You Want A Career In Pro Basketball/ Overseas? Read This
After you read this, there is much, much more information on my Full Athlete Guides & Tips Page for playing pro basketball overseas. Check it out when you’re done.
FOLLOW-UP To This Post: Your 10-Step Overseas Basketball Plan, Starting Today
Being that I came from a small college background and never played a second of AAU ball or was ever offered a scholarship, I get a lot of inquiries from players with similar situations as to how they can get their foot in the door of the pros. What follows is a sketch of what, in my opinion, is most important for such individuals to get into the professional ranks. If you agree and/or think this list can/will/did help you, great! Don’t even waste time telling me — get to work. If you disagree with my list, I don’t care.
Make A Fucking Decision.
[“A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.” – Tony Robbins]
I decided sometime late in my college years that I would be playing basketball after I graduated. I was 100% committed, even though I had no idea how or where or when I’d get there. There was no Plan B. A player that sits the bench at Duke or Michigan State for four years will get professional offers from teams just based on the fact that he/she was on the roster at one of those schools, even without expressing interest in playing professionally.
Get The Overseas Basketball Blueprint Free Now
Some of them can actually play, and some can’t — I have seen this with my own eyes. Some take the offers and some don’t. My point, however, is that a player with a ‘D3’ or ‘NAIA’ or whatever else there is out there on their resume will have to go and create their own opportunities to get a contract. I know many players from small schools who say they wanna play overseas, but their commitment is one of convenience. Meaning, if it is made easy enough for them, enough doors are left unlocked and cracked open, they’ll put in the necessary effort. When the going gets tough, their careers end quietly, and, as Porky Pigs says, ‘that’s all folks!’ I had to knock down doors, and in many cases, build my own, to get where I’m at. And I’m still building doors to this day. And, as that Tony Robbins quote says, the true mark of your decision is when you start taking some action. Sending someone (like me) and email saying, “I want to play overseas, can you give me some information?” is NOT taking action. Asking someone to tell you what to do is not an action step. Real action involves the other steps you learn as you read further…
You Need Film.
If you played in college, collect film of every game you played in that you can get. Nowadays, most schools film their games — get the film ASAP! You never know what may happen — you transfer, fall out with the coaching staff, coach gets canned — make an ally in the athletic department and get your film. The person in charge of the video is usually very accessible. Don’t make a big deal about getting your film — coaches can get antsy about a player wanting his film in the middle of the season — quietly collect those tapes/ DVDs and keep them in a safe place. Never let the originals out of your sight. Make copies. Film is your job interview to pro teams — if they haven’t seen you play in person, and you have no film, your only recourse is to attend an exposure camp — for which you pay for travel, hotel, food and exorbitant camp entry fees (not to say that a camp could not be a great investment). When I was graduating in 2004, my school recorded some games but not all of them. My sophomore year coach had all the 2001-2002 games on film — but he gave the originals away to players when he lost his coaching job. I went online and found contact numbers for the teams we played against my last 2 years, and offered to mail self-addressed stamped envelopes to each them to get copies of game film. It’s that important. If you do go to an exposure camp, any one worth its cost offers film now, either streaming online, downloadable, or for purchase via DVD. Whichever format you prefer, get it and keep it.
Work On Your Fucking Game.
The simplest of all these bullet points. Practice. Train. Improve. Get better. I have stressed this over and over on YouTube to the point that you have probably heard me same that statement before in a video, multiple times. Think about Michael Jordan. He is arguably the best basketball player in the history of the universe. Even at the height of his greatness (the entire 1990s), MJ worked on his game. And he was better than me, you, and the person next to you. So if the best player in the world was still working on his game when he was at the top of the mountain, what makes you or anyone else think they don’t need to put the work in to improve (Don’t answer that.)?
Show Your Game.
(Pro Camp & Combines Guide) A lot of players come to me with their highlight films, as if I am a scout, asking for “contacts” — when the people you need to be showing your video are agents and coaches and managers. Having skills in basketball and not being seen is like having a bunch of money in cash locked in your attic or basement. Yes you are rich, but the power of money is in its use and circulation, not the act of possessing it. I’m not telling you that you have to play in every league or game that takes place. But if you are a good player, you want people to know that, right? Then show up where the other good players are and show ’em what you’ve got. Ask around for where the best players are — anyone that lives in a town that plays basketball at all knows where the best games are, whether they themselves play there or if they know better than to embarrass themselves trying. Point is, they know. Soccer players know where other guys play soccer. Lawyers know which bar other legal workers go to get drinks. Basketball players know where the tough games are taking place.
