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How to play basketball overseas without college experience

How to Play Basketball Overseas - Step by Step Guide

The goal of any athlete is to make a living playing the sport they love. In basketball, if you don’t make it to the NBA or the NBA G League, there are hundreds of other leagues around the world where you can live out your dreams of making good money playing basketball. This step-by-step guide will break down the steps on how to play basketball overseas.

Table of Contents

Step 1:

Play at the highest level in your home country

How to play basketball overseas for Americans image by EuroProBasket

You need experience playing at the highest level to get the most interest from teams overseas. So your goal should be to make it to the top level wherever you are currently living and playing.

American Players

Ncaa D1 – Teams overseas know that there is a ranking system in the USA that has Ncaa D1 at the top followed by Ncaa D2 and Ncaa D3. NAIA is still not completely clear to a lot of teams overseas but can still provide good experience.

Canadian USPORTS is becoming more known to teams across the pond. The Canadian NBL is a great option for quality experience.

Juco and high school experience is usually not enough to get serious interest from teams overseas. That is if you are not ranked in the nation such as LaMelo Ball or Brandon Jennings. Go for a 4 year University program at the highest level possible.

AAU and shoe sponsored club teams will help you get exposure to Universities but will rarely get you enough exposure to get overseas.

If your time has passed with University eligibility or it’s just not for you, the best option is getting on a semi-pro team. Make sure you read the last section of the article if you fall under this category.

International Players

Club Teams – For International players, this is the only way to play basketball competitively. Work to get on the best club team in your city or town.

Junior National Team – Your goal should be to play for your country’s national team. The senior team would be the ultimate goal but junior teams will get you exposure.

Step 2: Get Stats

Get stats – How to play basketball overseas image via EuroProBasket

If you go Ncaa D1 and don’t get any minutes, struggle to get stats, then you will also struggle to get interest from teams overseas.

Go D2 and be an All-American. That will get you great playing experience, and quality stats, which could lead to a professional contract.

NCAA, NAIA, USPORTS, international club teams and leagues; got those numbers up while adding value to your team.

Make sure you know where to locate your stats. Keep track of them and add them to your resume at the end of every season.

Step 3: Get Video

Game film is your way to show your talent, athleticism and decision making skills to teams around the world. Video is the 2nd step in your search of how to play basketball overseas.

One Highlight Per Season – Sum up every season you play with a highlight. Teams, coaches, agents…like to get a quick glimpse of how you move and shoot. This will peak their interest and get them to consider watching some of your full games.

Two Full Games per Season – This is pretty self explanatory but you need two full games per season played. this is a minimum. Some teams may ask for more. Make sure they are the best games you have played, both on offense and defense.

You should be in control of your own film. Make a YouTube channel, vimeo or sign up for another streaming service. Membership is free and you can upload as many videos as you want.

Acceptable Video – YOU Need to Read This

The quality of the competition is absolutely critical to getting a team overseas to watch your video. Low level and disorganized competition will not gain any attention from clubs overseas.

Open gyms, open runs, YMCA, Juco or high school is not high enough quality to get the interest from contacts overseas. You need to get the highest competition possible. Playing against adults in an organized competitive environment.

NCAA, NAIA, USPORTS are the best options for players from America. International players can use their country’s local competitions. The higher the level of competition the better.

Semi-Pro Leagues in the USA can be good options as well. Not all teams overseas will consider it but many will. It is important your team is organized and the competition is high level. Good effort on defense. Running organized sets and plays on offense.

Overseas Basketball Combine , exposure camps, and showcases in the USA will not get you a team’s interest. Take our word for it, or read this article for reasons why teams do not consider it a viable option to scout players.

More information on why USA overseas basketball combine film will not help you get overseas below.

Overseas Tour game film can work well due to the fact that you are usually playing overseas teams. Be selective on which tour you go on. If you take a tour to Latin America, don’t expect to use the film to help you get on a team in Europe.

Workout videos or clips of yourself working out will rarely get you anywhere. If you have some solid game film and you have had a few months off, it is possible that a team will want to see some workout film to make sure you are in shape. This is usually not the case though.

Mixtapes and slow-mo video clips are cool but not beneficial for coaches and scouts. It will get you some props from your friends and IG followers but will do nothing to get you signed.

EuroProBasket game film – Players in the EuroProBasket program play weekly games against European teams. The leagues that EuroProBasket team plays teams in are recognized around Spain and the rest of Europe. If you are asking yourself How to Play Basketball Overseas, we have your answer here in Valencia, Spain: Register to be part of EuroProBasket’s Professional Placement Program here.

Step 4: Get a Passport

Bosman A, Bosman B, Cotonou passports image via EuroProBasket

You cannot leave your country without a passport, with a few exceptions, which are not worth mentioning for this article.

