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How long is a basketball game high school

How Long Is a High School Basketball Game?

One of the most entertaining sporting events at the high school level is a basketball game. From the proximity of the spectators in the bleachers to the court, the pace of the entire event from warm-ups and game play, to the enthusiasm of the crowd makes a high school game a must. This is particularly the case if you have a family member participating in the game.

How long is a high school basketball game? The National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) states that all high school games will be at least 32 minutes, divided into four, eight-minute quarters. There is a 10-minute halftime intermission, a couple minutes between the first and second quarters and third and fourth quarters. The length of actual time in the gym for the game is extended further if there is overtime (4 minutes), or time outs (each team has three 60 second and two 30 second time outs).

A high school game can go by more quickly if either team is ahead by 30 points at any time during play, due to what is commonly known as the “mercy rule”. In this case the clock continues to run and only stops for a timeout or injured player. Should the trailing team cut the deficit to under 20, the clock will operate under normal rules.

Generally speaking, a high school game will run in the neighborhood of an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and 30 minutes. For those that want to enjoy the entire high school basketball experience, arrive around thirty minutes prior to schedule tip-off for pregame warmups. Also, many times the junior varsity game will be played prior to the varsity taking the floor, so arrive even early to catch some of that action.

How Long are Pro Basketball Games?

In comparison, the games at the high school level are significantly less time than NCAA, WNBA, NBA and FIBA. The FIBA is generally considered the world wide governing body in basketball. The top league in the world is acknowledged to be the NBA, which is played in four, 12-minute quarters for total game time of 48 minutes. While some international competition also has 48-minute games, many use 10-minute quarters for a 40-minute contest. Breaks between quarters vary between two and three minutes between the first and second quarters and between the third and fourth quarters. Halftime intermission is generally 15 minutes.

How Long is a Collge Basketball Game?

At the collegiate level, governed by the NCAA, the games are 40 minutes long, similar to many international games. The difference is there is only one break, at the end of the 20-minute half. The break time is similar to that of the professional game, around 15 minutes. Women’s professional leagues also play 40-minute games, as do the collegiate games with the same time intermission between halves.

What Adds to the Length of Any Basketball Game?

If you factor in the total time that the clock is stopped, and intermissions, a game will end up taking at least two hours. Many times the clock appears to be at a standstill late in games with multiple clock stoppages due to fouls, free throws, and timeouts. Therefore, 2 hours and 30 minutes is more likely the total time for a game. Add in significant extra time if a 5-minute playoff or more is needed.

The types of warmups you are likely to see include partner passes, free throws, layup lines, free for all shootarounds, mid-range jumpers, and the zig-zag warmup.

With partner passes, players will practice overhead, bounce, chest, and wrap-around passes generally from about ten feet away from a teammate. Take note of the players shooting free throws, generally two each with a couple teammates practicing boxing out and rebounding.

The zig-zag warmup drill is excellent for practicing defensive maneuverability, as well as ball handling. It’s also fun to watch the players execute this quick, athletic paced drill with one player handing the dribbling and one player maintaining defensive positioning.

Likely the oldest of the pregame drills and the first when stepping onto the court out of the locker room is the layup line. The team will separate into two lines, one around half court and the other on the baseline. The player at half court will drive and shoot the layup while a man underneath grabs the ball after the shot and passes to the next guy at half court.

Players will also take part in the mid-range jumper and a general shoot-around from anywhere on the court as the final warmup prior to starting the game.

All told, the entire high school varsity basketball experience from warmups until the final horn sounds is around two hours. It’s worth every minute for the avid basketball fan.

How Long Is A High School Basketball Game? (Explained!)

Basketball is one of the most popular high school sports in the US. If you have a basketball-loving kid who is about to join high school or who already plays for the school basketball team, you’ll probably want to know the game’s length. 

Let’s look at how long a high school basketball game can last and the factors that increase the actual time of a high school basketball game.

