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How do you say i like basketball in spanish

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me gusta el baloncesto





I like basketball(











A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time).


1. (general)

a. me gusta el baloncesto

What is your favorite sport? - I like basketball.¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? - Me gusta el baloncesto.

b. me gusta el básquetbol

Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Does not include Spain.

(Latin America)

I like basketball, but I'm too short to play it.Me gusta el básquetbol, pero soy demasiado chaparro para jugarlo.

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el básquetbol

el baloncesto

I like you

me caes bien

me gustas

What do you like to do?

¿Qué te gusta hacer?

look like

parecerse a

do you like

te gusta

les gusta

Do you like me?

¿Te caigo bien?

¿Les caigo bien?

I like to read

me gusta leer

What are you like?

¿Cómo eres?

basketball court

la cancha de baloncesto

Would you like . .. ?

¿Te gustaría ... ?

What would you like to drink?

¿Qué quieres tomar?

What do you like?

¿Qué te gusta a ti?

you like

te gusta

les gusta

like this

I like to listen to music

me gusta escuchar música

I like to eat

me gusta comer

what is the weather like

cómo es el clima

I don't like

no me gusta

play basketball

jugar baloncesto

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i like basketball - Spanish translation – Linguee

I will try to find a sport (like basketball or soccer) or an activity [... ]

(like playing tag, jumping rope, dancing or riding


my bike) that I like and do it at least three times a week!

Tratar de

[...] buscar un deporte (como el baloncesto y el ftbol) o una actividad [...]

(como jugar de coger, brincar cuica, bailar


o correr bicicleta) que me guste y lo har por lo menos tres veces a la semana!

Astigmatism occurs when the cornea of the eye is oblong like a football

[...] instead of round like a basketball.

mcdonaldeye. com

El astigmatismo ocurre cuando la crnea del ojo est ovalada como una pelota de futbol americano en

[...] vez de una pelota de baloncesto.

In some team sports like basketball or soccer, where [...]

the breaks are short, this allows EPOC to rise to very high levels.

Algunos deportes

[...] de equipo, como el baloncesto o el ftbol, tienen [...]

descansos cortos y pueden dar lugar a valores de EPOC muy elevados.

The more time spent on screen time and sitting-down activities, the less time available

[. ..] for active stuff, like basketball, bike riding, and [...]


Cuanto ms tiempo pases enfrente de una


pantalla y en actividades sentado, menos tiempo estar disponible para

[...] cosas activas, como basketbol, bicicleta y nadar.

Sports like basketball that involve jumping [...]

put a large amount of stress on the Achilles tendon.

Deportes como el bsquetbol, que implican [. ..]

saltar, ejercen mucha tensin sobre el tendn de Aquiles.

They use KJs in conjunction with other

[...] activities and games, like basketball, jump roping, jogging, [...]

volleyball etc.

Usan las Kangoo con otras

[...] actividades y juegos, como baloncesto, saltar a la cuerda, [...]

jogging, voleibol, etc.

One can compete in single or dual sports like athletics, chess, golf, judo, archery, cross-country, padel, tennis and beach


volleyball, among others,

[. ..] collectively or in team sports like basketball, handball, football [...]

7 (female team), 11 male soccer,


indoor soccer, volleyball, etc..

Se puede competir a nivel individual o doble en deportes como atletismo, ajedrez, golf, judo, tiro con arco, campo a travs, pdel, tenis o voley playa, entre


otros, o a nivel colectivo en

[...] deportes de equipo como baloncesto, balonmano, ftbol 7 femenino, [...]

ftbol 11 masculino, ftbol sala, voleibol, etc.

Exercise, like walking, lifting weights, golf, martial

[...] arts, team sports (like basketball, football, ultimate [. ..]

Frisbee, softball etc.)

hacer ejercicio como caminatas,


levantamiento de pesas, golf, artes marciales, deportes

[...] en equipo (por ej., baloncesto, ftbol, ultimate frisbee, [...]

softball, etc.).

Brazil is investing in building training facilities for swimming, gymnastics and track and field - sports that offer


more numerous events for athletes to earn a medal,

[...] as opposed to sports like basketball, which awards just [...]

three medals.

