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How to shoot like a pro basketball player
How to Shoot a Basketball Like a Pro: Complete Guide
Learn the basic fundamentals on how to shoot a basketball with this easy how-to guide.
Whether you want to learn how to play basketball for fun or want to become the next Steph Curry, you need to have proper shooting technique. Arguably the most important skill in this worldwide sport, being able to shoot provides you with several benefits on the basketball court. To strengthen your knowledge of this skill, consider what shooting entails, the simple shooting method, how to shoot, the importance of being a great shooter, and various shooting drills to help you perfect your form.
To play basketball, it's important to know the basic rules of the game, the layout of the court, player positions, and various skills that can help you improve your game. Shooting, in particular, is widely considered one of the most essential skills of the game. This is because it can set a strong foundation for your knowledge of the sport. For example, knowing how to shoot properly can increase your knowledge of the game regarding strategic gameplay and other fundamental skills such as dribbling and passing. Ultimately, correctly shooting a basketball can establish you as a well-rounded athlete in this sport.
Placing your feet in the right position can help you maintain balance and ensure you're able to handle the ball with ease. To shoot the basketball into the basket, keep your legs apart and extended. Your feet need to be in a comfortable position and approximately shoulder-width apart. This can help you support your weight rather than falling over when you shoot the basketball.
If you plan on moving forward, bend your knees and move your dominant foot a little ahead of the other. For example, if you're right-handed, your right foot needs to be slightly in front of your left foot. Get balanced before the ball is in your hands so you can take a shot as quickly as possible without having to regain balance before shooting.
In addition, slightly flex your knees to make it easier for you to jump when you shoot the ball. Though this step takes practice, once you've mastered it, it can help you take a stance and make the shot more quickly.
2. Grab hold of the ball
Along with knowing how to stand, you need to maintain control of the ball. Grab hold of the ball using your fingertips of your shooting hand. Ensure that the ball and your eyes form a straight line leading to the hoop.
Keep your elbows aligned and make sure your hands are stable enough to ensure the ball heads in the right direction. Keep your lower arm vertical and at a 90-degree angle. Your elbows need to be in line with your shoulder as you raise them slightly to aim for the shot.
Once you have the ball, make sure you have it under your control using at least your fingers and your thumb. This helps the ball leave your hand with ease.
3. Focus on your target
Keep your eyes on the target by narrowing your focus on where you want the ball to go. For example, consider directing your attention to the backboard or the back rim of the net a little before shooting. This can help you avoid outside distractions that may hinder your ability to make the shot.
4. Take the shot
With the previous steps in mind, your hands need to be on the ball as your wrists flick forward to drive it toward the net. Be sure to arch your arms to propel the ball upward and into the net. Your arm needs to extend completely and your elbow needs to lock.
The more practice you receive with these steps, the easier it can be to execute them in the future without thinking ahead of time.
Whether you're playing one-on-one basketball or as part of a team, one simple shooting method to consider learning is the BEEF principle. This concept improves your form, balance, control, and overall shooting ability on the court. To refine your free throw and jump shooting, consider the following elements of the BEEF principle:
Balance: Maintain a solid, balanced base that will help set the foundation for a perfect jump shot. Weight should be equally distributed between both legs with a slight bend in your knees.
Eyes on the target: Most pros say that the ball will go wherever your eyes are looking, so make sure you're looking at the basket. Where you focus exactly is up to you, but focusing on the front of the rim or the back is a good place to start.
Elbows aligned: Your elbow should be at a 90-degree angle with your torso as you prepare to shoot. The elbow should be underneath the basketball and your shooting hand fingertips should be on the ball with your off hand making light contact on the side of the basketball.
Follow-through: The crucial last step of the BEEF Method is the flicking of the wrist to follow through on the shot. Upon release, the ball should roll off the tips of your pointer and middle finger. If you've done it correctly your wrist will be flexed with your fingers pointed down at the ground.
Shooting is hands down one of the most crucial parts of the game, and even a slight improvement in shooting percentage can make a huge difference in winning percentage. Practice, practice, practice in the form of strategic shooting drills is the way to increase skills and get better. Here are individual shooting drills to add into your basketball training routine.