Sounds simple, but many players don’t do it. There are millions of people in the world who want to play basketball for money; not all of them will. You are not the only one. Ask around — your local gym; coaches you know; players in your weekly pickup games — there’s always somebody that knows somebody. Trust me. If you’re a male, female friends know other guys who play ball. Find out where good players work out or where they play pickup or what leagues they play in the summer. Diffidence or arrogance when it comes to approaching others won’t help you here — the simplest way to make a new friend is a smile and a “hello.”
Nobody Owes You A Damn Thing.
Including me. When it is all over, whatever you accomplish (or don’t accomplish) is credited 100% to you. Not your college coaches, not your girlfriend or teammates, not your agent. No matter what anyone else does or doesn’t do for you, promises and doesn’t come through, ‘hates on’ you, it’s your life and career. I once heard a smart businessperson rhetorically ask, “What’s your IQ?” He wasn’t referring to intelligence — this IQ stands for “I Quit.” What has to happen for you to give up? How far will you go? How much can you take? If you reach out to someone for help and they decline to help you or let you down, is that your excuse for giving up? If you want to make it, you will. If you want to find an excuse, you will. If you need help, start by looking in the mirror. Ask yourself what you’ll do if (and when) no one helps you.
FOLLOW-UP To This Post: Your 10-Step Overseas Basketball Plan, Starting Today
READY FOR YOUR NEXT STEP IN YOUR CAREER? Get my FREE book, The Overseas Basketball Blueprint Here
Also See:
You Want A Career In Pro Basketball/ Overseas? Read This | FAQ
How Does Overseas Basketball Work? A Detailed Guide
How To Find An Agent For Playing Overseas Basketball
I Want To Play Overseas / In The NCAA… But I Don’t Know Where to Begin! Help!!
How Good Do You Have To Be To Play Overseas/Professionally?
Can You Go Pro/Overseas Coming from a NCAA D3 School?
How I Got My First Overseas Basketball Contract
Choosing The Right Pro Exposure Camp or Combine | Follow-Up Post: What I Know About Pro Camps
Professional Basketball Camp Reviews (Of Camps I’ve Been To)
Overseas Basketball And Money: What You Should Know
Advice and What to Expect at Your First Camp
Working a 9-5 While Preparing to Play Pro/Overseas
Do Not Give Money To Scam Artist John Jordan to Play Overseas. Ever.
Videos On Overseas Basketball
Full Athletes Resources Page (100+ Articles)
What You Need to Know About Playing Professionally Overseas – Basketball, Hockey & Baseball
Playing a sport that you love and being paid to do it, getting the opportunity to explore places that you might not have visited otherwise, and having your housing and round-trip plane ticket covered by your team are some of the benefits of playing professional sports overseas, according to The Undefeated article “The perks of playing basketball overseas.”
While there are many good reasons to play professional sports abroad, there are also some negatives. The contracts that you sign might not be as legally binding as they would be in America, you might be homesick after your first few months, and you’ll miss out on major life moments, holidays and events with your family and friends back home.
There’s also a lot of uncertainty right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hartford Courant article “Americans playing professional basketball overseas fear economic fallout from virus” points out. The United States is by far the world’s biggest exporter of both male and female basketball players, and Europe is the top importer.
American players who have earned a living playing professional sports overseas in the past are now worried that there will be fewer jobs and lower salaries in the economic fallout of the coronavirus. Even during the best of times, there was lots of uncertainty for overseas players, according to the Hartford Courant article. Players were rarely able to land multi-year contracts, they were quickly replaced if injured, and sometimes they had to go to arbitration for their money.
While there are obvious incentives and drawbacks to playing professional sports overseas, there are also some major differences between the North American style of game and the international style of game when it comes to basketball, hockey and baseball.
“On the court, playing basketball overseas is very different from the AAU/NBA culture we have in the States,” writes Michael Creppy in “The perks of playing basketball overseas” article for The Undefeated. “The international game is predicated on ball movement and player movement. Isolation basketball is seldom seen, and fundamentals (shooting, backdoor cuts, utilizing screens, pick and roll, etc.) are prevalent.”
Creppy says that those preparing to play overseas should spend less time on isolation drills during training and really focus on fundamentals such as shooting. He says that teams will not hesitate to break your contract and send you home if you’re not shooting well, noting that during the 2011 NBA lockout, some established NBA players went overseas to play, struggled, and were sent home because of the difference in systems.
