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How to play pickup basketball
How to play pickup basketball
15 Essential Pick-Up Basketball Tips
One of the favorite outdoor activities of many – pick-up basketball, is played on the playgrounds around the world and it’s widely spread almost as basketball indoors. It was hard to single out just 15 tips for it, but we came up with the list.
Some of these you already know, some of these you’ll need to practice at least a little, and some of it will come to you naturally. It really doesn’t matter if you’re a complete beginner or you know basketball. Choose your style of game and be persistent.
1. One-on-one game
When playing pick-up, there’s maybe five more players on the court beside you, sometimes less. Sometimes you need to step up, and most often you get the opportunity for that when staying alone with a man who’s guarding you.
Simply don’t allow for a screen and tell your teammates you’re going one on one this time. This is the most effective way of scoring when you’re playing with the players you never played with before.
Sometimes you and your new teammates just don’t get along, so there’s no chemistry. And since there’s no chemistry, there is no game, which means your ball movement sucks. So to win a game and stay on the court you need to play one on one. Also, it’s the opportunity for the other players and the crowd (if there’s any) to see you’re worth something.
If you learn this, you’ll most likely learn to score because you’ll get plenty of shots to try.
2. Learn at least 3 offensive moves
If you want to be good at this you need to have at least three offensive moves you can use anytime. Practice only one move every time you step on the playground until it becomes something normal and natural for you.
Do these moves in a different way and with different speed so that your opponents can’t predict what you’ll do. You can practice faking the defender and then shoot over him. Or to drive right, fake the jump shot and then going for a jump shot or lay-up. Learn how to crossover your defender.
If you’re not physically capable of any of these, practice shooting. That way you’ll always be a valuable asset to a team that picks you up.
3. Work on your condition
Look, you don’t have to run a marathon, but go for a run now and then if you can. You will not only play pick-up with ease but also feel the health benefits of running in all other daily activities.
It’s not important how good you are if you’re tired. If you don’t have enough energy to get you through two or three games of pick-up, don’t even start it, work first on your condition. If you don’t know if it’s a smart idea to run in your old basketball shoes, this article might give you an answer.
Don’t worry too much, just do a few miles now and then. If you can, work with weights too. If you’re physically ready, you can outplay even the players better then you.
4. Fuel up
Don’t ever play pick-up basketball hungry. Now, what you’ll eat is up to you. If this meal is right before stepping on the court, it shouldn’t be something that could slow you down before you even started.
My choice is always something easy on the stomach that enters fast to muscles but also with a decent number of calories to keep me steady.
I recently wrote an article about this. You can go here with bananas and protein bar, apple and whey protein, chocolate bar and almonds, etc. but make sure there are enough carbohydrates in there (sweets and candy excluded). If you’re having lunch before pick-up, just make sure you don’t overeat.
5. Don’t lose confidence in pick-up games because…
Nobody’s watching you; you don’t have any crowd, you’re not on TV, it doesn’t really matter how you play. So keep that in mind whenever you miss a few shots in a pick-up game.
Attack the rim, be aggressive on defense, and good effort will bring back your confidence. A bad rhythm can change, you just need to work for it. Even if you don’t play often, come there with the boss attitude and do what you’re good at.
6. Learn how to play pick and roll
This is a simple but so effective basketball offensive play easy to learn.
It works both for shorter and taller players because both are taking part in this play.
Basically, the taller and slower guy sets a screen for the shorter guy (blocks the movement of shorter guy’s defender). Then he rolls from the defender into an open space, receives the pass from the shorter and faster guy, and now has to decide will he try to score or get the ball back to shorter guy for a shot.
Pick and roll is easy to learn and implement for everyone and does wonders on the court. This is the move that can solve the game very fast if you do it right. It can be a cure if you’re playing against shorter guys and you have at least one big man with you.
7. Be a team player
I think this is clear. It doesn’t make sense to shoot all the time. You’re there just for fun, make it as fun for others too. Passing makes two players happy, scoring just one. Always look for an open teammate, don’t be possessive with the ball. It can bother your teammates, and they can easily choose someone else to play that time or some other time when you see them on the court.
Don’t be a ball hog, you’re not that good. Even if you are, think about your teammates and how to get them going. Even if you win, your teammates won’t be too happy. Another good side is that you won’t get so tired. Split the energy consumption between yourselves in the team. It makes life easier.