Shooting Drills to Help Your Form
To perfect your form, it's important to practice specific shooting drills. These drills will develop your technique, improve your consistency, and increase your confidence on the court. Here are some shooting drills that can help you perfect your form and make you a better shooter:
1-2 step shoot: This drill involves stepping into your shot with one foot at a time and can help you develop your offensive skills. To perform this drill, begin by taking your stance. As you receive the pass, step with one foot in the pass's direction. If you're right-handed, step with your left foot, and vice versa. Then, step with your other foot to complete the 1-2 step shoot.
Set to go: This drill involves you standing a few feet away from the basket. Once you're in a set position, keep your arm angle at 90 degrees with the ball positioned under your shoulder. Then, extend your legs and shoot at the same time.
Off-dribble shooting: To perform this drill, take two 45-degree angle dribbles to your right and shoot the ball. Then, do the same to your left. The goal is to perform this drill at high speed and to maintain proper footwork and dribbling throughout.
One Hand Form Shooting: Stand 2 to 4 feet in front of the rim and establish your base and position your feet properly to line up to shoot. Bring your arm up into an L position, your upper arm parallel to the ground and your forearm pointing to the ceiling. Your upper arm and forearm are at about a 75 to 90 degree angle. Shoot 5 to 10 reps then move to a new spot
Add Off Hand: Stand 2 to 4 feet in front of the rim. Establish your base and position your feet properly to line up to shoot. Bring your arm up into an L position, your upper arm parallel to the ground and your forearm pointing to the ceiling. Your upper arm and forearm are at about a 75 to 90 degree angle. Place your off hand on the ball. Shoot 5 to 10 reps then move to a new spot. Tip: Make sure your four fingers are pointing up to the ceiling when you put your hand on the ball.
Block Shooting: Block Shooting drills help you practice the same skill over and over and are excellent for developing shooting technique, developing rhythm and building confidence. They can also serve as warm up drills.
Importance of Becoming a Great Shooter
Knowing how to shoot a basketball has several benefits that can help you stand out on the court. Although you don't need to be an expert shooter, this highly coveted athletic skill can help you advance your overall technique. Here are some of the benefits and overall importance of becoming a great basketball shooter:
Helps your team score points: Being able to shoot a basketball increases your team's chances of winning a game. This is because making baskets is the way you score points in a game of basketball. Therefore, the better shooter you are, the greater your chances are of gaining points and helping your team win the game.
Increased shooting percentage: When your team has a higher shooting percentage, it can help you devise a strategy to win games more frequently. For example, if you need a certain number of points to win, being a great shooter can help your team understand the types of shots — and the number of shots — it needs to win. A team with a higher shooting percentage requires fewer shot attempts to win the game because they're more apt to make every shot. A lower shooting percentage may cause your team to rely on rebounds or forced turnovers.
More playtime: Coaches value basketball players with strong shooting skills. Often, this skill is hard to come by, so honing your shooting skills can give you more time on the court during a game
Knowing how to shoot a basketball is fundamental to the game. The more you understand proper form technique and follow it up with practice, the better athlete you'll be.
How To Shoot A Basketball Like A Pro
Shooting is without doubt the most important skill in basketball. Of course the fundamental skills of dribbling, passing, defence, and rebounding will allow opportunities to shoot. But if you don’t make the shot, you won’t score the points.
Of course you need to have the technical ability to shoot in basketball. But you need to have the confidence too. These two combined are key to being able to shoot a basketball like a pro.
So how do you shoot a basketball? It’s not as simple as just throwing the ball at the hoop. Learn the correct stance and get more shots on target with these techniques.
What makes a great shooter?
When it comes to great basketball shooters, there’s no doubt Steph Curry is one of the best. He’s a phenomenal athlete who converts around 5 out of 10 shots he makes. Ray Allen is another great example of a player with an impeccable shooting percentage.
Many budding basketball players want to be the best shooters because of the glamour associated with scoring points, much like strikers on a football team. And if you want to improve your skills, you need to follow basketball greats and learn what they do that gives them the edge over other players.
MVPs and stars of the game follow great shooting routines to develop form and consistency. And although they can sometimes seem very repetitive, shooting drills are crucial to improving the game for both amateurs and professionals.
