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How do you say i like to play basketball in french

Translate i like to play basketball in French in context

Translate i like to play basketball in French in context

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i like to play basketball


tu aimes jouer au basket

Last Update: 2021-12-17
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i dont like to play basketball


je n’aime pas aller au

Last Update: 2021-10-27
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i like to play


j'aime jouer

Last Update: 2020-12-17
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i like to play golf


j'aime jouer au ballon de basket et de football

Last Update: 2015-09-28
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i like to play golf.


j'aime jouer au golf.

Last Update: 2014-02-01
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i like to play baseball


j'aime jouer au baseball

Last Update: 2022-03-21
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i like to play with you.


j'aime jouer avec toi./j'aime jouer pour vous!

Last Update: 2020-02-19
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i like to play for you!


j'aime jouer pour toi!/ j'aime jouer pour vous!

Last Update: 2020-02-19
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


we like to play basketball and football ball


j'aime jouer au basket et au football

Last Update: 2022-01-29
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


they play basketball


elle joue du piano

Last Update: 2022-02-07
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i like to play football sport


j'aime faire du sport

Last Update: 2021-10-21
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


i like


i like

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 9
Reference: Anonymous


i like. ..


- ...

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 4
Reference: Anonymous


i like !!!!


j’adore !!!

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 2
Reference: Anonymous


i like. :)


bon week-end à toi aussi. :)

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


whatime do we play basketball


À quoi jouons-nous au basket

Last Update: 2021-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous


likes to play.


likes to play.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous

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i like playing basketball - French translation – Linguee

I also like playing basketball," says Alba, "but I'm going to keep up football.

J'aime aussi le basket mais je vais continuer jouer au foot", assure Alba.

The most common cause of low back pain is using


your back muscles in activities

[...] you're not used to, like lifting heavy furniture, playing basketball or doing yard work.

Mais la cause la plus frquente est l'utilisation


des muscles du dos pour des activits

[...] inhabituelles comme soulever des objets lourds, jouer au basket-ball ou jardiner.

"They can do stuff that younger kids can't like helping their parents and playing basketball.

Ils peuvent acheter ce qu'ils veulent, sauf si leurs parents leur imposent des limites.

I also like singing, listening to modern songs, playing basketball and traveling.

J'aime galement chanter, couter des chansons de varit, jouer au basket et voyager.

So, it's not surprising to learn that some students


will purposely make the wrong

[...] choices on the DVD, like taking part in a fight instead of playing basketball with a friend.

Ainsi, dans les choix qui sont proposs sur le DVD, quelques lves plus risque vont


consciemment prendre le mauvais choix, par

[. ..] exemple aller participer une bagarre plutt que de jouer au basketball avec un ami.

Perhaps it is the propensity for American

[...] youngsters to grow up playing games like basketball, baseball and [...]

gridiron with their hands that


has aided in the development of a long line of greats between the pipes, as Meola himself once said.

Peut-tre la

[...] pratique de sports comme le basket, le baseball ou le football [. ..]

amricain a-t-elle contribu au succs des gardiens


made in USA, comme l'affirmait en son temps Meola.

Stephanie's hobbies and interests include volunteering at

[...] the local hospital, performing in community productions and playing sports like basketball and cross country.

Elle fait du bnvolat

[...] l'hpital local, joue dans des productions thtrales communautaires et pratique le basket-ball et le ski [...]

de fond.

Prior to leaving, she contacted the

[. ..]

director of an orphanage volunteer program and investigated

[...] the possibility of playing basketball and football with [...]

the youth.

Avant son dpart, elle a communiqu avec le directeur d'un


programme de bnvoles dans un orphelinat et a

[...] tudi la possibilit de jouer au basket-ball et au football [...]

avec les jeunes.

The case involved an individual who twisted

[...] his neck while playing basketball and dissected [. ..]

an artery, which resulted in a stroke and his paralysis.

L'accident est survenu

[...] pendant une partie de basketball o l'assur s'est [...]

dchir une artre en tournant la tte, ce qui


a entran un accident vasculaire crbral suivi d'une paralysie.

At school, I am involved with a group called Frequency and I have been

[...] involved in athletics playing basketball.

l'cole, je fais partie d'un groupe qui

[...] s'appelle Frequency et je joue au basket-ball.

