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How to get permanent marker off leather basketball
How to get permanent marker off leather basketball
Removing Marker From a Basketball?
How do you remove marker from a basketball?
Ryan from Bribane
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By Kristy (Guest Post)
February 7, 20081 found this helpful
Try scribbling over it with a dry erase marker, completely covering the sharpie and then erase it. It should take it right up. Didn't believe it until I had to do this myself.
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February 24, 20220 found this helpful
Did not work
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By majec (Guest Post)
June 25, 20080 found this helpful
wd40 did not work
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July 7, 20171 found this helpful
I garunte that nail polish remover or perfume would get it off right away, trust me I know this sounds silly but it'll sure work, any kind of alcohol product would remove sharpie from any non fabric surface
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Didnt work (nail polisher), (alcohol)
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Mine did(nail polish) thank you.
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May 1, 20190 found this helpful
I tried nail polish remover it didnt work
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October 14, 20190 found this helpful
the nail polish was terrible it rubbed away the grip and colour. Thanks a lot for rewening my ball.
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September 3, 20220 found this helpful
I used dry erase pen. Cover all of the ink wait one minute and erase. This should take it off. Now it also depends on what type of value have, is it indoor or outdoor? Also make sure that you know what material your ball is made of. Mine was a leather ball. Good luck and God bless
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Archive: Removing Sharpie From a Basketball
August 26, 2007
Does anyone know of a way to remove sharpie (permanent) marker from a basketball? Someone wrote on my daughter's basketball and I'd like to remove it if possible.
Peggygv from San Antonio, TX
Removing Sharpie From a Basketball
Rubbing alcohol will often take it off, or (at least) take a lot of it off. I don't think it will hurt the surface of the ball--but test it on an inconspicuous area first. (03/19/2006)
By Jill
Removing Sharpie From a Basketball
Try a product called "oops!" It is available at hardware stores and walmart type stores. It is for removing paint spilled on carpet but it works for lots of other things. If that doesn't work try Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. That works on everything I have ever tried. It's amazing. Good luck! (03/20/2006)
Removing Sharpie From a Basketball
Try fingernail polish remover, I used it all the time in removing sharpies on items when working in school. (03/21/2006)
By Kenett
Removing Sharpie From a Basketball
I don't know if this would work, but try WD40. My husband has done amazing things all over our house, his tools & our yard with WD40.
Good luck. (03/21/2006)
By Ace
Removing Sharpie From a Basketball
Try "AWESOME". I get it at our local Dollar Store and it is really awesome. I have used it for just about everything. It removed bright red fingernail polish from a light blue rug. (03/21/2006)
By kinmicsmom
Removing Sharpie From a Basketball
You can remove the sharpie from any hard surface by just going over the same lines with a sharpie and immediately wipe with a cloth as you go. Crazy but it works, done it many times. (04/04/2006)
By Bob
Removing Sharpie From a Basketball
Rubbing alcohol probably isn't the best option. I attempted to remove Sharpie marker from a basketball of mine with rubbing alcohol, and it removed the grip on the ball where the marker used to be... I'd go with another option. (03/07/2007)
By Matt
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How to Remove a Sharpie Permanent Marker from a Basketball
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Most basketballs are either of rubber or synthetic material. In all cases, a sharpie permanent marker leaves a stubborn stain on a basketball. And if the stains have taken a long time, the more difficult it becomes to clear it. However, before you give up on the stained basketball, try the following tips;
8 Ways on How to Remove a Sharpie Permanent Marker from a Basketball2 Conclusion
Using Rubbing Alcohol Rubbing alcohol can help remove sharpie permanent stain. You can use either isopropyl, vodka, or bourbon. If the stain is on a wide surface, consider using a paper towel or a clean absorbent cloth. Otherwise, a cotton ball will suffice on tiny marks. Soak the cotton ball, cloth, or paper towel on the rubbing alcohol. However, do not over-drench it with the solvent. Just dab the sharpie mark lightly, wait for a few seconds and then wipe away the traces of ink remaining.
Remember, the solvent evaporates very quickly.