The dimensions of North American men’s and women’s basketball courts are also different than international basketball courts. The North American courts are 50 feet wide by 94 feet long, while the international courts are 49 feet by 92 feet. A three-pointer for men in North America is 22 feet in the corners and 23.75 feet above the break, while the three-point line is 21. 65 feet in the corners and 22.15 feet above the break for international men and North American women.
There are 12 minutes per quarter for a total game length of 48 minutes for North American men, while international men’s games and North American women’s games are played with 10-minute quarters for a total game time of 40 minutes. In international men’s games, players foul out on five fouls – personal and technical – while in North American men’s games, players foul out on six personal fouls or two technical fouls.
The ball that men in North America play with is 29.5 inches in circumference. The one that women in North America and international play with has a maximum circumference of 29 inches and is called a size 6. International basketballs for men’s play have a circumference of 30.7 inches and are referred to as a size 7. Both men’s and women’s basketballs should be inflated between 7.5 and 8.5 lbs. per square inch, according to SportsRec.
There are between 200 and 225 Americans being paid to play in pro leagues outside of North America, according to USA TODAY Sports, even though there are some differences between the North American game and the international one.
International-sized ice is 15 feet wider than rinks used in North American leagues – 100 feet compared to 85 feet. The blue lines in international play are closer to the goal, which shrinks the offensive and defensive zones and increases the size of the neutral zone. The space behind the net is also two feet larger, with the goal line 13 feet from the end boards compared to 11 feet in North American rinks.
Several European-born players playing professionally in North America say that there is less hitting and more trapping, and the overall pace of play is slower on the bigger international-sized ice, according an article from The Star.
There are also some rule differences in international play versus North American games. If a player enters the goal crease in international play, the play is whistled down and the faceoff comes outside the zone. In North America, players are allowed to skate in the crease, as long as they don’t make contact or interfere with the goalie’s ability to make a save.
The schedule in European leagues is also lighter than North American ones. European leagues shut down three times during the season in order to allow national team players to participate in tournaments, which gives other players not participating in those tournaments more time during the season to rest and recover, according to the USA TODAY Sports article “For American pros, hockey dream goes beyond borders.”
“Why do players head overseas? Most reach an age where their opportunities are dwindling in the States and the guaranteed pay in Asia is far more attractive,” according to an article. “Money is a big draw for many players who head overseas. In some cases, they’ve bounced around the minor leagues for almost a decade, getting paid very little, and the opportunity to cash in before it’s too late is impossible to resist.”
There are at least 114 players on the roster of teams in Taiwan, Korea and Japan, according to the article.
“For the established minor leaguers or indy pro players who have had a successful pro career but did not reach their end goal of the MLB, there are plenty of opportunities overseas to continue in the game and it really comes down to what you want out of it and your expectations of level of pay and play,” according to Baseball Jobs Overseas. “For those with an open mind and are in it to help grow the game while traveling the world, the opportunities are endless. For those who need to play at a level close to what they are used to and are not very flexible financially, the options are fewer.”
Baseball Jobs Overseas says that as long as a player has good, recent statistics that can be verified online from a college program, they have a good shot at receiving offers from a club overseas, regardless of the college level they played at. Most semi-pro leagues operate on weekends and practice two to three times per week. So, be prepared to have more time on your hands than you’d be used to, especially since Americans are not permitted to work on the side in Europe – unless they secure a work visa, which is not easy to do, according to Baseball Jobs Overseas.
“One aspect of the culture shock that took me some time to adjust to was overt staring in China,” writes Michael Creppy in The Undefeated. “Being a pro basketball player in Europe, it is normal for fans to ask for pictures and to greet you in the streets. But in China I had people congregate around me while I’m eating or when I’m shopping in the grocery store.”
Creppy explains that this is something that all foreigners from the West will experience, no matter their profession.
“Seeing me visibly confused and uncomfortable, my translator explained, ‘They are staring at you like this because they think you’re so cool,’” Creppy writes.
He says that as soon as he understood that the staring wasn’t malicious, it allowed him to adjust and enjoy the Chinese culture.
Cultural differences for hockey players overseas show up in the way that the European clubs manage their teams, according to the USA TODAY Sports article. Training camps start in July and last several weeks before the regular season starts in September. Plane trips can also be seven hours long and temperatures can get very cold.
American players also have to learn new languages, especially if their coaches and teammates don’t speak English, according to USA TODAY Sports.