Brasil est invirtiendo en la construccin de instalaciones para la natacin, la gimnasia y el atletismo, deportes con un mayor nmero de pruebas para


que los atletas aspiren a una medalla, en

[...] contraste otros, como el baloncesto, que slo otorga tres [...]

preseas por olimpiada.

Tendinitis due to overuse is most common in younger individuals and can occur in


walkers, runners, or other athletes,

[...] especially in sports like basketball that involve jumping. [...]

Jumping places a large amount

[. ..]

of stress on the Achilles tendon.

La tendinitis debida a la sobrecarga es ms comn en personas jvenes y puede ocurrir en caminantes, corredores u otros atletas,


especialmente cuando practican

[...] deportes de salto como el baloncesto; ya que al saltar se [...]

ejerce mucha fuerza sobre el tendn de Aquiles.

In Japan, almost every elementary and junior high school has its own


swimming pool, sports field, and gym

[...] with courts for games like basketball, and these facilities [. ..]

are sometimes open to the general public.

En Japn, prcticamente todas las escuelas primaria y secundaria cuentan con su propia piscina, campo deportivo y


gimnasio con canchas para la

[...] prctica de juegos, como el baloncesto, y estas instalaciones [...]

son con frecuencia abiertas al pblico.

For the query in Mikel Sanchez have spent countless

[...] Vitoria athletes like basketball players Jorge Garbajosa, [...]

Sergi Vidal, Tiago Splitter,


players like Tiko Donato or cyclists or Aitor Ocio the likes of Samuel Sanchez and many pelota.

Por la consulta de Mikel Snchez en


Vitoria han pasado innumerables deportistas

[...] como los jugadores de baloncesto Jorge Garbajosa, Sergi [...]

Vidal, Tiago Splitter, futbolistas


como Donato o Tiko o Aitor Ocio ciclistas de la talla de Samuel Snchez y numerosos pelotaris.

Moreover, I love to do sports like basketball or soccer and I design and program [...]


Adems, me gusto de hacer el deporte como el baloncesto o el ftbol y diseo [. ..]

y programo los sitios web.

Well-known people

[...] from the region, like basketball player Jos Manuel [...]

Caldern and sportswoman Almudena Cid, the singer


Huecco as well as other anonymous citizens, invite us to think about and put into practice the philosophy spread by Marca Extremadura in all aspects of life: tourism, business, environment?

Personajes conocidos

[...] relacionados con la regin como los deportistas Jos [...]

Manuel Caldern y Almudena Cid, el cantante Huecco

[. ..]

y ciudadanos annimos nos invitan a reflexionar y poner en prctica la filosofa que difunde la marca Extremadura , aplicndola a todos los mbitos de la vida: turismo, negocios, medio ambiente?

Forum to talk

[...] about other sports like basketball, tennis, motor, curling, [...]

etc. Spanish board.

Foro exclusivo para hablar sobre

[...] otros deportes como el baloncesto, tenis, motor, badminton, [...]

curling, pilota valenciana,etc.

For all ocassions like, Thanksgiving, St Valentine's, or Christmas,

[. ..] as well as sport events, like Basketball or Football.

Tanto para ocasiones, como Accin de Gracias, San Valentn, o Navidad,

[...] como para eventos deportivos, como Baloncesto o Soccer.

Sports like basketball, handball and volleyball [...]

increase the stress on the anterior part of the foot, able to cause stress fractures in the metatarsals.

Deportes como baloncesto, balonmano y voleibol, [. ..]

aumentan el stress en la parte anterior del pie, pudiendo causar fracturas


de "stress" en los metatarsianos.

There were

[...] various fields and courts for sports, like basketball and football.

Despus de los seminarios, se nos permiti un momento de recreacin.

Children can learn to channel frustration and aggression positively, through active physical play - running,

[...] jumping, team sports like basketball.

Los nios pueden aprender a dirigir la frustracin

[. ..]

y agresin de una manera positiva por medio del juego fsico - correr, brincar,

[...] deportes en equipos como el baloncesto.

Its appereance is like a basketball ball.

Su apariencia es similar a un pelota de baloncesto.

In the past we've had

[...] professional athletes like [basketball player] Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Tuvimos atletas

[...] profesionales como (el astro del baloncesto) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

A human eye gives the sharpest vision when it is perfectly

[...] spherical, that is, round like a basketball.