How to shoot a basketball
Whether you want to play basketball for fun, or strive to become the next NBA star, proper shooting technique is vital. Here are the basics on how to shoot a basketball for beginners:
1. Have the right stance
It's essential to get in the right position before you take the shot to avoid losing your balance. To shoot the basketball into the basket, keep your feet no further than shoulder-width apart, preferably closer together, and slightly staggered. Your shooting foot—the same side as your shooting arm—should be very slightly in front. Your feet need to be in a comfortable position so you keep your balance as you shoot. Flex your knees slightly (locking your knees could cause you to lose balance). And ensure your shoulder, hip, and elbow is aligned with the basket.
2. Hold the ball correctly
Along with knowing how to stand, you need to ensure you keep control of the ball. Grab hold of the ball using the fingertips of your shooting hand. Keep your lower arm vertical and at a 90-degree angle - your elbows need to be in line with your shoulder as you raise them to take the shot. Learn to position the ball in this same place every single time you get ready to take a shot. And when someone passes you the ball, dip it to your waist before rising up to shoot. This is to generate more power and to ensure a consistent starting point each time you shoot.
Position your shooting hand so that your fingertips are perpendicular to the seams on the ball. And place your non-shooting hand on the side of the ball to act as a guide for the shot. Leave a little space between your palm and the ball, so the ball will be able to roll off your fingertips. And spread your fingers wide, to give you more control.
3. Take the shot
If you want the ball to go into the net, then look at the net. Or if you’re aiming to bank the ball off the backboard, then you need to look at the spot you want to hit on the backboard.
As you take your shot, use your legs to help you propel the ball by jumping while your shooting hand launches the ball. Lean your shoulders back, and move your legs, torso, and arms together to take the shot. Release the ball Just before you reach the height of your jump, with your shooting hand aimed at the basket. Straighten your elbow and push your wrist so that the ball arches, rather than moving towards the basket in a straight line. And make sure you follow through. If you shoot from your wrist without following through, the shot won’t be as accurate.
The BEEF method of shooting the basketball
One simple way for beginners to learn how to shoot better in basketball is to use the BEEF method. This concept improves your form, balance, control, and overall shooting ability. It’s easy to remember, and it’s an effective way to practice the basics.
“BEEF” is an acronym for the four major components of correct shooting. It stands for Balance, Eyes, Elbow, and Follow-through.
You need to maintain a solid, balanced base so you can perform the perfect jump shot. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart with your shooting foot slightly in front. Distribute your weight equally between both legs, and bend your knees slightly.
The ball will go wherever your eyes are looking, so make sure you focus on the basket. Decide whether you want to aim for the front of the rim, or a spot on the backboard and stay focused on your target. Don’t watch the ball after the release.
Your elbow should be at a 90-degree angle with your torso as you get ready to shoot. Keep your elbow underneath the basketball. The fingertips of your shooting hand should be on the ball, with your off hand making light contact on the side of the basketball.
The crucial last step of the BEEF method, you need to release the ball through a quick extension of the elbow and a flick of the wrist to follow through on the shot. Done correctly, the ball should roll off the tips of your index and middle finger and produce perfect backspin.
Drills to perfect your shooting technique
Practice is the key to improving your shooting skills. And including specific shooting drills in your basketball training routine will help develop your technique, improve consistency, and boost your confidence on the court. Here are five shooting drills to help perfect your form:
1. Spin outs
This shooting drill allows you to go solo and practice your game. And you can use chairs as dummy players to add another element to your routine. To perform this drill you need to simply spin the ball away, sprint to the ball, and grab it. Then turn to face the basket and shoot. You can do a variety of straight cuts and curl cuts, such as; corner to wing cuts, wing to top cuts, post to perimeter cuts, perimeter to post cuts, high post to low post cuts, and so on.
2. One hand form shooting
This is a foundation drill that reinforces good technique of the "release" portion of your shot. Get into position to line up to shoot, standing around 3ft in front of the rim. Bring your arm up into an L position, with your upper arm parallel to the ground and your forearm pointing upwards. Shoot 10 reps then move to a new spot.
3. One-two step shoot
This drill can help you develop your attacking skills and involves stepping into your shot with one foot at a time. Get into your stance and as you receive the pass, step with one foot in the pass’s direction. Step with your left foot if you’re right-handed, and vice versa. Then, step with your other foot to complete the 1-2 step shoot.
