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How to say basketball in chinese

Sports in Chinese – The Complete Guide to 32 Different Sports

In our never ending quest to bring you the best content on the web when it comes to studying Mandarin, we continue today as we teach you 32 sports in Chinese.

Of course though, the most important word of all is SPORTS, so let’s nail that one down right away…

SPORTS IN CHINESE – 运动 yùn dòng

Literally this means motion movement and also means exercise. Another common word for sports in Chinese is 体育 tǐyù.

As with a number of other vocabulary blogs, many of the sports hinge on learning a couple of key words.

REMEMBER – learning Chinese is all about piecing the building blocks together.

When we studied the shapes in Chinese we learned that knowing the numbers in Chinese helped unlock lots of shapes for us.

Sports is no different. The word for ball plays an imperative role in learning many (but not all of course) of the sports in Chinese. More-so than English.

Sure, English uses ball for Football, Baseball, Basketball… but Rugby and Tennis – not so. In Mandarin they all share that same keyword.

This makes our life much easier when learning the sports in Chinese!

Sports in Chinese – The 球’s (qiú)

Sports in Chinese – Running

Sports in Chinese – Swimming

Sports in Chinese – Skiing

Sports in Chinese – Boxing

Sports in Chinese – Horse Racing

Sports in Chinese – Golf

Sports in Chinese – Others

BONUS FREEBIE – Our Sports Quiz

Sports in Chinese – FAQ’s

If you want to hear all the sports in Chinese pronounced by a native speaker, watch our video, where teacher Jacqueline gives us a helping hand in pronouncing the words.


Sports in Chinese – The 球’s (qiú)

OK that keyword we were talking about, ball – in Chinese is 球 qiú.

By learning this we now unlock a large group of sports in Chinese.

球 qiú is quite a common Chinese character which you will see in other words such as:

  • Earth (the planet) – 地球 dì qiú
    • literally “ground/land ball/sphere
  • Fan (as in fan of a team) – 球迷 qiú mí
    • literally “ball/sphere enthusiast
  • Match (as in sports match) – 球赛 qiú sài
    • literally “ball/sphere match

Let’s take a look at some of the sports in Chinese that include 球 qiú.

Can you guess any before looking?

Notice how in English, only three of those nine sports listed above actually include the word BALL.

Yet in Chinese, you can take Badminton, which doesn’t even use a ball, yet 球 qiú is featured.

This is another one of the many reasons why CHINESE IS SUPER LOGICAL TO LEARN.

Pick up a few new keywords, and you are well on your way.

Let’s discover some sentences with those sports in:

Table Tennis in China


Pīngpāng qiú shì zhōngguó zuì shòu huānyíng de yùndòng

Note how pīng pāng qiú is quite easy to remember because when you put pīng and pāng together they almost make a table that the game is played on… 乒乓. It’s quite visual and this makes it easier to remember.

Basketball in China


Zhōngguó rén xǐhuān kàn měiguó (NBA) de lánqiú

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How Big is China? 🐲 Size Matters – China is huge. We have some incredible facts just to prove how large China really is, 48 facts to be precise!

Cricket in China


Dà duōshù zhōngguó rén cóng wèi tīng shuōguò bǎn qiú

It’s true, baseball is far more popular in China that Cricket. In fact, Baseball has quite a cult following throughout Asia.

If you want to experience Cricket in Asia, best head to India, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh where they most certainly know about Cricket!

Football in China


Xǔduō zhōngguó zúqiú mí xǐhuān gòumǎi wàiguó zúqiú chènshān

Notice in the above sentence we included the word for “fan” that we taught you earlier.

See how we didn’t write zúqiú qiú mí but just zúqiú mí.

Chinese don’t like repetition so we knock off the 2nd qiú to make it a bit less of a mouthful. This happens quite a lot in Chinese.

For example, the word for but is dàn shì but you’ll often find Chinese shorten it to dàn.

Want to discover more about Football in China? Check out our video below for more key vocabulary, and our blog about the culture of Football in China and what to expect when coming to watch a football match in China.


Sports in Chinese – Running in Chinese Running in Chinese

As running most definitely does not involve a ball, it’s no surprise that this word does not include our friend qiú.

