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How to play basketball in winter
5 Simple Tips On Playing Basketball In Cold Weather!
Yes, all countries have cold seasons, and it is inevitable. Some of you here are from countries that have snow, and some are not. Whether it has snow or no snow in your country during the cold season, cold weather is a problem for most basketball players. Why? Because most players said in forums that it is difficult to play basketball during cold weather, and they ask for tips.
Yes, it is difficult, especially if your basketball court has no roof. When rain or snow rain comes while playing basketball, it will become a burden for basketball players. However, because I love helping my fellow ballers, I would like to give you tips on how you can play basketball during cold weather. Let’s check those tips!
How to play basketball in cold weather? To play basketball in cold weather, you have to follow these five tips below:
- Wear the right outfit for the cold weather
- Find an indoor basketball court
- Practice basketball in your house
- Try accessing your school’s gym
- Put a rim on your backyard
Let’s take a deeper look at those tips.
We are also going to answer various questions that are related to our subject. I will tell you different clothes you should wear before going outside in the cold and playing basketball. Let’s get right into it!
Five Tips To Play Basketball In Cold Weather
Do you know the saying, “if there is a will there’s a way”? There are many ways to play basketball during the cold season and if you have the will to play basketball, you will follow these tips. There are no reasons not to play basketball in today’s advanced generation.
Today, we are going to talk about five simple tips to help you play basketball in cold weather. Let’s check them out!
Wear The Right Outfit For The Cold Weather
The first you want to do before you go out in the cold and play basketball is to wear the right clothes. Wear the right outfit that fits in the cold weather. However, make sure that the clothes you will wear are comfortable with you.
Basketball addicts who play basketball during the winter or rainy season usually wear a jacket when going outside.
Players living in a country with snow wear gloves and jackets. What is the right outfit to wear? Of course, jackets. But what are the other clothes that can help you in the cold? We’ll talk about that later!
Find A Indoor Basketball Court
The second tip is to find an indoor basketball court. If it is raining or snowing, make sure that you don’t expose yourself outdoors. You may get colds or fever when you go home, and you may freeze yourself to death especially if it is snowing hard.
Surely, there are many indoor basketball courts in your local city. Some are free, and some are paid. If you desire to play basketball, no amount will stop you from playing. Even if it costs you some dimes, you will pay for it if you like to play.
Even though you have a jacket, it doesn’t mean that you should stop pursuing finding an indoor basketball court. Playing indoors is best, especially if it’s winter. Indoor courts ensure your safety from the cold weather.
Practice Basketball In Your House
Storms are usual during cold seasons.
If there is a strong storm and you can’t go out, you can practice basketball inside your house. You need to make sure that you can practice basketball safely.
There are many basketball drills on youtube that you can follow. You can do some of these drills at home and even while lying on your bed! If there is a will, there’s away. If you want to improve in basketball, there are many ways to conquer the hindrance.
When practicing basketball inside your house, make sure that you have a basketball. Indoor or outdoor basketballs will do. Check out some of our indoor basketballs. A ball is all you need. You can practice your handling and your shooting form at home, which is the essential skill to practice, just with a ball.
Try Accessing Your School’s Gym
If you know who is in charge of your school’s gym, try contacting them and ask if you can have access to the basketball gym. Make sure that you give the person in charge some stipend for opening the court for you.
If there are no indoor courts near you, your school’s basketball court is the next option.
Put A Rim On Your Backyard
If you don’t like to go far away from your house, you can buy a basketball rim and put it in your backyard. It is good to have a basketball rim in your backyard during cold seasons. Why? Because if a storm or powerful rain suddenly comes, you can go inside your house quickly.
There are cheap portable basketball rims if you are low on budget. However, I don’t suggest it because a cheaper price means cheaper materials used, and cheaper materials used means easy to break. So make sure you have enough money to buy the best portable basketball hoop for your backyard!
Can You Play Basketball In Cold Weather?
Yes! You can play basketball in cold weather. However, you need to have safety precautions. Why? Because a strong storm or powerful rain may come, which can be dangerous. Also, never forget your jacket before going out in the cold and play.
In all countries, there is a winter season, and it is inevitable. During winter or cold season, expect that there are rains often and it will be cold. You can’t tell the weather to go away because you are going to play basketball. But you can help yourself to play basketball safely in cold weather.
You can play basketball during the winter seasons, but make sure that you wear the right attire. However, even if you can play basketball in cold weather, is it good? Let’s find out!
Is It Good To Play Basketball In Cold Weather?
