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How to improve your shooting basketball

How To Develop Into A Great Shooter

By Joe Haefner

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When practicing, Stephen Curry must swish 5 out of 10 free throws.

Ray Allen is the first to the arena. Then he goes through a form shooting routine and progresses to 3-point shooting.

Great shooters have routines.

I believe the following shooting routine will help you develop into a great shooter or make you an even better shooter.


  • Maintains and develops sound shooting technique.
  • Develops consistency in your form.
  • Improves confidence

And quite simply, it just makes you a better shooter.

For youth and high school players or players looking to fix their shooting form, these progressions can be used in a shooting workout.

For advanced players, it's a great way to warm up and refine your shooting technique. That way, you stay consistent. That's why guys like Stephen Curry and Ray Allen do the "boring" form shooting drills every day.

We also want to add a shooting progression that we rarely see taught... we believe that this shooting progression will help a ton of players.

Personally, I added these unique progressions to my workouts this last year and it has dramatically improved players that I work with.

The Hop or the 1-2 Step

In the shooting progressions below, a 1-2 step is used.

Even if a shooter we train predominately hops, I still use these progressions with the 1-2 step. I found that it was the best way for me to teach the proper rhythm and coordination of the entire shot motion.

Then when we progress to drills with game shots, the player uses the hop. As a result, they have better rhythm and coordination with their shot.

The 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill

Most of you have seen this 1-hand shooting form drill. Even though it is nothing new, don't dismiss the importance of this foundational drill. This reinforces good technique of the "release" portion of your shot.

For this progression, we focus on getting our feet about shoulder width apart or slightly narrower.

You should be in a strong, balanced position.

Make sure to check your feet and develop consistency on every shot. We prefer to slightly stagger our feet or slightly turn them. The anatomy is different for every one. You need to find what works for you.

Next, make an L with your shooting arm.

Focus on pushing the ball up and out. Your elbow should finish above your eyes.

Focus on pushing the ball through your fingers. Typically, you should either finish with your index finger pointing at the hoop or with your index/middle finger pointing at the hoop. Find what works best for you.

When you properly shoot "up and out" and "push through your fingers", you will get the proper backspin on the ball.

I even recommend shooting at a wall to focus on proper mechanics. Then once you develop consistency with your feet and your follow through, move to the basket.

Summary of Emphasis Points:

  • Feet - Shoulder width apart.
  • Feet - Slightly staggered and/or turned.
  • Strong and stable position.
  • L with arm - start from this position.
  • Up and Out - push up and out through your fingers.

Shooting Workout - 10 wall shots and 50 shots at basket.

  1. The 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill - 10 wall shots with good technique

    Do not progress until you have shot 9 out of the last 10 wall shots with sound shooting technique. It's okay if this takes you some time. The key is sound shooting technique.

  2. The 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill - 50 shots at basket

    10 shots from 5 spots around the basket. Distance is 3 to 5 feet from the basket.

    Make 8 out of 10 shots from each spot. If you do not use good technique on a shot, the shot does not count.


You can use poor shooting technique and make shots close to the basket. As you move further from the basket, the poor shooting technique will be exposed. And you will miss more shots.

So it doesn't matter if you can make 10 out of 10 with poor technique. If you're worried about making shots, don't shoot at the basket. Technique is the most important thing here.

Once you develop good technique, then worry about making baskets.

Youth players should use proper ball size and lower goal heights for shooting drills.

(NOTE: Want to get more playing time and become the standout player on your team? Take your shooting and scoring skills to the next level with complete shooting workouts designed by our basketball experts. Download our FREE Breakthrough Shooting Workout to get your copy.).

One Hand Form Shooting Drill - With Guide Hand

Next, we work on adding the guide hand to the shooting release.

Since athletes have a tendency to use their guide hand, we do not have guide hand touch the ball in this progression.

This is highly important because when you overuse the guide hand, a lot of players will miss to the right and the left. If you can eliminate shooting to the right or left, you will automatically make more shots.

Emphasis Points

  • Guide hand near the side of the ball. Do not place guide hand in front or behind basketball.
  • Fingers on guide hand pointing upwards.
  • Keep guide hand still.
  • Do not touch the ball with the guide hand.

Shooting Workout

  1. 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill - 30 shots

    Shoot 10 shots from 3 spots. You should be 3 to 5 feet from the basket. Make 8 out of 10 from each spot before progressing to next exercise.

  2. 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand - 50 Shots

    Shoot 10 shots from 5 spots. You should be 3 to 5 feet from the basket. Make 8 out of 10 from each spot before progressing to the next progression.

The next shooting drills are highly important to the shooting development process.

HOWEVER, the shooting drills that teach things like rhythm, coordination, fluidity, arc, and proper shooting release are often forgotten or neglected.

They are often misused or under-emphasized.

If you want to become a great shooter, I can not emphasize the importance of the following drills enough. They could literally be the difference between being a poor shooter and a great shooter.

Rick Penny taught me these crucial shooting progressions that literally changed the way I taught shooting.

We will cover what we call Tuck, Set, and Go (or Release) and shooting progressions to teach the shot motion.

If you don't understand these terms... Tuck, Set, Go... please read this article...Get Instant Results With This Shooting Fundamental That Nobody Teaches (Stephen Curry Uses This). It goes into great detail about these concepts and the importance of them.

If you are serious about becoming a great shooter, it's absolutely vital that you read the shooting article.

This progression is called Set to Go. This focuses on the top half of the shooting motion.

As discussed in the previous shooting article, as soon as the ball reaches approximately the shoulder position, shooters extend their legs.

If you study great shooters like Stephen Curry, the ball actually starts coming up before you extend your legs.

However, if you try to consciously do this, it can screw up your rhythm and coordination.

So we use this as a progression to develop the coordination of extending your legs to shoot as the ball passes up through the shoulder position.

Set To Go Drill

The shooter starts a few feet from the basket.

In the set position, the players arm angle is approximately 90 degrees and the ball is positioned near the shoulder.

Once the shooter is ready, the player extends their legs and shoots at the same time in one fluid motion. The shot is like a free throw as there is little to no jump with this progression.

We will shoot 5 to 10 shots, then take a step back. We usually do this until we reach a step in front of the free throw line.

Also, make sure to take your time and do it right on every repetition. If you build a bad habit by being sloppy, it will take you ten times as long to fix the bad habit. So be smart and get in the right position prior for every shot.

Emphasis Points

  • Start from shoulder on each shot.
  • Extend legs and shoot at the same time.
  • Keep ball close to shoulder.
  • One fluid motion - no pauses or hitches.

Shooting Workout

  1. 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill - 20 shots

    Shoot 10 shots from 2 spots.

  2. 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand - 20 Shots

    Shoot 10 shots from 2 spots.

  3. Set To Go - 40 shots

    Shoot 10 shots from the distances of 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet, and 12 feet.

    First, develop sound shooting technique. Second, as soon as you can make 28 out of 40 shots with sound shooting technique, progress to the next shooting drill.

Additional Teaching Points and Possible Errors

This is not the entire shot motion that we teach. It is just part of it.

We're building our shot from the top down.

Also, here are some errors that we see.

Rushed Shots

When skipping this Set To Go shooting progression in the past, we noticed that some players developed "rushed shots". If they jump and bring the ball up at the same time, this forces the upper-body motion of the shot to be too quick. On average, not always, this results in more shooting inconsistencies.

Ball Too Far From Shoulder and Body

You don't want the ball too far from the shoulder as that will create a catapulting motion with your shot. You want your shot motion to go up and out with little motion backwards. Watch the video below for further explanation.

(Apologize for the noise in the videos... I just moved to Florida a few weeks ago and I still need to find a new gym and video crew!)

(NOTE: Want to get more playing time and become the standout player on your team? Take your shooting and scoring skills to the next level with complete shooting workouts designed by our basketball experts. Download our FREE Breakthrough Shooting Workout to get your copy.).

Shooting Off The Pass

After the shooter starts to get the proper rhythm and timing, you can start shooting from the pass just like a game.

The 15 Year Old Who Took 3 Months - Take Your Time!

Recently, I worked with a 15 year old boy. We used these exact same progressions. It literally took us over three months to get to the point where he was consistently using the correct form in game settings and making a high percentage of shots.