Run in Chinese = 跑步 pǎobù

Literally this means run step.

Let’s learn a couple of sentences with this word in


Zuótiān wǒ pǎole shí gōnglǐ


Wǒ xǐhuān yīgè xīngqí pǎo sān biàn

Sports in Chinese – Swimming

Going with another Olympic sport that definitely doesn’t involve a ball here.

Swimming in Chinese = 游泳 yóu yǒng

Literally this means travel swim.

The first character appears in the word to travel, surprisingly, lǚ yóu 旅游 !


Tā bù huì yóuyǒng

Sports in Chinese – Skiing

Onto more snowy matters as we go Skiing.

There are some great places to Ski and Snowboard in China whilst we are on topic!

Our student Tereza went Skiing at the 2022 Winter Olympic site with her mum Lenka and other LTL students. You can read about their experience Skiing in China on our blog.

Skiing in Chinese = 滑雪 huáxuě

BONUS – Snowboard in Chinese = 滑雪板 huáxuě bǎn

Just add a bǎn on the end to change Skiing to Snowboarding.

Literally Skiing in Chinese is slide snow and Snowboarding in Chinese is slide snow plank.

Weather in China ☀️ The Complete Guide

Summarising the weather in China within a few hundred words is near enough impossible. Here is our simple month-by-month and city-by-city guide.

Sports in Chinese – Boxing

Time to get the gloves on as we go Boxing.

Boxing in Chinese = 拳击 quánjí

Literally this means fist beat.

Quite a brutal literal translation there really isn’t it!

Staying in this area of Sport, Kung Fu is a nice easy one to remember given the similar sound:

Kung Fu in Chinese is

Sports in Chinese – Horse Racing

All aboard the Horses.

Horse Racing in Chinese = 赛马Sàimǎ

Literally this means race horse.

A nice easy translation there.

With gambling being banned in China this wouldn’t be the most popular sport in the Mainland, but head south to Hong Kong and you’ll have two world renowned race tracks which host some first class Horse Racing action every week.

During the season, Sunday’s play host to the Sha Tin racecourse which is generally a little more low-key, full of elder locals, equipped with a pen and paper.

However, head to Happy Valley on Wednesday’s nights and you’ll be a part of a world class racing spectacle with great horses, jockeys and entertainment on show. Many foreigners in Hong Kong enjoy attending Happy Valley race nights given their excellent atmosphere and cheap entry.

Sports in Chinese – Golf

Wait a minute, Golf is a sport with a ball, why have we not included it in the 球’s (qiú)?

Golf is an exception to the rule. A sport that includes a ball, but not the 球.

In fact, the word golf is a loanword, sounding very similar to English.

Due to this, the literal translation of tall so husband makes absolutely zero sense.

If you want to discover more loanwords in Chinese check out our blog.

Coffee in Chinese ☕️ A Complete Guide to Ordering a Cup of Joe in China

Do you know how to order a coffee in Chinese? Well luckily for you LTL has a complete guide of how to order all your favourite types of coffee!

Other Sports in Chinese

Check out our video at the top of the blog to unlock EVEN MORE sports in Chinese!

Have we missed out your favourite sport?

Drop us a comment and we’ll include it for you!

Sports in Chinese – Quiz

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板球 (bǎn qiú) 高尔夫 (gāo'ěrfū) 拳击 (quánjí) 橄榄球 (gǎn lǎn qiú)

Horse Racing

篮球 (lán qiú) 赛马 (sàimǎ) 足球 (zúqiú) 高尔夫 (gāo'ěrfū)


橄榄球 (gǎn lǎn qiú) 板球 (bǎn qiú) 网球 (wǎng qiú) 功夫 (gōngfū)


足球 (zúqiú) 功夫 (gōngfū) 拳击 (quánjí)


曲棍球 (qūgùnqiú) 羽毛球 (yǔ máo qiú) 板球 (bǎn qiú) 棒球 (bàng qiú)


羽毛球 (yǔ máo qiú) 板球 (bǎn qiú) 乒乓球 (pīngpāng qiú) 篮球 (lán qiú)


