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How much does a basketball weigh in grams

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Beginners in basketball may believe that all basketballs are the same weight. Yet, the ball’s weight might vary based on a variety of conditions. So, how much does a basketball weigh

A basketball typically weighs between 1.3 and 1.5 pounds (21 to 22 ounces). The materials for the making of a basketball also affect its total weight.

Let’s dive right into the article with Scott Fujita!


What Is The Standard Weight And Size Of A Basketball?

NBA Basketball Weighs 1.4 pounds

Although basketballs come in a variety of sizes, the NBA basketball weight is typically the average. So, if we’re talking about the weight of professional NBA basketball, it’ll be approximately 1.4 pounds.

The diameter of the ring is 29.5 inches. The air pressure is another critical thing to consider, which requires a normal air pressure of 7.5 to 8.5 pounds per square inch.

How Much Does An NBA Basketball Weigh?

The Metric System Employs The Gram As The Measurement Of Weight.

Every player desires to play in the NBA, the most competitive and successful basketball league globally. Although there are various other organizations with varied styles, the NBA is the most well-known. 

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The proper weight for men’s basketball is 1.37 pounds, according to NBA regulations and specifications. The circumference, on the other hand, is 29.5 inches tall. As a result, you have a reasonable estimate of the weight of an NBA basketball.

Due to the physicality of females, the WNBA reduces the standard for weight and circumference. The WNBA basketball has a maximum weight of 1.13 pounds and a circumference of 28.5 inches.

How Much Does A Basketball Weigh In Grams?

Youth Basketballs Are Size 5

Do not worry if you do not know what pounds mean. The metric system employs the gram as the measurement of weight. Therefore, for your convenience, all the data is presented in gram form. 

A basketball of size 4 weighs roughly 397 grams for junior balls. When compared to other sizes, it is relatively light, as previously stated. 

The weight of the size 5 climbs dramatically, reaching 481 grams. Since this size is for youngsters aged ten and up, it is not difficult to comprehend. As a result, the weight and size of the players expand to fit their physique.

For their tournaments, several leagues and groups now collaborate with various manufacturing enterprises. Because it is the most competitive platform, the NBA is the gold standard for every basketball player. They utilize a 7-sized ball that is 623 grams in weight. 

The WNBA uses a slightly different metric. They utilize a 6-sized ball that weighs 510 grams and has a 2-3 inches narrower circumference. If there is more air inflation pressure in the ball, these readings will alter as well. 

The NCAA uses Wilson balls instead of Spalding balls. As a result, their men’s basketball weighs the same as the NBA but has a 30-inch diameter.

The weight of women’s basketball is roughly 566 grams, with a diameter of 29 inches. Basketball sizes are also measured differently by the International Basketball Federation. 

Although they all weigh 566 grams, the production process causes them to feel somewhat different in hand. Men’s basketball has a circumference of 30.5 inches, whereas women’s basketball is 29 inches.

How Much Does A Youth Basketball Weigh?

Mini Basketball

The pro league for up-and-coming stars is the youth leagues, also known as junior basketball leagues. They do not play regular basketball and use a more miniature college basketball instead. 

They also utilize mini basketballs, which are lighter than professional NBA basketballs. For conventional measures, youth basketballs are often designated as size 5. 

It is lighter than NBA basketballs, weighing roughly 1.25 pounds. The circumference of the ring is approximately 27.5 inches. This sort of ball is used by any young player under ten for their regular training and games. 

A 4-sized basketball may be used by anyone aged eight or younger. This ball is 25.5 inches in circumference, which is much less than that of conventional NBA balls. A size 4 is typically roughly 0.87 pounds. 

How Much Does A Mini Basketball Weigh?

An Inflated Basketball Weigh At Least 22 Pounds.

Basketball sizes vary according to the gender, age, and skill level of the participants. For junior players in a school-level game, the ball may be of GL. The mini basketball typically weighs around 0.625 pounds (10 lb) or 283 grams (g) and is designed for children aged 3 to 5.

How Much Does A Women’s Basketball Weigh? 

Women and men have various physical characteristics and features. As a result, the rules for basketball measuring varied. Women have their league, that’s the WNBA, where they may show off their prowess. 