Un ojo humano da la visin ms ntida cuando es perfectamente esfrico, esto

[...] es, redondeado como un baln de baloncesto.

Programs like basketball, field hockey, and [. ..]

baseball carry a limited squad, but even here, most students who try out make the team.

Los programas como bsquetbol, hockey sobre [...]

csped y bisbol tienen equipos con cupos limitados, pero incluso en estos deportes


la mayora de los alumnos que se postulan ingresan al equipo.

Unlike sports like basketball (height) and American football [...]

(body mass) there is not one specific genetic gift required;


instead the attributes required for a top-level footballer can be broken down into "physical and physiological skills, cognitive skills and game skills", but inheriting the first two certainly provides a head start.

A diferencia de deportes como el baloncestos (altura) o ftbol americano [...]

(masa corporal), el ftbol no requiere de "regalo"


gentico especifico. Si los atributos requeridos para un futbolista de primera categora se pueden desglosar en "facultades fsicas y fisiolgicas, facultades cognitivas y facultades deportivas", heredar las dos primeras no cabe duda de que representa un privilegio.

Football is limping behind on this issue and has not followed the

[...] examples of other sports like tennis, basketball, cycling or athletics.

eurotopics. net

En este tema el ftbol est anclado y no ha seguido los ejemplos de

[...] otros deportes como el tenis, baloncesto, ciclismo o atletismo.

Repetitive trauma to the foot

[...] (such as from sports activities like tennis, basketball, and running)

Traumas constantes en el pie (tales como las que

[...] provienen de actividades deportivas como el tenis, baloncesto y atletismo)

scasouthjersey. com

If you can do it with tools like basketballs, juggling balls,andneedles, [...]

you should eventually be able to do it without


them when the time comes that you need to regulate your thoughts.

Si lo puedes

[...] hacer con herramientas como una pelota de basquetbol, o pelotitas para [...]

malabares, o agujas de tejer, eventualmente


deberas ser capaz de hacerlo sin ayuda cuando llegue el tiempo en que necesites regular tus pensamientos.

In your leisure time, do you like to play basketball or tennis and [. ..]

also take on other sporting challenges?

En su tiempo libre juega al baloncesto o al tenis y realiza [...]

tambin otros deportes?

"You can take the most talented NCAA player to MSU, but what is he going to play there now?" / Student Basketball Association

In the first part of the interview with actor and director Yegor Klimovich, President of the Russian Basketball Federation Andrey Kirilenko talks about the problems and opportunities for the development of Russian basketball, as well as the role of the ASB in the structure of the federation.

In a person, when he gives a lot of time to some business, emotional burnout may occur after a while. How do you feel about basketball now?

— I have a good feeling, understanding and attitude towards basketball, but you are right about burnout. I absolutely do not want to play basketball, except sometimes to go out with friends to throw the ball. But I don’t have this great desire that I had for 20 years – to come to the hall, take the ball, come to the game, start watching basketball. I shy away from basketball games, I shy away from going out on the court myself, but my job today is a little different. It is related to basketball, but not related to watching or playing basketball. It's all a process around. So yes and no here.

- But I saw you play basketball with Khabib.

- Again, this does not mean that I hate basketball, I hate to play basketball now. Of course, I love playing basketball, but I don't like it to the extent that I had for 20 years, when you got up at 7 in the morning every single day, then practice, play, and here you are 24/7.

— What do you replace it with now?

— Now, if we are talking about work, there are a huge number of processes where the basketball game becomes the crowning achievement. But we still need to live to see this game, it needs to be organized, starting from negotiations with opponents, opponents. If international, then international; if domestic, then domestic clubs. The structure of different competitions from children to adults, veterans. We now have a large project “Quiet Basketball” – these are basketball guys with various disabilities, that is, different directions. The TV channel is a large basketball ecosystem in which basketball as a spectacle takes up half a percent of the time.

— You travel a lot in Russia. What are the main problems of basketball in the regions?