And he worked on his shot 4 to 5 times a week.

Also, do not rush through the progressions and give them too much to think about!

This is one of the biggest mistakes I made when I was in my 20s. I would give them too much information. At times, it would create paralysis analysis. I still have to check myself on this.

Give them bite-sized chunks of info. Focus on fixing one thing at a time. That's why we organized this in progressions. Focus on one progression. Perfect that progression. Create the proper shooting habit, so they don't even have to think about it, then move on to the next progression.

I also would limit playing games while you're developing the form. It's not that your form can't be developed during the season or while playing games. It's just more difficult and takes more time as they are more likely to go back to their old shooting form.

For a 10 year old, this could take two years to develop.

For a committed player with good shooting technique, it might take a few weeks.

Just be patient and take your time.

Beginner Workout
  • 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill - 20 shots
  • 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand - 20 Shots
  • Set To Go - 40 shots - 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet, and 12 feet
  • Tuck To Set Drill - 20 reps each leg
  • Tuck To Go - Start With Ball - 30 Shots Each Leg - Start At 10 Feet
  • Shooting Off The Pass - 30 Shots Each Leg - Start At 10 Feet

Intermediate Shooting Warm Up

For the intermediate and advanced players, we use a condensed version of this to warm up. It also hones the proper shooting technique. When I've neglected this warm up, players can get sloppy with their technique and miss more shots. This is why we do this at the beginning of every shooting workout.

Think of it as sharpening the tool prior to using it. Here, we are sharpening the shooting technique prior to shooting game shots.

This will probably only take 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of every workout.

  • 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill - 10 shots
  • 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand - 10 Shots
  • Set To Go - 20 shots - 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet, and 12 feet
  • Tuck To Set Drill - 10 reps each leg
  • Tuck To Go - Start With Ball - 20 Shots Each Leg - Start At 10 Feet
  • Shooting Off The Pass - 20 Shots Each Leg - Start At 10 Feet

Advanced Shooting Warm Up
  • 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand - 10 Shots
  • Set To Go - 20 shots - 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet, and 12 feet
  • Tuck To Set Drill - 5 reps each leg
  • Tuck To Go - Start With Ball - 10 Shots Each Leg - Start At 15 Feet
  • Shooting Off The Pass - 20 Shots Each Leg - Start At 15 to 18 Feet

Leave Your Thoughts And Comments Below!

We hope these shooting progressions help you as much as they've helped us.

Please let us know what you think and if you have any questions!

Solutions and Resources

Shooting and Ball Handling Workouts - The Attack and Counter Workout App

Baden Shooting Basketball

20 Tips To Improve Your Basketball Shooting | by Ultimate Hoops | Ultimate Hoops

As basketball players, we all dream of having the ability to shoot like NBA superstar Steph Curry. But for every seemingly effortless 27-foot shot Curry swishes, hours of repetitious shooting and fundamental training went into it.

One of Curry’s favorite shooting drills is taking 10 shots from five different locations on the three-point line, going back and forth until he takes 100. Looking for a score to beat? Curry once hit 94 out of 100, including 77 in a row. 77!

To get you on your way to shooting like Steph, we asked our Ultimate Hoops’ trainers to share their tried-and-true shooting tips. Here are 20 of our favorites.

“Focus on repetition and muscle memory. Elbow over your toe and follow through with your fingers toward the floor, dipping into the rim. Your upper body should never change. Don’t forget to use your legs. Working on these details over and over will result in higher shooting percentages every time.”

“When shooting, ‘grab the cookie out of the jar.’ Just like sneaking a cookie in the middle of the night, stick your hand in the cookie jar & pull the cookie out. Push-up your shot, stick your wrist in the rim & finish your follow through with the”cookie” in your hand.”

“Align your body towards your target; hand/pointy finger towards the rim. Position the ball in your shooting hand with your wrist bent backwards. Elbow elevated-up, with your hand set like a platter and the ball is the food. Bend your knees with the ball position in it’s shooting form. Elevate up for the finish!”

“Work on your one-handed shot and see how much it differs from your normal, two-handed shot. If they are not close, you likely have too much off-arm involvement and complicated mechanics. Leave your follow-through out after you shoot as a self-reference. Pay attention to how high/low your elbow is, finger direction, and wrist turn.”

“You must build consistency into your routine. Shoot the same way every shot. You must put in the time to become better, it’s not going to happen over night. The work you put in are the results you will receive.”

“Follow your fingers through the hoop (three up, one down technique). Focus on the technique and not the make. Understanding ‘every shot you take is your first’ is key.”

“Shoot free-throws in game-like situations as much as possible. Shoot either 1-and-1 or two-shots in-between drills. You will never shoot ten or twenty consecutive foul shots in a game so why practice them like that? Lock-in mentally and do the same ritual every time to build muscle memory.”

“Flick the wrist! A consistent shot starts and ends with the follow-through. Every shot while practicing should end with your wrist and fingers pointed down in the direction of the rim. Start every training session making seven perfect makes at five spots, five-feet from the rim. It’s not about making shots, its about consistency.”

“When shooting, confidence and consistency is key. Seeing the ball go in the hoop 200–300 times in a session really builds confidence. Make sure your shooting hand, elbow, knee, and foot are all is line with the basket while shooting followed by a good follow. Let’s see the ‘Goose Neck’!”

“Shooting starts before you touch the ball. Have poise, have some swag. You can’t be scared to take the shot or put your head down cause you’ve missed. Believe the next shot is going to fall. Also, your follow-through with the flick of the wrist will give your shot the spin it needs to ‘pop the nets.’ Now get some buckets!”

“Start on shots inside the paint. Feet shoulder-width apart, bending down into a triple threat position. Your shooting hand needs to be underneath the ball and your opposite hand on the side. Extend your arm high, breaking your wrist. Aim for the square and shoot it soft off the glass. Get used to making consecutive shots and to concentrate on a target.”

“Try the ‘Keep Your Eyes On The Basket” method. Hold your follow-through and put your ‘hand in the basket’ and hold until the ball hits the ground.”

“Use the fundamentals of B-E-E-F (balance, elbow, eyes, follow-through) on every shot. A drill to work on the fundamentals of “B-E-E-F” is form shooting, two to four feet in front on the basket. No dribble. Start from triple threat position, lift-with-bend rising the ball up above shoulder and shooting upward to the rim. Rebound and reset. Make 25 shots from the same spot to start.”

“Over-exaggerate your follow through, elbow to ear. When you shoot end-up with your elbow to your ear, it allows you to get arc on the ball. Your arm will naturally lower but still keep height on the ball.”

“Repetition of anything long enough will allow you to become more confident in your shooting. You must religiously shoot the same shot. You should not have your palm on the ball at all. When you shoot with your fingertips and your follow-through is directly at the rim, you are able to maximize the control the ball.

“Back In the day, we were told to look at the back of the rim. Well, welcome to a new era! Aiming for the back of the rim does not cover you for corner shots. So aim at the loops that hold the nets to the rim. Always aim at the back loop, for in order to hit the loop the ball has to go into the basket. Which replaces making the shot, to hitting the target.

“Start 2 feet from the basket and shoot a shot. If you make the shot take one step back, if you missed a shot you must stay in that spot. Each time you make a shot you take a step back. If you missed two shots in the same spot you start back at the beginning which is 2 feet from the basket. The goal is to work on your form and to challenge yourself to stay relaxed as you get further back while maintaining the same form.

“One of many things that is universal to having a consistent shot is your follow through. If you struggle with accuracy try starting out 1–2 steps away from the basket making 20 ‘nothing but net’ shots. Focus on making sure your pointer and middle finger are pointing in the direction of your target at the end of every shot. Gradually work your way back to three-point line.”

“Have your shoulders squared to the basket, feet shoulder-width apart or one foot slightly in front of the other. Your shooting hand should have the ball on your finger tips, allowing one finger to slide between the base of the ball and the palm of shooting hand. As the shooting hand goes up, create the letter “L” with the forearm and bicep, knees bent, with an emphasis on getting the ball above the head, where the back of shooting hand hits forehead.”