4. Set to go
This drill focuses on the top half of the shooting motion. Stand a few feet away from the basket and get in the set position. Keep your arm at a 90-degree angle with the ball positioned under your shoulder. Then, extend your legs and shoot at the same time. Take 10 shots then take a step back.
5. Off-dribble shooting
This is a great drill to improve your ability to shoot off the dribble. It helps you speed up the pick up process of the basketball and get into your shot quicker. To perform this drill, take two 45-degree angle dribbles to your right and shoot the ball. Then, do the same to your left. The goal is to perform this drill quickly and to maintain proper footwork and dribbling throughout.
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Basketball - Quick Guide - Tutorialspoint He developed a sport based on his childhood game
Duck on a Rock where players have to hit a rock called a duck in the game. The duck has been protected by other players and placed high on a rock.
He also wanted the game to be safer, so the sport was played with soccer balls and peach baskets placed about 10 feet high, with less physical contact, drawing the players' attention to the ball rather than other players. He developed thirteen rules, and the first match took place on December 21, 1891 year among two teams of nine players at Springfield College.
The rules of the game have been changed a bit and many more rules have been added to make it better and more interesting over time. The actual game did not allow dribbling, used closed baskets, and was played on a smaller court. The game was originally played in YMCA gyms. The YMCA helped spread the game to other parts of America, and the game also increased YMCA membership. It was popularized by cable television and distributed to other parts of the globe by North American soldiers fighting in World War I.
Basketball - Purpose
The main purpose of basketball is to make a goal and score points. The goal is achieved by shooting the ball through the basket or hoop. The goal post or basket for the team is on the opponent's court. Each team must not only try to set a goal and prevent the opposing team from taking control of the ball, but must also try to protect the basket in their own court and prevent the opponent from scoring a goal.
Basketball - Team size
Each team may have twelve players eligible to play the game. Five players per team may play at any time on the court and they may be substituted at any time during play. Each team may have a coach and an assistant coach. Each team may have a group of less than five non-playing players with different responsibilities. Usually this is a manager, a doctor, a physiotherapist, a statistician and a translator.
Participating countries
Since basketball originated in the United States, it is very popular in the country and has spread to other neighboring countries. The NBA should be credited for expanding the game and building a huge fan base around the world.
China has dominated the Asian Basketball Championship and won many titles. Basketball is the most popular sport in the Philippines. Iran, South Korea and Japan are also good competitors for China in the Asian Basketball Championship. Russia defeated the USA in the 1972 Summer Olympics and attracted worldwide attention.
Some of the countries that have produced basketball champions are: Greece, Lithuania, Serbia, Spain, France, Canada, USA, Brazil, Italy, Argentina and Montenegro.
There are many variations of basketball, some are indoors and some are outdoors, some are played on larger courts and some teams have more players. We can play a fun game on any flat surface, but FIBA, the organizing body, has made some rules for the basketball court.
Court Design
The standard international basketball court is a 50' x 94' indoor rectangular court.
School courts may be smaller. The court is divided into two symmetrical halves, one for each team. Various markings are drawn on the site. There is a circle in the center, free throw semi-circles, restricted areas and three-dot lines marked on either side of the court. Directly below the basket is a free semi-circular zone.
Basketball is a simple game that requires no equipment other than a hoop, ball and flat court. Even two players can play and have fun playing basketball.
A hoop or basket with a perimeter netting, 18 inches in diameter, is tightly suspended horizontally from a rectangular backboard 3. 5 feet high and 6 feet wide on both sides of the court. The rim of the hoop is 10 feet above the ground. The shield in various international competitions is transparent for better visibility.
A basketball is a spherical ball that is orange in color and has a rough texture with black outlines, usually made of leather or complex rigid materials.
The ball continuously bounces (dribbling), thrown through the air to other players (passing) and towards the basket (shooting). Thus, a typical basketball must be very durable and easy to handle.
Other equipment
Other equipment may be available for convenience.
Some international courts have a game clock, which beeps at the end of each period. Some also show a countdown.
Sometimes there are limit lights on the rear panels, which light up to indicate that the period is ending.
Some international courts have a game clock , which beeps at the end of each period. Some also show a countdown.
Sometimes there are limit lights on the rear panels that light up to indicate that the period is ending.
We have listed here some common terms commonly used in basketball
Offending team - The team in possession of the ball is the offending team.
Defensive team - A team that is not in possession of the ball and tries to control it is the defensive team.
