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How many quarts are in college basketball
How many quarts are in college basketball
Why Does NCAA Have Two Halves While NBA Has Four Quarters?
There is no doubt that the NBA and NCAA are two different organizations. College basketball has many quirky rules that the NBA does not follow, while the NBA enforces a few restrictions that do not fly in college.
While there are many discrepancies in each league, the most obvious is the fact that professional basketball is played in four quarters while college is played across two halves. In order to understand why that is, we must dive into the history of both sports, what their rules look like, and how they each developed.
Humble Beginnings
At the end of the day, the NBA and NCAA use time in roughly the same way. The NBA has four 12 minute quarters (48 minutes in total) and the NCAA goes with two 20-minute halves (40 minutes in total). FIBA also uses four 10 minutes quarters to perfectly match the NCAA’s total time.
So, going back to the question at hand, why does that difference exist?
The answer lies in basketball’s original ruleset.
Dr. James Naismith first created the sport we all know and love back in 1891 when challenged to come up with an indoor athletic competition. To give basketball structure, he came up with 13 basic rules for the game.
Though many of the rules are quite interesting (such as if a team fouled their opponent three times in a row the other team would get free points) the most important one for the purposes of this article is number 12. It reads, “the time shall be two fifteen-minute halves, with five-minute rest in between.”
That, of course, gives us the basic structure of what college uses today. There are two halves, and each of them is separated by a quick halftime. A thirty-minute game is quite short, and that helps explain the other changes the game went through overtime.
A Century of Change
It did not take long for people to realize that two fifteen-minute halves were not enough time for a proper game. The shorter periods resulted in low scores and did not provide enough exercise for the players.
As such, in 1905 the official rules changed to extend the time to two twenty minutes halves with a 10-minute break in between them. Sound familiar? That is the same format the NCAA still uses to this day.
However, the two half system did not stick for that long. In 1951 the game went through a huge change when the league decided to split it up into four 10-minute quarters. This rule was for both college basketball and the NBA.
While that change stuck in professional basketball, it did not hold in college. In fact, the four-quarter system was only around for three short years in the NCAA. In 1954 college basketball went back to playing in halves while the NBA stayed with the quarter system.
That created a break that still lasts to this day.
An Unsure Shift
The change from halves to quarters happened a long time ago. So long ago that few people know why the split occurred. Some people believe colleges favor the two halves because it is how the first rules were put in place, while others think it was to separate themselves from other leagues.
One of the leading theories is that it makes the game much more competitive. Two long halves tend to create closer games than four separate quarters. Close games not only lead to more excitement, but they can also lead to upsets. Those drive viewership for big tournaments like March Madness.
Two halves also create less stopping time, which gives the game a steady pace and keeps everything moving along. The more flow that exists, the better the games are to watch.
While none of these theories have been absolutely proven one way or another, they do help suggest why one league goes with two halves and one goes with four quarters.
Both work. It just comes down to preference.
Two Sides of the Same Coin
College basketball has many rules that separate it from the NBA. The two halves are the most distinct of such regulations. Though no one is exactly sure why they choose to stand on their own, there are many theories that could explain it.
Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that the two 20-minute chunks have become a staple of the NCAA and will continue to be that way for the foreseeable future.
Though there has been some talk of switching over to quarters, nothing is quite in place just yet.
How Many Quarters Are There In A Basketball Game?
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Many people are interested in basketball, so there are many interesting questions to ask. Do you know: ‘how many quarters are there in a basketball game?’
There are 4 quarters in a basketball game. A typical NBA game consists of four 12-minute quarters; however, the length may vary significantly between games.
Let’s take a closer look at these basketball terms with Scott Fujita!
How Many Quarters Are There In A Basketball Game?A basketball game contains four quarters, which are the distinct periods of the game.
The play clock starts on how much time is left, depending on the quarter of the game.
How long are NBA quarters? In the NBA playoffs, the game clock begins at 12 to zero. Due to overtime or other game issues, the playing time may sometimes prolong for five minutes.
People from various walks of life have played basketball games. Children, men, or women can play basketball. It has been performed at colleges, schools, universities, and on a worldwide or national stage.
People Divide A Basketball Game Into Quarters
Therefore, basketball has several phases depending on the institution and age differences. Other basketball regulations, such as court tip-off, direction, dribbling, violation, and shooting, are consistent throughout all games.
