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How to be good at pickup basketball
How to be good at pickup basketball
15 Essential Pick-Up Basketball Tips
One of the favorite outdoor activities of many – pick-up basketball, is played on the playgrounds around the world and it’s widely spread almost as basketball indoors. It was hard to single out just 15 tips for it, but we came up with the list.
Some of these you already know, some of these you’ll need to practice at least a little, and some of it will come to you naturally. It really doesn’t matter if you’re a complete beginner or you know basketball. Choose your style of game and be persistent.
1. One-on-one game
When playing pick-up, there’s maybe five more players on the court beside you, sometimes less. Sometimes you need to step up, and most often you get the opportunity for that when staying alone with a man who’s guarding you.
Simply don’t allow for a screen and tell your teammates you’re going one on one this time. This is the most effective way of scoring when you’re playing with the players you never played with before.
Sometimes you and your new teammates just don’t get along, so there’s no chemistry. And since there’s no chemistry, there is no game, which means your ball movement sucks. So to win a game and stay on the court you need to play one on one. Also, it’s the opportunity for the other players and the crowd (if there’s any) to see you’re worth something.
If you learn this, you’ll most likely learn to score because you’ll get plenty of shots to try.
2. Learn at least 3 offensive moves
If you want to be good at this you need to have at least three offensive moves you can use anytime. Practice only one move every time you step on the playground until it becomes something normal and natural for you.
Do these moves in a different way and with different speed so that your opponents can’t predict what you’ll do. You can practice faking the defender and then shoot over him. Or to drive right, fake the jump shot and then going for a jump shot or lay-up. Learn how to crossover your defender.
If you’re not physically capable of any of these, practice shooting. That way you’ll always be a valuable asset to a team that picks you up.
3. Work on your condition
Look, you don’t have to run a marathon, but go for a run now and then if you can. You will not only play pick-up with ease but also feel the health benefits of running in all other daily activities.
It’s not important how good you are if you’re tired. If you don’t have enough energy to get you through two or three games of pick-up, don’t even start it, work first on your condition. If you don’t know if it’s a smart idea to run in your old basketball shoes, this article might give you an answer.
Don’t worry too much, just do a few miles now and then. If you can, work with weights too. If you’re physically ready, you can outplay even the players better then you.
4. Fuel up
Don’t ever play pick-up basketball hungry. Now, what you’ll eat is up to you. If this meal is right before stepping on the court, it shouldn’t be something that could slow you down before you even started.
My choice is always something easy on the stomach that enters fast to muscles but also with a decent number of calories to keep me steady.
I recently wrote an article about this. You can go here with bananas and protein bar, apple and whey protein, chocolate bar and almonds, etc. but make sure there are enough carbohydrates in there (sweets and candy excluded). If you’re having lunch before pick-up, just make sure you don’t overeat.
5. Don’t lose confidence in pick-up games because…
Nobody’s watching you; you don’t have any crowd, you’re not on TV, it doesn’t really matter how you play. So keep that in mind whenever you miss a few shots in a pick-up game.
Attack the rim, be aggressive on defense, and good effort will bring back your confidence. A bad rhythm can change, you just need to work for it. Even if you don’t play often, come there with the boss attitude and do what you’re good at.
6. Learn how to play pick and roll
This is a simple but so effective basketball offensive play easy to learn.
It works both for shorter and taller players because both are taking part in this play.
Basically, the taller and slower guy sets a screen for the shorter guy (blocks the movement of shorter guy’s defender). Then he rolls from the defender into an open space, receives the pass from the shorter and faster guy, and now has to decide will he try to score or get the ball back to shorter guy for a shot.
Pick and roll is easy to learn and implement for everyone and does wonders on the court. This is the move that can solve the game very fast if you do it right. It can be a cure if you’re playing against shorter guys and you have at least one big man with you.
7. Be a team player
I think this is clear. It doesn’t make sense to shoot all the time. You’re there just for fun, make it as fun for others too. Passing makes two players happy, scoring just one. Always look for an open teammate, don’t be possessive with the ball. It can bother your teammates, and they can easily choose someone else to play that time or some other time when you see them on the court.
Don’t be a ball hog, you’re not that good. Even if you are, think about your teammates and how to get them going. Even if you win, your teammates won’t be too happy. Another good side is that you won’t get so tired. Split the energy consumption between yourselves in the team. It makes life easier.