Also oversaturating the stain with the solvent will create a messy surface that’s even more difficult to clear off. Washing the surface with soapy water helps remove the vodka or bourbon from the basketball. Finally, use a towel to dry the surface completely.
Try Nail polish RemoverA nail polish removal also offers quick help on stubborn stains. An acetone-based nail polish remover is the right choice. Wet a piece of cloth with an acetone-based nail polish remover and place the rug over the stain on the basketball. Carefully rub the cloth on the stain with your hands in a circular pattern; persistence is the key to success here.
The stain should begin to clear and eventually come off. Lastly, use soapy water and a clean rug to tidy up the surface of the ball.
A Mixture of Toothpaste and Distilled VinegarIf you can’t get the previously mentioned items, try a mixture of distilled vinegar and white toothpaste. The two are easy to get around the home.
However, take note that the method requires a little bit of effort. Blend the two ingredients in a ratio of one to one. If you don’t have distilled vinegar, Lemon juice works as a substitute. Then apply the solution to the sharpie stain on the basketball. Using an old toothbrush, rub gently on the stain until it disappears.
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Dry Erase MarkerIf you don’t require more elbow grease, the dry erase marker is a viable method. A dry-erase marker is easy to get from local stores. Use it to mark every part of the stain. Then leave it for some seconds before wiping it off with a piece of cloth; the solvent in the dry erase mar marker works to loosen the stain.
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Hand SanitizerSince the emergence of covid-19, most homes stock at least a hand sanitizer. It’s also one way to remove a sharpie permanent marker stain from a basketball. Apply the hand sanitizer on the stain and scrub gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
Continue scrubbing for a while till the mark comes off completely. Then rinse and dry off the area with a soft cloth.
Baking Soda PasteBaking soda helps remove a wide number of stains including permanent marker stains. Begin by mixing water and baking soda to make a thick paste. Then spread the paste on the stain ad leave the set up for about 8 to 10 minutes. After that, scrub the spot with an old toothbrush. Rinse the surface with clean water and dry with a rug. Leaving the paste on the basketball for longer duration may damage the ball.
Lemon JuiceLemon juice is easy to come by in most homes. For a cheap and homemade solution for a sharpie marker, lemon juice is a viable method. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice onto the stain. Gently rub the mark on the basketball with either a brush or just your fingers. Clear the excess liquid using a dry absorbent cloth. Allow the surface to dry and check if there are traces of the stain remaining.
Repeat the procedure till the stain clears off.
Peanut ButterOne way to clear the sharpie permanent stain without tarnishing the basketball is to use peanut butter. The product has many uses in the kitchen and hence is easy to find in shops. The active ingredient is the oil from the nut. Take a little bit of peanut butter and spread it on the sharpie stain. After a few seconds, wipe it off using a sponge or a clean rug. Repeat if necessary.
ConclusionA permanent marker stain isn’t easy to remove from any surface, basketball included. The above items boost your chances of cleaning the stubborn stain. Remember, the more recent the stain is, the higher the chances of success. It may force you to carry out any of the above procedures more than once.
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How to remove traces of markers?
Permanent marker was originally designed to be difficult to remove.
However, there are often situations when the inscription from a permanent marker is completely unnecessary.
And then the question arises, how to remove traces of markers.
It's very easy to remove a marker if you know the substrate it's made of:
If the marker is water-based, it can be removed from hard surfaces with a sponge dampened with water.
Alcohol-based markers are easy to remove with a cloth soaked in alcohol or vodka, or any ether that evaporates quickly.
Oil based marker ink is oil soluble. You can remove inscriptions from such markers using vegetable or other fatty oil. Simply apply a little oil to a short-haired tissue paper and rub the lettering with it. Then wipe off any remaining marker with a dry cloth.
If you do not know on what basis the marker is made, then do not worry. Toothpaste is a great way to remove marker stains. Try rubbing toothpaste into the marker stain, leave for 1-2 minutes, then wipe off with a damp cloth.
This method perfectly removes inscriptions from wood panels, painted walls and from porcelain. To remove traces of the marker, you need to take a regular toothpaste that does not contain abrasive materials. Do not use dentifrice gel or tooth powder, especially to remove stains from varnished surfaces.
