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How to bounce back from a bad basketball game

How to Bounce Back From a Bad Game

Maintaining Confidence After a Bad Performance

Every athlete in every sport will have a bad performance. There are no exemptions from this rule… It is true for all athletes.

Yes, it stinks… Yes, it is hard to take… And, yes, sometimes it happens at the most inopportune times…

You can’t change that bad game, poor play, or shaky performance. That competition is in the past.

What you can control is how you respond and how you improve for the next competition.

With the right mindset, you can maintain a high level of confidence and quickly bounce back from a bad performance.

Lauri Markkanen is a rookie power forward with the Chicago Bulls and has no shortage of confidence.

After one college basketball season with the University of Arizona, Markkanen entered the 2017 NBA draft and was the 7th overall pick.

Confidence is often a struggle for such young players and, with being selected high in the draft, expectations can feel overwhelming which weighs heavy on a player’s confidence.

Despite all this, Markkanen has maintained a level of confidence even after having a bad game.

In one of the Bulls’ last preseason games, Markkanen had a dreadful game shooting 1-for-9, including 0-for-6 from three-point range.

MARKKANEN: “I just try to get back to the gym as quickly as possible and work on things. Watch film, what did I do wrong, missed shots and stuff like that. I’m ready to move on and play the next game. That’s what I love about this challenge. There’s a next one coming up quick.”

Two nights later, Markkanen bounced back from his previous poor performance and shot 7-for-12 overall and 4-for-7 from three-point range against one of the league’s best teams, the Cleveland Cavaliers.

How is Markkanen able to maintain his confidence and bounce back after a bad performance, even while facing great pressure?

There are a few mindsets at play that can help you bounce back after a bad performance.

You can maintain your confidence by controlling what you can control:
  • You can control your effort.
  • You can learn from your past.
  • You can look to improve your technique.
  • You can let go of the past.
  • You can focus on what is in front of you.
  • You can focus on your strengths, talents and successes.
  • You can choose a positive attitude.

If you want to maintain a high degree of confidence and quickly bounce back after a bad performance, have a mindset similar to Markkanen and tell yourself, “There’s another competition coming up,” to prepare for.

A Tip for Bouncing Back from a Bad Performance:

Control the Controllables – First, you need to identify what is under your control and those things which you cannot control.

Learn and Grow – Since you have no control over what has already happened, you need learn from the past and grow for the future.

Remember always, it’s not what happened that matters most; it is how you respond to what has happened that will make the biggest impact on future performances.

Start today, by learning how to improve your focus with “The Focused Athlete:”

Improve Concentration in Sports!

If you’re an athlete who is frequently distracted, loses focus in competition, or wants to learn more about how to focus better under pressure, The Focused Athlete is for you!

Concentration and the ability to focus under adversity is what championship athletes do best.

It only takes one distraction to enter your mind for you to lose a critical point, miss a putt, or lose a second off your lap time. You cannot afford to let distractions run wild in your mind and cause you to make errors at critical times in the game!

The Focused Athlete is a complete system to teach you how to focus like a champion and harness the power of a zone focus every tie you step on the playing field, court, track or course in practice and games!

This workbook and CD program consists of 2 audio CDs that include 14 days of focus boosting exercises and a simple to follow workbook that guides you through each of the 14 days, helps you apply strategies, and customizes the exercises to your personal focus challenges.


  • How to quickly identify distractions that sabotage your concentration and how to quickly refocus after distractions.
  • How to use pregame routines to help you harness the power of zone concentration before competition.
  • How to use preshot routines before shots or serves to help you be more task-focused instead of worrying about results.

Learn more about one of our most popular CD programs in The Confident Athlete Series…

The Focused Athlete: A 14-Day Plan For Superior Concentration

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“I enjoyed ‘The Confident Athlete Series’ very much. I particularly liked the format, the ease of the program, and the 2 CDs that accompanied the workbook – 10-20 minutes a day was simple to adhere to and put in my busy schedule. I love the part about confidence with grace, and what I want to portray and feel the minute I step foot into Los Angeles for nationals. I love the affirmations, the relaxation techniques, and just the entire perspective of the program.”
~Sarah, US National Aerobic Gymnastics Team

“I can see that ‘The Confident Athlete Series‘ program is really sort of a lifestyle change. Just as weight loss involves a change in eating habits, confidence involves a change in thinking habits. I recently participated in a registered Skeet tournament and shot the best doubles score I’ve shot in four years. I attribute that score to your program!”
~Kevin Lutgen, Shooter

“As a result of reading and implementing ‘The Confident Athlete Series,’ I am once again enjoying golf and letting bad shots roll off my shoulders and appreciating my good shots without attaching expectations. Thanks Dr. Cohn!”
~Stu Blasius, P.G.A. Golf Professional

Boost Your Self-Confidence And Focus With Expert Mental Game Coaching!