8. Protect your ankles
I can stress this enough because safety is usually the last thing ballers think about when playing pick-up and the truth is that it should be the first. Ankles are the most vulnerable because there’s a strong possibility that opposing player jumps on your foot or that you slip on the uneven or slippery court.
The first thing you can do here is to watch out and play moderately aggressive or not aggressive at all. The second thing you can do if you’re more serious about pick-up is to choose the right shoes with adequate ankle protection.
Feet health first. They carry the whole body; you have to keep them safe. If you’re not playing in basketball shoes, it would be smart to wear ankle braces for extra protection.
9. Work for a shot
If you’re new to a team and you want to show your skills fast, it’s best to work for a shot running from side to side and around the screens set up for you.
If nobody’s setting up screens, ask for a ball and try to get your teammates open so they do the same later for you. In any case, you need to work for a shot. Even if you make a few shots, if you just stand there the other players or crowd won’t be too fond of you. Besides, you won’t have so much fun not participating in the game.
Work for a shot and good things will come to you. Not to mention you’ll earn the respect of teammates.
10. Don’t let them provoke you
This is the worst of all. If you let them provoke you, I’m a hundred percent sure that your shot will go down for more then twenty percent. A few men out there have cold blood and nerves that allow them to react peacefully in a given moment. Be that guy.
Let them do the talking, stay calm and continue as nothing happened.
Use the adrenalin the right way, direct it in the right direction. Besides, if they see you’re angry, they’ll try to provoke you even more so you lose control. It’s like that; it’s in human’s nature to provoke and sabotage when trying to win in something. Be smarter.
11. Always go for a rebound
You must think that if you’re a shorter guy that you don’t have to go for a rebound, that it’s a big man’s job to pick up boards. But in pick-up basketball, since there are only max six players in the half-court, you have much higher chances for a rebound than in a regular 5v5 game.
Accordingly, there’s a more significant possibility for you to get an open shot quickly after the rebound. So don’t hesitate here if you want a win. It’s a common thing in pick-up basketball that the man who’s guarding you don’t even follow on a rebound, so you’re left alone, and you didn’t even expect it. Which leads us to another super important tip:
12. Please, make open shots in the paint!
Ok, this is one of the essential things that you just need to be doing.
Open shots are what wins games. If you want your teammates and other players to respect you, these are the shots you want to make. It’s the worst when you need to play with a guy that can’t make a clear 10-foot jump-shot when the game is on the line.
Another thing you should improve if you’re not doing it right is the lay-up. To make those you don’t need much talent or crazy physical attributes, just practice them a bit when you’re alone. Everyone’s going to love to play with you if you make open shots.
13. Have an identity
This means: be good at something. Anyone can be good at something. Find that one thing you do good in pick-up basketball and do it often. Some guys just don’t like to shot because they suck at it and that’s ok.
Basketball has many elements, and you can be good in at least one. Shooting, passing, rebounding, stealing, blocking, setting up screens, dribbling, being aggressive in defense, etc. Pick your skill. You’d be surprised at with how much confidence you come to the playground when you know you have one skill that you can always use with your eyes closed.
14. Use supplements
If you do not have a properly balanced diet, this is probably the first thing you’d need to do. Supplements will correct nutritional mistakes in your diet and probably allow you to jump and run more and try harder in pick-up games.
Depending on how you eat, there are some supplements that can instantly make you feel better. If you’re looking to improve your nutrition, here’s the list of all supplements that actually work, according to science. Just don’t spend your money on supplements that don’t do anything for you.
15. Use your head
You need to remember that basketball is as mental as physical activity. Muscles are not enough sometimes. Moving without the ball, knowing when to find an open teammate, and making the right decision when the score is on the line, are just some of the things we meet with, in pick-up basketball.
When it’s a game-time, you need to think. If you have some problems in your life, basketball can be an occasional escape from them, but also these problems can affect your pick-up basketball game.
Don’t worry about it and move on because everyone has a bad day. It will be better next time.
Wrapping up
There you have it. Now you’re ready to go out there and implement some of these tips. There’s really not much more to it than this. Cooperate with your teammates, don’t be a jackass and enjoy this game. If you want to play in your driveway, check out portable basketball hoops on Amazon. It’s a brilliant option if you have a place for it somewhere around the house.