View more: How many fouls to foul out in NBA
High School Basketball Game QuartersHigh School Basketball Game May Run Up To 2 Hours
Fouls, breaks, halftimes, and other small moments may make a high school basketball game run up to 2 hours.
High school basketball games consist of a 32-minute base session.
It includes four quarters, each of which lasts 8 minutes. For high school males and females, this term is the same.
College Basketball Game QuartersBasketball games in college are lengthier than those in high school. The men’s or women’s college game lasts about two hours and ten minutes in total. The quarter consists of 10 minutes long, and the classic game takes 40 minutes to complete. There is also a 40-minute half-time break. Each half-time is 20 minutes long.
Related: How many periods are in basketball
University Basketball Game QuartersThe college basketball season is the same as the university, WNBA, and NCAA seasons. All these matches span two hours till finish, similar to a double tennis racquet competition.
The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the originator of basketball tournaments, championships, and leagues.
The NBA is in charge of all basketball regulations and rules.
Following are the WNBA, NCA, and other basketball leagues across the world. There are four quarters in NBA games as well. Each NBA quarter length has a time limit of 12 minutes. It implies that each NBA game lasts 48 minutes.
Extra QuartersExtra Quarters Are A Timeframe
In basketball, there are different quarters. These times appear when a basketball match ends without a winner. These extra quarters add intrigue and suspense to the game. However, there are 5 minutes of rules at this time.
If neither team wins, another additional session will begin to determine the final results, and so on until finding a winner. Each basketball game is split into two halves. The first intermission begins, and the second halftime starts after the second and third quarter.
Both sides have time during the halftime breaks to devise methods for dealing with the other squad.
They also utilize this time to focus on their flaws as well as the opponent’s weaknesses.
How Many Quarters Are Played In A Professional Basketball Game? A basketball quarter at international basketball level is approximately 10 minutes long. Before commencing a new quarter, there is a two-minute break. During a halt, international basketball players can also call timeouts. Only the coach has the authority to make such a request.
Why Are There Breaks In Between Quarters?The time between basketball quarters gives the players a chance to recuperate before the next one begins. It also functions as a transition phase, signaling the start of a new game quarter.
Halftime is a lengthier pause for relaxing, allowing the squad to organize their approach for the coming quarters. It guarantees that the mistakes they made in the previous quarter do not repeat themselves in the future.
Moreover, breaks also give players a chance to relax or make replacements.
Some Other Basic Basketball TermsBasketball is a diverse sport with several options. In every season, rules and methods change in the play. Basketball allows players to vary their strategies because it gives them the chance to do so.
Because of the game’s liberal character, these changes are generally acceptable. Before you begin playing basketball, you should be familiar with the following words.
BlockingBlocking is when an opponent player who does not have the ball makes illegal physical contact with another player. It is a rule infringement that results in a punishment. The severity of the penalty varies depending on the blocking.
DribblingBall Possession
During ball possession, basketball players are unacceptable to move. It prevents players from switching positions without shooting or passing.
Dribbling is bouncing the ball on the court while going quicker and faster.
Assume you keep the ball in your hands for more than 1 second while moving, then the referee calls for a foul, and the team receives a penalty.
Held BallIn a basketball game, a held ball is a form of foul. When two players from opposing teams have a firm grip on the ball, it is “held ball”. They have such powerful grips on the ball that it is nearly complicated for any of them to obtain complete custody of it.
In this case, the referee calls the held ball, and the ball is given to the starting team from the court’s center. A player cannot make and pass a scoring shot if he is stranded at the basket post protected by opposing players.
Jump BallJump Ball Is Comparable To Football Kick-Off
A jump ball is comparable to a football kick-off. It occurs at the basketball court’s center when the referee tosses the basketball into the air, and one participant from every team attempts to roll the ball.
It is responsible for directing the ball towards a fellow player to gain initial possession of the ball.
Any basketball game begins with this stage. After the referee calls the held ball, a jump ball appears. It generates a sense of fairness in the game.
PassingPassing is the way of exchanging possession of the ball between teammates. When dribbling isn’t an option, or you need to go beyond an opponent’s guard, you’ll have to pass.
Here are five primary forms of passing:
- The chest pass is when the ball goes from a position directly in front of the player’s chest.
