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How to hand check in basketball

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One of the most influential rules of the NBA that changed the entire nature of the basketball game was the hand checking rule. It completely changed the classic defense system of the NBA league. In addition, hands checking also steers the pace of the game in a faster direction.

So, what is the hand check rule? And why has it affected the NBA so much? Let’s find out with Scott Fujita in the article below!


What Is Hand Checking Rule?

The hand check rule prohibits a defender from placing and holding an opponent’s hand. Unless he is in the basket-near area with his back to the basket, all actions are illegal.

Defenders can momentarily touch the opponent’s hand anywhere on the field. However, the action must not impede the opponent’s movements in speed, rhythm, or balance.

What is a hand check NBA?

The defender’s arms don’t have to stay fully extended. Just putting a small part of their arm on the offensive player’s body will make moving or scoring more difficult for them.

It is very detrimental to ball handlers when they want to attack. However, after the rule changes, defenders face more disadvantages.

As a defender, you will have to be much more careful when defending. You will mainly rely on your reflexes, movements, and sharp wits. After all, you don’t want the game to overturn because of your carelessness.

View more: NBA training camp

What Is The Penalty Of Hand Check NBA?

Hand-checking is a personal fault of the player who committed the foul. If a team has five individual fouls in a match, their opponent gets a free-throw shot.

If a player commits six individual fouls, the referee will call them “foul-out” and send them off. The player was then allowed to sit on the bench unless the referee sent him off.

When Did Hand Checking Appear At The NBA League?

Hand check rule appeared in the 2004-05 season

The NBA implemented the hand check rule in the 2004-2005 season. This rule clearly demonstrates an effort to reduce hand-checking. In addition, it clarifies fouls when blocking and implements the three-second defense rule.

The hand check rule completely messed up the NBA. In the past, hand check was the primary form of defense that defenders used for ball handlers to control their actions and speed.

Hand check play has been a hit in the NBA since the rule was amended in 1994. However, people later killed this tactic to make way for a more agile and free play.

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How Hand Check Rule Changed The NBA

1. Basketball Games In The Past

If you’ve been a longtime NBA fan, you’ll probably remember the days when the big men dominated the league. The most special is the position of centers with all the giant players.

People said that a team to win the championship at that time needed an unrivaled center. Games were surprisingly slow at the time, and perimeter play was still underdeveloped.

Hand-checking indeed plays a vital role in this scenario. However, the coaches and executives at the time had a different view. So they allow hand check action to happen.

In a basketball game full of big men and where hand check is valid, the defense gets rougher. There are situations where, if we compare it to today, it’s entirely against the rules.

An offensive player at that time also had to fight harder. Not only does he have to be a competent ball-handler, but he also has quick reflexes to break through the opponent’s steel defense.

On the other hand, offensive players are often not interested in getting close to the perimeter. Too many towering walls would appear in front of them. Plus, they’ll probably get a few rough defenses but not any free throws.

2. NBA Hand Check Rule Change

Michael Jordan changed the entire basketball game

Of course, that period of the NBA was not entirely all about the strikers. There were still perimeter stars that appeared during that time. We could tell you a few notable names like Magic Johnson, Reggie Miller, and Julius Erving.

And we have one more important name.

This player is the main actor who changed the NBA hand check rule – Michael Jordan. When the Chicago Bulls dominated the NBA, fans took a different approach.

The Bull’s attack system is revolutionary with two big perimeter stars, Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. Along with that, the way to play perimeter became famous. Everyone at the time wanted to play like Jordan. He is the face of the entire NBA.

Michael Jordan’s way of playing is both new and attractive. It is completely different from the traditional slow gameplay before. Later, with the appearance of young players with other perimeter play, the NBA organizers saw an opportunity.

Following Jordan’s first retirement, the federation amended the tournament and deemed hand-checking illegal. Perhaps they do it because they want to encourage young players to learn how to play the perimeter. Maybe they did so because they were afraid that fans’ interest would decrease after Michael Jordan’s absence.

In the beginning, not many people followed the hand-checking rule. However, Michael Jordan shows up again, and that’s where the NBA hand check comes into play.

3. The End Of Hand Check Era

Michael Jordan’s two three-point throws changed the game. It only gives young players active perimeter play. And in the end, we don’t need a dominant center to win.

The hand-checking rule still has a bit of a stretch after Mike’s first retirement. However, everyone realizes that the new perimeter play is the future of the NBA. They know that this is the time for a change.

