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How to play basketball without a hoop
How to play basketball without a hoop
4 Ways of Practicing Basketball At Home Without A Hoop
Well, nobody can deny that basketball is a tough game, right? And, you need practice, practice, and only practice to excel at that.
The best option to practice basketball is to get yourself in a training program. But unfortunately, not everybody might have access to that. So what?
You still need to hone your shooting, dribbling, and passing skills for the upcoming tournament.
And that’s where we come into play. In this blog post, we've come up with how to practice basketball at home without a hoop in just 4 ways.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get straight into it!!!
Table of Contents
- How To Practice Basketball Shooting Without A Hoop?
- 1. Wall Shooting
- 2. Line Shooting
- 3. Chair Shooting
- 4. Triple Tap Shooting
- Final Words
How To Practice Basketball Shooting Without A Hoop?
You don’t need to be a pro to identify the most important skill in basketball.
Mind you; this game is all about making the jump-shot. All other skills, including dribbling, defense, etc., complement your shooting skill only.
That means that you need to be at it most of the time. Even when the sports classes are over, you must try innovative ways to practice the shot.
Below you will find some easy ways to perfect your shooting techniques. Don’t worry. You won’t need a separate corner at home or even a hoop for that.
1. Wall Shooting
This is the easiest drill on this list. You can try it with an apartment building or a warehouse close to you. All you need is a tall wall.
Now, do a little foot prep first. Get yourself ready and throw the ball against the wall.
Once you catch it, imagine the floor has turned into lava.
So, you jump off immediately and shoot the ball to a predetermined spot on the wall. It should be 15 feet above your head (if possible).
Don’t forget to spring the ball while you initiate the shot.
If you can manage to get the ball as high as eight feet only, you need a higher arc.
2. Line Shooting
Line shooting is the optimal choice if you want a drill to practice anytime at home. For this, you need to draw a line. It would be best if you could find a straight line that already exists anywhere in your house.
Once you spot it, place your two feet on each side of the line. Keep your right feet a little closer.
Then, follow the same guideline as above. Bounce the ball and catch it with your hand.
Then, use your two hands to make a shoot. But make sure the ball falls on the same line. If it lands eight to ten feet ahead of you on the line, you are doing great.
Keep in mind that your arc matters a lot in this drill. If you shoot the ball and it keeps bouncing in the same place, the arc is good.
However, if it starts bouncing forward, the arc is rather flat. You need to work hard on that.
3. Chair Shooting
It is almost similar to what we know as TV shooting.
The problem with the TV shooting drill is that it doesn’t help you improve the arc. You only practice the wrist snap over and over again.
The modified version of this drill is chair shooting. Here, you have to sit on the edge of a chair and keep the ball right inside your thighs.
Then give it a quick bounce and shoot it in the air. You are good to go if it comes back to you again.
4. Triple Tap Shooting
This drill helps your hips move along with the ball. In that way, you can get used to the momentum quickly.
Just tap the ball three times on your knee. Make sure to jump slightly with each tap. Finally, use two hands for support and get the perfect shot.
You can try it in the driveway, sidewalk, or wherever you want.
Final Words
Well, there you’ve it, people. Now that you’ve got a clear understanding of the 4 simple ways how to practice basketball at home without a hoop.
You need a faster in-game jump shot to score higher during the match, to sum it up.
We suggest you practice these drills in your spare time regularly to get a hold of the mechanism.
We love these drills because anyone can try them without making the neighbors mad. So, keep working on your jump shots and maintain a high arc. Besides, you can also follow the dribbling guide to make yourself unbeatable.
Remember, it’s completely okay to mess up at first, and you can improve only by correcting those mistakes.
So that was all for today. Thank you very much for dropping in today; you guys are the bee's knees!!! Peace out!!!
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5.1 Basketball activities with no baskets – World Association of Basketball Coaches
Modified Games
These are games that include most of the skills needed in a game of basketball, but they are modified so that each player will get a chance to practice the skills in a “game like” environment.

These games also don’t need a basketball ring, so can be played anywhere!
This is a game for two small teams. Shown is 4 players on each team, but you could play with 3-7 players per team. The size of the area should be adjusted depending on numbers.
Place two hoops at opposite ends of the court (shown as shaded blue and white circles). A player from each team stands in the hoop.