Our student-athletes and our member


institutions have become

[...] accustomed to playing with Spalding basketballs and in many respects, Spalding is synonymous with basketball played at the elite [...]

college level in Canada",


Mark Kosak, CCAA Vice President Marketing .

Nos tudiants-athltes et nos institutions membres


ont l'habitude

[...] d'utiliser les ballons de basketball Spalding et maints gards, Spalding est synonyme du basketball jou au niveau collgial lite au [. ..]

Canada", Mark Kosak,


Vice Prsident du Marketing de l'ACSC.

Use goggles when you play sports like racquetball, basketball, tennis, soccer and paddle [...]

ball, and insist your child to do the same.

Portez des lunettes protectrices

[...] lorsque vous pratiquez des sports comme le racquetball, le basketball, le tennis, le [...]

soccer et le paddleball,


et insistez pour que votre enfant fasse de mme.

Later, she wanted to play basketball - watching her run was like watching someone run [...]

on broken glass.

Plus tard elle a voulu jouer au basketball - la regarder courir tait comme de regarder quelqu'un [...]

courir sur du verre cass.

He also wants to keep working at the camp, giving his talks,

[...] dancing dabkeh, playing basketball and going out with [. ..]

his friends.

Il veut aussi continuer de travailler au camp de vacances, mener ses

[...] dbats, danser la dabkeh, jouer au basket-ball et sortir avec [...]

ses amis.

In 2005, the General Union for Female Sports was established and the sports clubs and unions charter was amended to include female representation in every


sports union where female activities take

[...] place such as playing basketball, volleyball, [...]

gymnastic, karate, Judo, chess and tennis table.

En 2005, on a cr l'union gnrale des sports fminins et on a modifi les rglements des clubs et organisations sportives en vue de permettre la participation des femmes

[. ..]

dans tous les sports pratiqus par des

[...] femmes telles que le basket-ball, le volley-ball, [...]

la gymnastique, le karat, le judo,


les checs et le tennis de table.

Watch Games: If you don't feel like playing you can also choose [...]

to join a game as a member of the audience.

Regarder une Partie: Si vous

[...] ne voulez pas rellement jouer, vous pouvez assister [...]

aux parties en cours.

playray. fr

The team that travelled to Brazil 1950 was an entirely different story, comprised largely of the sons of


immigrants, second-generation

[...] players who grew up playing American sports like basketball and baseball, [...]

but soccer as well.

Cette fois, l'quipe nationale s'appuie largement sur des immigrs de

[...] seconde gnration qui ont grandi au contact du basket et du baseball.

It is a bit like playing hockey as a friendly [. ..]

group; we bump each other but when it is over, we go and have a beer together.

C'est un peu comme un match de hockey amical; [...]

nous nous rudoyons mutuellement mais, lorsque le match est termin, nous allons prendre une bire ensemble.

Today she has gone back to

[...] class, and she enjoys playing basketball with her friends.

Aujourd'hui elle est revenue en

[...] classe et elle aime jouer au basket avec ses amies.


I got so embarrassed when I

[...] fainted in a basketball game the other day, I walked like a sick chicken [...]

all day at school.

J'tais tellement mal,

[...] la dernire fois, quand je suis tomb dans les pommes pendant le match.

February 23rd 2002 : once again, enthusiastic basketball-playing 7th graders along with their parents, teachers and friends support the Escolinha.

Le 23 fvrier, des 7me enthousiastes, leurs parents, professeurs et amis apportent une fois de plus leur soutien l'Escolinha en organisant un tournoi de basket.

Even though many of us choose to express ourselves through


activities like fiddling and jigging, a lot of

[...] us prefer more contemporary ways like hip hop, basketball or even ballet.

Beaucoup de jeunes Mtis expriment leur culture traditionnelle comme violoneux et danseur de gigue, mais il y en a beaucoup d'autres qui


s'adonnent des activits plus

[...] contemporaines, comme la musique hip hop, le jeu de basketball et mme le ballet [...]


naho. ca

A new gymnasium

[...] will offer indoor sports like basketball, soccer and volleyball [...]

which will help take some pressure on school


gymnasiums and expand other recreation programs to help people of all ages in the community get active and stay active," said Minister Ashton.

Un nouveau gymnase sera disponible pour

[...] des sports intrieurs comme le basketball, le soccer et le [...]

volleyball, ce qui permettra de


librer un peu les gymnases scolaires et d'largir les autres programmes de loisirs afin d'aider les membres de la collectivit de tout ge devenir actifs et le rester, a dclar M. Ashton.