After the 2003-04 season, the hand-check rule changed the game officially. At this time, the old strikers also gradually retired. The new generation of players that will take over the competition is potential perimeter ball handlers.

A few prominent players like LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and Carmelo Anthony shine in this era. The defense always has to find a way to stop them. This task is not easy, and that creates suspense for the audience when watching the match.

After a few seasons, the pace of the game gradually became faster. The NBA league is slowly regaining its appeal. We get to see firsthand the top-scoring phases.

Final Thoughts

The NBA basketball before and after the hand check rule are two completely separate eras. But even so, they survived both periods and thrived.

We have seen a lot of controversial opinions about the hand check rule. Many say that this rule changes the nature of the tournament and makes it too soft. However, now we all recognize the hand check rule that makes the game more unpredictable and exciting.

This rule causes defenders to think of ways to defend against offensive players. The game’s pace became faster and more flexible so that we couldn’t take our eyes off it.

Scott Fujita hopes that our article will bring you a lot of interesting knowledge. Don’t forget to follow our other articles!

What Is The Hand-Checking Rule And How Did It Change The NBA?

You’ve probably witnessed at least one discussion about how basketball used to be tougher ‘back in the day’. The fact hand-checking was allowed often forms part of their argument.

Full disclosure, I love the exciting nature of the modern game but I do believe it is a bit too soft in some aspects. However, I’m not looking to beat the old VS new drum here. Instead, this text is going to explore the much-discussed hand-checking rule and how it forever changed the NBA game.

Some fact-based comparisons of the old game and the new game will inevitably come up and whether the changes brought by the elimination of hand-checking are for better or worse is purely up to you. With that out of the way, let’s clearly define hand-checking.

What is hand-checking?

Even if you’ve never heard of hand-checking before, you’ve probably done it or experienced it during pickup games. 

In the simplest possible terms, hand-checking is when a defender uses one or both hands to initiate contact by placing it on the offensive player to better control, i.e. “check” them and impede their progress.

The arm doesn’t have to be fully extended, even a partially extended arm placed on an offensive player can make it much more difficult to drive/score and much easier for the defender to stay in front.

Looking at the game today, it can be difficult to fathom that such a method of playing defense was ever allowed.

Once Upon A Time…

You are probably familiar with how the NBA was dominated by great centers back in the day and you practically had to have a dominant center to contend for a championship. The game was almost painfully slow and perimeter play was nowhere nearly as developed as it is today.  

It’s true that hand-checking was a major contributing factor to this but it was far from the only one. Coaches and executives simply looked at the game differently and analytics that act as the driving force behind many decisions and adjustments in the modern NBA were all but unknown back then.

With the game centered around big men and hand-checking allowed, the game was much more physical which led to many situations that would be a clear foul today not being called back then. Now, this probably didn’t bother spot-up shooters that much since their game was never centered around driving.

On the other hand, it is easy to see why this would discourage players who wanted to drive to the rim from doing so. Even if you could get past your primary defender, and that’s a big “if”, there’s a massive center waiting under the rim since stretch fives were non-existent.

You will get hit, hard, and free throws would not be guaranteed. If you want a great example, just watch any defensive compilation of the Bad Boy Pistons on YouTube since they pushed these rules to their absolute limits.

Seeds of change

Even if powerful centers dominated the show in the 80s and early 90s, that doesn’t mean that perimeter stars did not exist. Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, John Stockton, Reggie Miller, and Julius Erving are just a few of the most prominent ones. Now, I know what you’re thinking, one name is missing from this list.

That name is almost single-handedly responsible for the beginning of the end of hand-checking. When Jordan’s Bulls started dominating the NBA, basketball fans were introduced to a brand new form of basketball.

A team centered around a revolutionary system and two perimeter stars in Jordan and Pippen. The Bulls ruled the league and perimeter play was gaining popularity because everyone wanted to be like Mike. He was the face of the NBA and he was extremely marketable.

Jordan’s style of play was both novel and attractive to fans who simply couldn’t identify with 7’ big men. The NBA was more popular than ever and young players everywhere wanted to hone their perimeter skills. NBA leadership saw the potential.

When MJ retired for the first time, the league “modified” the rules so that hand-checking was not allowed in an attempt to encourage more perimeter play without the league’s premier perimeter star. They may have also been worried (read: were totally worried) that their rating would sharply decline without MJ. 

Predictably, the ratings dropped like a rock. However, there was very little implementation of the new rules (hence the quotation marks), and they were completely thrown out of the window once MJ (and the ratings) came back.