Yes! It is good to play or practice basketball in cold weather. However, if the news forecasted there is a strong storm coming tomorrow, I would not suggest you play basketball during that day. Make sure that you wear the best outfit for cold weather before going out and play!
Some people said that playing basketball during a very cold day is not a good idea. Why? Because you are going to wear gloves. People said that wearing gloves to play basketball is like a gymnast wearing a sweater.
However, I don’t agree with them because there are basketball gloves specifically made for basketball players, and it was proven to help players improve their ball handling.
However, I still don’t suggest you play basketball if it’s really cold out there, not because you wear gloves, but because of your safety. If it’s really cold out there, I suggest you practice at home. However, if you really want to play even if it’s 20 degrees below, find an indoor basketball court to make your temperature warmer, and it is much safer.
It is much safer when you play basketball indoors during a cold season where the temperature is below 20 or even lower! If you are going to play outside, make sure to bring your jacket and wear your gloves before riding your bicycle going to the indoor basketball court.
Can You Play Basketball With Gloves?
Yes! You can play basketball while wearing gloves. But make sure that you are using the gloves specifically made for basketball training.
Basketball gloves are training gear that helps players to improve their ball handling. These gloves can also be used if you want to play basketball in cold weather.
There are basketball gloves that you can wear to help you play in cold weather. If you want to keep your hands warm, you can buy and use basketball gloves. The materials used for basketball gloves can keep the player’s hands warm and protect them from the cold while playing.
The reason why I suggest you not play basketball if it’s really cold out there is that I care about your safety. What if you don’t know the right outfit to wear for cold weather? What if a strong storm comes?
When a strong storm comes, it’s a problem, and obviously, don’t go outside and play basketball. There is no debate if it’s a good idea to play basketball if there is a storm. However, if your problem is you don’t know the right outfit to wear for cold weather, I can help you out!
Best Outfit To Wear When Playing Basketball In Cold Weather
The best outfit to wear if you are going outside to play basketball in cold weather is a thick jacket.
You can also wear a jogger or yoga pants. The thickness of your jacket depends on the temperature. If it’s lower or below 10 degrees outside, wear the thickest jacket or sweater you have. But if you don’t have one, you can double your jacket or wear a shirt inside.
Make sure that your outfit is comfortable for you. Remember, you are going to play basketball. You are not going to walk around like in the park. Wear outfits that will let you move freely and will build up your confidence.
If I am going to play in cold weather here, I am wearing a long hoodie and jogger pants. I don’t wear any gloves because, in my country, it is not snowing. The lowest temperature recorded in my country is 6.3 degrees celsius. But usually, it is 15-20 degrees celsius during the cold season. Sometimes I also wear basketball arm sleeves if I am going to wear a t-shirt only.
But if you are a basketball player that lives in a country that snows, you have to wear basketball gloves.
So if you are living in a country with no snow but cold, wear jackets or hoodies and joggers or yoga pants. But if you are living in a country that snows, make sure you wear a jacket or hoodie, joggers or yoga pants, and basketball gloves. The thickness of the jacket depends on the temperature.
Final Words
So, in conclusion, there are no reasons for you not to play or practice basketball. You can play basketball in cold weather by using my tips above. Before playing basketball in cold weather, make sure that you read the whole article. It will help you to play basketball safely during cold seasons. Cheers!
How do you play basketball in cold weather? Any tips you can share with us? You can share with us your tips below!
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Tips For Playing Basketball In Cold Weather
It is basketball season and the basketball court outside is as cold as ever. However, this does not mean that you can’t play basketball at all! There are tips for playing basketball in cold weather that will help you get through it with minimal hassle.
This article discusses those tips and also offers some advice on what to wear if you plan on shooting hoops outside during wintertime.
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Wear the Right Apparel
When playing basketball in cold weather, you want to keep as much skin covered as possible. This will prevent the frigid temperatures from further chilling your body and stalling out your performance. However, since basketball is a sport that requires players to be constantly running up and down the court. Long sleeves and pants aren’t exactly ideal for this type of basketball.
Basketball Jerseys and Shorts
What you want to wear are basketball jerseys and basketball shorts that have been made from a material such as polyester or spandex. Which is the best fabric for basketball uniforms in cold weather climates because it retains heat without being too bulky. Basketball Jerseys also keep your arms covered.
So that they don’t get exposed to the chilly air while moving around on the court. Finally, basketball shorts are great. Because they don’t fall or get caught on your knees while you’re moving about during basketball games.