Create a Highlight Video: Pro Skills Basketball says that while it may seem basic, creating a basketball highlight video is very important. It’s also something that can make you feel like you’re making progress. When it comes to making your highlight reel, they recommend choosing highlights from a game where you played well against a big name school or university; editing your highlight reel down to 3 or 4 minutes; keeping your highlight reel organized by skill; and including a full, unedited game tape – or at least half of a game – at the end of your highlight video.
Find an Agent: Pro Skills Basketball recommends finding an agent to help you navigate the process of playing overseas. However, they recognize that dealing with agents and knowing who to work with can be a challenge in itself. They suggest asking yourself, “Do any of your former teammates or basketball-playing-friends have agents that will take you on? Has there been an agent contacting you that you like?”
Network: Pro Skills Basketball suggests putting yourself out there to try and meet someone who knows someone who played basketball overseas who can help guide you. Pickup basketball games are a great networking opportunity, especially if you can find out where the overseas guys in your area play over the summer, as well as where they workout.
Have an Open Mind: “To arrive with an open mind is to appreciate the subtle differences in the game in another country, to appreciate that the locals play it for the love of the game and not as a potential professional career, and that the youth in the organization will look up to you as you would your favorite MLB player,” according to Baseball Jobs Overseas. “To have an open mind is to realize that playing only on weekends provides you with ample opportunity to prepare for your post-playing career, to hone your skills in hopes of an affiliated contract, or even to experience another culture or country you otherwise never would have experienced.”
Be Prepared to Work Hard: As one of the professional hockey players playing overseas says in the USA TODAY Sports article, you better bring your A-game and a strong work ethic. “It’s not easy over here,” they say. “Some guys do come over and think it will be an easy ride. You
Save Money: While part of the allure of playing overseas is to travel and enjoy a unique experience, it’s also important to save some of the money that you’re earning, especially if you know that your days of playing professional sports are numbered. “I’ve seen players spend it all and I’ve seen players save almost every single penny; the average player is in between there somewhere,” says Joe Palumbo, a financial adviser for RBC Wealth Management U. S. in San Diego, California, in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) article, “Professional athletes need a retirement game plan.” “It’s critical to start saving and investing as early as possible so the income can grow over time and provide returns.”
Doodle Basketball 2, Doodle Alchemy, Doodle Planes, Sea Battle 2 - Like games on paper...
What do a ball, an airplane, Roger Bacon and planes? Correct Answer: Colored pencils! And it's not joke about the first hedgehog...
It seems that the developers from the Byril team in childhood remained unrealized passion for drawing, otherwise explain such a well-drawn world in the style "pencil" is difficult for me. I invite you to read today a small note about four games from this manufacturer, which, despite their simplicity, are capable of quite captivate greatly.
So game one is Doodle Basketball 2 . Two - because there is and one, and one - the same as two, but less "screwed".
The settings menu is in the upper left corner and it the same for all games from Byril: music, sounds, vibration and the language is nothing special, minimally sufficient kit.
In basketball, there is also a way to control - simple or inverted. Inverted seemed to me complex, and simple, respectively, simple ...
You can also connect to Google+ and Google Games. Maybe, who cares. Of the chips in the form of awards, there are balls, more precisely points for which you can buy balls. As long as I have them a little: ball, core and chicken. The difference between them is exclusively visual, and the dynamics and the number of points for hits are the same. There is, of course, a system rankings and awards.
And now to the game!
A little about the playing field. There are five zones, and all are cool and well-drawn.
Periodically, with particularly difficult balls, there are interesting things, like popping out of a trash can a person without a fixed place of residence.
A bit about music. There is music. She is relaxed and simple, in each zone, it seems like it has its own, but the motives are common and similar ones.
A little about the rules. There are seven rules, and they are all simple suggest how to score more points. Briefly, then the more difficult the ball is scored, the more they will give for it. Best of all - from two walls and a floor from the far edge of the screen from the shield. But this is impossible. Here.
For each "clean" throw we are given an extra ball, but after three "cleaners" our basket grows into two times for three throws - a great opportunity for more greater increase in attempts.
Each successive hit increases the number three points - a trifle, but nice.
A bit about the field. And here it is - select with a swipe on the screen trajectory, and releasing the finger, launch the ball. Pay attention, you can start the trajectory not only from the ball, but also from any place convenient for you.
A little about the meaning of the game. The main task is to type as many points as possible. The main difficulty is the quantity we have limited misses and it is expressed in the number balls on the scoreboard.