[Tip] Advice for Pickup Basketball -- for everyone, but especially New Players : BasketballTips
I've noticed a lot of people on this sub asking for advice as new players. I wrote this a few years back just for fun for some friends who wanted to improve, and I found it recently and thought people might appreciate it. Let me know your thoughts.
On Offense:
· If you’re tall, go inside
If you’re above 6’3” tall, unless your Dirk Nowitski, get in the lane on offense.
All you have to do is lift your arms and you’ll get 25% of the offensive rebounds. You don’t have to spend 100% of your time there (I don’t want you clogging up the whole offense), but spend at least 50% of your time near the basket. There are too many tall guys who spend all their time away from the basket, and it's really frustrating as a teammate.
· Post entry passes come from the wing
So many people want to make the post entry pass from the top of the key. This is 100% wrong. It’s far more likely to result in a turnover and it will be harder for the post player to get the shot he wants. Pass the ball to the wing and feed the post from there.
· Don’t turn the ball over
Obvious, right? But how often do I play with a team that turns the ball over on >30% of possessions. If you’ve had a few turnovers in the game already, it’s time to start making more conservative passes and decisions. You’re forcing things that aren’t there and giving the team zero chance to win.
· Put context around fouls/out-of-bounds calls
If you drive straight into a triple team, don’t call a foul. If you jumped on someone’s back for a rebound, don’t call it out of bounds on them. Refs use context when they officiate and follow “advantage/disadvantage” philosophy. Pickup games should too.
· Cut to the basket
You don’t have to take this one to the extreme (and some people try to). All 5 guys don’t have to be moving at the same time for an offense to work. You don’t have to be in motion 100% of the time, that’s actually a bad thing. But if you screen the ball, roll to the basket. If the ball is on the wing and no one’s on the strong side block, cut to the basket for a pass.
If I draw your man on a double team, cut to the basket. I don’t want you waiting for a mid-range jumper or a 3pt unless you’re the best shooter on the court. I want to make them pay for double teaming. Go get yourself a layup.
· Don’t try to fast break if you can’t dribble
Self-explanatory. But so many guys will be like “let’s fast break, we can wear them out.” Guess what, if no one on our team can handle the ball we’re just giving them turnovers for free.
· Be able to make a lay-up on the move (fast break/cut)
So many guys yell and scream that they missed layups. “AH! I missed 5 layups that game!” Hey, I hate to say it, but you’re not very good at layups… Seriously, people act like it’s tying your shoes, but making a layup on the move takes some practice. So practice them at speed and too many players can't make a layup unless they stand flat-footed under the basket.
· Keep the defense honest
It’s a general rule, but this one’s a little more nebulous so I’m writing out several corollaries for it.
Corollary #1: If you’re a guard or small forward and you’re open, shoot the open jumper if you get one.
(especially mid-range on courts without 3pt lines)
I don’t care if you aren’t a good jump shooter. You have to shoot open jumpers if the defense gives them to you. You don’t have to shoot 5 in a row. Just shoot enough to make the defense think you are capable of hitting it. It will unclog the lane, and our team has a decent chance at an offensive rebound (30% to 50% if you’re taking an open shot in rhythm)
Sidebar: If you’re so bad that you can’t hit the rim, we’re in trouble. Once a defense sees you’re awful, they’ll never play you honest. So practice jumpers long enough to at least make yourself look respectable.
Corollary #2: “Fake a pass, make a pass”
This could go under the “on-passing” section or the “no turnovers” rule, but I chose to put it here. This is so easy that someone just starting basketball could be taught it in 2 minutes. If you’re going to make a pass, fake that pass or fake a different pass first.
It lets you know how the defenders are leaning and keeps them off balance. This basic concept is why Ben Rothlisberger is an NFL quarterback.
Corollary #3: If you don’t have the ball and your defender turns his back to you or doesn’t have you in his peripheral vision – MOVE!
When he wants to check where you are, do not be where he left you. You have to force your guy to keep track of you. If he can reliably turn his back on you and still know where you are, you’re not keeping him honest.
· Don’t shoot us out of the game
“But you just said, if I’m open shoot it.” I don’t want the entire game to hinge on how you’re shooting today. Some good/decent shooters will make every game just a question of “Is that guy shooting well?”. That’s boring for the 9 other people on the court. If you miss a more than a couple shots, cut back. Let someone else try.
· When the game is on the line, the best player on the team gets the ball/shot.