You will need that passport to travel and on many occasions to register for an international team or league. Take care of that before you start your plans to go abroad.

Dual Citizenship and its Benefits in Overseas Basketball

You may have heard of players being dual citizens or having dual passports. This is one of the first things we recommend our players at EuroProBasket to look into.

If your parents were born in another country or have their citizenship in another country, you are eligible to receive yours as well.

You could possibly be eligible for another citizenship if your grandparents were born in another country. Do some research on your family’s historical background as it will greatly benefit you.

Why having dual citizenship is important?

If you have a European passport for example, you will be considered a European player instead of an import player. No visa is required to register you to a team and there are 3-5 times as many roster spots available for European Bosman A passport holders than there are for import players, or USA passport holders. 

If you have citizenship in a specific country, it doesn’t matter the country, and there is a professional basketball league in that country, you will most likely be considered a local player. This has many benefits and will prolong your professional playing and even coaching career indefinitely.

Bosman A – Bosman B – Cotonou – The Differences

Bosman A

These passports are for citizens of the European Union. There are 27 countries in the EU with a few exceptions that are added to the list of Bosman A players. This is arguably the most beneficial passport to have in overseas basketball. You can find some interesting information about the bosman ruling and how it changed European and Ncaa basketball here.

Bosman B

These passports are countries in Europe but excluded from the European Union. Most European leagues have roster spots reserved for players with these passports. Registration to the league is typically less expensive than an import players registration. Players will need a visa to play and work in the country in which the team is located.


These passports are from developing countries, or third world countries in Africa and many Island Nations. Many leagues in Europe (Spain, Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland,ect…) have roster spots specifically for these passport holders. Their registration fee to the league is cheaper for the team. They too need a visa to work and play in the country where the team is located. More about the cotonou agreement here.

Bosman A, Bosman B and Cotonou Countries Table

Bosman ABosman BCotonouCotonou cont…
Andorra (AND)Albania (ALB)Angola (ANG)Liberia (LIB)
Austria (AUT)Armenia (ARM)Anguilla (ANL)Macau (MAC)
Belgium (BEL)Azerbaijan (AZE)Antigua (ANT)Madagascar (MAD)
Bulgaria (BUL)Belarus (BLR)Aruba (ARU)Mali (MLI)
Croatia (CRO)Bosnia-Herzegovina (BIH)Bahamas (BAH)Marshall Islands (MAI)
Cyprus (CYP)Georgia (GEO)Barbados (BAR)Mauritania (MTN)
Czech Rep. (CZE)Gibraltar (GIB)Belize (BIZ)Mauritius Island (MAU)
Denmark (DEN)Israel (ISR)Botswana (BOT)Micronesia (MCR)
Estonia (EST)Moldova (MDA)Burkina Faso (BUR)Mozambique (MOZ)
Finland (FIN)Montenegro (MNT)Burundi (BDI)Namibia (NAM)
France (FRA)North Macedonia (MKD)Cameroon (CMR)Nauru (NRU)
Germany (GER)Russia (RUS)Cape Verde (CPV)Nigeria (NGR)
Greece (GRE)San Marino (SMR)Central Africa (CAF)Palau (PLW)
Holland (NED)Scotland (SCO)Chad (CHA)Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Hungary (HUN)Serbia (SRB)Cook Islands (COK)Rwanda (RWA)
Iceland (ISL)Switzerland (SUI)Cuba (CUB)Saint Kitts (SKN)
Ireland (IRL)Turkey (TUR)Dominica (DMA)Saint Lucia (SLA)
Italy (ITA)Ukraine (UKR)Dominican Rep. (DOM)St. Vincent & Grenadines (VIN)
Kosovo (KOS)United Kingdom (ENG)Eritrea (ERI)Samoa (SAM)
Latvia (LAT)Wales (WAL)Ethiopia (ETH)Senegal (SEN)
Lithuania (LTU)Fiji (FIJ)Seychelles (SEY)
Luxembourg (LUX)Gabon (GAB)Sierra Leone (SLE)
Malta (MLT)Gambia (GAM)Solomon Islands (SOL)
Norway (NOR)Ghana (GHA)South Africa (RSA)
Poland (POL)Grenada (GRN)Sudan (SUD)
Portugal (POR)Guam (GUM)Suriname (SUR)
Romania (ROM)Guinea (GUI)Tanzania (TAN)
Slovak Rep. (SVK)Guinea Bissau (GBS)Tonga (TGA)
Slovenia (SLO)Guyana (GUY)Trinidad and Tobago (TRI)
Spain (ESP)Haiti (HAI)Turks and Caicos (TKS)
Sweden (SWE)Ivory Coast (IVO)Uganda (UGA)
Jamaica (JAM)Vanuatu (VAN)
Kenya (KEN)Zambia (ZAM)
Lesotho (LES)Zimbabwe (ZIM)