Players may dribble or pass the ball and the game provides an excellent opportunity to practice stopping and pivoting. Teams score by shooting the ball to their team mate who is standing in the hoop.
When a team scores, their opponent starts with the ball at half way and the two players that are standing in the hoop can swap with a team mate. If an opponent steals the ball, they can immediately try to score.
The game can be played for a specific time or up to a set score. Most importantly, don’t leave the same player in the hoop all the time – the coach should change who is standing in the hoop regularly.
Munnsy Hoops
This game is ideal for teams of 3-5 (for simplicity, only one team is shown on the diagram). Place 3 hoops in the playing area (shown as shaded circles).
Similar to Hoop Ball, teams score by passing to a team mate who is standing in a hoop. However, a player can only stand in a hoop for a maximum of 2 seconds before they must step out. Any player can stand in a hoop.
When a team scores, they keep the ball! The defence can only get the ball by intercepting a pass or stealing if from someone that is dribbling (initially do not let them take the ball out of an opponent’s hands). Play the game for a set time or up to a set score.
4x3 Pass Tag
In this game, 3 players are the “taggers” and the other 4 players move around a defined area (e.g. inside the 3pt line) and try to avoid being “tagged”.
The taggers pass the ball between themselves (and the coach may allow dribbling) and attempt to touch an opponent with the ball.

The tagger must hold the ball in their hands – they do not throw it at their opponent.
Continue the game for a set time and see how many “tags” the taggers can get. Then play again with different taggers.
5 Point Passing
Two teams with the same number of players. One player from each team stands in a defined “5 point” zone (shaded in blue and green). The player can move anywhere in the zone.
The team with the ball passes between themselves, earning one point for every successful pass. If a pass is made to the teammate in the “5 point” zone, the team get 5 points!
The opponents try to intercept passes. If they do, they place the ball on the ground, for the passing team to pick up. You can play for a set time and see how many points the team can score.
The coach should regularly change who is standing in the 5 point zone. The activity can be done with no person designated to be in the 5 point zone, but allowing players to move into the zone whenever they want (as long as there is only one player in the zone at any one time).
- Whenever a ball is intercepted the passing team lose points
- If a pass is dropped or thrown away, the passing team lose points
- If the defending team intercept the pass, they now become the passing team. See which team has the most points at the end!
Basketball games of our childhood
We remember what we played when there weren't enough people or there was simply no desire to run.
We remember what we played when there weren't enough people or just didn't feel like running.
The names of games and the rules of games in our childhood may have varied, but most likely their essence was similar to those that we list below:
The names of games and the rules of games in our childhood may have been different, but most likely their essence was similar to those that we list below:
Game "33"
Start from the penalty line, shoot to the first miss.
After a miss, the next participant picks up the ball and throws from the point where he caught the ball with both hands. In the event of a hit, the player continues to shoot from the foul line. Each roll up to 30 is worth 3 points. And after the participant scored 30, each hit is worth 1 point.
General goal: score 33 points, to win, after reaching 30 points, you need to score three times due to a three-pointer. If the ball after a miss rebounds over the plane of the backboard / over the end line, the next player has the right to step out of bounds and shoot.
Game "15"
Start from the foul line, shoot to the first miss. After a miss, the next player waits for the ball to hit the court once, picks it up and shoots. It is allowed after the bounce to catch the ball in a jump and land with the ball outside the three-second zone. In case the ball bounces into the three-second zone (if after the bounce the player will inevitably have to shoot from the three-second zone), the rebounder must shoot immediately, without bouncing off the surface.
The game goes to 15 points, each hit is worth 1 point. After a successful rebound and hit, the participant stands on the penalty line and continues to throw until a miss.
Game "Janitor"
This game uses markings more actively. We start the game from the mark closest to the ring on the "mustache" / border of the three-second line. After each hit, we move one mark further from the ring. If you hit and should move up, but the next position is already taken, you swap places with that player. Six, janitor, postman, driver, secretary, adviser, boss. If the thrower in front of you misses and you rebound, then you can switch places with him. The winner is the one who first gets to the position of the Boss and scores.
American game
This game requires 2 balls. A point is selected and the participants line up. The first player shoots and, in case of a miss, must have time to rebound and put the ball into the ring before the next player does. The second participant has the right to throw immediately after the ball of the first one touches the bow of the ring.
