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How long is basketball practice



In order to determine the nutrition and hydration needs of a basketball player, and develop plans to help meet those needs, the structure of game day, practices, and the off-season must be considered. The rules of the game, which allow for frequent substitutions, time-outs, breaks between quarters (high school and professional) and a halftime break, lend themselves to incorporating good nutrition and hydration habits. These habits should be developed and maintained in practices and training sessions throughout the year.

An actual game of basketball is of fairly short duration, ranging from 32-48 min of total playing time depending on the level. However, like any sport, players have responsibilities before and after a game, during which time nutrition and hydration should also be a consideration. During the season, practices will vary in duration and intensity, although most teams will practice, lift weights, prepare with film sessions, or compete six days per week. Basketball is a long season; for high school and college athletes it spans semesters and the holidays, which in many cases influences the nutrition and training of the athletes. Tournaments and playoffs provide unique challenges with multiple games in one day or games on consecutive days. Lastly, although off-season expectations vary based on the level, most basketball players are engaged and hydration plans should be developed within the structure of the game as well as with consideration for training and practices throughout the season and year-round.


Alan Stein


High school is a unique time period in working with athletes because of the wide range of age, maturity, and physical stature. Regardless of these differences, in general, many high school basketball players have poor nutritional habits, do not get sufficient sleep, and lack proper recovery and training techniques. Addressing these issues is vital to keeping players healthy and maximizing their performance.

The Competitive Season

High school basketball games usually occur 2–3 times per week and are structured as four 8-min quarters with a 10-min halftime. Most high schools will play 25–35 games per season, depending on tournament play. The structure of game day varies widely amongst high schools. Some may have a walk-through or shoot-around right after school on weekdays and in the morning of a weekend game. Coaches may have a set meal coordinated with a walk-through; others leave it up to the individual athletes and parents. During the warm-up, most coaches will take the team into the locker room at a set time, which can be used as a planned fueling opportunity. Because of the great variability in schedules and strategies of different coaches, as well as school rules on eating and drinking during the day, an individual approach needs to be used to ensure players are adequately fueled.

The frequency of practices during the season will vary depending on the game schedule, but are usually 4–5 times per week, approximately 2 hours in duration, and consist of moderate to high-intensity drills focused on skill work, conditioning, and offensive and defensive sets and schemes. The afternoon prior to most games, teams usually gather for 30–45 min to discuss the opponent’s scouting report, walk through plays, and get in additional shooting practice of low to moderate intensity. In addition, some coaches hold film sessions before practices 1–2 times per week, which require about 15–20 min of mental intensity. Most coaches will also maintain in-season strength workouts about 1–2 times per week, 20–30 min in duration, with moderate intensity. The timing of practices and workouts varies greatly, often due to gym availability and coaches’ schedules, since most don’t coach basketball full time. The player’s lunch schedule and school policies are another consideration. Therefore, high school players need help in determining not only the right foods to eat, but also the right time to eat in relation to their school day and practice/training/game schedules.

The Off-Season

The landscape of high school basketball in the United States has changed vastly over the past 20 years. For both males and females, the now year-round mental and physical demands of the sport are at an all-time high, as is the competition to earn a college scholarship. The two biggest changes include specializing in basketball at an earlier age and participation on AAU travel teams in addition to their high school team, thus making it a year-round sport. The structure of practices and training programs of high school basketball players should be adjusted accordingly to accommodate for these two trends. For example, players participating in the sport at this level of commitment could benefit from a year-round strength and conditioning program focused on injury prevention, using sound recovery techniques (including adequate sleep), and developing good nutrition and hydration habits.


Jeffery Stein, DPT, ATC


Collegiate basketball athletes usually range in age from about 18–22 years. While physically and physiologically they are a more uniform group than a high school team, maturity levels vary greatly. The transition during the freshman year can be difficult for some as they move away from home for the first time. Transition challenges include establishing healthy eating and sleeping habits. Also during the freshman year, players are usually introduced to more intense collegiate strength and conditioning programs, and many players will greatly change their body composition over their collegiate careers.

Lastly, the student-athletes have class, practice, and eating schedules that vary each day and from semester to semester. Athletes must be able to juggle their academic schedules and the demands of their sport, as well as the social environment of a college campus. The day-to-day variability in schedules means preparation is important for proper fueling throughout the day.