羽毛球 (yǔ máo qiú) 赛马 (sàimǎ) 棒球 (bàng qiú) 拳击 (quánjí)


网球 (wǎng qiú) 板球 (bǎn qiú) 棒球 (bàng qiú) 赛马 (sàimǎ)

Table Tennis

功夫 (gōngfū) 网球 (wǎng qiú) 乒乓球 (pīngpāng qiú) 曲棍球 (qūgùnqiú)


篮球 (lán qiú) 乒乓球 (pīngpāng qiú) 曲棍球 (qūgùnqiú) 橄榄球 (gǎn lǎn qiú)


网球 (wǎng qiú) 高尔夫 (gāo'ěrfū) 赛马 (sàimǎ) 足球 (zúqiú)


曲棍球 (qūgùnqiú) 足球 (zúqiú) 篮球 (lán qiú) 橄榄球 (gǎn lǎn qiú)

Kung Fu

高尔夫 (gāo'ěrfū) 赛马 (sàimǎ) 功夫 (gōngfū) 乒乓球 (pīngpāng qiú)

1 out of 1

Sports in Chinese – FAQ’s

How do you say Sports in Chinese?

Sports in Chineseis 运动 yùn dòng.

Literally this means motion movement and also means exercise. Another common word for sports in Chinese is 体育 tǐyù.

How do you say Football in Chinese?


zú qiú

How do you say Table Tennis in Chinese?


pīng pāng qiú

How do you say Olympics in Chinese?



Ào lín pǐ kè

Olympic Games


Ào yùn

How do you say Tennis in Chinese?


wǎng qiú

How do you say Badminton in Chinese?


yǔ máo qiú

What is China’s most popular sport?

Table Tennis is China’s most popular and national sport.

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basketball game
篮球 (Chinese)

The original English definition:

basketball game (English)
A sport in which two opposing teams of five players strive to throw a ball through a hoop.

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Basketball in China • China News Portal - China Today


Last revised 09/27/2021

Basketball has become one of China's favorite sports, and this can be evidenced by the daily workload of the basketball courts of public sports complexes . In addition, Chinese fans of this sport actively follow all the events that take place, from matchmaking games to live tournaments. As entertainment, basketball is quite widespread in China, for example, in China, the last season of the NBA was watched by almost half a billion people, which was facilitated by the technology giant Tencent, which on July 28, 2019extended its exclusive digital partnership with the NBA for another five years.

The origins of basketball in China

The origins of basketball in China began in 1895 when the sport was introduced by American missionaries at the same time as China's second Youth Christian Association (YMCA) in Tianjin, who saw it as a tool to promote the Christian ideals of masculinity and health.

However, in reality, the game began to gain popularity in China precisely because of the educational institutions and later the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA). At 19In 13, at the Far East Championship, the first silver medal was won by the first Chinese national team, consisting entirely of students from educational institutions.

Even as sports and leisure gave way to wars and survival efforts during the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II, basketball still found its place as a pastime for PLA soldiers, which laid the foundation for how this sport will develop after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 year.

In communist China, the sport took on a life of its own, with political support and official recognition as a national pastime. The members of the PLA founded one of the first national teams, the Bayi basketball team, which later became one of the most famous basketball teams in the country. The "Bayi" team, literally "eight one", was named after the founding date of the military organization - August 1.

China's love of sports was unwavering - it survived the Cultural Revolution, and after the launch of "Ping-Pong Diplomacy" in the 70s, basketball became another way to reconnect China with the world.

Interesting fact! The first color sports film in the PRC was the female basketball player No. 5 basketball film. In the film, released in 1957, the image of the main character reflected the outstanding player of the women's team of that time - Yang Jie.


A decade after Deng Xiaoping reopened the country, Chinese basketball has seen an explosive rise. Under the leadership of David Stern, in 1987 the NBA began giving away free recorded broadcasts of games on CCTV. Two years later, this agreement quickly grew into a full-fledged live-to-air deal, which few media companies were able to pull off at the time.

