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How to join aau basketball

How to pick an AAU team

Are you wondering how to pick an AAU team?

At this point in your playing career, there is a good chance that you have decided to play for an AAU team (also known as travel or club teams). You may have been asked to play on one or two. In fact, you may even be on one right now. (If you aren’t sure what we mean by ‘AAU team’ click here)

But how do you find an AAU team that is the right fit for you?

Finding the right fit

The best way to figure out how to pick an AAU team is to make sure that your goals line up with the goals and priorities of the AAU team.

Your personal goals

Ask yourself what you want to accomplish in these three areas: development, overall experience, and college recruiting. These are things that you define but will be impacted by the AAU team you play for.

Development – No matter your age, continuous development as a player is critical to your future success. This may be in regards to improving your skillset, physical abilities, basketball IQ, and ability to compete against different types of play.

Overall experience – Are you looking for the most competitive experience? Do you want to win at any cost? Are you looking for a fun time with your friends? While this area may change as you get older it is a good idea to at least have a starting point.

College recruiting – When you are in 9th grade or younger this area may not be a huge concern. However, as you get into high school, players will generally start considering what it would be like to play at the next level.

AAU team goals and priorities

As you evaluate your options, consider your goals and compare them to what the AAU team is trying to do. You need to find out what is motivating these teams to operate, coach, and work with young players. This is not the point that you are committing to anything. You just need to get an idea of the team and see if they may be a fit.

To get started, try the following:

  • Look over a team’s website (if they have one) and get a feel for how they operate.
  • Do some Google searches on the program, coaches, and players and see what pops up. You can find some real gems and red flags.
  • Call or email the coach and ask a few questions. They should be able to answer questions you have.

If you do these things, you will have a feel if your personal goals are lining up with the AAU team’s goals.

We may have a match

Now that you know your goals and may have found a team that matches what you are looking for, it is time to really dig in before you commit.

Who is coaching me?

The most influential person you will work with is going to be the coach. So try and figure a few things out:

  • What kind of experience do they have? If this is a young team then the coach may not have a lot of experience. This is normal. However, if this is a high school-aged team then experience is a big factor. Have they coached AAU before? Have they coached at the high school or college level? If they don’t have experience do you think they will be quick learners?
  • What is the coach’s philosophy on winning vs. teaching? Winning vs. playing time?
  • Do you think the coach will be able to help you develop beyond where you are currently at?
  • What style of coaching do they use? Are they ultra-relaxed and quiet? Are they high stress and loud? Do you think this style fits with your personality?
  • What type of system does the coach run? If you are a post player and the coach wants to run an uptempo transition style offense, there may be a problem for you.

Who else is on the team?

This actually does matter because it will impact you and your goals.

  • Is there someone else on your team that plays the same position? How will that affect your role? Will the other players push you to become better?
  • Does the team have a good balance of scorers, rebounders, and defenders? How does the coach see your role?
  • Are there other players that are getting recruited already? If so, it may create additional looks for you.
  • Will your team be competitive? If you want to go deep into tournaments you have to win games.
  • Does the coach have a son or daughter on the team? This isn’t always a bad thing. Just make sure that everyone is given an opportunity to be successful.

What tournaments are you competing in?

As you get older, this is going to make a difference. Your time and money are valuable. Don’t waste them on tournaments that you don’t find valuable. If you aren’t sure you can rely on the coach, rely on the team or tournament’s track record, or do some research on your own.

Keep in mind:

  • Does the team have a set travel/tournament schedule or are they figuring things out as they go?
  • If you are traveling, do your parents need to go with you, or will transportation, hotels, etc. be provided?
  • Is the tournament NCAA certified? If not, NCAA Division I and Division II coaches cannot attend. Is this important to you? Will other level coaches be there (NAIA, JC, etc.)? How do you know for sure? Remember, any tournament can make that claim but not all of them deliver. Do they have any history to back up their claims?
  • How many games are guaranteed? Not all tournaments are created the same.
  • How many tournaments are you committing to? Are you traveling every weekend or do you have time to “just be a kid”?
  • How good are the tournaments you are attending? Will you come back “battle-tested” and ready to play at a higher level?