Shot Hours – Shot Hours shows the amount of time allowed for the attacking team to reach the target. If a team fails to make a goal, it is a tact violation and the ball is passed to the opposing team for a throw-in. The clock is usually set to 24 seconds in FIBA and NBA matches. The clock returns to the full limit when the ball touches the basket or passes through the basket. In some cases, after a foul, the shot clock is usually set to a lower number, 14 in NBA and FINA matches.
Key - Painted area 16 feet wide on professional basketball courts.
Basketball Pistol - This ball pistol shoots basketball back at the player. Used during training.
Dunk Shot - A player makes a dunk shot while jumping and pushing the ball through the basket.
Free Throw - When a player is granted a free throw, he/she may attempt to score from 15 feet without any obstruction from the opposing team. Free throws are also awarded to the opposing team when a player commits technical fouls.
Penalty situation - A team is in a penalty situation if it commits five fouls in one quarter. The penalty gives free throws to the opposing team after a foul.
Ball held. Sometimes a player is surrounded by too many opponents and cannot pass the ball to any of his teammates. He has a firm grip on the ball and sometimes even one of his opponents can hold the ball at the same time. To take control of the ball, one of them must grab it with force. This situation is called a held ball.
Ball bouncing - The referee may call for a ball to be thrown to deal with a ball holding situation and get the ball back into play. The referee also starts the game with a jump ball. A ball is thrown vertically into the air between two opponents. Either of them pushes him towards a teammate.
Point Guard, Shooter, Small Forward, Power Forward, Center are the different positions of the team members. They are not required to occupy a specific position, and the team may refuse command positions. It is sometimes used to get attention and please viewers.
Offending team - The team in possession of the ball is the offending team.
Defensive team - The team that is not in possession of the ball and tries to control it is the defensive team.
Shot hours – Shot hours show the amount of time allowed for the attacking team to reach the target. If a team fails to make a goal, it is a tact violation and the ball is passed to the opposing team for a throw-in. The clock is usually set to 24 seconds in FIBA and NBA matches. The clock returns to the full limit when the ball touches the basket or passes through the basket. In some cases, after a foul, the shot clock is usually set to a lower number, 14 in NBA and FINA matches.
Key - Painted area 16 feet wide on professional basketball courts.
Basketball Pistol - This ball pistol shoots basketball back to the player. Used during training.
Dunk Shot - A player makes a dunk shot while jumping and pushing the ball through the basket.
Free Throw - When a player is awarded a free throw, he/she may attempt a goal from 15 feet without any obstruction from the opposing team. Free throws are also awarded to the opposing team when a player commits technical fouls.
Penalty situation - A team is in a penalty situation if it commits five fouls in one quarter. The penalty gives free throws to the opposing team after a foul.
Ball held. Sometimes a player is surrounded by too many opponents and cannot pass the ball to any of his teammates. He has a firm grip on the ball and sometimes even one of his opponents can hold the ball at the same time. To take control of the ball, one of them must grab it with force. This situation is called a held ball.
Ball bouncing - The referee may call for a ball to be thrown to deal with a ball holding situation and get the ball back into play. The referee also starts the game with a jump ball. A ball is thrown vertically into the air between two opponents. Either of them pushes him towards a teammate.
Point Guard, Shooter, Small Forward, Power Forward, Center are the different positions of the team members. They are not required to occupy a specific position, and the team may refuse command positions. It is sometimes used to get attention and please viewers.
The ball is tossed into the air to start the game. One of the players diverts it to a teammate. He dribbles and passes among teammates to protect the ball and score a goal. The basket or hoop is placed horizontally at a height of 10 feet on the back board. Each team tries to protect the target on their side by trying to make the target on the opponent's side.
The opposing team tries to get the ball, take control of it by bouncing and try to grab it when it is passed among teammates to prevent the goal. When a player commits a foul, the other team gets a free throw or ball chance. Each goal is worth two points, and each free throw is worth one point. The team with the higher score wins the game. Players may be substituted when a substitute requests.
The game starts when the referee throws the jump ball. In international sports, each game is divided into four 10-minute periods. However, if there is a tie between the teams, they play for an extra period of 5 minutes.
After the first period and after the third period, the players take a 2-minute break. After the second period, the players take a 15-minute break and exchange baskets. After the break, the last player holding the ball scores the ball and the next period begins.