- The bounce pass is a passing where players forcefully bounce the ball on the court’s floor. It aids in getting the ball past a defensive opponent guard. Close to the goal-post, it is the most commonly utilized method.
- The roll pass is a passing where the player rolls the ball across the court’s floor. It aids in moving the ball across the opponent’s players from below. However, because enemies readily intercept this passing, it is rarely employed.
- The hook pass is passing, where a player tosses a basketball from the head side to a teammate. It may even be responsible for passing to a teammate from above—this aids in a diversion in the creation of opponents.
- The baseball pass is a passing when the ball goes to a teammate from a greater distance. To do a baseball pass, toss the ball using one hand in the same manner as a fastball throw.
When you’re stuck in an opponent’s defensive line and your teammates are separated by a significant distance, this strategy comes in handy.
It is a method in which the player moves one or two steps in either direction and maintains the initial foot firmly on the ground simultaneously. It aids in perplexing the opposing players.
ReboundingThe basketball is bounced back after a collision with the backboard in a missed basket attempt. If the ball stays within the court’s boundaries, players on both sides attempt to seize possession of it.
If it is rebounded out of bounds, the referee signals a jump ball in the middle of the court.
Final ThoughtsThis article provides you with information: ‘How many quarters are in a basketball game?
So, if you’re watching a broadcast game, the number of quarters they play may instantly tell you if you’re watching an NBA, high school basketball, college basketball, or international basketball game.
Thanks for reading!
What the Student Basketball Association has achieved in 10 years
Briefly summarize the results of the ten-year existence of the Student Basketball League, the correspondent of "RG" asked one of the main initiators of its creation, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Alexander Konovalov.
This season is the anniversary season for ASB. What did Russian student basketball look like ten years ago when this championship was conceived? Why even launch a new tournament?
Alexander Konovalov: Basketball competitions among students were held even then, but they were on the far periphery of university sports, and even more so of Russian sports in general.
The teams gathered in unknown places for literally a week, and this was considered the student championship of the country. When creating the ASB, we wanted to do something more serious and long-term, as well as to exclude the participation of professionals in them, which have always been lacking in college sports. The overriding task was to turn basketball into a truly mass hobby for student youth.
And how far have you progressed in solving this super-task?
Alexander Konovalov: First of all, we have created an attractive mass tournament with a low entry threshold for universities. The guys who used to be superficially familiar with basketball today take the ball, start training, and then play in a well-organized league. They get used to regular sports, become consumers of basketball. By systematically moving in this direction, we got today's numbers - eight hundred teams, ten thousand players in each ASB season. None of them are listed here formally, for show.
Even not the strongest universities that do not claim to conquer sky-high peaks hold at least 8-10 games within a few months. The strongest players play 30-35 times from October to May. So sport becomes a habit. More importantly, a real youth community has already formed on the basis of the ASB. People are interested in the project, they create content themselves. They take photos and videos, post about games on social networks, hold contests and votes. Illustrative examples: in our group in one of the social networks there are now 55 thousand people, the average daily audience of the site pro100basket.ru exceeds 3000 unique visitors, on especially busy days it reaches five thousand. Of the Russian professional basketball clubs, only CSKA can show comparable figures.
Every year more and more players move from student teams to professional ones
In the USA, college basketball is a backbone part of the basketball pyramid. We are still far from the NCAA overseas league in terms of the level of skill of the players.
Will the gap narrow over the years, or is such a goal not worth it?
Alexander Konovalov: We understand that ASB is not only guys and girls who play basketball for their own pleasure. We have quite a few players and teams that set themselves - and sometimes receive high sporting goals from the leadership of the university. An important task of the league is to form a high-quality competitive space that will allow them to progress. For ambitious teams, we create the so-called "top" divisions. The best players play in the "towers", they have more matches and a higher quota for entering the Belov League - our final all-Russian playoff. The results of this system are easy to evaluate, just look at the number of players who move from student teams to professional teams. Every year there are more of them. Former students today play in the United League and Super League 1, the Women's Premier League. So the sports level of Russian student basketball is growing. And we will contribute to this growth in every possible way.
As for comparisons with the NCAA... Of course, it makes sense to adopt from the American League the best examples of the organization of games and the design of halls, marketing and PR tools. We do this by building direct communications with representatives of the NCAA headquarters, its conferences and individual teams. But we still have a goal. In basic, fundamental aspects, we are building our own sports model.