By standing on the board and carrying out dynamic activities while trying to maintain


balance while the board

[...] wobbles, teens who play fast-moving sports like basketball can help to prevent [...]

knee and ankle injuries.

Se tenir sur la planche pendant qu'ils excutent des gestes dynamiques et essaient de conserver leur quilibre malgr les


oscillations de la planche aide les

[...] adolescents qui pratiquent des sports axs sur la rapidit prvenir [. ..]

les blessures au genou et la cheville.

My biggest

[...] thrill used to be playing basketball with guys on the [...]

playground: It was fun and competitive and allowed me to focus on something positive.

Mon plus

[...] grand plaisir tait de jouer au basket avec les garons, [...]

sur le terrain de jeu.

Apart from

[...] triathlon, Lauren loves playing basketball and badminton in [...]

the off-season, and she will never turn down a good dog show.

Outre le

[...] triathlon, Lauren adore jouer au basketball et au badminton [...]

durant la saison de repos et elle ne dira jamais non une exposition canine.

The way our bonus system is constructed, receiving a bonus will

[...] never prevent you from playing like you wish, and withdrawing [...]

when you want.

De la faon dont notre systme de bonus est


conu, le fait de recevoir un bonus ne vous

[...] empchera jamais de jouer comme vous voulez, et [. ..]

de retirer quand vous voulez.

Town life is like a playing field, full of passions [...]

and enthusiasms with its multitude of colours, vibrations, sounds and labyrinth of shapes.

La ville est un terrain de jeu passionnant avec [...]

ses multitudes de couleurs, de vibrations sonores, de labyrinthe de formes.

Otherwise it is like playing football with [...]

all the players on one side having their feet tied to the ground.

Autrement, ce serait comme une partie de football [...]

dans laquelle tous les joueurs d'un camp auraient les pieds attachs au sol.

Miniature Wargaming is like playing a musical instrument: the more you play, the more you enjoy [...]

playing and increase your skills.

Le wargame avec

[...] figurines, c'est un peu comme de jouer d'un instrument de musique: plus vous en jouez, plus vous y [...]

prenez plaisir tout en amliorant votre technique.

Basket: Translation from French into Russian, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, example sentences | HTML Translate | French-Russian online translator

