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How to get better at basketball in a week
How to Get Better at Basketball in 2 Hours (10-Step Guide)
Basketball is a competitive sport.
Every day there are millions of players attempting to improve their basketball skills.
This could be to improve their minutes on the court, to make the local HS team, or simply score more points while mucking around with friends.
If you want to learn how to get better at basketball, this 10-step guide is for you.
By the end of the post, you’ll know exactly how to get better at basketball in only 2 hours.
Here’s what you need to do:
How to Get Better at Basketball in 10 Steps
1. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses
(10 minutes)
The first ten minutes are dedicated to understanding how you currently impact the game.
Here’s what you need to do:
Sit down with a pen and a piece of paper
Split the page into two columns: a. Strengths b. Weaknesses
Spend 10 minutes thinking about your game and writing down the things you do well during a basketball game (strengths), and the things you don’t do well (weaknesses).
When you’re finished, your page should look something like this:
This page will help you in several ways:
a. You’ll be able to focus on maximising your strengths during a game.
b. You’ll be able to avoid your current weaknesses as much as possible.
c. It will help you design basketball workouts to improve your skills.
2. Find Opportunities to Score in the Offense (10 Minutes)
Next, we’ll focus on improving your scoring.
Think about your current role within the team’s offense and set plays…
(Depending on the level of basketball you’re currently playing, your coach may have provided you with a booklet breaking down the team’s offense and set plays. If so, now is a great time to utilise that.)
Where are your main opportunities to score?
For example…
If your team is running the 5-out motion, you’ll have many opportunities to score:
Using an on-ball screen.
Setting an on-ball screen.
Curling off an away screen.
Outside shots off a cut.
Facing up and attacking.
Basket cuts.
Backdoor cuts.
Once you have this list, figure out which scoring opportunities best fit your skill set.
For your team’s set plays…
Think about the role you usually fill in each of them.
“Which plays result in you getting an opportunity to score?”
“What type of shot is it?”
“What part of the floor is it from?”
These are all very important questions to know.
3. Find Other Opportunities to Get Cheap Points (5 Minutes)
Outside of the team’s offense and set plays…
There are many other ways you can score an extra 6 - 10 points every game if you’re willing to work hard and compete.
Some of these include:
a. Offensive Rebounds
If the coach’s game plan allows it, be willing to attack the hoop and battle for offensive rebounds when a teammate puts up a shot.
Even if you don’t score yourself, passing after an offensive rebound can lead to a wide open shot for one of your teammates.
b. Sprint the Floor Hard
Unless you’re tasked with bringing the basketball up the court, make sure you’re sprinting down the floor on every change of possession.
Every point guard should be ready to pass over the defense giving you a wide open layup.
c. Set More Screens
This is a very overlooked way to get more shot opportunities.
When you set a screen for a teammate, there’s a high chance the defense will get confused and you’ll find yourself open to score.
If they switch, take advantage of your mismatch.
If they trap / double the ball-handler, roll into space for an open shot or layup.
4. Identify Ways to Increase Your Playing Time (10 Minutes)
It’s a taboo topic…
But there ARE several things you can do to increase your playing time.
Spending more time on the court will allow you to gain more valuable experience, have a bigger impact on the game, and prove your skills to the coach, teammates, and everyone watching.
Learn how by reading this post on increasing your playing time.
Some of the tactics include:
a. Improve Your Level of Fitness
If your current conditioning doesn’t allow you to be productive for long periods of time, your coach isn’t going to play you many minutes.
b. Become a Great Defender
Every coach loves to have a go-to defensive player to shut down an opposing player when they’re having a great game.
Be this player.
c. Be Willing to do the Dirty Work
Games are won and lost by very few possessions.
If you’re a player who’s willing to take a charge, dive on a loose ball, or fight hard for an offensive rebound…
Your coach IS going to give you more minutes.
5. Create a Workout Program (20 Minutes)
Here’s something you must understand:
If you’re only working on your skills during team practices, you’re never going to extend yourself from the competition or your teammates.