Pants and Moisture-wicking Shirts
If basketball jerseys and basketball shorts aren’t the best types of clothing to wear for playing basketball in cold weather, then what is? As mentioned earlier, layering up with long sleeve shirts underneath a sweatshirt or jacket will keep players warm without impeding their movement around the court.
If it’s too hot outside yet still chilly at the same time (as happens often near dusk). Consider wearing pants that have been made out of fleece material as well as a moisture-wicking shirt. Fleece keeps heat close to one’s body, which is great if it gets windy outside; meanwhile, moisture-wicking shirts will prevent basketball players from getting sweaty during basketball games.
Warm-up Suits and Hoodies
If it’s too cold outside to play basketball or if you don’t have basketball jerseys and basketball shorts.
Another great clothing choice for playing basketball in the wintertime is a warm-up suit. These types of suits are designed specifically as athletic attire that helps maintain the heat while also keeping sweat away from one’s body; they’re made out of moisture-wicking material similar to those mentioned above.
This makes them perfect for wearing on the court. Because they won’t make any player feel like they’re overheating (which can happen when someone wears traditional sweats). Warm-up suits come with hoodies. Which help keep your head nice and cozy whether or not there happens to be wind or snow swirling around outside.
Add Layers
If basketball jerseys, basketball shorts, warm-up suits, or hoodies aren’t available to you for playing basketball in cold weather climates. Simply put on a few more layers of clothing underneath your everyday outfit! This will help keep any exposed skin nice and toasty. While also ensuring that you don’t feel like the temperature is getting too hot throughout the game.
Using this method isn’t recommended if it’s windy out though. Because clothes tend to get caught by gusts of wind which can be dangerous when moving about during basketball games.
Can I Wear Gloves for Basketball?
Another thing basketball players often ask is whether or not they can wear gloves for basketball when it is cold. The answer to this question is it depends. Gloves can help basketball players maintain their grip on the basketball as well as help them keep warm, but they also end up inhibiting a player’s ability to shoot and pass – two of the most important aspects of basketball that need all five fingers to be successful.
Don’t Slip
If you’re playing basketball outside on a windy day, make sure that the court area hasn’t been covered with snow or ice beforehand since these conditions are dangerous when moving about on skates! If there happens to be some type of ground covering though (i.e., dirt), consider spreading salt around so that any slippery patches of ground are made safer.
Practise Basketball at Home
Another way basketball players can practice basketball when it’s cold outside is by playing basketball in their home. It may not be the same as practising on an outdoor court, but one of the most important aspects of basketball is to stay active – even if you’re inside your house! Try shooting around with a basketball or doing some dribbling drills before going out into inclement weather.
Play Basketball in Indoor Courts
And finally, basketball players can simply choose to play basketball in indoor courts when it’s cold outside. Indoor basketball is equally as fun and competitive as playing on outdoor basketball courts; the only difference is that you’ll be able to avoid potentially dangerous weather conditions while out there.
Can You Play Basketball in Cold Weather?
The answer to the question of whether basketball players can play basketball in cold weather is yes, basketball players can play basketball in cold weather.
However, it’s important to make sure that they’ve got the right equipment on first before playing basketball outside.
No, basketball players probably shouldn’t play basketball in cold weather. The reason being is that it’s incredibly difficult to dribble a basketball with gloves on and even more challenging to shoot a basketball without having your fingers frozen off or slipping all over the place.
More Risk of an Injury
Muscles are more likely to get injured when basketball players are playing basketball in cold weather, especially if the muscles aren’t warm enough. This happens because cold weather reduces muscle strength and elasticity while also inhibiting the muscles’ ability to contract.
It’s more difficult for basketball players to perform certain basketball skills in cold weather because it makes them feel stiffer than usual – which affects their balance, agility, coordination, explosiveness, accuracy among other things.
Always Take Precaution
- Basketball courts can be slippery when snow is covering them.
- Basketball games are often delayed due to the harsh weather conditions, so check local news stations for updates before heading out.
- Have a backup plan in case your basketball game gets canceled or postponed (such as playing basketball at home).
We hope you’ve found this blog post to be informative and helpful. Now that we’re finished, it’s time for us to hit the courts ourselves! Any other tips or tricks on how to stay warm during a game? Let everyone know in the comments below!
Here are Some of our Favourite Basketball Sneakers
Here we will be giving more of an opinion, rather than facts. Are the sneakers worth the price that they are being sold at? Should you upgrade from your current sneakers, depending on what boots you own? What features stand out on these sneakers? If any. Does it do the job? Speed, control, stability etc. Depending on your needs/preferences. We can also mention its durability, if we have collected enough data on the specific sneakers.