There are several other ways to remove permanent marker marks.
Permanent marker marks can be easily removed from a smooth surface, such as plastic, with a microfiber sponge (Clean Magic), simply by rubbing the inscription.
Try erasing the marker with a regular graphite pencil eraser. This method is good to use if you need to remove the trace of the marker from wooden surfaces. Use an eraser to remove most of the marker, and then use a tissue soaked in rubbing alcohol to remove any remaining writing.
Great for removing marker marks with nail polish remover (especially with acetone) or any solvent.
However, this method is not suitable for all surfaces, for example, it can damage a surface coated with varnish or paint.
Any alcohol-based aftershave removes marker well. Apply lotion to the stain and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse with water. Repeat if necessary.
Try removing the marker stain with any aerosol (hairspray, deodorant). Spray it on the inscription from the marker, and then rinse with water.
Tea tree oil works well on some surfaces.
Try spraying sunscreen on the marker stain, but don't leave it on the wood for too long as you could damage it.
We recommend following these tips:
always start removing marker marks with the least aggressive solvent;
be aware that some of the solvents/chemicals will attack certain surfaces or even cause the ink from the marker to penetrate even deeper into the surface;
the use of dry powders or powders containing abrasives may scratch the surface to be cleaned;
Some solvents may "melt" the plastic.
And remember the important rule for dealing with various stains: be sure to use any method to remove marks from the marker, first try it on an inconspicuous part of the surface.
Friends, we are very interested in how our advice on removing traces of markers helped you. We will be grateful if you express your opinion or share your experience by writing to us by e-mail: [email protected].
In addition, there is a professional marking removal tool - Nissen EZ marking removal wipe .
How to erase a marker or felt-tip pen from plastic and other surfaces
A permanent marker tends to be absorbed into the surface and firmly fixed. In case of contamination of hard non-porous surfaces, it is appropriate to use alcohol, acetone, special sponges or erasers. To clean fabrics, you can use bleach, hairspray, citrus juice, or plain alcohol. The main task is to carefully remove the oil or alcohol marker from the soiled surface, without rubbing it with persistent circular movements.
- 1. Removing the marker from hard, dense surfaces
- 1.1. How to wipe the marker with ethyl alcohol
- 1.2. Using a mixture of toothpaste and ordinary soda
- 1.3. Using a melamine sponge or "magic eraser"
- 1.4. Application of WD-40
- 1.5. Anti-stain marker
- 1.6. Stationery eraser
- 1.7. Sunscreen
- 1.8. Application of acetone
- 2. Cleaning fabrics from the marker
- 2.1. White fabric
- 2.2. Satin fabric
- 2.3. Strong fabrics
- 2.4. Regular fabrics
- 3. Removing the marker from carpets
- 4. Removing the marker from furniture
- 5. Removing the marker from leather
Parents of small children who manage to outline everything except the intended for this paper and cardboard. An indelible marker fully justifies its name - it can be very difficult to wipe it off even from the smoothest surfaces, not to mention fabrics, chipboard and MDF, which simultaneously absorb the drawn trace.
The main task is to decide how to erase the marker, and at the same time not damage the surface and completely remove this trace.
It should be noted that it is very difficult to clean a marker or indelible felt-tip pen from painted wallpapers, documents, books. The paper is completely saturated with paint, and instantly becomes limp after applying any of the following means. You can try a 3% peroxide solution by gently blotting the paper from the edge to the center.
Removing the marker from hard, dense surfaces
The peculiarity of such a surface is that the marker does not have time to be deeply absorbed before it dries, so it can be removed quite easily using one of the following methods.
How to clean marker with ethanol
Alcohol is the first and most recommended home remedy to use on permanent marker stains. A piece of rag, towel or gauze should be moistened abundantly with ordinary medical alcohol (but so that it does not drip) and thoroughly wipe the damaged surface.
The traces of the felt-tip pen will gradually begin to dissolve and remain on the cotton wool. This is especially effective against alcohol-based markers.
Please note! Be careful not to smear the resulting stain, so as not to aggravate the situation. Wipe with a cotton swab only the area where there is a pattern.