- There are a lot of problems. It is not very correct to single out one problem here, because the problem is closely related to economic history. There is very little money, resources, because of this the coaches have low salaries, the teams do not have the opportunity to travel to competitions, the teams do not have the opportunity to fully maintain the structure, build infrastructure projects. I understand this. At the very beginning, I said that there is a problem in which you can do something, but there is a given. So there is a certain given, and now there is no need to tear the hair on your head and say that it should not be like this and everyone around is to blame. We just need to work in the conditions that we have. I am very proud of my work in the Russian Basketball Federation, because in six years we have never paid attention to the fact that someone should be blamed for the process, for what is happening. There is a given, let's work with it. I like that during this time we have taken many positive steps that do not beg for the problems that exist, but steps have been taken, and they are really useful, they make progress for the development of basketball. But this does not mean that basketball is now in super condition. Step by step, it is simply necessary to heal some processes that are taking place.

— Is there any ideal pill or development strategy, starting from which these problems can be solved?

- Development strategy - yes, pills - no. There is no magic pill. Moreover, if we say that there is a lack of funding, a lack of certain resources ... If suddenly at some point Gazprom becomes a sponsor of the Russian Basketball Federation and allocates one hundred billion dollars every year for development, it’s not at all a fact that we can do a structure that is similar, for example, to varsity basketball or the NBA. This is impossible due to the fact that this is not only a resource story, not only money, but also people, first of all, who need to be trained and trained. In the days of the Soviet Union - we like to draw parallels - there were a huge number of coaches who worked in the same conditions, they were all about the same level. There was a slightly different system, communist, because everyone was equal, because there were a huge number of coaches. Now those coaches who were a big clip are retiring. The young guys who come already have too wide a range of salaries, conditions, work opportunities. There is no such huge incentive to work. You can’t blame them, every person wants to provide for his family, every person wants to work where they pay more. Naturally, all this affects, these are economic processes that affect the problems of basketball, including. But we are working in the conditions that we have. No need to complain about it. Step by step, you try to improve the direction, give some impetus to enthusiasts to start working. Without people in the regions, without enthusiasts, nothing will work. Andrey Kirilenko cannot take one now and change basketball in the country. It's unrealistic. There must be people on the ground. For example, when I hold my meetings, I say: “Guys, you are the only people who work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in your region, you know what problems you have in your region. Kirilenko cannot sit in an office in Moscow and tell how you live here, what problems you have.” We can only help, push some project. But if local people are not active, then the region will not develop.

- You touched on college basketball . We know that in the Russian basketball system there is a Student Basketball Association . What role do you assign to her?

— Of course, the College Basketball Association has a huge role to play. No need to just draw any parallels with the NCAA. Many are trying to impose this certain structure on me: why don't we have it like here, not like a structure that generates one and a half billion dollars every year. We have something else - and this is a given. The data that exists, and you have to work with it. Here I would like to express a big compliment to both Konovalov and Kryukov for the fact that they are dragging this project along, doing everything possible so that it develops not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. If it started 10 years ago in the format of 5-6 universities, now there are 600-800 universities that participate in this movement - this is very cool. It is clear that today the level of basketball is slightly behind the professional level. So far, there are very few examples of players who go from students to professionals. There are, but it's all very point. I see that in college basketball the ideology itself is higher than just basketball. This is the involvement of young guys who study in colleges and institutes, in some kind of struggle among themselves in a good sports way. Thus, a huge number of friends appear. And against the backdrop of basketball, other tasks are still being solved. Not everyone will be a basketball player: someone will be a manager, someone will be a referee, someone will be a businessman. We have a huge number of examples when businessmen, having gone through some university and now earning a lot of money from their business, are returning to basketball in the form of partners, sponsors, team owners, heads of some federations. They help basketball further. Here it is more important for me that these guys are in sports, have some kind of outlet for their emotions through basketball.

- You had some controversial issues with the CRS , when Sergey Kryukov called and said: “Andrey, how can we solve this issue?”

— We had no conflict situations. We constantly solve a huge number of issues together, they concern everything in general. For example, at the beginning there was a big request from Kryukov and Konovalov regarding the formation of the ASB team for the Universiade. Prior to that, a team of more professional players was formed for the Universiade, but they are just at the student's age. Technically, this is all correct, but the College Basketball Association would like to see its real players who constantly play in the ASB structure. We gave this opportunity, we really tried it, we saw that the level today is not yet ready to be top, compared to American college basketball or even Italian. Now we tried back, played a little bit. That is, they gave it back, tried to take a certain number of players from the Student Basketball Association, but still attract professional players to balance the level. Until we try, we won't see. We must try, we must be open here.

