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How many subs in basketball
How many subs in basketball
How to play, scoring and all you need to know
Since its invention in 1891, basketball’s popularity has soared globally and is one of the most popular sports in the world. Here are the rules of basketball.
One of the most popular sporting disciplines in the world, basketball made its first appearance at the Olympics as a demonstration sport at the 1904 St Louis Games.
At the 1936 Games, basketball was included as a medal event and has been a permanent fixture at the quadrennial sporting showpiece since. Women’s basketball made its Olympic debut in 1976.
For people unfamiliar with the sport, here are the modern-day basketball rules, the regulations, scoring system, positions, and the origin of the sport.
Basketball has been a regular fixture at the Olympics since 1936.
Who invented basketball?
The origin of basketball can be traced to Springfield, Massachusetts in the USA. Dr James Naismith, a Canadian physical instructor working at the YMCA International Training School in Springfield, introduced basketball in 1891.
Instructed to devise an indoor sport to keep the YMCA athletes in shape during the harsh winter months, Naismith came up with a sport involving two peach baskets and a soccer ball with a set of 13 rules.
The first game of basketball was a 9 vs 9 contest according to Naismith’s rule book but over the years, the laws have been changed and fine-tuned to make what we know as modern-day basketball.
Basketball court: Dimensions and markings
To understand basketball, it’s important to have an idea of the court’s layout.
According to FIBA (international basketball federation) guidelines, a basketball court is a rectangular playing area 28m in length and 15m in width. International competitions including the Olympics follow FIBA guidelines.
The border markings along the length of the court are called sidelines and the breadth of the court are called endlines or baselines.
The key in the basketball court is a rectangular painted area inside the three-point arc.
The outer edge of the key parallel to the endline is called the free-throw line. There’s a 3.6m diameter semi-circle drawn on the outer part of the free-throw line called the free-throw circle.
Basketball rules and sport's regulations
Basketball is a team sport and the game is played between two sides. The core objective in a basketball game is to score points by putting the ball inside the hoop (basket) and to prevent the opposing team from doing the same.
A basketball game starts at the centre of the court when the ball is thrown high up by the referee and one player from each team competing to gain possession. The team that catches the ball, or in possession, is called the offensive team while the team not on the ball is the defensive team.
The offensive team plays with the intent of getting the ball through the opposition hoop or scoring a field goal after moving the ball around the court by passing or dribbling the ball, abiding by a fixed set of basketball rules.
Basketball points-scoring system
Three-point shot: Shooting and scoring a field goal from anywhere outside the three-point line arc wins the team three points. These are referred to as three-pointers.
Two-point shot: A field goal which is scored from inside the area encircled by the three-point arc in the opposition half is worth two points. These are called two-pointers.
One-point shot: Points can also be accumulated through free-throws, which are worth a point each. Free throws are awarded to a team when the opposition team fouls.
During free throw, the fouled player is allowed a fixed number of shots -- depending on the nature and referee’s interpretation of the foul committed -- at an open basket from anywhere inside the free-throw circle with both his feet behind the free-throw line.
Illegal physical contact or obstructions without the intention of winning the ball by a defender when an offensive player is aiming to shoot is regarded as a foul.
A FIBA sanctioned game typically consists of four quarters of 10 minutes each. After two quarters or half-time, the teams switch sides on the court. The team with more points at the end of the four quarters wins the match. If the score is tied at the end of regulation time, the game can go into an overtime period.
Basketball violations
An offensive player can keep the basketball moving around the court by dribbling or passing the ball to a teammate. In a basketball dribble, a player needs to bounce the ball against the floor continuously using one hand at a time.
Using both hands simultaneously to dribble or touching the ball twice before it bounces once constitutes a double dribble violation, which ends in ceding possession to the opponent team.
Furthermore, if a player stops a dribble completely, they need to pass or shoot the ball. In case they start dribbling the ball again after stopping, it is also considered a double dribble violation.
While receiving a ball on the move, a player is allowed to take a maximum of two steps before passing, shooting or starting a dribble. Basically, a player is not allowed to run with the ball. Otherwise, they are called for traveling violation, which again results in turning over possession.
If in a stationary position while receiving a ball or after stopping a dribble, a player also needs to establish a pivot foot, on which they need to stay planted in the same spot while swerving or turning until a pass or shot is made.
