How to Dribble a Basketball (3 Killer Drills for Beginners)
Dribbling the ball well in basketball is the one true skill that can separate you from the rest of the competition. The ability to handle the ball in a way that renders the defense helpless can affect the flow of a game and put you in control.
Those new to the game may need a brief definition of what exactly dribbling is in the game of basketball. It is the act of bouncing the basketball up and down as you move down the court in order to avoid traveling. Even though some players on basketball teams may handle the ball more than others, dribbling is a skill that will be used by every basketball player to some degree.
Let’s take a look at some drills and techniques to help you learn how to dribble a basketball. Once you have these down, you just need to put forth the effort to become a great dribbler.
Dribbling Technique
1. Stay Low
2. Dribble Ball Low
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. Fingertips, Not Palm
5. Bounce The Ball Hard
3 Killer Dribbling Drills for Beginners
1. Stationary Dribble
2. Stationary Crossover Dribble
3. Zig Zag Dribble
Best Dribblers in the NBA Today
James Harden
Kyrie Irving
Dribbling Technique
If you watch someone dribbling the ball really well, it doesn’t look too hard to master. The secret is that dribbling really isn’t a hard skill to learn, with the proper technique and hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours of practice anyone can learn to dribble.
So what are those proper techniques?
1. Stay Low
Having a low center of gravity helps with dribbling in many ways. You are in a stable position to run while dribbling and are able to endure physical defenders and keep the ball. It also helps with our second step on technique, which is to make sure to keep the ball as low as you are.
2. Dribble Ball Low
A general rule of thumb while dribbling the ball is to keep the height of the bounce between your knee and waist and never dribble it higher than your belt line. The lower the ball, combined with your body also being low, the more difficult for the defender to steal the ball from you.
3. Keep Your Head Up
This step will take some time to master. Dribbling with your eyes up and not on the ball is hard initially, especially during a game. But once you are able to both dribble and survey the court, you are in a much better position offensively. Maybe a teammate is open for a basket, or maybe you are open for a jump shot if your defender is not guarding you closely. There are a number of situations that you may not be aware of on the basketball court if you don’t have your head up while dribbling.
4. Fingertips, Not Palm
The ball should rarely ever touch the palm or heel of your hand while dribbling. Using your fingertips, instead of your palm, can give you more control over the ball. If you were to use your palm your technique would look more like you are slapping at the ball instead of bouncing it and receiving it with your fingers and a softer touch.
5. Bounce The Ball Hard
Once you have mastered how to dribble the ball you are going to want to make sure you bounce the ball hard to the ground. In your dribbling motion, your arm will extend and your wrist should snap forward while your fingertips push the ball to the ground. Bouncing the ball hard ensures the most efficient motion and gives you a better chance of the ball bouncing with enough speed to return to your fingers each time.
3 Killer Dribbling Drills for Beginners
1. Stationary Dribble
While this drill may seem too easy, it is used in practice and drills at all levels of play, including in the NBA. While they use the drill as more of a warmup, it is highly effective at the beginner level due to the repetitive nature of the drill.
For the Stationary Dribble (also called “Pounding”) drill, you will bend down in a low athletic stance and quite literally pound the ball to the ground as hard as you can. Remember to keep the ball between your knees and waist when you are dribbling. This drill is great for your muscle memory and also gets you very acquainted with the act of dribbling at a basic level. You can switch hands for this drill and “POund” with both your left and right hand to practice with both.
2. Stationary Crossover Dribble
The crossover is one of the most effective moves in basketball if done right. It is a change of direction move, like the between the legs or behind the back move, where you dribble hard in one direction and then plant your foot, dribble the ball across your body to your other hand, and quickly change the direction of your move.
A great starter drill for the crossover is a stationary move where you get into an athletic stance and continuously cross the ball over for a period of time. Once you get the hang of it, compete with yourself: count how many crossovers you can do in one minute and try setting a new high score every day.
3. Zig Zag Dribble
Now that you have gotten the hang of dribbling in a stationary position, let’s add some moving with our dribbles. This drill will involve approximately 100 feet of straightaway distance, preferably the length of a basketball court.