— Do you have an internal attitude towards the Association and student basketball as a younger brother or still as an equal organization that occupies its own niche?

- This is an equal organization that occupies its own niche, but still the last decision-maker, the person who makes decisions, is the Basketball Federation. We have in our hands a kind of final authority that puts a seal. We are certified by the Ministry of Sports in this vein. You can use it in different ways, you can say: “No, it won’t be like that,” and that’s it. But we are very open in this regard. All our participants - we try to get into their structures to a minimum, manage them and participate to the maximum in order to strengthen the product. These are Lokobasket, IES-BASKET, ASB, VTB League, amateur league. Now there is veteran basketball, but it is more in the structure of the federation.

— You attend a lot of College Basketball Association events. Are there any things that surprised you , or that you emphasized for your work?

- I really like that [in the ASB] there is a large geography. We have a huge country, and we simply have to light up the regions, give the regions the opportunity to see basketball. To see basketball on a large scale, and those finals and Superfinals held by the Student Basketball Association are held very widely, on a large scale. It is very nice. For example, the last time I was in Belgorod, it was a super final - a great event. This is a great story for the fans, and for all the participants. It is very important for us that those participants who are in the ASB championship communicate with each other and carry the ideological component further against the background of basketball.

— In the fall, within the framework of the “Movement Up” festival of the ASB 3x3 Superfinal, held the Russian U-23 championship in 3x3 basketball, the winner of which was the ASB team. I would like you to rate this tournament.

- It's hard for me to give any assessment now. I really like that ASB doesn't just stop at classic basketball, which is now 3x3. I am very familiar with some of the first steps of 3x3 in the Olympic movement, which, in fact, led us to silver medals for both men and women in Tokyo. Therefore, it is very close to me. I believe that street basketball has great potential. We all come from the street, we played with friends on the street, and now it is somehow fixed in an official way. It seems to me that there is huge potential behind this, the future, especially in the regions, because there is not much infrastructure, and here all you need is to go outside. In order to have a professional team that would play at a high level, you really need a huge injection. Not like in football or hockey, but you still need injections to support the team. 3x3 is much smaller, very regionally tolerant, and you can get a high-level team to represent your region.

- One of the representatives of ASB was on the 3x3 team that won silver medals at the Olympics. Can we say that partly thanks to her we have the first set of Olympic medals?

- Of course. And not only the ASB, I would also mention the regions here, our children's teams, for example, IES-BASKET. Even just participation in the Olympic Games was formed on the basis of such an aggregate rating. This rating was given not only by the performances of teams, that is, pure basketball, but half of this rating was occupied by tournaments held by all our participants. That is, the region hosts a 3x3 basketball tournament, it registers all participants in the FIBA ​​system, and we get rating points for this. All the regions that participated: ASB, which held 3x3 tournaments, IES, which held 3x3 tournaments, all these points went into the overall standings, as a result of which we qualified for the Olympics without qualifying tournaments directly. We really got the opportunity to prepare normally in a calm manner to approach the Olympics in our best conditions.

— When the rumors that 3x3 basketball would enter the Olympic Games first started, did you even believe in this idea?

- I knew. When this was discussed, it was not just the words: “Let's try,” but there were already concrete steps, conversations with the Olympic Committee about inclusion, all the studies that led to this were carried out. The audience that street basketball has in the world is enormous. Naturally, it is very important for the Olympic movement to have this large audience on its site.

— To what extent can the Student Basketball Association become a training ground for professional athletes?

- Not yet, but over time, why not become. It's all a matter of time and persistence. I think what ASB does is great. If it continues in the same development dynamics from year to year, we will eventually get this platform. It will not be the same as in other countries, because we are going a little differently, and the infrastructure that we have at universities does not yet allow us to have a full-fledged team, to have full-fledged championships, where you would fight for the best, let's say.

- We all know about the structure of NC AA that this league is trying to attract the best athletes from all over the world. Will talented students be invited to play in Russia in the future?