“For free-throw shooting, you need to get comfortable. Have a wide stance to promote good balance. Take a few dribbles, spin the ball in your hands, or whatever else to help the ball feel good. Bend your knees, then a big exhale. Let your shoulders slouch a little. Take your time and slow everything down. Do the same thing before every shot. Then repeat so many times that eventually muscle memory kicks in and you will be able to shoot with your eyes closed.”

Get started with your own customized basketball training program at Life Time. Start by choosing your trainer today.

How to become a more accurate basketball player: step by step

The main basketball player of Soviet Russia Alexander Gomelsky once said that basketball is a game of the 21st century. Who invented basketball? This magnificent game was invented by a physical education teacher at the American College of Springfield at the end of the 19th century.

This game perfectly reflects the modern reality thanks to the competitive spirit, rhythm, speed and emotions. Basketball is a combination of speed, power, willpower and intelligence. Basketball helps everyone develop regardless of gender and age.

Basketball is a unique sport that is great for women.

One of the main advantages of the game is the positive impact on the player's health due to physical activity of varying intensity. In one game, each participant runs 7 kilometers, makes more than 20 jerks at high speed, and also makes many jumps.

This active game is a kind of simulator for the respiratory tract, digestive system and endocrine glands. Playing basketball has a positive effect on the player's vision and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Needless to say, basketball will always keep you in shape?

Basketball master class by Dmitry Bazelevsky

Basketball should be practiced from an early age

Basketball is a great sport that everyone can do. Start playing basketball to achieve professional goals should be from early childhood. For the development of the child, both physically and mentally, he should be involved in individual and team sports.

Sport helps to develop spiritually, fight against complexes, the young player begins to realize his physical abilities and gets used to a disciplined order.

Such a team sport as basketball helps to get along in human society, make friends, teaches responsibility not only for oneself, but also for the whole team, develops the spirit of competition.

Basketball develops not only physically, but also helps to adapt in society, to feel like a part of the whole world.

Jeremy Lin

Don't force your child to do a particular sport, let him try everywhere and then decide what he likes best. This is what American psychologists advise to do. In American schools, there are great opportunities to make a basketball career from childhood.

Here are quality trainings, and in order to get into the team they conduct tests for children and thus reveal true talents. If your child sees himself only in basketball, then you need to find him a qualified coach.

Many parents want immediate results and are too demanding of both the coach and the child.

Leandro Barbosa

This attitude is initially wrong and can lead to a number of problems, such as the refusal of a small athlete to play sports because of too much work. First of all, you need to see each class as a lesson in spiritual development, and not a competition for the World Cup.

If you have already decided on a coach, then you should not load the boy with endless training on the field and immediately turn him into a basketball star. Until the child is 14 years old, let him spend on the field no more than four times a week. This is enough to hone the technique of the game.

Young children most often do not withstand many hours of training, and get mental disorders instead of world fame.

A professional trainer must himself understand what level of load should be given to the ward, so that it does not harm, but only benefit. Finding a specialist in this field is not easy.

Today, training is mainly carried out by teenagers, as a competent coach needs serious payment.

Unfortunately, the financing of youth sports in our country is at a very low level. Having found an adult trainer, you should not rejoice, older people are not the best option for active training. How to choose an average parent who does not understand anything in sports a good coach for their child?

The first thing you should remember is that a basketball specialist should understand that the first positive results will not come soon and should not put pressure on a novice player.

Parents should monitor the behavior of the coach in the classroom so that he does not in any way humiliate the personality of the children.

In addition, a good coach must have the qualities of a psychologist, understand children and give them the right direction.

To understand if a coach is right for you, pay attention to your son's behavior after training. If he comes on a positive note, then it is worth working with the coach. If the boy is depressed, he has an emotional failure, then it is better to refuse such a coach and continue the search.

Basketball seminars. Maxim Gordienko

A basketball player must prepare his physical and spiritual body

A future basketball player must be ready for the game both morally and physically (it is important to jump high).

He should not be very upset when he loses and should clearly understand that this is the result of a bad game or a dysfunctional team. Basketball helps a person to perceive defeats and rejoice in victories.

Basketball is a kind of life, because every person experiences such feelings throughout his years.

  • A child who plays basketball since childhood will not only have an athletic physique, but also a hardened heart and will go through life easily, experience less stress than his peers. Basketball communication with peers. Sometimes life problems arise on the field, with which children learn to fight and win from childhood.
  • Parents who dream of dedicating their child to professional basketball athletes have to decide what is more important for them, sport or education? Many want teenagers to spend more time in the gym, as it is more interesting for them there than at school, and a sports career with multimillion-dollar fees warms the soul. Basketball is one of the most expensive sports, so parents see it as a chance to get out of poverty. But even professional athletes say they lost a lot by dropping out of higher education.
  • Therefore, you should not deprive your children of the opportunity to get a higher education, because sooner or later they will still understand what a mistake they made. Suddenly, a sports career fails, then children may not be left with their lot. The best option is to combine sports with study.
  • The most important qualities that every professional athlete has before reaching adolescence is coordination and internal balance. Children should also be able to pass, throw, catch the ball, drive it, run without the ball and hit the basket. Without coordination, there can be no question of the profession of a basketball player.

Vince Carter

How does a young basketball player learn?

First, the child is introduced to the basic rules of the game and techniques. Such an acquaintance does not happen in one lesson. Before the start of the lesson, all athletes warm up, run around the hall, stretch, pass the ball to each other, take turns hammering into the rings to work out the throws. Then individual fragments of the game are taught.

Throw, attack, defense situations are simulated. At the first stage, the main focus is on the acquisition of the player's physical endurance, which serves as the basis for doubling the load. After the basketball player has mastered the basics of the game, the coach moves on to teaching more complex techniques. One of the elements of basketball includes martial arts as a means of attack and defense.

Children learn new ways to catch and pass the ball. Every competent coach should pay special attention to specialized tasks. The emphasis is on team play, creating a special atmosphere between team members. The competitive spirit is growing. After the basketball players have learned all the tricks of the game, special emphasis is placed on the game.

The time of victories and defeats begins.

Dwyane Wade and Lebron James

Every professional basketball player needs to know what role each player plays. The playmaker is the main player on the team. Usually they are the best basketball players on the team.

His role is excellent dribbling and passing. To repel attacks, forwards and center players come into play.

The movement of the forwards is distributed along the phalanxes, and the post player is directly in the center.

Few people want to become a center player, since it is he who has to withstand all the attacks of opponents. Such a player can score the highest ratings for a brilliant game.

In order to win, the actions of each player must be clearly coordinated with the team.

You should not set yourself the goal of gaining the best statistical data, because without attaching importance to game combinations, you can easily lose ground.

The player must be prepared for the fact that the coach will change the composition, either by adding more forwards, or by post players. Such tactics help to confuse the enemy and win the game even against the strongest team. Defense tactics is one of the main techniques, and is divided into zone and personal.

When a team beats a zone defense, the players try to cover their opponent. During personal defense, the player blocks a specific opponent, who at that moment is trying to take the ball out of his hands. The pressing technique suppresses active players and is used throughout the playing area, regardless of the size of the playing field.

Blake Griffin

Team performance scores are based on a number of metrics such as points, rebounds and blocks. Subjective indicators have a significant impact on the winnings of a team. These indicators include shots, passes, dribbling and feints. Throwing on the area of ​​​​the ring is an important part of the game and serve as the main indicators to get the most points.

Passing is also a key part of the game and leads to victory. To get decent points, you need to remember the rules of the game of passing. Deceptive moves with the body or the ball aimed at distracting the opponent are called feints. The concept of dribbling refers to the player's ability to drive the ball around the hall.

To become a worthy sportsman you need to have a strong will and diligence. If you skip workouts, be lazy and not train your body, then you will not achieve significant results. Each champion has to wake up early in the morning, do a warm-up, diet and follow all the instructions of the coach.

The coach, in turn, must attract the interest of every future basketball player, make sure that the game is only a joy, not a burden. This game requires a great desire to learn and in order to enter the first real game you need to train and train sparing no effort.

Everything must be approached with common sense

Every parent, bringing his child to basketball, immediately begins to wonder when he will achieve his result. You need to understand that more than 50% of success depends on the player, on his diligence and desire.

The coach can only give an inaccurate answer based on the athlete's physical ability. It often happens that a child has amazing physical data, but does not want to work. The probability of such a player becoming a champion is not great.