Table Of Contents+

  • How Long Is A High School Basketball Game?
    • How Long Is A NBA Basketball Game?
    • How Long Is A College Basketball Game?
    • How Long Is A Middle School Basketball Game?
  • Factors That Affect High School Basketball Game Length
    • Quarters
    • The Shot Clock
    • Team Fouls
    • Timeouts
    • Halftime
    • Overtime
  • Related Questions To High School Basketball
    • How many periods in high school basketball?
    • How long are high school basketball quarters?
    • How long is a high school basketball halftime?
    • How many states have shot clocks in high school basketball?
    • When does basketball high school season start?
    • How long is a middle school basketball season?
    • How many basketball games in a season?
    • How long is halftime in NBA?
    • How long is college basketball halftime?
    • How many minutes in college basketball half?
    • Are NBA games longer than college?
    • How many hours is basketball played?

How Long Is A High School Basketball Game?

A high school basketball game runs for about an hour and thirty minutes. There are four 8-minute quarters, so the actual playtime is 32 minutes. There is a 10-min halftime break making the total 42 minutes. Things like timeouts and clock stoppages extend the length to over an hour.

Note that there are slightly different playing times for youth games, regular season ball games, school basketball playoff games, and games played at the collegiate level and junior varsity level. However, most school basketball players will play basketball matches that last anywhere from an hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Have a look at the table below which highlights the factors influecning basketball game time:

LevelPlay TimeHalf TimeShot ClockTimeoutsAverage Length
Youth40 min
( 2 x 20 min)
10 minRunning clock2 per game
(30 sec each)
1 hour
Junior High
24-32 min
(4 x 6 or 8 min)
10 minNo5 per game
(3 x 60 sec)
(2 x 30 sec)
1 hour
High School32 min
(4 x 8 min)
10 min35 sec
8 states only
5 per game
(3 x 60 sec)
(2 x 30 sec)
1hr - 1hr30
Women's NCAA40 min
(4 x 10 min)
15 min30 sec4 per game
( 1 x 60 sec)
(3 x 30 sec)
2 hours
Men's NCAA40 min
(2 x 20 min halves)
15 min30 sec4 per game
( 1 x 60 sec)
(3 x 30 sec)
2 hours
FIBA40 min
(4 x 10 min quarters)
15 min24 sec5 per game2 hours
NBA48 min
(4 x 12 quarters)
15 min24 sec7 per game
(1 min 15 sec each)
2 hours +

How Long Is A NBA Basketball Game?

NBA basketball games typically end slightly after two hours but can occasionally be longer because of team timeouts and clock stoppages.

These professional basketball games have four 12-minute quarters and a 15-minute halftime intermission between the second and third quarters. 2-minute breaks separate the quarters.

How Long Is A College Basketball Game?

College basketball games last for a little over two hours because of clock stoppages and timeouts. They are made up of two 20-minute halves, so in theory, the total playtime is 40 minutes.

There is a 15-minute break after the first half, and if the game ends in a tie, there is 5-minute overtime.

There can be no tied game in basketball, so additional overtime of another five minutes will be added to the game until there is a winner. 

How Long Is A Middle School Basketball Game?

Middle school basketball games run for approximately one hour when you factor in timeouts per game, clock stoppages, and halftime. The game comprises four 6-minute quarters, so the actual game time is 24 minutes. In some middle school basketball games, quarters last seven minutes.

Factors That Affect High School Basketball Game Length

Let’s take a look at the factors that increase a high school basketball game length:


Basketball games are usually played in quarters. In high school basketball games, quarters are typically 8 minutes each, making the total playtime 32 minutes.

The four quarters are ten minutes each in some states, so the total playtime is 40 minutes.

High school basketball games are usually about twenty minutes longer in these states. Junior Varsity games also have quarters; the only difference is that the quarters are 6 minutes each, making the playtime 24 minutes.