Bosman A, Bosman B, Cotonou Countries List chart by EuroProBasket

Step 5: Make a Player Bio, CV or Resume

Player Resume – How to play basketball overseas image via EuroProBasket

  • Include Personal Information, picture playing or in a professional outfit
  • Include stats for every season, as detailed as possible as to not have team searching (remember teams and agents go through hundreds every week)
  • Add Highlight links and full game links so they are clickable
  • Add whatever accolades and achievements
  • Add references if you like
  • Save it in a pdf and have it on file so you can update it
  • Make it organized and professional looking
  • It only needs to be one or two pages
  • Leave out the self explanation, self scouting and NBA player comparison
  • Remember, less text is better, English is the 2nd, 3rd or 4th language of the person looking over your bio
  • Have it ready to send on your phone
  • We made an article specifically on how to make a basketball resume which can be found below.

Step 6: Network – How to Play Basketball Overseas
  • Use current contacts with coaches, trainers and teammates
  • Create and use social media accounts, most contacts abroad have facebook, linkedin and twitter. Some have instagram accounts.
  • Create your own website with all of your stats and video links if you can.

Step 7: Find an Agent – How To Play Basketball Overseas

A basketball agent will have the contacts to help you get your career started overseas. There is a lot you need to know about overseas agents though. We covered every detail in the article below.

Step 8: Best Opportunities to Play Overseas Basketball

Best opportunities to play overseas basketball image via EuroProBasket

Visit the country you want to play

You’ve attempted Steps 1 through 7 of how to play basketball overseas. You still don’t have a team. Here are your options.

If you want to play in Japan, go to Japan and present yourself to teams. It is a big risk and very expensive but If you can walk in a gym and tryout for a team it makes your chances much higher that the team will give you an opportunity to sign with them.

There are obvious downsides to this option. Many teams only allow a certain amount of import players. Higher level teams have specific needs and there is a chance that you are not that exact fit for the team.

Showcase or Exposure Camp

Showcases in the USA are hit or miss. More miss than hit. Too many players, un-organized open run type of basketball. Most teams cannot afford to send a coach or GM to the US to scout a group of players. It is much easier and less expensive for them to contact an agent for players with professional experience.

Live streams mean a busy person needs to take time out to watch, taken into account the time difference. Don’t fall for the gimmick many camps and combines in the USA try to sell to players.

Agent showcases can be a good option. Usually only the top one or two players will be interesting for the agency.

Basketball Academies & Overseas Tours

These options take more of an investment but what is a career in basketball worth to you? Put yourself in the middle of a country or region that you are interested in living and playing basketball.

Downsides to a tour is that it can be difficult to get a good rhythm and perform in just a week or 10 days. You don’t have much time to practice and get accustomed to your tour team. You will be moving from one location to nother with many hours of travel. Tours are really difficult to time as teams sign players at different times of the year, so when is the best week for the tour? Your guess is as good as theirs…

Some are organized and done by professionals, most are disorganized and can be very uncomfortable and in some cases scary.

A basketball academy is your best all around option. If you want the most legit shot at going pro then why not select the best basketball academy, with the longest history of helping players sign with teams in Europe? Located in the largest basketball facilities in Europe in collaboration with one of the biggest clubs in Europe. EuroProBasket will help you get to the next level.

The best and most secure opportunity to start your professional basketball career overseas is with EuroProBasket International Academy. Here are 21 reasons why.

Sign up for the most successful professional placement program here:

Essentials to Play Basketball Overseas

Essentials to play basketball overseas image via EuroProBasket

For many players these essentials to play basketball overseas will just be reminders. but still crucial to your success playing basketball overseas.

Complete Your Collegiate Playing Career
  • No one is going to deny that for an American player the most important and useful experience you can have is from a University basketball program.
  • There is no better place to get high level coaching and competition then in the American University system.
  • You cannot substitute the 4 years of basketball knowledge, coaching, experience, physical growth and mental maturity that a collegiate basketball career will give you.
  • That’s not to mention the actual degree that you can receive, paid for have you, from the University you attend.
  • Stay in school if you want a better chance at playing professional basketball.
Stay Prepared – How To Play Basketball Overseas
  • The worst thing that can happen is that you get a tryout and are not in game shape
  • You should be lifting weights, conditioning (running, sprints, hills, stairs, bike, plyometrics) skill work, playing 1v1 and 5v5.
  • Get with other overseas professional players and workout with them.
  • If you are not sure how to prepare, hire a professional basketball trainer that can help prepare a plan for you.
Be Active Networking and Making Contacts
  • Everyday is a new opportunity to meet someone that can help you in your pursuit to play basketball overseas.
  • Use your current contacts with coaches, teammates and trainers to reach new contacts.
  • When you meet people involved in basketball, exchange contact information with them. Reach out to them and develop a relationship.
  • Use social media to make new contacts around the world.