If you’re a top performer during practice but find yourself under-performing in competition, the most likely culprit holding you back is your mental game.

Master mental game coach Dr. Patrick Cohn can help you overcome your mental game issues with one-on-one personal mental game coaching.

You can work with Dr. Patrick Cohn himself in Orlando, Florida or via Skype, FaceTime, or telephone. Call us toll free at 888-742-7225 or contact us for more information about the different coaching programs we offer!

What are our mental game coaching students, parents and coaches saying?

“I felt the time spent in your seminar was very well organized. The topics were great and you had the coaches communicating in an open atmosphere. Thanks again for your time and effort and I look forward to talking with you in the future.”
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“After going through a week of practice using your pre-kick routine, I was perfect on three field goals on a muddy field and a windy day in my final college game. Now I am entertaining the idea of trying to enter the professional ranks. Thank you for your help!”
~Nate Littlefield, Collegiate Kicker


How To React After Having a Bad Game

Do You Have Positive Self-Talk Or Negative Self-Talk After Games?

Self-talk is the primary determinant of how you perform in a competition.

At no time is self-talk more important than after having a poor game.

The things you say to yourself after a bad performance will determine if one bad game snowballs into the next few games.

If you want to rebound after a bad game, you need to manage your self-talk instead of allowing self-criticism to dominate your mind and ruin your future play.

You can easily talk your way into a slump by saying things such as, “I can’t buy a shot,” “I play bad in the playoffs” or “Here we go again… My bad luck is just going to continue.”

Negative self-talk affects your confidence causing you to second guess your game for fear you will miss again. Negative self-talk leads to lower self-confidence and guarantees another bad game.

Some players think positive self-talk is just a pie-in-the-sky approach, as if they are merely giving themselves a false pep talk.

These players feel positive self-talk is merely a lie they tell themselves and simply does not work.

Positive self-talk is not an attempt to talk yourself into something; positive self-talk is a form of self-coaching.

Your coach has a game plan for how to defend your opponent and win the game. Self-coaching or positive self-talk is a way of defending yourself against negative thoughts in order to play your best and win the mental game.

Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder is considered one of the best and most consistent scorers in the NBA…

Durant averaged 28.2 points per game this season with a 50% field goal percentage and averages 28.7 points during the playoffs over his career.

In Game Two of the Thunder’s first round playoff series against the Dallas Mavericks, Durant struggled and shot 7-of-33 as the Thunder lost 85-84.

Durant’s 26 misses were the most he ever had in his professional career. How did he react?

DURANT: “Bad shooting night for me. It’s a part of it. I wish it didn’t happen tonight, but it’s a part of it. Got some great looks all night and just didn’t knock ’em down. Just stick with my routine, don’t do too much extra, and go out there tomorrow and get ready for practice.”

Durant realized his poor performance was an anomaly, not here to stay. Durant knows he is a good shooter and that every player has bad games.

Durant’s self-talk remained positive. Due to his positive self-talk, Durant was able to bounce back in Game Three and finished with 34 points, seven rebounds and three assists to help the Thunder secure the win.

Tip for how to react better to a poor game:

Remember that self-talk can work for you or against you, so you need to control the conversation in your head. Instead of letting your thoughts run wild, consciously remind yourself of three things:

  1. Everyone has bad games.
  2. This bad game is not an indication that you have lost your ability.
  3. Recall your recent performances where you played your best.

Consciously directing the conversation in your head is the key to bouncing back and performing optimally.

Don’t forget to remind yourself of your talents and what you have as an athlete–those things that stay with you no matter what.

Boost Your Self-Confidence With Mental Game Coaching!

Master mental game coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn, can help you or your athlete(s), ages 12 and up, overcome mental game issues with personal coaching.

You can work with Dr. Patrick Cohn himself in Orlando, Florida or via Skype, FaceTime, or telephone. Call us toll free at 888-742-7225 or contact us for more information about the different coaching programs we offer!