The introduction of the American League and its stars, such as Magic Johnson, on public television prompted a reorganization of China's professional basketball system. The Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), was founded in 1995 and became the league that revealed the names of outstanding Chinese basketball players to the basketball world,

Surprisingly, it was the Women's League of America (WNBA) who first took the risk of betting on a Chinese professional basketball player - Los Angeles Sharks at 19In 1997, she chose Zheng Haixia, a member of the Chinese national team, who won the WNBA Sports Conduct Award the same year. The NBA followed suit four years later when the Dallas Mavericks selected Bayi Rockets center Wang Zhizhi.

Although Zheng and Wang's American league careers were relatively short-lived, spanning only one and four seasons respectively, they set the stage for the sensation that would follow.

In a way, it can be said that for decades Chinese basketball players have played in relative obscurity, but a unique Chinese style of play has been developed to compensate for the relatively limited height of most of the players. Skillful footwork, accurate shots and sophisticated ball skills became the hallmarks of the Chinese game until a guy named Yao Ming came along.

Before joining the NBA, Yao Ming had already played for the Shanghai Sharks as a teenager and spent five years in the CBA. After signing with the Houston Rockets, Yao helped the team reach the playoffs multiple times (2004, 2005, and 2007–09), became the face of Chinese sports, and raised the market competitiveness of NBA stars in China to a new level. Shortly after Yao joined the Houston Rockets, the NBA began holding annual pre-season games in Chinese cities for fans to watch in person. An injured Yao retired from professional basketball in July 2011. He was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2016 and he became CBA president the following year, having been president and franchise owner of the Shanghai Sharks CBA since 2009of the year.

The Yao Phenomenon

At 7ft 6in, Yao wasn't just tall for a Chinese, he was a human mountain by any standard. With his fluid play and even smoother sense of humor, he became an international sensation and helped turn the idea of ​​China as a basketball nation into the mainstream.

It really can't be overstated how phenomenal Yao and his Houston Rockets team were in China in the early to mid 2000s. The Chinese love to be proud of their own, and here they had a homegrown star taking the world's biggest stage by storm.

Yao knitwear sells in the millions (and millions more in fakes). He was the spokesman for a ridiculous number of brands and companies, and his face graced billboards all over the country.

Yao's first game against NBA superstar Shaquille O'Neal in 2003 drew over 200 million viewers in China, nearly double the American audience for the most watched Super Bowl in history.

Yao (and later Jeremy Lin) helped attract more casual Chinese fans and gave the country a single star and team to root for, but there are many other interesting elements that make basketball so popular in China.

Yao Ming's NBA arrival

Interesting moments! In 1935, basketball was declared a national hobby in China, and in 1936, China fielded an Olympic team. During the Mao era, it was played under the slogan "friendship comes first, competition comes second" and players would apologize after breaking the rules. Basketball was one of the few Western pastimes not condemned by the Cultural Revolution, and members of the People's Liberation Army were encouraged to play basketball during exercise.


The popularity of basketball in China is not waning, but rather increasing. For example, Jeremy Lin is a popular current NBA player in China, according to social media followers, Baidu mentions and searches. But that's not all, and as a testament to the popularity of basketball in China, it should be noted that the NBA itself is looking for ways to connect with its mainland Chinese fans. In 2010, the league began streaming its games live on the Chinese Weibo platform. It also struck a deal with Chinese tech giant Tencent, allowing the latter to stream games and sell them to consumers through popular social media platforms like QQ and WeChat (both Tencent products). Individual teams have also found their own ways of communicating with Chinese fans. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban encouraged online users in January 2018 to create a new Chinese name for the team, which was then adopted.

Interesting fact! Charles Barkley is one of the greatest basketball players and is also considered an entertainment expert on American television. Once he kissed a donkey on the ass. Yao Ming, the superstar of Chinese basketball, is to blame for this. This was back in November 2002. Barkley lost a bet he hinted that Yao would never score more than 19 points in a single game in his first season in the NBA. Yao Ming proved Charles Barkley wrong by scoring 20 points against the Los Angeles Lakers after just eight games.

It is possible that the popularity of basketball in China led to the fact that after leaving the NBA, Stephon Marbury continued to play professionally in the CBA for eight seasons and finally retired only in 2018.