Team track record and resources

If you are looking at a new team then they won’t have any history for you to consider. In that case, you can try and get a feel for their vision and decide if you want to trust it.

If the team does have some history, you can start to evaluate how they have done and if they are at the level you want to be at. A lot of these depend on how old a player is.

  • How do the teams help develop their players? Practice, workouts, personal training?
  • Do they have a lot of players switching in and out? How long does a player typically stay with them? If players are leaving, what is the reason?
  • Are you guaranteed playing time or a spot on a roster (this is not always a good thing)?
  • What divisions do tournament directors place the team in (if applicable)? Top bracket, second bracket, bottom bracket?
  • Has this team performed well at prior tournaments?
  • Does the team have a solid history of players moving on to the next level? This might be college but could also be players making their junior high or high school teams.
  • If you want to play in college, is there a history of players moving on to college rosters at all levels (JC through NCAA Division I)?
  • Does the program have a strong network of college coaches?
  • How much does it cost? What kind of financial obligations are expected? Are there different options for paying? What does the cost include?
  • Are you still looking for information on how to pick an AAU team? Here is a video on figuring out if AAU is worth the cost on YouTube (click here).

The bottom line

At the end of all this (and there is a lot) remember the goal is to find the best fit possible. You will never know everything for sure. And neither will the team’s coach or director. Do the best you can and then trust your gut. If you put in at least a little time to do your research you will make a good decision.

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What is AAU Basketball? (Including Pros and Cons)

AAU basketball is a highly debated topic.

Exactly what is AAU basketball and whether kids should participate is a question I receive often from parents.

With all the scandals that have surfaced involving college coaches, AAU coaches, runners, agents, advisors, shoe company executives, and the players and the families themselves, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.

In this blog post I'll do my best to describe what is AAU basketball, who can participate, when the season is, and also the pros and cons of playing.

Let's start off with the basics...

Table of Contents

What does AAU Stand For?

What is AAU Basketball?

Who Can Play AAU Basketball?

When is the AAU Basketball Season?

A Brief History of AAU Basketball (and where it went wrong)

Public Criticism of AAU Basketball

Positives of AAU Basketball

Negatives of AAU Basketball

Well, Should My Child Play AAU Basketball?


What Does AAU Stand For?

AAU stands for Amateur Athletic Union, and according to their website, they have been in existence since 1888.

What is AAU Basketball?

The Amateur Athletic Union is a youth sports organization.

To put it simply - groups of players get together and form independent teams that compete in AAU tournaments against other teams.

Since it was first created, the goal of AAU has been to advance the development of youth sports and physical fitness programs.

Originally, the focus of AAU was on the development of Olympic athletes with only the best of the best players competing...

But since 1970, it has deviated to the growth of youth sports at the fundamental level.

It is stated clearly in their vision statement: "To offer amateur athletes and volunteers opportunities to develop to their highest level through a national and local network of sporting events."

Who Can Play AAU Basketball?

AAU Basketball is an option for boys and girls.

For boys, they can start playing in the 7 and under age group and can compete up until the 12th grade or 19 and under division.

For girls, they can start playing when they are in the 2nd grade and can compete up until the 12th grade or 19 and under division.

When is the AAU Basketball Season?

The main stretch of AAU basketball runs from February until July; immediately following the end of the high school basketball season.

Although there are still many tournaments played throughout the entire year (including during the high school season).

Every age group is offered the opportunity to qualify and compete in the national championship tournaments.

These tournaments are what help AAU stand out from the rest of the grassroots basketball scene.

A Brief History of AAU Basketball (and where it went wrong)

AAU basketball gained popularity in the 1980s when Sonny Vaccaro and Phil Knight came together with the goal of spreading the youth basketball movement.

By signing AAU coaches and college coaches to shoe contracts, they ensured specific AAU programs and major basketball programs would be wearing their shoes.

Eventually, it became less about the basketball and more about the big shoe companies competing over the best players in the country.

AAU basketball clubs focused on receiving sponsorships from big shoe companies, like Nike and Adidas, with the goal of attracting elite high school talent.