And the dots show a very approximate trajectory, and the flight of the ball itself, as well as its "bounces", fully obeys the laws of physics.
And besides, with each throw, the number of points decreases, and if it is not immediately noticeable, then after three thousand points, their number is very small and simple shows the direction of the ball.
A bit about my strategy: balls from under the hoop - only a canopy in order to earn balls-attempts and a large baskets, shots from an average distance - from the floor, and throws from afar - again, a canopy.
A bit about multiplayer. You can play online through the "sinezub", or you can take turns on one phone. But the meaning changes a little - now we're playing "goat", in childhood they played like that, can you remember? The first throws the ball with some kind of joke, the second must repeat, and if he misses, he gets the letter "k", and then "o" ...
You can play not only two, but also three, and even foursome! How!
Game Two - Doodle Alchemy .
Dear listener, starting this discussion, I I trust in the work of Byril, for it contains the essence the first causes and origins of all creation and good, as living and man-made. I express my meager knowledge in this creation, and I am like a light that dispels darkness, I open all new elements of the system.
Despite all my laborious and empty wandering through numerous combinations of elements and particles, in a game called Doodle Alchemy, I truly I advise you to try and use.
This mere beginning does not give us the due opportunities to feel like a creator, but opens different ways to become true us demiurges.
So an altar for grains of the whole world in the upper part contains any two of them to sublimate them and transformation. Compounds of protozoa elements will lead us to deep diversity and huge possibilities. However, remember that connections not only similar elements are possible, but also elements opposite, or even the same element, we we can apply twice.
Combining the original elements and discovering new elements, elements and terrain, I accidentally discovered alcohol, and after tractor and grilled chicken. But after that, my success ceased, and attempts to transform energies ended in failure.
Despite this, hope did not leave me and I continued relentless search.
In constant effort I discovered eighty-three elements out of more than three hundred, and wandering led me to the Net global, where thoughtfully I talked with the wisest men and sages, bearers of alchemical secrets in the forums.
I also found a secret recipe book from which I learned about the creation of a secret country of China (you need a country with combine with rice), but with a book, my interest in alchemical experiments faded away.
Even more diligently I mixed metal and electricity, sand and shellfish, distilled alcohol with water, boiled flowers with vodka. I opened more and more tequila and octopuses, and even a certain ghost somehow created.
The creators of the game, who are in goodness, did not leave me gave their hints. But there were very few of them, and although they were added after some discoveries, but not they could adequately satisfy my thirst for discovery.
But my mind demanded a different way of quick discoveries, and thanks to the secret knowledge transmitted on the forums their carriers, I opened a secret record of the number possible hints. Sim same and here share, to facilitate the search for you, the readers of the helpix portal. However well, we will need root access and follow will be required along the confusing path: data/data/com.byril.alchemy/shared_prefs/pref.xml . Where and find . By entering your number here, you will get what you are looking for.
This book is good, but oriental motifs adorn it with their own lightness and simplicity, and my mind was absorbed by it...
Phew, I'm not Avicenna after all gave me inspiration), everything, turn off and go to game of the third - Aircraft .
Review of this game is based on the legendary songs "Phantom", group ChiZh, respectively, read in rhythm. Here.
I'm flying in a cartoon country, Turning the turboprop on the go. My I-Seven with a blue arrow, On a spread wing, Gathers a star behind a star. My I-Seven with a blue arrow, On a spread wing, Collects a star behind a star.
I see a blue distance, To draw such a thing is a gift. Animated guns, And other turntables, Palm trees, birds, steppes, cities. Animated guns, And other turntables, Palm trees, birds, steppes, cities.
I make a left turn, I collect hundreds of stars in flight. I see - birds, I fly around, Balloon - freeze, There is still a helicopter ahead. I see - birds, I fly around, The balloon - I freeze, There is still a helicopter ahead.
It's a pity that I don't have guns here, I would kick all of them. Well, that's one salvation, These are different "cookies": "Acceleration", "gravity" and, of course, "no damage". Well, that's one salvation, These are different "cookies": "Acceleration", "gravity" and, of course, "no damage".
On the side of the screen my progress, The further I go, the more stress I get. And now about control: Arrows on the side, Swipe - torsion, So that our process would go faster. Arrows on the side, Swipe - torsion, So that our process would go faster.
You see the life line from above, And below it is the fuel line? Refueling, oh salvation! Combine mugs - luck. I hit, and then I'm flying. Refueling, oh salvation! Combine mugs - luck. I hit, and then I'm flying.