You MUST be practicing in your own time.
Which means creating a basketball workout to use at least 3 times per week.
You have a few options:
1. Create Your Own Workout
This involves putting together a list of drills that you’ll go through each workout.
It’s important to refer back to the pages you created with your strengths and weaknesses and also the shots you’ll get during games when you’re creating this.
They’ll help you put together a workout that’s customised to your needs.
2. Find a Basketball Workout
The other option you have is to simply find a basketball workout online to use.
I’ve put together several workouts you can find here:
3 Basketball Workouts for Players Who Want to Dominate
On that link are three workouts:
a. Advanced Guard Workout
b. Advanced Post Workout
c. Kids Basketball Workout
Pick the one you think suits your game the most (or swap between all of them), download and print off the document, and then complete the workouts.
6. Schedule Time to Complete Your Workouts (5 Minutes)
This is one of the most important things I’ve learnt in the past few years:
If you don’t schedule time to do something, it won’t happen.
If you simply “hope” that your workout happens, I promise you other things will get in the way and you won’t find time to get it done.
You must schedule your workouts into your calendar and make the a priority.
Treat your workouts like doctors appointments.
You can’t miss them.
7. Improve Your Shooting Technique (10 Minutes)
Shooting is the most important skill in basketball:
Start by reading my complete guide on shooting technique.
In it, you’ll learn:
10 steps to great shooting
5 shooting form mistakes
Why becoming a great shooter is important
3 must-use shooting drills
11 shooting tips
+ more
Make sure you’re shooting the basketball with correct technique.
8. Improve Your Dribbling Technique (10 Minutes)
Dribbling technique next.
Here’s what you’ll learn in my complete guide on dribbling correctly:
How to protect the ball from defenders
Which part of your hand shouldn’t touch the basketball
The importance of being ambidextrous
3 important dribbling drills
Then it’s time to go outside (or in the gym) with your basketball and make sure you’re using the correct dribbling technique.
9. Commit to a Free-Throw Routine (10 Minutes)
With all the hustling you’ve committed to do, you’re going to be shooting a lot more free-throws.
So, let’s make sure you’ve got a routine.
Having a free-throw routine when you step to the line will provide you with confidence and will give you something to focus on to block out pressure.
Mine looks like this:
Stand back and receive the basketball.
Spin the ball and set my feet.
Three bounces
It doesn’t matter what your free-throw routine consists of…
But make sure it’s exactly the same every time you step to the line!
10. Play 1-on-1 Against a Great Player (30 Minutes)
This is absolutely the #1 way to get better at basketball.
Here’s how to do it:
a. Find someone who’s slightly better at basketball than you
This could be a friend, teammate, random person in the gym, anyone…
b. Challenge them to a game of 1-on-1
You can play to 11 or 21, and it doesn’t matter whether the scorer gets the basketball back or whether you switch who has the ball on every possession.
Simple, isn’t it?
1-on-1 is fantastic for development because you don’t have any teammates to bail you out.
You don’t have anyone to pass to when you get stuck.
You’re forced to learn how to create a shot and score against an opponent using fakes (shot fakes, jab steps), correct footwork, and smart decisions.
You don’t have any teammates to save you.
Your only option is to play tough and smart on-ball defense and guard your yard.
1-on-1 works on every part of your game!
Advanced Tip - Play one-on-one with limited dribbles allowed. For example, the offensive player can only take 3 dribbles before they must shoot.
Every player claims they want to get better at basketball…
But there aren’t many doing it the right way.
Unfortunately, most players aren’t focused on the things that will allow them to become better players and compete with the best players in their region.
Instead of working on their shooting technique, they’re practicing fadeaway shots.
Instead of figuring out their strengths, they’re complaining about the coach.
By following the 10-step guide I’ve created above, I guarantee that you’ll be working on the things that will help you become a better player in the shortest amount of time.
How to get better at basketball in 5 days – Basketball Word!