You will start in one corner of the basketball court and begin to dribble diagonally up the court until a certain point, usually marked with a cone or chair, and then make a change of direction move back towards the sideline of the court. You can start with crossovers at the cone or chair and work your way up to changing direction between your legs or behind your back in the drill. The video linked in the title does a great job of showing the full scope of the drill.
Best Dribblers in the NBA Today
There are so many talented ball-handlers playing in the NBA, which makes it tough to pick out only a few. However, the two I chose are on another planet in terms of their ball-handling and may all go down in history as some of the most talented dribbers ever.
James Harden
Harden is one of the top scorers in the league each year and the main reason is because of how talented a dribbler he is. His moves are all very complex and he uses several moves in a row during most of his attempts to get to the basket. He is a deadly outside shooter too making defenders have to guard his jumper which helps his chances of blowing by them for a layup.
Kyrie Irving
Irving can get by his defender and to the basket literally almost every time he touches the ball. He is known around the NBA as one of the best finishers meaning he can get to the rim, and once he does he usually always finds a way to put the ball in the hoop.
Irving looks like he has the basketball on a string on the court and has put together an impressive highlight reel of his dribble moves that should be studied by any player wanting to become great at dribbling the basketball.
Learning to dribble well can be tedious and involves doing the same task over and over again for hours before you can become great. However, the best players understand the importance of dribbling and work on it relentlessly.
Who are some of your favorite ball-handlers in the NBA today? Drop us some names in the comments section!
How to Dribble a Basketball (7-Step Guide + Drills)
Learning how to dribble a basketball is usually the very first skill a player will learn.
It’s easy enough to bounce the ball up and down while standing still…
But when a player’s trying to figure out how to:
Keep their head up to see teammates.
Move around the court.
Protect the ball from the defense.
Then learning how to dribble a basketball can be intimidating.
But there’s good news…
Practicing your dribbling and ball-handling skills requires only two things:
A basketball
A small area to dribble.
You don’t need a basketball hoop, a teammate to pass you the ball, or a fancy basketball gym with perfectly polished hardwood floors.
In the steps below, I’ll teach you the best way to dribble a basketball and also give you several dribbling drills to practice as well.
Let’s get started…
How to Dribble a Basketball in 7 StepsStep #1 - Spread and Relax Your Fingers
The first step in learning how to dribble a basketball is to relax your fingers and make sure they’re spread out evenly on the basketball.
Young kids have a tendency to keep their fingers together unless they’re taught otherwise.
Spreading your fingers out increases the surface area and gives the player more control.
The other issue is players making their hands and fingers too stiff…
Which results in players ‘slapping’ at the ball.
It’s important players get comfortable relaxing their hands and fingers.
Step #2 - Use Your Fingertips For Control
Some coaches and trainers tell their players the basketball should never touch the palm of their hand while they’re dribbling…
I disagree.
This results in a bunch of 5-year-olds making a claw shape with their hand, bouncing the ball with the top of their fingers, and then wondering why they can’t dribble.
The basketball SHOULD touch all of the pads on your hand…
But it’s the fingertips which control the basketball.
Step #3 - Get Your Body Down Low
All players should be bending their knees and staying low to the ground when they have possession of the ball.
There are several reasons for this, but the main benefit is…
Being low to the ground makes you explosive.
If your defender reaches in to steal the basketball, you’ll be able to immediately explode past your opponent and attack the rim.
Whereas if you were more upright, you’d first have to drop down before you could attack.
Step #4 - Pound the Basketball into the Floor
Players need to push the basketball into the ground with force when they’re dribbling.
Do this by extending the elbow and snapping their wrist at the bottom of the movement.
The less time the basketball is out of your hands, the more control you have.
If a player bounces the basketball without much force, the ball can easily be tapped away by a defender because of the time extra time it isn’t in the offensive player’s hands.
Step #5 - Protect the Basketball From the Opponent
Players have to make sure they’re protecting the basketball when dribbling.
There are several ways to do this:
1. Raise your non-dribbling arm for protection
This is known as an ‘arm bar’.
An arm bar will hold off a defender who’s attempting to close down the space and will also deter defenders from reaching in and attempting to steal the basketball.