“But you just said, if I’m open shoot it.” Yea, that’s great for most of the game, but if it’s game point we’re going with the best player. Defenses actually start trying at the end of the game. Mediocre players are going to be guarded. The NO TURNOVERS rule is even more critical to follow. The best player doesn’t have to take the shot, but the offense should at least go through him and get him a few touches on the possession. I can’t count the number of games I’ve lost solely because teammates broke this rule on 3-4 straight possessions at the end.
On Passing:
· Pass to the most open man
Offense is simple. Just pass the ball to the guy with the most separation between the defender and himself. That’s it. Good things will happen. That guy has the freedom to do whatever he wants! He can shoot. He can drive. He can make perfect, on-time passes. If a scoring opportunity doesn’t present itself, pass to the most open guy and repeat.
· When you get the ball as “the most open man”, do something quickly
This is one of Coach Cal’s biggest pet peeves, and I totally agree. If you earn a guy some open space, he needs to shoot, pass, or dribble (or fake something) almost immediately. Your team earned an advantage (because you’re open with the ball) and by doing nothing the defense recovers and you just give that advantage away for free – back to square one.
· No weak passes, no ‘floater’ passes! And make passes with a target in mind (usually the recipient’s chest)
This one really bothers me. Too many people throw slow, lob passes across court or into the post. By the time the ball arrives, any advantage you had is gone. You’d think this is simple, but 95% of pickup basketball players get this wrong. Also, a pass at my feet as a jump shooter is worthless. The defender has time to recover and even if he doesn’t your shooting percentage takes a dip because you can’t shoot in rhythm.
I also see a lot of people who seem to pass towards general directions. The ball will arrive low/high/way ahead/way behind etc. These misses are the difference between an easy bucket, the defender recovering or sometimes a turnover. Every pass you make, you should be aiming for a spot.
· Worse late than never
A late pass if worse than no pass at all. If you miss the window, don’t throw the pass. The timing window for a post pass or a cut to the basket is very small. In the post, usually you aren’t going to hold a good seal for more than a second or two. On a cut, there’s only 1 or 2 steps where you can receive the ball in rhythm and/or where you’re open. Too often, people wait too long then make a bad pass turnover after they see you’re open.
On Defense:
· Switch all screens
I mean, not every screen. But in general, yes, switch screens. It’s pickup basketball, let’s be lazy. If you’re through a screen stay with the guy, but generally speaking call it out and switch.
Obviously, there are special cases of huge size differences where you need to reconsider this. But basketball in the 21st century is more positionless. Everyone needs to be able to hold their own on defense against every position. And I'd rather have a slightly mismatched defender in good defensive position than the original defender in poor defensive position.
· Make your guy hit a jumper (or two)
Notice this is in exact contrast to offensive corollary #1. !!Don’t be an honest defender*!! Unless your man is a known great jump shooter, assume he’s going to miss jumpers. Sag off him and dare him to shoot. I’ve won so many games doing this I can’t even count. Generally speaking, pick up basketball players are not good enough to win games by consistently making jumpers. Besides even if he makes a couple, you can…*
· Don’t let your man beat you the same way thrice
Here’s one most pick-up players actually get right! Pick-up players do not have a repertoire of moves like an NBA player.
If a guy has one really good move, he’s already in the top 10% of players. So if he does something well twice, shut that exact move down. Without that, he will probably struggle. Get beat twice on the same move and I will forgive you. A third time and I’m going to be annoyed.
Other tidbits:
Generally, just know your strengths, what you can do and can’t do. Don’t try to do things you can’t in a game.
On screens, the off-ball defender decides if there should be a switch or not. He can see all 3 people, he knows if he’s hedging the screen or not. The on-ball defender is blind, it’s not reasonable to expect him to call for a switch (though he can if he wants it to be clear and he knows the situation will allow it).
Don’t give the other team an excuse to play harder. Trash talking, arguing excessively, gloating, show-boating are all discouraged. Generally, people don’t try very hard in pickup games unless you give them a reason to.
It will be much harder to win if the other team is giving full effort
Bounce passes are over-used. They’re slow and result in steals and turnovers more frequently. They’re often too low causing the receiver to bend at the waste giving up leverage. A firm chest pass allowing you to keep your shoulders broad is preferred in many situations.
Try to keep track of all 10 players on the court. At the very least, while on offense know where all your teammates are.