8. Protect your ankles
I can stress this enough because safety is usually the last thing ballers think about when playing pick-up and the truth is that it should be the first. Ankles are the most vulnerable because there’s a strong possibility that opposing player jumps on your foot or that you slip on the uneven or slippery court.
The first thing you can do here is to watch out and play moderately aggressive or not aggressive at all. The second thing you can do if you’re more serious about pick-up is to choose the right shoes with adequate ankle protection.
Feet health first. They carry the whole body; you have to keep them safe. If you’re not playing in basketball shoes, it would be smart to wear ankle braces for extra protection.
9. Work for a shot
If you’re new to a team and you want to show your skills fast, it’s best to work for a shot running from side to side and around the screens set up for you.
If nobody’s setting up screens, ask for a ball and try to get your teammates open so they do the same later for you. In any case, you need to work for a shot. Even if you make a few shots, if you just stand there the other players or crowd won’t be too fond of you. Besides, you won’t have so much fun not participating in the game.
Work for a shot and good things will come to you. Not to mention you’ll earn the respect of teammates.
10. Don’t let them provoke you
This is the worst of all. If you let them provoke you, I’m a hundred percent sure that your shot will go down for more then twenty percent. A few men out there have cold blood and nerves that allow them to react peacefully in a given moment. Be that guy.
Let them do the talking, stay calm and continue as nothing happened.
Use the adrenalin the right way, direct it in the right direction. Besides, if they see you’re angry, they’ll try to provoke you even more so you lose control. It’s like that; it’s in human’s nature to provoke and sabotage when trying to win in something. Be smarter.
11. Always go for a rebound
You must think that if you’re a shorter guy that you don’t have to go for a rebound, that it’s a big man’s job to pick up boards. But in pick-up basketball, since there are only max six players in the half-court, you have much higher chances for a rebound than in a regular 5v5 game.
Accordingly, there’s a more significant possibility for you to get an open shot quickly after the rebound. So don’t hesitate here if you want a win. It’s a common thing in pick-up basketball that the man who’s guarding you don’t even follow on a rebound, so you’re left alone, and you didn’t even expect it. Which leads us to another super important tip:
12. Please, make open shots in the paint!
Ok, this is one of the essential things that you just need to be doing.
Open shots are what wins games. If you want your teammates and other players to respect you, these are the shots you want to make. It’s the worst when you need to play with a guy that can’t make a clear 10-foot jump-shot when the game is on the line.
Another thing you should improve if you’re not doing it right is the lay-up. To make those you don’t need much talent or crazy physical attributes, just practice them a bit when you’re alone. Everyone’s going to love to play with you if you make open shots.
13. Have an identity
This means: be good at something. Anyone can be good at something. Find that one thing you do good in pick-up basketball and do it often. Some guys just don’t like to shot because they suck at it and that’s ok.
Basketball has many elements, and you can be good in at least one. Shooting, passing, rebounding, stealing, blocking, setting up screens, dribbling, being aggressive in defense, etc. Pick your skill. You’d be surprised at with how much confidence you come to the playground when you know you have one skill that you can always use with your eyes closed.
14. Use supplements
If you do not have a properly balanced diet, this is probably the first thing you’d need to do. Supplements will correct nutritional mistakes in your diet and probably allow you to jump and run more and try harder in pick-up games.
Depending on how you eat, there are some supplements that can instantly make you feel better. If you’re looking to improve your nutrition, here’s the list of all supplements that actually work, according to science. Just don’t spend your money on supplements that don’t do anything for you.
15. Use your head
You need to remember that basketball is as mental as physical activity. Muscles are not enough sometimes. Moving without the ball, knowing when to find an open teammate, and making the right decision when the score is on the line, are just some of the things we meet with, in pick-up basketball.
When it’s a game-time, you need to think. If you have some problems in your life, basketball can be an occasional escape from them, but also these problems can affect your pick-up basketball game.
Don’t worry about it and move on because everyone has a bad day. It will be better next time.
Wrapping up
There you have it. Now you’re ready to go out there and implement some of these tips. There’s really not much more to it than this. Cooperate with your teammates, don’t be a jackass and enjoy this game. If you want to play in your driveway, check out portable basketball hoops on Amazon. It’s a brilliant option if you have a place for it somewhere around the house.