The Competitive Season

College basketball games are structured with two 20–min halves with a 15–min halftime. Many colleges will play about 25–35 games per season, depending on the level (NCAA Division I, II, III, NAIA, or NJCAA) and tournament play. NCAA teams must follow the 20–hr rule, which states teams are allowed up to 20 hrs of team activities per week, not including competition. Team-related activities can include practice, film, and weight training. Most programs will practice 4–6 days per week, depending on the game schedule, and practices may be up to 3 h of high-intensity work. In addition to on-court time, athletes are expected to attend film sessions, strength train, and attend to injuries in the training room when needed. Overall, the time commitment is greater than as a high school athlete. The travel requirement during the competitive season is also greater and, depending on the level, more time-intensive. While the top Division I programs charter flights to return home the night after a game, smaller schools rely on bus trips and spend significant time on the road. The provision of food and nutrition services also varies based on level. Most top-level schools have a sports dietitian on staff for consultation and education, but even at the Division I level, the use of a registered dietician varies greatly between schools. At the majority of the major and mid-major universities, athletes are provided a “training table,” or a cafeteria with foods selected specifically for the athletes. However, per NCAA rules, only one meal at the training table can be provided per day while the athletes are on campus. Snacks, such as fruits, nuts, and bagels, can also be provided along with occasional meals on special occasions. At smaller schools, athletes rely on their own cafeteria plan, and the budget is often limited to provide meals and snacks on the road. Overall, the demands of the sport increase at the collegiate level compared to the HS and AAU levels, along with the increased demands placed on the athlete to also handle their academic, family, and social lives. The increased demands combined with the increased independence of the athlete make it difficult to ensure that they are appropriately fueling and getting enough rest.

The Off-Season

The majority of collegiate basketball players are one-sport athletes and dedicate the off-season to improving their game, although multi-sport athletes are found at every level of competition. Most collegiate basketball players will be given a short time off after the competitive season, usually 2–4 weeks, to recharge and catch up on family and school matters as necessary before starting back with skill work and strength and conditioning workouts.

Basketball commitments during the off-season will vary depending on the level and coaching demands. Spring semester workouts can range from captain-led workouts and open gyms to coach-led individual skill workouts that vary from 1 to 5 athletes at a time. The non-competitive season is also prime time for the strength and conditioning program to ramp up to work toward the specific goals set for each athlete. During the summer, athletes at smaller colleges are usually at home and often balance an off-season training program provided by their coach with a summer job. At larger schools, the athletes are usually on campus for summer school and summer workouts. These workouts include strength and conditioning sessions 3–5 days per week and on-court workouts with the coaches. Overall, during the off-season the NCAA allows up to 8 h of team-related activity per week, 2 h of which can be direct contact, with the basketball coaches on the court.

Back on campus in the fall, again the commitment will vary depending on the level. Most teams will start up with open gyms and strength and conditioning workouts as soon as the athletes arrive back on campus. Shortly after the start of the school year, individual workouts might take place with the coaching staffs. During the preseason, coaches can work with players on the court for up to 2 h per week, preparing for the competitive season.


Jack Ransone, PhD, ATC


The best of the best basketball players make it to the professional level. For the first time, the athlete’s schedule is completely dedicated to the sport; however, there are also increased demands for the athlete’s time for charity work, endorsements, social obligations, etc.

The Competitive Season

For male athletes in the United States, the National Basketball Association (NBA) regular season runs October-April, with the playoffs extending into June. It is not unusual to play 3 to 4 games per week with the possibility of competing on back-to-back days. Each team plays 8 preseason games and 82 games in the regular season. Teams competing in the World Championship finals will play over 100 games in a season and postseason. Women play in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), whose regular season of 34 games runs June—September, with playoffs extending into October. For both leagues, most team practices are short (less than 1 h) and infrequent due to game and travel demands. Travel requirements are extensive, including a minimum of 42 regular season games on the road for the NBA and 17 for the WNBA. Both the NBA and WNBA have the luxury of traveling by charter airplane and staying at the best 5-star hotels with excellent restaurants. Many teams also employ or consult with a sports dietitian. However, nutrition is still a challenge, as most players seek meals on their own at restaurants outside the control of the team. Additionally, during a game, hydration is always a challenge. Inadequate hydration during competition can be further compromised by the demand for air travel immediately post game (low humidity environment of the fuselage) for half of the regular season games. Given the length of the regular season, frequency of games, and travel demands, proper nutrition and hydration practices are important and should be planned into the schedule wherever possible.

The Off-Season

Professional athletes are employed based on their ability to stay competitive. Therefore, the off-season is a period of time to recover from the long season, rehab injuries, develop a base fitness level, and focus on skill development. Overall the schedule is very individual. For example, younger NBA players might play in the summer league, while veterans may focus more on recovery and some specific skill work. All players will participate in training camp and preseason games, essentially extending the competitive season.

How Many Hours Should A Basketball Player Practice?

I know that many of you reading my blogs want to be a better basketball player. You continue to read to learn more about basketball, especially the beginners. I am here to answer all of your questions to help you be a better basketball player.

One common question that basketball players ask in forums is how many hours they should practice being a better basketball player. Some people said that a basketball player should practice six-eight hours a day, and some said ten hours a day is better. But what is the exact length of duration a basketball player should practice?

How many hours should a basketball player practice? A basketball player should practice at least 2-4 hours a day. You can do some basketball drills or play with other players during those hours. Remember, you don’t do this once a week or once a month. You do this consistently.

There are lots of things that you can learn about our topic today. I will give you different tips that you can use during your basketball practice. Also, I will be rolling out various mistakes most basketball players make during basketball practice. 

How Many Hours Of Basketball Should A Kid Practice To Make It To The NBA?

Many young players dream of being in the NBA soon. All young players that aspire to be in the NBA give their best shot for them to have a chance. Another thing that people ask is how many hours of practice should a young kid make to make it to the NBA? So, to make it in the NBA, how many hours should a young aspiring player practice? Let me answer that!