Know all 10 players’ abilities. Every play teaches you something about everyone on the court. Put it in the memory bank and use it to your advantage later.
a. Notice if a guy is left-handed
b. Notice if a guy has a smooth jumper
c. Notice if a guy televises his passes
d. Notice if a guy doesn’t dribble well
e. Notice if a guy has no jumper
f. Notice if a guy prefers a certain scoring move
g. Notice if a guy likes to cheat on defense
Basketball Games for PC
In our area, basketball has not received such scope and popularity as among Western sports fans (especially in the USA).
However, even in the CIS there is a dedicated army of fans and athletes who live this sport. It is for gamers among them that we have selected several good basketball games on PC.
NBA 2K Series
Our list opens with 2K's popular series of serious basketball simulations, whose history dates back to 2000. Every year a new part is released, which is better than the previous one in terms of graphics, animation, game modes and other gameplay components.
The only serious drawback of NBA 2K is the traditionally high price for sports games from 2K.
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NBA Live Series (up to and including NBA Live 2005)
NBA Live is a series of popular basketball simulation games from EA Sports that was discontinued on PC after 2005 due to the publisher's policy. However, for fans of serious and realistic basketball games, it still remains one of the best on a par with the NBA 2K series.
Where to buy: in the official digital services to find games in the series failed.
Freestyle 2: Street Basketball
Multiplayer street basketball sports simulator. In essence, Freestyle 2: Street Basketball is a game unique in its genre with exciting 3v3 matches, a special street atmosphere, stylized comic book graphics and the ability to create your own basketball player. An advanced editor will give the character a unique look and style of play.
The style of play is also influenced by the chosen position, which determines the methods of attack and defense, types of throws and passes. And each team member is a live player! What brings Freestyle 2: Street Basketball closer to the MMO genre. There are also daily tasks and the ability to upgrade your virtual basketball player. The game is free, you can download the client in the Steam service.
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2
A sequel to NBA Playgrounds that's more fast-paced and more arcade-y than the original. Players are still invited to play street basketball, but the level of matches is significantly increased: now gamers can participate in full seasons! Users can recruit NBA stars to their team, including Michael Jordan, Jason Tatum, Kobe Bryant and others.
Unlike the usual NBA 2K, the whole game is accompanied by spectacular special effects, and the athletes seem to have superpowers. They can jump high up and literally "fly" to the ring.
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 lets you play with friends over LAN and challenge other players from all over the world.
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Hoops VR
Basketball simulator for virtual reality glasses. Here you can hardly get bored, because the game constantly throws up various tests. Standing still, you must shoot balls into the basket and score points to get to the top of the leaderboard.
And everything would be trite if the rules didn't change dramatically at random moments in the game. In addition to balls, you will also have other items in your hands (burning paper airplanes, vegetables, and so on), which also need to be thrown into the basket. Thus, something incredible will happen on the field!
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Regular Human Basketball
Co-op basketball platform game with robots.
Yes, that's right, we were not mistaken! This is a rather creative and original game in which gamers in a team will have to control giant robot athletes. Once inside, players will activate the movement and action buttons (pull/throw the ball) to make the mechanized Frankenstein move.
The goal remains the same - you need to throw the ball into the basket. But what is happening on the screen is so exciting that you can accidentally score yourself. Regular Human Basketball is only suitable for those who want to have fun with friends. Alone, this fun will seem like a chore to you.
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Basketball Classics
An arcade basketball game that takes players back to the golden age of sports gaming with pixel art and simple two-button gameplay.
At the same time, the developers from Namo Gamo tried to make the gameplay in Basketball Classics as diverse and intense as possible, bringing it a little closer to the best modern representatives of the genre.
Players will have several options for throws, strict adherence to all the rules and technical nuances, almost two hundred teams with unique players, the presence of a story mode and local multiplayer.
3on3 FreeStyle: Rebound
3on3 FreeStyle: Rebound, like some of the previous candidates in the selection, offers to conquer the streets by showing your skills in basketball. Based on real street basketball courts, get ready to compete either solo or in 1v1 or 3v3 multiplayer modes.
The advantages of 3on3 FreeStyle: Rebound include nice cartoon graphics, simple controls, a good selection of athletes and accessibility - you can download the game for free from the Steam site.