The boss round is here. They gave me a machine gun - on, fell. I bend over the trigger. And I shoot at the target, The boss, not the boss, but I nailed him. I bend over the trigger. And I shoot at the target, The boss, not the boss, but I nailed him.
And for the stars we'll buy a plane - I'll be the coolest pilot! Only little stars, That's all, bye, write wasted... I need one more entry! Only little stars, That's all, bye, write wasted ... I need one more entry!
So there is such a game. I advise her to you, yes! It seems simple, but beautiful, And famously drags on - Developers, well done! It seems simple, but beautiful, And famously drags on - Developers, well done!
Thanks to Sergei Chigrakov, by the way, for the immortal hit!
The musical break is over, military operations are ahead (not By the way, I love guns and other "grads", as it turned out - scary . ..) in the good old game in a new way - Sea Battle 2 .
Comrade General of the Army, everyone has gathered, they are waiting ...
- So, comrade officers, combat comrades, we have there is an important task - victory in a difficult battle with the phone or in multiplayer, similar to that discussed in basketball. For our victory, we must determine the tactics of the nearest battles and the strategy of victory!
Let's get started.
Point one - "Clarification of the problem".
Comrade officers, our task is to hit hidden objects enemy, by striking according to the data brain activity, i.e. finger to the sky, but to the very middle!
For item two, "Assessing the situation and determining the intent operations", the Admiral will bring us up to date. Please!
- Comrades, we have a classic field at our disposal ten by ten cells with letter-digit coordinates.
Our classical grouping forces are represented classic ten ships, each of which can be placed anywhere in the field and deployed on ninety degrees with a button.
Let me move on to point three of the operation "Defining tasks for the troops."
Stay hidden, show no signs of being, depicting motionless swimming fish!
- Thank you, comrade Admiral, comrade officers, there is proposals, after all, came to point four planning: "Consideration of proposals for combat use of combat arms"?
Comrade Army General showing the deepest interest in the proposals, which he planned just as profoundly to brush aside for their inadequacy.
- Uh, comrade General of the Army, - adjutant in one fell swoop decided to create fun for other "arms of the armed forces" - with finding troops in extended mode, after full arrangements of our warships and other boats, we we can switch to advanced planning mode, where we can use the forces of aviation, anti-aircraft missile forces and naval special forces ...
- No money!
The phrase of the Minister of Economy sounded like a sentence.
But the General of the Army was adamant - the idea of aviation in Naval combat was clearly to his liking.
- No - we will win! For every fight they will give us! Comrade officers, report on the possibilities!
- General of Air reports. At our disposal four types of aircraft: attack aircraft, torpedo bomber, bomber and the latest development of our scientists (there is no name, they wanted - VAZ, air-aviation protector, but associations-with) - the principle of action is not yet it is clear - there will be a surprise!
Each sample is used as many times as it was purchased, the target is set directly at the time of departure.
Departure of an aircraft is possible only instead of a deck shot artillery, upon successful approach to the target, is provided continue the series of shots.
- All right, comrade Aviator, comrade Anti-aircraft gunner, report back!
- We have only one type of anti-aircraft battery, which strikes an enemy air group on a given lane once with all the ammunition! Target line indicate before the fight, we think for a long time, slowly load and strongly "slow down" . ..
- May I report? - this is the chief of special forces I realized that there was no way to remain silent ...
- My group includes mines and submarines of the class "Milky Way" with two torpedoes each. Let's run while the enemy is trying to drown them in milk, we let two torpedoes in both directions and quickly bring down.
General of the army was pleased - deep wrinkles on stubborn foreheads formed into a smile, and it was clear to everyone present: The general was imbued with the idea "the main thing is to get involved in battle, and there it will be seen "... In addition, it was possible to get involved in battle by "bluetooth" or, in principle, find adventures on your own army and on the Internet... And not only among Android, but iPhones also safely got into the class potential victim of aggression (game multiplatform).
Dear friends! This is where my impromptu came to an end. In conclusion, I will note the shortcomings - all games are advertising. There are a lot of advertisements: permanent banners and, periodically, full screen ads. Sometimes not at the right time. But I used to, games, in fact, are made with full dedication. It would seem that an ordinary pen, pencil and paper in a cage, but their skillful use has given rise, in my opinion, perfect casuals. However, in addition to advertising, there is one drawback - games are very battery draining. At the same time, to they are not demanding on resources, they go great as Sony ZL, and on the budget Lenovo S580.