The number of hours a kid should practice basketball depends on their age. However, the standard hours a kid can practice is between 2-4 hours a day. If the kid has a school, he/she should practice for at least 2 hours. But during weekends, kids can practice basketball for 4 hours.

Every kid should do this consistently. Remember that, no matter how long you practice in one day, if you don’t do it regularly, there will be no results. Twenty hours a day, but you only do it once a week or month will never increase your basketball performance. 

But thirty minutes of basketball practice a day, and you do it every day will put you on the next level. It doesn’t matter how many hours you practice basketball in one day. What matters is your consistency during one year of basketball practice. 

You will not improve if you practice 18-20 hours a day, and you only do it twice per month. But if you practice 1-2 hours a day and do it consistently, your performance will be great. It will also give you lots of advantages against the player that practices 18 hours a day but did it twice per month only. 

Basketball Practice Tips 

I am going to give you some basketball tips. These tips will help you to become a better basketball player. The tips I will give are for everyone, including the experienced one. Let’s check on those tips!

Set Your Goals

Before getting serious in practice, you have to set your goals first. Ask yourself if why are you going to do this? What are the goals you like to attain? Is it to jump high? Become a better shooter or become a better ball handler? Do you have plans to enter the professional basketball league? 

Ask yourself first before you do anything. After setting up your goals, list down the things that may hinder you from achieving your goals and make plans to avoid that from happening. List down the things that you should do to achieve your goals.

Setting your goals is the essential thing to do. Goals are like your maps. You will get lost if you don’t have them. Remember that dreams without goals are just a dream. 

Track Your Progress

The second tip is to track your progress. Now that you have listed all the goals you like to attain, it is time to put in some work and track your progress. If your goal is to increase your vertical jump, always measure your vertical leap after a week of practice. When you do this, you will know if you are improving or not. If not, you need to execute more work. 

Sometimes tracking your progress may be demotivating because sometimes you will see some changes and sometimes not. However, you should not get demotivated when you don’t see results. It happens for most people. So never give up and continue to improve in basketball. 

Learn The Basics

Before you execute some hard basketball drills, you have to learn the basics first. Read how the basketball game works, and the rules and violations in basketball. Learn how to dribble with your fingers first before you move on to the crossover drills. Learning the basics is the most essential thing you need to do in basketball, especially if you are a beginner. 

Play The Game

Of course, you have to play the game too. You don’t only practice, but you should apply what you have practiced. You can play basketball after practicing some drills, or you can separate it. You can play basketball today, and you practice tomorrow or vice versa. Playing basketball will also help you learn and give you the experience of what it feels like to play on the court.

Focus On Your Shooting Form

Some players focus more on their dribbling than their shooting form. Shooting form is an essential thing in basketball because this is where you will get your points. Dribbling has no points. So why will you focus more on that? Focus on improving your shooting form because this is where you will get your points. 

Practice Your Free Throws

Free-throws are essential because this is where you can get free points. However, most basketball players miss their free-throws, especially the centers. Focus also on improving your free-throws so that the next time you will get a chance at the foul line you can effortlessly give your team free points. 

Do This Consistently 

Consistency is the key to every success. If you are not consistent with what you are doing, you will most likely feel demotivated and fail. 30 minutes of practice per day and doing it every day is much better than practicing 18 hours in one day but only doing it twice per month.  

It is not the length of hours you practice that will define your success. The thing that will define your success is how consistent you are. I know it is hard to be consistent, especially if you don’t see any progress at all.

But whatever you do in life, you will never see results during the first weeks of your work. Do it consistently until it becomes your hobby, and there you will see results. 

10 Mistakes Basketball Players Make In Practice 

Below are the ten mistakes basketball players make during practice. These are the things you need to avoid if you want to become a successful basketball player. 

Not Having A Goal

The best basketball players I know, know exactly what their goal is. They know what they want to achieve, and they will do some hard work to achieve their goals. Like I have said above, goals are like your maps. Without it, you will get lost in the middle of the journey. 

No Plans

Plans are like goals. You need to always have a plan when you get into the court to practice or to the gym when building muscles. If you are going to practice basketball today, what things are you going to focus on today? Is it your dribbling? Or is it your shooting? Make sure that you have a workout plan before starting your workout. You should always train with purpose. 

Too Arrogant

This is a common problem for basketball players. They are too arrogant, and they don’t listen to what their coach says. When you do this, you will never learn anything. Be vulnerable and be coachable. Always think that you are not smart enough and you should listen to others that are more knowledgeable than you. 

Afraid to Make Mistakes

Whatever you do, you will make mistakes. You should never be afraid to make mistakes because this is where you will learn. If you are scared of making mistakes, you will never get better. Push yourself out of your comfort zone for you to learn more. 

Neglect Stretching

Stretching is essential before starting a workout or before the game. It helps you to prevent various injuries. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible and strong. When you don’t stretch, your muscles will shorten and become tight that can cause injuries.