BasCatball Mars
As the name suggests, BasCatball Mars is not just a simple basketball game. Yes, her actions really take place on the Red Planet, and instead of a ball, the players have a fluffy cat. But no sadism and cruelty - the handsome man is carefully passed from hand to hand and delivered to a kind of basket.
In terms of gameplay, this is an original puzzle game. You will control the athletes on a field divided into hexagons - thus, the gameplay is step-by-step and makes the gamer think about each move. Despite the fact that there is little left of classic basketball here, both professionals and fans of this sport will like the game, at least for its originality.
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Pickup Basketball VR
Another basketball game for VR goggles, but this one has to compete against other players in multiplayer. Moreover, you can test your skills in full-fledged leagues, but the game is not popular, so finding rivals can be difficult.
The developers offer realistic controls, thanks to which you will experience all the maneuvers and movements, as well as be able to practice throwing the ball. Several court options (indoor and outdoor) are available for the match, and the player's avatar can be customized with many options.
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PBA Basketball Slam: Arcade Edition
PBA Basketball Slam combines the rules of basketball with fun and incredible tricks, so athletes can hit slam dunks from the opposite end of the field and perform other epic moves.
This picture is decorated with witty comments that only native speakers of foreign languages can understand.
This is a fun, fast-paced and simple 2v2 game played by basketball stars from the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA). They offer to play against bots or other players behind one screen.
Sports managers
Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2018
Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 2018 is a basketball manager from independent developers Wolverine Studios, who tried to implement all the primary attributes of the genre in it, designing it with their modest capabilities also the characteristic atmosphere of the "behind the scenes" of big sport. The player takes on the role of the manager of a professional basketball team and performs a range of challenging but exciting responsibilities related to its promotion to the major leagues and the most prestigious championships.
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Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2020
Above we have already considered the basketball manager from the Draft Day Sports series, however, he was about professional athletes.
In College Basketball 2020, you are invited to take on the role of the coach of one of the college teams and lead it to world fame. The work is similar - you need to hire athletes, solve problems in a team, negotiate matches, and so on, but everything is seasoned with a learning atmosphere.
The game itself boasts a simple yet detailed user interface, which is not overloaded with reports, news and other information and allows you to competently deal with everything.
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World Basketball Manager Series
Our list of basketball games continues with the World Basketball Manager series, which appeared in 2010 through the efforts of the Icehole Games studio. The first game of the series came out rather mediocre (and many even considered it a complete failure) due to an impressive number of problems: an inconvenient interface, lack of optimization, ill-conceived and boring management, lack of licensed teams and athletes, and much more.
But the second part, although not a masterpiece among basketball-themed computer games, nevertheless corrects most of the omissions of the first part, and offers a completely sane career as an aspiring basketball team manager.
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Pro Basketball Manager Series (Basketball Pro Management)
The Pro Basketball Manager Series (formerly known as Basketball Pro Management) has not received unambiguously positive reviews among basketball games, but it cannot be called frankly a failure either.
Standard for the sports management genre, slightly long and boring (according to fans of action) mechanics, teams and their lineups that are relevant for each season, an abundance of features and amendments added with each new version - all this, of course, should appeal to the most devoted fans basketball, dreaming of trying himself as a team manager.
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International Basketball Manager
Basketball manager simulator in which the player in the role of manager will have to make his team No. 1 in this sport. Unfortunately, playing on the field is not allowed here - instead, the gameplay is based on the study of various tables, tactics, budget allocation and other things.
The gamer will decide which team to appoint a match with, take care of the training of his fighters, sign contracts.
And no, it just sounds boring. The work of a sports manager is not easy, but when you get involved in the process, it is impossible to break away!
Other candidates: World Basketball Tycoon.
Excluded from the selection
Swing Dunk
An original representative of the genre that offers you not only to play basketball, but also to have fun with friends. The playing field is presented in the form of an unusual area with rounded corners, and two teams (3 people each) compete on it. Riding on a hoverboard, participants must hit a ball into a giant ring. You won’t be able to take it in your hands, but you can use a special “whip”.
Athletes can be customized
As you can see, this is quite an interesting game with original gameplay and dynamic matches.
There is no single player mode - so call your friends and play together! What's more, Swing Dunk is free.