These are the suggestions on how to play basketball overseas by International Scout and CEO of EuroProbasket International Academy in Spain, Brad Kanis.

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Players’ review

  • Europrobasket is definitely the place where dreams can become reality, everything advertised is what is produced…actual coaches and GM’s come to the practices and even better we go play against teams that are looking for players.

    Danielle Pratt

  • Europrobasket is a great place for anyone who wants to start a pro basketball career…Brad always make sure his players go to the right situations, he puts his time, effort and connections into it.

    Blaise Haman

  • Europrobasket is the best academy you can go to. Definitely get your moneys worth…europrobasket got me into one of the best leagues in Europe…I went there 2 years removed from college. I seen a player come in and two days later he was on a team.

    Aluk Adub

  • Europrobasket is an extremely professional organization that really does provide players with great opportunities to start their career overseas. It genuinely was a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about playing overseas.

    Chris De Souza

  • EuroPro is an all around professional and unique experience that truly simulates a European basketball season. The academy is everything its advertised as and if you come prepared you will definitely see positive results!

    Malcolm Parrish

  • Europrobasket Academy is a great way to get you professional career started. Europrobasket simulates what being on a professional team is like with 2 practices a day & weight room sessions every day. Brad & his staff will make sure they do everything they can to help you accomplish your goals.

    Deejay Irving

  • Europrobasket made it easier for my son to transition from college basketball to playing in Spain. He is now living out his life-long dream of playing in Europe as well as learning the culture and language of Catalonia. What an amazing opportunity.

    Ramona Colas – Mother of Gerald Colas

  • Europrobasket is a very professional organization and was glad I attended the summer league they put on. They provide real opportunities to get a start in Europe just have to bring your game and the right attitude. I would recommend this organization to anyone who is looking for a real opportunity to play overseas!

    Rachaun Thompson

  • I couldn’t of been more happy attending Europrobasket. I’ve been to a few overseas camps in Vegas the past few summers none of them were close to Europrobasket. If you’re looking to be become a pro this is where you need to be. You’ll be thankful you did!

    Michael Williams

  • Europrobasket was a blessing from God. You will have individual coaches with experience. I accepted an offer and now I’m playing professional basketball in Spain. I recommend Europrobasket for anyone that wants to begin their professional basketball career.

    Marquis Gaines

  • Europrobasket is a great way to start your professional career it teaches you how to become acclimated to the European lifestyle and also the way of play. Its diverse coaching styles and drills makes this Academy one of the best options for an up-and-coming player to seek a professional career.

    Hasain Bunnell

  • Europrobasket gave me what I needed to start my professional career in Europe. Was well organized! With very good staff members. I recommend this program if you want to play in Europe.

    Damion Hooks

  • Europrobasket is one of the best camps in Europe. Good opportunity for young players. All staff, coaches, hotel and food, gym for praktice and all programs are prepared and designeg for players to progress and make them better.

    Dušan Ognjenović

  • Europrobasket International Academy is an outstanding organization that helps place players on professional basketball teams. They do as much as they can to put you in a position to succeed as a professional both on and off the court. I highly recommend this academy to any basketball players who are serious about playing professionally.

    Don Stephens

  • Europrobasket is the best organized academy in Europe. The whole staff is fully dedicated to players, and that is a great chance for the players to learn a lot of things for their future career. Brad is a very good man and he will do everything for players.

    Milos Stojanovic

  • I had great experience In Europrobasket to start my carrer in Spain. They always take care everything and do best support for players.

    Isao Kinoshita

  • My experience was great. I did my research on the acadmey for year. Also talked with past players that had nothing but good things to say. Everyone at Europro has your best interest at heart. The coaches are the best I have ever worked with.

    Dominique Neil

  • I would like to thank the Europrobasket staff for helping my son with the opportunity of playing professionally. Whatever questions I had as a supportive parent, Brad answered them and was straight forward about everything the program had to offer.

    Janet Vanderhorst – Mother of Lee Vanderhorst

  • I was fortunate to visit Europrobasket a year before attended the camp as a participant. Even after my signing I still communicate with Brad and I never feel as if I am bother. I like what he is doing for the basketball community and I know it will only grow bigger.

    Tashawna Higgins

Last SignedSee more

Europe’s most advanced training and educational institution

Hundreds of players have received opportunities to continue their overseas basketball careers after taking part in our programs. Of those hundreds of players, even more have received professional and semi professional tryouts with European league teams. Every player has improved day after day with our team of expert euro Head Coaches, Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Physical Therapists and European player personnel Scouts. All of whom are professionally certified with a background of collegiate and professional playing experience. Multiple Europrobasket players have received NCAA Scholarship opportunities and opportunities to complete Europe master’s degrees while competing with overseas teams in European basketball leagues.