The hope was that by getting these players to compete for a Nike or Adidas sponsored AAU team, they would stick with the company who sponsored their AAU team when it came time for them to sign a shoe contract.

This lead to less focus by the coaches on the development of the players during the summer basketball months and more attention on shoe contracts, rankings, and the marketing brand image of the players and clubs.

A lot of talented youth players got swept up in this corruption.

Some were overhyped as youths and never panned out, others lost eligibility to play in high school or college because of dealings with advisors who provided the player and his family with large sums of money.

Other players like Kobe Bryant and LeBron James dealt with the early success as teenagers and catapulted it into legendary basketball careers without allowing the scandalous tendencies of summer basketball to impeded their progress.

While AAU basketball programs aren't the only clubs affected by the major shoe companies, the organization has taken the brunt of the blame for the inconsistencies that are a part of the high school and college basketball landscape.

Public Criticism of AAU Basketball

There have been several high-profile coaches and players voice their dislike for AAU basketball.

Here's are some examples:

Steve Kerr:

“Even if today’s players are incredibly gifted, they grow up in a basketball environment that can only be called counterproductive. AAU basketball has replaced high school ball as the dominant form of development in the teen years. I coached my son’s AAU team for three years; it’s a genuinely weird subculture. Like everywhere else, you have good coaches and bad coaches, or strong programs and weak ones, but what troubled me was how much winning is devalued in the AAU structure. Teams play game after game after game, sometimes winning or losing four times in one day. Very rarely do teams ever hold a practice. Some programs fly in top players from out of state for a single weekend to join their team. Certain players play for one team in the morning and another one in the afternoon. If mom and dad aren’t happy with their son’s playing time, they switch club teams and stick him on a different one the following week. The process of growing as a team basketball player — learning how to become part of a whole, how to fit into something bigger than oneself — becomes completely lost within the AAU fabric.”

Kobe Bryant:

"AAU basketball. Horrible, It’s stupid. It doesn’t teach our kids how to play the game at all so you wind up having players that are big and they bring it up and they do all this fancy crap and they don’t know how to post. They don’t know the fundamentals of the game. It’s stupid.”

Gregg Popovich:

“Ever since AAU became the de facto leader in 'preparing kids', it’s been all downhill.

Charles Barkley:

“This new generation, they all stick together, they all play together, they’re all AAU babies,” Barkley said Wednesday on “Mike & Mike”, as transcribed by USA Today. “Any type of criticism directed toward them, they consider it hate. Even if it’s a fair criticism, they consider it hate. So no, it does not bother me what the new generation thinks, to be honest with you. I know they all stick together, so that’s just part of it, too.”

Moving on - here are the main positives and negatives of AAU basketball in my opinion...

Positives of AAU Basketball

Despite all the criticism AAU has received, there are two main benefits...

Compete against the best competition

In order to reach your potential as a basketball player, you need to be competing against the best teams and players.

AAU basketball helps achieve this.

It gives players the opportunity to play against better competition they couldn't find if they decided to stay at home and play in local leagues.

Being able to compete against top-level talent forces payers to raise their game and also exposes their weaknesses and shows players what they need to work on.

Opportunities for kids to get scholarships

For players with elite level talent, playing AAU basketball to get scholarship opportunities isn't exactly necessary...

But there have been many relatively unknown players who have been discovered at AAU tournaments and then offered a scholarship.

The truth is...

AAU basketball provides players with a great chance to showcase their skills against elite competiton in front of hundreds of coaches.

For players who don't have college coaches flying to their home town from all over the country to see their elite skills, this can be a big opportunity to miss out on.

Negatives of AAU Basketball

There are more than two negatives, but these are the two most important...

(These are true far more often than not... but there are definitely exceptions which I'll talk about later in the article. )

Winning is much more important than development

One of the things I find most troubling is that many coaches are neglecting teaching the basic principles of fundamental basketball.

In fact, there are some teams who don't run practices at all.

One of the reasons for this is because an AAU team will attempt to recruit the best talent possible, even if the players live far away from each other.

While families are more than happy to make the trip for a tournament, setting up team practices is incredibly difficult.