Game Over
Turning Back Time: Forgotten Chrysler Chronos Concept
Living in the past and denying tomorrow is not a good idea. It is another matter to look back in search of support and guidelines for future accomplishments. Many heavy metal bands took their inspiration from Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath, but evolved according to personal ideas of beauty. We see the same thing in the world of machines. Look at the Dodge Challenger: a modern interpretation of the original bridged the gap between the seventies and the new era. This example is far from the only one. Today we will talk about not the most obvious, but definitely grandiose. And let's start, as usual, from afar ...
Photo: Chrysler Chronos Concept© ChryslerChrysler Chronos Concept© Chrysler
Dreadnoughts of the "Detroit Baroque" era of the fifties are the personification of real American cars in the worldview picture of the townsfolk and fans, however, in the States there were enough charismatic vehicles such as Cord and Duesenberg long before the so-called fin style.
The story is similar with artists. On a subconscious level, we associate the name of Chrysler legend Virgil Exner with huge keels and tons of chrome trim, although one of his most beautiful works is not associated with the kitsch era.
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Exner came to Chrysler by chance, or perhaps providence. In 1938, he began working for the industrial design firm Loewy and Associates of Raymond Loewy. The area of responsibility was military products and cars of the now deceased Studebaker brand, with which Virgil clearly wanted to cooperate at a higher level. Exner tried to get the attention of the automaker's management and ended up getting "homework" from vice president of engineering Roy Cole in case the company's relationship with Lowy turned sour.
In 1944, Exner was fired, and he went under the wing of Studebaker - he worked on the first post-war cars, continuing the fight with the ex-boss. This time about the authorship of the Studebaker Starlight - Exner is listed in the patent, but Lowy got the laurels.
The situation so brought the ambitious designer that he went into "free swimming". Luckily, out of old friendship, Roy Cole chimed in and helped the wanderer get a job at Chrysler.
The most famous chapter of the further biography is connected with the "Detroit Baroque". Exner spied a Cadillac 1948 tail keels a la plumage of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning twin-engine fighter, rethought a bit and entered into an unspoken creative rivalry with Harley Earl of General Motors. But before the pompous barges, there was a short, fascinating and almost forgotten period.
The fact is that the guru had a great interest in European aesthetics and at first tried to promote it, simultaneously "rocking" the very conservative design department. First saw the light of the 1951 Chrysler K310 on a Saratoga chassis with an early version of the 5.4-liter (182 hp) Hemi V-shaped eight and a whole scattering of memorable touches. Door handles flush with the sidewalls, luxurious spoked wheels with whitewall tires, a grille and a bumper weighing probably half a centner, free-standing taillights-sights and .
.. a “toilet seat” (toilet seat) - an imprint of a spare wheel on the cover trunk.
The Italian coachbuilder Ghia was commissioned to build the prototype because it was cheaper than Pininfarina. K310 fulfilled an important mission: he went to dealerships and demonstrated that Chrysler did not completely freeze in a state of suspended animation, and in general the most interesting is yet to come.
The 1953 D'Elegance Concept on a shorter New Yorker platform is considered by connoisseurs to be one of Exner's finest creations and one of the most beautiful American cars. In fairness, a small but important remark should be made - ideal proportions and an almost perfect silhouette were not created from scratch. The inspiration was clearly the Cisitalia 202 from Pinifarina, which had a significant impact on post-war design.
D'Elegance is a fusion of European grace and American arrogance. The specific "frown" front end is simultaneously associated with the K310 and pre-war models.
Some sources draw analogies with the Hispano-Suiza H6B Dubonnet Xenia of 1938, but such a comparison seems somewhat far-fetched. Under the long hood is a 5.8-liter "eight" with a capacity of 280 hp. paired with a three-speed automatic transmission.
Exner hardly tried to compete with Pininfarina. Not because one of them is worse or better, but because of their existence in different dimensions and coordinate systems. After all, the States and Europe are two different worlds. But the best carrocerias could be proud of such a masterpiece as D'Elegance. The million-dollar-exterior Gran Tourer inspired the Volkswagen Karmann Ghia and sparked the imagination decades later.
Now take another look at the huge sedan in the title photo. Do you still have a question, why such a long preface?
The nineties passed under the banner of the chief artist of "Chrysler" Tom Gale. It was a great time! The concern found its own unique style and launched the Dodge Viper supercar, the Americanized Mitsubishi 3000GT / GTO sports coupe named Dodge Stealth, the second-generation Dodge Ram pickup truck, the predatory Chrysler Concorde, Dodge Intrepid and Eagle Vision with a cabin shifted forward, as well as pretending to be luxury New Yorker and LHS.