The end of an era

Jordan’s second three-peat not only cemented his legacy, but an entire generation of up and coming players was raised honing their perimeter game and it became clear that a dominant center was no longer the only recipe for a championship.

The hand-checking rule survived for a few more years after MJ’s second retirement in 1998 but it was clear that the perimeter game was the way of the future and the NBA wanted to unleash its full potential. 

When hand-checking was finally banned following the 2003/04 season, the NBA game would be forever changed. The last representatives of the old guard of centers were on their way out and the league was primed for a takeover by a new crop of dominant perimeter players.

Guys such as LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, and Carmelo Anthony were the new faces of the league and defenses had to find a new way to stop them. This would turn out to be a very difficult task and players like these would thrill the fans on a nightly basis.

Even it if did take a few more seasons for the speed of the game (measured by pace – the average number of possessions per game) to go up, this new brand of basketball was much more attractive and exciting to watch and there was a lot more scoring going on.

Could hand-checking ever make a comeback?

The wide-spread implementation of analytics in basketball was the final evolutionary step towards the full adoption of the perimeter game which became so prevalent that the center position was starting to become nearly useless beyond rim protection.

Had that trend continued, a case (albeit a weak one) could have been made for bringing hand-checking back in some form. Fortunately, the big men of the NBA also evolved to become far more complete players than any of their predecessors. 

These developments have brought us to what is arguably the fastest and most exciting era of NBA basketball in history. Hand-checking is now rightfully seen as a relic of the past and even the most bitter nostalgic will probably have to admit that the past is exactly where the hand-checking rule belongs.

Some explanations of the FIBA ​​3x3 rules (question-answer)

"Can two people start the game?"
> No! Definitely three. If there are no 3 players at the first game without a valid reason (for example, an unexpected traffic jam), the team is removed from the tournament (until the next round).

“Due to injuries and suspensions during the game, I was left alone in the team. Can I continue the game?
> Yes!

"Is there three seconds?"
> Yes, there is! Punishment - passing the ball to the opponent ("check").

“We attacked, they intercepted us, but did not have time to lead out of the arc, as we intercepted back. Can we attack right away?"
> No. You will have to take the ball out of the arc. If you at least throw at the ring, as soon as the ball leaves your hand, a whistle will sound and the ball will be passed to the opponent.

“In the end, when the ball is scored, does time stop until the conceding team takes the ball?”
> No, at this point the ball continues to be considered "live" and time does not stop.

“Who should ask for a substitution from the referee? Captain?"
> Nobody. The team itself makes a replacement at the "center" line, while the players must touch each other. But only when the ball is "dead", that is, before the "check". By the way, during the game, the substitute must sit on the substitution chair.

"If we get hit, can we take a time-out or make a substitution?"
> No! (Except when the referee blows the whistle to stop the game.)

“We got hit. The ball rolls over the front. Can we just let him roll so we can play through the check?”
> If you are able to approach the ball at a normal pace, or it is close to you, you must continue play and may not intentionally let the ball roll into touch. If you don't pick up the ball, the referee will stop play and warn your team, but leave the ball to you (via "check"). But when repeated can be technical!

“We scored the ball. What happens if we touch it before the opponent?
> The scoring team must not intentionally touch the ball! For the first such case in the game, the referee will warn the offending team, for the second - a technical one may follow.

“…And if we prevent the player of the conceding team from taking the ball in the semicircle under the hoop or prevent him from getting out of the semicircle?”
> Same: warning, then technical.

“Do you have to score two goals in overtime? Or 2 points more than the opponent?”
> Neither. To win in overtime, you need to score exactly 2 points. It can be one long-range hit or two 1-point hits. The difference with the opponent is not important.

“…And if overtime starts at 20:20 (when playing up to 21)?”
> In this case, we no longer play up to 21 points, but up to two points scored in overtime. That is, at 20:20 - we play until 22.

" A substitute is penalized by a technical officer for his behavior on the bench. To whom and where is the technical one recorded? »
> Technical fouls are not considered personal fouls, they are not written against the player's name on the score sheet, and, accordingly, the player is not sent off for any number of technical fouls. But a technical one is one of the team fouls and is noted in the protocol in the “Team fouls” column (recall: 7th team foul - 2 free throws, 10th team foul - 2 free throws + possession).

“There is nothing in the rules about a disqualifying foul. That is, the player is limitless, but they only give him technical ones one after another, but they cannot remove him?
> There is a reference to the big basketball rules in the 3x3 rules. By analogy with them, there is a disqualifying foul in 3x3 basketball. He is penalized with 2 free kicks + possession. (Plus, the organizers of a particular tournament may be punished in the form of a player missing at least the next game.)