It may take several applications with new cotton wool until the color has completely dissolved.
Ethanol Concentrate
An alcoholic beverage such as bourbon, rum, vodka, or moonshine is a good source of alcohol. The higher the alcohol content, the more likely the marker will rub off. For example, low-alcohol drinks like beer are useless.
Using a mixture of toothpaste and ordinary soda
A mixture of toothpaste and soda in a ratio of 1:1 is a rather aggressive medium that will be able to break even a heavily absorbed mark. Likewise with alcohol, it may take several approaches. The mixture is prepared in a clean glass or plastic container, after which it is liberally applied to the painted spot.
Wait a few minutes for the trace to split, then remove the mixture with a clean, damp cloth or cotton swab. If the felt-tip pen does not lend itself, try gently rubbing it into the drawing in a circular motion with your finger. In this way, you can wipe the marker from any plastic.
Using toothpaste
Using a melamine sponge or “magic eraser”
You can find a “magic eraser” in some hardware stores. It is a melamine sponge, which is designed to remove a variety of stains from various kinds of surfaces. For the interaction of the sponge with the marker, the pattern must be moistened with plain water, after which, with persistent but gentle circular motions, begin to erase it.
The sponge may not seem to work at first, but after 20-40 seconds the pattern will float and begin to soak into the sponge. Moisten the erased drawing with water constantly so that it does not dry out.
Melamine Sponge Appearance
WD-40 Application
WD-40 Fluid is a versatile lubricant.
A distinctive feature of the liquid is its wide penetration - it seeps through incredibly thin cracks through which even water cannot pass. Due to this, WD-40 is very active in splitting the mark from the permanent marker.
In stores, the product is usually sold in an aerosol can with a thin tube. Gently apply a small amount of lubricant to the drawing, after a few minutes, wipe off what is left of the drawing with a cotton swab.
Variety of trade forms WD-40
Anti-Stain Marker
A more specific product is the Anti-Stain Marker. It looks exactly like a permanent one and can be painted on any surface. The difference is that the anti-stain marker is impregnated with a non-polar solvent, which, when applied to a permanent mark, instantly reacts with it. It is enough to carefully sketch the damaged part of the surface with a stain marker - and it can be wiped off with a cotton swab or cloth.
Anti-stain marker used for cleaning whiteboards. The permanent marker is so strongly absorbed into special surfaces that it can be difficult to wipe it off even with the tools that come with the board.
Sketch all the traces with a special felt-tip pen from stains - and the board will become like new.
Stain removal marker
Stationery eraser
How do you remove permanent marker from very smooth surfaces like plastic, plastic film or laminated wood? You can use the usual stationery eraser, which is sold either separately or placed on pencils. It may take some effort to make the mark succumb to the eraser.
Stationery eraser
Some sunscreens contain substances that can dissolve patterns. The method is similar to one of the options described above - a small amount of cream should be applied to the drawing, rubbed a little, after a couple of minutes, remove the cream with a damp cotton swab or rag.
Sunscreen also helps remove the marker.
Using Acetone
Acetone is a very strong solvent that works well on even the most stubborn stains. Similarly to alcohol, dampen a cotton swab or a clean soft cloth with a small amount of acetone and wipe the surface.
The result is not long in coming. You can erase a permanent marker from plastic with both acetone and alcohol.
Attention! Acetone is a rather dangerous substance. Avoid contact with open skin, eyes, inside the body. Work with rubber gloves. Do not inhale, observe safety precautions!
Acetone - excellent for removing marker marks
Acetone is the most versatile agent that allows you to remove black marker from lacquered and wooden doors, tables and countertops, furniture, refrigerators, mirrors, in elevators and porches. Acetone is able to wash the marker off bricks, walls, glass, metal and other resistant materials. It should not be used when cleaning the tinting of cars, TVs, phones, Barbie dolls, plastic bags, PVC, vinyl - the plastic used in the production is likely to dissolve along with the pattern. In this case, use alcohol.
Cleaning fabrics from the marker
The problem with this cleaning is that the paint is absorbed very quickly into the depths.