The Ultimate Guide to Playing Pickup Basketball
Pickup basketball can be fun, competitive, and beneficial to your overall health. It can also be intimidating and overwhelming if you’re not familiar with how to play. In this article, I will help you with the basics and etiquette of pickup basketball. That way next time you play or if you’re asked to play, you’ll have some confidence going in.
I have been playing pickup basketball now for 5 years, once per week on average. We play with pretty much the same group of guys.
Most of us are in our mid 30’s, married, with children. Sometimes we have younger players show up, and sometimes older players. The main thing to remember is we are all there to have fun.
But how to do you have fun but also be competitive, but not too competitive? How to play pickup Basketball?
To play pickup basketball, you should try hard, not be overly serious, have fun, and be a great teammate.
The best thing you can do when playing pickup basketball is give effort and be a team player. Nobody wants to play with a ball hog. At the same time, nobody wants to play with someone who is lazy and isn’t trying. You won’t get asked to play or be picked if you are either of those types of players.
I didn’t grow up playing a lot of basketball at a competitive level. Most of my games were in recreational leagues and pickup games at the park with friends. Some of the guys I play with have played at the Division 1 college level. So how do I keep getting asked to play? It’s because I try hard and am a team player.
Later in this article, we will go over specifics on etiquette and effort for pickup basketball.
- What is a pickup game in basketball?
- How do you join a pickup game in basketball?
- How to be a good pickup basketball player
- What do you wear to a pickup basketball game?
- What are the benefits of pickup basketball?
- How to play pickup basketball conclusion
What is a pickup game in basketball?A pickup basketball game is simple. It’s a game of basketball where there is a hoop to play on but not any type of league. It’s having enough players to play a game, either full court or half court. Again, not part of a competitive league.
Basically, a pickup basketball game is a random game with random players, typically at a park or public place. It could be a set group of friend or acquaintances or strangers. What pickup basketball really is, is just a game of basketball with a hodgepodge of players.
Most pickup basketball games are played at a public park. Some, including myself, have a reserved spot at a school indoor basketball court. This is rare but possible if you have the right connections.
Growing up, if you played basketball outside with your friends or a game of “21”, that’s pickup basketball. Pickup basketball is not a formal game with a league, with stats, with referees. Pickup basketball is free, no refs, randomly selected teams, and without stats.
Basketball in a pickup style of play has no specific set of rules, no shot clock, or quarters. It’s very freestyle, and most rules are preapproved by all players. For example, in my pickup games we don’t have a backcourt rule. We also play games to 11, where points are 1 point or 2 points. 2 pointers are given to shots made from the 3-point line and beyond.
There are many tips out there on what a pickup basketball game is, how to play, and why. Rookie Road is a good site to get the basics beyond this article.
How do you join a pickup game in basketball?Joining pickup basketball can be easy if you know enough people that are willing to play. You can start the process on your own. As long as you have a basketball hoop, typically a public access one at a park, you can play.
For example, my group of pickup basketball players and friends do so via e-vite each week. That way we can know a few days ahead of time how many people are interested. That helps so you don’t show up to a pickup game and only have a handful of players to play with. You would want to have somewhere between 8-12 players for a solid pickup game. You can play 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 and if there are extra players, you can create a third team or subs.
The best way to join a pickup game is to ask people you know to see who might be interested. If you don’t want to create the game on your own, show up at a park where you see other players playing. If you are confident in your skill level, simply ask to join their game.
Most people will say yes to someone who wants to join!
Another thing you can try is go to a basketball court with a few friends and just start shooting around. If you do that enough times, others will see you and possibly ask to join you. As time goes on, the amount of interest will grow.
When I first started playing with this group I play with, we had maybe 10 players. Now the group is close to 25 players where we have to limit it each week to 12. We play with 3 teams, 4 on 4. One team sits and rest, winner stays on the court.
How to be a good pickup basketball playerBeing a good pickup basketball player doesn’t just mean being good at basketball. Yes, being good at basketball will get you on teams and get you invited. However, if you are not a team player, people won’t want to play with you. That’s because pickup basketball isn’t just about winning.
Playing pickup basketball is more than just basketball. It’s about getting your competitiveness juices out.
Getting incredible exercise. Meeting new people. Working hard towards something. And most of all, it’s about having fun.