What are our students saying?

“Danielle did really well with controlling her emotions during the matches today. We were very proud of her for not showing her frustrations during the match; I think that was a big accomplishment. She really looked in control of her emotions even when she double faulted or made mistakes. The changes we saw on Danielle’s behavior in less than 24 hours were AWESOME! Thank you for your guidance!”
~Jennifer Alamo, Tennis Parent

For All Athletes – Learn Confidence-Boosting Techniques!

D you have a negative self-image of yourself as an athlete that stifles confidence?

No matter ow positive you try to be, are you unable to shake the doubt that rushes into your head when you size up your competition?

Have you labeled yourself as a loser, poor closer, or mediocre athlete and these labels keep you stuck in a rut of self-pity and indecision?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, check out The Confident Athlete!

The Confident Athlete CD and workbook program is a 14-day plan for ultimate self-confidence. This program is ideal for any athlete or coach that wants to discover proven confidence-boosting techniques guaranteed to drastically build self-confidence and improve sports performance.

Learn more about one of our most popular CD programs in The Confident Athlete Series…

The Confident Athlete: A 14-Day Plan For Ultimate Self-Confidence

Check out all of the products in The Confident Athlete Series!

What are customers saying?

“We love ‘The Confident Athlete.’ My 10-year-old daughter is an equitation rider and show jumper. We started your program as soon as we received it and got to lesson 6 just before a major competition. Natalie came 4th in the children’s open equitation and 3rd in the children’s show jumping champs. An amazing achievement on which many people commented… As a parent, it has been great for me as I now am more capable of assisting her in her mental preparation. Thanks so much!”
~Beth MacLarty, Sports Parent

“I’ve been doing great!  I’ve been using your Confident Athlete 14-Day Program and it has really worked for me.   We’ve achieved great results and excellent consistency in our horseshows. We’ve had some pretty big wins. Thanks so much. Your program has done wonders for me.”
~Diane Wade, Equestrian

For Young Athletes and Parents – Learn More About How to Help Kids Improve Confidence Quickly!

We’ve got a great program for you called “The Confident Sports Kid: A 7-Day Plan for Building Ultimate Self-Confidence.”

The Confident Sports Kid is a 7-day program for sports parents and kids to boost young athlete’s performance, happiness and success… in sports and life!

The Confident Sports Kid is two programs in one. There’s a manual and CD for parents/coaches, and a workbook/CD for young athletes.

Packed with mental strategies that you and your kids can start using immediately, this program teaches your athletes how to identify confidence busters, proactively deal with them, manage expectations that undermine confidence, and mentally prepare to stay confident when faced with adversity.

What’s more, our program teaches you, as sports parents and coaches, how you may be hurting your kids’ confidence and gives you instructions for changing your behavior in ways that will improve your athletes’ performance, confidence and enjoyment.

Learn more about one of our most popular CD programs in The Confident Sports Kid Series…

The Confident Sports Kid: A 7-Day Plan for Building Ultimate Self-Confidence

Check out all of our products in The Confident Sports Kid Series!

What are parents and coaches saying about our program?

“Dr. Patrick Cohn and Lisa Cohn are to be congratulated! Together, they offer a wealth of knowledge, information, and practical mental tools for sports parents on the substantial “mental game” challenges and pressures facing today’s young athletes.”
~Marc D. Anderson, LCSW, MGCP, Mental Game Coach

“I think the material on your web site and the communications I receive are excellent. I find the advice practical and the topics that are discussed, very relevant to my own experiences. I feel very happy with my purchase of the Ultimate Sports Parent Program. Your materials are top class. I will continue to study them.”
~David Wormald, Sports Parent

For Mental Coaches – Add More Value To Your Mental Training Programs!

This workbook series was designed for coaches and mental coaches to use with their athletes.

The Athlete’s Mental Edge workbooks complement your existing mental training program. Each of the 15 workbooks in the Athlete’s Mental Edge System teaches your athletes a specific mental skill to improve their performance.

For mental coaches, this system is ideal for between session education.

For sports coaches, you’ll be able to conduct 15 team seminars using the workbook system.

In the Athlete’s Mental Edge workbook system, you receive 15 easy-to-read, practical Mental Edge Workbooks on PDF, as well as 16 coaches’ game plan MP3 audio files.

Athlete’s Mental Edge Workbook System

What are coaches saying?