Players receiving the ball can start a dribble but can’t lift or displace the pivot foot until the ball leaves his hands. Failure to comply results in a traveling violation.
When a team gains possession inside its own half, the players get 10 seconds to move into the opposition half. Once a team crosses into the midline, possession needs to be maintained in the defending team’s half and offensive players cannot go back to their own half.
If the ball is passed back, it results in backcourt violation.
A defensive player is also not allowed to block or touch the ball when in a downward trajectory towards the basket. This is called goaltending violation.
During an attack, an offensive player isn’t allowed to stay in the opposition key for over three seconds without attempting a shot. It is called the three-second rule and results in lane violation.
Shot Clock
Once a team gains possession of the ball, they are put on a 24-second Shot Clock, which means they have to throw the ball at the hoop or attempt a valid field goal before time runs out.
Failure to do so again results in the possession being turned over to the opposition team.
A Shot Clock stopwatch is typically displayed behind the basket during a basketball game.
How many players in a basketball team
A traditional basketball team has 12 players, with five basketball players on the court at any given time.
Unlimited substitutions are allowed.
The five players can be segregated into the following positions:
Point guard: Usually players with the best ball-handling skills and vision in the team play as point guards. A point guard’s primary role is to orchestrate both offensive and defensive plays and set up scoring opportunities for team-mates.
Shooting guard: Typically the best long-range and mid-range shooter in the team. Players patrolling the position constantly look for three-pointers or can help drag defenders out wide to create space near the basket for their team-mates.
Basketball legend Michael Jordan typically played as a shooting guard
Small forward: Playing as a short forward needs a versatile skill set. It requires strength and height as well as speed and dribbling abilities. Mid-range and short-range shooting abilities are also important.
Power forward: A power forward is somewhat similar to a small forward but with a bigger focus on physicality.
A power forward is usually a foil for the center and are the team’s most dependable scorers from inside the paint.
Center: Usually the tallest player in the team, a center is required to occupy the space nearest to the basket in both halves. In defence, they are tasked to pick rebounds and block opposition shooters while their offensive duties require them to finish off short-range moves or shield out defenders to allow their team-mates a clean drive at the basket.
NBA, the popular US-based basketball league, also follows similar rules with very minor alterations.
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Basketball Substitutions
Home>Sports>Basketball>Basketball Rules
Table of Contents
- Substitutions In Basketball
- How Players Substitute In
- When Teams Substitute
- Rotations And Substitutions
Substitutions In Basketball
A substitution in basketball is when one player on the court is replaced by a player from the bench.
Both teams’ benches are located on the same sideline of the court.
Players that are substituted into the game must be on the team roster and the active list. There is no limit to the number of substitutions a team can make during a game. Players must be substituted during a dead ball, meaning that play is stopped.
When a player is fouled out or leaves the court for any reason, they must be replaced by a substitute. Each team must have five players on the court at all times.
How Players Substitute In
When one or more players are selected by their coach to enter the game, they must first check-in at the scorer’s table. This is located in between the benches at midcourt. Once they are at the scorer’s table, the player(s) must wait until a dead ball situation to enter the game.
Any players entering the game must report who they are replacing. When a substitution is made, the buzzer sounds briefly, and the removed player(s) go to the bench while the substitutes take the court.
When Teams Substitute
In basketball, teams are only allowed to make substitutions when the ball is dead and the clock has stopped.
The referee will call a dead ball after the following situations in a basketball game:
- the ball is carried or thrown out of bounds
- a foul or violation is called
- a player injury occurs
- a timeout is called
The only exceptions to the dead ball substitution rule are when a player on the court is bleeding or seriously injured and must be replaced immediately.
Rotations And Substitutions
A rotation is a substitution strategy used by coaches to maximize their top player's performance. Rotations are defined schedules that coaches make to determine how much playing time each player will get in a game. Rotation plans not only factor in playing time, but also break time. It is important for the star players of a team to rest and for other players to gain experience on the court. In a typical 48-minute NBA game, starting players get about 25-35 minutes per game.
How many substitutions can be made in a basketball game?
Unlike soccer, basketball does not have any substitution limits. You can substitute in as many players as you need to in basketball, or as few as you would like.
When can you make your first substitution in basketball?
You can make your first substitution as soon as the first dead ball is called or an injury occurs. There is no minimum time required before substitutions can be made in a basketball game.