Basketball league sizes are mostly divided into two categories. The first is more extensive, measuring 29 inches in diameter and weighing 1.25 pounds. This basketball is a regular 6-inch basketball. 

The other one is slightly smaller than 28 inches in diameter and weighs 1.125 pounds. According to the match requirements, condition, air pressure, inflation, and other criteria, the official match balls are chosen.

The standards for international forms follow the International Basketball Federation standards. While the Molten basketballs use some of the same materials as the Spalding basketballs, they are somewhat smaller and heavier.  

These basketballs are high-quality leather. So, you should be able to spin a ball around your finger.

How Does A Properly Inflated Ball Weigh?

A Perfect Basketball Does Not Come With Sufficient Inflation.

In most cases, a perfect basketball does not come with sufficient inflation. If you’re playing on outdoor basketball courts, it is unlikely that you’ll notice. 

The same cannot say the same for professional players who play regularly. You’ll wind up over inflating or under inflating your basketball if you don’t have a good understanding of properly inflated basketball weight. 

The weight of an average inflated basketball must be at least 22 pounds. The inflation error margin, on the other hand, is roughly 0.03 pounds. So, if you stay in this range, that’s great. 

How Is The Air Measured In A Ball?

Every Basketball Has Air Inside Of It.

The correct air pressure inside a basketball may make a massive difference in your game feel. However, to maintain appropriate pressure, you must understand how to gauge air pressure. 

Here, you’ll learn how to maintain a high air density within the basketball by psi, or pounds per square inch, which is the standard pressure unit for basketball. Inside a basketball, the pressure should be between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch. 

A pressure gauge is ideal for measuring air pressure, a standard instrument for determining the strength of a gas or fluid. 

It is capable of calculating the overall pressure trapped inside a confined space. Gently put the gauge into the ball’s needle aperture while determining the air pressure. The psi within the ball will show on the dial or screen.

Final Thoughts

You can measure basketball in several different ways in circumference, inflation pressure, and total weight. When selecting a basketball, keep in mind your gender, age, and league you will use it. 

Basketballs are sized and weighted differently in different leagues. As a result, understanding the proper size is critical to prevent getting disqualified from a game. 

Hopefully, now that you are familiar with basketball sizes and have discussed how much does a basketball weigh in pounds, grams, or ounces and how it influences player performance. So, you will have a better understanding of the game.

How Much Does A Basketball Weigh?

Just as in life, not all men, or women, are created equal, so it’s also true that not all basketballs are – or, indeed, are meant to be – the same weight.

Just as in many ball sports – soccer being a prime example – the size and weight of a ball can vary according to the age and physical capabilities of the players, so is the case in basketball.

A standard basketball weight in the NBA is 21 to 22 ounces – equivalent to 1.3-1.4lbs, or 588 to 616 grams. The amount of air in the ball, or the pressure to which the ball is inflated make little difference to this, and the variation will only be around half an ounce, or 14 to 15 grams.

What Sizes Are Basketballs Available In?

A basketball’s circumference can vary by as much as 80 per cent, and depending on the ages of the players, can still be acceptable for playing the game.

Junior players may start with a ball weighing as little as 8oz, or roughly 225 grams, while the standard ball used in the NBA is known as a Size 7.

Here is a chart showing the sizes and weights of the various balls which can be used:

Size 116 inches8 ounces
Size 322 inches10 ounces
Size 425.5 inches14 ounces
Size 527.5 inches17 ounces
Size 628.5 inches20 oz
Size 729.5 inches22 oz

Of course, if you aren’t playing the game at elite level, where the regulations are less tightly enforced, you can use a ball of any of the above sizes, but there are rules governing basketball weight in all major leagues, including the NBA, WNBA (women’s equivalent of the NBA), NCAA (college-level basketball), and the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).

These are as follows:


Maximum circumference 29 inches: weight 18-20 oz

College basketball (NCAA): 

For boys, the basketball weight guidelines are the same as in the NBA; however, a girls’ ball must strictly weigh 20 oz (about 560 grams) – so you have the slightly odd situation that some junior female players may regularly use a ball which is heavier than once played with by the pros in the WNBA.