The opportunity to become a champion is for someone who, having no abilities, trains tirelessly and, as a result, achieves what he wants.

Of course, we must not forget that height and complexion play an important role. There is an opinion that it is better for an athlete who does not have the height of Gulliver to forget about basketball.

With a good height, you can easily shoot balls into the basket, eliminate the opponent's attack and take possession of the ball while defending the ring. But players with small stature are distinguished by high speed and agility, and they also know how to throw the ball perfectly over long distances.

You should also not forget that basketball promotes growth, so today you were in the list of athletes of short stature, and tomorrow you got up from the ranks of tall ones. One of the main qualities of the future basketball player is the character of the war, the core, the will to win.

This game seems very easy at first glance. But getting to know her better, you will understand that everyone can play carelessly, and only the elite can play professionally.

Basketball. Jordan, Magic, Chamberlain. How to become an NBA legend?

Michael Jordan

White people can't jump? Is it possible to become a great basketball player with bad dribbling? Is it possible to be a point guard and a center at the same time? How to become an icon for several generations? The answers to these questions are given to us by the legendary NBA players who influenced the development of basketball. Read about them at

Bill Russell (NBA player career 1956-1969)

Attack has been what has distinguished the NBA since its inception. With the advent of George Micon, many clubs realized that basketball is a game of big ones, although before that it was believed that basketball was just an exercise in speed and accuracy for ordinary athletes.

Centers were a piece of goods, lucky coaches used their advantages to the fullest, and the kids had only to take in quantity and tirelessly bomb the opponent's ring.

So both sides were doing the same thing: scoring points, only in different ways.

Russell showed that defense and team play can be the key to success. 11 league titles (most) in 13 years with Boston is just a number compared to his impact on basketball. The center of the "Celts" became the first who made block shots correctly, that is, covered the throw before it reached the highest point of the flight path.

Long before Rodman, Duncan, and Garnett was Russell, who is still the second-highest rebounder in the league. Russell relied on his ability to read the game, and not just on athleticism, which helped him in many ways to become the first African-American coach in NBA history.

And, of course, without Russell there would be no confrontation with Wilt Chamberlain, the most significant duel of centers in the history of basketball.

Larry Bird (1979–1992)

A player who directly rivals Russell for the title of the greatest person to wear the Celtics jersey. A nondescript boy, pale as death, who grew up in the wilderness of provincial Indiana. Apart from height, Larry didn't have any data to become a basketball player. Slow, no jump, no muscle mass, a mediocre dribbler, a poor athlete, Byrd found his way to influence the game.

And before him there were players who skillfully attacked the ring, but the concept of a pure sniper took root only after the appearance of Byrd. The 33rd number of the "Celts" was the first to show that dominance is possible solely due to phenomenal accuracy.

50 percent sales from the middle distance, 90 from the free throw line, 40 from behind the arc - all this at the same time and for many years.

Over the course of his career, Bird has surpassed Michael Jordan in assists, three-point accuracy and rebounds (average 10 for someone who can't jump, right?). Probably the most popular white player.

Due to his sniper talent and unparalleled leadership qualities, he opposed Dominic Wilkins, Isaiah Thomas, Julius Irving, Michael Jordan and, of course, the basketball player, the competition with which began even before both hit the NBA - with Magic Johnson.

Magic Johnson (1979-1996)

There is a category of players whose performance can be surpassed, but whose style cannot be copied, Erwin Magic Johnson is the epitome of this type. The 206cm point guard co-wrote with Larry Bird the most popular college final in basketball history.

The game between Michigan State and Indiana State, in which the Magic led his team to victory, was the impetus for the development of the scouting system.

The process has become more complex and progressive, scouts have begun to use video surveillance systems more often, they have begun to pay more attention to the statistics of starting basketball players.

In his first season, Johnson was named Rookie of the Year, NBA Champion, and Finals MVP. The only case when a debutant of the league managed to do this. At the same time, long before LeBron James, Magic showed that the future of the game lies in universalism.

Throughout the season, Johnson periodically played in all positions, the apogee was the sixth match of the final series, when instead of the injured Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Johnson started at the center position.

Then he scored 42 points, made 15 rebounds and distributed 7 assists.

Through his effervescent acting and rivalry with Larry Bird, Johnson caught the attention of the media, who realized just how lucrative sports broadcasts could be.

Interest in the league from ordinary people, advertising, coverage of basketball - Johnson made an invaluable contribution to all this, who, thanks to his cheerful disposition, talent as a showman and unique style of play, brought the league to a new stage of development.

Michael Jordan (1984–2003)

You must have done something very important if your name has been the standard for all basketball players in the world without exception for a quarter of a century. Books, treatises and doctoral dissertations are still being written about Jordan.

With the advent of Jordan, the very principle of basketball has changed, largely because of him, the term competitiveness began to be considered not just as competitiveness, but as a pathological, at the level of psychology, thirst for rivalry.

Jordan instinctively wanted to outperform everyone: teammates, rivals, those who questioned his ability, which is also why he still hasn't quit the Bobcats.

The change also happened because Jordan cut off the careers of those who could most likely make their greatest contribution to the development of the game - Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Reggie Miller.

The list of those left without championship rings because of Michael can be continued.

The revolution in the world of sports fashion is also for Michael, signature sneakers were produced before him, but only Jordan managed to make a separate culture out of this. Records, victories, the principle of preparation, lifestyle - all this is imitated by the current basketball stars, and the more they try, the more unattainable Michael's figure becomes.

Wilt Chamberlain (1959–1973)

Wilt Chamberlain was like a rare natural phenomenon. It arose at the dawn of the 60s, and the league immediately had to change the rules. At least five of them were rewritten solely in order to somehow limit the degree of Chamberlain's influence on the result.

There is no one like Wilt and there never will be. With all the limitations and peculiarities of the 60s and 70s in basketball, there will no longer be a person who would average 50 points per season, simply because he wanted to.

100 points in one game is like a symbol. Unlike archrival Bill Russell, Chamberlain was obsessed with records and individual achievement.

He was cramped in the framework of basketball, he played volleyball, jumped in height and length, ran long distances. And almost everywhere he achieved the highest results.

Chamberlain was perhaps the first among the NBA players to openly lead a social life, appear in public in defiant costumes, act in films, record music, and actively participate in advertising.

Everything that professional players take seriously now, Chamberlain did just for fun, whether it was statistics or life off the court. Even those who try hard can't outdo Wilt.

After all, hardly anyone can (and will) squeeze the live Arnold Schwarzenegger instead of a barbell, and this is how Chamberlain prepared for filming in Conan the Destroyer.

Anton Shatrov,

3 ways to become a professional basketball player — Sport and Fitness 2021

Only 60 new professional basketball players score each year. Why not you in the end? Start by honing your shooting, defense, and teamplay skills as best you can. Practice, practice, practice. Eat, sleep, dream and feel the game. Once it's in your blood, you may be ready to play against the world's basketball players.


Method 1 of 3: Sharpen Your Skills

Step 1. Learn all the rules of the game until you have a complete understanding of

The better you know a sports game, the better you will be at playing it, knowing what to expect and how to solve the problem. You can ask anyone who is familiar with the game, you can also find information on the Internet, ask the coach and join the team. Play, play and play more until it becomes a part of your life.

Understand that basketball is a physical and mental sport. Both are very important. If you're missing one area, focus on improving it while keeping others in mind. For example, if you need to practice dribble but have just finished dribble, dribble all the way to the sidezone from the center of the court

Step 2.

Get your body in the best shape

Go to the gym and start exercising. Fewer players will be able to beat the most talented players if they run faster and have more stamina.

Michael Jordan once said that “the best players are good scorers, best defenders” and “good team players”. To be all three, you need to be in good shape.

Here are some exercises that can help you:

  • Push-ups. Lots of push-ups and in different positions, like fingertip push-ups. You will be very surprised how well you can hold the ball if you have strong fingers. It's even possible if you think you don't have a big enough palm to hold the ball, it can be done if you have stronger fingers.
  • Basic exercise. Work on core strength with crunches, leg raises, plank exercises, lumbar extensions, etc. If you have a strong core, you can take risks and still be able to finish the match to the end.
  • Skipping rope. It seems to be a simple task, but it is useful! Jump rope as fast, as long and as hard as you can. The better you do this, the faster your feet will move across the court.
  • Jump. Improve your vertical jump, if you are fast, agile and good at jumping, you will be able to get even more rebounds than even taller players. Most super tall players don't use their full strength on the rebound because they don't need to. You can beat them if you work hard.