Valencia The center of European Basketball

Both Valencia Basket’s men and woman’s teams are in the highest division in Spain, the best National leagues outside the NBA and WNBA, and they also compete in the Euroleague and Eurocup, the best International leagues outside of the NBA and WNBA. L’Alqueria del Basket is the largest and most modern basketball facility in Europe. The most Elite players train here. The best NCAA Universities visit us here. The biggest overseas clubs and teams in Europe play games here. The largest and most important basketball tournaments are organized here. The best international basketball academy is located here. Join Europobasket in the center of European Basketball!

Guaranteed Improvement

At Europrobasket we don’t guarantee you a team. We guarantee you a lifetime experience filled with new knowledge and insight into European basketball. We guarantee you improvement in every aspect of your game whether it be mental, physical or social. We guarantee you contact with International players, coaches, trainers and teams, all from Europe. We guarantee the beginning of a basketball journey that could take you anywhere in the World. With our experience and your hard work, your basketball dreams will become reality. Join the Europrobasket International Basketball Academy family.

  • Meet the people who can help you
  • Train with the European Professional coaches and trainers that can prepare you
  • Play against the European Teams that can expose you
  • Showcase yourself to the European Teams, Coaches, Scouts, GM’s and Agents that can sign you
  • Live your dream of playing overseas basketball

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Who trains here

Maciej LampeNBA and Polish National Team

Queralt CasasWNBA and Spanish National Team

Tornike ShengeliaNBA & Euroleague

Luka MitrovićEuroleague

Artemis SpanouGreek National Team

Our Partners

University Studies and Basketball (18+ years old) - Pro Futuro Sports

University Studies and Basketball (18+ years old) - Pro Futuro Sports | PFS

Admission to universities in the USA and Canada, in the leagues NCAA, NAIA, NJCAA and USPORTS

University studies and basketball in the USA or Canada

More and more basketball players from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries continue their basketball career and education at American colleges and universities.

PFS is the absolute world leader in providing basketball scholarships to universities in the US and Canada. Our clients play at all levels of college basketball in America, including at the most famous universities such as Stanford, Gonzaga, UCLA.

PFS objectives for US universities

Saving you money

Our clients receive exclusive conditions for studying at American Universities. Working with us, families save an average of 50-70% of the possible costs of teaching a child basketball player abroad. The savings are often in the tens of thousands of dollars a year.

How do we do it? We know the mechanisms of working with scholarships and grants, as well as the universities themselves are interested in partnership conditions due to the large number of our clients from all over the world - this allows us to receive exclusive offers for our clients.

Find the right university for a young basketball player

Our client can be either one of the best young athletes in Europe, or a novice athlete who is only striving for great success in sports - the task of PFS from the whole variety of American universities is to select the university that suits all the criteria for a young athlete, where he can maximize his potential.

Essentials you need to know about college basketball in the USA

You need to be a world class star if you want to play basketball and study in the USA - is the main myth we want to dispel!

You will be surprised, but in the USA, both at school and at university, an athlete of any level can play basketball - both a future NBA player and one for whom basketball is just a hobby. There are more than 1,500 universities in America, and basketball is available in almost every one of them.

The system of any sport in the USA, and basketball in particular, is built in such a way that sports are included in the system of school and university sports, i.e. in fact, in America there are no “basketball schools” or “youth clubs” analogous to our SDUSSHORs, where the general education school and the sports school are third-party organizations and big sport is incompatible with study.

In the US, athletes fully combine their sports career and education.

Thanks to the inclusion of sports in the curriculum of schools and universities, in the US you can study, for example, at Harvard or Stanford and play on the varsity basketball team with future NBA players.

The American sports system has all the best advantages for athlete development - the most gearing sports infrastructure, the strongest coaches, a huge number of teams at the school and university level. The only caveat is that studying in the USA is very expensive.

However, in America there is a athletic scholarship program that helps athletes reduce their tuition costs. A scholarship in the USA means a discount on tuition, i.e. this is not money that is handed out, but the amount that the school or university subtracts from the cost of your education.

Our company helps to receive scholarships for training athletes of various levels of sports training, age and physical data.

What is the NCAA American Collegiate League?

The NCAA League is the major American college sports league in which most American universities compete.

In the structure of the NCAA, universities are divided into 3 divisions, depending on the level of basketball at the university.

In addition to the NCAA, there are other student leagues, the main ones are: NAIA (analogous to the 2nd division of the NCAA), NJCAA (junior college league), USPORTS (Canadian student league). Our company works with all of these leagues.

NCAA Division 1 - The best young basketball players from around the world play in it, this is a transitional stage for future NBA and Euroleague players. To be on the NCAA Division 1 varsity team, you must be on or recruited for your country's youth team and have significant international accomplishments.