How many players have to be on the court?
In a basketball game, there should always be ten players on the court; five players from one team and five from another. If someone is taken out of the game, a substitute must replace them. The only time a team will have less than five players on the court is if all available substitutes have fouled out or are injured. However, this rarely happens.
What is the sixth man in basketball?
The term sixth man refers to the first player to be substituted into the game, making them the sixth player to play for their team.
Each team likely has one player that is typically subbed in first, and they can be an extremely important player when it comes to revitalizing a team’s energy and scoring off of the bench.
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Basketball rules. Substitution
Substitution is the suspension of the game process, at the request of one of the substitute players, in order to exchange players. An unlimited number of substitutions can be made during the game. The substitution process takes place after the stoppage of playing time.
The team has the right to make a substitution immediately after the need arises.
The chance to make a substitution occurs after
- the ball becomes dead and the game clock stops.
After the referee has finished showing a special gesture to the scorer's table. - A goal was thrown into the basket of the team that requested the substitution, either in the last few minutes of the last period or in the last minutes of extra periods.
Players' chance to make a substitution ends when:
- when the ball is in the player's hands for the player's first or only free throw.
- when the ball is in the hands of the player who will throw the ball in from outside the playing area.
After a substitution has taken place, and the player becomes a substitute, and a substitute player, they have no right to return to their previous positions. They have such a right after the ball becomes dead again, after starting the countdown.
An exception may be the fact that the team has less than the required number of players. The player who is involved in the correction of the error is already on his team bench after a correct substitution.
A team member who was injured and received first aid or stopped bleeding was able to recover during the timeout.
Substitution procedure
A substitute may request a substitution operation. The player must go to the table at which the scorers are sitting and clearly ask for a substitution. To do this, in basketball there is a certain gesture or it is necessary to take a special place allocated for substitute players and indicating a replacement. This player must be prepared for the fact that he can start the game immediately and this can happen at any time.
You can cancel a substitution request until the game clock is suspended and a special sound signal sounds.
As soon as there is a chance to change players in the game, the scorer is obliged to notify the referee about this - to give a special signal. At this moment, the secretary is obliged to convey to the referee the news about the desire to replace one of the substitute players.
The substitute who is about to start the game must remain behind the boundary line until the referee himself signals with a special signal that the substitution has been made.
The referee personally, with the help of a gesture, will invite a substitute player to the field, which will indicate the replacement. The player who is replaced is entitled to leave the court and takes his place on the bench of his team. It is not necessary to inform either the referee or the secretary about the replacement.
Substitutions within their time frames are very fast. Sometimes during the game, inattentive fans do not even notice this process. The player who has been disqualified by the referee or committed five fouls must be replaced on the field immediately. If the referee considers that the team is deliberately delaying the replacement process, then it loses one of the timeouts.
If a team has run out of time-outs, a technical foul may be charged to the team coach.
If the substitution process will take place during a time-out or during an official break, the substitute who is to start the game must first warn the referee about the substitution and only then start the game.
The player who will shoot the free throw is entitled to a substitution if:
- the request to make a substitution is made before all chances of substitution are over, before the first or only free throw is taken.
- The ball will become dead after the free throw has been taken. If the player who took the free throw is substituted immediately after the ball is dead. Then the opposing team also gets the right to replace players on the condition that the request for a replacement comes before the ball becomes live.
The player who will take the free throw must be substituted if:
- if he is injured,
- if the player commits five fouls,
- if the player is disqualified.
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Substitution Restrictions
Substitution may not be made after a free throw or between multiple free throws. If they were caused by a penalty for breaking a rule, until the ball is dead again.
An exception may be:
- a violation of the rules is recorded during free throws. In such a case, the throws must be taken and substitution is permitted until the penalty for a new infraction is administered.
- The foul must be called before the ball becomes live again after the free throw. In such a case, the referee authorizes the substitution to be made before the penalty for a new infraction is administered.
- The violation must be called before the ball becomes live again after the free throw. In this case, the substitution is allowed before the throw-in from outside the field of play.
If multiple free throws are made resulting in more than one foul penalty, then each free throw must be treated separately.
No substitution may be made by the team that scores the ball into the basket in the last two minutes of the end period, or in the last two minutes of each of the extra periods.
An exception may be the stop of the game process by the referee himself.