An extensive line covered almost all market niches, but the concern dreamed of a flagship - a vanity podium in the best sense. Dreams materialized in the 300 and Phaeton concepts, but the gigantic Chronos best conveyed the idea to the viewer.
Competitive development started in January 1998, and this is where its creator, Osamu Shikado, enters the scene. Born in Japan in the mid-fifties, he dreamed of painting small-scale exotics for Italian ateliers since childhood. True, at some point something went wrong: the labyrinth of fate brought romance to Toyota. Sikado devoted fourteen years to ordinary cars and by the early nineties he could no longer see them. “We only live once. If I have a choice between something boring and something risky, I choose the risk, ”the Japanese recalled his then decision.
Frustrated and ready to put his talent on the line, Osamu quit his job, left his family in his homeland and scoured Europe for six weeks looking for work, getting rejected after rejection.
And then he suddenly remembered a teacher friend from the California College of the Art Center, who had connections at Chrysler. A dozen sketches with a vision of the future, a serious background and passion intrigued the management of the concern, which boldly invited even young professionals into its ranks.
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Sikado participated in the creation of a small Neon and fully revealed himself in the work on Chronos. While colleagues grabbed their pencils, he went to the archives to draw inspiration and delve into the past in order to find the key to the future. There he stumbled upon the photographs of D'Elegance that struck him. We are almost sure that the artist's heart sank, because for sure it was under such machines that he wanted to put his signature. The sculptural forms, the front end and the chrome fringing of the wheel arches left a particularly strong impression.
Two managers and four designers worked alone for two weeks creating their sketches. Gale then had to select two finalists and send them to prepare clay models of their projects. Sikado wanted only victory. Initially, he painted a coupe, the heir to the phenomenal 1995 Chrysler Atlantic a la Bugatti, but studio head Jack Grain suggested that the sedan be the choice.
Two weeks later, Gale named the finalists, Osamu Shikado and company veteran Mark Hall. Former jewelry designer and sculptor joined Chrysler at 1984 and received recognition for the second generation Concorde sedan. Serious competitor! Hall knew little about his Japanese rival: "He seemed very quiet and technically proficient, not the kind of guy who blows his own horn." From time to time they glanced at each other's work and hardly spoke. On March 7, the X-day came and the hour of the triumph of the man who had pursued his dream for so long. It is difficult to imagine what was going on in the soul of Osamu Shikado, who won a major victory and lost his father two months earlier.
“We've been thinking about Chrysler's flagship model for years. The 300 concept car, the Atlantic, the Thunderbolt and the Phaeton all served as a test platform for something iconic. Looks like we hit the right chords this time around,” said Vice President of Design John Herlitz. It's like with music: you can accuse the great Motorhead and Running Wild as much as you like of supposedly monotony, but the guys know a lot about those very right chords.
Chronos is neither mediocre nor secondary, although the resemblance to D'Elegance is obvious. At 5217mm, it didn't beat the 5.7m Cadillac Fleetwood, one of the biggest land cruisers of the nineties, but the 3327mm wheelbase is colossal! Approximately the same number of modern Mercedes-Maybach S-Class Z223. Discs with a diameter of 20 inches in front and 21 inches in the rear are no surprise now, but a quarter of a century ago they looked like a symbol of power - a scepter in the hands of a monarch.
The drive is naturally rear.
The 6.0-liter V10 engine (350 hp) has nothing to do with the eight-liter Viper “ten” with one lower camshaft. This is an overhead 4.7-liter V8 engine from a Jeep Grand Cherokee with a pair of boilers docked to it. However, Viper still made its mark on Chronos by sharing independent suspension.
Interior design is surprisingly simple and rich at the same time - they did not save on finishing materials. But the tightness is obvious even to the naked eye without any instrumental measurements. One Chrysler-specializing website compares the small cabin sandwiched between a long hood and trunk to classic British sports cars.
“If you are looking for the flagship of the Chrysler brand, and Chronos definitely is, then everything should fit. Appearance, quality. And the journey must be exhilarating. The car must completely quench the thirst for perfection, ”Tom Gale praised the concept. Sikano wanted to see his offspring in mass production, but doubted that he could afford it. Unfortunately, the grandiose dreadnought remained a show car.