Practicing Unnecessary Things

Many basketball players practice some things that they will never use inside the court. This could be a point guard practicing some post moves or his hook shots. 

Spending Time On Social Media

Some basketball players only work out so that they can post something on their social media to get the approval of others. These players try to prove something to others. They try to prove to others that they are working very hard. I hate players who act like this.

After some 15 minutes of workout, they check their phones and post what they have done. Basketball players should spend their time practicing and not tweeting some dumb things. 

No Consistency

Some basketball players will only show up in a practice once or twice a month. This is the problem for most basketball players. They don’t have consistency! Like I have said above, consistency is the key to success.

Not Playing

This is connected to being afraid of making mistakes. Some basketball players only practice and don’t play. Why? Because they are scared to fail inside the court. Playing basketball is as important as practicing. It will help you to learn and have more experience inside the court.

Only Working Hard When Getting An Approval From Others

Players who crave the approval of others will often do this. They only work hard when someone is watching to prove that they are good basketball players. These players are not good basketball players. They are dumb and lonely ass basketball players. Whether people are watching or not, continue to work hard during practice. 

Final Thoughts

To recap this, let me tell you again how many hours you should practice basketball. I suggest all basketball players out there practice basketball 2-4 hours a day. You can do some basketball drills, or you can play a pick-up basketball game. Remember to be consistent in practice and stick to your schedule.  

How many hours do you practice in basketball? What kind of drills do you do during basketball practice? Comment your answers below! 

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Basketball training how long does it take


  1. How many minutes does a basketball game last?
  2. How much do basketball players need to train to achieve results?
  3. Club "BasketDom", Astrakhan⠀
  4. Trainings⠀
  5. There is almost no time left for entertainment
  6. All for the sake of a dream⠀
  7. How long is the time in basketball?
  8. Briefly about the rules of the game of basketball
  9. Match duration and number of halves in basketball
  10. Basketball field: dimensions, markings, shields
  11. Basketball, grid and basket
  12. The number of players in the team
  13. ,
  14. Judgeing in basketball 9000,
  15. transmission and maintenance of the ball
  16. fouls in basketball
  17. , which is prohibited in basketball
  18. ,0005 how it is determined how winner
  19. How long does a basketball match last: the concept of periods, the duration of the game
  20. Features of timekeeping
  21. Organization of the match
  22. Duration of the game
  23. How many quarters are there in a basketball game: rules of the game, basic elements, how long is a period in NBA and FIBA ​​
  24. The history of basketball
  25. Number of periods in the game when it was invented
  26. International arena
  27. Rules of the game
  28. List of restrictions and violations
  29. Basic elements of basketball

How many minutes does a basketball game last?

The popularity of basketball on television, and in general, is easily explained, because it is one of the most spectacular games in the history of mankind. For the National Basketball Association (NBA), this observation is doubly true, since in the States basketball has been brought to a qualitatively different level. Here, even the game system is built and adjusted in such a way as to give the viewer the opportunity to enjoy the maximum amount of emotions, experiences and sharp moments.

How long does the basketball game last ?

In the NBA, what is called "net" game time is 4 quarters of 12 minutes, that is, 48 ​​minutes. At first glance, this is not enough, because the game in other popular sports takes longer: a football match lasts 90 minutes - 2 halves of 45 minutes, hockey - 3 periods of 20 minutes, etc.

But there is a certain trick here - the actual, "dirty" time of the game, includes a huge number of pauses that fill the time between the game segments. Plus, do not forget about the breaks between quarters, they also last from 2 minutes between the first and second, and third or fourth quarters, up to a 15-minute "big" break in the middle of the match.

According to NBA statistics, an average basketball game lasts about 135-140 minutes. This is true for the regular season, in the playoffs, as a rule, matches are longer.

In European basketball, the duration of the match is shorter - four quarters of 10 minutes each, that is, 40 minutes of regular time.

Also, not every game ends in the allotted time: according to the rules, if the teams play a draw in regular time, a 5-minute overtime is assigned, when the teams must necessarily determine the winner. If it is not possible to do this in the first, another one is appointed, then, if necessary, another and another, until one of the squads wins. According to the rules of basketball, the winner must be determined.

The longest game in NBA history took place on January 6, 1951. The Indianapolis Olympians played the Rochester Royals in regular time and then six more overtimes. By modern basketball standards, the score for 78 minutes of playing time is simply ridiculous - 75:73. The explanation for this is that at that time there was no time limit for the attack (now it has 24 seconds, and the ring must be touched, or the ball is passed to the opponent), and the opponents simply did not want to attack so as not to risk it.

In fact, for a fan who attends a match live at the stadium, it can last from 2.5 to 5-6 hours. Therefore, for a full-fledged trip to basketball, it is worth allocating a whole day.

Basketball is full of attacks, on average they last from 5 to 24 seconds, and almost every one ends with some kind of active effective action - a throw, a foul, an interception. This is very popular with the audience, and keeps them in suspense. Tall players throw spectacular shots from above, snipers attack the basket from afar, or in beautiful passes - the variability of attack in basketball is very high.

That's why TV companies love basketball so much, it's great in terms of advertising in the breaks. He has great ratings, often no worse than American football or baseball, the undisputed leaders of the US sports media market.