Ni Tom ni Mary n'ont beaucoup joué au basket. Neither Tom nor Mary played much basketball.
Tom a joué au basket au lycee. Tom played basketball in high school.
Une équipe de basket - ball se compose de cinq joueurs. The basketball team consists of five players.
La partie basket que nous pensons est de premier ordre. We believe that basketball is top notch.
Une nouvelle maison et un terrain de basket . New house and basketball court. ..
Aimez - vous jouer au basket? Do you like to play basketball?
Rien d'autre que le basket fondamental. Nothing but fundamental basketball.
Pouvons - nous simplement jouer au basket? Can we just play basketball?
Je ne savais pas que Tom voulait faire partie de l'équipe de basket. I didn't know Tom wanted to be on the basketball team.
Tom a été entraîneur de basket - ball pendant trois ans. Tom was a basketball coach for three years.
Maintenant, tout le monde aime le basket au lieu du Kabuki. Now everyone loves basketball instead of Kabuki.
Nous avons joué au basket hier. Yesterday we played basketball.
Nous avons joué basket - ball dans le gymnase. We played basketball in the gym.
J'ai regardé le match de basket à la tele. I watched a basketball game on TV.
J'adore regarder le basket. I love watching basketball.
J'aime nager et jouer au basket. I like swimming and playing basketball.
Il est bon au basket. He is good at basketball.
Si vous avez utilisé le temps que vous avez passé à vous plaindre pour pratiquer votre basket - ball, vous auriez peut - être cessé de vous plaindre il y a longtemps. Yakby vee victorious for an hour, stained for scargs, training in basketball, then, perhaps, we would have stopped skarzhitsya long ago.
Saviez - vous que Tom et Mary sont très doués pour jouer au basket? Did you know that Tom and Mary are very good at basketball?
Mary a dit qu'elle pensait que Tométait intéressé par le basket - ball. Mary said that she thought Tom was interested in basketball.
Saviez - vous que tom est tres doué pour jouer au basket? Did you know that Tom is very good at basketball?
Je n'ai jamais rencontré personne qui ait appris à jouer au basket - ball simplement en lisant un livre; la même chose avec une langue étrangère. I have never met anyone who learned to play basketball just by reading a book; the same is true for a foreign language.
Sam a pu entrer dans l'équipe de basket - ball de l'école. Sam was able to sign up for the high school basketball team.
Je savais que Tom serait un bon entraîneur de basket - ball. Voilà pourquoi je l'ai engagé. I knew that Tom would be a good basketball coach. That's why I hired him.
Tom jouait au basket cet après - midi avec ses amis. Tom played basketball with his friends today.
Tom a passé la soirée à regarder un match de basket à la television avec ses enfants. Tom spent the evening watching a basketball game on TV with his children.
Alors que Tom et John quittaient le terrain de basket, Tom se tourna vers John et lui dit: "Bon jeu." When Tom and John left the basketball court, Tom turned to John and said, "Nice game."
J'aime le rugby, mais pas autant que j'aime le basket. I love rugby, but not as much as basketball.
Nous avons joué au basket puis nous sommes allés à la plage. Les We played basketball and then went to the beach.
Tom a dit qu'il ne pensait pas que Mary voulait faire partie de l'équipe de basket - ball. Tom said he didn't think Mary would want to be on the basketball team.
Tom jouait au basket avec un groupe d'amis. Tom played ball basketball before friends.
Combien cela coûte - t - il habituellement d'aller à un match de basket professionnel? How much does it usually cost to go to a professional basketball game?
J'adore jouer au basket, mais je n'aime pas le regarder à la television. I love playing basketball but I don't like watching it on TV.
Le Miami Heat est une équipe de basket - ball pro de la NBA et situé à Miami. The Miami Heat is an NBA professional basketball team based in Miami.
Sam a réussi à faire partie de l'équipe de basket - ball de l'école. Sam managed to get into the school basketball team.
Tom pense que Mary serait un bon entraîneur de basket - ball. Tom thinks that Mary will be a good basketball coach.
Je sais que Tom n'est pas un très bon entraîneur de basket - ball, mais tout le monde dans l'équipe l'aime. I know that Tom is not a very good basketball coach, but everyone on the team loves him.
L'entraîneur de l'équipe de basket est à la recherche du plus grand élève. The coach of the basketball team is looking for the tallest student.
Le match de basket d'aujourd'hui n'était pas si intéressant. Today's basketball game was not so interesting.
Restez dans le hall jusqu'au match de basket. Just hang out in the lobby before the basketball game.
Tom et Mary ont dit qu'ils ne pensaient pas que John voulait faire partie de l'équipe de basket. Tom and Mary said they didn't think John wanted to be on the basketball team.
J'ai entendu dire que Tom et Mary aiment vraiment le basket. I heard that Tom and Mary really like basketball.
Sami avait regardé un match de basket la nuit précédente. Sami watched a basketball game the night before.
Newsom a signé le projet de loi sur l'émission de télévision HBO organisée par la star du basket - ball des Los Angeles Lakers LeBron James, qui avait soutenu le projet de loi. Newsom signed the bill on an HBO television show hosted by Los Angeles Lakers basketball star LeBron James, who supported the bill.
Sami et Layla jouaient au basket devant la maison de Farid. Sami and Layla were playing basketball in front of Farid's house.
Tom a mis sur pied une équipe de basket du quartier. Tom put together a basketball team in the neighborhood.
Je ne savais pas que tu voulais faire partie de l'équipe de basket. I didn't know you wanted to be on the basketball team.
Vous êtes le seul ici à aimer le basket, n'est - ce pas? You're the only one here who loves basketball, aren't you?
L'équipe de basket - ball ne s'entraîne pas lundi. The basketball team doesn't practice on Monday.
Qu'est - ce qui vous rend si sûr que Tom et Mary ne veulent pas jouer au basket avec nous? Why are you so sure Tom and Mary don't want to play basketball with us?
Quand Tom était plus jeune, il jouait plutôt bien au basket. When Tom was younger, he was good at basketball.
Je ne peux pas comprendre son obsession pour le basket. I can't understand his obsession with basketball.
Tom et Mary jouaient au basket cet après - midi avec leurs amis. Tom and Mary played basketball with their friends today.
Tom et Mary se sont blessés aux genoux en jouant au basket. Tom and Mary hurt their knees while playing basketball.