Step 3. Herd like crazy

If you've ever found yourself concentrating or focusing on dribbling, then you're not good enough to be a pro. You must be able to always feel where the ball is, have full control of it and be able to do whatever you want with it at any time.

  • Spend a lot of time playing basketball. Try to dribble on and off the court, or wherever you practice. Force yourself to dribble faster, lower, harder and even more than ever. You will be able to improve your movements on the court and improve your ability to play.
  • Do not let the ball touch your palm. Touch the ball with your fingertips, especially when dribbling.

Step 4. Practice your shooting skills

Look at the best shooters in the game and imitate their actions. Place your right hand holding the back of the ball, and keep your left hand to the side of the ball, guiding it.

Try to practice lying down and throw your basketball straight into the air so that it falls back into your hands. You can do this for hours listening to music or just lying down.

The ball should be felt with part of your arm, reaching to your elbow.

Take free pictures until you can take them in your sleep. There is no reason why you should miss a roll without defense. Practice shooting in cold or dry weather. After running through the lines and being so tired you couldn't see anything, it was a good time for a free shot. when shooting. Here's more:

  • B = Balance (balanced). When you are about to shoot, make sure you are in balance.
  • E = Eyes (Eyes). Looks at the basket as she is about to shoot.
  • E = Elbow (Elbow). Keep your elbows in front of your body while shooting.
  • F = Completion. Be sure to watch your shot; Let's say your hand seems to reach for the cookie jar while shooting. Maybe you don't have elbow strength, but you can try.

Step 6. Add a "C" to your "BEEF"

C stands for concentration and awareness. This is the most important part when shooting. Focus on where the ball is going, not paying attention "obviously" to who is around you or whether you should hit or pass.

"Consciousness" seems "secret" and "deceptive" and the difference is very subtle; this is referred to in the game as "unconsciousness" (e.g. flying in autopilot mode).

In this way, you will know the other players, their possibilities and ways of playing, but you will not show any physical or conscious anxiety when you "hear the move." Choice becomes instinct when you practice it and put it into practice.

Don't think too much about mirrorless and don't worry about what's behind you when you're free.

You may need to fish a little, rather than dribble in a straight line, and then expand your peripheral vision to see an area without focusing on it all the time. Peripheral vision can be learned and developed using it as a skill that can be practiced directly

Step 7. Try throwing with one hand

also touch the ball and rotate it ("in English").

  • Align your arms parallel to the black line on the ball. With your finger, hold the ball "in the middle" with one finger. Make sure you can see the light through your finger. This is the ideal position.
  • "Touch" involves shooting harder or softer depending on the situation and which side of the basket you are shooting from due to ball control issues. "flexibility" requires not being rigid or too long.

Step 8: Practice spinning the ball and using hands you don't use often

Place your "free hand" on the side of the ball, realizing that the other hand may have different control, then shoot (with the CBEEF technique), making sure that most of the power comes from the hand you write with.

  • If the twisting technique is new to you, it will take some practice and experience to see how it affects your shot. The effect of this will depend on your touch and on which side of the basket you have to shoot.
  • Practice turning the basket over on both sides. If you have even a little bit of "both-handedness" (using both hands), use both hands as strength against "out-of-hand" for outside punches (in the left basket).

Step 9. Practice to improve every aspect of your game

All the practice you can get will help you become a great player. Practice does not lead to perfection, but flawless practice leads to perfection. Here are some exercises to get you started:

  • Superman training. If there is a field, it is better, if not, then you can guess the distance. On the court, start at the line under the basket and run on a perpendicular line (the line near the free throw), then come down and do 5 push-ups. After that, get up and run back to the starting line position, run to the next perpendicular line (field line). Crouch down, do 10 push-ups and do the same for each line on the court. Again, when you're tired, it's a good idea to make at least 10 free throws after your workout.
  • Killer training. It's full field practice, back and forth. If you are really not in good shape, start with 4-6 "down and back" in 1 minute 8 seconds (start running from one line to the next and back to the starting position). Looks like enough time to run 48.8 meters. Once you have enough stamina, try down and back 13 times in 68 seconds. Again, when you're exhausted, make at least 10 free throws.
  • Friends are training. Invite a friend to take a basketball and start from the corner of the starting line, you control it. If you feel comfortable, keep your hands behind your back. Make him dribble diagonally across the court and you will make him change direction when he tries to enter the court. You will need to learn how to "switch" on the field in order to get ahead of your opponent and collide with an opponent holding the ball.

Step 10. Always be a confident team player

Look at people in free positions and pass the ball even when you want to shoot. The better your team, the better you will be. You don't have to be a shooter, but also a team player.

Don't monopolize the ball, eventually your teammates and coaches will get irritated and you'll be labeled a selfish player who risks everything to be on the bench.

And whatever you do, never lose confidence. If you are a shooter, shoot until you succeed! If you're playing a big D, clear your mind until you can't predict your opponent's moves. Eat foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins, take a breath and do it again if you feel bad. There is no easy way to success

Method 2 of 3: Start Your Career

Step 1: Start Playing on Teams and Attending Training Camps as Early as Possible

There are babies who are practically born with a basketball in their hands, and it is they who grow up to be professional players. It's best to start as early as possible to gain as much experience as possible. Start early and basketball will be in your blood.

Being in school and in the community is great, but consider going to training centers like the Five Star Basketball Training Center, the National Basketball Academy and Elite Hoops basketball. For a few hundred dollars each season, you'll team up with the best in class and take your skills to the next level

Step 2: Become the star of the high school basketball team

To get the attention of the university level (the next level), you must try to become a gold point on the high school basketball team.

This does not mean that you will become a football player; the truth is, no, being on the high school basketball team is not going to work for you.

It means taking risks, seizing opportunities, building on your team's strengths and putting them to work.

In addition to being a great player, you also need to be a player you can train and work with.

If you prevent others from playing well, you will not be hired. If you have weaknesses, coaches try to improve your skills, but your nature gets in the way because you don't want to listen, you won't be accepted either. Hone your skills as a player, but also hone your ability to be a team player and a person who also learns

Step 3. Improve your skills

How to become a better basketball player: 10 steps

Does the special attitude towards the “stars” of the team undermine the motivation of the rest of the team members? The researchers looked at the pay of NBA stars compared to their lesser-known teammates.

In general, if some team members receive what others see as undeserved rewards, this will have a negative impact on performance: team members will not work hard enough if they are overlooked.

But if the attitude towards the "stars" is justified, then this will not harm the efficiency. The stars are changing. Leaders are under scrutiny and are expected to perform much better.

Improving throws from close range and from under the ring

In principle, nothing new, this is where all throwing training in every sports school begins: they teach you to throw from the backboard, while the ball must touch the upper corner of the “square” drawn above the ring. The ball should softly touch this corner (remember the reverse rotation of the ball when shooting) and bounce into the basket

In order to focus the thrower's attention on the aiming point, you can stick a dollar sign or a picture of the sight there. Remember: the shield is your best ally, be sure to learn how to bounce off it.

Practice clean throws from under the basket and clean throws with a rebound from the shield from the second "antennae".

So, we understand. A clean throw is a shot that drops the ball into the basket without touching the ring itself. To achieve such a throw, you need to throw very softly, with reverse rotation, finishing with a brush. Such throws require the maximum concentration of attention from the basketball player and a change in the trajectory.

So, we make 5 throws from under the ring in a row, 3 of which must be clean. If it's very easy, then add the number of throws up to 10, trying to get everything clean. Throws can be made with a rebound from the backboard, but the ball must not touch the ring hoop itself.

Challenge yourself - and pass this test with honor!


Remember the BEEF (Balance, Eye, Elbow, Follow-through) rule when shooting basketball and follow the ball to improve accuracy.

Make it a habit to use this throwing technique, especially during practice, to achieve automaticity during the game. If you do not work out technically correct throws, bad habits appear, which are often difficult to correct.

If you don't know throwing technique, you need to work it out!