“Congratulations on your Mental Edge workbooks. I have been through the package and it looks great!  The MGCP program just got a lot better.  Your workbook program makes it much more tangible and easier to use the mental strategies. This is the missing link in the MGCP program!”
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“Thank you for all the knowledge, tools, material, and guidance you have given me throughout this course.  It was truly a great experience.  I am looking forward to integrating this mental training system not only to students at the club, but as well bring this wonderful education outside to athletes that truly are committed, and strive towards reaching their peak performance.”
~Tim Whitehead, Head Tennis Professional, MGCP

Leader to replace

Sergey Podushkin

Sport 07 March 2018

The most unusual qualifying tournament for the World Basketball Championship in history is held by the Russian men's team with varying success. Recently, our team lost to the French in overtime, but defeated the Bosnians at home. Note that the role of the leader of the national team in the current cycle had to be taken over by Zenit Sergey Karasev.

Illustration Brocreative/

We have already talked in detail about the irreconcilable conflict between the International Federation of Basketball Associations (FIBA) and the Euroleague. Now it is obvious that the war between the two warring organizations can drag on for many years. This means that qualifying for the 2019 World Cup risks turning into a farce entirely. After all, the Euroleague has collected almost all the cream of European basketball, forced to play for their clubs on the days of national team matches. Almost everyone suffers, but Russia, which has two teams at once (CSKA and Khimki) in the Euroleague, has been battered by behind-the-scenes bureaucratic battles almost more than the rest.

So for the games with the French and the Bosnians, the head coach of the national team Sergei Bazarevich was left without a number of key basketball players, led by the star trinity in the person of Alexei Shved, Andrei Vorontsevich and Nikita Kurbanov. In general, taking into account the injured and playing in the NBA center Timofey Mozgov, Russia lost ten basketball players at once in the February games! But you still need to play. As well as for the first time since 2010 to reach the final part of the World Cup. Bazarevich did not quarrel, tear his hair out, but tried to remain calm. But the prospect of losing Karasev Jr. clearly frightened even the cold-blooded Bazarevich. The fact is that during the all-star match, where Sergey received the MVP title, he also injured his hand.

Fortunately for the national team, Karasev quickly managed to recover and scored 16 points with the French in Strasbourg. “Why did you start scoring only after the break? The excitement subsided. Emotions always play in the beginning, the desire to prove. In the second half let it all go. Like the whole team, ”said Sergey. Indeed, after four misses from behind the arc, he issued three long-range hits in a row, including equalizing the score with a minute and a half before the end of normal time. He could bring the national team and victory, but blurred the most important shot. And in overtime, the French were more successful (75:74). It's good that in the next meeting Karasev and the company, including Vitaly Fridzon who joined, defeated Bosnia and Herzegovina in Perm (70:53).

Then Sergey scored 11 points. Judging by his playing time (an average of more than thirty minutes per match) and the trust of the coach and partners in the endings, it is Karasev who is the main engine of the national team in the current qualifying round. Zenit Evgeny Valiev is also involved as a useful player in the rotation. As for another basketball player of the St. Petersburg club, Yevgeny Voronov, Bazarevich has been ignoring him for a long time. As well as Anton Ponkrashov, a pupil of St. Petersburg basketball, who plays for UNICS. The mentor did not change his attitude even in the face of an acute shortage of personnel. Well, Bazarevich proved his professional suitability with the fourth place at EuroBasket 2017. So, it can form a composition without regard for criticism.

Another thing is if the national team stumbles in the selection for the world championship. According to the regulations, the three best teams from the quartets (the results of the matches between them are taken into account) advance to the second stage. Where, together with another trio, three trips to the tournament in China will be played. So far, the Russians have two wins in four matches. To qualify for the second stage in the remaining matches (June 29 away against Belgium and July 2 at home against France), they only need to win one victory.

Basketball. World Cup 2019.

Qualification. First stage. After 4 rounds.
1. France - 4 wins.
2. Russia - 2.
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2.
4. Belgium - 0.

#basketball #bureaucracy #conflict

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Partners' news

Khimki lost to Baskonia in the Euroleague

Khimki near Moscow lost to Spanish Baskonia in the away match of the 24th round of Euroleague Basketball. "Gazeta.Ru" tells about the meeting in Vitoria.