The Shot Clock

If the game’s pace is slow, the game will take longer than usual. The shot clock prevents both teams from slowing the game’s pace and holding the ball for long periods to protect a lead. As the name suggests, shot clocks indicate the amount of time a school team has to shoot the ball. Usually, the clock starts over when the ball hits the rim or possession changes.

The shot clock rule is only used by 8 states in the NFHS. The shot clock length varies from state to state. Some have a 35-second shot clock, while NBA games have a 24-second shot clock. In most high school basketball games, there are no shot clocks. 

In some states, if a team is ahead by a particular number of points during the second half, the game clock is turned into a running clock and only stops between quarters or time outs. This is a school mercy rule, and it is implemented differently in various states.

Team Fouls

Teams are allowed five fouls in each quarter. This means if the number of fouls is more than five in a quarter, the opposing team earns free throws.


Typically, teams are given five timeouts for every game. Three of the timeouts are sixty seconds each, while the rest are 30 seconds each. 

Timeouts can be used to strategize play and, at the same time, give the players some time to catch their breath. 

Many teams wait till the last quartet to use their timeouts; that’s why there are more timeouts in the last few minutes of the game in most high school basketball games, which extends the average game time by around thirty minutes. Note that teams can use all timeouts in one quarter.


The halftime break in high school basketball games is usually ten minutes.

During this period, teams rest, and the coaches get an opportunity to come up with new strategies to ensure their teams have a high chance of emerging victories at the end of regulation time.


Like many other sports, there will be overtime when the game ends in a tie at regulation time. In high school basketball games, the overtime period lasts four minutes. There will be more overtime if there is no winner at the end of the 4-minute overtime period until a winner emerges.

Keep in mind that the overtime period is different in other levels of basketball. In NBA and college games, the overtime period is usually five minutes.

Watch this video below to learn the basic rules of basketball:

How many periods in high school basketball?

A high school basketball game is played in four quarters like in NBA and college basketball.

The four quarters are 8-minutes each, so the total playtime is 32 minutes.

The halftime break is 10 minutes, and the total real-time play is approximately 1-1.5 hours because of things like timeouts.

How long are high school basketball quarters?

High school basketball games have four quarters that are eight minutes each, so the playtime is 32 minutes.

There is a 10-minute halftime break between the second and the third quarters, and teams are allowed five timeouts each.

Because of timeouts and clock stoppages, these games last for more than an hour.

How long is a high school basketball halftime?

Halftime in a high school basketball game is 10 minutes but can sometimes be a 15-minute halftime break depending on the league’s rules.

The purpose of halftime intermission is to enable players to rest.

It is also during halftime that coaches develop new strategies after assessing the first half of the game.

How many states have shot clocks in high school basketball?

The shot clock is usually 30-35 seconds and is currently implemented in eight states: South Dakota, Washington, Rhode Island, North Dakota, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, and California.

Shot clocks are usually applied to prevent players from holding the ball and slowing the game’s pace.

When does basketball high school season start?

The basketball season begins in November in most high schools, and the dates vary from state to state.

In other states, the season starts in December.

Practice or squad matches are usually played before the high school basketball season begins to help teams be in better shape for the new season.

Check this video that shows a day in the life and intense training of a high school basketball player:

How long is a middle school basketball season?

The middle school basketball season lasts about three months.

In most states, the season begins in the middle of November and runs till February.

There are typically 10 regular games in a middle school basketball season. Players can train around two to three times per week.

How many basketball games in a season?

The number of high school basketball games depends on the league.

There are approximately 20-35 regular season games in most tournaments, and the number is less than the number of games played in the NBA or college games.

State championship games or playoffs are common in high school games.

How long is halftime in NBA?

Halftime in the NBA is 15 minutes. During halftime, coaches get an opportunity to discuss game strategy for the remaining quarters of the game, and players also get to recover, especially after an intense first half. The breaks between each quarter are usually around two to three minutes.

How long is college basketball halftime?

College basketball halftimes are 15 minutes, just like in the NBA.

Halftimes enable players to rest as they await the second half of the game.