The last player remaining in the game wins.
Goat Game / H.O.R.S.E
The first participant announces which throw and from what distance he must make. If the throw is successful, the next player must repeat it completely. In case of a miss, the player is penalized with a "letter". If the second player manages to repeat the throw exactly, then the second round is announced and the penalty will be 2 "letters". Players have the right to choose a new throw at the end of each successful circle, in case all participants agree. The game goes on until all participants except one have 5 cherished letters.
Passport game
The object of the game is to score 21 points. First you need to "open your passport" by scoring from the free throw line. Throws are made in turn. Then the player who opened the passport is given three throws per attempt - the first at the cost of three points (performed from the free throw line), the second at the cost of two points (after the first throw, the ball must hit the ground and be caught, only under this condition can one make second throw) and the third - at the cost of one point (provided that the second throw was made, after the second throw the ball must be caught immediately WITHOUT hitting the ground).
When scoring from 0 to 21, several combustible scores are set (for example, 9, 13 and 19) that need to be bypassed using throw prices. When throwing the "air ball", all the player's points are burned. A player who scores all three goals in one attempt gets a chance for another try. After scoring 21 points, you need to "close the passport" with a hit from the free throw line.
Jerseys, T-shirts, sweatshirts and socks with the logos of your favorite NBA teams can be purchased at the Streetball store.
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Training basketball games
Training basketball games
By throwing balls, we develop game thinking.
Divide into two teams, each in its own half of the court with two balls. On a signal, the players throw the balls to the opponent's half. A team scores a point if all balls end up in the opponent's half. We play up to 10 points.
DETAILS : Do not enter the opponent's half. Starting position: all players are on the foul line, and only after the signal can they run in their own half of the court. The teacher fixes the victory with a whistle. You can not hit the ball with your foot and fist.
CHIPS : Can be played with different balls: rubber, volleyball or basketball. You can increase the number of balls. You can divide the site with a net or benches.
Improving Basketball Skills
Two teams send their captains to the opposite end line or three second zone. The goal of the players is to pass the ball to the captain using basketball game techniques. Having caught the ball, the captain gets the right to throw.
After the throw, a new captain is appointed. Up to 7 goals scored.
DETAILS : - You can play 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 - The captain can take the throw in different ways (from the spot from under the ring, on the move, left hand, free kick, etc.) - The teacher makes adjustments to the conditions. For example, we play without a dribble, complete a certain number of passes, pass to the captain from a certain area, only from the floor, etc.
Learning to dribble without visual control
Players with the ball move around the court with a dribble. You can give a special task: leading only with the left or only with the right hand. Several players with the ball try to bewitch (bewitch) everyone else. If the player is taunted, then he gets up, takes the ball in his hands and lifts it up. They can help him out: a) Exchange balls with him; b) Crawl between his legs. Until everyone is pissed off.
DETAILS : - No "running" or "double dribble" - No running out of bounds - No batting if your ball has rolled
Improving basketball skills
Game 3x3 for one hoop according to streetball rules.
Up to 7 goals scored.
DETAILS : – Start of play by “check” – After picking up the ball, the opposing team must take the ball over the three-point line and only then attack – Outs, fouls and other violations are judged by the players themselves.
CHIPS : Recently, this game has become a separate sport, and its popularity is growing every day. In 2014 Moscow hosted the 3x3 Basketball World Championship.
Learning deceitful movements, developing speed of reaction
Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, in the middle (under the basket) stands the goalkeeper. The rest of the players at the center line in turn try to touch (touch) any post before they are touched by the goalkeeper (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper.
DETAILS : - You can not start moving to the goalposts if the goalkeeper has not moved to the starting position under the ring
CHIPS : This game can be played not only in the gym.
Improving basketball skills
5x5 game for two rings without dribbling. 15 minutes.
Learning deceitful movements, developing speed of reaction
Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, in the middle (under the basket) stands the goalkeeper. The rest of the players at the center line in turn try to touch (touch) any post before they are touched by the goalkeeper (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper.
DETAILS : - You can not start moving to the goalposts if the goalkeeper has not moved to the starting position under the ring
CHIPS : This game can be played not only in the gym.
Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball
Two drivers, passing the ball, try to get closer to the player and salt him by touching the ball, without releasing the ball from his hands and without violating the rules of basketball. Greasy player: 1. Joins the drivers and the three of them continue to stain the rest. 2. Changes one of the drivers. 3. Two pairs are driven, competing to see who can spot the most. Until everyone is pissed off.
DETAILS : - Do not break the "running" rule - Do not throw the ball at the player, you need to pass the ball in your hands - Do not run out of bounds of the court
Developing speed of reaction, improving basketball skills
Players are divided into two equal teams, receive serial numbers and stand on the sideline in a line on opposite sides of the center line, on which the teacher stands with the ball. The teacher sends the ball to the court in any way and calls the number.
The players whose number was called run out onto the court, try to take possession of the ball and score it into the ring. Play continues until either the ball is pocketed or a rule is broken. Then the players return the ball to the teacher and take their places along the sideline. 1. Can be played on one ring 2. You can call several numbers at once 3. You can give the task just to master the ball and give an accurate pass to the teacher. Up to 7 goals scored or 10 points scored (for a special task).
DETAILS : - No "jogging", "double dribble", fouls or out-of-bounds. – You can’t enter the court if your number is not called – It is very important to master the ball by taking it in two hands
CHIPS : If you call not just numbers, but examples for subtraction or division, you can at the same time improve mathematics.
Learning tricks with dribbling
Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, the goalkeeper stands in the middle (under the hoop).
The rest of the players at the center line, they take turns trying to touch (touch) any rack before the goalkeeper touches them (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper. All players (including the goalkeeper) with balls and move around the court with a dribble.
DETAILS : – No starting to move towards the goalposts unless the goalkeeper is in starting position under the hoop – No “running” or “double dribble” allowed
Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball
In a chaotic manner, stands are placed on the court, each of them has a player. One ball for all players. One driver is selected ("dog"), who should try to intercept / take away the ball. Players pass the ball between themselves and cannot move away from the post. If the dog managed to take possession of the ball, then it changes places with the player who made the loss.
At the whistle, each player must change the rack, run to any other, including the dog can take the rack, then the player who did not have enough rack becomes the new dog. You can increase the number of balls and dogs.
DETAILS : – You can’t break the “running” rule – If the whistle blows at the moment when you have the ball, then you need to run to another post with the dribbling – If the player with the ball did not have enough of the post, he still becomes a dog – The ball can be intercepted both in the air and pulled out of the hands
Improving the throw from different positions
All players stand in a column on the foul line, the first two have balls. Players take turns throwing the ball into the ring until they score (the first throw is always a free throw, the rest of the throws can be any). A player is out of the game if the player behind him scored before him. You can also play starting with a three-point shot. Until one player remains.
DETAILS : - You can not hit another ball, knock it out of the basket
CHIPS : To win this game, not only the accuracy of the throws is important, but also the ability to quickly pick up your ball.
We develop game thinking, speed, coordination.
Two equal teams stand freely on different halves of the court, and the captains stand behind the end lines next to the opponents. Players throw the ball at opponents, trying to knock them out, others, in turn, dodge. If a player is knocked out, he goes to his captain behind the end line. You can play two balls at once. Until one of the teams has not a single player left in the court.
DETAILS : - No entry into opponent's territory - Knocking out from the floor and from the wall does not count
Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball
Students are divided into two equal teams. One team owns the ball, the players pass to each other, following the rules of basketball.
The goal of the game is to complete 10 passes in a row without making a mistake. The other team defends, interferes with passing the ball: the players try to intercept the ball or force the opponent to make a mistake. If the defenders managed to get hold of the ball, then they become attackers and try to make 10 passes in a row. Until the team gets 10 assists in a row.
DETAILS : - Cannot violate the rules of running, out, foul - You can change the conditions of the game, for example: on the floor of the court, without dribbling, all passes from the floor, etc.
Develop speed and agility, improve dribbling
Two (three, four) equal teams stand in columns, the first player has the ball. On a signal, the player passes the ball back to the second (in various ways: over the head / between the legs / roll on the floor between the legs / from the side / with alternating top and bottom), then the second player passes the ball to the third, and so the ball reaches the last one, who with dribbling (or just with the ball in his hands) runs around the post, returns to his team and becomes the first to pass the ball back again, etc.