- I don't see it yet. This doesn't mean it's a bad idea. This is actually a good idea, just like, for example, Real Madrid or Barcelona - they invite players not only from Spain, but from all over the world: Mirotic, who is from the Balkan countries, went through the structure. Now Yegor Demin from Russia has got to Real Madrid and he will follow this path just like those guys. We do not yet have a vector of attracting foreign players and students, so for now I would still not look in a foreign direction. I would still concentrate on my players and my structure, because the structure is more important even than the players now. You can have super players now, you can take the most talented player from the NCAA, bring him to play at Moscow State University, but what will he play there now? He will be head and shoulders above everyone, but as a result he will not have competition. Still, when he plays in the National Student Association in America, he has a huge number of competitors. This is a slightly misleading comparison. We always try to pull this comparison, unfortunately it won't work. Our structure is generally different, so we need to start from it, we need to dance from it. I believe that in the conditions that we have, what the ASB is doing is right. They are great fellows, that step by step they do not give in to the fact that now something did not work out, they hung their heads and do not work. No, they increase the number of teams, attract more participants, work very hard to ensure that managers emerge from this, because people are our Achilles heel. We need to train, we need to train people, judges, coaches, managers. This is a cumulative moment.

— What are the main achievements of the College Basketball Association over the past 15 years?

- At a minimum, perception. Eight years ago, no one really knew where college basketball was. Although I played at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, then it was like a certain desire of one or two people. Now, after all, this perception as a full-fledged student basketball with a huge number of participants, teams, is a whole movement. "Move up" as a kind of slogan. The Student Basketball Association is not just an organization, but a movement of students who love and play basketball, but at the same time they are still passionate about some kind of communication with each other. This is probably the most important merit - when you have this movement. And since the students are quite energetic and enthusiastic guys, they will already grow meat on this, come up with new projects and add some zest to it.

"Why should we suddenly become hated by the whole world?" Stanislav Eremin - about isolation, legionnaires and historical chance

Imagine what awaits Russian basketball and sports.

After the exclusion of the Russian team from all tournaments, the mass departure of foreign players and the removal, albeit temporary, of clubs from the Euroleague and the European Cup, Russian basketball has changed beyond recognition. The model by which he lived in the last fat years collapsed in a matter of days, and what awaits us in the future remains a mystery.

Former head coach of UNICS, and now an adviser to the president of the club Stanislav Eremin found something similar in the 90s, when the powerful system of Soviet sports fell, and nothing appeared in its place. The once all-powerful CSKA Eremin had to build almost from scratch, not relying on top legionnaires, who were then inaccessible to our clubs, or on the strongest Russian players who left for other championships for high salaries.

However, Eremin, in a conversation with BUSINESS Online, did not agree that new 9 are waiting for us in the future0th. “A country like Russia cannot be isolated all the time,” he said. And yet it won't work the old way. We discussed what Russian basketball needs to focus on in this interview.

Stanislav Eremin / photo: Alexander Chernykh, Russian Look,


- Stanislav Georgievich, in recent days, all Russian sports have changed beyond recognition - and basketball was among the first to be hit. We were temporarily suspended from all European competitions and threatened to annul the results. Could you have imagined two weeks ago that Russian clubs with their rich history in European competitions would, in fact, be shown the door?

- A situation has arisen that no one could have predicted. I have several friends with different social status and different views on the world, and we began to share forecasts for the future of Russia. I offered to write them down on paper, and then check them somewhere in six months. It's good that I didn't write anything down, because we would all make a big mistake.

If we talk about basketball, the most important thing now is that the championship of the VTB United League continues. Let's wait for the decision of the Euroleague on the future of Russian clubs.

- When the situation returns to normal, do you believe that UNICS, CSKA, Zenit and other clubs will be returned to the Euroleague and the European Cup? Or is it the end story for us?

- I want to believe that we will be returned. After all, one cannot keep such a large country as Russia in endless isolation. I understand the Euroleague, which is located territorially in the European Union and has found itself under great political pressure in recent days. But with her decision, she herself called into question the results of this season. She excluded, albeit temporarily, three teams that were in the playoff zone and could qualify for high places. They were artificially removed! Any team that becomes champion at the end of the season will understand that they won the trophy without the competition of Russian clubs. So, I repeat, the Euroleague itself suffered from this decision, not to mention our clubs.