What did we expect vs. what we got. Is it maybe overrated/underrated?
Here’s our pick from the very best of the bunch.
On your way to the pro leagues? Here’s our pick.
Want something to start with? Have a look at our pick.
Many people mistakenly believe that basketball and training can only be played indoors in winter. And where there are few or no gyms, basketball freezes in winter. Basketball players either switch to other sports or stop training altogether.
In Kuibyshev, for example, there is only one gambling hall owned by the Dynamo society. Until
1954, almost all sports teams disbanded basketball clubs and teams in winter. The number of competitions and teams participating in them was greatly reduced in winter.
So, in the summer of 1953, 9 city competitions were held in Kuibyshev with the participation of 1745 basketball players.
In winter there were only 3 competitions with 515 participants. Some teams entered the winter competitions without prior training. The competitions of the teams of physical culture groups and schools from different districts of the city are generally held only in the summer.
In the meantime, in the middle zone of our country, it is possible to conduct training sessions for basketball players in an open area in winter. Department of Physical Education of the Engineering and Construction Institute. A. I. Mikoyana conducted research that showed that training in the winter on an open court makes it possible not only to maintain the level of technical and tactical skill achieved by basketball players over the summer, but also to significantly increase it. A great health-improving and hardening effect of winter basketball lessons in frosty air was also noted.
Based on the data of these studies, two Kuibyshev universities - Industrial and Civil Engineering Institutes - in the 1954/55 academic year, basketball was chosen as one of the main types of sports specialization for students of the 1st and 2nd courses.
These schools do not have winter playrooms. Nevertheless, starting from September 1, 1954, only in the first two courses, 255 students were involved in basketball at the Industrial Institute, and 153 at the Engineering and Construction Institute. Basketball players practiced outdoors regularly twice a week for 2 hours.
In December, summing up the work for the first semester, a competition was held. In the Industrial Institute, 25 teams participated in such competitions (of which 9 were women's), in the Engineering and Construction Institute - 24 teams (8 were women's).
From the beginning of the second semester, all students of the first and second courses were trained in skiing. However, even at this time, students specializing in basketball did not stop classes: one lesson a week was devoted to skiing, the second to basketball.
At the end of the academic year, test competitions were again organized. All students specializing in basketball participated in them.
The games showed the increased level of technology and tactics of basketball players. A lot of talented players were identified, who were included in the national teams of the institutes. In the spring-summer competitions for the city championship in the 1st group, the Industrial and Construction Institutes easily managed to put up 7 teams each and in the overall standings, respectively, took second and third places, only behind Dynamo basketball players.
Throughout the winter, basketball players did not have a single case of colds and sports injuries. Students positively assessed the hygienic effect and expediency of playing and training outdoors in winter.
Organization of winter basketball lessons in the open area is not a big problem.
The basketball court must be cleared of snow and lightly sprinkled with dry sand. One person will be able to maintain it in a condition suitable for practicing, spending one and a half to two hours a day on it.
After a heavy snowfall, the practitioners themselves should be involved in clearing the snow.
12-15 people in 10-20 minutes can fully prepare the site for classes. The job of clearing the site itself serves as a good warm-up, if it is supplemented with exercises in running and jumping.
You can mark the site with chalk (dry or diluted in hot water).
Outdoor basketball players must be suitably warmly dressed. A ski suit is suitable for this. In frosts of more than 10 degrees, a sweater must be worn under the ski shirt. The best headdress is a knitted woolen skating cap.
On the frozen ground of the playground, you can play in any footwear (basketball or speed skating boots are better). Our students play in basketball shoes, skating shoes, rubber shoes (woolen socks), and ordinary shoes. It is only important that the sole is not smooth, as a player in shoes with a smooth sole is very slippery.
Gloves are best worn only during warm-ups or when the wind is biting. In general, it is not recommended to use them, hands get used to the cold, and during intensive exercises with the ball they do not feel cold.
For outdoor activities, you need to prepare the balls - soak the tires with grease and dry. It is better to have spare balls to replace wet ones.
It is most convenient to work with a group of 12 people at one site. In the initial period of training, all of them can even participate in a two-sided training game, and later on, ten play, and two referee (they can also replace players).
The generally accepted method of training sessions is also suitable for winter outdoor activities. In the preparatory part of the lesson, you need to introduce more exercises that contribute to the general warming up of the body, especially the warming up of the hands (exercises with stuffed balls, paired exercises, relay races with carrying a live load).
The introductory and preparatory parts of the lesson can last from 15 to 25 minutes (the colder the longer).