Nothing in life comes easy, or a lack of hard work. Some are gifted and things come naturally, while others work their butt off fall short. What I am about to present to you is no quick way to be the best basketball player ever in 5 days but it is a start, and a path to lead you to success.
How to get better at basketball in only 5 days? This involves a lot of hard work and time, do not expect miracles in only 5 days. The goal after the 5 days is done to realize that you have a lot of untapped potential and as long as you keep working on your basketball game you will see improvements. You will be completing several workouts that work on different parts of your basketball game, that hopefully come together that will improve your game…
Maybe you have a big basketball tryout in less than a couple of weeks, or you should want to show out in a big tournament. Whatever the reason I am here to help and show you what needs to be done if you really want to improve your basketball game.
If you are interested in checking out the best basketball equipment and accessories then you can find them by Clicking Here! The link will take you to Amazon.com
During these 5 days you will have a series of workouts, one dribbling workout a day, 2 shooting workouts, pick-up basketball, and an IQ workout.
How does that look?
7 am – Shooting Workout – Try to aim for 500 shots or as many as you can.
9 am to 330 pm – School – If you can play or shoot at lunchtime do so.
4 pm – Homework
530 pm – Ball handling workout
6 pm – Dinner
6 30 pm – Pick up basketball
8 pm – Shooting
930 pm – IQ Workout Youtube
Again this is just a rough guideline. Try to get up at least 500 shots a day. It would be ideal that you have a hoop that is free for you to shoot on, your own hoop or local park. This way you can wake up get to your court and shoot.
If you can dedicate your time and effort for 5 days, you may develop a habit and decide to go longer and further with your workouts. Worry about your first workout don’t think about the whole week to come, when we do this as humans we tend to quit or performance suffers.
Feel free to add or continue any workouts you are currently doing to this regimen.
You want to get better, well, I got news for you this isn’t going to be easy. But if you love playing basketball and want to improve this is a must. You probably wonder why you’re not improving. You have been working on your form but are not improving when it comes to shooting consistently. I am willing to bet you don’t put up enough volume in when it comes to shooting. If you count up all the shots you took in one week, how many would you guess you took? ………Exactly…
You need to put up shots every day for the 5 days you plan on putting in work. I am talking 500 to 1000 shots a day. I hear players complain all the time, How am I suppose to put up that many shots my legs get tired? Not every shot has to be game shots where you do a dribble move at full speed and take a jumper.
Form shooting – directly in front of the rim and 5 feet out
Layups – Mikan, left hand, right hand reverses underneath the rim. I usually go for 100 makes right there.
Shooting from the 5 spots on the court. this can be 2 sets of 25 thats already 250 shots, 300 plus total.
Then game shots. Think of the shots that you miss in games or pickup basketball and practice though. Shoot shots you know you’re going to be shooting in games. You can add three point shots to the mix. But if you’re not making shots 5 to 10 in a row from different spots on the court I wouldn’t bother right now.
You don’t have to count 500 makes, you could count how many shots you took. you can also keep track of how many you made from the different spots on the court and mark it down in your phone with the notes app or use a pen and a pad. In the following workout, you want to try to beat your best. Having something you can measure your results will give you motivation, show progress and give you confidence. There is no perfect program just shoot good quality shots, when you miss ask yourself what happen and adjust. You will need to do this twice a day or if you can get 500 shots at one time do so.
I am surprised more people don’t mention this, many young basketball players expect that if they have a good handle of the ball by doing hundreds of drills they will be able to cross up anyone. Timing and reading the defense has just as much to do with being a good dribbler as the skill itself of handling the ball. It is not enough to work on your handle you must actually practice against opponents and read the defense. So if you have been doing dribbling drills and you are not getting any better or you choke in games when trying to blow by your opponent, it is because you really need to do a lot more in game dribbling drills.
You can choose any ball handling workout you feel like, but if you are not sure, in the meantime here is a great ball handling workout, from Ryan Razooky Youtube channel. You need two basketballs but remember no amount of dribbling drills will make you cross a player up every time, you still need to read the defense and use timing.