But make sure to never push off with it.
2. Use your body to shield the ball
Turning your back / shoulder towards the on-ball defender will also provide protection.
Defenders will have a difficult time reaching all the way around the dribbler’s body and tapping the ball away without fouling them.
Step #6 - Keep Your Eyes Up to See the Floor
When first learning how to dribble a basketball, it’s natural for players to look down at the ball when they’re practicing.
But as they improve, players need to be encourage to raise their eyes up and see the floor.
When in game situations, this will allow them to read the defenders and their teammates to make the right passing decisions.
Step #7 - Learn How to Dribble With Both Hands
"I learned at a young age to dribble with both hands, and that allows me to be more creative when I go against bigger and stronger opponents" - Steve Nash
Have you ever coached against a player who can only attack the rim using their dominant hand?
They’re incredibly easy to stop.
All a defender needs to do is overplay their dominant hand and the offensive player will either have to pass the ball to a teammate or they’ll attempt to drive and lose the ball.
Which is why players must learn how to dribble equally well with both hands.
When a player can do this, their opportunities immediately double.
Step #8 - Dribble With a Purpose
One of my favorite dribbling quotes of all time comes from former Australian basketball coach, Lindsay Gaze…
"You dribble to score, not to explore. "
Mindless dribbling is something that’s becoming more and more common in today’s game.
Players are putting the ball on the floor as soon as they receive it without having a smart reason for doing so. This is often leading to them wasting the dribble.
On the Coaches Clipboard website, it’s written there are only six reasons to dribble.
1. To advance the ball up the court. 2. To drive to the hoop. 3. To get open for a shot. 4. To open up a passing lane, to have a better chance of completing a pass. 5. To get out of a trap. 6. To kill the clock at the end of a game.
3 Basketball Dribbling Drills
Up-and-Back Dribbling
How the Drill Works:
A player dribbles a basketball up and back in a small area performing different dribbling moves. At home, this area could be the driveway. At the gym, this area would be the full or half court.
Learning the basics of how to dribble a basketball. This is a great way to introduce new dribbling movements to players without overwhelming them.
1. Get one basketball and line up on the baseline.
2. Dribble the full length of the court practicing a specific dribbling move while trying to keep your head up to see the floor.
3. Each time you get to an end and turn around, switch up the move your practicing.
Dribble Moves:
Here are a few of the different dribbles I like to use with beginner players:
Right Hand
Left Hand
Behind the Back
Through the Legs
Dribble Low
Dribble Backwards
Coaching Points:
• Do your best to keep your eyes and head up throughout the drills to see the floor.
• When performing the different dribbling moves, do your best to explode out of the move to practice getting past your opponent.
• Go slow in the beginning and focus on technique before adding speed.
Balloon Dribbling
How the Drill Works:
This drill involves keeping a balloon in the air while simultaneously dribbling a basketball. When the balloon hits the floor, the player loses their score and starts back at zero.
An incredibly fun drill designed to improve a player’s ability to control the basketball. The drill achieves this by forcing players to keep their eyes and focus on the balloon instead of the basketball.
1. Players begin by dribbling the basketball while holding a balloon.
2. When they’re ready, the player throws the balloon directly up into the air.
3. The player then continually taps the balloon into the air while keeping their dribble alive.
4. A player is out when they lose control of their basketball or their balloon hits the floor.
Opposite Hand - Players are required to dribble the basketball in their non-dominant hand only.
Change Hands - Players must switch which hand they’re tapping the basketball with each time they keep the balloon alive.
Coaching Points:
• Ensure you’re in a low stance while maintaining the dribble. The closer the basketball is to the ground the easier it will be to control.
• Attempt to keep your eyes up and on the balloon at all times.
Stationary Dribbling Drills
How the Drill Works:
A player gets a basketball and finds a small, flat area where they can dribble. They then perform a series of one and two-ball ball-handling drills.
Players work on keeping their heads up while performing a variety of creative dribbling and ball-handling moves to improve their feel for the basketball
1.The player starts by setting up a small timer (phone, iPad, clock, etc) to track the time spent on each dribbling drill.