It is also the period when players and coaches can evaluate their first-half performance and develop tactics for the remaining half of the game.

How many minutes in college basketball half?

The first half of a college basketball game is 20 minutes, while the second half is also 20 minutes making the total playtime 40 minutes.

The halftime period is usually 15 minutes like in pro basketball, and if there is a tie after regulation time, there is an overtime period of five minutes.

Are NBA games longer than college?

NBA games are longer than college basketball games. NBA games are played in four 12-minute quarters, while college games are played in two 20-minute halves.

When things like timeouts are factored in, college games last slightly over two hours while NBA games last around 2.5 hours.

How many hours is basketball played?

The number of hours in a basketball game depends on the level of competition.

For instance, NBA games are played in four 12-minute quarters with 15-minute quarters, and the real-time play is over two hours.

High school games are played in 8-minute quarters and last about 1. 5 hours.

Hopefully, these times will help you determine how long forthcoming games will take. The next time you’re off to watch a school basketball match, you’ll know the real-time game length. Remember that if you’re watching the game on TV, there will usually be a pre and post-game show, including interviews with players, so keep that in mind. 

how long is a half in basketball, how many quarters are there in a basketball game

Oleg Panasyuk

Time in basketball is the most important factor in the control of the match, both by referees and teams. It is divided by the time of the segments, the time for the team to attack, controls various rules: from throwing the ball from outside the court to the time spent in certain zones.

But the most important element of the game is the time of the match itself: the division of the game into segments. This component may differ from league to league, depending on their regulations.

How many quarters are there in basketball? How long is a quarter in basketball? How are they different from timings?

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A quarter in basketball: what is the difference from a half

According to the rules of the International Amateur Basketball Federation (FIBA) and the National Basketball Association (NBA), matches are divided into quarters - segments that divide the match into equal parts. Previously, matches under the auspices of FIBA ​​consisted of 2 halves (two halves) of 20 minutes of pure playing time, but since 2000 there have been changes in the rules.

According to the new rules adopted in 2000, the match consists of quarters of 10 minutes of pure time each (in the NBA - of quarters of 12 minutes).

The only ones who keep the rule of dividing the match into halves are American students - NCAA.

Basketball game duration and timing

The total duration of basketball games may vary. According to the rules of basketball matches, time stops after the whistle of the referee (stopping the game) and the ball leaving the court. This is called net match time. The net time of matches under the auspices of FIBA ​​is 40 minutes. Under the auspices of the NBA - 48 minutes.

In the event of a tie at the end of the regular game time, extra time is assigned - overtime. Overtimes are played until the winner of the meeting is determined - their number is not limited by the rules. Each overtime consists of 5 minutes of pure time.

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How many quarters are there in a basketball game

There are 4 quarters in a basketball game. FIBA - 4 quarters of 10 minutes. NBA - 4 quarters of 12 minutes.

How long is a half in basketball

A half is considered to be half of a basketball match without breaks between parts of the half. A half consists of 20 minutes of playing time. Previously, a basketball game consisted of two halves, each lasting 20 minutes. Now in this format they play in the US student league.

How long is the fourth quarter

Unlike the 20-minute halves, the quarter is shorter in time. For example, the fourth quarter of a basketball game lasts 10 or 12 minutes (depending on federation rules). A quarter can drag on for 20, 30 or more minutes. This is explained by the fact that at the end of the meeting, the team that concedes (with a slight difference in the score) can use the tactics of deliberate fouls. The meaning of the tactic is that the team that is inferior in the score begins to violate the rules against the opponent's players, trying to provoke the latter to miss free throws.

How long is a break in basketball

The longest break in basketball is between the second and third quarters (between halves of a basketball game) — 15 minutes. After a long break, the teams change half of the court. Between the rest of the segments, basketball players rest for two minutes.

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How long is a lacrosse game? It's the Moon!

Have you ever watched a game of lacrosse and wondered how long it would take? Some games, especially when you watch them on TV, seem to go on forever. This is completely normal if you are watching a replay and all the frames are pasted for promotional purposes.