The game time may also be extended if the foul is committed shortly before the time. In such cases, a free throw is awarded regardless of the time interval.
If a player shoots the ball before the time expires, but the ball flies down the basket after the timer expires, the goal is still counted.
Rules of the game
Although basketball was invented with thirteen rules, some rules have been changed and many rules have been added to help players play faster and make the game more interesting for spectators. Some rules have been introduced to minimize the height advantage that taller players have.
There are many variations of the game in different locations, and these branches have governing bodies that formulate the rules of the game. In the US, basketball tournaments are very popular in colleges. Their rules in intercollegiate championships are slightly different from professional basketball.
Any player in possession of the ball may not remain inside the dirty ring of the court with their back to the basket for more than three seconds.
No player must touch the ball, basket or rim while the ball is passing through the basket.
Players are allowed to make short contact with an opposing player who is trying to pass the ball or score a goal, but they may not interfere with him.
Players making more than five fouls are removed from the game.
Fouls appropriate to the situation, free throws to the opposing team and the ball is passed to them.
Players may not carry the ball and walk or run. It's called travel
When a player is surrounded by opponents within one meter while trying to hold the ball, he/she cannot hold the ball for more than five seconds. Such a player is considered to be closely guarded.
Players of the team in possession of the ball must not remain in the opposing team's restricted area for more than three seconds.
They must shoot the ball before the clock ticks.
Any player in possession of the ball may not remain inside a dirty ring with their back to the basket for more than three seconds.
No player must touch the ball, basket or rim while the ball is passing through the basket.
Players are allowed to make short contact with an opposing player who is trying to pass the ball or score a goal, but they may not interfere with him.
Players making more than five fouls are ejected from the game.
Fouls appropriate to the situation, free throws to the opposing team and the ball is passed to them.
Players may not carry the ball and may not walk or run. It's called travel
When a player is surrounded by opponents within one meter while trying to hold the ball, he/she cannot hold the ball for more than five seconds. Such a player is considered to be closely guarded.
Players of the team in possession of the ball must not remain in the opposing team's restricted area for more than three seconds.
They must shoot the ball before the clock ticks.
What should a basketball player not do?
The player must not -
Throw the ball out of bounds.
Step along the foul line by freely throwing the ball.
Step at the end or touchline while passing the ball to a teammate.
Kick the ball.
Drip or punch the ball.
Double ball dribbling.
Hold the ball and stay in the backcourt where their basket is for more than 8 seconds or the team in charge shall be in breach of the rules.
Throw the ball out of bounds.
Step along the foul line while freely throwing the ball.
Step at the end or touchline while passing the ball to a teammate.
Kick the ball.
Drip or punch the ball.
Double ball dribbling.
Hold the ball and stay in the backcourt where their basket is for more than 8 seconds or the team in charge must foul.
If a team or player violates any of the rules mentioned above, the team loses the ball and the ball is awarded to the opposing team. The opposing team throws him from the side of the court, this is called a throw-in.
The rules for women have been slightly changed to reduce the burden on the players. Clara Baer, who introduced basketball for women, published a set of rules for women players in 1895.
FIBA - The International Basketball Amateur Federation (FIBA) is the international governing body for basketball. It regulates the rules, appoints referees for international tournaments, and hosts the World Championships every four years for both men and women. He is based in Geneva.
NBA - No basketball textbook would be complete without mentioning the NBA, the most important basketball league based in North America. The NBA organizes league championships and is a member of the US Basketball Association. Its players are highly paid and also play for other teams outside of the US. Attracted by huge talent in the US and high rewards, many international players also play in the NBA league. The NBA formulates rules for its matches, which may differ slightly from those set by FIBA.
There are many variants of basketball that are usually played when there are fewer players, sometimes in half the field and mostly without a referee. These games are commonly known as basketball games.
3 vs. 3 or 3 on 3
This is a popular game usually played in the half court when six players are gathered on the court and waiting for other players to appear. This game continues until one of the teams reaches a set score, usually 12 or 21. This game can be played with any even number of players. The rules of the game are basically similar to the official sport, but the team that catches the bounce must hit the ball off the three-point line.