NCAA Division 2-3, NAIA league, USPORTS - this is also a very high level of basketball, but it is more accessible to most young boys and girls involved in basketball at the level of sports schools and sports schools.

Estimated cost of studying at a university in the USA

What expenses should a family prepare for if they want to send a basketball player child to a university or college in America while working with PFS?

NCAA Div 2-3, NAIA, NJCAA: minimum $10,000-13,000 per year

This is the minimum estimated budget for a year of study for 95% of young basketball players from the CIS countries that a family will need to pay for a university / college in the USA when working with our company. The amount includes tuition at the university, accommodation and meals, a sports program.

On average, a year of study at a university in the United States for a foreign student (official cost, without scholarships and discounts) will be $30,000-70,000 per year, depending on the location of the institution, type of residence and education elite.

Our company helps young basketball players receive scholarships/discounts from the official cost of educational institutions, reducing the cost of education by tens of thousands of dollars a year.

95% of the young basketball players we mentioned above are the majority of young boys and girls involved in basketball at the level of sports schools and sports schools, who are not included in the national youth team of their country and do not have significant basketball achievements at the international level.

NCAA Division 1 - 100% coverage of all tuition fees.

For the most talented basketball players in Europe.

In the USA, at the NCAA Division 1 level, the full coverage format is practiced, when the university fully sponsors the costs of training, accommodation and meals for the athlete. This offer is relevant only for the most promising young basketball players in Europe. This offer covers 1-5% of basketball players in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries (depending on the level of development of basketball in the country).

A complete combination of education and sports

Only in the USA youth sports are included in the program of schools and universities. Playing basketball in the USA, an athlete fully combines basketball and studies, thus receiving a full-fledged education that you will need to build your future professional career outside of sports.

International Diploma Recognized Worldwide

After graduating from high school and university in the US, you receive a diploma that is recognized worldwide. With an American diploma, you will be a sought-after specialist both at home and in the USA, Europe or other countries of the world.

Experience of living abroad and native English

At a young age, the child will experience independent living in another country, become more aware and responsible for himself and his actions. Our experience shows that the majority of young men and women who have experience of living and studying abroad are more successful in building their careers in the modern world, and knowledge of English, which, after studying in the USA and immersing in the environment, will be at the level of a native speaker, will allow you to easily establish contacts around the world. the world.


Pro Futuro Sports

PFS is one of the world's most respected sports and academic scholarship companies. The company was founded in 2007 and has offices in Serbia, Russia, Brazil, Italy, Lithuania and Bulgaria.

4,000 clients from 53 countries

To date, over 4,000 clients from 53 countries have continued their careers and received scholarships to study abroad with PFS.

The purpose of our service is to help athletes enter the best, proven and recommended teams, academies, schools, colleges and universities in the US, Canada and Europe, correctly assessing the capabilities and potential of an athlete.

Our clients receive exclusive conditions for training - working with us, families save an average of 50-70% of the possible costs of training a child-athlete abroad.

We know how to work with scholarships and grants, we have a wide network of sports contacts around the world and this allows us to receive exclusive offers for our clients.

Sports and Academic Department

The main profile of the agency is to work with athletes on their placement in schools, universities, sports academies, clubs in the US, Europe and other countries of the world.

In 2020, PFS opened the Academic Scholarships Department, which deals with obtaining discounts and grants in secondary and higher education institutions abroad.

Our clients

Sandro Mamukelashvili

State of Florida Georgia

Samson Ruzhentsev

Tennessee Russia

Ilya Tyrtyshnik

Arizona Ukraine

Nestor Dyachok

Washington State Russia

Sergey Grishaev

State of Florida Russia

Daniil Kasatkin

Virginia Russia

Ksenia Kozlova

State of Florida Russia

Arina Khlopkova

West Virginia Russia

Buka Peikrishvili

Georgia Georgia

Lazar Zhivanovic

Real Madrid Serbia

Mark Tikhonenko

State of Pennsylvania Russia

Marko Simonovich

Illinois Montenegro

Testimonials from our customers

Samson Ruzhentsev


Victor Vovchuk


Lazar Milinkovic


Alexandra Antonova


Georgy Maslennikov


Luka Andjusic


Prospects for further growth

Stage 1

Children and youth sports

13-19 years old

School level

Stage 2




Stage 3

Professional career

23+ years

Professional sports
Career, Business

Frequently Asked Questions about Studying Abroad

What does it take to get into a school and sports team in the US/Europe?

For most educational and sports institutions, the package of documents is small: translation of school grades for the last 3 years of study into English, extract of vaccinations from a medical book, certificate from the bank on the availability of funds to pay for the school year at school.

What if I don't have a significant athletic record and my family is unable to pay for my education in the US/Europe?