Like I said, I’ve been playing pickup basketball for 5 years straight and have seen all types of different players. Some great, some okay, some bad, but in the end, we all have fun. We all still try hard, but we don’t take it too seriously. We don’t fight. The most you’ll see is a small argument over a foul, that’s it.
To be a good pickup basketball player requires effort. Not being lazy. Going hard for rebounds. Taking open shots. Passing the ball! Hustling. Call your own fouls when you’ve fouled someone. Be honest about fouls. And NEVER take a charge in pickup basketball.
I’m not a big guy, so I don’t try and play down low. I also don’t shoot as well as others. But what I can do is play great defense, hustle for rebounds, pass the ball, and not turn it over.
I know my role and it fits well with the guys I play with. I’ve learned my role and I strongly suggest that if you play, play to your strengths.
Other guys are great at shooting but not at defense. Some are big and can play down low in the paint but not outside near the arc. Know what type of player you are and use that to your benefit.
What do you wear to a pickup basketball game?The number one thing to wear to a pickup basketball game is basketball shoes. You will look like you don’t play basketball and don’t belong there if you show up in non-basketball shoes. You will also risk injury because other shoes are not meant for basketball.
You also should wear shorts, just like you see all basketball players wearing. It’s easier to run in basketball shorts or athletic shorts compared to casual shorts, pants, or sweats. You should also wear a t-shirt or sleeveless shirt, not a collared shirt or button up shirt of any kind. Look the part.
Also, if you are playing indoor basketball, wear regular shoes when you show up and put your basketball shoes on when you get inside the gym.
Basketball shoes are made for basketball courts. Wearing them outside of a basketball court shortens the lifespan of the shoe.
Another tip is to bring extra clothes, mainly extra shirt. You get sweaty playing basketball. Sometimes to the point where it’s a distraction to yourself or the defender. Feel free to change shirts in between games if it makes you more comfortable. And always bring water, lots of water!
What are the benefits of pickup basketball?The benefits of playing pickup basketball are enormous. Number 1, it’s incredible exercise and so good for your health. If you haven’t played basketball in a long time, I can guarantee you’ll be sore the next time you play. It’s a full body workout on top of it being an outstanding cardio workout. You run several miles during a pickup basketball game and burn a ton of calories. Have you seen how incredible college and pro basketball players body are? They are in some of the best shape of any humans.
Other benefits are meeting new people and gaining new friends. Plus, it helps your mental state but getting your competitive nature out. On top of that, it’s fun, and having fun is good for the soul.
Another benefit is that if you play more often, you will surely get better at basketball. And being good at basketball is fun, especially if you meet new people who like it too.
As you play more and more pickup basketball, you’ll start to learn more about the game itself. You’ll understand why players do what they do when you’re watching basketball games. You’ll also get more interested in basketball since you understand it more.
Overall, the top benefits are playing pickup basketball are: exercise, competitiveness, socializing, and fun.
How to play pickup basketball conclusionTo be a good player and be asked to play more often in pickup basketball, means being a good teammate. Like we discussed, try hard when you are playing. Pass the ball to others.
Don’t be afraid to take open shots. And give good effort by not being lazy. Also, don’t be a ball hog.
Something that isn’t discussed as often as it should is fouls in pickup basketball. Nobody likes playing with someone who calls a lot of fouls. Likewise, nobody wants to play with someone who commits a lot of fouls. Also, never take a charge in pickup basketball, it’s lame and unnecessary.
Playing pickup basketball has a ton of physical and mental benefits along with social benefits. You meet new people or become closer with your friends because you’re working hard together.
Make sure when you play that you dress the part, bring proper basketball shoes, a give maximum effort. Also be sure to stretch before you play because it requires a lot of physicality. Be prepared to be sore and tired if you haven’t played in a while.
When you play and play often, you will feel the rewards both mentally and physically. You will like it so much that you will want to play more and more.
By playing more and enjoying it, you will want to get better, and you will get better.
Pickup basketball is fun, especially if you are competitive and social. Make sure that you have fun more than anything else and not take it too seriously.
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Basketball for girls - the pros and cons of classes
Parents of a girl, from an early age, think about how would diversify their child's leisure time so that this activity brings not only pleasure, but also health benefits.
Basketball is one of the most exciting and interesting team games. Women's basketball is no longer an exotic sport, as it exists in almost all countries of the world where annual competitions and championships are held.