Thierry Henry: "LeBron is Iniesta, only with muscles"

Browser - about the French football forward Thierry Henry and his obsession with basketball.

Thierry Henry / Photo: © Getty Images

- If you grew up in the days of Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan and didn't love basketball, well ... something must be wrong with you, - the best goalscorer in history jokes the French national team and the London "Arsenal" Thierry Henry.

Attending NBA All-Star Games, joint photo shoots with basketball players, symbolic exchange of jerseys - all this is commonplace for sports stars, something like an unspoken professional code. But not in the case of Henri. To be convinced of this, it is enough to wait until the summer, sneak into the camp of the Belgian national team, where Titi works as an assistant to the head coach, and, looking into his eyes, say: “Basketball”. Rest assured, you will listen to a whole lecture on the relationship between football and basketball, the game preferences of the world champion and Europe, as well as a lot of bright tales from Henri's career.

Thierry's knowledge is not exhausted by the standard set of "look - love - respect". Otherwise, Henri wouldn't be a guest on JJ Reddick's internet podcast. The latter is not only an active Philadelphia player, but also enjoys recording programs for one of the most sought-after sports and entertainment sites, The Ringer.

And this is far from the first close contact of one of the most elegant football players in history with the best game on planet Earth.

- No one will deny the relationship between hip-hop culture and basketball, especially in France, especially in the early 90s. Basketball jerseys were part of a kind of ammunition. It was especially honorable to have Jordan's jersey. So I unwittingly began to root for Chicago. But after that everything changed, you know, because of Tony, - Anri apologetically indicates his priorities.

A strong friendship with the point guard of the French national team and the San Antonio Spurs Tony Parker left the eminent football player no choice. Until now, the couple takes part in charity football tournaments, which are annually hosted by Steve Nash, another NBA canonical figure at the intersection of football and basketball.

Nash is a filigree passer and a passionate fan of Tottenham, perhaps more than anyone else throughout his career, introduced the culture of real football in the NBA. What for? It is Henri who can answer this question best of all:

- I believe that football can be a great addition to basketball training. Just because it is more difficult than basketball. Agree that it is much easier to give or catch a 15-meter pass with your hands, limbs, which are naturally designed for this. In football, you have to do it with your feet. You must take the pass on the move, at speed, with the resistance of opponents, balancing on one supporting leg. By learning this, basketball players can improve their footwork and sense of balance. If you think this is nonsense, ask what Hakim Oljuwon thinks about it. His footwork is filigree, he is one of the best centers in the history of basketball. Before becoming such, he played football, played as a goalkeeper.

It is for the ability to convey his point of view in detail and in detail that Henri is often attracted as an expert on television. Moreover, an expert in both football and basketball. After moving to Barcelona, ​​the Frenchman was often a co-commentator for the Blue Garnet basketball matches on Barca TV and interviewed forward Roger Grimau.

Henri's direct communication style was also appreciated overseas. NBA TV entrusted Henri with a short but meaningful interview with Kobe Bryant. Having resisted the flattery of the leader of the Lakers (Kobe said that on the football field he associates himself with Henry), Thierry forced the player to answer the question about the most memorable moment of his career. This was the seventh match in the series against the Boston Celtics, when Bryant took the fifth championship ring.

When Henry himself is asked about his favorite basketball player, he finds a way to be original here too: about the best. Behind his athleticism, people often don't see his ability to read the game. After all, mind you, with his size, it’s pretty easy to play number four, but everyone knows that LeBron doesn’t like it. Why? Because he strives to involve partners, to solve game situations through a pass, and this is the best thing in the game. Better than a goal, better than a three-pointer. I always tried to play like that, despite the duties of a forward. If you can think, read the game, find moments for partners, the lack of muscles will not hurt you. Look at Iniesta, he looks like he just recovered from a cold, nevertheless, Andres is one of the best players I have ever played with. LeBron is like Iniesta, only with muscles. He has both physics and the ability to see the game.

Henri's basketball skills are not limited to talking about him, the Internet is full of videos featuring a French striker and a basketball. One of the latest hits.

Sleight of the feet and no cheating.

– Combining business with pleasure – that’s what the ability to combine football with basketball is for me, sums up Henri. - What is pleasant and what is useful is the only question to which I cannot give an answer.

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