In 2016, a separate top division of the student league appeared. What is this competition?
Alexander Konovalov: The VTB Student League brings together the most ambitious universities ready to invest in basketball teams. Here the highest requirements for the organization of games, capacity and branding of the halls, PR-activity and information support. Here, each game is necessarily broadcast on the YouTube channels of the league or the universities themselves. The decision to create such a tournament was ripe when a sufficient number of teams appeared that set high goals for themselves.
Universities have appeared that seriously cultivate basketball, want to develop it in their regions and understand that by creating strong and recognizable basketball teams, they strengthen their own brands, increase recognition, and form the university corporate culture.
Will the ASB seek from the Russian Basketball Federation to increase the quota of league players when forming teams for the Universiade? Still, these competitions should be played by students, not professional students.
Alexander Konovalov: We hope that very soon our country will be represented in such tournaments by a team made up entirely of ASB players. Moreover, a preliminary agreement with the RSE already exists. At least next year, when the Universiade will be held in China. For the first time, both men's and women's basketball teams in Russia will be represented exclusively by non-professional students playing in the ASB championship. For us, this is a very important step, a new stage that can bring dozens of young people and girls into the league, who will be motivated by the fact that once every two years they will be able to represent the country in such serious competitions.
For our part, we are conducting systematic preparations. Two years ago, the project "Team CRS" was launched. Several times a season we bring together the best players in the league, they work under the guidance of qualified coaches. Last year and this year, the team took part in fairly representative tournaments in China and South Korea. And performed well overall.
What is the future of CRS?
Alexander Konovalov: At the last meeting of the President's Sports Council, there was a reassessment of the current situation, when huge money is poured into professional sports leagues and at the same time there is a bias - the lack of support is felt by the student level, school, amateur, mass sports. I think that without a solid foundation, without a foundation, it is in these segments that the sport of the highest achievements will not be able to exist. In addition to being a social task, it is also a task for the future, the preparation of a reserve. Speaking about the plans of the ABS, I would like to note that we are faced with the task of achieving self-sufficiency.
It is very important that the league be, if not completely independent of sponsors, then at least significantly less dependent on them. Until she is. At the same time, the efficiency of using sponsorship funds, which we have received from our respected partners for all 10 years, is very high. Much higher than in professional sports.
Dubki Campus Dormitory – NRU HSE Dormitories – National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow Region, Odintsovsky District, pos. VNIISSOK, st. Denis Davydova, 1, 3, 9
3223 places | Apartment type ATM Medical center Adaptation for the disabled Wired Internet Gym Self-work room |
Building No.

1 (Denis Davydov St., 1), Building No. 2 (Denis Davydov St., 3), Building No. 3 (Denis Davydov St., 9)
3223 seats | 487 apartments |
Building No. 1 (Denis Davydov St. 1)
Number of floors: from 9 to 17 (multi-storey building)
1936 seats | 311 apartments | 71 four-room apartment 29 three-room apartments 133 two-room apartments 78 one-room apartments |
Senior duty officer
tel. 8 (498) 601-05-93, 8 (985) 198-28-85
E-mail: [email protected]
Office No. 128
Building No. 2 (Denis Davydov St., 3), Building No. 3 (Denis Davydov St. 9)
Number of floors: 12
1287 places | 176 apartments | 132 three-room apartments 44 two-room apartments |
Building No.

Senior duty officer 8 (498) 601-69-62; 8 (498) 601-69-72; com
Vkontakte dorm group run by the Student Council: https://vk.com/dubki.
Student Council mail: [email protected].
Telegram channel with announcements: https://t.me/dubki
Main telegram chat for communication between students: https://t.me/dubki_hse
Getting there
The hostel is located near the railway stations « Odintsovo", platforms "Pionerskaya" and "Otradnoye" of the Belarusian direction of the Moscow railway.
For the convenience of students, special free bus routes have been introduced: “Dubki – railway. Art. Odintsovo - Dubki.
Vehicles with "Higher School of Economics" signs depart from the station. "Odintsovo" and follows to the hostel.