#mikegoldenstate #goldenstatewarriors #gsw #gsw #lakers #lakers #houstonrockets #rockets #OKC #clippers


How much do basketball players need to train to achieve results?

Let me tell you about the example of young basketball player Artem Tolchanitsyn. He is 9 years old. He started training in the basketball club at the age of 5.

Club "BasketDom", Astrakhan⠀

Artyom as part of the Astrakhan team "BasketDom" this year became the silver medalist of the 46th All-Russian mini-basketball festival in Anapa, held under the auspices of the Russian Federation, where 19teams from all over the country.


  • basketball - 4 times a week for 1.5 hours;
  • swimming pool - 2 times for 1 hour;
  • 1-2 running sessions;
  • 1-2 individual.

Training in the club is very cool for a peripheral town in the south of Russia. Four professional specialists work with the guys. A very serious individual approach and a lot of correction, advanced techniques and the use of the so-called "positive coaching" in the process.

There is almost no time left for entertainment

Now Artyom has a lot of basketball in his life and, of course, he wants to play, run, walk and swim like any child. But entertainment has to be dosed, because there is not so much time in the daylight hours, but you need to have time to eat well and properly, read, sleep and recover after morning workouts.

Travel so far happens mainly due to trips to basketball tournaments.

Everything for a dream⠀

But all this is justified, because Artem dreams of not just playing well. He dreams of a contract with a professional team "to get a lot of money and be able to visit other countries." Such dreams 😉

Artem Tolchanitsyn in social networks @artdato8


How long is a time in basketball?

All sports games are alike. They consist in the rivalry of two teams or players for a certain number of points. Basketball is no exception. This is one of the most popular sports games that has gained a large number of fans around the world.

Adults, students and schoolchildren like to play basketball. As in any sports game, the rules of basketball have their own nuances. What are they?

Briefly about the rules of basketball

During the game, participants must throw the ball into the opponents' basket. Freely moving around the field, the players pass the ball to each other. For certain types of hits, a certain number of points are awarded.

The playing field and its elements must comply with the FIBA ​​- International Basketball Federation standard.

Duration of the match and number of halves in basketball

Basketball is one of the few games in which only pure time is counted. This is the period during which the ball was in bounds. There is even the concept of a "dead ball" one that is out of the game. Time stops when the ball leaves the field.

A total of 4 halves of 10 minutes must be played in the match. This is the international standard adopted by all leagues except one - the NBA (National Basketball Association). In the NBA, a quarter of a game is 12 minutes long. It turns out that the total duration of net playing time is 40 (48) minutes.

Breaks of 2 minutes are taken after each half. After the second half there is a 15 minute break.

At the beginning of the game, the ball is tossed. Players at this time must stand in their positions.

The layout is shown in the diagram:

Basketball field: dimensions, markings, backboards

According to the conditional rule, the length of the field should be approximately 2 times greater than the width. According to this principle, amateur sites are made.

Good to know: according to the FIBA ​​standard must be 28 m long and 15 m wide. The field area is 420 m. This size is used for tournaments and international competitions.

The court can be divided into 3 zones:

  • center section (consists of the center line and a zone that is a circle),
  • three-point line (located between the center and the backboard),
  • foul line (located near the backboard) .

Boundary strips are marked along the perimeter of the field. The lines indicated in width are facial, in length are lateral. The width of any line according to the standard is 5 cm. Sometimes a protective net is placed around the perimeter. The backboard support, according to the standard, is located at a distance of 2 m from the front line. The height of the support is 2.15 m. The height of the shield from the floor level is 3.05 m. .05 m.

The backboard is set up at a height of 2. 9 m.

Basketball, net and basket

The main item in the game is the basketball. It must also have certain parameters. Few people know that basketballs are divided by size. Each size is designed for a specific team, for example, women's, children's.

Depending on the size, the characteristics of the ball should be as follows:

  • size 3 (children, up to 7 years): weight - up to 330 g, circumference - 560-580 mm,
  • size 5 (children, 7-12 years old): weight - up to 500 g, circumference - 690-710 mm,
  • size 6 (female): weight - up to 540 g, circumference - 720-740 mm,
  • size 7 (male): weight - 567-650 gr, circumference - 750-780 mm.

The basketball net must hold the ball for several minutes when it hits the hoop. Mesh length according to the standard - 400-450 mm. Also, according to the FIBA ​​standard, the basketball net must have 12 loops intended for attachment.

The ring is attached to the shield support. The places where the mesh is attached to the ring must not exceed 8 mm. This is to prevent players' fingers from getting into them.

Number of players per team

There are 10 players on the field, 5 in each team. A few more are in stock. Usually there are 5-7 of them. Substitutions can be made indefinitely. But this is only done when the stopwatch is stopped.

Refereeing in basketball

There are two referees in the game: the referee and the chief referee. There are also 3 assistants responsible for time.

A summary of the duties of the referee:

  • check the equipment,
  • play the ball,
  • decide whether a hit counts if this is in dispute,
  • make a decision if the assistants do not reach a unanimous conclusion.

