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How to improve reaction time in basketball
Importance of Reaction Time In Basketball: Improving Tips
Did you know reaction time is important in basketball? Studies show that reaction time can affect your performance on the court. If you have a good reaction time. Then it will be easier to react and block a shot or steal the ball from an opponent. Luckily, reaction times are something that can be trained! In this blog post, we will go into more detail about why reaction time is so important for basketball players. And how they can improve their reaction times with some simple exercises.
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What is Reaction Time?
Reaction time is the measure of how quickly your brain can process information. It’s reaction vs thinking! Your reaction time depends on many different factors, including age and sex. Also, consider that reaction times will differ depending on each sport you play. Or even what kind of task a person must perform in a specific situation.
For example, if someone needs to react quickly while driving then they would have a faster reaction time than when cooking breakfast. Since it doesn’t require as much speed or quickness for this activity. When playing basketball though. Having good reaction time could give you an advantage over others players who do not have fast reactions! Studies show that about half of all NBA games are won with less than one point. And reaction times can make that difference.
Basketball is a Fast-Paced Game
Basketball is a fast-paced game. When you are playing on the court, reaction times can be tested in an instant. The best players have reaction times that allow them to do amazing things. Like make incredible shots or steals from opponents. If reaction time was not important for basketball, then these types of plays would never happen! Thus, reaction time is one of the most crucial skills needed to improve your performance on the court. And become an all-around better player.
How Does Reaction Time Improve Performance?
On Offence
There are a few ways in which reaction time can improve performance. First, reaction time helps you get to the ball faster. So that you can score or stop your opponent from scoring. Since reaction time takes milliseconds. Even the smallest reaction times can make a difference on whether you can score or not.
Second, reaction time will help you avoid getting blocked by your opponent when trying to take a shot. Quick reaction times allow players to get past defenders that may be in their way. While they are taking shots at the hoop. Furthermore, reaction times help out on offense by allowing players to set up better plays and make great passes.
On Defence
Reaction time is needed for defense and stealing – if reaction times were not important then it would be easy for opponents to always make shots because there would never be any steals! It allows players to stop opponents from scoring if they have managed to get past them!
It is important for defense as well because it allows athletes with quick reaction speeds to react quickly and without hesitation so that they can block incoming shots or steal balls from opponents who are shooting towards the net. Reaction time also helps basketball players avoid being out of position by an opposing player.
While reaction time is important for offense and defense, it can be improved by doing simple exercises that will strengthen the muscles in your hands and arms. So let’s go over to the next section, where we will be discussing how you can improve your reactions skills.
How Can I Improve My Reaction Time in Basketball?
There are a few ways that reaction times can be improved.
Hand-Eye Coordination
First, reaction time is all about hand-eye coordination, so it’s vital to strengthen the muscles in your hands and arms through simple exercises like squeezing stress balls or playing reaction games on your phone.
Practice Makes Perfect!
Second, reaction time will improve with practice! So make sure you’re always practicing basketball by shooting baskets or taking shots at the hoop during free periods.
Nutrition Helps
Finally, reaction times may increase if athletes eat certain foods because they contain key vitamins for increasing their body’s ability to think quickly when performing tasks that require good reaction speeds!
Improvement Come with Experience
Lastly, reaction time is enhanced when the brain learns from experiences – simply put: if you experience something then this will help make it easier for your reaction speed in future situations! Thus, always engage in new activities whenever possible because they will strengthen those neural connections which are responsible for making reactions faster and more efficient.
Reaction training is crucial not only during practice sessions but even outside of them since it provides players with opportunities to learn from their mistakes without consequences such as getting blocked by opponents or having the ball stolen. While reaction times are normally fixed, there is no harm in trying to improve them since reaction speed can always get faster and more efficient!
Basketball Reaction Time Drills
Here are some reaction training exercises for players to try out to improve their reaction times.
Reaction Time Games on Your Phone
Who says playing on your phone is bad? Reaction time games on the phone or reaction speed tests are great ways to improve reaction times in basketball.
For example, reaction games like Reaction Time can be played on your phone and they allow players to practice their reactions whenever they have some free moments! Reaction Time is a good app for this purpose since it allows players to play quick reaction-based challenges that will help them become faster and better at making decisions with the ball in their hands.
Ball Bouncing
If reaction time games are not your thing, then try out ball bouncing instead. This game is great because it doesn’t require an opponent or a phone app to play! All you need is a basketball and some open space. Players should stand about 20 feet away from the hoop while holding onto their balls. Then they must throw it towards the goal without letting go of their ball before catching it on its way back down into their hands again!