21 or cut throat
This is a separate sport that can be played by any number of players. The first player to score exactly 21 points wins the game. A goal carries 2 or 3 points and is usually followed by a one-point charity free throw or a two-point charity free throw from a three-point line. A successful charity shot may be followed by another until the player reaches 21 points. But if the player scores 22 points, the score goes back to 13 or 15 points. The game is less restrictive and more interesting as there are no fouls.
This game is similar to 21, but the main difference is that the players take turns and stay off the court. For example, when three players are playing a game, if the first scores a goal, the second leaves the court and the third starts to play, and if the third scores, then the first must leave the court for the second and third player.
This is an interesting game in which two players challenge each other's ability to shoot and the shots are not protected. Each alphabet of the word "HORSE" is used to award a negative score.
The player challenges the next player by shooting the ball from any spot he chooses, and if he sets a goal, the next player must score from the same spot, otherwise he gets a negative 'H' mark, and the first player gets the chance to shoot again new challenge again. However, if the first player to challenge the other misses the goal, the next player gets a chance to score from anywhere on the court and challenges the first.
If the challenge is passed, the player who accepted the challenge gets the chance to score from any preferred spot on the court. The player who starts the game first and has five negative points on him is called the "Horse" and is the loser.
Shooting competitions
There are various forms of shooting competitions, both on and off the line. Players can choose the rules, whether shots can be protected or unprotected. There is a three-point semi-circle defense shooting competition, called around the world or around the key, where players move from one end of the circle to the other when they successfully set targets. When a player concedes a goal, the next player gets a chance. Sometimes the players have to start over every chance, and sometimes the players agree to mark the place where they made the last successful goal.
Slam Ball
The kicking area has four trampolines located under the basket and the players must jump the ball and dunk. Scoring rules may be slightly different.
Basketball - Tournaments
Coach Forrest S. (Fog) Allen led the movement to include basketball in the Olympics in 1936. Basketball is widely used all over the world. About 215 different national basketball organizations are members of FIBA. Many of these federations organize basketball championships and the winners take part in international competitions.
Some of the popular international championships are listed below -
FIBA World Championship
FIBA Women's World Championship
NCAA Women's Championship
NCAA Men's Championship
WNBA Championship
NBA Championship
FIBA Asian Championship
* NCAA - National Collegiate Athletic Association
* WNBA - Women's National Basketball Association
Most champions and championships have funny and witty nicknames. Not only do they add a fun element, but they are an important part of the game and get a lot of media attention.
Many teams have won basketball games in the Olympics, but due to the popularity of NBA games and championships, very few non-NBA players are as popular as NBA players. It has become the norm for any champion of any country to join the NBA and play in their championships.
Some of the famous basketball champions are listed below.
Bob Cousy
Bob Cousy, nicknamed "The Hardwood Houdini," is an American professional basketball player and is considered one of the world's greatest ball guards. He was a member of the American professional basketball team from Boston, the Boston Celtics from 1950-1963. He also coached at Boston College from 1963–69.
Bill Russell
He helped the United States win gold at the Olympics 1956 years in Melbourne. He also played for the Boston Celtics and is the first African-American basketball icon. The period in which he played NBA championships, from 1957 to 1969, is commonly referred to as the "Russell era".
Wilt Chamberlain
He was a strong opponent of Bill Russell and a student of Fog Allen's trainer, Chamberlain. In the 60s, he was a goal-scoring machine, and he was never fouled in any NBA game he played. He loved his nickname "Big Dipper" and was also affectionately referred to as "Wilt Stilt", "The Goalkeeper".
Magic Johnson
Ervin Johnson. Jr., better known as Magic Johnson, is an American basketball player. He was a member of the Los Angeles Lakers and led the team to five NBA championships. He is also used to entertaining spectators with his creative ball handling techniques.
Larry Bird
Bird, known as the "Hick from French Lick", played 13 seasons with the NBA Boston Celtics and is an accomplished shooter. He was a member of the US men's basketball team, the Dream Team, which won the Barcelona Olympic gold at 1992 year.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan, nicknamed Air Jordan, is known for his exceptional acrobatic ability to jump higher. He was widely regarded as the best basketball player of all time. He is good at shooting, passing and also defending the ball. He helped the US Olympic team win gold medals in Barcelona and Spain in 1984 and 1992.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, born Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor. Jr. was the most popular American professional basketball player at 1970s and 80s. He was a member of the Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA. He is also a popular actor and writer.