  • 2
    Relax and focus on the basket. Focus on the back of the rim when doing a jump shot or free throw
  • When shooting from under the basket, focus on the part of the backboard behind the basket where the ball should bounce.
  • 3
    Pick a good moment to throw, then take it. Find the right balance between throwing too much or not enough
  • By gaining confidence in a roll, you can also develop the ability to know/feel when you can make a successful roll.

Do not sway. Keep your balance when shooting basketball. Do not lean sharply to one side or the other. A sense of balance (both front-to-back and side-to-side) is critical to all throws and results in stability.

Accompany each throw. Follow along, as this is one of the moves that will help you see why you hit or miss.

Jump naturally. Avoid a sharp jump, it should be done easily and naturally. You need to smoothly jump straight up and make a throw at the top of the jump, while smoothly releasing the ball from your fingertips.

"Jump, Swing, Throw" is an easy way to remember this technique.

Make sure that the trajectory of the ball is an arc every time you throw it. The height of the arc varies, depending on the player. Some players shoot with a high arc while others shoot with a lower arc. If you use the correct throwing technique, make them consistently and hit, then the arc is correct.

Relax while making free throws. Concentrate on the basket and bend your knees slightly. Follow the same steps as usual. This will help you stay focused on your goal. Avoid excessive and unnecessary movement. Make only the movements necessary to throw and hit.

Practice all kinds of throws. Learn to shoot from anywhere on the court within your range. By doing this, you become a more versatile player.

Aim for the following goals: 90 percent or more lay-up shots, 70 percent or more free throws, 45 percent or more non-free throws, 30 percent or more 3-point shots. These tasks can be modified for beginner players.

Forget misses. Don't take them too personally, keep calm and keep exercising. In fact, this skill is very important in order to become a top player

Increasing your height by straightening your posture

This can help even if you haven't grown in years. All you need is to straighten your posture. To do this, we need to systematically perform a few simple exercises to stretch the spine. And yet - these exercises are a good prevention of scoliosis and other similar diseases.

How to be the best basketball player according to nba legends - Sports 2021

You play pickup truck with your friends every week, but you seem to be keeping up.

You have worked hard at the gym gaining weight to improve your fitness but nothing is working. The best way to improve your skills on the court? Gathering tips, tricks and training suggestions from some of the best pros in the sport.

Whether your speed, stamina, marksmanship or mental toughness increase, we have some options to help you master your pickup skills.

Here is your basketball textbook:


Jason Kidd - former NBA guard, Milwaukee Bucks head coach

Back at 34, Jason Kidd had one of his best seasons, joining the greats Oscar Robertson and Magic Johnson as the only players averaging at least 13 points, 9 assists and 8 rebounds per game. Kidd shares some tips on how to place pinpoint passes and achieve your personal triple-double: strength, speed and stamina.

Skill Pass

“I've always felt that passing doesn't work as much on passing as it does waiting: what does the eye see, and can the mind convey it to my body? What does this guy like to do? Does he want to go right or left? If I see someone going backdoor, can I get it to him so he can catch and finish?

Hand-eye coordination

“How do you work on sight and passing? Try to throw an out in the field (batter's).

If you're playing out with a buddy, if you see that he doesn't like the ball inside, can you pounce on the inside corner on the plate? I think it's good for anyone who has a son or daughter.

Can you throw pitches to an 8 year old consistently where you know he or she can hit him? Can you throw the ball so that it is in their sweet spot? It's not very easy to do."


“I do a lot of leg workouts with 30lb dumbbells, legs, calves and knees and I sit between each set. I am a big fan of Pilates to keep you strong.

I can take an hour or 30 minutes to stretch and work on my flexibility and abs. I don't run much, but I try to swim five times a week.

I also play one on one with a good friend, not to hit him, but more to chase him, stay in front of him and put your feet up.”

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Kobe Bryant is a devoted NBA legend, Los Angeles Lakers

When he was at his peak, Bryant was the NBA's leading scorer. Over the years, Bryant became overwhelmed by a routine that combined Olympic lifts with track work. He shared his secrets with the same intensity every time you got into court.

air conditioning

“You want to enter the coming season in top shape. My setup comes from running, whether on the track, on the field or on the court itself, just doing suicides or sprints.

Regardless of your program, the key is to push yourself to the level where you are struggling. You cannot gain confidence without going through it.

You're going to have to feel some pain, you're going to have to feel like your lungs are on fire, something like that.


“If you watch me work out, it doesn't look like I overdid it. This is an everyday thing. You must observe your program religiously."


“During the season I focus a lot on weight training, building up my strength levels as the season progresses. Pure deadlifts, deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, back squats, stuff like that. In the off-season, it's about being stronger and also more flexible. Then obviously you want to get on the court and work on your skills. I shoot 750 to 1000 people a day.”

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Cuttino Mobley - former Houston Rockets, Clippers guard

The former Clippers and Rockets guard was one of the best 3-point shooters in the league during his playing days. Here's how to strengthen your own long kick.

Warm Up

“Start at the rim, almost like a shot shaped jump pad, and shoot about 100 shots inward, then start moving on. It will just be muscle memory from repetition.”

Correct Form

“Shut your elbow and line it up with your knee, and don't shoot at the edge, don't shoot at it. Place some air under the ball to give it a chance to enter. Imagine that you are throwing an apple out of a basket.

Grasp, go into the basket with your release and follow with your index and middle fingers. This is what your form should be: up, pull the apple out of the basket, then back off.

You don't want to lean back when shooting; you just want to go up and down in the same place.”

At the gym

“Do as many push-ups and pull-ups as you can. Your jump is made from your triceps and wrist strength. You don't have to lift all those weights to shoot."

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Speed ​​

Leandro Barbosa - Phoenix Sun Guard

Leandro Barbosa, the "Brazilian Spot", previously won the Sixth Man Award in his career, in part because he turned out to be faster than anyone in the NBA. His experience will help improve your speed.


“When I was a child, I used to play football without shoes on the street. I don't have as many ball handling skills as Steve Nash, but my job is to just knock the ball off the free kick. Football has really helped me develop my fast legs.”


“I don't do a lot of upper body materials, but I do leg presses, Romanian deadlifts and some other lower body work every day. I also try to do the exercises while I have my shirt on.

People say it can be bad for your knees, but I do a lot of exercises with it to keep my legs strong. Sometimes I'll just go behind the locker room.

Then when I take it off, I really feel the difference.”

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Gilbert Arenas - Former Washington D.C.

"Basketball is all mental," says eccentric security guard Gilbert Arenas. "Each talent is the same, but the mental aspect separates stars from superstars. " Take his advice and be as heavy at the top as this former fly shooter.

Redirect your energy

“My confidence got hurt when I got into the league (Arenas was drawn 31st overall in the second round, he was expecting a promotion), but when I saw the old tape, I realized it was just basketball.

I put all my frustrations and energy into basketball for two weeks.

I did it and I need to play and I just decided that (my intensity) is what got me going (the team) and that's what will keep me going."

Find a learning partner

“You need someone to challenge you because he keeps you informed. He is going to make you work for what you are doing. You need such a person.

The psychology of game winners

“When we play pickup games, I won't shoot the ball until it's the last shot,” Arenas says.

“I'm the only one who's going to go through all this until we lose or win. I've been doing this for the last three years.

You must have this mind: if you don't, you must live with it. So many shots like Michael Jordan, he missed three times as many."

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Oundle Basketball, UK

  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Activity
  • Location
  • Pictures of
  • Cost
  • Age : 11 - 17
  • Language : ENGLISH
  • Required language level : A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
  • Purpose : speaking, teaching, sports
  • Intensity of classes : no lessons, 15 hours per week
  • Location : , Oundle, Northamptonshire, East Midlands
  • Airport : LHR (London, UK), LGW (London, UK)
  • Sports Basketball, kinball, volleyball, handball
  • Residence : Residence
  • Accommodation : 1, 2, 3, 4, shared toilet and bathroom
  • Infrastructure : indoor swimming pool, city, nature
  • Dates : 28. 06.2020 - 01.08.2020
  • Price for 1 week (in EURO) : 1570.7371004058

If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding holiday in Britain for your child, then Summer Camp in Oundle is perhaps the best choice!