It is more difficult to remove a stain from velor, jackets and jeans than from a smooth surface, however, there are ways.
White fabric
Bleach is ideal for white fabric. Soiled clothes or pillows are soaked in bleach. The reaction can occur both instantly, there and after a few minutes. In any case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the fabric, and as soon as the marker dissolves, the clothes are immediately washed with plenty of plain water.
If the clothes are heavily soiled, they should be soaked in bleach. Make sure that it does not start to corrode the fabric. As soon as the marker disappears, the fabric should be rinsed very well with plain water and dried. Particularly persistent residues can be tried to wash off.
White fabric damaged by a marker
Satin fabric
For satin fabric, use a specially prepared mixture. In a separate clean bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of milk and vinegar, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and borax. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied directly to the drawing.
It may take 10-20 minutes to react with a pattern (do not worry, the prepared mixture will not affect either the structure of the fabric or its color).
Improvised preparations for the mixture
After the time has elapsed, the damaged area should be blotted with a clean, damp sponge. You may need to wipe a little, but do not be zealous. You need to get wet and rub gently until the stain disappears. If it does not disappear at once, repeat the procedure.
Strong fabrics
On fabrics that are indifferent to the properties of alcohol and acetone (eg dermantine), washing the marker is much easier. With a moistened cotton swab it is necessary to wipe the mark from the marker. You will most likely need to change a few cotton wool before the stain can be removed. After that, the cleaned area should be thoroughly wiped with a clean, damp cloth.
Ordinary fabrics
You can use citrus juice (such as lemon or lime) to remove felt-tip marks from most ordinary fabrics.
The juice is absolutely harmless to any fabric, but at the same time it allows you to wash the permanent marker very effectively. Juice can be squeezed directly from the fruit onto the stain, then blotted with a cotton swab. If there is any doubt about the aggressiveness of citrus, further dilute the juice with water. Rinse the cleaned cloth with water.
Carpet marker removal
Alcohol is the most commonly used carpet cleaner. It is the stain removal technique that is important here. By following the recommendations, you will not spoil the product - alcohol will not affect the fabric of the carpet and its color in any way, but will only affect the pattern. Lay the carpet on a table or floor with the damaged part facing up. Pour some rubbing alcohol onto the marker stain. It is necessary to remove the stain with a clean cloth or cotton wool, applying it to the surface moistened with alcohol.
Please note! Never rub, just apply! So alcohol is guaranteed not to affect the carpet itself.
The dissolved marker will begin to gradually blend into the fabric. After several changes of the impregnated fleece or fabric to a clean one, the trace will completely pass from the carpet.
You can also use hairspray by applying a small amount to the stain and wiping immediately with a clean towel.
After all manipulations, wipe the cleaned surface with plain water.
Remove marker from furniture
Hairspray perfectly removes marker marks from leatherette, eco-leather and leather upholstery.
Hairspray is an excellent skin cleanser
In order to wipe off a painted stain, the hairspray is rubbed into the surface with a cloth. The marker will begin to soak the rag, so occasionally you need to apply a new portion of varnish and replace the dirty rag with a clean one. After the trace has completely disappeared from the leather surface, the remains of the varnish are removed with a clean cloth, and the furniture is treated with a special conditioner.
This method works for all leather surfaces, including clothes, shoes, and soles.
A combination of hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol is used on the fabric surface. The soiled surface is wiped for 10–15 minutes with a cotton swab moistened with peroxide, after which it is replaced with a cotton swab with alcohol, with which the stain is also wiped for 10–15 minutes. As a result, the marker should completely go into the last fleece. The cleaned place is gently wiped with a damp cloth, after which excess moisture is removed with a dry one.
Other furniture can be treated with acetone, alcohol or hairspray. The substance is applied to a cotton swab or cloth, the outlined surface is gently wiped. The remains of an aggressive solvent must be removed with a slightly damp cloth.
Remove marker from skin
Hands, face and nails marked with marker or felt-tip pen can be easily cleaned with normal ethyl alcohol.
Removing the marker from the skin
A dampened cotton swab is used to clean the stained area of the skin (observe safety precautions), it may take some effort.