The team in whose basket the ball was thrown gets the chance to make a substitution. By the way, to keep yourself in good shape, you can sign up for a fitness club https://multisport.ru/
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general procedure and special cases
A substitute is eligible to become a player. The implementation of such a right by a substitute is carried out at his request. At this time, the game stops, which is called a substitution.
Situations where replacement is possible
The possibility of replacement appears in strictly defined standard cases, which can be divided into two groups:
- for both teams,
- for one of the two commands.
First group situations:
- the ball became dead, the game clock was stopped, the referee completed the interaction with the scorer's table;
- The last successful free throw was successfully executed, but after it the ball became “dead”.
One case belongs to the second group.
In particular, it is the game moment with the following parameters:
- on the game clock 2:00 minutes or less than 2:00 minutes in the fourth quarter; every overtime;
- at the above time of the corresponding period of the game, the ball is thrown into the basket.
In the case described above, the team in whose basket the ball was scored is entitled to a substitution. A substitution is allowed if the referee interrupts the game.
Non-standard replacement possibility situation
A player is to be substituted if he receives medical or other assistance. An exception to this rule is when there are less than 5 players left on the court.
Replacement expiry times
Terminates a replacement situation with one of two actions:
- the ball is at the player's disposal;
- The first free throw is taken.
Conditions for the return of a substitute from the game to the row of substitutes (player in the game from the team bench)
Conditions of this kind are divided into general and exceptional.
The only general condition is that the ball has become dead again after the timing phase.
Exceptional conditions include:
- less than 5 players left on the playing field;
- A corrected player is on the team bench as a result of a corrected free throw.
General replacement procedure
Only the spare has the right to request a replacement. Replacement production is a series of sequential actions.
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- The substitute comes to the scorer's table and properly asks for a substitution, ie shows the appropriate gesture with his hands, or sits down in a chair for substitution. The indicated action must be taken directly by the substitute. The head coach or first assistant coach is prevented from performing this action for a substitute. At the time of the request, the substitute must be ready to play immediately.
- The timekeeper gives a signal to inform the officials that a request for a substitution has been made at the time of the opportunity to make it.
Thus, the request for replacement can only be canceled before the specified signal. - The substitute remains behind the boundary line until the whistle is blown and the referee signals a substitution.
- The referee calls for a substitute to enter the playing court.
- The substituted player is immediately sent to his team bench. He is not required to inform the timekeeper or referee about the substitution.
Changes must be made quickly. The replacement of a player who has committed 5 fouls or is disqualified is carried out immediately, that is, no longer than 30 seconds.
Delay sanction
The sleep judge decides on the basis of his own opinion that a delay has occurred. The team's penalty for delaying the production of a substitution is a time-out. If the time-outs are exhausted, then the delay sanction is a technical foul, which is the punishment of the head coach of the offending team, recorded as “B”.
Additional substitution rule during a time-out, break in the game
A substitute must report the substitution to the timekeeper before entering the game when the substitution is made during a time-out or during an interval of play.
An exception to this additional rule is a substitution during the half-time interval.
Substitute for free throw shooter
During the game, it is possible to replace a player taking a free throw or free throws if during execution:
- he was injured;
- committed 5 fouls;
- was disqualified.
In either of the above cases, the free throw or free throws are taken by a substitute after a substitution of an eliminated player has taken place. A substitute of the indicated type of substitution cannot be replaced until he plays in the next phase of the game clock.
Substitution during first free throw
When a request for a substitution is made while the ball is in the possession of a player who intends to take the first free throw, it may be granted if:
- successful execution of the last free throw;
- throw-in immediately following the last unsuccessful free throw;
- calling a foul between free throws;
- calling a foul before the ball became live after the last free throw;
- calling a violation before the ball became live after the last free throw.
In the cases listed, a request for a substitution may come from any team. In the third, fourth and fifth cases, special conditions for the production of a replacement are provided.
A special substitution condition in the event of a call for a foul between free throws is that the substitution is allowed before the start of a new foul penalty, unless otherwise provided by the rules of the game.
When a foul is called before the ball has become live after a free throw has been taken, the substitution is unambiguously permitted only until the next foul penalty is enforced.
If a violation is called before the ball became live after a free throw, the substitution is allowed until the throw-in is taken.
However, each consecutive free throw and/or possession streak occurring on the basis of more than one foul penalty is treated separately.
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