The stars in the CBA, and not only them, have gained a following, as evidenced by the popularity of streetball tournaments and reality shows such as Dunk of China with numerous star refereeing squads. (After Jeremy Lin and Taiwanese pop star Jay Chou performed on the first season of Dunk of China, Dwyane Wade and Nick Young have since appeared.)

Stars in and out of the CBA have gained a following, as evidenced by the popularity of streetball tournaments and reality TV shows such as Dunk of China with numerous star refereeing squads. (After Jeremy Lin and Taiwanese pop star Jay Chou performed on the first season of Dunk of China, it was followed by Dwyane Wade and Nick Young.)

Dunk of China aired its first episode on Saturday, August 25, 1918 , racking up over 51 million views in four days, which isn't surprising considering there are around 300 million people who practice basketball in China. While 1v1 and 3v3 television competitions are nothing new in China, Dunk of China marks the first time basketball has been put into a reality TV format, and sponsorship from multinational brands like Head & Shoulders brings the familiar streak of permanent product placement.

In parallel with basketball becoming a part of China's daily life, the massively popular HUPU online forum was first formed around basketball before it expanded to cover other topics such as football, esports, film and music.

NBA Opens Basketball Training Center in China

Mission Hills Group designed and built the facility to be operated by NBA China.

  • Development will improve the standard of play in the country
  • The Chinese government strives to promote sports culture in Hainan Province

China's first National Basketball Association (NBA) basketball training center jointly developed by the league's Chinese division and the Mission Hills group officially opened.

The sprawling resort campus in the Chinese island province of Hainan has five international standard indoor basketball courts. The complex also has a number of support facilities including gyms, a rehab center, gyms, indoor pools, medical offices, player apartments and player restaurants.

The project also includes an interactive NBA experience center and specialty stores that have been operating since 2018. The project was originally introduced in 2017 by five-time NBA champion Kobe Bryant.

NBA Certified Coaches will develop professional basketball training courses and will be responsible for training basketball players and developing players at the facility. Active and legendary NBA players will also visit the training center to give students additional guidance.

NBA to open China's first basketball school

"The completion of the NBA Basketball Training Center demonstrates our commitment to developing youth basketball in China," said Shi Gerui, vice president of NBA China Basketball Operations. « I believe that under the guidance of NBA-trained coaches, more young male and female players will learn basketball skills at the NBA Basketball Training Center and enjoy the sport ".

At the opening ceremony, NBA China also announced that Yingyi International Medical will be the official partner of the training center for sports rehabilitation and sports training.


The emergence of Covid-19 brought a lot of troubles and problems, which also affected the CBA, but the players and teams did not stand aside and provided all possible assistance in confronting Covid-19 — Yao Ming, being the president of the CBA, took an active part in the camp donations within the league to buy medical and protective supplies as soon as the coronavirus struck China's Wuhan. He continued to use his influence in the Chinese basketball world to donate more money and medical supplies. Yao's actions also prompted a group of league stars including Stephon Marbury, Jeremy Lin, and Yi Jianlian to get involved and donate.

The contribution of the CBA teams and players has gone beyond helping to fight the epidemic in China, but has also spread throughout the world. On March 23, after former CBA Liaoning Flying Leopards fitness coach Sergio Pérez sent messages asking for much-needed masks and gloves in Spain, he was soon contacted by the team to send much-needed supplies.

Former NBA star Stephon Marbury worked with Chinese manufacturer to deliver 10 million N9 masks5 to his hometown of New York, which has become the epicenter of the US coronavirus outbreak. The head coach of the Beijing Royal Fighters also provided donations to help Chinese medical workers.

Today, more than 300 million people play basketball in China, and the CBA now has 20 men's teams located throughout the country. Despite decades of various upheavals, basketball has taken root and has become a part of everyday life and entertainment in China. Today, the sport is as popular as ever, and its stubborn Chinese fandom isn't likely to die down anytime soon.