But how long does a lacrosse game last? The game takes only 60 minutes, and the playing time is divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each. , but it's not a direct hour, it's just a real game. If you're going to be watching lacrosse live (or you happen to be on the sidelines), then you'll realize that there's a lot going on between games.

Who plays 60 minutes of lacrosse?

60-minute field game limited to college and Major League Lacrosse. For high school lacrosse games and games involving children, the length of the game can be much shorter and often adjusted according to the energy levels of the players.

What about the Quarters?

You will often hear this in basketball - first quarter, second quarter, and so on. Lacrosse is much the same: 60 minutes are divided equally into four parts. It's 15 minutes per quarter. Again, not all lacrosse games last 60 minutes. Let's say high school lacrosse games last only 48 minutes. This period will be divided equally into four, which means that each quarter lasts 12 minutes.

Can time stop while playing?

Yes, and there are several situations where the game will hit "pause". This happens when the ball goes out of bounds, the team takes a time-out and takes a break between each quarter.

Ball goes out of bounds

Let's say you're watching lacrosse and the ball goes out of bounds. Remember that field lacrosse is played in a designated area and there should be lines or markings that tell the players how far they can run. It's very similar to tennis or basketball, where you can't go out of bounds. There are times when the lacrosse ball misfires, so it goes all the way across the field, bypassing the play lines. In this case, time stops immediately until the ball is retrieved and returned to the field. This can easily extend the game completion time.

At the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters

After the first and third quarters, teams may enjoy a two-minute break. Players can use this time to plan their next strategy, much-needed rest, rehydration, and motivation for each other to get better. The end of each quarter is also the perfect time for tired players to sit down and ask someone to take the field for a fresher approach to the game.

Two minutes may not sound like much now, but a lot can be done in those 120 seconds. In fact, the two-minute break is no different from basketball, where this rule also applies at the end of the first and third quarters. Again, we are talking about professional and college lacrosse here. For games with younger players, the rules may be slightly modified to accommodate their younger age. Therefore, the break time may be longer so that they can rest.

The end of the fourth quarter clearly ends the game - but what about the end of the second quarter?

Halftime or after 2nd quarter

After the 2nd quarter, players are given a more generous break. Also known as a break, players can rest for as long as ten minutes. After all, they've been playing for 30 minutes now and they really could use some water and a place to breathe. Strategies can also be discussed at this time. It is also interesting to note that a break signals the need to switch sides. So, if your target was on the left side before the break, it will now be on the right side after the 2nd quarter.

Time Out

Each team can take a time out in the middle of the game, but it is not unlimited. Each team may have two time-outs in each half. This equates to about one timeout per quarter, but remember that the limit is on the "break", not the quarter. Therefore, you can use two timeouts in the first quarter and none at all in the second quarter. If you do not use timeouts during the first half, they do not carry over to the second half. This is why coaches should be very careful about the use of timeouts and only use them when absolutely necessary. How long do they last? It usually takes only a few minutes - no more than the break time between quarters.

Are there overtimes in lacrosse?

Yes, some lacrosse games may exceed the 60-minute mark for professional games. This often happens when there is a tie between two teams. It needs to be broken, and this is done after 5 minutes of overtime. Not much, right? But you will be surprised how much can be done in those 5 minutes. The overtime period may also vary by league. For example, the NCAA only allows 4 minutes of overtime, while MLL and PLL are quite generous with 10 minutes of overtime. In overtime, the team that scores the goal wins.

What about fines?

Make no mistake, lacrosse penalties have nothing to do with how long the game is. Generally, when a team is penalized, it simply means they have to play the game with one less team member for a set period of time. This may span several minutes for a particular quarter. It may seem like such a short time, but it can mean a lot to the game itself.

How long is the average high school lacrosse game?

High school lacrosse games are usually 40 to 48 minutes long, with quarters of 10 or 12 minutes.

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