Summer camp in Oundle offers a quality organization of children's and youth recreation a la carte:

  • English + sports coaching (football, field hockey, basketball , riding, tennis)
  • English + dance
  • Intensive sports coaching - two different sports for 3 hours a day: football, horseback riding, tennis, field hockey, basketball
  • Intensive sports coaching (6 hours per day) in football and golf

The main program Summer Camp Basketball in Oundle is designed for 3 hours of basketball lessons daily from Monday to Friday inclusive. For those who need to improve their English, they study the language for 3 hours in the afternoon. Those who do not experience problems with English do football, field hockey, tennis, horseback riding or dancing instead of English.

The goal of the camp organizers is to provide an opportunity to practice spoken English while doing what you love. Basketball Summer Camp in Round is an ideal environment in which children not only improve their basketball skills, but also increase their confidence in using the language, acquire other useful skills - in sports, dance and in communicating with peers.

Basketball Summer Camp in Round is held from 1988 years old, and over the years the camp has earned recognition and gained a brilliant reputation.

Basketball Summer Camp at Aundle has a caring, fun, friendly, safe environment. Since this is a residential camp, all the staff also live on campus with the guys. The camp staff - sports coaches, instructors, staff and English teachers - are some of the best specialists in England, with the necessary certificates and licenses for their work, but, and this is the main thing, they all sincerely love children, are passionate about their work and have invaluable experience!

The camp team guarantees that after staying at the Basketball Summer Camp in Aundle , each child will become more confident in practicing English, it will be easier to communicate in it, and will also acquire new skills in basketball - raise their level of skill to a new level or join this sport. But, most importantly, their stay in the camp will remain in their memory as wonderful memories and new friends.

Summer camp in Oundle is accredited by the British Council, which guarantees the quality of the proposed curriculum and the high level of safety of living conditions. Since 2015, Summer Camp at Aundle has been recognized as an "Excellent" monthly magazine covering events relating to the English language teaching industry in England and around the world.


The camp was founded in 1988 by the Dane Brahm van Asselt. He developed the concept of combining academic English learning with sports from his own experience. He came to England as a teenager and had great problems with English. However, he soon discovered that through his passion for hockey, he acquired the necessary social connections with English peers and improved his English very quickly.

As a former top level hockey player and sports organizer, he saw an opportunity to design something special and unique for kids and teens. He set himself the task of creating a specialized English language camp focused on sports and music, which could be a catalyst for the development of English language skills. And 30 years of impeccable work of the camp confirmed the correctness of its concept!

Why Oundle Summer Camp?

  • camp offers students the opportunity to do what they love (their favorite sport, music, singing or dancing) and use their passion to improve their English language skills. Doing what is really interesting, together with peers who share this passion, and applying the knowledge gained in the lessons in practice in live communication, English is learned much easier, faster and easier than just sitting at a desk. The guys sometimes don’t even notice that learning English in the camp is not limited to lessons!
  • Multinational atmosphere. Children from 65 different countries come to the camp every year. Friendships quickly develop between them, because they are based on a common interest! Children eat, study, relax and have fun together.
  • Small English classes. The camp offers the optimal size of groups in the classroom - usually 10 children, but the maximum size is limited to 14.
  • High professional level of the staff. The camp employs qualified coaches, educators and teachers, many of whom return year after year. All employees live on campus with the guys. The camp has only its own full-time medical workers, rescuers, trainers and teachers.
  • High security. The Summer Camp at Oundle offers one of the highest staff-to-child ratios of 1 to 4. The main goal of the organizers is to ensure the safety, comfort and well-being of all students. All employees live on campus. All employees are required to undergo a police background check. Students are not allowed to leave campus unaccompanied.


The camp offers accommodation on the campus of the private school Oundle School. The private school Oundle Oundle School is one of the largest private boarding schools in England. The school has been operating in England since 1556. Since the 19th century, it has been known as one of the best educational institutions in the direction of engineering and scientific programs.

The school owns many buildings from different historical eras. The school has a well-developed infrastructure. It has everything necessary for the effective academic, physical, creative development of students.

Modern educational buildings with classrooms are equipped with interactive equipment, 15 scientific laboratories and even a Topcon SM 200 scanning electron microscope, media and computer centers, libraries, and cafeterias. There is a professional music technology studio with concert and rehearsal rooms, the latest technical equipment, several dozen ultra-modern Yamaha pianos and a Steinway concert grand piano. The school has its own theater, a chapel with an organ hall, an art gallery and 4 art studios.

The sports infrastructure includes 4 rugby fields, 5 squash courts, spacious playing fields, 12 tennis and netball courts, a sports complex with fitness rooms, an athletic arena, 2 indoor gyms, 2 illuminated AstroTurf artificial turf fields, an indoor small-caliber shooting range and a 500-meter open shooting range, a boathouse with everything you need for sailing on a nearby lake. The school has its own indoor swimming pool 43.5 meters long.

All sports facilities are located on the school grounds, with the exception of the riding center, which is very close.

The camp offers accommodation on a full board basis (3 meals a day + snacks during the day). Boys and girls live separately - in different buildings. The school offers accommodation in 8 male and 5 female residences. Each hostel is designed for 60 residents. Students are provided with 1-2-bed rooms. Senior students live in single rooms with private facilities. In each hostel, kitchens, lounges, computer and TV rooms, Wi-Fi are in common access. The camp staff lives in the same buildings with the students, so the guys are under round-the-clock supervision.

Boarders are offered complex meals (three meals a day, on excursion days - with a packed lunch). There is a canteen in every residence of the school.

At Summer Camp Basketball in Oundle , children are encouraged to combine basketball (3 hours a day) with English classes or other sports (football, field hockey, basketball or tennis) or dance (also 3 hours a day) .

This is a popular choice for those guys who are passionate about horseback riding.

The following programs are offered to choose from:

  • Basketball (3 hours a day) + English (3 hours a day)
  • Basketball (3 hours a day) + Tennis (3 hours a day)
  • Basketball (3 hours a day) + Football (3 hours a day)
  • Basketball (3 hours a day) + Field hockey (3 hours a day)
  • Basketball (3 hours a day) + Horse riding (3 hours a day)
  • Basketball (3 hours a day) + Dance (3 hours a day)


The Basketball program is suitable for those guys who love to play basketball and want to improve their skills. Targeted intensive training aimed at increasing self-confidence and overall level of play guarantees success.

The program is designed for 3 hours of professional basketball coaching every day.

The training program focuses on fitness and development of agility, basic skills, including dribbling and shooting, improving tactics, teamwork and rapport.

Coaches strive not only to improve the level of the game of each player, but also to ensure that they enjoy the game. All guys are tested at the beginning of the program to ensure real progress.


  • 15 hours of instruction per week per week - three hours per day, Monday to Friday
  • for all levels
  • experienced and professional trainers
  • fitness training
  • basic skills and drills including throwing, passing, dribbling, rebounding and defending
  • tactics game
  • average coaching ratio - 1:10


  • Three hours of English per day, Monday to Friday inclusive: 15 hours per week in total.
  • Online pre-test and entrance test before the start of classes for correct placement into groups
  • Weekly progress test
  • British Council Accreditation
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Lessons in small classes: an average of 10 people in a group.
  • Stimulation of the practical use of the language outside of school hours - during music lessons
  • International camp: in a multinational environment, English becomes the only possible way to communicate
  • The program is designed for all levels - from A2 to C1 in accordance with the Scale of the Council of Europe.

Attention! An English course for absolute beginners is not offered! You must have at least level A1!

Dance lessons

The program is designed for both enthusiastic novice dancers and professionals of any level and style. The program of classes includes a variety of styles and disciplines - jazz, modern dance and street dance.

Course content:

  • 15 hours per week of dance lessons: 3 hours per day from Monday to Friday inclusive
  • diverse styles and disciplines
  • taught by professional dancers and experienced teachers from UK Art Schools
  • maximum 10 people per class
  • development of technique, improvisation, physical training, flexibility, endurance
  • teamwork
  • Preparing for Friday's final performance and recording
  • 's performance
  • any skill level - from beginners to professionals

Each session begins with a warm-up that includes fitness and flexibility exercises followed by technique and choreography exercises.

Every Friday - performances in front of all the guys in the camp and their parents.


The tennis program is designed for players of all levels and abilities. 15 hours of professional and comprehensive coaching are offered.