Playing basketball allows you to get joy from your own achievements and victories, which definitely affects the girl's self-esteem.
Advantages of playing basketball for girls
- During the game, all muscle groups actively develop and train. As a result, there is the ability to skillfully control your body and clearly coordinate all your movements.
- The cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems are strengthened.
- Correct posture is formed
- Accelerates the metabolism in the body.
- The vestibular apparatus and immunity become more stable.
- Endurance, patience and endurance are developed.
- Regular exercises and hardening contribute to the prevention of all kinds of ailments , sore throats and colds.
- Due to the fact that the game requires a clear idea of the trajectory of the ball into the ring, spatial and logical thinking is actively developing.
- Basketball - Pretty dynamic and emotional game . A girl who takes an active part in the game receives the necessary emotional release and learns to control herself.
- In a team game, she will show more initiative and learn to responsibly fulfill her assigned role.
- Sport contributes to the development of a purposeful character . The planned goals will be fulfilled outside the sports ground.
- One of the advantages of this exciting game is the fact that the age limit for sending a child to classes is quite high and is 13 years old - for girls.
Cons of playing basketball for girls
- Before sending your child to classes, consult a doctor and exclude all possible contraindications: disorders in the musculoskeletal system, problems with the spine, peptic ulcers, bronchial asthma, flat feet.
- Before starting the game, it is necessary to prepare the body and warm up the muscles to avoid possible fractures, since basketball is considered a rather traumatic sport, due to the negligence and inattention of the participants in the game.
- Never send a child to a team that is older than her age. Forces must be equal to .
- Pay special attention to sportswear and exercise shoes.
- If you plan to connect your child with basketball on a professional level, please note that the career of an athlete is quite short and is highly dependent on age and physical condition.
If a girl shows an active desire and craving for basketball, then you need to support her aspirations and help her achieve her goals.
The impact of basketball on the girl's body and its features
- Initially, regular systematic training should begin with 10-11 years old . After 1-1.5 years of training, it is allowed to take an active part in competitions. During adolescence, the duration of the game is limited, and breaks are 10 minutes between halves of 12 minutes.
- Upon reaching the girl 13-15 years old the training load increases significantly and increases to 5-6 times a week .
At this age, the girls undergo physiological changes in the state of the vegetative system and, after the competition, these changes are more pronounced than during training periods. This is due to the fact that more work is being done, after which small functional shifts can be observed. - Adolescence is known to be characterized by emotional component , which is quite unstable, which may be the cause of the manifestation of vulnerability.
- Intense physical activity contributes to a significant weight loss from a few hundred grams to 3 kilograms.
- During the game, the heart rate and blood pressure increase.
- Basketball strengthens and increases the functionality of important internal organs and improves eye muscle coordination.
The value of height in the game
Height is not an important condition for playing women's basketball. The coach pays close attention to the number of loads and the physical condition of the participants, on which the quality of the game depends.
Moreover, the recruitment and graduation of students from most sports schools is not always tall.
If you send a girl to basketball, you don't have to worry about her becoming too tall later on. The height of the child depends only from genetics. It’s just that, most often, people who are taller than average participate in this game, so it’s easier to achieve the desired result.
Prospects for the future
Of course, the monetary component of for an athlete in the future is also important and quite significant. For example, the best Russian basketball players at the highest level earn quite impressive amounts.
Starting from 17-18 years old , girls who play this game professionally have great prospects and every chance of signing contracts with well-known clubs.
Parents of girls, first of all, are concerned about the fact that during the game, the participants behave quite aggressively, pursuing the goal of winning, and thus, she can get serious injuries .
Undoubtedly, there is some truth in this, in the course of the game there are falls and various unforeseen circumstances. But what sport doesn't have injuries? Only chess is safe. If your girl has a strong character and can stand up for herself, then you should not worry about this.
Basketball is suitable for children who love active sports, are easy to communicate with and can work in a team. If your child is closed in himself, then you should not send him to basketball lessons. Pick her the kind of sport that contributes to the disclosure of talent as a single performance.
Three men fight for the rebound at outdoor basketball tournament – Stock Editorial Photo © BluIz60 #31046717
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Athens, Georgia, USA - August 24, 2013: Three young men battle to recuperate while playing a 3-on-3 basketball tournament held on the streets of downtown Athens .