And when they do get together, with 3 - 4 games a day during tournaments, there is little time for coaches to work on skills with their team.

To add to this point, coaches will see very little apart from full court presses and zone defense during tournaments.

Both of these harm youth development but definitely lead to winning more basketball games.

Poor coaching

AAU basketball is littered with poor coaching.

Much of this has to do with the fact that anyone can start an AAU team and appoint themselves the head coach.

There are no certifications coaches need or criteria to be met as long as they can recruit a team who are willing to pay for the team to participate.

During many AAU tournaments, you'll be forced to witness coaches screaming obscenities at their players instead of teaching them the game.

I have no problem with coaches being tough on their players and holding them accountable, but it appears some coaches will yell with little purpose to make their players better.

In fact, most of the time it seems like they're only yelling to draw attention to themselves.

Well, Should My Child Play AAU Basketball?

This is the question everyone wants answered.

Here's my opinion:

Despite all the negatives that come with AAU basketball, there are definitely players who can benefit from participating.


You must find the right team.

If you can find the right program, AAU basketball can be a great development opportunity and a rewarding experience.

If you end up in a poor program, AAU basketball will be a horrible experience in many different ways.

Here are a few things to look out for when selecting an AAU team:

Good Coaching - You want to find a coach who understands the game, has good relationships with all players, and is focused on teaching them how to play basketball the right way.

Team Basketball - Make sure you find a team that promotes and plays team basketball. This will often depend on the basketball philosophy of the adult who is coaching the team.

Parents and Players - Will you and your child enjoy playing and hanging around with the players and parents on the team?

Games vs Practices - You must select an AAU team that has scheduled team practices at least once a week (preferably two). Don't join a team who only gets together on tournament weekends.


Exactly what is AAU basketball and deciding whether your child should participate is difficult to work out...

On one hand, there are many horrible parents and coaches who make a mockery of the sport, too much involvement from shoe companies, and not enough importance on developing good people...

But on the other hand, players can compete against the best of the best and have a bigger opportunity to get noticed by a coach who may offer them a scholarship in the future.

Whether you will have a good or bad experience will come down to selecting the right AAU club.

At the end of the day, the USA is still clearly developing the best basketball players on the planet...

And many of these players grow up participating in AAU.

While there are many negatives, the opinion that AAU basketball is killing the development of basketball players is a bit over the top.

where to study, salary, pros and cons

Author: Professional Guide

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Basketball player is a professional basketball player. Such a team game is popular, first of all, in the USA. In Russia, it is somewhat inferior to football and hockey, but still quite in demand. By the way, the ProfGid career guidance center has recently developed an accurate career guidance test that will tell you which professions suit you, give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence.

  • Professional knowledge
  • Famous basketball players
  • Examples of companies with basketball vacancies
  • See also :

    Brief description: who is a basketball player?

    The basic rules of the game of basketball are usually known to everyone: two teams enter the field, the one that scores more points wins. Points are given for hitting the ball into a basket hanging at a height of 3.05 meters from the floor. The number of points that is counted for each hit depends on the distance from which the throw was made. In the process of moving around the field, players must dribble the ball, beating it off the floor, and not hold it in their hands.

    Features of the profession

    A professional sports career requires a lot of energy, effort, time and dedication. A basketball player must always be in good shape, his salary and popularity largely depend on the performance of his performance on the field, and he must work closely with other team members. The main duties of a basketball player are as follows:

    • Daily attendance at training.
    • Compliance with the regime of the day and nutrition.
    • Participation in matches.
    • Participation in non-match events of the club.
    • Regular medical examination, following the recommendations of the doctor and trainer.

    A basketball player must be prepared for the fact that he will periodically have to change the clubs he plays for, participate in international competitions from his country, and even during the match, cooperate with different groups of players (frequent substitutions are very common in this game).

    Pros and cons of the basketball profession

    1. Prestigious profession with a decent salary.
    2. Opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    3. Opportunity to travel, communicate with representatives of different countries and peoples.
    4. The joy of victories and the support of the fans.

    See also:

    1. The need for talent or extensive experience to gain recognition and sign expensive contracts.
    2. Negative emotions from defeats.
    3. Occupational diseases (herniated disc, knee problems, Schlatter's disease).
    4. Age restrictions on career length.