2. Each drill should last 15 - 30 seconds depending on the level of the players and which drill the players are doing.
3. The entire set should last approximately 5 minutes.
Dribble Moves:
Below I’ve listed several one-ball and two-ball dribbling drills to use.
If you’re looking for a bigger list, there are 50 dribbling moves here.
One Ball:
Ball Slaps
Finger Taps
Pound Dribble
Spider Dribble
Through the Legs
Behind the Back
Figure 8
Two Ball:
Double Pound
High and Low
Double Figure 8
Double V
Coaching Points:
• Attempt to keep your head and eyes up throughout the drill.
• Get out of your comfort zone by pushing hard for the entire duration of each drill. Don’t worry if you mess up once or twice, that means you’re extending yourself!
• Do these dribbling drills every day!
Learning how to dribble a basketball at an advanced level can give you a huge advantage over the opposition and teammates you’re battling with for playing time.
If used correctly, dribbling will allow you to get to any spot on the floor.
This can set both you and your teammates up for high-percentage shots.
Leading to more points score, more wins on the scoreboard, and more fun during games.
So, get out there and improve your dribbling skills!
exercises and useful tips for beginners
Basketball is one of the most difficult and spectacular ball games. The beauty of the duel depends not only on the number of hits in the basket. The main thing is still the technical aspects of dribbling and passing it. At the same time, you can’t just take a projectile and immediately play like LeBron James. It takes years of hard work to grow a real basketball player out of a child.
Among the many specific terms in this game sport is the concept of dribbling. Translated from English, the word means "to carry the ball" and implies the ability to maneuver with it during a duel. Dribbling training in basketball is aimed at developing this skill in the attacking team, who must not give the ball to the opposing side. The beauty of the game and the result of a sporting event largely depend on how the attacker owns dribbling.
Ways of dribbling
Basketball is a game based on three pillars - dribbling, passing, throwing. Each stage is important, requires skill and affects the course of the game. Dribbling means the maneuvering movement of the attacker on the playing field with the projectile. At the same time, it is forbidden to hold it in the hands, with the exception of the moments of transfer to the partner and when making a throw. In the process of dribbling, it is necessary that the projectile constantly bounces off the floor, and the athlete can touch it with his fingertips or with an open palm.
The dribbler constantly moves around the playing court and maneuvers between the defenders of the opposite team, for which he uses a variety of techniques:
changes the speed of movement;
makes sudden stops;
performs so-called feints with shoulders, arms, head and even eyes.
All these techniques pursue several goals at the same time:
Organize the correct direction of attack.
Move the ball into the opponent's zone as close to the basket as possible.
Beat an opponent and make a successful roll.
If a cluster of players from the opposing team has formed around the projectile, then remove the ball from there.
Prevent the enemy from taking possession of the projectile, which is especially important in the last minutes of the match.
There are 2 types of dribbling: high and low. The first is performed at high speed and is used in situations where a basketball player needs to quickly move around the court. In this case, the leading arm is almost completely straightened. The height of the bounce can reach the athlete's chest, but the amplitude should be maintained at which the basketball player manages to develop maximum speed.
The second method is also known as shell cover . It is used when it is necessary to dodge an opponent. In this case, the basketball player's legs are bent, the body is tilted forward, the arm is pressed to the body, the rebound is not higher than the level of the knees. Moments of low driving are characterized by the highest intensity.
Dribbling drills
Professional basketball players are excellent at dribbling. Many techniques are very difficult to perform, but at the same time the most effective during martial arts.
Dribbling behind the back
An excellent trick, used by players when they are blocked by opponents from the target and they need to escape, but not give up the projectile. The athlete takes a stance on bent legs and passes the ball from one hand to another, doing it behind his back, covering his body from the opponent.
Dribbling between the legs
A very difficult and effective hold. For its execution, the legs are placed as wide as possible and bent at the knees, one hand is located in front, the other behind the body, the eyes look at the enemy. In this position, the ball is passed from one hand to the other, each time moving between the legs.
Keeping the head up
This means guiding without eye tracking. Only the most experienced players can act like this. With this skill, the basketball player does not need to be distracted by the search and visual tracking of the ball, which makes it possible to concentrate on more serious goals.