By the way, the developer has a couple more games: "Tic Tac Toe" and "Points" but I can't really play either one or the other.
In general, all the games mentioned deserve review, rating - 9 points, I recommend!
And, yes - read Helpix - it's interesting here!
olegdn (Gordinsky Oleg)
Devices used by the author: Sony ZL, Lenovo S580
How to learn to play basketball from scratch
“School 2. 0” is the best educational project in the history of Russian basketball, which has collected all the basic skills that are needed for those who wants to jump like Michael Jordan and shoot threes like Steph Curry. We literally chew on you how to play basketball and become cool. Lots of videos are included.
Passion for basketball usually begins with the ball hitting the basket. Do not deprive yourself of this pleasure, learn to score from under the basket, then from two steps ... But after that, you should think about what elements to master in order to become a “correct” basketball player. We won't let you get bored - we won't fill all basketball practice with boring stops and turns. But in general, you can’t do without it, because the correct work of the legs, the habit of standing firmly, not mincing, not taking extra steps, quickly and correctly changing the direction of movement is an absolute must for a basketball player. Plus, of course, dribbling and passing.
In general, to start the basketball path, “School 2.0” recommends exercises to develop the following skills during basketball training:
Do two or three dozen workouts, combining the exercises from the following list, and you will notice real progress. Start each workout with 2-4 minutes of quiet running and such a joint warm-up:
Exercises are performed one after the other without stopping.
Shoulder warm-up. Stand up straight and stretch your arms out to the sides. Make circular movements with straight arms 10 times forward, then 10 times back.
Pelvic warm-up. Put your hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform rotations in the hip joint, as if twisting a hoop, 10 times in each direction.
Back warm-up. Bend your elbows and press to your chest, feet shoulder-width apart. Do rotations in the lower back 5-10 times in each direction.
Knee warm-up. Stand up straight, feet together. Squat down a bit and put your hands on your knees. Then perform rotational movements with your knees, helping yourself with your hands. Do 10 times in each direction.
Ankle warm-up. Put your hands on your belt. Place one foot on the toe slightly behind you. Resting on your toes, do 10 rotations in the ankle joint in each direction, then change legs.
Squats. At the end, do 5 deep squats, keeping your heels on the floor and stretching your arms in front of you.
Get used to throwing correctly right away - with one hand (the other can only hold the ball), with reverse spin. The forearm is perpendicular to the floor, the arm straightens completely, the hand “closes”. Listen to how the ball blows up the net - it's a thrill.
1. Shooting stand
Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hand.
At the signal, take a throwing stance, and at the next signal, return to the starting position.
Ready to throw: legs bent, back straight, slightly tilted forward. Throwing hand behind the ball (not sideways!), the second hand holds the ball in front-side.
Raise the ball to shoulder level.
Repeat 10 times with right and left hand.
2. Single handed throw on the spot
Get into the throwing position. The ball lies in one hand at the level of the head, the elbow is directed forward, the second hand does not help.
Squat down a little and with the simultaneous extension of the legs and elbow, throw the ball up in front of you. Stay in the final position until the ball hits the floor.
Repeat 10 times with right and left hand.
3. Throw with one hand into the hoop from one meter
Stand under the hoop with the ball in your hand at shoulder height. The other hand does not help!
Squat down and at the same time extend your legs and arms, make a throw around the ring. Keep the final position of the straightened arm and closed hand until the ball hits the floor.
Try to hit the ball in the corner of the rectangle drawn on the shield, then the ball will be in the ring.
Make throws from different positions. 10 times with the right and left hand.
4. Medium throw
Stand at a distance of 3-4 meters from the ring and take a throwing stance. Sit down and with the simultaneous extension of the legs and arms, make a throw around the ring. Keep the final position of the straightened arm and closed hand until the ball hits the floor.
Make throws from different positions.
Stand a few meters from the ring. Make yourself an autopass, take a small jump forward, catch the ball, take a shooting stance, and hit the basket.
Perform the exercise 10 times with your stronger arm.
5. Two steps - throw
Stand three meters from the ring. Take two steps from the spot and throw the ring.
Get on the three-point line. Take a couple of hits with the ball, then two steps and throw the ring.
Make yourself an autopass from the 3-point line. Then catch the ball, take two steps and shoot the ring.
Try to hit the ball in the corner of the rectangle drawn on the shield.
Repeat 10 times with right and left hand.
6. Two steps - low shot
Get on the three-point line. Take a couple of hits with the ball, then two steps and throw from the bottom of the ring.