    Important Personal Qualities

    In order to successfully fill the position of a basketball player and succeed in this field, an athlete must be in very good physical shape, he must not have serious chronic diseases, he needs excellent endurance, concentration, speed of movement and reactions, perfect coordination. Most often, very tall athletes become successful basketball players. Analytical thinking, the ability to follow the strategy developed by the coach, make decisions quickly, and work together with the rest of the team will also not interfere.

    Basketball training

    Russian universities and colleges do not offer basketball training as such. You can learn how to play basketball in sports schools, and then improve your skills in basketball clubs. In parallel, you can get a sports education (including to successfully work as a coach after completing a career in big-time sports). In this context, the specialty "Physical Education" in colleges (code 49.02.01) or the same name in universities (code 49.03.01). A certificate is sufficient for admission to a secondary school, in addition to it, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, biology and physics are required for admission to the university.


    Stremlenie Basketball Club

    It is necessary to think about where to get the profession of a basketball player, if you have the appropriate inclinations, from childhood. Therefore, most basketball schools offer training for children and teenagers. One of these schools is the Stremlenie basketball club, where individual and team trainings are held. Members of the club also take part in competitions.

    The best universities for basketball players

    1. MSPU
    2. RGSU
    3. MGOU
    4. RGUFKSMiT
    5. RGUFK them. P.F. Lesgafta
    6. RSPU im. A.I. Herzen

    Read also:

    Place of work

    Basketball players play for basketball clubs, national teams. At the end of their careers, they work as coaches (both in adult clubs and in children's sports schools).

    Salary of a basketball player

    The level of income of such an athlete directly depends on his talent, experience, professionalism and fame. The more useful a basketball player can bring to the club, the higher the salary will be offered to him.

    Basketball player salary for October 2022

    Salary information provided by hh. ru portal.

    Russia 100000-250000₽

    Career growth

    Building a career for a professional athlete is about improving your skills and getting more and more lucrative offers from clubs. With age, it may also involve a change from activity to coaching.

    Professional knowledge

    1. Human anatomy, physiology and biochemistry.
    2. History of physical culture.
    3. Psychology of physical culture.
    4. Management of physical culture and sports.
    5. Biomechanics of motor activity.
    6. Rules of the game of basketball.
    7. Team strategies when playing basketball.

    Famous basketball players

    1. Michael Jordan, one of the Chicago Bulls' most popular players, was on the club's winning streak six times in the NBA.
    2. Shaquille O'Neal, recognized as one of the best players in the history of the NBA, also known for releasing rap albums and starring in several films.
    3. Clyde Drexler, one of the best basketball players in the NBA, Olympian with 20,000 points in his entire career.

    See also:

    Examples of companies with vacancies for a basketball player

    How to get into the BC "NN"

    Many of you regularly ask questions about how to get into the BC "Nizhny Novgorod", or rather in the teams of the youth team and CYBL. After talking with the head coach of BC "NN-2" and BC "NN-3" Roman Gorelovsky, we decided to answer all at once and give you a detailed plan on how to conquer Nizhny. Let's get started!

    So, I am a basketball player. I think I'm pretty good. How old do I have to be to get into the structure of the club?

    Answer: BC "NN" is considering candidates born in 2000 this year. and younger.

    Comment: This year we will bet on 2003 and 2004. But do not think that everything will be limited only to these ages. If a guy a little older wants to get into the youth team or junior junior league, then we will definitely look at him so as not to miss anyone. But this is selective. By and large, a boy who comes to play with us must be a practically ready-made basketball player. Of course, we allow a certain level of shortcomings, permissible marriage, but still an understanding of the game should already be formed, because this is the maximum age for the main team. That is, a player who comes to us at the age of 20 cannot be at the same level of development as a guy born in 2004. As for the younger age limit, it is about 8-9Class.

    Excellent. I fit the age criteria. What to do next?

    Answer: send an application. We will talk about how to do this a little later.