The referee also has the right to end the game.

Rights and duties of a judge:

  • put the ball into play,
  • determine when the ball is dead,
  • deliver the ball for throw-in,
  • authorize substitutions.

Referees must be on the field during the game. The rest are sitting at the table.

Passing and dribbling

The ball must be constantly in motion during play. A player in a jog either leads it himself or passes it to the players of his team. When dribbling, the ball constantly bounces off the floor with the help of the hand.

There are several types of passes:

  • with one hand from the shoulder,
  • with one hand above the head,
  • with one hand from below,
  • with two hands from the chest,
  • with two hands from below,
  • two-handed rebound.

Depending on the circumstances of the game, passes may be performed in different ways. For example, with a turn, a turn, a half turn. Top gears can be performed while jumping.

Basketball fouls

A foul is an infraction of the rules associated with unsportsmanlike conduct.

Types of fouls:

  • personal (unintentional contact with a player),
  • unsportsmanlike (intentional contact with a player),
  • technical (a violation in which there was no contact),
  • serious disqualifying, for example causing injury).

What is forbidden in basketball

The following must not be done during play:

  • kick the ball,
  • run with the ball without bouncing off the floor,
  • stand still with the ball in hand,
  • double dribble projectile, he has the right to dribble only 1 time, then the ball must be passed to another player).

Note: Unintentional kicking of the ball is not considered a foul.

How the winner is determined

The team with the most points at the end wins. There can be no draw. If the teams have an equal score, extra time is assigned (overtime - 5 minutes).

The history of basketball speaks of numerous rule changes since the game's inception. FIBA has the right to change any item from the established rules. Now the main goal of these changes is to make the game more spectacular.

How long is a basketball game: the concept of periods, the duration of the game

Timing considerations

Time depends on the organizer of the competition, so it is different for basketball matches in North America and Europe. The NBA and FIBA ​​interpret time differently, and in order to avoid errors in answering the question of how long the game lasts, it is worth clarifying which association is in question.

The NBA has a slightly longer quarter time, which is 2 minutes longer than FIBA. This is due to the more promotional nature of American competitions.

Previously, a basketball game consisted of 2 halves of 20 minutes each. In 2000 the rules were changed. Today, the entire period of the game is divided into quarters, the duration of which may vary slightly depending on the type of competition.

The length of the quarter is:

A longer period is typical for the competitions of the National Basketball Organization, the so-called NBA. In all other basketball tournaments, the duration of a quarter is always the same and is 10 minutes. The total game time is 48 minutes for the NBA and 40 for the rest of the competition.

When organizing competitions in universities and schools, these rules are often neglected. In this regard, in such competitions, as a rule, the game consists of 2 periods, lasting 20 minutes each.

Organization of the match

The first rules of basketball did not limit the athlete in the time of possible possession of the ball.

Today a certain time is given for the attack:

  • 24 seconds for all competitions except NBA games;
  • 32 for National Association athletes.

The countdown starts from the moment the ball hits the player's hands. At competitions, the team of judges always includes a 24-second operator who monitors compliance with the ball possession rule.

At the end of the shot clock, the athlete must pass the ball to another member of the team, otherwise the referee blows the whistle and the game is interrupted. Possession time limits exist:

  • in the first 8 seconds, the athlete must pass the ball from his own half to the opponent's field;
  • on a throw-in or free throw, the time may not exceed 5 minutes;
  • The time to pass under the ring cannot exceed 3 seconds.

During the match, the coach of each team may take extra time for a break. The number of such breaks and the time of organization depends on the team coach. In basketball, each side can exercise the right to a break no more than 5 times. One time break can be done in overtime . In this case, there is the following restriction:

  • 2 times - a break in the first half of the match;
  • 3 times - rest of the second part of the competition.

Overtime will continue until a winner is determined. The practice of holding competitions shows that overtime is usually assigned no more than 3 times.

Exceptions may be the so-called doubles matches. In this case, the first match may end in a draw, and in the future the winner will be determined by the results of goals scored in the second game.

Duration of the game

There are facts in history when a basketball game dragged on for hours. For example, in 2006, at a competition in North America, a tournament was held between the North Carolina and Duke teams, in which athletes played for more than 58 hours. The match began on Saturday evening and ended only on Monday evening.

This duration was not connected with the excitement of the athletes, but became a marketing ploy of the organizers. All money raised from the game went to charities.

How many quarters are there in a basketball game: rules of the game, basic elements, how long is a period in the NBA and FIBA ​​

Basketball is a ball game known all over the world, two teams take part in it. At the same time, five people from each team can be on the sports ground, substitutions are not limited. The main goal of basketball is to hit the ball into the basket more times than the opponent, using only the hands.

Mesh rings are placed at a height of 3 meters. Three points are awarded for a hit from behind the three-point line, if a participant scores from outside this zone, then the team receives two points, and for hitting from a free kick - one. Many fans of this sport are interested in the question of the number of quarters in basketball, let's consider it in more detail.

The History of Basketball

To relieve the tedium of physical education, a teacher named Jason Naismith attached two citrus baskets to the railings of the projecting balconies on the sports ground. He divided all students into two groups and told them the goal of the game is to score more points in the opponent's ring.