This technique also belongs to the category of deceptive and disorienting opponent. The attacker dribbles around the court, hitting the projectile with one or the other hand, “drawing” the Latin letter V. In such a situation, it is difficult for the opponent to understand from which side the attacking actions will follow.
How to learn basketball dribbling at home: tips for beginners
You don't have to be on the court to hone your dribbling skills. This can be done anywhere, because at the initial stage it is necessary to simply get used to the ball, learn how to feel it, hit it, control the rebounds. This can be done in any open area, in the yard and even in the apartment. Start by slapping the ball. This develops the sensitivity of the palms. Keep your wrist as relaxed as possible at the moment of impact.
Another fundamental skill to master at the very beginning is dribbling with the tips of the phalanges. In this case, you should learn to control the impact force and at the same time increase the speed.
To improve the quality of training outside the gym:
find a friend and train together;
master the simultaneous dribbling of two balls, alternate hands, then hit both balls at the same time, then in turn, change the rhythm of rebounds;
learn to dribble not only moving forward, but also sideways or moving backwards;
practice driving at every opportunity: on the way to the store, to the bus stop, to school, etc., practicing the ball handle in basketball is especially effective when moving on an uneven surface;
always use both hands during training;
arrange an obstacle course, use any available items and go through it, changing the configuration of the track from time to time;
start training with standard exercises, as you master them, you can move on to more complex ones;
to develop strength in the arms (which is a necessary condition for success in this sport), train them by squeezing a rubber ball. This can be done outside the basketball court and not even during training, but in any free minute.
You will probably be interested to know about this : “How is street basketball different from ordinary basketball?” and "How to learn to play basketball?".
Basic Dribbling Basketball Training
When you learn to control bounces, hold the ball confidently, and move along a given trajectory without losing it, you can move on to mastering the classic tricks.
Touching with the tips of the knuckles, not with the palm of the hand
The ability to dribble only with the tips of the fingers, according to many professionals, is one of the main skills in basketball. The projectile should be controlled, but not exerted with excessive effort, and this can be achieved not by slapping it with the whole palm, but only by touching it with the fingertips. The palm should be opened as much as possible, fingers spread out so that the grip area is maximum, but at the same time work only with the phalanges.
Rebound work
Hold the ball in your supporting hand with only your fingertips and tap it on the floor. Hit him firmly and confidently, but not too hard, as this will make it difficult to control. Every time try to catch the ball, doing it gently without effort and tension of the hand, and then hit it in the same manner.
Keeping the hand on top of the ball
For complete control of the ball during movement, the palm must always remain on top of the ball while dribbling. This will prevent the projectile from flying far and will not give the enemy a chance to knock it out. This skill worked out to automatism will also help to avoid accidental catching from below, which is punishable by a fine in the game.
Holding the torso between the guarding opponent and the projectile
Being in this position, you create big problems for the opponent in terms of possession of the ball. The reception is especially effective if several representatives of the opposing side have gathered around you.
Low stance work
Low holding prevents the opponent from taking possession of the projectile. For a successful maneuver, the legs should be bent at the knees, and the body is tilted forward, rebounds should be as frequent and low as possible (not higher than the leader’s thigh). To hone the exercise, you need to learn how to feel comfortable when the projectile is somewhere below. In this case, tilting to the sides is not allowed.
Avoiding Stops
A stop while dribbling must always end with an action, either a pass or a throw. Otherwise, further dribbling, according to the rules, will be impossible, which the enemy will certainly take advantage of.
Timely passing
Masterful dribbling is beautiful, but everything should be in moderation. There are many situations in which it is much more efficient and useful for the team to pass the ball to colleagues. For example, in the case when they are in a better shooting position or if the space between you and the basket is occupied by several opponents.
Do not run before throwing
In this sport, running is prohibited, which includes one step with the ball in hand, especially carrying the projectile while walking or running, as well as moving or changing the supporting leg during a stop. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to work out the skill of moving around the sports ground without the above-described hitches.