International basketball (FIBA): 

In men’s games, the basketball must weigh between 20 and 23 ounces (567-650 grams), while the basketball weight for women’s games is a minimum of 18 oz (510 grams) and a maximum of 20 oz (567 grams).

Youth leagues around the world allow a greater variation between their permitted basketball weight. In North America, the standard ball weighs 14 oz, or 400 grams, and in international youth matches, played under FIBA rules, these stipulate a ball weight of 16 to 17 ounces, or 454 to 482 grams.

What Other Rules Govern The Properties of a Basketball?

The most obvious one is the pressure of the air inside the ball – which is what allows it to bounce so high, but also evenly, when it is properly inflated.

Just as with a car tire, you can use a gauge to measure the pressure of the air inside a basketball. The accepted air pressure inside a basketball in the NBA – and all other senior leagues – is 8 PSI (pounds per square inch).

The rules of physics (and our own experience of playing with various kinds of inflatable ball)  tell us that, the greater the pressure inside the ball, the harder its external surfaces will be, and so the more it will be able to bounce.

And a basketball is intended to be quite hard, because that is what allows it to be bounced so well, and thrown with a high level of accuracy.

Many basketball players will also attest to the fact that catching and dribbling a basketball which is under-inflated can be very difficult, as the ball will move more slowly, while an over-inflated ball can cause nasty injuries through trapping of your fingers.

What Other Interesting Facts Are There About Basketballs?

  • The pattern and grain of a basketball are intended to closely resemble those on a baseball.
  • A basketball is made of fine, full-grain leather.
  • Spalding is the official manufacturer of the basketballs approved for use in the NBA and WNBA, as well as in the premier league in Europe, the Euroleague.
  • The founder of the Spalding company, Albert Goodwill Spalding, was a professional baseball player, a pitcher with the Boston Red Stockings (later amalgamated into the Atlanta Braves), and while still playing professionally, he opened a sports goods store in Chicago. The company later expanded into manufacturing and distribution, and is still in business almost 120 years later.
  • An official full-grain leather basketball costs around $170 (2021 price, just over £123 Sterling).
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Basketball size 7,6,5,3 (weight, diameter, pressure)

Home / All sports / Basketball size 7,6,5,3 (weight, diameter, pressure)

03/20/2020 All sports Leave a comment 26,295 Views

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    Basketball size varies by league, governing body, and gender and age of students. Basketballs differ from each other in weight, pressure, circumference and material of manufacture. According to the official rules of the game, the game projectile must have a spherical shape, be made in orange and have 8 black inserts and seams.

    The official size of a basketball is numbered 7, it has the following characteristics: weight (mass) is - 567-650 grams, circumference - 749-780 cm, atmospheric pressure - 0.56 - 0.63 kg / cm 2 . This is the largest ball, and now look at the rest in the table:

    Size Circumference (cm) Weight (grams) Pressure (kg/cm 2) Where applicable
    7 749-780 567-650 0.56 - 0.63 Professional Men's Basketball, Boys 14+
    6 724-737 510-567 0. 56 - 0.63 Women's professional basketball, girls 12+, boys 12-13
    5 690-710 470-500 0.56 - 0.63 Boys and girls 10-11 years old
    3 560-580 300-330 0.56 - 0.63 Boys and girls 4-9 years

    Pass the Basketball Test

    Basketballs are made from natural leather or synthetic leather - the pressure is the same for all sizes. It is worth remembering that a correctly inflated ball of the correct size is important to ensure quality training and skill development for players of different ages.

    For games held under the auspices of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), the ball is inflated to air pressure so that when it falls onto the court from a height of 1.8 meters, it should bounce to a height of 1.2-1.4 meters (measured by the top of the game ball).

    Indoor and outdoor basketballs

    There are no differences between the versions of the game in terms of size, but there are other nuances regarding manufacturing. Indoor balls are made of genuine leather, and outdoor balls are made of rubber.

    Leather basketballs intended for indoor use should not be used outdoors. Concrete or asphalt surfaces cause the leather to become rough and wear out quickly, eventually resulting in poor hand-ball contact. Also, some balls for playing inside are made of composite or synthetic leather, but their quality leaves much to be desired.