Stand three meters from the ring. Take two steps from the spot and throw the ring from below.
From the three-point line, make yourself an autopass. Then catch the ball, take two steps and shoot the ring.
Try to hit the ball in the corner of the rectangle drawn on the shield.
Repeat 10 times with right and left hand.
Glue your feet to the floor. No extra steps! Otherwise - "jog", whistle, give the ball to the opponents.
1. Jump stop
The exercise is performed on the spot. Make yourself an autopass, catch the ball with two hands and at the same time do a two-foot jump into a basketball stance.
Determine the axial (supporting) leg and perform turns on this leg forward and backward.
Then imitate the following sequence of actions: take the ball in your hands, being completely in the air; land on both (!) feet at the same time; make turns around the same (!) leg.
Repeat the exercise 10 times: 5 times turning on the right foot and 5 times on the left.
2. Walking stop
The exercise is performed on the spot. Make yourself an autopass, catch the ball with both hands and stop at the same time with two steps into the basketball stance.
The axial (supporting) leg will be the one with which you took the first step - on this leg, perform turns forward and backward.
Repeat the exercise 10 times: 5 times turning on the right foot and 5 times on the left.
3. Zigzag without a ball with a jump stop
All changes in the direction of movement are made by a clear turn around the near leg - even through the “face”, even through the “back”. This is very important in basketball!
4. Zigzag without a ball with a stop in steps
It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, but the stop at the cone is one-two, not a jump.
Mastering the culture of passing will not only earn you the respect of your playmates, but it will also give you a lot of fun. Maybe even more than hitting the ring.
1. Passing with two hands into the wall
Stand 3-5 meters from the wall. Pass the ball into the wall with both hands from the chest.
Hold the ball with both hands from the sides and direct it to the wall with a wrist movement. As a result, the arms at the elbows should straighten, and the hands should “close”.
Move further back to make longer passes. At the moment of such a transfer, one leg takes a step forward. Catch such a transmission from the floor.
Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
2. Passing with one hand into the wall
Stand 3-5 meters from the wall. Pass the ball into the wall with one hand from the shoulder.
Hand behind the ball, thumbs up. Carpal movement.
Repeat the exercise 15-20 times for each hand.
3. Lying One-Hand Pass
Lying on your back, pass with one hand up.
Repeat the exercise 15-20 times for each hand.
Great basketball dribbling is the key to all doors. Not to mention how effective it is.
1. Palms on the ball
Take the ball in your hands and move it from hand to hand, hitting it with your palms.
Start slowly and then speed up. 15 seconds slow, 15 fast.
Repeat 1-2 times.
2. Ball on fingers
Quickly toss the ball with your fingertips from one hand to the other: raise and lower in front of you; sit down and get up; raise and lower in motion.
Perform each exercise 2-3 times for 15 seconds.
3. Ball around the body
Move the ball from one hand to the other as quickly as possible: around the body; around the head; in the round-leg basketball stance; in a basketball stance figure eight around the legs.
Do 5 repetitions in each direction.
4. Low dribbling on the spot
Low ball dribbling in different positions:
Basketball stance, feet parallel. Dribble to the side of your foot. Free hand in defense position.
Sit on the floor and dribble from your side, moving the ball closer or further away.
Repeat 15 times with each hand. Do 2-3 sets.
5. Medium dribbling on the move
Medium dribbling of the ball (height to the waist) on the move. Do it at speed.
Make a turn, leaving the ball in place and picking it up with the other hand.
Dribble two courts with each hand.
6. V-dribbling in front of you
Stand in a basketball stance.
Dribble with one hand in front of you in a V, with your right and left hands in turn.
Repeat 15 times with each hand. Do 2-3 sets.
7. Crossover
Move the ball in place in front of you from one hand to the other.
First do the exercise for each stroke.
Then - for every third stroke.
After translation, touch the floor with your free hand.
Repeat 15 times with each hand. Do 2-3 sets.
8. Underfoot transfers
Transfer the ball between the legs from one hand to the other.
Translate every third hit with the ball.
After translation, touch the floor with your free hand.
Repeat 15 times with each hand. Do 2-3 sets.
That's it for a start. Of course, it would be nice to learn how to fly - in the sense of jumping high without a trampoline. But that's another story. If you only jump, you are a jumper. And if you have mastered these exercises, you are almost a basketball player. Then you can already learn to play in a team, in real contact conditions.
Why Andrey Kirilenko created School 2.0:
And remember,
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