 hours

Sport is something people love to play and even watch other people play. There are various sports, some of which are played indoors, while others are played outdoors. All sports activities have their pros and cons. Baseball is an outdoor game played with a bat and ball between two teams playing against each other. Baseball is similar to the game called cricket, which is also known all over the world. The difference between both of these games lies mainly in the orientation of the playing field, the sizes of the balls and bats, the rules of the game, and the scoring systems.

Baseball is a game regulated by the World Confederation of Baseball and Softball. The game was first played in the 18th century. It originated in England, Great Britain. It is a team sport known throughout the world, although it is most often played in the East Asian region, the Americas and the Caribbean. Countries such as Japan, USA, Cuba and many others are famous for playing baseball.

How long is a baseball game?

Baseball is a game in which players must run across the playing field to reach their bases safely after hitting the ball. The main goal of any baseball player is to stay in the game and play as long as possible before quitting the game. The player in the base is considered safe.

Each baseball team consists of 9 nine people. If the player tries to play this game as a person, he will definitely lose. This is a game that requires team spirit and coordination between its participants. When played effectively, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, the team as a whole can win the baseball game.

The unique feature of this game is that it does not end with a timed whistle. This game does not have a specific time limit and thus there is no fixed duration for a baseball game. However, an average baseball game can last about 3 hours. This sport consists of nine innings. Major League Baseball games typically last 3 hours and hence this duration can be defined as the approximate time that a baseball game lasts.

However, it should be noted that baseball games are getting shorter and longer depending on where they are played. Typically, games played at the high school or college level can last between 1.5 and 2 hours, while some games played in MLB (Major League Baseball) can even last over 3 hours.

Select Duration
Major League Baseball Games 3 hours or more than
Baseball games of the lower league 3 hours
College baseball games 2 - 3 hours
1.5 hours 9007 1.5 - 2 hours - 2 hours - 2 hours - 2 hours - 2 hours - 2 hours - 2 hours - 2 hours - 2 hours 900 hours Why is baseball game so long?

The goal of baseball players is to score the most runs in the game and, importantly, win the game more than the opposing team. To do this, the batter must hit the ball hard and secure the maximum number of runs during that period. However, when securing passages, it is extremely important to safely reach the bases without leaving them.

The length of a baseball game depends on several factors and thus the playing time varies accordingly. The average number of innings in a baseball game is 9 innings, which is enough to complete the game in 3 hours. However, if a particular baseball game exceeds the average number of innings and includes extra innings, then the game time may be extended until all innings have been completed.

Long breaks between innings can lengthen a baseball game. Since this game has no time limit, it can continue until the game is fully completed. Even though there are 9 in a standard baseball gameinnings, additional innings can be added to break a tie in the match, if any. Similarly, baseball games with fewer innings, such as high school and college games, can be under three hours long. Even conditions like bad weather can shorten a baseball game.


Baseball is a team sport that is not regulated by the clock. There is no set time limit for this game, but on average it lasts approximately 3 hours for a 9innings.

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