Chinese basketball in brief

  • Chinese people love basketball. It is estimated that about 300 million people play this game. Some Chinese who have money spend it on basketball shoe collections. Data from the mid-2000s suggests that basketball and football were roughly tied as the most popular sport in China, with table tennis in third place.
  • Andrew Higgins wrote in the Washington Post: “Hundreds of millions of Chinese people play basketball and watch it on TV. China's professional league, the Chinese Basketball Association, has 17 teams. The country's national basketball team, the best in Asia, delights Chinese fans with its aggressive play and noisy fights with rivals."
  • Basketball courts can be found in villages and urban areas. For many Chinese, their main form of exercise is playing basketball. One of the first things you see when you enter the main courtyard of the Forbidden City are the basketball courts, one with grass and the other with regular concrete for a playground. They are mainly used by security guards and other employees for informal games.
  • Basketball is the most popular school sport and the most popular sport among Chinese youth. It's hooked in part because it's easy to play and doesn't require a lot of hardware. Most schools have nets and shields, and new playgrounds are being built all the time.
  • With the advent of the NBA, more and more kids are playing NBA-style sass and wearing Adidas, Nike and Reebok, often fake shoes and clothes. At the university level, an organization similar to the NCAA has been created that sponsors an NCAA-like tournament with a Final Four.
  • The Chinese national basketball team is considered the best basketball team in Asia. She regularly defeats her closest rivals, Japan and South Korea.
  • The Chinese have established some good centers.
  • Members of the national team undergo grueling training twice a day, six days a week. This practice often includes hours of the same ball handling exercises performed by younger students.
  • In international competitions, Chinese women usually perform better than Chinese men. One of the most dominant players in women's basketball in the 1990s was Zheng Haixia, a 6ft 10in, 240lb player, half a foot taller than the tallest woman on the American team, who had amazing results - once scoring over 60 points in one game.
  • The national team was coached by Lithuanian head coach Jonas Kazlauskas and assistant coach Donny Nelson, who was officially with the Golden State Warriors.
  • Many people think that China will be one of the top four teams in the world in about ten years. Team USA coach in 2008 Mike Kryzewski said: “They are a good team and they will continue to get better. They have too many resources and passion to get better. They will commit to getting better because they live for the game."
  • The Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) is the main organizing body for basketball in China and the name of the professional league it administers. Among the 12 teams in the CBA League are the Peking Ducks, the Guangzhou Southern Tigers, the Hong Kong Flying Dragons, the Hubei Cranes and the Shanghai Sharks. The latter is jointly owned by the Shanghai government and the state television station. Other sponsors include the People's Liberation Army. By 2015, it is planned to transfer 12 teams to private ownership.
  • The practice is very tough. When Yao Ming first turned professional at age 13, his coach spent four sessions a day with the Sharks: the first at 6:30 am, the last one ending at 8:30 pm.
  • Under CBA rules, each team is allowed no more than two foreign players on the court at any one time, and they may play no more than five quarters in each game. Some have experience in the NBA. Many have played at US universities with good teams and have some experience playing in Europe, Argentina, Turkey, Israel or elsewhere.
  • Americans who have played in the CBA include Mike McGee, former LA Laker, Tyrone Dolemna and Maurice Barnett, both former Harlem Glotters, and Michael Hudson, once an All-Star Magic Johnson. Mediocre basketball players in the United States have become big stars in China. Former NBA star Steve Francis played in the Peking Ducks.
  • American players and coaches communicate using hand signals and interpreters.
  • The Chinese league "will lose huge support from fans if it refuses American imports," Bruce O'Neill, president of the United States basketball academy, told the Washington Post. The USBA is an Oregon-based organization that helped send Americans to China and also trained Chinese coaches and young players. For all of China's growing nationalism, he said, "They still love America."
  • Chinese teams are much more popular and richer now than they were in 1994 when the GBA started, but fans still want to watch American players.
  • Fearful of being swamped with talent from the NBA and other foreign leagues, China has imposed a $20,000 per month salary cap and limited each team to two foreigners. That limit was later raised to $60,000 and has now faded into the background, O'Neill said. Foreigners, especially former NBA players, are "definitely good for our league" because they "attract fans and attract sponsors," said Bai Xilin, a senior official in Chinese basketball's governing body.

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