“If we commit the 10th team foul and the opponent scores a long shot with a foul, is it really 2+2+possession?”
> Yes, it counts as 2 points + 2 free throws being shot + possession remains. Try not to bring up to 10 fouls, play more carefully.

“Where should the defensive team stand when checking? Inside the arc?
> The rules do not restrict this. But the defender must give the attacker a normal space, about a meter.

“What if the defender throws the ball at my feet when I check, either too hard or uncomfortable?”
> When checking, the defender must give a normal basketball pass to the attacker. If the referee decides that the defender deliberately gives an uncomfortable pass, a warning will follow for the entire team. Next time maybe technical.

Check. I'm on the defensive. The attacker gives me the ball, but I do not return it to him, but pass it to another attacker. So it is possible?"
> The check is made strictly at the top of the arc. You must pass the ball to the one who is standing "on the forehead" to the shield. Usually only one attacker stands this way.

“Is it true that when ranking teams, the goals scored are important, and not their difference with the goals conceded?”
> Yes, only scored ones count. So look for happiness in the attack :))

"A no-show scores fewer points in the standings than a loss in a game?"
> No, in 3v3 basketball only wins and losses count in the table. However, more than 2 no-shows/disqualifications will result in you being awarded 0 rating points in the system for the tournament. And this can already have a negative impact on the ranking of your team in different spins.

“The opponents refused to continue the game and the referee offered us some choice. What is it?"
> For example, your team has scored 7 points in this game so far. You can choose to record the score 7:0 or W:0 in your favor. It is reasonable to choose W:0 if your team scored below their average point norm in this game - then the game will not be considered as spinning several teams with the same number of wins, and your average performance will not decrease.

“Our opponents were given a technical foul and this is their 10th team foul in the game. Are we hitting 1+possession or 2+possession?"
For a technical foul - always 1 free kick + possession, even if it is the 10th team foul.


Training basketball games

Training basketball games

By throwing balls, we develop game thinking.

Divide into two teams, each in its own half of the court with two balls. On a signal, the players throw the balls to the opponent's half. A team scores a point if all balls end up in the opponent's half. We play up to 10 points.

DETAILS : Do not enter the opponent's half. Starting position: all players are on the foul line, and only after the signal can they run in their own half of the court. The teacher fixes the victory with a whistle. You can not hit the ball with your foot and fist.

CHIPS : Can be played with different balls: rubber, volleyball or basketball. You can increase the number of balls. You can divide the site with a net or benches.

Improve Basketball Skills

Two teams send their captains to the opposite end line or three second zone. The goal of the players is to pass the ball to the captain using basketball game techniques. Having caught the ball, the captain gets the right to throw. After the throw, a new captain is appointed. Up to 7 goals scored.

DETAILS : - You can play 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 - The captain can throw in different ways (from a place from under the ring, on the move, with his left hand, free kick, etc.) - The teacher makes adjustments to the conditions. For example, we play without a dribble, complete a certain number of passes, pass to the captain from a certain area, only from the floor, etc.

Learning to dribble without visual control

Players with the ball move around the court with a dribble. You can give a special task: leading only with the left or only with the right hand. Several players with the ball try to bewitch (bewitch) everyone else. If the player is taunted, then he gets up, takes the ball in his hands and lifts it up. They can help him out: a) Exchange balls with him; b) Crawl between his legs. Until everyone is pissed off.

DETAILS : - No "running" or "double dribble" - No running out of bounds - No batting if your ball has rolled

Improving basketball skills

Game 3x3 for one hoop according to streetball rules. Up to 7 goals scored.

DETAILS : - Start of play by "check" - After picking up the ball, the opposing team must take the ball over the three-point line and only then attack - Outs, fouls and other violations are judged by the players themselves.

CHIPS : Recently, this game has become a separate sport, and its popularity is growing every day. In 2014 Moscow hosted the 3x3 Basketball World Championship.

Learning deceitful movements, developing speed of reaction

Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, in the middle (under the basket) stands the goalkeeper. The rest of the players at the center line in turn try to touch (touch) any post before they are touched by the goalkeeper (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper.

DETAILS : - You cannot start moving towards the goalposts unless the goalkeeper is in his starting position under the ring

CHIPS : This game can be played not only in the gym.

Improving basketball skills

5x5 game for two rings without dribbling. 15 minutes.

Learning deceitful movements, developing speed of reaction

Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, in the middle (under the basket) stands the goalkeeper. The rest of the players at the center line in turn try to touch (touch) any post before they are touched by the goalkeeper (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper.