The workouts are aimed at improving the physical and mental aspects, including agility exercises and cardio workouts. The program will improve technique, enrich game tactics and increase endurance.

On the first day after testing, the group is divided into groups depending on the level of preparation of the children.

  • For players of all levels from beginner to advanced
  • Physical Endurance Exercises
  • Strategy and tactics of the game
  • Etiquette
  • Psychological coaching - partner trust and competitive practice
  • Weekly progress assessment

Football with Arsenal football club coaches

The program was developed in accordance with the methodology of football schools of the Arsenal club. The coaches are the full-time coaches of the football schools of the Arsenal club.

The children are given the opportunity to practice a multi-football program to meet the needs of a player of any level. On the first day, all the guys take tests to identify their skills and abilities, according to the results of these tests, they are placed in the appropriate group and on the appropriate training program.

The training program is aimed at developing the technique and tactics of the game. The guys are engaged in a high intensity program to improve maneuverability, speed, technique, tactics and strategy.

For advanced and experienced players, a more intense and advanced level of training is offered, which may include video analysis, nutritional advice, injury prevention classes.

Arsenal Soccer Schools has developed a standardized test to place the boys in their respective level groups, allowing players to define their own goals and aspects of the game for improvement.

The children are given the opportunity to visit Emirates - the home stadium of the Arsenal football club, including a full tour of both the stadium and what is hidden behind the scenes of the international football club.

All coaches are UEFA B qualified and hold a coaching license along with an FA Youth coaching certificate. All of them have passed careful and strict selection. All coaches have completed an internal training course at the Arsenal club, which gives them the knowledge and understanding of how to implement the methodology for educating great athletes. Training of coaches in the club is permanent, they are constantly involved in professional events in the field of development, advanced training in the football club Arsenal.


  • Introducing children to the philosophy of the Arsenal club, to the way he developed for educating great athletes
  • Daily 3 hours per day of professional training from Monday to Friday inclusive
  • The training program was developed by the head coaches of the football club Arsenal
  • Training provided by Arsenal Soccer Schools coaches
  • Groups for boys and girls
  • Skills and drills to improve physical agility, dribbling, turning, passing and receiving balls, defense, passing and shooting
  • Tactical lessons on forms of play, phases of play, team forms, counterattacks and pressing
  • All children are given t-shirts and water flasks with the Arsenal club logo
  • Tour of the Emirates Stadium - Arsenal's home football ground
  • Average ratio 1:10 - for one coach 10 guys

For advanced players

  • More intensive training
  • Deeper work on playing technique
  • Nutrition lessons
  • Fitness and cardio training
  • Strength training
  • Injury Prevention
  • The opportunity to get into the camp team and play with the local football team.

Field hockey

A comprehensive field hockey program that aims to improve players' individual skills and general knowledge of the game.

15 hours of highly professional training by experienced international coaches in this sport.

Multi-coaching program to meet the needs of each player. On the first day of their stay, all students are tested and assigned to the appropriate groups.

Coaching focuses on the physical and technical improvement of the level of the game through exercises that develop the basic skills and knowledge of the game. The guys play a lot of matches and competitions, enjoying this game.

For advanced and experienced players, a more intense level of training is offered, including elements of video analysis and theory, which contributes to a more complete understanding of this sport. Players with a coach analyze their game, work on tactics and game strategy.

The program features young players from top European clubs including HC Bloemendaal, HTC Uhlenhorst and El Real Club de Polo de Barcelona. This gives students the opportunity and experience to play on a truly international level.

The coaches are some of the best in the sport and are FIH and EHA qualified with international and Olympic coaching experience.


The teaching team are professional riding instructors with many years of experience. They are passionate about horses and encourage students to properly interact with these beautiful animals.

Horseback riding is a great addition to language classes, as sports are a great practice of using a foreign language in a circle of like-minded people.

In training, 1 teacher for 6 students, which allows you to pay individual attention to each student.

The riding program is aimed at riders of all levels, from those who have never ridden before to experienced riders.

The program is designed for 15 hours a week of professional training - dressage and show training, horseback riding.

Every Friday there are competitions, horse races, dressage tests and jumping over obstacles.

The goal of the program is stable and confident interaction with horses, horse care, rules for using equipment.

  • All instructors are state accredited, highly qualified and have many years of experience
  • Focus on gaining confidence in riding and handling horses, including walking, trotting, riding and jumping obstacles
  • Dressage and jumping training
  • Rules for the maintenance, care, preparation of horses, use of equipment
  • Stable complies with the latest UK health and safety regulations
  • The ratio of instructors and children is 1:6

The program of the stay at Basketball Camp in Aundle includes, in addition to the main activities, an evening entertainment program and two full-day excursions on weekends (these can be excursions to cities such as Brighton, Oxford and Cambridge or to Amusement Parks).

Students will benefit from a multicultural environment where English is the language of communication by participating in activities they truly enjoy.

If the guys have chosen the basketball program, and they do not need English classes, then after lunch they can choose the following classes (3 hours a day from Monday to Friday inclusive).

  • Arsenal football school
  • Field hockey
  • Horse riding
  • Tennis
  • Dance

Students will be offered a varied entertainment program during their stay at the camp. Those guys who stay for 2 or more weeks will be able to enjoy two exciting excursions every weekend.

Oundle Basketball Summer Camp is located in central England, 45 minutes by train from London, in the old market town of Oundle. The nearest airports (Birmingham and Luton) are only 80 minutes away, Heathrow - 2 hours.

The city is located in the ceremonial non-metropolitan county of Northamptonshire. Part of the East Midlands. The capital and largest city is Northampton. The population is 647 thousand people (33rd among ceremonial and 16th among non-metropolitan counties).

People in Northamptonshire appeared as early as 4000 BC, as evidenced by archaeological finds on Briar Hill. In the Bronze Age, there were already many settlements here, in our time, ceramics, axes and arrowheads are found in the region.

In the Iron Age, a hillfort was founded on the site of the Hunsbury manor, the remains of which can be seen today.

The territory of the region was covered with forests and fertile fields, in the 5th century BC. was inhabited by the warlike Celtic tribe of the Catuvelluns. The warriors of the tribe, led by Cassivellus, stubbornly resisted the invasion of the Romans, led by Caesar, until they were forced to surrender in 54 BC.

For the Romans, Northamptonshire was not a militarily important area, nevertheless, on the territory of the future county, they founded three large Roman cities: Toochester (Lactodorum), Irchester and the former large commercial area of ​​\u200b\u200bWater Newton (Durobriva, currently belongs to the county of Cambridgeshire) . Durobriva was one of the richest small Roman cities in Britain, mainly through the pottery trade.

After the departure of the Romans, Northamptonshire became part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia, and the city of Northampton became the administrative center. In the 9th century, the Vikings plundered the future county and it became part of the Danelaw, but later the Saxons conquered these lands. As a result, Northamptonshire has become one of the few counties in England where both Saxon and Danish town and village names occur.

The county was first recorded in the Anglo-Saxon chronicles in 1011 - "Hamtunskir" ("Hamtunscire") - the county (scire) of the home (Hamtun). The prefix "North" was added to distinguish the new county from Southampton, which lay further south.

Rockingham Castle was later built by William the Conqueror and served as a royal fortress until Elizabethan times. Mary Stuart languished in the now ruined castle of Foseringay Castle until her execution. In 1460, during the Wars of the Roses, the Battle of Northampton took place in the county and King Henry VI was taken prisoner.

During the English Revolution, Northamptonshire supported the side of Parliament. In 1645, the Royalist forces suffered a crushing defeat at the Battle of Nasby in the north of the county. King Charles I was taken prisoner at Holdenby House.

The ancestor of the first US President George Washington, Lawrence Washington, was elected mayor of Northampton several times.

The camp itself is located on the campus of a beautiful private school, with very convenient transport accessibility from all major international airports in the UK:

  • Heathrow Airport - 160 km - 2 hours 15 minutes
  • Stansted Airport - 105 km - 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Railway Eurostar Terminal London - 140 km - 2 hours 15 minutes


  • Peterborough - 24 km
  • Cambridge - 63 km
  • Birmingham - 116 km


The climate is temperate maritime, mild, with typical mild wet winters and cool summers.

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