In particular, I am offended at how unfairly they treated UNICS. The club has already been recognized as the main sensation of the Euroleague, it is remembered for its victories over Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​CSKA, Efes and others. Such a chance to perform well! What an excellent selection work! I personally saw how Bogdan Evgenievich did not get out of Basket Hall in the summer and did not sleep at night in search of players. How all the foreigners played in the team! John Brown had his best season, Hezonja had his best season, many others... UNICS had never had such a chance to succeed in the Euroleague in history.

Photo: Sergey Yelagin, BUSINESS Online

– In recent days, UNICS and other clubs in Russia have faced a massive exodus of foreign players. Kazan suffered less than the others in this regard: four foreign players and the entire coaching staff remained. However, there are losses. Were you surprised how the legionnaires abruptly packed up and left the clubs?

- This is their right. I understand the difficult situation they are in. I also had to be in difficult conditions. I remember how I worked in Syria after the end of my playing career. That was my experience as a coach. I arrived in a prosperous country, and left already during the blockade. There was no military action, but there was complete isolation and complete shortage. They even gave me food from the USSR through familiar pilots. Nevertheless, as a Soviet person, I worked out the contract to the end. And today's foreigners have a different mentality, it also needs to be understood and accepted. It is we who have a desire to enter into a position, to understand and forgive. And everything is different with them, I also understood this while working as a coach. We had a white American playing in UNICS, about 15 years ago. We tried our best to persuade him to stay in Kazan and play in the match, which was postponed to another date, but he still left on the same day when his contract came to an end. These people are used to living by certain rules.

- But now the legionnaires themselves are breaking the rules. They leave the location of the clubs with existing contracts, refuse to pay compensation, negotiate with others. And our clubs do not have any leverage left: they are unlikely to be heard in FIBA ​​or sports arbitration.

- The question is very delicate. They are certainly under pressure from federations, consulates, the public, and, in the end, from relatives and friends. At the same time, they had no real prerequisites for leaving. Is our season over? Okay, we were temporarily suspended from the Euroleague, but who canceled the VTB United League? Has martial law been introduced in the country or has there been some kind of cataclysm? So I support Yevgeny Borisovich that sanctions should be applied to those people who left the club arbitrarily and without any agreements. At the same time, I am confident that UNICS will maintain its reputation as one of the most financially sound clubs in European basketball. Those who remain in Kazan will receive all the money due.

– Why do you think the few legionnaires who remained in Russia still remained?

- I'm sure those who stay are still under pressure. Just, apparently, someone else remembers that a person himself must determine his fate and his attitude to any event. It is impossible to always be a conformist, it is impossible to go one way today and the other tomorrow. If a person decides for himself that sport is above politics, this must be respected.

In this regard, I like the way UNICS head coach Velimir Perasovich behaves. Now all thoughts are focused on sports. The last time we spoke, he was worried about how to train with eleven players: four foreigners and seven Russians. He wants to win in the VTB United League and is determined to win.

Velimir Perasovich / photo: Sergey Yelagin, BUSINESS Online


– Our clubs can legally be restored, but hardly anyone will compensate for reputational losses. Now one gets the impression that foreigners generally do not want to associate themselves with Russia in any way - and even a large salary is not able to block this. Will we see legionnaires in Russian clubs at all?

- We'll see. Still, for most athletes, the financial side comes first. Only those who have already managed to earn hundreds of millions of dollars can speak out and dictate their opinion, and there are few of them. Sooner or later the situation will normalize. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that the total number of foreigners will decrease.

Now is a good chance for Russian players to show themselves. Now it’s impossible to say that you weren’t given chances, weren’t given time. Here, show your level. Of course, the overall level of the championship with the increase in the time of the Russian players will fall - no need to build illusions. But this moment can serve as a point when our basketball will come off the bottom.

- You have well noted that Russian basketball is at the bottom, but it was there neither yesterday nor the day before yesterday. Don't you think that this fact was managed to be masked just by success in European competitions and inviting star foreigners? It feels like all the money in our basketball came under this element of prestige, under the opportunity to make some noise outside the country.