DETAILS : - You cannot start moving towards the goalposts unless the goalkeeper is in his starting position under the ring

CHIPS : This game can be played not only in the gym.

Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball

Two drivers, passing the ball, try to get closer to the player and salt him by touching the ball, without releasing the ball from his hands and without violating the rules of basketball. Greasy player: 1. Joins the drivers and the three of them continue to stain the rest. 2. Changes one of the drivers. 3. Two pairs are driven, competing to see who can spot the most. Until everyone is pissed off.

DETAILS : - Do not break the "running" rule - Do not throw the ball at the player, you need to pass the ball in your hands - Do not run out of bounds of the court

Developing speed of reaction, improving basketball skills

Players are divided into two equal teams, receive serial numbers and stand on the sideline in a line on opposite sides of the center line, on which the teacher stands with the ball. The teacher sends the ball to the court in any way and calls the number. The players whose number was called run out onto the court, try to take possession of the ball and score it into the ring. Play continues until either the ball is pocketed or a rule is broken. Then the players return the ball to the teacher and take their places along the sideline. 1. Can be played on one ring 2. You can call several numbers at once 3. You can give the task just to master the ball and give an accurate pass to the teacher. Up to 7 goals scored or 10 points scored (for a special task).

DETAILS : - No "jogging", "double dribble", fouls or out-of-bounds. – You can’t enter the court if your number was not called – It is very important to master the ball by taking it in two hands

CHIPS : If you call not just numbers, but examples for subtraction or division, you can at the same time pull up mathematics.

Learning tricks with dribbling

Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, the goalkeeper stands in the middle (under the hoop). The rest of the players at the center line, they take turns trying to touch (touch) any rack before the goalkeeper touches them (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper. All players (including the goalkeeper) with balls and move around the court with a dribble.

DETAILS : – No starting to move towards the goalposts unless the goalkeeper is in starting position under the hoop – No “running” or “double dribble” allowed

Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball

In a chaotic manner, stands are placed on the court, each of them has a player. One ball for all players. One driver is selected ("dog"), who should try to intercept / take away the ball. Players pass the ball between themselves and cannot move away from the post. If the dog managed to take possession of the ball, then it changes places with the player who made the loss. At the whistle, each player must change the rack, run to any other, including the dog can take the rack, then the player who did not have enough rack becomes the new dog. You can increase the number of balls and dogs.

DETAILS : – You can’t break the “running” rule – If the whistle blows while you have the ball, then you need to run to another post with the dribbling – If the player with the ball did not have enough of the post, he still becomes a dog – The ball can be intercepted both in the air and pulled out of the hands

Improving the throw from different positions

All players stand in a column on the foul line, the first two have balls. Players take turns throwing the ball into the ring until they score (the first throw is always a free throw, the rest of the throws can be any). A player is out of the game if the player behind him scored before him. You can also play starting with a three-point shot. Until one player remains.

DETAILS : - You can not hit another ball, knock it out of the basket

CHIPS : To win this game, not only the accuracy of the throws is important, but also the ability to quickly pick up your ball.

We develop game thinking, speed, coordination.

Two equal teams stand freely on different halves of the court, and the captains stand behind the end lines next to the opponents. Players throw the ball at opponents, trying to knock them out, others, in turn, dodge. If a player is knocked out, he goes to his captain behind the end line. You can play two balls at once. Until one of the teams has not a single player left in the court.

DETAILS : - No entry into opponent's territory - Knocking out from the floor and from the wall does not count

Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball

Students are divided into two equal teams. One team owns the ball, the players pass to each other, following the rules of basketball. The goal of the game is to complete 10 passes in a row without making a mistake. The other team defends, interferes with passing the ball: the players try to intercept the ball or force the opponent to make a mistake. If the defenders managed to get hold of the ball, then they become attackers and try to make 10 passes in a row. Until the team gets 10 assists in a row.

DETAILS : - Cannot break the rules of running, out, foul - You can change the conditions of the game, for example: on the floor of the court, without dribble, all passes from the floor, etc.

Develop speed and agility, improve dribbling

Two (three, four) equal teams stand in columns, the first player has the ball. On a signal, the player passes the ball back to the second (in various ways: over the head / between the legs / roll on the floor between the legs / from the side / with alternating top and bottom), then the second player passes the ball to the third, and so the ball reaches the last one, who with dribbling (or just with the ball in his hands) runs around the post, returns to his team and becomes the first to pass the ball back again, etc.

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