    For outdoor play, manufacturers make balls with a rubber surface, as it is able to interact better with rough field surfaces. Rubber basketball will be a good choice for beginner players as it is much easier to control and develop skills.

    Best Selling Basketball Brands

    Basketball is very popular all over the world, which means that ball manufacturers do not have to sit idle, because they need to compete, create a quality product and, accordingly, make a profit. Here are the 3 best selling basketball brands in the world.

    1. Spalding (USA)
    2. Wilson (USA)
    3. Molten (Japan)

    Spalding makes balls for the most popular league in the world, the NBA. Wilson is in demand with the NCAA and most of the youth leagues in the United States of America. But Molten is the main supplier of game equipment for FIBA ​​tournaments, European championships and even the Olympic Games.

    Note that on average for men, a standard size 7 basketball sells for $30-60.

    Basketballs have changed a lot since the beginning of the game in the late 19th century. Today, technology has made it possible to make very high-quality and even smart balls. This was not always the case, because decades have passed and the balls have undergone many changes and improvements, although at the very beginning, James Naismith, the founder and father of basketball, used a soccer ball to play, which his students threw into peach baskets.

    A new wave of basketball ball design, sweat throughout the appearance, will stand out flawless technology. This applies to the panels of the game projectile - now there are 8 of them, and the new composite structures have only two. New modern balls are constantly advertised by manufacturers. There are those that can control humidity, have more pimples - dots, and are even able to track the entire process of the game and in live mode and send information (strength of throw, rotation, impact) to Android or iPhone. Such a ball is 94FiFty.

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    size, weight, diameter, main features and properties of

    Danila Chezhin

    The word basketball consists of two English words - basket (basket) and ball (ball). The first part of the name arose because in the original version of the game, instead of a ring and a shield, a regular fruit basket with a cut-out bottom was used. What about the second part? What should be a basketball? What material is used to make it? Are there standards that establish the diameter and weight of the main basketball projectile? Look for answers to these and other questions in our article.

    The main characteristics of the basketball ball

    The material used for the manufacture of modern basketball spheres is artificial leather. Every year, equipment manufacturers modernize the coating and improve the quality of the workmanship, making the ball more and more comfortable for athletes.

    The optimum pressure for an inflated game ball is 7 to 9 psi, pounds-force per square inch.

    It is customary to play basketball with an orange ball with black lines drawn on it, which divide the sphere into 8 equal parts. But this is not a dogma - in tournaments of different levels there are official balls of other colors. Much more important is the weight and diameter of the projectile.

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    Weight, size and circumference of a basketball

    The so-called "seven" is used in men's team competitions. The weight of a size 7 basketball is from 567 to 650 grams. The diameter of the circle is 749-780 millimeters.

    The diameter of the basketball used in women's competitions is smaller - from 724 to 737 mm. Weight - 510-567 g.

    Children and young men play the so-called "five". This ball is even smaller and lighter. 690-710 millimeters is the allowable circumference. The mass of the ball of the 5th size is 470-500 g.

    Different sizes of balls result from different hand physiology. Obviously, the smaller the grip, the smaller the ball.

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    FIBA ​​Basketball

    Basketball size standards are the same in European and American basketball. The differences are only in the manufacturing companies. The official ball of tournaments under the auspices of FIBA, the main European basketball federation, is the model of the Japanese company Molten, one of the largest market players in the world.

    Competitions under the auspices of the Russian Basketball Federation are also held by the Molten model.

    NBA Basketball

    Spalding has been the official ball in North American Major League Basketball for many years. Moreover, the artificial leather model, introduced into use at some point, was not recognized by the players' council. As a result, the NBA returned to the traditional natural turf model.

    The NCAA college basketball league in the United States uses a Chicago-brand Wilson ball. The same model is used in Russian university sports tournaments.

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    Types of basketballs

    With the growing popularity of street basketball 3x3, streetball, manufacturers have become more active. Balls for the hall are not suitable for playing on asphalt, as they quickly lose their qualities. Therefore, numerous companies produce a huge number of specialized shells for the "street". The most famous balls are the American Rawlings, which are played in almost all major three-on-three basketball tournaments.

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