If you do not have great achievements in sports and your family is not able to finance the minimum budget for education in the US / Europe (from $10,000 per academic year), then today we will not be able to offer you the opportunity to study and sports abroad.

What does your agency offer?

The main goal of our work is to select a list of schools / universities / clubs that meet the criteria of the athlete and his family, in which he will receive a scholarship / discount on education. Further, we guide the client throughout the entire process of admission, execution of all documents, communication with coaches and representatives of educational institutions, and also provide visa support after admission.

What educational and sports institutions do you work with?

We have more than 1,000 schools/universities/sports clubs and academies in our database with whom we cooperate and every day we expand the list of partners. Nevertheless, the candidacy of each applicant and the possible amount of the scholarship must be personally discussed with each educational / sports institution separately.

Why should we contact you specifically for team and school selection in the US/Europe?

We have been on the market since 2007 and we have vast experience in working with athletes of all levels from all over the world - our knowledge of the American / European sports and educational programs market, as well as a huge network of contacts, allow our clients to receive exclusive offers. We have been on the market for so long that some of our clients, after graduating from the USA, have already become trainers in American schools and universities themselves and help our current clients get the best training conditions.

How safe is it to send a child alone to the US/Europe?

Safe. Educational institutions are fully legally responsible for foreign students. In many educational institutions, strict discipline and children are constantly under the supervision of employees of educational institutions, as well as the presence of a supervisor and a medical office.

Can you help an athlete of any level get into a school/university/club school in the US or Europe and receive a tuition discount?

We can help an athlete of any skill level and age to receive a scholarship in the range of 30-70% of the official tuition fee. Our knowledge of the US/European sports and education market, as well as our huge network of contacts, allows our clients to receive exclusive offers, regardless of their level of sports training.

Who determines how much scholarship/discount I will receive and by what criteria?

Employees of our agency evaluate an athlete according to a number of basic criteria: physical data, level of technical and athletic training, sports IQ, the level of competition at which you are currently performing, statistics, achievements and other parameters. Athletes provide us with video clips of their game moments and statistics from performances, which allows us to give the most accurate forecast about the athlete's prospects for his training in the USA/Europe. Further assessment of the athlete is carried out by the coaches of schools / universities / clubs, guided by our characteristics and the above-mentioned data on the athlete.

What level of English is required for admission?

It is desirable to speak English at least at the pre-intermediate level, but even for athletes with basic or no English, we can find sports and academic programs in the USA/Europe. Many institutions have an adaptation program that helps foreign students learn English and join a new team.

How do schools take on athletes if they can't see them?

Scouting and selection are very developed in the USA and Europe, basically long screenings are our Soviet “know-how”, abroad, at almost all levels, athletes are taken by video and statistics. In order to increase your chances of getting into a good club, prepare a video clip of game episodes, a link to your statistics, as well as information about your achievements.

How are things with visas? Are there any problems getting them?

Obtaining a student visa (aka study visa) is 1 month (on average). There are no problems with visas now.

Is there a guarantee that the child will be given playing time in the team?

Game time cannot be guaranteed. Every athlete has ups and downs during the season. We try to assess the level of an athlete and offer him the educational / sports institution where he will really be in demand.

If a child travels and doesn't like the school/team, what then?

In this case, we talk with the child, understand the cause of dissatisfaction, if he does not like everyday life or he is faced with everyday misunderstandings, then we try to influence the situation by joint efforts. In order not to get into such situations, we do not cooperate with educational / sports institutions about which we receive bad reviews.

Where do children live while studying abroad?

In the US/Europe, 2 types of accommodation are common: campus or host family. The campus is a hostel. Typically, the campus is located on the territory of the educational institution, it is inhabited exclusively by students of the educational institution. Each building has a strict division by gender and age, as well as the obligatory presence of a supervisor and a medical office. Host families are ordinary families that accept foreign students. A fairly common and prestigious type of employment in the United States. Often these families are related to the school (for example, one of the children in the family is already studying at this school).

At what age is it better to go abroad?

This is the most common question that parents of athletes ask us. We consider the optimal age of moving to be 14 years old, at this age the child is no longer so attached to his parents, he is independent enough to take care of himself. In addition, this is the best age to learn a language.


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Sports dominate student life

Something is missing. I felt it at the end of March, when the evenings on the Northwestern campus got boring. A special part of student life is missing: sports.

Basketball, volleyball, football and wrestling have ended all seasons. There are no games or events that connect people. There is no doubt about where the students are when one of their teams is playing at home. Better: where the college town is. They support their team.

I spent a year at Northwestern Community College in northern Wyoming with about 2,000 students. Sports are an essential part of campus life. I covered sports for our student newspaper at the NJCAA (National College Athletic Association). We interacted the most on our Facebook page during basketball and volleyball games. Thousands of people are watching the videos and statuses we have posted. To go even further, sports are the main attraction of many US college campuses.