- Most of those who are ready to invest in basketball demand victories, if not today, then tomorrow. I have seen this in many regions. Everyone cares about immediate results. Therefore, despite the victories in general, in Russian basketball there was an overestimation of both Russian and foreign players. I hope we will pay attention to many talented players who could not find jobs in the VTB United League before. There are a million examples of how a boy brightly manifests himself at a youthful level, for two or three years he does not find an opportunity to play, and then disappears. Now we have a historic chance to raise Russian basketball.

CSKA in the Euroleague Final Four / photo: Marius Becker, dpa, globallookpress. com

– One of the reserves for the VTB United League is the Superleague. Are there teams there now that can strengthen the top division?

- It seems to me that three or four clubs can be launched into the championship. There are many ambitions in Samara, Yekaterinburg, a good project in Moscow by MBA and Runa. For so many years, this Super League was held without any goal: you win - and you can’t go anywhere. Now there is a chance to fix it.

– Should Russian basketball look for alternatives to the Euroleague? For example, to join the Adriatic League - a basketball tournament with the participation of the countries of the former Yugoslavia?

- I can't say about the Adriatic League, but I can say that participation in international competitions enriches the basketball of any country. So that's what you should strive for.

– Are we ready for this assault or will we cling to the fragments of the old world? It is hard to imagine that now all the clubs will dramatically change their priorities. Surely everyone will freeze in the hope that everything will return to normal ...

- It will take time, now there is a lot of incomprehensible. Where will there be state programs, where will there be benefits? But after the shake-up, I'm sure basketball will need to change. First of all, we need to think about children's and youth sports. And it should be public policy. This is not a question of individual businessmen and not individual clubs - it is a question of the state.

- Everyone used to say that the basketball pyramid has no base. There are big clubs with big goals, but no youth sports. And now there are no fears that there will be no tip?

- If there is a strong foundation, you can always complete the top. And if there is only the top and there is no foundation, it is scary and dangerous.

– How much does the state need basketball in the new reality with especially pronounced anti-Americanism? It's an American game. Wouldn't it be better to develop our Russian hockey?

– Wasn't hockey invented in Canada? Football not in England? Here it can only be noted that we have not completed the information. Our youth now have an idol - the NBA. I once gave magnets with CSKA players to young guys who trained with me. I ask: "Do you know who this is?" Answers: "I don't know." And there was Nando de Colo, who played here for five years! It's enough! But he certainly knows Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and Kevin Durant. Well done Americans, they built a business. But I have been to America 25 times. In no state do they think about Europe, and even more so about Russia. It's like Antarctica. There is nothing more important than your home, your street, your state. And we have? We live here and our heads there. How many people know Viktor Khryapa? How many people know Sergei Monya? These are the best players in our country. If they danced and cursed on TV, they would become famous personalities. It turns out, the more modest, the worse.

Sergey Monya / photo: Sergey Elagin, BUSINESS Online


– Will the basketball of the near future be similar to the basketball of the 90s?

- No. In the 90s, people of the Soviet temper were still playing. We were not paid a salary for many months, but we still played, fought for the club, the national team. Now a new generation has grown up with different values. When we tore off all the veils, we probably took the worst from abroad. But they could take many positive qualities, for example, a sense of patriotism by Gasol, who at the age of 40 played for the Spanish national team ...

Speaking of the basketball system in general, I don't believe that we will slide back to the 90s. It cannot be that at one moment you were engaged in modern farming and suddenly rolled back a million years and grabbed a stone axe.

- In the 90s, the best Russian players went abroad. Will it be like this now?

- First of all, you need to grow players who are interesting abroad. Let's not talk about the NBA, let's talk at least about Spain. Which of our players are ready to take in the Spanish championship right now?

– Swede, Antonov, Karasyov, Kulagins…

– Will they agree to Spanish salaries?

- Depends on how much Russian players will receive in Russia. What do you think about this? Will wages go up even more?

- I don't think so. The price will match the quality - and this is not only about basketball, but also about football. About football even in the first place. In basketball, high salaries are at least somehow confirmed by the class of players. And what about football?

- That is, they will pay less. So, those who are used to high salaries will leave?

– Get used to small…

– In the worst scenario, we will face complete isolation.

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