Training Enhancement Goggles
Special goggles have been invented for practicing blind dribbling. They look a little like the ones swimmers use: a plastic frame with rubber straps and a thick rubber shutter at the bottom. The rubber helps the goggles stay tight on the head during training and closes the athlete's view from below. It is this curtain that plays the main role: the basketball player does not see the projectile. This forces him to focus not on the projectile, but on what is happening on the field.
However, you should not overdo it and constantly train with glasses, because the player should always have a complete picture of what is happening . Dribbling training in basketball with glasses greatly improves visual non-contact dribbling.
7 tips for practicing dribbling
Experts with experience working with NBA, NCAA, European, Chinese and Russian professional leagues share secrets
Dribbling used to be something difficult, but now every day we look at crazy crossovers we practice dribbling ourselves. In this article, you will read 7 tips from different people that will help you make your workouts more useful.
Advice from Nick (@nikyamschikov), founder of Ball In.
I see a lot of guys who are trying to train dribbling, learn how to do a new movement, it is better to pass on the weak side, but they do not succeed. They try too little and in comfortable conditions. Nothing works out in the game, because of this, frustration happens, and then they return to the usual things.
When you were just starting to play and you were still very young, there was no such comfort zone for you, and you developed easily. If you have been in basketball for more than a couple of years, then one of your keys to development is learn to do unpleasant things and endure until you see the result.
Advice from Bone Collector (@bonecollector6), streetball legend from AND1. Currently working with NBA players.
If you try to single out one thing for young players, then I advise you to work on your body. If you want to play professionally, treat your body like a pro. This will allow you to perform more movements, do them more efficiently and always be competitive.
are the words of Bone Collector during an interview. I asked him to reveal the secret of great dribbling, to which he replied: "There is no secret, only hard work every day."
Advice from Vasily Prokofiev (@basi_training), basketball skills coach. Worked with NBA, NCAA players and professionals from Russia.
An experienced defender does not look at the ball, but at the player's body, so if the center of gravity is not shifted, then the opponent will not move anywhere. No matter how you make transfers, without weight transfer, you will not be able to move anywhere with the ball. If you want to beat - learn to shift the center of gravity.
Advice from Igor Zabelin (@saint_handles), personal trainer.
I see coaches doing a lot of basic things with players. After that, the players become templates. Guys who have been training for 3-5 years do the same thing. They lack variety.
It is necessary to build a foundation, but something unusual must be attached to it, which will highlight and help , because from a certain level, without it, there is nowhere. It will be necessary. If you look at the youth teams of Russia and the United States, it is easy to see that the guys from across the ocean have a much wider arsenal.
Advice from Ruslan Marinsky (@0neanddone), Basketball Skills Coach at Playground Basketball Center.
I often notice that people spend a lot of time practicing dribbling and just tapping on the spot. I think that dribbling is an important skill for any player to get them to do something on the court, like finishing from under the basket or creating a shooting situation. Therefore, in my training, I add the task of attacking the ring after a beat.
At a certain level of training, especially for children, you need to devote a lot of time to working on the spot, but do not forget that basketball is movement, especially now, when in basketball in any position you need to be able to control the ball and at least cross the middle of the court with dribbling.
Advice from Alexander Glisic, Head Coach of the Basketball Academy Ilona Korstin, winner of the Junior Euroleague and coach of the NBA San Antonio Spurs Summer League in 2016.
There is a lot of dribbling in play and practice today. Yes, this is important and you need to train it every day in order to better feel the ball, see the court and partners, attack the defender. Usually dribbling training involves a lot of shots and repetitions on the spot, which is why most people get lost in the game. There aren't that many hits. In the game, you are not alone on the court and you need to share the ball. This is completely different.
Dribbling training should help you feel confident and also include the ability to make decisions and think quickly. Dribbling should be useful, not just pretty.
Advice from Coach Nick (@coach_niks).
There are many stories and examples of players standing still and hitting the ball. They make transfers on the spot, different moves, but they don't know how to play. Dribbling is a dribble tool, so every action should have a goal : move yourself, move a defender, attack somehow, and not make a combination, because "you are handsome", so most streetball players with their crazy dribbling did not get into the professional sport.