A free bus route is also open from Monday to Saturday: “Dubki – st. metro "Slavyansky Boulevard" and "st. metro station "Slavyansky Boulevard" - Dubki". Place of boarding the bus on Slavyansky Boulevard:
From the station.
m. "Park Pobedy" bus number 339, to the stop "Dubrava", Odintsovo. Further to the railway. station Odintsovo on foot. Travel time, depending on the situation on the roads, from 30 to 90 minutes.
From Art. m. "Molodezhnaya" bus number 418, to the stop "Dubrava", Odintsovo. Further to the railway. station Odintsovo on foot. Travel time, depending on the situation on the roads, from 30 to 90 minutes.
From Art. m. "Yugo-Zapadnaya" bus number 461, to the stop "Dubrava", Odintsovo. Further to the railway. station Odintsovo on foot. Travel time, depending on the situation on the roads, from 30 to 90 minutes.
From the Belorussky railway station, railway. stations "Begovaya", "Testovskaya", "Fili", "Kuntsevo", "Working settlement", "Setun" on any MCD-1 electric train, except for the next one to st. "Usovo", get to the railway. Art. "Odintsovo". Travel time 15-35 minutes, depending on the departure station.
From the station.
m. "Molodezhnaya" bus number 594, to the stop "Hussar ballad". Travel time is on average 30 minutes.
PUBLIC TRANSPORT FROM ODINTSOVO TO THE HOSTEL: Art. "Odintsovo" to the stop "Eurodom". Travel time is 7 minutes.
also between the residential complex "Gusarskaya Ballada", where the hostel is located, and the Skolkovo Innovation Center, shuttle bus No. 27 regularly runs, with a stop at the station. Odintsovo.
Dormitory awards
In 2010-2013, building 1 (until 07/01/2015 - HSE hostel No. 7) became the winner of the competition "Our Student House" in the nominations "The best social and living conditions" (2010),
"The best infrastructure of a student hostel in Moscow" (2011), "The best hostel according to the results of Internet voting" (2013) and "The best group in social networks" for the page of the hostel "VKontakte" (2013).
In 2013 buildings 2 and 3) took second place in the competition "Our student house". In addition, the hostel was awarded a diploma in the nomination "The best infrastructure of a student hostel.
Buildings consist of 1-4-room apartments (1 building) and 2-3-room apartments (2-3 buildings), each of which has a separate bathroom (in three and four-room apartments there is an additional bathroom with a washbasin), a kitchen.
One room, depending on the area, is designed for 2-3 people. Each room is equipped with beds, tables, chairs, wardrobe, bookcases, bedside tables, table lamps.
The kitchen is equipped with kitchen furniture, refrigerator, electric stove, dining table and chairs. In the three-room and four-room apartments, an additional two-chamber refrigerator is installed in the kitchen.
Each apartment has a modern washing machine.
All rooms have a TV outlet: TV programs are received in VHF and VHF.
The sanitary conditions and order in the apartments are monitored by students, according to duty schedules.
The first building has an established wired network.
The second and third have network outlets to which you can connect your router. The current bandwidth in Dubki is 1500 Mbit/s for all 3 buildings. In addition to the wired network, a wireless network has been deployed that is not designed for mass connection.
Within walking distance from the hostel there are chain supermarkets Pyaterochka and Magnit.
If necessary, students are provided with bedding, a warm blanket.
On the ground floor of each building, there is a cloakroom open 5 days a week, where you can change bed linen and towels.
On the first floor of building 1 there is a doctor's office and a treatment room. Reception is carried out by a doctor and a nurse.
Reception hours: Monday to Friday from 15.00 to 18.45.
On each floor in all buildings there are card payphones with the possibility of calling emergency services and internal numbers of the hostel free of charge.
ATMs of VTB Bank and Sberbank of Russia are installed on the 1st floor of Building 1.
The security of students in the dormitory is provided by employees of a private security company. Employees monitor the access control inside the facility and provide control of the adjacent territory.
Video cameras are installed at the entrance to the hostel, on all floors and around the perimeter of the hostel.
Guests and parents can stay in the hostel from 8.00 to 23.00 daily.
The courtyard is equipped with an outdoor sports ground with a special surface for basketball/volleyball/football. There are several seating areas equipped with benches. Horizontal bars, outdoor exercise equipment and tennis tables have been installed.
All buildings are equipped with gyms: in the first building there is a common room, in the second - for men, in the third - for women.