The main part of the lesson (60-65 minutes) should begin with a special warm-up - previously studied simple exercises with the ball in pairs-threes, on the spot and in motion.
Each lesson should include new exercises (no more than two) to improve in technique and tactics.
The intensity of exercise in frosty air increases significantly. Therefore, exercises with greater mobility must be alternated with exercises of lesser mobility.
A two-sided game is required in every lesson. Breaks in the game should be used for streaming exercises in free throws.
The colder the air, the more time you need to allocate to the game, reducing the time of exercise. In severe frosts (more than 15 °) it is better to completely abandon learning new elements of technology and tactics, and after a special warm-up, immediately proceed to the game.
A normal basketball lesson can be held in frost up to 20° (no wind).
The final part of the lesson is a calm jog and walking. Then basketball players should go to a warm room in an organized manner or immediately get dressed. It is very important.
Winter basketball lessons in the fresh air should be introduced as widely as possible into the sports practice of all sports teams.
But in winter it is necessary not only to train, but also to compete in open areas. And let there be more such competitions - regional, city, and maybe even republican.
A. KISELEV, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, AI Mikoyan
V. KUZNETSOV, Lecturer at the Industrial Institute. VV Kuibysheva
P. IVANOV, Lecturer of the Engineering and Construction Institute named after AI Mikoyan
Where and how to play basketball in the summer
Briefly about everything you need to know about playing basketball in the summer
Author: David Davletgareev
Summer is the perfect time to experience the best of ball games. Due to the transience of the warm season in Russia, in summer the playgrounds are full of basketball fans, which means you can always find partners to play.
Basketball courts can be found not only in courtyards, but also in many parks. Now in Russia, open areas with a rubber coating are increasingly appearing - they are less traumatic than with options with a hard asphalt surface.
In addition, they are much more pleasant to play (better rebound, not so painful to fall).
Basketball 3 on 3 (one ring game) is gaining momentum. Specialized streetball grounds are already appearing in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The best platform for testing your basketball skills today is the legendary Moscow “Rizhka” site, where you can play with the best streetball players in the country.
If you are new to basketball, here are some basic tips on how to behave on the field:
- Learn to dribble. This is almost the most important skill in the game. To hone it, you will need training in dribbling (dribbling).
- Improve your passing skill. There are 2 basic chest passes. The first is passing the ball to a teammate without bouncing off the floor. The second is a bounce pass, where you hit the floor once before passing. This pass is the hardest to intercept for defenders.
- Upgrade your throwing skill.
Throw the ball with your fingertips and practice your throw every time. Don't always make tricky throws, figure out which ones are too hard for you and focus on the easier ones. At the end of the throw, straighten your arm fully and keep your elbow above your eyes as you release the ball. - Practice rebounding. Rebounds at the right moment can decide the outcome of a game. Your team will not earn points without possession of the ball.
- Understand your role. Do not focus only on earning points - this is a typical beginner's mistake. Instead, focus on how you can be more helpful to the team.
- Remember that this is a team game. Put the interests of the team ahead of your own.
- Learn the game. You need to learn everything about your position and game strategy. The combination of strategy and technique will make you a strong player.
- Master all the rules. Knowing all the rules and their subtleties, you can get an advantage in many game moments.
- Keep a low stance. Good defenders play with their knees bent, in a low stance.
- Prepare your body. Physics is as important in basketball as technique. Train constantly.
A basketball is something without which the game will not start. His choice must be approached responsibly. To do this, you need to answer a few simple questions:
- What surface do we play on?
- With whom?
- What is our budget?
Basketballs are divided into two categories: for halls and outdoor areas. A typical outdoor surface is asphalt, where any material wears off quickly and needs to be replaced. There is no point in buying an expensive leather ball - you will ruin it in a couple of weeks of playing.
A rubber or synthetic ball (such as microfiber) is much better.
Synthetic leather balls are great for indoor play. These balls fit much better in the hand.
- 7 - adult balls. Their - 760 mm (circle size). These are the men's basketball teams.
- 6 - women's balls. Size - about 730 mm. They are played by women and boys under 16 years old.
- 5 - children's balls. Size - about 700 mm. These balls are recommended for children's teams up to 16 years old.
- 3 is a very small ball, its size is about 570 mm. Suitable for younger kids.
- The ball should be inflated so that it can be pushed a little with your thumb - 3-5 millimeters. If the ball is under-inflated, then there is a risk that he descends. If, on the contrary, it is pumped over, then bumps will form on the ball, the geometry of the ball will be violated.
- Rebound.