This drill will test reaction times in basketball by having players practice reacting quickly so that they can catch the returning bounce-back with just one hand – which requires quick reactions! If players only use two hands when catching the rebound, this indicates that they have slow reaction speeds since there would be no point trying to catch the ball with just one hand if reaction times were faster.
Footwork Drills
Footwork drills that work on getting into position quickly before shooting or passing balls/picks! Great exercise too since it helps with quick movements during gameplay!
Examples of Reaction Time in Basketball
One reaction time example is when players must quickly step in front of their opponent to block them from reaching the basket for a score. This requires reaction times since they need to react very fast before an opponent reaches the goal!
Another reaction time example would be deciding whether or not it’s worth passing the ball back down court after taking off on offense or if they should instead try and shoot at the hoop – which takes less reaction time but relies more on your shooting skills (and physicality, depending on who you’re playing against).
Reaction Speed Advantages in Basketball
Reaction speed in basketball has many advantages that improve game performance by allowing players to make decisions faster to keep up with certain situations in games such as being able to get into position earlier than opponents so that they can score more often.
Reaction time is important in basketball because it determines whether shots can be made, blocks taken, and steals achieved by opponents. Thus, athletes who have faster reaction speeds will always win over those who take longer because they can steal or block incoming shots much easier without being off guard at crucial moments when they’re in a game!
We hope that this blog post has been useful and that you’ve learned a lot about reaction time as it pertains to playing basketball.
As we can see, reaction times are very important for players to react quickly so they don’t get out of place by their opponents or miss shots!
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5 Reaction Drills to Build Quickness
The following is an exclusive excerpt from the book Developing Agility and Quickness, published by Human Kinetics. All text and images provided by Human Kinetics.
This section provides examples of quickness drills that improve the ability to identify a specific stimulus and to respond appropriately. Athletes must integrate a variety of auditory, visual, and sensory cues in order to execute each drill effectively. Once athletes consistently demonstrate good body control and technique, they can use these drills in a comprehensive agility-training program to improve reaction. This sort of program helps athletes quickly perform sport-specific tasks during competition.
Reactive Gear Drill
Level 3
This drill develops first-step quickness and improves the ability to accelerate and decelerate. The athlete starts at one of two cones placed 20 yards (18 m) apart. On the coach’s go signal, the athlete begins jogging back and forth between the two cones. (This speed is first gear.) When the coach calls second gear, the athlete speeds up to approximately three-fourths of full speed. When third gear is called, the athlete runs between the cones at full speed. The athlete should continue running between the cones for the entire duration of the drill (25 to 30 seconds).
To ensure that the athlete does not anticipate a specific gear, the coach should call out signals randomly. They should mix it up instead of repeatedly progressing through gears 1, 2, and 3 in order. For example, they might go from gear 1 to 3, followed by 2, or from 2 to 1 to 3. This keeps the drill unpredictable, forcing the athlete to focus intently on the auditory cues.
Reactive Sprint and Backpedal Drill
Level 3
This drill improves the ability to accelerate and decelerate while running forward and backward, such as when covering an opponent in a variety of sports. Begin this drill by placing two cones 10 yards (9 m) apart. The athlete begins by standing in an athletic position at cone 1. On the go signal, the athlete runs forward toward cone 2. When the coach says switch, the athlete immediately decelerates and changes directions, backpedaling to cone 1.
Wave Drill
Level 3
Identifying visual signals from a teammate or coach during competition is an important skill. This drill enhances reactive quickness with visual cues. Two cones are placed 10 yards (9 m) apart. The athlete should stand in an athletic position at cone 1, and the coach should stand just behind cone 2. On the go command, the athlete begins chopping the feet and watching for the coach to give a visual signal for a directional change. To signal the athlete to run forward, the coach raises both arms overhead.
The signal to run forward is always first. Once the athlete has reached the middle of the cones, the coach can change up the signals. To signal the athlete to backpedal, the coach drops both arms to the sides. The coach may also extend the arms directly in front to signal the athlete to stop in the current position, chop the feet, and wait for the next cue. The drill should last 8 to 10 seconds.
Shuffle Reaction Ball Drill
Level 3
This drill improves lateral movement transitions and hand-eye coordination. Two cones are set up about 5 yards (5 m) apart. The athlete stands between the cones. The coach stands in front of the athlete and throws a ball toward either cone. The athlete must shuffle to the side to catch the ball and then toss it back. As the athlete’s reaction time and movement patterns improve, the coach may increase the distance between the cones or the speed of the throw.