Ohio is a good example. Journalist Laura Pappano wrote in The New York Times, that the university boasts 17 members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, three Nobel Prize winners, eight Pulitzer Prize winners, 35 Guggenheim Fellows, and a MacArthur Laureate. But, sports rule. Ohio State is most popular for its American football program.

Gordon Obrecht, Ohio State Professor of Physics, said at New York Times : "It's not 'Oh yeah, Ohio State, that great physics department.' This is football."

Many people follow the athletes. Many support them in the gym and on the field. Of course, sports are even more at four-year colleges or universities that have sports teams in the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). American football in the Division 1 class is huge. The stadiums are full, the fans are wearing their team clothes, some are painting their faces in the colors of the team. Most NCAA games you can watch on TV, fans meet in pubs to celebrate and suffer together. Some fans even wait in front of arenas and stadiums to cheer for their teams as soon as they get off the bus. Another example is March Madness, the NCAA Division 1 basketball championship. Video streams of the top four teams in Division I are streamed online and on apps like Snapchat.

  1. William Decilien grew up in Montreal, Canada. He came to the US to study and play basketball at New Mexico Junior College and Northwestern College in Wyoming. With Northwestern College, Decilien achieved a national tournament.
  2. Crowd behind the team: The College of Sports brings together athletes, students and residents of the city.
  3. College teams usually have a mascot and fans wear their team colors.

Photo by Mark Lamberger.

As an international student, it is interesting to follow sports in the US in college. I grew up in Germany where sports are part of the clubs - no matter what sport you play. Most European countries have the same system. You go to universities to study, but there are no sports competitions such as the NCAA, NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) or NJCAA that govern collegiate sports in the US.

Football dominates Europe; fans support teams such as FC Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, ​​Manchester United, FC Liverpool, Juventus Turin or Paris Saint-Germain, just to name a few. In the US, fans support basketball teams such as the Kentucky Wildcats, Louisville Cardinals, Wisconsin Badgers, and Duke Blue Devils. Every varsity team has a mascot that encourages fans to cheer for their team. It's the same with American football teams.

By the way, the mascots are often supported by cheerleaders, which is typical of high school and college sports. I remember driving with our basketball team to the national tournament in Hutchinson, Kansas. It was loudest when the teams from South Plains, Texas, and host Hutchinson played. Their cheerleaders danced and sang alongside the venue, with the mascot encouraging fans to join them. Cheerleaders and mascots are often the key to a great atmosphere at sporting events. But of course more is needed. He needs a crowd.

It's not just students who watch games and cheerleaders. They have a large fan base made up of children, youth and seniors. Thousands buy tickets to watch the games, many teams don't sell tickets only on their websites. You can book them on sites like or, and for a popular team, you have to hurry before all the tickets are sold out.

It is also important for them to sell things like shirts, caps or sweaters to their fans. Sport in the US is a business. Better: sport is business. Many college coaches earn more than university presidents. For many colleges, playing sports is even a loss, but a well-known sports program helps colleges achieve a good image in society.

Success in sports makes universities, colleges and many of their students proud. They identify with their school and say, "Hey, I'm Wildcat (University of Kentucky), I'm Red Raider (Texas Tech University), or I'm Cardinal (University of Louisville)." Our mascot at Northwestern College is the Trapper. Our athletes say: "Once a trapper, always a trapper." Fans and teams create "Trappernation". My favorite example is Sam Jones, my good friend. If you're looking for "Sam Jones" on social media, you'd be better off looking for "Trapper Sam". It's great to see how students create unity through sports.

Sports is definitely a great opportunity for international students to study in the USA. Most of my foreign friends have sports scholarships for volleyball, football or basketball. They came from England, Ireland, Germany, Serbia, France, Czech Republic, Brazil, Japan and Canada to combine their passions with a good education. By the way: cheerleaders can also receive scholarships.

Learning and playing competitive varsity sports is very difficult, but in the end you have a plan A and B. You have the opportunity to play at the next level for several years, gain experience while living in another country, and you will also be ready to work when you get your degree.

One of the best examples is a good friend I made in college. His name is Christopher Boucher. He came from Montreal, Canada to study in the US and play basketball. In 2015, he was named the Spalding NJCAA Division 1 Men's Basketball Player of the Year. Boucher led Northwestern College to the national tournament for the first time in 46 years. He will play in Division 1 next year for the Oregon Ducks. His big goal is the NBA, if that doesn't work, he'll play professional overseas. He worked hard, trained every day and studied. He deserved the price. "Before I came to the US, basketball was just an activity," Boucher said. “Now it's work. With basketball, I could do things for people, for my family, and for myself.” He paved the way for a great future through college sports.

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