    Comment: Initially, we look at where a potential player is from. If this is Nizhny Novgorod and nearby cities, then they just need to contact the club management or us, leave a request for viewing and arrive at the appointed time. If these are guys from other regions, then everything is a little more complicated here, but still the principle is the same. The necessary phone numbers and email addresses are publicly available on the site, so there should be no problems with this.

    Understood. I sent an application. When can we expect a viewing?

    Answer: We usually hold screenings during the May holidays or at the end of April, so as not to coincide with school exam days.

    Comment: When applications have accumulated, we hold a meeting with the coaching staff, at which we determine the date and place of viewings (usually these are May holidays), and even then we invite all the guys who left applications. We have been following some of the local guys for more than a year, we will see someone for the first time, but we still try to look through everyone in order to find out who deserves special attention in the future.

    Let's say I came to this screening and the coaching staff liked me. What then?

    Answer: do not rush to relax! Another viewing session ahead.

    Comment: We have a second viewing for the guys we singled out on the first one. It passes at the beginning of summer. In fact, these are some kind of fees. Last year we went to the Gorodetsky district, this year, perhaps, there will be the Meshchersky sports complex or the base on the Bor. In a word, at these training camps we make a final conclusion on each player and understand whether he made it to the team or not.

    I figured it out. And what happens on the screenings? What to be ready for?

    Answer: is essentially a regular workout, but with a special purpose.

    Comment: We just give the guys elementary basic exercises, on which we look at the technical preparedness of the player. That is, how he handles the ball, his dribbling, how much he controls his body, coordination, balance, how the guy learns information in exercises in pairs and triples, his physical condition and endurance, ability to play 1 x Although all this is difficult to see in one viewing fee, since constant communication and observation is necessary to fully understand the level of the player. And yet, some moments are noticeable already at the first interactions.

    Will all players have a chance or do you select candidates for certain positions?

    Answer: We are interested in absolutely all players, regardless of their role on the court.

    Comment: Absolutely any player can come and declare himself. Most importantly, send applications and indicate your data. We will definitely look at each guy, whether he was born in 2000 or 2004.

    I am going to visit you from another region. Is it possible? Or are you looking for guys only from the Nizhny Novgorod region?

    Answer: First of all, we are interested in local students who have been trained in sports schools in the Nizhny Novgorod region. But this does not mean that the doors of the club are closed to players from other regions.

    Comment: A person can come even from the other side of Russia. As, for example, the player "НН-2" this season Yegor Chepik. We saw this guy at the IES-BASKET SBL Superfinal, brought him from Blagoveshchensk, and he has been playing for the youth team for a year now. I can say that he has made great progress this season.

    I looked at your current line-up and saw that there are a lot of young guys on the rosters. Does this mean that the set will not be as large?

    Answer: not at all. The fact that there are practically no children of the maximum allowable age in the teams does not mean that the squads are completed for the next season. Viewings will take place as usual.

    Comment: We do not have a plan to take as many people as possible or, on the contrary, to limit the limit. Our goal is to focus on the quality of the players. We want to find guys who can potentially progress better than the rest.

    If everything goes according to the best scenario, will I be able to get into the main team?

    Answer: of course! You don't have to look far for an example. Ex-youth player Georgy Zhbanov is currently playing for the main team, and in a recent home match with CSKA he updated his performance record (18 points). In a word, everything is in your hands!

    Everything is cool, but I sent a request for a long time, and you still have not answered. Why?

    Response: We are not currently responding to these applications because the exact viewing dates have not yet been determined. As soon as everything is known, we will definitely let you know.

    Can I get some advice from the coach before watching? What qualities will help me in the first place?

    Answer: in short, you just have to be strong in spirit.

    Comment: Unreal desire, perseverance and diligence. After all, to become a good player and prove yourself, often enough just a strong character. You may be weaker physically, but mentally you are already ready to endure all the difficulties of the training process and progress every day, and this is the most important thing. All the same, many, becoming players of the youth team and junior youth league, face great difficulties, because here you are far from your home, and being a schoolboy, it is very difficult to take such a step and completely change your life. At such moments, the character comes to the fore, so that in spite of everything, you continue to train and do not turn off the path you have chosen.

    I understand everything.

    Learn more