Ball Drops Drill
Level 3
This drill is excellent for improving response to visual stimulus and first-step quickness. The athlete and coach stand approximately 5 yards (5 m) away from each other. The coach has a racquetball (or any ball that bounces). The athlete assumes an athletic position. The coach holds the ball out to the side at shoulder height and then randomly drops it.
As soon as the coach releases the ball, the athlete sprints toward it and catches it before it bounces twice (see photo). The athlete should catch the ball in a good athletic stance. The athlete may not dive for the ball to make up for poor reaction time.
The coach and athlete can use the following variations to make the drill more challenging: • Increase the distance between the athlete and the coach. • Have the athlete start from different stances (three-point stance, on a knee, on the belly, and so on). • The coach holds a ball on each side and drops only one. This requires the athlete to be aware of multiple focal points. • The coach holds two balls and assigns a number to each (or uses different colored balls). Then, the coach drops both simultaneously while calling out a number (or color) to indicate which ball the athlete should attempt to catch.
From the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) comes this resource packed with more than 100 drills to help in the development of agility and quickness training programs. Applicable to almost every sport, Developing Agility and Quickness focuses on improving athletes’ fleetness of foot, change-of-direction speed, and reaction time. The book is available in bookstores everywhere, as well as online at the NSCA Store.
Exercises, means, methods for developing the speed of basketball players
Basketball lessons » Playing skills
Author: Maxim Gordienko
Hello, dear visitors of the site " Basketball Lessons ". We continue the topic of training and developing game skills with an article devoted to such an athlete parameter as speed.
Quickness is the player's ability to perform his actions in the shortest amount of time. The development of speed should be constantly paid attention to in training. Such training is especially necessary for tall and super tall players, since natural giants usually get little speed. It is known that weight training increases the speed of movement, develops muscle strength, improves coordination, which is important primarily for centers. It is advisable to combine special exercises and work on speed and technique in conditions close to the game, since constant game time trouble requires hard work, quick thinking and quick movements.
Development of speed among basketball players
In practice of working with basketball players of the national team, it has been proven that exercises with a barbell or kettlebell weighing 15-20% of the player's own weight develop motor speed. It is only necessary to ensure that during exercises with such weights the speed of movement does not decrease. Working with weights of 70-80% of the player's own weight contributes to the development of explosive strength and starting speed. However, it must be remembered that isometric exercises, which are mainly used to strengthen ligaments, are contraindicated for the development of speed: the muscles lose their elasticity, their contractions slow down. This method of developing speed skills includes work in the hall with balls and training in the stadium.
One or two legged squat jumps with the weights mentioned above.
Quick steps forward, backward, left, right with a weight of 25-30 kg - from 30 s to 1 min (2-3 steps each).
Quick steps without weights forward, backward, left, right, touching the ground with the hand at each change of direction - 1 min (2-3 steps each).
Same steps with touching the ground with one hand and dribbling with the other.
High starts at a distance of 5-10 m on time signal - in pairs, triples of players matched by weight, height, speed. Performed facing forward, then back forward.
Low starts at a distance of 5-10 m. Performed in the same way as in exercise. 5, but with dribbling.
Starts face or back forward at a distance of 5-10 m. The ball is at a distance of 3 m from the start. The player must take the ball and drive it forward. Can be done in pairs or triplets. The exercise is useful for developing starting speed.
The same as the previous one, at a distance of 50-100 m - for the development of motor speed. Runs on time.
Running 30-40m with high hips, turning into acceleration for the same distance. The same exercise can be performed with one or two balls dribbling.
Running with a shin touching the buttocks for 30-40 m with the transition to acceleration for the same distance.
Running with jumps alternately on the left and right foot for 30-40 m with the transition to acceleration for the same distance, with and without dribbling the ball.
Jumps on two legs forward (legs together) for a distance of 30-40 m with the transition to acceleration (running) for the same distance. This drill can be done with one or two balls dribbling.
Running with straight legs thrown forward (without bending the knees) up to 50 m with the transition to acceleration for the same distance. Can be done with one or two balls.
Snatch 15-40-60 m with rotation of the ball around the body, neck.
Fast run from a high start with the transfer of the ball from hand to hand. It is held as a competition of two or three players against the clock. Distance - up to 50 m.
The same as in the previous one, with imitation of deceptive movements.