The inventor took his idea from an old entertainment called "Duck on the Rock". The point of this popular game was to throw a small stone at the top of a larger stone. Basketball in its infancy was vaguely reminiscent of modern:

  1. There was no play ball dribbling.
  2. Transfers between participants occurred without movement.
  3. After the ball hit, one of the participants had to climb a ladder near the wall and remove the projectile from the basket.

The number of periods in the game when it was invented

Initially, this sport was practiced only in colleges and schools in the United States, and a little later - in Canada. At the very end of the 19th century, attempts were made to create a professional organization that lasted several years.

At the beginning of the new century, the first basketball teams are founded. Their number exceeded a hundred, but there were no structured competitions at that time. Players could arbitrarily move from one club to another, and the matches themselves were played on unsuitable venues.

The BAA (Basketball Association of America) is founded in the middle of the 20th century. Three years later, it merges with another similar structure, as a result of which the NBA (National Basketball Association) is born.

The games consisted of four halves of 12 minutes, but the rules were in their infancy. At this time, interest in this sport in educational institutions is growing. In 1959, the organizers establish a symbolic Hall of Fame, where they enter the names of people who have had the greatest influence on the development of this sport.

International Arena

In 1932 in Geneva, Switzerland, after a meeting of representatives of eight countries, the Amateur Basketball Association (FIBA) was created. The first champion of the Olympics is the US team, which is still the dominant team in this sport.

However, with the popularity and professionalism of the players, other countries have improved their level, sometimes defeating the strongest team. In the international arena, basketball was divided into four halves (quarters), as in the NBA, but the difference was in their length - 10 minutes, not 12.

Note! Today, the NBA has players from every continent, with non-U.S. players peaking in the middle of the 90's.

Rules of the game

Founder J. Naismith formulated the order of the competition, which consisted of only 13 points. In 1932, the first official rules were adopted, which were constantly adjusted. Conditions for playing matches in the NBA and FIBA ​​are different.

The general rules are:

  1. The team with the most points is declared the winner.
  2. The game starts with a throw-in in the center circle.
  3. The match is divided into four quarters, the duration of which is determined by the association (for the NBA - 12 minutes, for FIBA ​​- 10 minutes).
  4. There is a two-minute break between halves and a 15-minute rest between halves. Teams change baskets after a long pause.

The competition takes place in an open space or in a hall with a ceiling height of at least 7 meters.

List of restrictions and violations

  1. If a player takes the ball out of bounds, this is called an out.
  2. Jogging - an excessive number of steps with a projectile in hand.
  3. The participant of the game has no right to be in the trapezoidal zone on the opponent's side for more than three seconds.
  4. For unsportsmanlike behavior or aggressive contact give a foul - a note about the violation of the rules. There are several types: personal, technical, non-sports. For 5 such fouls, the participant must leave the playing area.
  5. If regular time ends in a tie, overtime will be played until a winner is determined.
  6. Possession of a projectile is allowed for no more than eight seconds in one's own half.
  7. Each team has 24 seconds to attack. The counter is reset if the ball touches the arch of the opponent's hoop.

The main elements of basketball

The game consists of several compulsory fragments c. These include:

  • Interception - a defensive maneuver, after which the opponent is credited with a loss. The element gives the attacking team a chance for a fast break and "easy" points.
  • Accurate shots into the ring - an indicator that characterizes the sports component of basketball. The team with the most points wins the match.
  • Dribbling is an element that controls the ball on the court and allows you to beat an opponent. There is high and low dribble: the athlete's legs are bent, the pelvis is slightly lowered, the body is tilted forward, and the head is raised. When dribbling, the player changes position, after which he makes a pass or a throw.
  • The passing is the main element of the position of the point guard, who looks out for his own team members and tries to deliver the ball accurately. A scoring pass is an action that results in a score.
  • Block shot is a defensive element of the game, typical for centers and heavy forwards. The action is to prevent the released ball from reaching the bow of the basket.
  • Rebound - capture of a game projectile after a participant misses the ring. In order to successfully perform this action, a correct analysis of the position and a sense of timing are necessary. When trying to catch the ball, the player works quickly and decisively, and after rebounding, he spreads his elbows to protect against a competitor.

An exciting game that originated in a college class is now a fusion of dynamism, spectacle and enthusiasm. Basketball is hugely popular and is suitable for building a strong body and quick thinking.


Basketball team training.

Training plan

By Bartendaz Reading 7 min. Views 5.2k. Posted by

How to learn to play basketball well

Great basketball players are not born, they are only made through hard, exhausting training that lasts from one hour a day. Only those people who are strong in spirit can overcome this difficult path and not give up until the very end. In order to become a truly excellent basketball player, you should pump over three main layers well, on which the success of any game will be built further:

  1. Knowledge of theory;
  2. Health and strength of the body;
  3. Study and development of technology.


  1. Knowledge

    Knowledge of theory

    This item remains important, no matter how well you dribble. All the rules of the game should bounce off your teeth. In the future, this will help you properly prioritize the game. You will be able to quickly assess the situation on the playing field, will allow you to perform certain tricks and techniques of dribbling at the most opportune moment of the game.