Basketball IQ
Basketball IQ is important, it is one thing I wish I would have spent more time on, if all you did was study and research moving without the ball that would go a long way to improve your basketball game.
Tip: One of the best moves you can do to get past your defender when you want to get the ball on a cut is to wait for the defender to look at you then look at the ball. As soon as he looks at the ball go behind him and cut to the basket, you want to anticipate this move and it does take some timing.
When you get to bed at night get on youtube and research basketball IQ videos, and try to learn one thing to apply to your basketball game the following day.
Once you see yourself getting better, you may be addicted to the results. Growing up playing basketball whenever I did really well playing in games I was addicted to getting back on the court the next day to practice, it was like I was afraid to lose that ability to be able to dominate in a game. Another Youtuber out of high school by the name DC Heat has a video where he trains 7 days a week like a pro. In the video, he states how he loved seeing his own progress and remembers how well in certain times in his life where he doubled down and improved his game and made noticeable improvements.
Final Thoughts
You can change and add as many workouts as you need, if you work on your weaknesses alone this will go a long way to improving your game in just 5 short days. Improving your weak fundamentals will make you a threat on the court with that skill.
How can a basketball player develop without access to the gym?
4 tips to become a better player, athlete and personality
It happens to everyone that you want to train, move forward, progress, but there is no access to the court and the gym. This article contains 4 recommendations for this case. Read and apply.
1. Start monitoring your nutrition and sleep
One of the most important components of progress and development on the site is recovery, and nutrition and sleep are its foundation. Without this, stretching, contrast showers and everything else make little sense.
So you can not sit if you sleep 4 hours a day
2. Work on your body
This does not always require a basketball hall or even a gym. Charging, yoga and stretching, some other recovery procedures (only with a really heavy load), core is the minimum that can be done at home.
In fact, at the initial stage, it is possible to exercise effectively and beneficially for the body at home. Add this and you will already become the best around, because you will train more.
Images from our online school where you can train at home
3. Analyze matches
This will help you better understand the game and increase your basketball IQ. Analyze your game and the game of professionals you want to be like, analyze your opponent. And always pay attention to details.
Kobe Bryant was a crazy basketball player down to the last detail. He watched the matches and noticed the details so much that he knew how his opponent would act in any situation. In his book, he described a moment where, thanks to analysis, Kobe dunked through the center opponent, because he knew how he would put his hand to resist, and was able to remove it.
Curry said that when he watches his games, he pauses and notes what decisions he can make. Then he chooses the best and turns on the tape to test himself in the game. You can do that too.
You can also look at professionals. You turn on the match of a player you are similar in style to and follow his every move.
Kobe does not waste time and watches the game during the flight
4. Learn
Read books, watch educational and useful videos, be interested in something else. You may not become a professional basketball player, but you can always become a good person.
To be successful in the game, one must not only have good athleticism and skills. Knowledge in psychology will help you better understand the actions of opponents. Communication skills will help build better relationships with teammates. Good time management will allow you to use your time more efficiently. A successful career consists not only of playing on the court, but also of acting outside of it.
We add material and tools to the online school that help not only in basketball, but also in life. Some guys start to study better and do more things in a day, because they become more disciplined and learn a lot of new things. This is important because life does not end with basketball.
LeBron has been using the slogan "More than an athlete" for several years now. Because basketball goes beyond the sport where everything ends in the hall. Now this is life.
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Tips from experienced masters: how to become the best basketball player
Basketball is gaining more and more popularity every year. Today you will learn a few simple guidelines that will help beginners build a path to a real professional. The development and improvement of mastery depends on how much a person can master the skills of independent development in this area.
Physical fitness is the foundation of a good basketball player
All professional athletes, including basketball players, have a good and comprehensive physical development. In order to have an advantage over your opponents in this game, you must develop the following qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility and coordination.
By training in the basketball section, you are most likely mastering general physical fitness. However, if you train only with the ball, then you will not be able to comprehensively develop your fitness. In order to achieve it, you need to take up other sports. For example, athletics - it will help develop endurance and speed. Other qualities can be developed with the help of specialized exercises.