Passing the ball in pairs during a speed run. One player runs forward, the other runs backwards.
Forward facing speed run of two players holding one ball with arms outstretched towards each other.
Speed run with side steps of two players facing each other, holding two balls on outstretched arms. Distance - up to 50m.
Fast running of the center player backwards with the transfer of 3-4 balls to him by the players who move facing him, being at a distance of 4-5 m. Distance - up to 100 m.
Fastest ascent and descent of stairs, taking into account the frequency of movements. It is held as a competition of two or three players for a time - from 20 to 40 s.
Speed run with turns (pivots) with one or two balls in a competition of two players. Distance - from 30 to 50m.
Same as above, but with dribbling and shooting, in pairs and teams.
100m track and field team dribbling relay. Players must pass the ball from hand to hand after 100m acceleration. Teams can be 5-10 people.
High-speed passes of the ball by three players in three passes with the ball thrown into the ring 5-7 times in a row.
High-speed dribbling from the front to the foul line, returning to the backboard with throwing the ball into the ring. Then dribbling to the center and back, to the opposite penalty area and back. It is played as a competition between two players.
Same as above, but dribbling with two balls.
By the way, these speed and speed training methods are taken from A. Gomelsky's book on the development and training of basketball players. But let's continue.
Very little attention is paid to the development of hand movement speed in our basketball, although a lot depends on the correct, fast hand work in the game. Strong, tenacious hands often help to win the fight for the rebound of the ball from the backboard, the fight on the floor. It is necessary to train the strength and tenacity of the hands and fingers constantly. For this purpose, exercises with tennis balls, an expander, push-ups from the floor on the fingers, hangings and pull-ups on a rope are best suited.
Exercises for the development of quickness (speed) of hands
Dribbling of one or two balls.
Timed passes of two or three balls against the wall - 30-40 s.
Hitting or catching two or three tennis balls, standing with your back to the wall at a distance of 2-3 m.
Passes against the wall with the right hand while dribbling with the left hand.
Juggling with two or three tennis balls with one and two hands.
Two players, lying on their stomachs at a distance of 2-3 m from each other, pass one-two-three balls for a time of 30-40 seconds. It is held as a competition between pairs for the number of passes.
Same as above, but seated.
Keeping three. balls for time - 30 s.
Dribbling against the wall on outstretched arms with two balls for a while - 30-40 s. It is held as a competition for the number of ball strokes.
Beating, catching and passing five-six-seven balls at a high pace for time - up to 30 s.
Well, the article about techniques and exercises has come to an end, the purpose of which is to develop speed of both legs and arms of a basketball player. After all, we all understand how important speed is in modern basketball - so we take note of the article. Good luck with your training and see you soon on the pages of this site!
( 2 estimates, average 5 out of 5 )
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Quickness of reaction (reaction speed) and methods of its development
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Quickness of reaction to the starting command (shot, whistle, etc. ) can be developed to some extent with the help of simple exercises performed under the expected or an unexpected short and sharp command from the coach.
For example:
1. While walking in a circle - on an unexpected sharp, short signal from the coach (clap, whistle) perform a jump up or to the side, squat, etc. It is advisable to carry out the exercise in the form of a competition: after each signal, the athlete who completed the exercise last leaves the game.
2. Standing, on the expected signal of the coach, perform a jump up from the starting position “low start”. The exercise is also held in the form of a competition, the winners are determined in pairs, then they compete among themselves, and so on until the fastest is revealed.
3. On the expected signal from the coach, perform a simple throw (from the chest or behind the head) of the medicine ball. The exercise is carried out in the form of a competition, as well as exercises 1, 2.
4. During the game of basketball ( football, volleyball ) on an unexpected, but specially stipulated and previously demonstrated signal of the coach, take the position of lying support. The exercise is carried out in the form of competitions. After each signal, the athlete who completed the exercise last leaves the game.
The responsiveness to the start command can be improved in two ways. These are:
analytical method for improving the speed of reaction;
sensory method to improve responsiveness.
Analytical method for developing reaction speed
Analytical method for improving reaction speed provides that reaction training is carried out in somewhat lighter conditions, separately by elements.
For example, when training a low start, the reaction to the starter's shot is first worked out separately, and the athlete performs the exercise in a more convenient high start position, and then the speed of leaving the blocks, but without a starting command.
Sensory method for improving reaction time
Sensory method for improving reaction time is based on the fact that the athlete develops a sense of timing, and this, in turn, as studies show, improves reaction.