Shaquille O'Neal
Shaquille O'Neal, commonly referred to as Shaq, played for various NBA teams, Orlando Magic, Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Lakers, Miami Heat, Phoenix Suns, Cleveland Cavaliers and Boston Celtics. He was part of the US basketball team that won gold at the 1996 Olympics.
John Stockton
John was part of the NBA Utah Jazz, and although he wasn't as tall as most of his team, he was so good with the ball and interceptions that he was considered the greatest point guard in NBA history. He was part of the US basketball team at the 1992 and 1996 Olympics and also won two gold medals.
LeBron James
James, known as King James, was named Mr. Ohio Basketball. He was part of the Miami Heat of the NBA during the 2012 and 2013 wins. This tall, muscular, and athletic champion is also known for earning multimillion-dollar endorsements before even starting his career with the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers. He was also part of the US men's Olympic team that won bronze in 2004 and gold in 2008.
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Basketball player is a professional basketball player. Such a team game is popular, first of all, in the USA. In Russia, it is somewhat inferior to football and hockey, but still quite in demand. By the way, the ProfGid career guidance center has recently developed an accurate career guidance test that will tell you which professions suit you, give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence. 9Career development
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Famous basketball players
Examples of companies with basketball vacancies
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Short description: who is a basketball player?
The basic rules of basketball are usually known to everyone: two teams enter the field, the one with the most points wins. Points are given for hitting the ball into a basket hanging at a height of 3.05 meters from the floor. The number of points that is counted for each hit depends on the distance from which the throw was made. In the process of moving around the field, players must dribble the ball, beating it off the floor, and not hold it in their hands.
Features of the profession
A professional sports career requires a lot of energy, effort, time and dedication. A basketball player must always be in good shape, his salary and popularity largely depend on the performance of his performance on the field, and he must work closely with other team members. The main duties of a basketball player are as follows:
Daily attendance at training.
Compliance with the regime of the day and nutrition.
Participation in matches.
Participation in non-match events of the club.
Regular medical examination, following the recommendations of the doctor and trainer.
A basketball player must be prepared for the fact that he will periodically have to change the clubs he plays for, participate in international competitions from his country, and even during the match, cooperate with different groups of players (frequent substitutions are very common in this game).
Pros and cons of the basketball profession
Prestigious profession with a decent salary.
Opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Opportunity to travel, communicate with representatives of different countries and peoples.
The joy of victories and the support of fans.
See also:
The need for talent or extensive experience to gain recognition and sign expensive contracts.
In order to successfully fill a basketball position and be successful in this field, an athlete must be in very good physical condition, free from serious chronic diseases, must have excellent stamina, concentration, movement speed and reactions, perfect coordination. Most often, very tall athletes become successful basketball players. Analytical thinking, the ability to follow the strategy developed by the coach, make decisions quickly, and work together with the rest of the team will also not interfere.
Basketball training
Russian universities and colleges do not offer basketball training as such. You can learn how to play basketball in sports schools, and then improve your skills in basketball clubs. In parallel, you can get a sports education (including to successfully work as a coach after completing a career in big-time sports). In this context, the specialty "Physical Education" in colleges (code 49.02.01) or the same name in universities (code 49.03.01). A certificate is sufficient for admission to a secondary school, in addition to it, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, biology and physics are required for admission to the university.
Stremlenie Basketball Club
It is necessary to think about where to get the profession of a basketball player, if you have the appropriate inclinations, from childhood. Therefore, most basketball schools offer training for children and teenagers. One of these schools is the Stremlenie basketball club, where individual and team trainings are held. Members of the club also take part in competitions.
Best universities for basketball players
Moscow State Pedagogical University
RGUFK them. P.F. Lesgafta
RSPU im. A.I. Herzen
Read also:
Place of work
Basketball players play for basketball clubs, national teams. At the end of their careers, they work as coaches (both in adult clubs and in children's sports schools).
Salary of a basketball player
The level of income of such an athlete directly depends on his talent, experience, professionalism and fame. The more useful a basketball player can bring to the club, the higher the salary will be offered to him.
Basketball player salary for October 2022
Salary information provided by hh.ru portal.
Russia 100000-250000₽
Career growth
Building a career for a professional athlete is about improving your skills and getting more and more lucrative offers from clubs.