Exactly one week before Khimki football team Spartak visited Baskonia. A trip to the north of Spain, as you know, did not bring positive emotions either to the red-and-whites themselves or to their fans - Massimo Carrera's team, although they won on the road, left the Europa League in the sum of two matches, while the fans of Muscovites completely felt the whole the power of provocation by local media, one of the results of which was the death of a policeman.

Putting aside the extremely strange behavior of the press and the municipality of Bilbao, the clash with Athletic once again reminded the Russians that the Basques are excellent fighters, able to “gnaw out” even those fights in which they seem to have almost no chances.

The residents of Khimki experienced something similar on the first day of spring.

Fortunately, this time there were no multiple fan-police skirmishes, however, domestic basketball players still failed to get out of Baskonia with a shield - and again the character of local athletes played a decisive role in this, which allowed them not to fall into absolute despair after an unsuccessful start.

But it all started for the yellow-blues and it was really amazing - having presented an exemplary defense to their opponents, the Russians led for a long time with a slight advantage only thanks to it, and then, adding to the defense also excellent work in finishing attacks, they completely rushed away from opponents on way to the next, already the fourth in a row, victory in the Euroleague.

It was really not easy to recover from such a “hook”: after all, -14 on the scoreboard, even before the end of the first quarter, with their fans, they hit hard on the general mood of the team, especially when the opponent, against your background, manages almost everything with external ease.

However, the Basques pulled themselves together, and their return to the game began right in the opening ten-minute period.

Having brought the score to an encouraging 26:12, the guests allowed themselves a short respite, for which the Spaniards immediately punished them with two accurate three-pointers - an eight-point advantage at the end of the starting segment of the meeting, of course, was also pleasing to the eye, but it did not look so impressive.

However, as it turned out later, it was only a warm-up: sensing some relaxation of Khimki, Pedro Martinez's men, after a short break, only continued to slowly but surely level the gap.

In this case, Baskonia's fans should especially thank the suddenly turned on defense and their, perhaps, the best player - Georgian Tornike Shengelia.

It worked like this - when defending their own ring, the hosts did not try to take everything at once, focusing only on those episodes in which the team of Georgios Bartzokas could potentially score easy points, while their powerful forward from some moment began to literally burn out “paint » Vice-champions of the United League, which neither Thomas Robinson's access to the court nor the defensive five could fully prevent.

The Spaniards seemed to say to Khimki: “You will score as much as you can against us, hitting difficult throws through your hands or with a deflection, and we will answer you with what we must.”

And so it actually happened: during the entire second quarter, the guests managed to score points only with the most difficult hits, while their peplums were completely deprived of easy points.

Naturally, this also affected the score - by the big break, the Russians not only did not have a convincing advantage, but were completely inferior by five points.

Aleksey Shved's crazy hit with a siren across the entire court could have added the necessary charge of positive yellow-blue, but the scorer was a little unlucky - and the main "highlight" of the Euroleague in March, the defender lacked some pitiful millimeters.

Only a cursory glance at the statistical calculations during a long pause was enough to understand what exactly the club from the Moscow region is experiencing the most problems on the reporting evening -

with other more or less equal indicators, the Russians outright lost the shield (14-23), allowing to the same Shengelia to knock out grandmaster 9+8 rebounds already at the equator of the fight.

Nothing has changed even after the resumption of the game: keeping the proper spirit, the Basques continued to increase their advantage and by the third minute of the quarter they were +10, and by the middle of it they were even +15.

Himchane, we must give them their due, seeing the complete control of the opponents over the fortune, they did not let go of their hands, continuing to fight in each of the episodes, however, this did not help to take away the courage from the Basques who entered the “fire”.

The Swede took revenge on Athens

Khimki near Moscow confidently defeated the Greek Panathinaikos on their floor in the match...

24 February 00:04

Shengelia continued to bring huge difficulties to the guests (15+15 by the final siren) - the Georgians, being on the floor, almost single-handedly solved the attack of his team, either completing approaches on their own, or, seeing the doubling of the Russians, giving to partners left unattended.

Bartzokas' wards made a decisive attempt to save the match that had recently seemed already won at the start of the fourth quarter, which they entered with a lag of 17 points.

A 7-0 spurt in three and a half minutes came in handy here – exactly how long the hosts could not open an account in the segment, thus creating noticeable excitement in the stands.

However, the hopes of the Russian soon practically destroyed the second star basketball player of the Basque Country, Rodrigue Biebua, who once became the NBA champion.

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