    Rules of the Game for Beginner Basketball Players

    Usually, all the rules of the game are, for the most part, passed from mouth to mouth, from coach to basketball player during practice time. But those who are deprived of the opportunity to practice in a team usually read the rules and remember them over time, you can cope with this in a few weeks (maximum).

    The essence of the game is the struggle of the players of two teams in order to score as many balls as possible into the ring of opponents. For hitting the ball into the ring, the team receives a point. For throwing and hitting the ball into the basket from a long distance (6 m and 75 cm, at this distance the three-point line is located) three points are counted. But for a free throw (a basketball player must perform after the violation, standing on the penalty line), only one point is credited. You can only catch and dribble the ball with your hands. The rules do not change in relation to the gender of the players.

    • Rules require the basket to be 10 feet off the ground. But the height may vary depending on the age category of the players. The team that scores the most points wins. But if the score is equal when the game time is up, then overtime is assigned - an additional five minutes of the game. Second and third overtime allowed.

    The start of the game is a jump ball in the center circle. The duration of one match is 40 minutes.

    An out is the ball leaving the field of play.

    A run is the movement of a player with the ball in their hands for more than two steps.

    Basketball player uniforms are the same as in football. They wear shorts and T-shirts, on the back of which the number and name of the player are written. Such inscriptions allow referees to easily and quickly distinguish between players, even from different corners of the field. This is especially convenient for larger games, when the referee cannot know all the players in person.

    Health and body strength

    In sport, everything depends on health. If you have any injuries, you will not be taken to a strong team, as you will be weaker than your competitors. This is a good reason to take better care of your health, to ensure that your body has enough of all the vitamins.

    Some train in the gym, others train at home. It doesn't matter where basketball players practice. This role factor is in the quality of accomplishing the task you set. One of the most important qualities of a good basketball player is the ability to move at high speed, to be fast. We need running with weights and obstacles. Running for a long time helps to develop endurance.

    You will need exercises that are related to strength training. The better the physical preparation of the basketball player, the less likely it is that the opponent will simply pull the ball out of his hands. It is important to strengthen the core muscles, stand in the bar for several minutes a day.

    Here is the resulting list of basic exercises for a beginner basketball player:

    1. Endurance running;
    2. Weighted running;
    3. Plank;
    4. Abdominal exercises.

    This is just a basic training set for basketball players. At the discretion of the player, he may add other drills as he sees fit.

    Learning and practicing technique

    In addition to training to strengthen the body, the player's schedule should include training that focuses on practicing technique. Dribbling and dribbling, shooting into the net, crossovers - this is what the whole game of basketball is based on. A player who wants to achieve something more in this sport must master these two techniques to perfection. Even during the first practice of dribbling or dribbling, you should not look at the ball, but in front of you. Each of these techniques will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

    Dribbling the ball

    The most important thing in dribbling is to touch the ball only with your fingers, excluding the hand from dribbling. Only with the help of fingers can you direct the ball in the right direction. When dribbling, the ball should be kept near the body, not taking it far to the side. It is important to learn to dribble with both left and right hands.

    Cone drills

    This basketball practice involves the player going through the straight while dribbling, changing the dribbling technique in front of each of the cones, as if it could be his opponent. None of the cones should be knocked down. This exercise is a great help in working out the speed of reaction, which will later help in the game when it is necessary to change tactics. This exercise can be performed together with the team, in turn passing between the cones.

    Throwing the ball into the basket

    This is a classic element of the game in which you do not need to invent something new, you just need to work it out to the ideal from all possible points of the playing field. Having caught the ball in his hands, the basketball player needs to jump vertically up and just throw it into the basket. Daily repetition of this element several times in a row helps to develop dexterity and accuracy. You should perform the maximum number of repetitions until you start to get good or until there is no strength left. In this way, the free throw, the three-pointer, the basket shot and all the others should be practiced. Even professional basketball players train every time in the skill of throwing the ball into the basket.


    This level of training is for more advanced players. A crossover is a maneuver in basketball in which a player, while dribbling the ball, intercepts the ball from one hand with the other. You can first learn to crossover with your right hand, after which it will be easier to repeat the maneuver with your left (just the opposite if you are left-handed).

    1. One example of such training is dribbling left, right and left again. Then a transition is made to dribbling back, forward, back. After that, the ball is transferred through the leg to the position in which this exercise began.
    2. The next example of dribbling followed by a crossover is a figure eight. It starts with dribbling with a weak hand to the left, to the right. After that, the transition to the "eight" itself. This is a translation through the right, and then through the left leg. The maneuver ends with the ball dribbling with the left hand.
    3. The third example of a crossover is to transfer the ball behind the back. With the left hand, the ball is transferred behind the back, and with the right it is picked up again. Around him, the player seems to draw a circle with a ball. After that, the exercise is repeated, but with a change of hands, the direction of the ball changes in the opposite direction.

    Summing up, it must be said that each of the exercises should be performed in several approaches for several minutes.

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