Each sport is unique and has a priority of development of one criterion, others, of course, are also developing, but to a lesser extent.
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There is no limit to perfection. Any, even the simplest technique, can be perfected over the years. Which one to focus on? Pay attention to your own body.
Athletes must master many techniques with high quality and then try to use them during training games.
If a basketball player constantly develops his technical skills, then in time he will become a virtuoso.
You must master your strengths and work to get rid of your weaknesses over time.
Do not try to go too far at once, gradually master new movements.
Beginners should learn the whole arsenal at once and understand where to focus.
The player can choose his specialization after he has already mastered many techniques. And then choose your style of play.
Master yourself
You must remember that every workout allows you to master your movements more clearly. Do not be lazy, and if there are no valid circumstances, then do not skip classes. The main thing is regularity. Over time, you will develop a habit, and you will not be able to imagine your life without basketball. Get rid of your weaknesses and focus on your strengths.
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Practical tips to improve your game
Remember that every sport favors muscle elasticity. Do your best to be flexible. Eliminate the possibility of injury due to lack of flexibility.
Carefully study all the rules of the game. Find out what you can get a foul for, what is dribbling, rebounding, etc. Also, if you have a friend who can pass on some knowledge to you, be sure to chat with him.
Practice basic movements. Become your own coach, choose a sports ground that you like and train hard on it. Move at different paces, throw the ball into the air and catch it as you move. Practice throws into the ring from different angles.
Practice with other basketball players. Learn all the terms and definitions and start using them regularly. They should fit tightly into your vocabulary.
You must be a good friend. Pass often, occupy an open area in order to help another team member who is blocked.
Come up with new tricks. Start with simple ones and gradually complicate them. Be patient and keep practicing until you succeed. Don't give up, be determined.
Play at least once every two days, preferably every day. If you have the opportunity to go to the basketball court - by all means use it. Develop tolerance and a sense of devotion to basketball, and then you will definitely achieve certain heights.
Play with peers. As a player, you need to know how your opponents handle the ball. If you can't beat them, then work harder. After solo workouts that focus on boosting ancillary qualities like speed and stamina, be sure to be the best on the court.
Focus on dribbling. The only possible way to achieve great success is to be good at dribbling. You may be the most accurate basketball player on the planet, but you won't be a good player if you can't break through the opposing team's defense.
How to become a good basketball player?
The main thing to remember is that hard work is the key to becoming a great basketball player. A cheerful spirit and self-confidence will definitely contribute to this.
Remember that thoughtful attacks are key.
Eat healthy food. During the game you lose a lot of calories, recover well. Eat more protein and plant foods.
When you play defense, always stand face to face with your opponent.
Get used to constant interaction with teammates. Develop your signals.
Remember that basketball is a team game where the team wins, not just one player. If you want to win, then be as united as possible.
Be friendly and never scold other team members. If you think that you are better than them, then know that arrogance is a terrible character trait.
You will win favor with the judges if you play fair.
Earn the respect of your new teammates with a good game.
Top warnings to help you avoid big mistakes
Never be afraid to throw the ball or attack if you think you're not ready. Also, never show off, let your partners know that you have your place and that you are a useful team member.
Warm up well before playing. Do a light jog, then joint exercises and stretching. Flexibility while playing is a must. If you get hurt, you will blame yourself for it. So be smart.
Refuse stereotypes. You don't have to be tall to play basketball. Everyone can enjoy exercising.
Do not show aggression towards other players, otherwise you will simply be escorted off the field. Treat your opponents with respect. It is clear that the release of adrenaline makes itself felt, but try to control yourself.
Do not play basketball indoors, such as an apartment. The clatter of the ball can annoy your cohabitants. Moreover, you risk breaking something.
Keep your body in good physical shape
Sport involves the development of all physical abilities to one degree or another. To be a good basketball player, you need to keep fit, learn new tricks and learn new things.
Good athletes never miss a workout and constantly develop their skills.